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jampoke barry11:59
barryjam: hi!12:00
barryRiddell: hi!12:00
jamsee, I *can* make it to meeting12:00
MootBotMeeting started at 06:00. The chair is barry.12:00
MootBotCommands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]12:00
barryhello everyone and welcome to this week's udd steering committee meeting.  who's here today?12:00
pooliehi all12:01
barry[LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DistributedDevelopment/2011050412:01
MootBotLINK received:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DistributedDevelopment/2011050412:01
* poolie prods vila12:02
barryit's probably a little early for slangasek :)12:02
jampoolie: vila isn't in the channel12:03
poolielet's go?12:03
pooliewhat a great uds12:03
barry[TOPIC] action items12:03
MootBotNew Topic:  action items12:03
barrypoolie: it was!12:04
barry   * jam to propose/report plan for quilt imports12:04
barrynow, i know there was an idea that maybe there was a better/easier way to accomplish the same goal w/o looms?12:04
pooliei don't think jam specifically sent a plan about it12:04
jambarry: no specific progress. Focused on other things, but I think this is still one of the "we need to get to this soon" for UDD12:04
pooliethere was some interesting discussion about this along the lines of12:04
pooliemaybe we should just do the merge in a similra way and at least as well as people do by hand12:05
poolieand then later move to looms12:05
poolieso that would be basically, take the patches off the wt, reapply them merging as you go12:05
jamI think there was also a question of whether we could just write a helper that could stitch together quilts as part of post-merge stuff12:05
pooliei guess we should have an action to make a specific proposal nad decisiono on this12:06
poolieit is a compromise12:06
pooliebut perhaps a good intermediate one12:06
jampoolie: though it might also lead to something that allows us to merge looms, which we also don't have yet12:06
jamat least, leads us to exploring the area, even if the exact code isn't usable12:06
pooliedo people want to discuss it here and now or should we just leave the item to make a proposal12:07
barrypoolie: i agree.  i think we should remove jam's action item and replace it with one to study the feasibility of merge helper instead.12:07
pooliejelmer, would you take that?12:07
jelmerpoolie, already in my queue :)12:07
jelmerbug 60867512:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 608675 in bzr-builddeb "merge-package should have support for manipulating quilt v3 patch stacks" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/60867512:08
spivI think the infrastructure we'd add to support that would be useful for some other kinds of custom merges, so even if it's not used by udd in the long term it's still a useful investment for bzr.12:08
barryjelmer: awesome.  jam: any objections to removing your action item?12:08
jambarry: fine with me12:08
vilawell, regarding looms, I already encountered bugs with just trying to use the same loom on my desktop and my laptop, i.e. just pushing looms has already some rough edges, I think I understand enough now to write failing tests for it12:08
barry[ACTION] jelmer to study the feasibility of merge helper (bug 608675)12:08
MootBotACTION received:  jelmer to study the feasibility of merge helper (bug 608675)12:08
barryvila: as i mentioned to poolie, i'm somewhat conflicted, because aside from udd, i'd still love to see great support for looms :)12:09
barryvila, poolie is there an action item lurking there for next time?12:10
pooliehowever, perhaps we should skew mor etowards shorter dependency chains12:10
jelmerbarry: me too, I think properly working looms would be really nice for this12:10
vilaoh, what I meant was that I will work on that as I definitely want better loom support12:10
poolienot blocking quilt support on getting great looms, including in lp etc12:10
vilaright, let's get rid of the rough edges first12:10
spivpoolie: +112:11
barrysounds good.  no action item then, but if you have some good stuff to report next time, we'll definitely make time for that12:11
