
AzelphurMattJ: you about? trying to get prosody to start, but it  keeps saying that it doesn't have permission to read any of the keys in /etc/prosody/certs, even though they are chmod 777'd00:37
MattJPart of me is about00:37
Azelphursome is better than none :D00:37
MattJWhat about the certs directory itself?00:37
MattJsudo su prosody touch /etc/prosody/certs/some.cert00:38
MattJsu isn't needed there, -u00:38
AzelphurMattJ: yea, that got it :)00:40
=== zebedee_ is now known as z3b3ed33
AzelphurMattJ: lol, spectrum is spooky, must have forgotten to copy something, in it's logs it lists my entire contact list so it's obviously connecting, yet I don't sign into MSN :p00:48
MattJYay :)00:49
=== z3b3ed33 is now known as z3b3d33
ubuntuuk-planet[Jono Bacon] Providing More Scalable Community Growth And Mentoring - http://www.jonobacon.org/2011/05/18/providing-more-scalable-community-growth-and-mentoring/01:25
AlanBellmorning all07:36
diploMorning all08:05
Apacheukran across this this morning... trying to ease myself into some work this morning http://www.dedoimedo.com/computers/linux-world-map.html08:14
hoovermorning all08:38
=== dogmatic69_ is now known as dogmatic69
brobostigongood morning everyone.08:55
TheOpenSourcererFeels like the afternoon already. I've been up since 05:21 for some weird reason.09:04
=== ChrisB_ is now known as Guest50984
MartijnVdSCoffee overdose?09:07
siliconmeadowTheOpenSourcerer: snap09:11
siliconmeadowactually it was 5.18 for me09:12
dogmatic69anyone owned / played with a synology backup thingy09:12
MartijnVdSI have09:12
MartijnVdSit works great09:12
* dogmatic69 got one at work this week09:12
dogmatic69seems awesome09:12
MartijnVdSit even rsync over the interwebs09:12
MartijnVdS(there's a big synology wiki on there somewhere with howtos)09:13
dogmatic69i love raid5 with miss mached HDD's09:13
siliconmeadowIn Lucid and maverick, I could zoom in the whole display by holding ctrl and using the scroll wheel on the mouse. I can't seem to do so in Natty. Any suggestions where to look? Can't seem to find it in keyboard shortcuts or anywhere else.09:14
siliconmeadowsynology's web interface is absolutely stunning, btw09:14
siliconmeadowDSM 3.2, I think09:14
MartijnVdSyeah, it rocks09:14
siliconmeadowi've got a 4-bay one with 4 x 2tb drives in it09:15
dogmatic69MartijnVdS: trying to use rhythmbox on it is not great so far09:15
MartijnVdSdogmatic69: Oh I don't use it like that09:15
MartijnVdSdogmatic69: I rsync my music collection to it every night, as a backup09:15
dogmatic69ah ok09:15
MartijnVdSdogmatic69: only things I do put on there directly are videos09:16
dogmatic69it has done crazyness to my desktop :/09:16
siliconmeadowdogmatic69: I've had success using the synology box as an XMBC source09:16
MartijnVdS(its SMB support > NFS, because of uid madness)09:16
MartijnVdSsiliconmeadow: it works great as an UPnP/DLNA server for my TV09:16
dogmatic69you know in nautilis, left menu (drives etc)... its added every folder in the music drive +- 500 :(09:16
MartijnVdSdogmatic69: you must have dragged your music to the bookmarks box?09:17
MartijnVdSor did you mount all music folders separately?09:17
MartijnVdS(never seen that before)09:17
dogmatic69i did rhythmbox -> import folder -> music folder -> add09:17
MartijnVdSah yes.09:17
MartijnVdSDon't do that.09:18
MartijnVdSThat makes gvfs do crazy things.09:18
dogmatic69things died, dark screen, flashing and smoke... pow09:18
dogmatic69i dont want to right click remove 500 folders09:18
MartijnVdSdogmatic69: you don't have to -- gvfs-mount -s smb09:19
siliconmeadowdogmatic69: symlink it?09:19
MartijnVdSdogmatic69: does that work?09:19
dogmatic69also it keeps loosing connection doing that09:19
dogmatic69^ my way09:19
dogmatic69i was thinking a link would be better... how would i do that?09:19
wintellectIf I wanted to install a full KDE setup on an Ubuntu install - which apt pkg should I go for?  (and will the KDE option automatically appear in the GDM menu?)09:20
