
=== medberry is now known as med_out
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wejaegerHey, anyone up for reviewing http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/l2tp-ipsec-vpn08:06
dholbachgood morning08:16
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iulianMorning dholbach.11:00
ubottuUbuntu bug 784267 in avogadro (Ubuntu) "[new-upstream]avogadro 1.0.3" [Wishlist,New]11:56
hrwcross compiler packages can generate crazy overrides for lintian...12:07
hrwUploading to ubuntu (via ftp to upload.ubuntu.com): Uploading armel-cross-toolchain-base_1.64.dsc: done. Uploading armel-cross-toolchain-base_1.64.tar.gz: done.   Uploading armel-cross-toolchain-base_1.64_source.changes: done.12:30
hrwSuccessfully uploaded packages.12:30
hrwmy first upload - hope it will go fine12:30
Laneytumbleweed: is there any way you could send your signature for my @nottingham.ac.uk uid to one of the other addresses?13:12
LaneyI want to find out what Exchange is doing to it13:13
Laneyp.s. hi!13:13
* tumbleweed looks13:15
Laneyhmm it's differet13:23
tumbleweedLaney: yeah I can't reconstitute the message caff sent, but it does archive the signature13:27
Laneytumbleweed: I think you sent the signature for @orangesquash.org.uk13:27
Laneyoh, no13:28
Laneyit was right... hmm13:28
Laneywhat in the world did exchange do?!13:28
hrwcan someone answer me some questions about ubuntu developer membership?13:34
micahghrw: let's see what the questions are first :)13:34
hrwI applied for (and got) universe contributor cause was told that motu is going to be removed13:35
Laneywho told you that?13:35
hrwso what is a difference between universecontributor and normal contributor? just @ubuntu stuff which I can just ignore?13:39
micahghrw: contributing developer can't upload13:40
iulianhrw: Did you read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopers?13:40
hrwmicahg: universecontributor can't uplaod too13:40
micahghrw: that's contributing developer AFAIK13:41
hrwiulian: read. just wanted to discuss do I understood it properly13:41
hrwmicahg: ppu rights gave upload13:42
micahghrw: that's not contributing developer, that's Per-package uploaders (and members of ubuntu-dev)13:42
hrwmicahg: ppu devs contributes by their uploads and can also (as 'Prospective Developers') contribute by providing bugfixes/debdiffs for sponsors13:44
hrwI mean: is there a difference between 'Prospective Developers' (no @ubuntu, no rights to upload, gives bugfixes/debdiffs for sponsors) and 'Universe Contributors' other then @ubuntu stuff?13:46
iulianhrw: No.13:46
micahghrw: ubuntu membership is the difference13:46
Laneythose bullet points are confusing13:47
LaneyUCD aren't 'responsible' for anything13:47
hrwUCD just gets ubuntu membership. rest should be dropped13:48
* hrw would apply for motu instead13:48
micahgwell, the list should imply the bar for acceptance to some extent13:48
Laneyi'd appreciate someone updating it :-)13:49
Laneyi like 'continue with sponsored uploads' too13:50
hrwLaney: add "rest is like for Prospective Developers" line? :)13:51
micahgI think it should list the duties, just not explicit responsibility13:57
hrwmicahg: they are mostly same for out-of-ubuntu-members and for universe-contributors14:00
micahghrw: indeed, but there's some level of participation reUCD14:02
micahgs/reUCD/required to be a UCD/14:03
Laneythe 'significant and sustained' barrier still applies14:03
ari-tczewwgrant: could you update http://qa.ubuntuwire.org/multidistrotools/ for oneiric?14:03
wgrantari-tczew: Done.14:09
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wejaegerHey, anyone up for reviewing http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/l2tp-ipsec-vpn14:40
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sebnerhighvoltage: if you haven't sent the pics to laney, you can send them to me directly if you want :)18:23
highvoltagesebner: ok. I put it on facebook and tagged him, but I guess you'll want higher-res photos anyway :)18:24
sebnerhighvoltage: that and I don't use FB :P18:24
highvoltage(just finishing something up and will send then)18:24
sebnerhighvoltage: no rush!18:24
=== makl is now known as ximion
alkisgHi, I want to prepare a .debdiff for VLC, which contains changes in binary files. How can I do that?20:13
alkisg(for some reason they also have the binary translations inside the source package - the specific files I want to update are el.po==text and el.gmo==binary)20:13
geserisn't el.gmo generated from el.po?20:16
alkisgIt is. But it's also there in the source package20:17