poolieit's partly the lp dependency that tips the scales for me12:11
poolietehy are supported but you can't properly viwe or review them yet12:11
barryokay, this one's done but just ftr:12:12
barry   * poolie to send link to plenary proposal.  all to help finish that12:12
barry 12:12
pooliejust to be clear, the oaction here is that jelmer will make a more detailed proposal about doing it this one12:12
poolieyes, i'm happy it was done12:12
poolieseemed pretty popular12:12
pooliejml and james_w also did cool presesntations12:12
barryyep, both were great.  definitely check out the online videos (not sure if they're up yet)12:12
barry[TOPIC]  * UDS-O session review12:13
MootBotNew Topic:   * UDS-O session review12:13
barry   * https://blueprints.launchpad.net/udd/+spec/foundations-o-udd-planning12:13
barry   * https://blueprints.launchpad.net/udd/+spec/foundations-o-udd-onramp12:13
Riddellnotes at http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-o/meeting/foundations-o-udd-onramp/12:13
Riddelland http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-o/meeting/foundations-o-udd-planning/12:13
pooliethese were also good12:14
barrythe onramp session was less onramp and more feedback.  i was really happy to see a general enthusiasm and buy-in for udd.12:14
poolieyes, definitely a step up since last time12:14
pooliei should probably take an action to send a condensed form of these12:14
barrygood idea12:14
barry[ACTION] poolie to send condensed summary of uds sessions12:15
MootBotACTION received:  poolie to send condensed summary of uds sessions12:15
pooliethere are a bunch of things but it seemed there was agreement the most useful immediate thing was to get all imports working12:15
pooliethats also a nice simple clear goal12:15
barrythere was a run-down of the top failures, and none of the really big ones seemed intractable12:16
poolieso i propose to have the canonical-bazaar team do that first12:16
barryiirc, fixing those would slash the failures roughly in half12:16
james_wdo we want to timebox that effort?12:16
pooliesome have been fixed this week12:17
maxbOf the failures, the one most obviously in need of design is how to handle multiple source tarball packages12:17
poolieone good arbitrary time would be the next Canonical quarterly planning cycle12:17
pooliewhich would be12:17
poolie... the start of august?12:17
maxbThere are 66 multiple source tarball failures12:17
james_wso the goal is only "hard" failures left by the start of August?12:18
barrymaxb: what's the underlying cause of those?12:18
pooliepretty much12:18
maxbbarry: The importer specifically omits support for them12:18
james_wor no failures left, except those with an explanation why it's not worth doing?12:18
pooliei think there is some kind of effect where the importer is seen as scary to change12:18
poolieor, not in the normal queue of things people look at12:18
pooliei'd like to crack that12:19
jmlpoolie: wasn't getting all the imports working a goal many quarters ago?12:19
poolieyes, but there were too many other goals at the same time12:19
jmlfair enough.12:19
poolieso, this time for sure12:19
barrypoolie: perhaps we can have an action item for next time which would be a summary of the current importer failures and a rough HARD/NOTHARD classification, along with # of failures each would fix?12:20
pooliegood idea12:21
pooliealso, let's keep score every week of the count12:21
barrygreat idea.  who can i give that to?12:22
MootBotLINK received:  http://webnumbr.com/ubuntu-package-import-failures12:22
Riddellbarry: I can try12:22
maxbThe top failure right now is fallout from packagers doing push --overwrite --- that's a hard one, because it will involve a fair bit of looking at individual branches12:22
barryRiddell: awesome, thaks12:22
spivvila: there's also a graph at the bottom of http://package-import.ubuntu.com/status/12:22
barryer, thanks12:22
barry[ACTION] Riddell to give summary of current failures w/HARD/NOTHARD classification12:23