MartijnVdSdogmatic69: that won't help, it'll follow the symlink (to the smb mount) and do the same thing it did before09:20
MartijnVdSdogmatic69: you could try mounting it using FUSE and cifsfs, so gvfs doesn't pick it up and it looks "local"ish09:20
dogmatic69MartijnVdS: so what is it you said? -- gvfs ...09:20
dogmatic69where do i do that?09:20
MartijnVdSdogmatic69: in a terminal09:20
dogmatic69just -- gvfs-mount -s smb ?09:21
MartijnVdSdogmatic69: on the machine where you have the 500 Samba shares mounted09:21
MartijnVdSyes, it means "gvfs-mount --unmount-scheme smb" -> it unmounts everything in the smb:// namespace09:21
MartijnVdS(that's used by gvfs, most GTK apps use that)09:21
dogmatic69--: command not found09:22
MartijnVdSdon't type the -- :)09:22
MartijnVdSstart with gvfs-mount09:22
dogmatic69just figured that part :D09:22
siliconmeadowwintellect: maybe sudo apt-get kde-full or kde-standard09:22
dogmatic6910.10 dont have that09:23
wintellectsiliconmeadow: cool, thanks. What about the GDM thing?09:23
siliconmeadowwintellect: perhaps try sudo apt-get -s install first09:23
MartijnVdSdogmatic69: it doesn't? what does it say?09:23
siliconmeadowwintellect: I think it will give you the chance to choose the desktop you want when you log in09:23
wintellectsiliconmeadow: sweet. Thanks09:23
oimonhmm i thought it was apt-get install kubuntu-desktop09:23
dogmatic69missing the -mount thing, busy installing09:24
wintellectoimon: will that remove Gnome or anything?09:24
siliconmeadowwintellect: oimon might be right too09:24
wintellectoimon: ok, thanks09:24
MartijnVdSdogmatic69: it's in gvfs-bin09:24
wintellectoimon: presumably that will keep GDM and add an option for KDE as siliconmeadow said?09:24
dogmatic69MartijnVdS: tx, installed that... ran it (small delay and no output)09:25
dogmatic69still have million files09:25
oimonwintellect: yes, in fact it will ask during the apt-get whether you want gdm or kdm09:25
MartijnVdSdogmatic69: can you post a screenshot?09:25
wintellectoimon: perfect, thanks!09:25
MartijnVdS!screenshot | dogmatic09:25
lubotu3dogmatic: Screenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://imagebin.org/?page=add and post a link to it.09:25
siliconmeadowwintellect: if you do an "apt-get show kde-full" you might get some ideas, and then compare it with kde-standard and kubuntu-desktop09:25
wintellectsiliconmeadow: swet! Thanks09:25
dogmatic69MartijnVdS: they were showing the link icon, and after removing one manually they turned to a normal folder icon09:26
siliconmeadowwintellect: I just did a comparison, and I'd do the kubuntu-desktop like oimon said09:27
MartijnVdSdogmatic69: Please, a screenshot :)09:27
MartijnVdSdogmatic69: (maybe Alt+Prtscr to do a single-window shot)09:27
wintellectsiliconmeadow: very kind of you to check. Will do - and much appreciated09:28
dogmatic69MartijnVdS: screenie coming, figured out how to 'properly' add the music in the mean time, by accident :D09:29
MartijnVdSdogmatic69: "oops"09:29
dogmatic69there is an icon in rhythmbox for auto found music shares... <3 ubuntu09:30
MartijnVdSyeah that's the itunes sharing bit09:30
dogmatic69its an itunes share thing on synology box09:31
dogmatic69alt+print screen is not working btw (tried both left and right alt)09:32
MartijnVdSstrange, did you remove the screenshot program?09:32
dogmatic69not that i know of, print screen works fine for the whole screen09:34
siliconmeadowdogmatic69, MartijnVdS - I like shuttter, have you seen it?09:34
MartijnVdSsiliconmeadow: I don't make screenshots THAT often09:34
siliconmeadowI do several times a day09:34
dogmatic69i do a few a week09:35
oimonshutter is a good app for screenshots09:36
MartijnVdSI do a few a year, max.09:37
dogmatic69MartijnVdS: http://oi56.tinypic.com/d648z.jpg09:38
dogmatic69everything below 'CI server'09:38
MartijnVdSdogmatic69: those are bookmarks09:38
MartijnVdSdogmatic69: you can edit them out of ~/.gtk-bookmarks09:39
