
SpaceBassanyone know of a good package to create RSS feeds of files in a directory structure?00:06
=== medberry is now known as med_out
=== hallyn is now known as hallyn_afk
toddnineHi guys.  I'm using ami-a17e2ee4 on EC2, but my root partition is only 10 GB and I'm constantly running out of space due to aggressive logging in our application during the beta phase03:05
toddnineAny ideas why I'm not getting the 850 GB that's possible in an m1.large instance on EC2?03:05
Delerium_toddnine, not familiar with EC2, but I gues this is a SAN ?03:31
toddnineDelerium_: I think it's just the way the AMI is recreated03:32
toddninefor some reason only 10 GB was allocated to the / mount point.  The remaining 392 gb was allocated to the /mnt mount point.  Seems a bit strange03:33
toddnineGiven that anything I want to keep should use EBS devices attached to a /mnt/<name> mount point03:33
Delerium_you might want to check if there is any space left that you could add to /03:33
toddnineDelerium_: How could I do that?03:33
Delerium_Let me boot my ubuntu server, I don't remember the command on top of my head... I mostly use AIX ;)03:34
Delerium_(be back in 4-5 mins)03:34
maxagazCan I run a wcentos server or a windows server in eucalyptus ?03:37
Delerium_toddnine, paste me the output of "df -k" in a private chat please03:40
WinstonSmithwhy a private chat? nobody learns anything that way....03:46
Delerium_WinstonSmith, to avoid flooding the channel...03:46
Delerium_Urrggll... Just read what AMI / EC2 is ... heee.. well.. I'm not a big fan of cloud computing03:49
=== RudyValencia- is now known as RudyValencia
histough motd isn't updating on my server install07:14
histoit's still showing 52 updates availible with 33 being security updates07:14
greppyhisto: is it only showing that or is it twice?07:15
histogreppy: it's only showing that07:15
greppyI had motd.tail on a couple boxes end up with an old motd saved to it, so I was getting one that said multiple packages to update and one that had 0 updates.07:15
histogreppy: yeah motd.tail is present should I just clear that?07:16
greppywhat is in it?07:17
histogreppy: yeah removing /etc/motd.tail got rid of the update message07:17
greppythere ya go :)07:17
histohopefully it will continue advising of updates though07:17
greppymine does07:17
greppyI had 3 LTS boxes do that07:18
histoMy other box doens't have motd.tail07:18
uvirtbotNew bug: #784420 in cobbler (universe) "cobbler/dhcpd serves invalid DNS names under x86_64 Arch" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78442007:36
histoWhere do users cron jobs go from crontab -e?07:39
histonvm found it07:51
histowill logrotate get rid of logs that i've created?07:52
koolhead11|afkkirkland, the sample preseed file of yours mentions d-iclock-setup/utcboolean true twice in the file, is it a typo or needed?08:38
=== evilmist is now known as mrmist
maxagazhow to list all hosts in a network ? I tried nmap -sP, but it show all hosts as up, although I can't ping many of them09:12
jmarsdenmaxagaz: That is a reasonable nmap command, so if it is doing odd things for you, try it with -v so you can see exactly what nmap is doing.  sudo nmap -v -sP
jmarsdenBut it is 1:22 am here, so I need to sleep...09:22
koolhead11|afkjmarsden, :P09:46
wmphello, i have big problem with my ext4.... http://pastebin.com/TP33VNim11:32
wmp[  733.013343] EXT4-fs (dm-2): bad geometry: block count 72613888 exceeds size of device (71475200 blocks)11:33
esbiteHi. I started an upgrade from 10.04 to 10.10 over ssh. Then my client crashed. In retrospect it was very stupid not to use screen. I have reconnected and can see the update still running on ps, probably waiting for my input. Any idea on how to recover from this?12:47
_rubenlovely, setting a vlan tag on my bmc using ipmitool kills arp for that vlan in the os.. pretty weird13:01