MootBotACTION received:  Riddell to give summary of current failures w/HARD/NOTHARD classification12:23
vilaright, honestly, none of them got the scale right though ;)12:23
barryany other feedback on the uds sessions?12:23
vilaspiv: but we could/should probably fix the one at p-i.u.c12:24
pooliei would like suggestions on organizational or other hacks we can do to get the right attention on udd12:24
spivvila's link with spikes flattened somewhat: http://webnumbr.com/ubuntu-package-import-failures.below%283000%2912:25
pooliei guess the other big thing at uds was discussion of bfbia12:25
pooliewhich seemed generally welcomed...12:25
barrypoolie: right, i should have included a link to that, sorry12:25
pooliebut probably.. .better to get this done first then think about it12:25
vilaspiv: \o/12:25
poolieif we do well, we may still have a prototype by uds-p12:26
spivWhy do we allow --overwrite for those branches?12:26
barrypoolie: that would rock.  i want to convince ScottK by the sheer awesomeness of the feature :)12:26
jelmerspiv, we simply have no way to prevent it afaik12:26
jelmerpoolie: that'd be neat :)12:27
spivjelmer: well, setting append_revisions_only=True on those branches would at least discourage it?12:27
poolieindeed :)12:27
pooliedoing that across all launchpad by default would be nice12:27
pooliethere's a bug for that12:27
barryshall we move on?12:28
barry[TOPIC]  * Package importer progress12:28
MootBotNew Topic:   * Package importer progress12:28
barrynot sure there's much more to say about that one12:28
barry[TOPIC]  * Bugs of interest:12:29
MootBotNew Topic:   * Bugs of interest:12:29
pooliepretty much covered it12:29
jampoolie: probably could be an action item. We could just go to the importer and do a for loop, since the james_w user can write to all those branches12:29
poolieseem slike we still got through a lot of bugs12:29
barry[LINK] http://people.canonical.com/~mbp/kanban/canonical-bazaar-kanban.htm12:29
MootBotLINK received:  http://people.canonical.com/~mbp/kanban/canonical-bazaar-kanban.htm12:29
poolieyou probably saw john's blog post12:29
jamfor $branch in branches: bzr config -d$branch append_revision_only=True12:29
jelmer[LINK] http://people.canonical.com/~mbp/kanban/canonical-bazaar-kanban.html12:29
MootBotLINK received:  http://people.canonical.com/~mbp/kanban/canonical-bazaar-kanban.html12:29
barryjelmer: heh, thanks12:29
barryonce again, stunningly impressive12:30
pooliethe pqm machine is having a tough week :)12:30
jelmerjam: does --overwrite honor append_revisions_only ?12:30
jamjelmer: I can't say without testing12:30
poolieone thing that sticks out there is the number of nonreleasede fixes12:31
jambut it would still handle the primary case12:31
poolieperhaps we need bzr-svn etc releases?12:31
jammost people don't --overwrite all the time12:31
poolie(or the data may be old)12:31
vilapoolie: not to mention that jubany is on 2.3 ?12:31
barryvila: wasn't there an action to get that updated?12:32
poolieis it now?12:32
jelmerit's not released yet12:32
vilajust checked, 2.3.112:32
pooliewe could file an rt about that?12:32
jamjelmer: quick testing: "bzr push --overwrite" > bzr: ERROR: Operation denied because it would change the main history, which is not permitted by the12:32
jam append_revisions_only setting on branch "C:/Users/jameinel/dev/,tmp/x/".12:32
poolieso, mostly: jml, james_w, barry, is there anything you think we should be doing but are neglecting?12:32
jamjelmer: so yes, append_revisions_only refused --overwrite12:33
barrypoolie: bug 609187 ;)12:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 609187 in Ubuntu Distributed Development "users are not warned when branching ubuntu:foo (or lp:ubuntu/foo) and the package import of foo is out of date" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/60918712:33
vilajam: oh, great ! And what if you specify it in locations.conf ?12:33
jelmerjam: ah, interesting12:33
pooliemm good idea12:33
jelmerjam: I should add a test for that and fix bzr-svn/bzr-hg/bzr-git :)12:33
poolieoh, there's a related thing12:33
jelmerjam: Thanks12:33
pooliewhich is that lp has been on a fairly old bzr for a while12:33