dogmatic69ah ok09:39
dogmatic69that was easy09:39
dogmatic69got 3x google chrome processes using 20% ram :(09:41
dogmatic69time for a reboot09:41
oimonor close chrome :)09:42
MartijnVdSyeah, just restart chrome :)09:42
dogmatic69o.o http://oi53.tinypic.com/24vog9x.jpg09:45
dogmatic694gigs ram in total09:45
dogmatic69siliconmeadow: any easy ways to upload, ala pastebinit for images?09:47
siliconmeadowdogmatic69: CI server? Continuous Integration?09:48
dogmatic69siliconmeadow: correct, one of them09:48
siliconmeadowshutter uploads, publishes and then gives me the link09:48
siliconmeadowIn Maverick, it used to put it straight onto the clipboard for me, but I'm trying to figure out why it doesn't with Natty09:49
siliconmeadowi have to go to Nautilus and get it from the context menu>Ubuntu One09:50
gordhttp://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-13429217 - interesting09:50
JamesTaitHello people! :D09:52
davmor2morning all10:00
MooDoodavmor2: morning matey10:01
bigcalm1st panel of today's XKCD is a hoot10:01
davmor2MooDoo: How's you me old mucka10:02
* davmor2 prods czajkowski 10:02
MooDoodavmor2: bored but ok10:03
* MooDoo prods czajkowski too10:03
* czajkowski prods both MooDoo and davmor2 10:05
dogmatic69anyone seen that?10:08
BigRedSyeah, I've been fiddling with it this morning10:08
TommehYeah, not as good as the xkcd one :p10:08
dogmatic69BigRedS: is it just a js -> (php/cgi) -> shellexec or something?10:09
BigRedSAIUI, it's qemu written in JS10:09
dwatkinsIt's a tiny image, and has no networking, but appears to be a working implementation of a virtual machine in javascript.10:26
popeymorning slackers10:27
MooDoopopey: morning ;)10:27
BigRedSIt does have a helloworld.c and a tiny c compiler10:27
BigRedSthat's all I've been knobbing around with10:28
popeycould you copy/paste code in?10:28
brobostigonmorning popey10:29
BigRedSpopey: not that I've found10:29
BigRedSer, I've not found a way to10:29
dwatkinsyeah, it's a shame there's no network stack and I imagine serial wouldn't work either.10:30
BigRedSfrom discussion elsewhere, I think he's using keypress detection rather than anything that'd cope with a stream of clipboard text10:30
dwatkinsstill, pretty good for what it is10:30
BigRedSyeah, I think it's a fair chunk of awesome10:31
* bigcalm waves from his new connection :)10:46
dwatkinshooray, hope it speedtests nice and fast, bigcalm10:47
selinuxiummorning all   o/10:54
popeynice reliable connection bigcalm has there :)10:57
selinuxiumhi popey MooDoo.10:57
* selinuxium is using unity and actually quite liking it... 10:58
selinuxiumSome quirks I could stamp on but... It is just different, not broken...10:58
selinuxiumSystem Setting under the power button??? Had to have DJones point that one out to me...11:02
gordy'know, there are a lot of quirks, small bugs, that kind of thing, in unity right now. we know, would be awesome to get some community contributors getting involved though :) could make 11.10 absolutely rock11:02
gordwe had a few very dedicated contributors last cycle, they were awesome11:02
selinuxiumand bigcalm is back!  :)11:04
bigcalmThis is fun11:04
bigcalmEvery time I add a new mac address to get a static IP, the router reboots11:04
* bigcalm sighs11:04
gordyes. your life is ssoooooo hard. my router reboots whenever you change *anything* and i get 1.98mbit >:(11:05
selinuxiumI was wondering if there was a tips and tricks with unity page/video somewhere that someone could recommend?11:05
gordselinuxium, http://castrojo.tumblr.com/post/4795149014/the-power-users-guide-to-unity11:07
selinuxiumgord you genius! : )11:07
popeyBigRedS: static IP? whywhywhy?11:07
popeyer bigcalm11:07
popeytoo many bigs11:07
popeybigcalm: why not just use hostnames to connect to boxen11:07
gordbig is the new alan11:08
popeywhat!? never!11:08
* popey notes nobody is in #big11:08
gordhaha i forgot about your alan channel11:08
popeyyet there are two people (and a bot) in #thealans!11:08