alkisgI.e. after `dpkg-source -x` and without building anything, it's there20:18
alkisgSo I should update it for the debdiff, no?20:18
alkisg(trying to prepare an SRU for lucid, for updated greek translations - I talked to the devs about it but I have problems with the binary file there :()20:19
geserisn't it regnerated during build from your patched el.po?20:20
alkisgIt is. So I can just skip updating el.gmo in the .debdiff?20:21
alkisg(I believe the correct thing would be for the source package to not contain el.gmo...)20:21
geseryes and yes20:26
alkisg(it would also make the source package 17 MB smaller - or 6 MB compressed)20:26
alkisgThank you, I'll try that20:26
highvoltagesebner: sending mail...20:37
sebnerhighvoltage: thanks very much :)20:40
highvoltageyou're welcome!20:40
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=== Guest54860 is now known as ___D
___Dhttp://fpaste.org/mTME/ hmm22:30
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___Dwhat is going wrong here? http://fpaste.org/C1a1/23:11
___Dhe is missing a makefile, but the package doesn't have a makefile, it is only to install some conf files23:12
paultagScottK: sorry I jumped in. I was only there because one of my buddies needed python package help. I re-read what I posted and I might have sounded like an ass. My bad.23:14
ScottKpaultag: I thought it was fine.23:14
paultagI usually try to be a bit nicer, I felt a bit harsh. Thanks, though.23:14
ScottKI guarantee that morph thought you did, but I think he'd have thought that to anything other than "Morph: you are completely right".23:15
paultagScottK: :)23:15
___DW: openstudiomenu source: missing-debian-source-format23:17
___DW: openstudiomenu source: out-of-date-standards-version 3.8.3 (current is 3.8.4)23:17
___DW: openstudiomenu: new-package-should-close-itp-bug23:17
___DW: openstudiomenu: copyright-has-url-from-dh_make-boilerplate23:17
___DE: openstudiomenu: section-is-dh_make-template23:17
___DW: openstudiomenu: empty-binary-package23:17
paultag___D: that built fine, you just don't have a GPG key to sign with. Use the -k flag to pass in the key if it's not byte-for-byte identical with the changelog23:17
paultag___D: Whoh, use pastebin :)23:18
___DPathin_, why is it an empty binary?23:18
paultag___D: all of those are simple to fix, use the -i flag for a better description23:18
paultagOh I missed that23:18
paultag___D: What build chain are you using? Does it support DESTDIR?23:19
___Dpaultag, I am trying to build with http://debathena.mit.edu/config-package-dev/23:19
paultag___D: what's the rules file look like?23:22
paultagare you including config-package.mk23:22
___Dpaultag, http://fpaste.org/De5s/23:22
paultag___D: and your control?23:23
* ScottK figures that one is somehow broder's fault.23:24
broder___D, ScottK, paultag: looking....23:24
broderbut yes, likely my fault23:24
___Dpaultag, http://fpaste.org/O5Iv/23:24
broder(well, likely the fault of the other people working on Debathena for being too busy with finals to reply to ___D's e-mail)23:24
paultagbroder: just finished my last finals, it was amazing. Free at last, free at last :)23:25
broderpaultag: i graduated a year ago, which is why i was trying to let the current students deal with this :)23:25
broderit's character building23:25
paultagbroder: Ahhh :)23:25
paultagbroder: MIT, then?23:26
paultagbroder: I'm from Wellesley, right outside Boston23:26
___Dbroder, I changed some stuff since my last email, with this as example http://debathena.mit.edu/config-package-dev/code/examples-simple/debathena-conffile-example/debian/23:26
broder___D: your package is called openstudiomenu, but you have a file called debian/openstudio-menu.install23:27
broderyou need to either drop or add some hyphens somewhere23:27
___Dbroder, hmm ok23:27
___Dbroder, seems to be better now...23:33
___Dbroder, is it possible to install conf files in the home dir (knowing the username) or do you get problems with right etc. then?23:35
broder___D: i don't believe that the package manager is the right way to deliver files to a user's homedir23:36
___Dbroder, you're right probably ...23:36
___Dbroder, o my it seems to work :)23:39
___Dbroder, when the package is removed, config-package-dev restores the default conf? And it is possible to upgrade the package (e.g. the conf files)?23:40
broderyes, and yes23:40
___Dbroder, paultag thanks!23:41
paultagI did nothing, thanks broder :)23:41
paultagI thought you were woried about the wrong error and gave you bad advice :)23:41
___Dyou're evil, right23:41

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