uuser123i have installed ubuntu 10.04 and after that i have installed utm (unified threat management software -firewall/vpn/av/ips/mail/url/vpn ) on that but now how do i installed /configure  additional  interface13:05
uuser123i have 3 nic on my system and only 1 is configure and i want to configure 2 and 3 rd nic so i can use nic 2 and 3 with KVM13:05
jamespageuuser123: you will need to add entries for you extra interfaces in /etc/network/interfaces.13:11
speakmanhi folks. Is it possible to lighten up the error-LEDs when a SATA disk has failed?13:25
speakmanI've "echo > /sys/bus/scsi/devices/{mydevice}/delete" and according to dmesg it's stopped and disabled.13:26
speakmanThese leds: http://goo.gl/xs7L713:29
patdk-wkthose led's are controlled by your ses controller13:36
speakmanses? sata?13:39
patdk-wkses, I never said anything about sata13:39
speakmannever heard of ses13:39
patdk-wkit's been around for atleast a decade13:39
speakmanscsi enclosure services?13:40
zulDaviey: is there a central place on the wiki where we are keeping the specs13:40
speakmanok, can I control it?13:40
Davieyzul, yes13:40
speakmanpatdk-wk: can sdparm control such stuff?13:41
zulDaviey: url?13:41
patdk-wkI normally just let my raid card do it13:42
speakmanok? i'm running linux software raid13:42
Davieyzul, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerTeam/Specs/$SPECNAME ?13:42
speakmanAnd I have to replace one of the disk in the mirror setup13:42
patdk-wkhmm, in this machine here, /dev/sg0 is my ses13:42
speakmanBut I've no clue which disk to remove :)13:42
zuli think i might have missed that part13:42
speakmanI've got /dev/sg0 as well13:43
patdk-wksg_ses to control it13:45
speakmanok, any idea how to lighten the LED's by using sg_ses ?13:51
uvirtbotNew bug: #784567 in eucalyptus (main) "2.0.1 not API compatible with google-collections 1.0" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78456713:52
speakmanAttempt to fetch Enclosure status (SES) diagnostic page failed Receive diagnostic results command not supported13:55
zuljamespage: do you want me to upload the google collections bug fix for you?14:00
jamespagezul: that would be great - thankyou14:00
zuljamespage: url?14:02
zuljamespage: actually its part of eucalyptus maybe daviey should upload that for you14:04
Davieyzul, feel free... share the love.14:04
zulor pain14:05
jamespagemp is here -> https://code.launchpad.net/~james-page/ubuntu/oneiric/eucalyptus/google-fix14:05
* jamespage loves it when Daviey says 'hmm'14:06
jamespage(normally means he's done something wrong :-))14:06
Davieyit's all going to go wrong.14:07
Davieyi can feel it in my water.14:07
zularrrgh...you called it ppa214:09
* jamespage doh14:10
jamespagelemme fix14:10
jamespageserves me right for testing stuff properly I guess....14:10
zul*cough* pbuilder14:10
zulthats another "one" to my spreadsheet14:11
jamespageman this is going to cost me alot....14:11
jamespagezul: amended branch pushed....14:13
zuljamespage: thanks14:18
skrewleralright I'm usually super good at this stuff.  I've also thought that I had fixed it several times, but it keeps happening.  I've got an Ubuntu 64bit 10.04.2 running on an Amazon EC2 instance.  It's got 17.5GB RAM and two CPUs (m2.xlarge).  Several times a day Nagios will flip out and send alerts wrt this instance.  I'll be unable to SSH into the box (hangs).   if I happened to already have an SSH session open on the box I can 14:19
skrewlerdirectories, list environment variables, view logs, but if I enter a command (it's usually 'uptime') it will hang.  After about 5 minutes it will finally recover on its own and the load will be 30+.  It's 100% reproducible when I run svnsync on it, it has two repos .. one 500MB another about 5GB.   Thats not the only thing that triggers this though14:19
lynxmanhmm guys, when a postinst script is executed on install it's called with scriptname configure right?14:19
skrewlerthe box runs svn, git, redmine (nginx/sqlite), php/apache/mysql, and sendmail.  it's not customer facing and is sometimes used as a staging server14:20