selinuxiumgord: Well that is at least three Alan's offended... :)11:08
popeydon't oppress me!11:09
popeyAlan's are people too!11:09
=== selinuxium is now known as IamAnAlanToo
* bigcalm chuckles11:09
bigcalmpopey: the revo is my dev server, I need to point vhosts at its IP11:10
bigcalmThe wee plastic spanner that came with the hub was pants11:11
* IamAnAlanToo hates static IP... 11:11
bigcalmpopey: also, port forwarding requires an IP address not a named device11:12
popeyah yes, so true11:12
* IamAnAlanToo also wants to bring the Clue by Two for people how put things in there local hosts file... 11:12
IamAnAlanToobigcalm, true   :)11:13
popeyyou could hardwire the IP on the boxen rather than the router :)11:13
bigcalmSure, lots of ways to do the same thing :)11:13
popey$ wc -l /etc/hosts11:13
popey545 /etc/hosts11:13
IamAnAlanToopopey, :)11:13
=== IamAnAlanToo is now known as selinuxium
bigcalmAbout the change the wifi channel. What's the betting that the router reboots itself again?11:21
bigcalmOh, I am surprised11:24
TheOpenSourcererAnyone got IE9 and something else on a machine they could check something for me quickly?11:35
selinuxiumI can...11:36
DJonesI can11:36
* bigcalm wishes he didn't11:43
oimonyay, got my ubuntu kiosk box working :)11:46
dwatkinsnifty, oimon11:47
gordoimon, now put it somewhere public so nerds can crowd around and try to figure out how to break it11:48
oimonthinking of putting it in the roof cavity11:48
oimonkeyboard plus alt-f4 will close firefox :(11:48
DJonesoimon: Just break the F4 key, superglue it in the up position so it can't be used11:50
oimonhehe ...there's no kb attached, so i could break every keyboard in the world11:51
oimonhmmm maybe i should run with a more basic DE than gnome then...11:53
selinuxiumremap Alt-F4 to do something else..11:53
oimonmind you , students aren't technically curious nowadays like we used to be :)11:53
DJonesoimon: Come on, be honest, they're still as curious, the first question they'll ask is "Can you get Facebook on it" :)11:54
dwatkinshow about if someone manages to start a softkeyboard, oimon? Just thinking of all the possibilities.11:55
oimonDJones: they don't care anymore, it's on their idevice11:55
oimonhmm may need to do a lockdown desktpo11:57
DJonesoimon: Good reply, had to laugh last night, we were supposed to have visitors who cancelled so my wife said it was good and would give her chance to do her college assignment and then she spent the next few hours on facebook11:57
oimoni overheard a teenager saying it was easy in our day becasuse of no internet...however distraction from revision can take many forms...playing on my SNES or Archimedes, or even tidying my room...maybe the PSN going offline will result in higher results than usual11:59
bigcalmSomebody care to remind me how to change the default text editor for the CLI?12:00
DJonesoimon: Or for the even older, hunting for food and trying to make fire :)12:00
hamitronin "our day", computers were not the only thing to life12:00
dwatkinsoimon: I think Chrome OS is fairly locked down, how about using that?12:00
dwatkinsoimon: Archimedes++12:00
oimonbigcalm: export EDITOR=vim12:02
hamitronI didn't even realise there was a default editor12:03
oimonalthough there might be a newer and better way..12:03
bigcalmoimon: ta12:05
bigcalmCan you find out what shell is in use?12:05
bigcalm~/.bashrc isn't being run AFAICT12:06
oimonecho $SHELL12:06
bigcalmIt is using bash, just seems weird12:06
MooDooawoodland: povray ftw!12:07
awoodlandI did that annoying thing where whilst xchat is connecting you start typing something in one channel/server and then it switches focus half way through12:07
oimonnice password ;)12:08
awoodlandnot done that for a while12:09
awoodland(I don't think?)12:09
awoodlandI was mostly just worried that povray would be OT in here and so would annoy people12:10