maxbIn that case, we need a --really-overwrite before we can turn on append_revisions_only for UDD branches, as the importer needs to be able to overwrite the branch if it detects a collision12:34
poolieand the bug that blocks upgrading is now fixed12:34
poolieso, we can push that through12:34
jamvila: it has the same affect, but it won't affect *anyone else*12:34
jelmermaxb, we could potentially override append_revisions_only = False for the importer using locations.conf12:35
spivmaxb: the importer could temporarily unset that flag, push --overwrite, reset it.12:35
vilajam: bah, sorry, badly worded. What if the remote branch has append_revisions_only=True, but you say a_r_o = False in locations.conf12:35
jamvila: I would guess it would override12:35
jamjust like all our other things do12:35
jelmervila: That seems sensible - if somebody really wants to override they can always just edit .bzr/branch/last-revision12:35
jamvila: bzr has always been about consenting adults12:36
jamI'm not sure if bzr+ssh will get in the way, and the remote bzr will refuse12:36
jamthat takes a bit more to test12:36
vilayup, that's a flaw in our config scheme I think, this settings are under the server responsability and we should somehow require some special powers to change/override them12:36
vilajam: :)12:36
poolieso after lp is running a new bzr, we can start doing something towards a warning message12:36
jelmermaybe I should look at bug 60918712:36
pooliewhat else?12:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 609187 in Ubuntu Distributed Development "users are not warned when branching ubuntu:foo (or lp:ubuntu/foo) and the package import of foo is out of date" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/60918712:37
pooliethat's the one12:37
barryjelmer: that would be really great.  it would really simplify the docs and give people peace of mind12:37
barryhope you don't mind...12:37
barry[ACTION] jelmer to look into bug 60918712:37
MootBotACTION received:  jelmer to look into bug 60918712:37
jam[LINK] https://launchpad.net/bugs/60918712:37
MootBotLINK received:  https://launchpad.net/bugs/60918712:37
poolielet's move on12:38
pooliewe'll talk about it here12:38
barry[TOPIC] AOB12:38
MootBotNew Topic:  AOB12:38
barryany good news, or other interesting items folks have?12:39
pooliewe fixed a ton of bugs12:40
pooliesrus are proceeding12:40
poolieriddell is getting some bugs fixed12:40
spiv2.4 is going to be much faster for many things thanks to jam12:40
pooliei think that's it12:41
pooliethanks for coming guys12:41
barryon that note12:41
MootBotMeeting finished at 06:41.12:41
barrythanks everyone12:41
jelmerthanks barry12:42
vilathanks barry12:44
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cjwatsongooooooooooood afternoon16:00
* slangasek waves16:00
barrygood morning too! :)16:00
MootBotMeeting started at 10:00. The chair is slangasek.16:00
MootBotCommands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]16:01
* stgraber waves16:01
slangasek[TOPIC] lightning round16:02
MootBotNew Topic:  lightning round16:02
slangasek$ echo $(shuf -e cjwatson barry doko csurbhi stgraber jhunt mvo ev vorlon bdmurray)16:03
slangasekcsurbhi barry vorlon ev jhunt cjwatson mvo doko bdmurray stgraber16:03
barryis psurbhi here?16:04
mvodoes "UDS week" count as "what I did last week" ?16:04
slangasekbarry: looking for csurbhi; do you want to start?16:04
slangasekmvo: oh, but what did you do with the *rest* of your week? :)16:04
barrystarting on launchpad py27 ppa; udd stakeholders meeting; uds-o work items; pep 382 planning.  todo: more of the same.  done.16:04
slangaseksurely UDS only accounts for about 80 hours of your time...16:05
slangasekcsurbhi1: hey there, you're next :)16:05
mvohaha :)16:05
cjwatsonjhunt is on holiday IIRC16:05
csurbhi1*) eye balled the ext4 mmapped patches16:05
csurbhi1*) set up kvm for mdadm bugs - going through the old patchsets and testings16:05
csurbhi1i had a very small week16:05
csurbhi1was on a holiday on monday and tuesday16:05
* slangasek nods16:05
slangaseklet's see, what have I done...16:06