maxagazI'm trying to install ubuntu server from usb stick14:21
maxagazbut it's looking for a cdrom after some step14:21
maxagazis there way to fix this ?14:21
zuljamespage: ok done14:21
maxagazwith the console perhaps14:21
jamespagezul: thanks14:22
jamespagenow I can get libjibx1.2-java accepted into the archive14:23
skrewlermaxagaz: dude just google your error message14:28
maxagazskrewler: I did it..14:28
skrewlerand whats your exact error message?  what havey ou already tried?14:29
RoAkSoAxmorning all14:37
lynxmanmorning RoAkSoAx14:38
RoAkSoAxmorning lynxman14:38
koolhead11|afkmorning RoAkSoAx14:40
RoAkSoAxmorning koolhead11|afk14:47
esbiteHi. I started an upgrade from 10.04 to 10.10 over ssh. Then my client crashed. In retrospect it was very stupid not to use screen. I have reconnected and can see the update still running on ps, probably waiting for my input. Any suggestions on how to recover from this?14:48
ikoniahello Loof15:05
LoofI'm running into a problem with a fresh install onto a SCSI RAID array... I can't get the grub bootloader to install (fatal error)... it won't run on the command line (grub-probe error... and past that grub-mkimage is missing)... and I can't chroot into my new /15:06
ikoniawhat type or raid, software/hardware/fakeraid15:06
LoofBattery backed up Ultra-320 raid... Adaptec controller15:06
LoofSerious h/w raid :)15:07
ikoniaLoof: ok - if you boot from a livecd, can it see the raid disk ?15:07
LoofServerraid 5i to be specific15:07
LoofI can see the disk just fine15:07
Loofit's grub itself that fails15:07
Loofit won't install the bootloader on the local IDE disk either15:07
ikoniaas in the installer installing grub, or you manually installing grub15:08
Loof(I thought... maybe something odd happened and it's trying to boot from IDE...)15:08
Loofinstaller says 'fatal error'15:08
ikoniaeither ?15:08
ikoniaok, so what device is it trying to install grub to ?15:08
LoofIt was trying to install it to the IDE drive15:09
ikoniawhat device are you telling it to install to15:09
LoofI've tried to both15:09
LoofAnd the installer didn't let me pick the boot disk15:10
LoofIt just assumed /dev/sda was the boot disk15:10
ikoniayes, but what device identifier are you using to install to it15:10
Loofdevice identifier?15:10
ikoniaas in the disk device you are trying to install grub to15:11
LoofSo, I booted into rescue mode15:11
Loofthere's no grub-install... there's something called 'grub-installer' which jails because 'grub-probe' is not found.15:12
ikoniaok - I need you to respond to the questions I'm asking please15:12
Loofmirc is stupid15:12
ikoniaok, bye then15:12
LoofUhm, I could not reply because this irc program ate the response15:12
LoofThat's why it is stupid15:12
LoofI used /dev/sdb1 and /dev/sdb15:13
LoofI also went into fdisk to make sure /dev/sdb1 was bootable15:13
LoofI've installed linux before a few times.15:13
Loofikonia: I responded... but /dev/sdb1 must be a special command to mirc... it simply didn't post15:13
skrewlerhow are you using /dev/sdb to install grub to?  it should be like hd(0,0)15:14
skrewler(hd0,0) that is15:15
Loofskrewler: Modern versions of grub-install were able to use /dev/xxxx15:15
Loofskrewler: What tool should I be using?15:15
skrewlerin my experience if you're having troubles booting the best thing to do is remove every drive but what you want to boot to then install grub to that15:16
skrewlerno room for error, no headaches15:16
Loofskrewler: My issue is that the tools are returning errors... missing files...etc.15:17
LoofHas anyone here installed Ubuntu server 11.04 from scratch? I'm wondering if this is my issue or if the ISO is hosed15:17
LoofA bigger issue is that I simply can't chroot15:18
Loofchroot /target - never returns15:18
patdk-wkabout 40 times15:19
patdk-wkalways works for me15:19