dwatkinsbigcalm: bash uses different dot-files depending on whether you're in screen or not, check .profile as well. I need to do some testing to find out which files are actually called at login.12:14
MooDooawoodland: don't worry, if it turns out to be OT, there are plenty of people in here that will moan at you ;)12:14
oimonmy .bash_profile has a line which calls .bashrc12:14
bigcalmdwatkins: it was in .profile. Thanks :)12:15
dwatkinsbigcalm: woot12:16
bigcalmGah, the pager was set to more12:16
shaunoI think it's .profile for login shells, and .bashrc for non-login shells (unless it's a non-login shell invoked as /bin/sh ....)12:28
shaunonever understood why :/12:28
gordwell - i broke the android market. i am sitting in a limbo state where i have and have not purchased an app12:30
oimoni realised something cool i could use my phone for12:36
daubersoimon, Speaking to people over a long distance?12:36
MooDoooimon: door stop?12:36
oimoneven better..perform an inventory of all my DVD and books using the barcode scanner12:36
oimonideally to import into gcstar or tellico12:38
dogmatic69daubers: talk to people with a phone ?!? wth12:42
daubersdogmatic69: Am I now "old fashioned"?12:47
* dogmatic69 buys phones according to the number of axes one the accelerometer12:48
davmor2dogmatic69: wow accelerometers with axes isn't that dangerous, I mean that'll ruin your pockets everytime you drop your phone in surely12:50
davmor2dogmatic69: yes top line on the link ;)12:52
JGJonesoimon there's an app for that! - look up Inventory, works with Barcode scanner.12:54
oimonJGJones: great, i'll have a look..android app?12:55
oimoni tried shelves app which is great except some bugs with the bulk scan make it useless for me12:55
JGJonesoimon, no idea how good...I last used it just over a year ago.12:56
oimonJGJones: which developer please? i see a couple of apps called inventory13:04
JGJonesI can't remember to be honest...been over a year! :) Try the one by XMS Developers13:08
oimonthats the one i installed :)13:10
gord=\ whenever some utility opens an editor for you, it should have to label it very very well. fed up of trying to wq inside of nano13:13
oimonanyone have experience with collection managers in ubuntu? i have a list of UPC /barcodes and none of the programs seem to offer import of barcodes and subsequent search13:21
brobostigonthe queen and the duke of edinburgh, dont seem to like stout. however i am sure the duke of edinburgh was tempted.14:17
davmor2You can see him slow down saying "Bag me crate I'll swig it down off camera"14:24
brobostigonyeah, :)14:25
gordhttp://acko.net/blog/on-termkit - what happens when osx people design a terminal14:25
oimongord: i'm not sure if this is good or bad14:29
BigRedSI would very much like a syntax-highlighted cat14:29
oimoni disagree on the usability statements14:30
oimonit is very usable and unambiguous14:30
BigRedSit does look like it'll be a worst-of-both mix of gui and cli14:30
oimon"Additionally, Unix has a habit of giving you raw data, but not telling you useful facts, e.g. 'r-xr-xr-x' instead of "You can't touch this""14:30
oimoni know which is more useful14:30
BigRedSunix assumes the user knows what they're doing. That's long been a downside to new people and an advantage to people who know what they're doing14:31
oimonat some point you need to know what you're doing though14:31
shaunoif that's how osx people design a terminal, how long until we see a barely functional clone in ubuntu ;)14:33
BigRedSoimon: yeah. And you find out what you're doing by trying14:34
BigRedSand, once you do, it's quicker to do it the know-what-you're-doing way14:34
BigRedShence that being default for forty or so years...14:34
ali1234gord: i've been asking for a shell like that for years14:38
ali1234this guy stole my idea14:39
ali1234almost exactly14:39
gordmozilla made something that is basically the same 10 years ago14:39
ali1234really mozilla made a shell where "cat foo.png" displays the image instead of corrupting your shell?14:39