slangasekdealing out blueprint drafting to people; working to get an upstart sprint going this cycle; started drafting of my own blueprints16:08
slangasekthat's about it...16:08
slangasekmust be fire drill time ;P16:10
cjwatsonSo far this week I have:16:10
cjwatson * worked on a bunch of transitions, as described on ubuntu-devel; swathes of associated archive admin16:10
cjwatson * started conversion from livecd-rootfs to live-build, since the ARM team feel blocked on this and we'd better do it early - this is very time-consuming, but making progress16:10
cjwatson * packaged GRUB 1.99, and landed some previously approved post-1.99 patches upstream16:10
cjwatson * done a handful of merges16:10
cjwatson * not written up any specs (yet)16:10
cjwatsonTo do: continue with live-build work, write up foundations-o-great-cd-debate, ensure that my carried-over work items from natty make it onto the current tracker, get oneiric CD builds going16:10
slangasekev: (jump in again when you're ready)16:10
slangaseklivecd-rootfs to live-build - interesting, hadn't gleaned that this was an outcome of UDS16:12
mvolast week: UDS16:12
mvothis week: spec drafting, sofware-center SRU to fix review-stats loader bug,16:12
mvosome early profiling for dpkg on btrfs (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AptBtrfsSnapshot), SoC work for apt, software-center code cleanup,16:12
mvorefactor for the road ahead, update-manager: fix UnitySupport bug16:12
mvorest of the week: specs work, finish software-center pyflakes-clean branch16:12
mvocjwatson: out of curiosity, how did you debug 683904 (the memtest86+ grub fix). I saw the diff, but was wondering what kind of debug machinery you used to find the actual problem?16:13
mvo(oh, and I'm on vac on friday, just fyi)16:13
dokogcc-4.6 Linaro merge, openjdk-6 update (for armel jamvm test rebuild), some merges, no drafting yet16:14
evapols, ready now16:14
slangasekev: go ahead; then bdmurray16:15
evShort week; was at a conference until Saturday.16:15
evDone: foundations-o-ubiquity, foundations-o-ubiquity-lvm-luks,16:15
evfoundations-o-wubi, foundations-o-ubiquity-advanced-partitioner,16:15
evfoundations-o-automated-ubiquity-testing have the appropriate workitems set16:15
ev(may add one or two more).16:15
evCall with Rick to discuss 12.04 work.16:15
evCall with Patrick Wright to brain dump the ubiquity automated testing16:15
evinfrastructure so that he might reimplement it in the datacenter.16:15
evEmail to ubuntu-devel on measuring success/failure in the installation:16:15
evRequested that the tech board look into it tomorrow (hi cjwatson ;)):16:15
evRaised the need for a proper crash database that doesn't block on Launchpad16:15
evfor the implementation with Pete, Kate and pitti.16:15
evStarted looking into kexec for Wubi and Linaro LAVA for QA.16:15
evRaised the need for a minimal session (akin to ubiquity-dm) for Bulletproof-X16:15
evdid that actually work? Should end with "proposal."16:16
mvosuccess/failure ++16:16
mvoI want that for upgrades as well, once ev did all the hard work to add the server and push it through :)16:17
cjwatsonmvo: once I reproduced it in qemu, I attached gdb and sat there dividing-and-conquering until I got down to a reasonable chunk of code, and then single-stepped it; no rocket science I'm afraid, just a slog16:17
evslangasek: ideas around an actual developer summit, rather than a contributor summit.  Targeted at 3rd party ISVs.  Think Mix or WWDC.16:18
mvocjwatson: anything in particular you needed to do in qemu to trigger it? for me in kvm it wouldn't actually reboot but go into memtest86+16:18
evMore than that, obviously, but that was the big takeaway from the session16:18
mvocjwatson: even without rocket science, still pretty impressive work :)16:18
cjwatsonI'm not sure, I think I was partially just lucky16:18
* mvo likes the word slog16:18
slangasekev: ah, I think maybe the answer to '< ev> did that actually work? Should end with "proposal."' is 'no', because that didn't make any sense to me :)16:18
evoh, rubbish16:19
cjwatsonI usually try both kvm and qemu -no-kvm for this kind of thing16:19