skrewleryou're just giving us really vague info to go off of, which is why i gave you instructions that are idiot proof. it  would also allow you to try the install again and get the actual error message if it still failed15:20
=== sourcode is now known as Guest77790
Loofskrewler: What is vague about it... I ran grub-install /dev/sdb and I got a grub-mkimage not found15:21
LoofI ran 'install grub bootloader' from the menu...and it simply says 'fatal error'15:21
Loofthere's not much else I'm getting here15:22
skrewlerso are you at the point where the install has failed15:23
skrewlerim not sure where you're at15:23
LoofRight now, rebooting into rescue15:23
skrewleryou should get to the point where the installer fails, switch to a term and look at some logs15:24
skrewlerok, so mount the disk and give us some logs15:24
LoofOk, I'm now in a chroot environment on my new boot disk15:25
LoofWhat's your next recommendation?15:25
Loofskrewler: I did... grub-probe was missing.15:26
skrewlerare all of your partitions mounted?15:26
Loofupdate-grub works... grub-install /dev/sdb has no problems reported15:27
Loofanything else I should do?15:27
highvoltagestgraber: you know what? I actually like the aubergine d-i now :)15:28
skrewlerno idea what grub-probe does, so dunno15:28
Loofman grub-probe - probe device information for GRUB15:28
Loofit's part of the set of programs required to install the grub bootloader15:29
Loofi.e. the installer doesn't find a file it requires15:29
stgraberhighvoltage: hehe15:29
LoofHmm, that's disturbing... Even with the ide disk removed... I get to a blank screen after a successful GRUB install15:42
LoofIs there a way to run the installer and bypass the install steps... just go to where it installs grub... to see what happens when it doesn't see the IDE disk?15:43
LoofThere's something very wrong /w Ubuntu when an experienced user can't get the bootloader to work.15:45
skrewlerdoes your HBA support booting to it?15:45
Loofskrewler: Yes... it was booting Linux just before this.15:46
Loofskrewler: I'd done a few updates...and decided to start fresh15:46
RoyKLoof: grub2 is crappy, I know15:46
LoofThis won't let me install grub without repartitioning15:47
LoofI hit back... try to jump ahead...and it tells me I need to repartition15:47
RoyKLoof: it should be sufficient to just choose which partition(s) to use15:48
LoofWow, this is annoying15:48
LoofI did15:48
LoofIt immediately jumped to 'installing base system'15:49
LoofEven though I got to the partitioning screen by selecting 'install grub...'15:49
LoofSorry dudes... your installer is borked15:49
skrewlerget to a shell and try from there15:50
Loofskrewler: I -have- that's why I decided to try to let the installer do it... as that didn't succeed.15:50
LoofI installed grub once...and got a grub bootloader line15:50
Loofwhich is good... a nice start15:50
Loofwent back in... did update-grub... redid the install15:50
Loofand get to a blank screen on boot15:50
Loofno clear indication of what's going on15:50
Loofat least lilo had it's little boot indicators15:51
LoofHey, can I still use lilo?15:51
skrewleri dunno, use syslinux15:51
LoofIsn't syslinux some MSDOS bootloader?15:51
skrewlerwhatever the equiv of iosolinux/pxelinux/syslinux15:52
skrewlerthat shit works15:52
Loofskrewler: Selecting 'boot from first disk' on the cd didn't help15:52
LoofThis is annoying... I'm wasting useful hours...15:53
skrewlerso there's this alternate install CD that I've used in the past15:53
LoofBleh, is CentOS really a better choice for a server?15:53
skrewleri'd run 10.0415:54
ScottKDepends on what you want.  Centos tends to have ancient stuff.  If you're good with ancient, then it's something to consider.15:55
ScottKUsually Debian and derived distros have a broader and generally more current package selection.15:55
LoofNo luck... the bootloader is clearly kicking in15:58
Loofbut it won't boot15:58
LoofWhy does Ubuntu 11 show NO BOOT MESSAGES AT ALL until you get a prompt?15:59