gordyou want to use eog foo.png14:40
ali1234no i don't14:40
ali1234i want *any* program that writes raw binary image data to stdout to result in the image being displayed14:40
ali1234as described in the article14:40
gordso how would you view binary data in files?14:41
ali1234the same way nautilus does14:41
gordhere it is: http://www.xml.com/pub/a/2000/06/07/xmlterm/index.html14:42
ali1234if i double click on a file in nautilus it chooses the correct program14:42
shaunoif I actually want to see binary in a stream, it gets piped into hexdump14:42
ali1234if i cat the same file in shell, it should determine the correct file type, and embed it inline in the shell window14:42
ali1234yes, exactly14:42
ali1234hexdump if i want to see the binary14:43
gordi think what you actually want, is better keyboard controls for nautilus14:43
ali1234catting a bin direct to the display just messes up the terminal14:43
shaunoI've never actually wanted to dump the entire contents of a binary file to the terminal.  it just makes the term beep a lot, then sit and wait for me to reset it14:43
ali1234no, i don't want keyboard controlled nautilus14:43
ali1234that's the dumbest thing i've ever heard of14:43
ali1234i want a shell with pipes that understands filetypes other than ascii14:43
ali1234and utf-714:43
shaunoit seems like an interesting idea, but I'd be very concerned about how much of what I'm used to would break in the process14:44
gordcat foo.png > ohgodthiswontwork14:44
ali1234xmlterm seems to do the same thing but requires that all shell programs be made xml aware14:46
ali1234i don't understand why that is necessary14:46
ali1234if nautilus can determine filetype without xml junk then so can the shell14:46
shaunoit was 2000.  everything had to be xml aware.  even your fridge.14:46
ali1234oh yeah i guess14:46
shaunojust like this one's all html5.14:47
ali1234so is this termkit thing a real program i can download?14:48
ali1234damn it's os x only14:50
ali1234someone port it pleeeeeeease14:51
ali1234hey wait i have a mac right here14:51
ali1234going to try it14:52
BigRedSDoes there exist a really easy git/svn mirror/gateway thing? I don't branch or anything, but I'd like all my git commmits/pushes to be svn commited to a separate repo14:52
brobostigonafternoonings livingdaylight :)14:59
livingdaylighti'm still looking for a laptop!14:59
livingdaylightSony Vaio EA3S1 are looking good or Samsung P530.... so many of them the chassis gets so hot! a cool chassis is one of my top criteria, and those two seems possible candidates. Surprised how lenovos let me down on that score15:01
popey:( Sony15:01
BigRedSMy lenovo's not that hot15:01
BigRedSI don't know how cool is cool, though15:01
livingdaylightthey definitely range from cool to fry your egg on here15:02
livingdaylightpopey, :( ?15:02
* BigRedS discovers ctrl+alt+numpad in unity15:02
BigRedSlivingdaylight: ooh, different models as different temps, or same ones all over the place?15:03
livingdaylightnot easy finding a laptop that has at least i3 processor, hdmi out, and is cool and quiet15:03
popeyBigRedS: i like middle click on the title bar which is new to me15:03
popeyalso CTRL+ALT+S15:03
BigRedSyeah, I saw that on the lists earlier15:03
BigRedSc-a-s doesn't do anything for me,though. is that a 3d only thing?15:04
BigRedSI'm a bit miffed that a rotated screen apparently costs me my 3d15:04
livingdaylightBigRedS, certain make and models seem to be hot in general whilst others focus on keeping their system as cool as possible. HP's I found to be little ovens on the whole; after I nearly got the g62 i3 for £34915:04
livingdaylightread interview with RSM in LInux Format where he mentioned what laptop he uses, but forgot name already; slightly more obscure one15:05
livingdaylightpopey, what is the politics of sony vis a vis linux that you frown upon, or is there another reason you object to their machines?15:06