evwell then: http://paste.ubuntu.com/609561/16:19
ev(done) ;)16:19
mvothanks cjwatson, I will make a mental note for the future, I just tried kvm16:19
bdmurrayresearch into foundation's team packages, uds-o spec drafting, support team bug triage, arsenal testing and improvements16:23
slangasekand stgraber:16:23
stgraberPost-UDS drafting for a few specs, worked on/sponsored a few SRUs and upgraded to oneiric.16:23
stgraberAlso started working on an IPv6 test setup to simulate pretty much all cases of "working" IPv4 and IPv6 setup (static4, static6, dhcpv4, dhcpv6, radvd).16:23
stgraberAnd for the last 10 minutes or so, have been looking at sssd 1.5.7 which seems easy to package except for a new non-packaged build-depends (ding-libs) making everything a lot harder ...16:23
mvobtw, traditionally the  lightning report covered the previous week, should we keep this? this time of course it would have meant "uds" for most of us, so I mixed in bits of this week to make it more interessting.16:24
slangasekstgraber: ah, quick, get 1.5.7 packaged and into universe ASAP so that whoever files the MIR has to deal with ding-libs instead of you16:24
cjwatsonI normally described Wednesday-afternoon through Wednesday-morning in my lightning round16:25
stgraberslangasek: sounds like a good idea ;)16:25
barrycjwatson: same here16:25
barryvery easy to calculate with gtimelog :)16:25
dokobdmurray: just to know: how did you determine the "foundation's team packages"?16:25
slangasekyeah, I was thinking of it the same way as cjwatson and barry16:25
stgraberslangasek: there's a PPA with both ding and the new sssd here: https://launchpad.net/~fabricesp/+archive/experimental/+packages (in what looks like a pretty good state)16:25
mvook, thats fine with me, I will just update my reporting16:26
slangasek[TOPIC] UDS "debriefing"16:26
MootBotNew Topic:  UDS "debriefing"16:26
bdmurraydoko: I've created a preliminary list that needs reviewing.  I looked at people.getSubscribedPackages()? in the lp api and looked at the -changes mailing list for L->O for things team members have uploaded (using the number of times uploaded).16:27
slangasekon that note, I wonder if we should talk a bit about UDS, and what everyone's interesting/surprising takeaways were16:27
slangasekor what you're excited about for this cycle16:27
slangaseklike python3 only on the CD for 11.10, right? :)16:28
* barry hits backspace16:28
* slangasek gets out the bathroom scale16:28
evI found mpt's plenary very inspirational, and will push hard to implement as much of that as I can16:29
barrylots of positive support for udd16:29
barryand bfbia16:29
ev(or can encourage others to)16:29
mvocommunity, community, community16:29
barrydelete wiki pages!16:29
* ScottK stares at barry.16:29
slangasekfunny thing16:29
mvo(seriously, having face-to-face time with the contributors is so energizing)16:29
slangasekI found several pages under help.u.c that I want to delete, but I don't have perms16:29
barryScottK: it's gonna be so awesome, you'll be totally convinced :)16:30
* ScottK waits for it to solve a problem he's actually having.16:30
ScottKNote that the existing functionality does that in a very good way.16:30
barryScottK: so did my 20" crt :)16:31
cjwatsonthis may be vacuous, but the most interesting/surprising conversations for me were the ones I didn't expect to have16:31
cjwatsonsuggesting once again that underscheduling is better than overscheduling16:31
mvo++ on that16:32
cjwatsonI got a chance to go to quite a few server sessions, the occasional desktop session, and the odd completely random session, and I think that was helpful16:32
barryagreed.  my only regret was not getting out to actually see much of budapest :/16:32
cjwatson(it's been a while since I got a chance to tour around much)16:32
mvobarry: I agree, I think we scheduled too much in the evenings this time16:32
evit was worse at the Canonical Summit16:33
slangasekyes, I noticed some very good cross-pollination with Linaro in a few areas this time - in particular around debug symbols, gdbserver kinds of things16:33