LoofI've had this fixed for at least an hour15:59
Loofand I had no idea because it doesn't look like it is doing a stinking thing15:59
LoofWho was the genius that thought servers shouldn't display their boot process to the user15:59
Loofit's stupid enough for a desktop to boot with a GUI in front of the boot log15:59
Loofthat's annoying... but understandable15:59
Loofbut a SERVER?!?15:59
LoofThis time I walked away from the stupid thing... and suddenly it's at a boot prompt...16:00
Loofno indication of anything16:00
Loofsporadic disk activity and such, of course16:00
Loofbut nothing huge16:00
LoofBut a raid controller does that even when no OS is running... it does regular disk checks... all by itself16:00
LoofGreat... no login either16:01
LoofWoo, I'm going to have to start from scratch... again... how fun16:02
LoofI could have WRITTEN a boot loader by now16:02
LoofYou know what... it was less difficult and less annoying to manually do the a.out to ELF migration16:02
LoofThis was downright silly16:02
LoofSo, lessons learned...16:03
Loofchroot on 11.04 is broken if you have an IDE disk + a SCSI disk installed16:03
Loofgrub is broken if you have an IDE disk + a SCSI disk installed16:03
Loofthe installed does a grub install BEFORE a grub update16:04
Loofso if you go into rescue mode and install your bootloader... you get a grub prompt blinking back at you16:04
Loofand the icing on the cake... there's no indication you've succesfully booted until you get a login prompt... not a thing16:04
LoofAnyone want to create the 4 bug reports for this?16:05
LoofThe chroot one is the most disturbing part... chroot should be a VERY simply program and has existed for ages... why it cares if there are 2 devices instead of 1... I have no clue16:06
martynIs the ubuntu-server email list the appropriate place to post the PXE u-boot patches?16:08
koolhead11|afkkirkland, thanks :)16:14
zulmartyn: for cobbler?16:23
zulmartyn: or uboot in general?16:23
martynFor ubuntu server on arm16:23
martynIt's okay .. got a hold of  jcrigby16:23
zulmartyn: i would use launchpad but arm is a weirdo arch ;)16:24
martynwe're working on making it non-weirdo :)16:24
martynin fact, working on making it dead-bog-boring-standard :)16:24
=== hallyn_afk is now known as hallyn
zulhallyn: seems to work16:28
hallynzul: cool16:28
hallyn(my _afk designation, apparently, means nothing - i never remember to change it or change it back :)16:28
hallynzul: can you upload?16:28
zulyep will do so in a couple of minutes16:28
hallynzul: thanks!16:29
_WallyWould a Dell Dim3000 with a Intel Celeron 2.40ghz  512mb Ram be enough for a home server?16:29
_WallyIt can still be used as a computer right?16:29
_WallyMore Ram?16:31
patdk-wkdepends on what it will be doing16:35
jmarsdenSome people's home computing needs are just running a shell from which to ssh into their servers :) :)16:47
zulsmb: ill assign you dom0 stuff or should that spec concertrate on the userland stuff?16:53
jamespagezul: any guidance on which list I should use for the  jenkins packages?16:53
jamespagesorry - for the maintainer of these packages?16:54
zuljamespage: which list?16:54
* jamespage thinks he might start again16:54
jamespageso I'm polishing the packages ready for upload to the archive for Jenkins16:54
jamespagecurrently maintainer is set as the launchpad team for hudson packaging16:55
jamespageshould this switch to a ubuntu.com list or stay as is?16:55
zulubuntu.com is pretty standard16:55
jamespagezul: ubuntu-devel-discuss? would make my life easier in terms of package updates....16:56
zuli was just thinking about that as well, do we have a wiki page for the jenkins packaes where we can keep track of which one has been uploaded, which has problems etc etc16:56
zuljamespage: agreed16:56
zuljamespage: just run update-maintainer16:56
jamespagezul: :-) absolutely16:57