livingdaylighttheir E series in 14" are sweet if not on the pricey side; but that aside one of the better ones out there i thought.15:07
ali1234hmm i just noticed that os x has windicators15:08
kvarleylivingdaylight: Sony treat their customers like dirt, that's why people have objections to their systems. Not because of the systems themselves but because of the ethics which Sony adopt (or lack of)15:08
livingdaylightkvarley, ok, didn't know that. In fact what one guy told sounded quite the contrary saying that their pick up and return on machines was exemplary15:10
ali1234unless you installed linux15:10
ali1234then they won't honour the warranty15:10
livingdaylightare they the only ones to adopt that attitude?15:11
kvarleylivingdaylight: I have no personal experience of Sony hardware as a computer. I just no they have a terrible record with their games consoles. I was foolish enough to buy one of them, never again.15:11
livingdaylighti bought an msi cr620 and was bitterly disappointed. The noise it makes was intrusive and distracting; hence decided I rather pay a little more for something I gonna enjoy using15:12
ali1234next time buy a thinkpad15:13
ali1234does anyone know what this mysterious npm command is? it has something to do with node.js i guess15:13
livingdaylightthey're definitely too pricey, and found that they're all very hot !15:13
popeylivingdaylight: I just don't particularly like the way sony proprietorise everything they touch15:20
popeylivingdaylight: I'd personally buy a thinkpad or a macbook15:21
livingdaylightpopey, ditto. I hate the way they all do that as much as they can. In addition all laptops come with tremendous amount of bloatware and 60-day trials... Welcome to the monetary system... I hope it crumbles soon...15:22
gordmy thinkpad is coming with an install of microsoft office, i didn't pay an extra £200 for the key though15:25
gordso that will be fun15:25
BigRedSFWIG, you can just uninstall it15:25
BigRedSI've never booted mine into the windows install, though15:25
gordfor what its.. erm, girth?15:26
BigRedSfrom what I gather15:26
BigRedSI seem to keep finding myself using non-standard initialisms15:26
BigRedSI think I must just make them up, and most people just ignore me :)15:27
DJonesgord: My new laptop came with an install of MS Office, had the option of putting in a pre-purchased key, or using the free advert supported version of Word & Excel15:27
livingdaylightgord, how much was your thinkpad?15:27
BigRedSDJones: free and add supported? That's a bit scary for the OOo guys15:28
BigRedSor LO15:28
livingdaylightI found the lenovo computers above average hot under the chassis which has put me off them for good.15:28
popeywhy is heat an issue?15:28
DJonesBigRedS: http://arstechnica.com/microsoft/news/2009/10/microsoft-announces-ad-supported-office-starter-2010.ars15:29
livingdaylightmakes my whole nervous system tingle... makes me very uncomfortable15:29
BigRedSMine's warm if I block the air vent, which I frequently do with a knee, but if that's free it's sort-of noticeably warm to the touch but not 'hot'15:29
popeylivingdaylight: what do you do in summer when it's sunny outside?15:29
BigRedSDJones: Ah, so it's an MS Works replacement, and oe only. that's not quite as worrying15:30
gordlivingdaylight, £82115:31
livingdaylightpopey, the environment and touching or being touched by a hot electronic device, is different. Although, I sometimes jump in a cold bath15:31
gordheat is an issue when i'm not feeling well at UDS and want to hide in my room watching the office on my laptop in bed ;)15:31
oimoni've never really noticed problems with hot laptops, maybe that's because i use intel graphics cards15:32
DJonesBigRedS: Yeah, Word & Excel only, but probably for 90% of home users thats all they would want given that you get email with Win 7 anyway, not many home users would want publisher/powerpoint etc15:32
ali1234nope, my netbook gets super hot15:32
oimonmy eee does too, but that's not a laptop :)15:32
