
=== JasonO_ is now known as JasonO
akgranerHI all!14:03
akgranerI'll take a look at all the action items and get started working on the ones I signed up for today...:-) pleia2 if there is something I've missed please let me know  - expect blog post later today..:-)14:04
akgranerthanks for everyone who hangs out in the channel - please let us know what areas you would like to work on if you haven't done so already  - many changes coming along this cycle to make this whole thing easier....yay!14:05
MrChrisDruifakgraner; How's it going?14:09
akgranerbetter now :-)14:10
pleia2morning akgraner14:10
akgranerI'm home...and have new cap isn't dislocated anymore14:10
akgranerpleia2, hey14:10
akgranerknee even14:11
akgranerjezz it's a Monday on a Wednesday14:11
akgranerpleia2, I'll blog today and link to the either pad and outline plan of action14:11
akgranerunless you've already done that?14:12
MrChrisDruifGood to hear your knee cap and the rest is better :)14:12
pleia2akgraner: nope, I am just looking at the action items now14:12
akgranerpleia2,  :-) awesome14:12
pleia2akgraner: my action item is: [lyz] Migrate how-to to Jobs page14:13
pleia2did we mean the 40+step document for how-to?14:13
akgraneryep - so each step would be a job14:13
akgraneror combination of steps would be a job14:13
pleia2I'm thinking combination of steps14:14
pleia2so I'll create a /Tasks and reference step numbers14:14
pleia2we can refine as needed14:14
akgraneryou know why I did those that way right14:14
akgranerso that there would be one complete list of everything somewhere14:14
pleia2yeah, it's good14:14
pleia2https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/EditingPolicies needs some love, it's got a lot of content and the flow isn't great14:14
akgranerpleia2, yep - so how does this sound14:15
akgranerI'll blog the changes atc14:15
pleia2it's 6am, I think I've resigned to being on east coast time this week (going to florida on saturday, so makes sense right?)14:15
* pleia2 hates jetlag :)14:15
akgranerthen we can find people to help clean up the wiki's14:16
akgranerand figure out who wants to be on the leadership team14:16
akgranerand set the process for that once we've announced all the changes and re-launch date14:16
akgranerpleia2, I know you didn't sign up for all thos extra work, but thank you for all you are doing14:17
pleia2just hoping we can get it all streamlined so someone else can take over :)14:18
akgranernods - so other people this will kill one person14:20
akgranerjohnc4510, needs to be sainted14:20
pleia2akgraner: do you have some time later today for a call? I'd like to go through https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/EditingPolicies/HowToEdit to see what we can move, remove, etc14:23
akgranerwhen's a good time for you?14:23
* pleia2 thinks 4-6 can be removed, 7&8 moved down, other sections updated..14:23
pleia2how's 1PM?14:24
pleia2your time14:24
akgraneryep that works14:35
MrChrisDruifOw, btw akgraner, sorry I mailed to your mailbox about the meeting. It got solved with help from pleia2 if I remember correct :)14:40
MrChrisDruifAnd cjohnston14:41
akgranerno worries :-)14:41
akgranerit's all good14:41
akgranerit will all sort it's self out14:41
akgranerwe are in a bit of a flux now  - with the re-launch and all but we'll get it worked out14:41
pleia2of ubuntu weekly news14:44
MrChrisDruifNever heard about it....is it tweeted? Then I can retweet14:45
pleia2akgraner will be blogging about it soon14:48
akgranerMrChrisDruif, blog post today about it all - :-)14:53
MrChrisDruifAlright, from where?14:53
akgranerYou'll see it on the planet from my blog then we'll add it to the fridge14:53
akgraneroh my blog = akgraner.com14:54
pleia2akgraner: ok, I tossed this draft together for a jobs page (we can rename it, and will need to be edited once we comb through the editing doc)14:55
pleia2but it's a basic outline for now14:55
akgranerlooks great14:56
akgranerpleia2, at some point should you all decided we can make the tasks match "industry" standard job descriptions but that can happen later15:20
pleia2akgraner: yeah, I have no idea what those would be :)17:14
akgranerpleia2, I have a list but that's something to worry about much later :-)17:31
pleia2too busy to do it now? seems silly not to apply the terms from the beginning17:31
pleia2akgraner: ok, 1PM was optimistic :) I'll touch base with you when I have time for a call17:42
* pleia2 busy at work17:42
akgranerno worries18:03
pleia2looks like you have a call with jono anyway :)18:03
pleia2we'll catch up18:03
akgranerpleia2, yeah - we'll catch up - need to put my leg up now for a few anyway - I'll ping you in a few19:19
pleia2akgraner: ok :)19:20

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