jamespagethere is an existing wiki page; I'm working on a new one specifically to track progress at the moment.16:57
zul and how many beverages you owe me16:57
zuljamespage: cool beans16:57
=== marrusl is now known as marrusl_afk
Proz01dhey guys.... i'm trying to run openvpn on 10.04LTS 64 and I am gettin ga permission error "Error redirecting stdout/stderr to --log file: openvpn.log: Permission denied (errno=13)" so i tried running sudo openvpn server.conf andall i get is a blinking cursor on the next line with nothing happening.  wait for a while and need to ctrl=c to stop it in order to get a regular promtp17:14
ap0csudo su -17:14
ap0c /etc/init.d/openvpn start17:14
ap0cactually iirc there was a script you had to build to start it, but iirc you definitely have to run it as root17:15
Proz01dUnknown id: /etc/init.d/openvpn17:17
ap0cyeah there should be a startup script17:18
ap0cthat loads iptables17:18
ap0cand loads the drivers17:18
ap0cwait bad thread17:19
ap0clook at the openvpn-startup.sh17:19
ScottKap0c: All you have to do is enable ufw.  That's what it does.17:20
ap0cautomatically adds the roads for the bridge?17:20
ScottKNo.  Loads iptables for firewalling.17:20
ap0cyeah, but with a bridge or a vpn you have to open the hole for the remote side17:21
ScottKI misunderstood the context.  Sorry17:21
ScottKjdstrand: Can you do that with ufw yet?17:21
koolhead11|afkRoAkSoAx, I have documented a small cobbler setup with natty and custom DHCP server and also wrote custom preseed file for the same. can i update the current cobbler documentation with it?17:21
ap0cand by roads i meant routes, whoops17:21
koolhead11|afkif its okey17:21
jdstrandwell, the way I use openvpn, I open up port 1194 on the server and do nothing on the client17:22
uvirtbotNew bug: #723419 in mcollective (universe) "Fix libdir" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/72341917:22
jdstrandufw allows outgoing connections with tracking, so it should just work17:23
ap0c if you're not building a bridge that would work17:23
jdstrandnow, if you want to allow services on the client to be accissible on the server or behind it, you'll have to add a different rule17:23
jdstrandI am not building a bridge17:23
jdstrandufw doesn't do anything with bridging17:23
ap0coh... i stand corrected17:25
jdstrand(that is at a lower level). bug 573461 discusses some of the issues and what to do17:25
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 573461 in ufw "UFW blocks libvirt bridged traffic" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57346117:25
RoAkSoAxkoolhead11|afk sure add snother section17:29
koolhead11|afkRickardo1, cool.  cobbler all in one :) thanks17:30
koolhead11|afkRoAkSoAx, i meant :P17:31
smbzul, I won't mind getting assigned the kernel task in your list. And maybe I should move that task I got over to your list. Need to think it over, but probably not today.17:37
zulsmb: sure lemme know what you come up with and well talk them17:37
uuser123is their any other way to add nic 2 and 3 other then editing /etc/network/interface17:37
pmatulisuuser123: add nics?  you mean configure them?17:40
* koolhead11|afk bows to zul 17:40
uuser123yes i want configure them18:00
uuser123nics are installed but wan some gui frontend to configure them18:01
=== hallyn is now known as hallyn_afk
Proz01di'm trying to run openvpn (not the daemon) via the "openvpn server.conf" command18:35
netratProz01d, you might want to run "openvpn --config server.conf"18:36
Proz01dhowever i get several errors related to permissions.18:36
Proz01dthat it is unable to open the log files etc..18:36
netratProz01d, post the error messages in pastebin18:37
Proz01d1 sec18:37
netratProz01d, why don't you start openvpn with the init file?18:41
netratProz01d, change your /etc/default/openvpn file to autostart then start openvpn with /etc/init.d/openvpn start18:42
netratProz01d, you can't run openvpn as a non-root user, it needs to start as root then it drops permissions18:43