cjwatsonyeah, though I find with going away every three months I lose my energy for tourism, anyway16:33
evYou will stay in the building, you will sit in your assigned dinner seat.16:33
barryev: speaking of which, i think you're supposed to fill us all in on what happened at the some-hands16:33
cjwatson(finally booked for Dublin; travelling by rail and ferry ++)16:33
cjwatson(the trip across north Wales is gorgeous)16:34
evbarry: *hand waves* eleventy billion users16:34
cjwatsonshortest summary EVAH16:34
slangasekwe're going to run our users in VMs then?16:34
barryour users are *in* the cloud16:34
evI'll sort that out of band; I have a notebook full of random scribbles and drawings of cats16:34
barryor maybe they *are* the cloud16:34
cjwatsonbarry: that solves our computational resource problem16:34
barrymechanical turk? feh.16:35
slangasek[TOPIC] bitesize bug initiative16:35
MootBotNew Topic:  bitesize bug initiative16:35
slangasekone more topic from me16:35
slangasekspeaking of community16:35
slangasekthere's a push from the community team this cycle to do a better job of hooking new contributors into Ubuntu16:36
slangasekand they want EVERY engineering team to work on this16:36
slangasekso what I'd like us to do is to16:36
slangasekmake a conscious effort to identify some easy bugs in the packages as we work on them, and set them aside with a 'bitesize' tag instead of fixing them ourselves16:37
cjwatsondo we have rough ideas on numerical targets for this?16:37
cjwatsonstrikes me as one of those things where it's good to know when to push hard and when to stop, as it were16:38
slangasekI'm sure everyone here can think of some bugs they've fixed that were bog-easy to solve... rather than solving them directly, let's use some of these as opportunities for mentoring16:38
slangasekcjwatson: good question; no, no numerical target16:38
barryslangasek: that should include patch review and sponsorship16:38
evI see this meshing quite well with the CLA.16:38
slangasekwe do need to be careful to not leave bugs out unfixed in release because we were waiting for someone to take the bait^W^W^W express interest16:38
cjwatsonis there an LP mail header for "this bug has a patch attached"?16:39
barryslangasek: who is going to connect community members to bitesize bugs or is it up to them to just search and find them?16:39
cjwatsonmaybe I should just procmail-copy everything with /X-Launchpad-Bug-Tags: .*bitesize/ into my inbox16:39
cjwatson(I'd like to avoid losing things in the bugmail storm, if we consider them important)16:40
bdmurraycjwatson: no header for patches but they get tagged patch16:40
ScottKev: How so?  (bitesize bugs and CLA)16:40
slangasekI think as long as launchpad is able to give us reports on the 'bitesize' tag for "our" packages, we should be able to round these up at the appropriate points in the cycle16:40
broderbdmurray: that's a manual process, though, right?16:40
cjwatsonbdmurray: OK, so /X-Launchpad-Bug-Tags: .*bitesize/ && /X-Launchpad-Bug-Tags: .*patch/ or some such should at least alert me16:40
bdmurraybroder: no I have a script that tags all bugs with attachments flagged as patch with the tag patch16:41
broderah, ok16:41
slangasekbarry: not clear yet how we'll be connecting community members up with them - once there's an interesting set we can point people at, I'll certainly want to advertise on ubuntu-devel and maybe stick a note in the wiki page16:41
bdmurraycjwatson: yes or the body has "patch added" when the attachment is actually added16:42
slangasekthis wiki page, I mean https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ContributeToUbuntu16:42
cjwatsonhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/609576/ <- how to get me to notice a bug16:42
MootBotLINK received:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/609576/ <- how to get me to notice a bug16:42
barryslangasek: nod16:42
evScottK: "why thank you for the one line patch random community member, now digest this volume of text and sign on the dotted line."16:42
ScottKRight.  Of course.16:42