Proz01dnetrat: thanks for the help seems to be running with the script. i checked the logs and no errors :)19:49
Proz01di was following this guide :http://openvpn.net/index.php/open-source/documentation/howto.html#start19:52
netratProz01d, your welcome20:00
Proz01dnetrat: any idea how i would run it from the command line20:11
Proz01dwith permissions.20:11
uvirtbotNew bug: #784797 in clamav (main) "[Natty] freshclam.conf has invalid characters and cannot be parsed" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78479720:26
=== hallyn_afk is now known as hallyn
aBs0lut30hey guys, got a problem... am setting up samba with winbind... seem to have the winbind part up and running ok, getent group and passwd both list the domain users and groups, however chown and chgrp both fail when I try and use a domain account... what have I done wrong?21:41
RoyKaBs0lut30: using idmapd?21:48
RoyKconfigured to map to local users with the same username?21:48
aBs0lut30havent changed any of the idmapd config... so its just out of the box, smb.conf has the uid and gid ranges setup though21:50
RoyKaBs0lut30: google for it - you need to configure it to map local users to the domain - and the local users must exist21:55
* RoyK is off for some sleep21:55
quesoI have an ubuntu virtual machine in esx, installed.  I want to do a fresh install over it with the .iso again.  I have the boot order correct (CD-ROM, hard disk) in the BIOS, but it keeps booting into the OS instead of off the CD-ROM .iso.  Any idea why?22:06
quesoha, nevermind22:10
bencc how can I see how many file descriptor a user uses?22:27
benccI'm running a network stress test from a terminal and I want to see how many file descriptors the user use22:27
patdk-lapthe user? or system?22:27
patdk-lapI should hope you turned off the limits for the user22:27
patdk-lapmaybe, lsof -n -u user | wc -l22:29
benccpatdk-lap: it gives me 453122:30
benccbut ulimit -n gives me 102422:30
bencchow can that be?22:30
patdk-lapulimit is per process22:30
patdk-laphow many different processes are there?22:30
patdk-lapheh? you can't even login with 1 process22:31
benccit's an erlang program that uses erlang processes22:31
benccso how can I see how many file descriptors a specific proc is using?22:31
patdk-lapman lsof22:32
LenhixHello. Which package provides /etc/init.d/saslauthd? Seems it's not libsasl2-modules23:10
LenhixPerhaps sasl2-bin?23:10
hallynLenhix: have you tried 'dpkg -S /etc/init.d/saslauthd'?23:36
hallyn(i don't have it installed so can't trivially check myslef)23:37
hallyn(but src package shows it is in fact sasl2-bin)23:40
flowbeehow can i find out the VERSION of a particular package... i.e. redis-server23:40
flowbee the version it would have installed.. (considering whether or not to install from source)23:40
lifesfHi,.. i've been looking around on the net and have not managed to find an answer that would help me understand what I haven't done right yet... I am trying to access ftp on a fresh LAMP... before even checking if i had proftpd installed (since i could not manage to get access via ftp:// ) i tried installing it and ended up install proftd-basic or whatever that is... now i have that much23:41
lifesfmore on the server and still don't know how to access my ftp... oh and i do have webmin installed and swat now (i thought i could just go through there to trade my files) and still neither i can actually use23:41
uvirtbotNew bug: #784904 in libaio (main) "package libaio-dev (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite '/usr/include/libaio.h', which is also in package libaio:i386 0.3.104-1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78490423:42
lifesfI think i've found a temporary solution,.. after hours of research .. 2min after writing this... through webmin, a sharing button via windows23:45
lifesfnope still doesn't work23:46

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