ScottKDon't forget "Make sure you have permission from your employer if needed."16:43
slangasekev: hum, perhaps in the first iteration we should not combine bitesize bugs with a tough pill to swallow16:43
mvoso no tagging for software-center :/16:43
cjwatsonat least we have quite a number of packages not subject to CLA16:43
evslangasek: so avoid CLA projects?16:43
mvoit would really help if we had a "CLA only required for a certain minimal amount of diff"16:43
ScottKpapersize = paperwork takes longer than the fix to do.16:44
barrymvo: that's the way the gpl copyright assignments work.  where "minimal amount of diff" is largely undefined, but somewhere in the 10-20 lines range (up to project maintainers to decide)16:44
barrydunno if that counts cla, but certainly seems bitesize to me16:45
slangasekev, mvo: in the meantime, perhaps at a minimum we should have some standard text to stick in the description of such a bitesize bug pointing would-be contributors to the CLA?16:45
mvobarry: its currently not, I aksed about this and the answer was that even one line patches needs the CLA signed16:45
slangasekI think it's important to avoid having new contributors invest time in working out a fix for a bug, getting excited about having contributed, and then being slammed with paperwork16:45
mvoslangasek: that sounds like a good idea, ensuring that people actually know they will have to do the paperwork16:46
mvoif they decide to work on this16:46
evslangasek: might be a good way of measuring interest in fixing bugs in CLA non-CLA stuff16:46
evCLA vs non-CLA*16:46
barryyeah, just don't tag cla stuff as bitesize then :/16:46
* slangasek nods16:46
* csurbhi1 nods16:46
bdmurraydo we have a list of cla packages?16:46
barrybdmurray: excellent question16:47
MootBotLINK received:  http://www.canonical.com/contributors16:47
slangasekev wins16:47
evyay, please send my prize to millbank16:47
macois there a way to see if we've signed the CLA in the past?16:48
barryev: your prize is that you don't have to sign the cla16:48
slangasekev: do you know the answer to maco's question?16:49
cjwatsonI do16:49
ScottKTypically CLA only applies to 'upstream'.  You can patch in Ubuntu without having signed it.  Not that that helps much in most cases.16:49
cjwatsonI'm just trying to find the link16:49
cjwatsonmaco: if you've signed it, you should be in https://launchpad.net/~contributor-agreement-canonical/+members16:49
macoScottK: what if "upstream" cherry picks the patch from the ubuntu source package?16:49
slangasekScottK: true - presumably the dev tagging the bug as 'bitesize' will know when doing so if it's a packaging vs. upstream bug16:49
ScottKTheir problem to make sure what they cherrypick is licensed appropriately for their project.16:50
ScottKThere's at least one case where code was dropped 'upstream' due to CLA problems and then immediately added back as a distro patch.16:50
ScottKLater it was re-implemented and the disconnect went away.16:50
ScottKThat was the "Let's engage potential contributors by throwing their code away" school of recruitment.16:51
slangasekyeah I am not a student of that school :)16:52
slangasek[TOPIC] AOB16:52
MootBotNew Topic:  AOB16:52
slangasekanything else folks would like to bring up, before we manage to run down the hour discussing copyright assignment? :)16:52
bdmurrayso what's the best way to distribute the list of packages for the team that I've come up with for review?16:53
macowho maintains that canonical.com/contributors page? it seems to be in need of alphabetising16:53
cjwatsonmaco: launchpad.net/canonical-website I guess16:54
slangasekbdmurray: there's a mailing list for the canonical team (which I need to get you added to); let me get that for you16:54
bdmurrayslangasek: okay thanks16:54
MootBotMeeting finished at 10:56.16:56
slangasekthanks, all :)16:56
cpyes, can you read us?19:00
cpI am new, and why is he using ustream's chat and not IRC?19:04
IdleOnecp: why is who using ustream?19:10
cpJono doesn't seem to be looking in ubuntu-meeting channel, he is using the ustream chat.19:17

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