gordatom netbooks are about as hot as they get15:32
ali1234any laptop is either going to get hot or it's going to have a loud fan15:33
oimonsweeet, i managed to get tellico working to show the list of DVDs i own15:33
oimonlooking good15:33
oimonscanned using the barcode reader of my android phone15:34
ali1234hmm i wonder what happens if i do 'cat randomfile | xdg-open /dev/stdin'15:36
livingdaylightDo we like Dell?15:39
livingdaylighttheir 15" XPS with dedicated nvidia graphics card looks /sounds good on paper15:39
oimonwow natty is broken on my eee. classic gnome doesn't use gnome-settings-daemon and looks like win2k, and kde fonts are corrupted :(15:40
ali1234dell is ok as long as you don't buy their bargain basement stuff15:43
oimoni find the dell outlet good , especially for purchasing business laptops for home use :D15:44
popeyoimon: known bug15:44
diplolivingdaylight, my XPS was hot, I preferred Inspiron's15:44
diploHad the E5800 range I think15:44
diploran quiet and coolish15:44
popeybug 64980915:44
lubotu3Launchpad bug 649809 in gnome-settings-daemon (Ubuntu Natty) "the session settings manager can try starting before the login screen one exits" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/64980915:44
ali1234ah is that why so many people keep getting the "my desktop look slike win2k" bug?15:45
ali1234luckily i only reboot about 3 times per cycle15:46
oimonis the kde fonts problem related?15:46
ali1234that's glyph cache corruption15:46
ali1234it's a bug in your video driver15:46
ali1234often affects intel15:46
oimonsounds like a doctor who episode15:46
oimonnot sure if its win2k or XFCE :P15:47
ali1234so i tried that termkit shell15:48
ali1234it's quite good15:48
ali1234but it;s really buggy15:48
oimonputty natty on this thing was a massive mistake15:48
ali1234also it doesn't support pipes so it's pointless, i may as well just continue to use nautilus when i need graphical stuff15:48
ali1234still the idea is good, i hope the guy continues it15:49
ali1234xdg-open can't work with stdin...15:53
DJonesTHis is worrying for from a windows point of view, 1 in 14 downloads is malicious http://blogs.msdn.com/b/ie/archive/2011/05/17/smartscreen-174-application-reputation-in-ie9.aspx Presumably that also exclude windows updates :)15:53
ali1234why is it worrying?15:54
DJonesali1234: Just the volume of malicious software15:54
oimonreading OMGubuntu lately makes me realise how it could happen on Ubuntu: they are recommending that people download random zipped apps from a website15:55
oimon^^ http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2011/05/yeoworks-ubuntu-solutions-is-a-handy-tool-kit-for-ubuntu/ not even a ppa15:56
ali1234their definition of "malware" is anything that isn't commonly downlaoded15:56
ali1234their little "app rep" warning won't protect anyone from malware15:58
ali1234it will however block free software developers from shipping software for windows15:58
ali1234"By following industry best practices, developers can accelerate the process of building     a good reputation. For example, signed programs typically build reputation twice     as fast as unsigned programs. We recommend          digitally signing programs with an Authenticode signature. Making     sure that programs are not detected as malware is clearly important as well. The     Windows Logo     process also helps establish a software publisher’s repu16:00
ali1234this is what it is really about ^16:00
ali1234"you better sign your code and get logo certified, otherwise we might tell people your software is a virus"16:00
ali1234anyway i don't find this worrying at all16:04
ali1234the high number of malware downloads on windows onl represents how stupid windows users are16:04
ali1234as long as they don't all start using linux we'll be fine16:04
shaunoheh, oh dear ..16:09
shaunoEurogamer has seen video evidence that verifies reports that Sony's PlayStation Network password reset system suffers from an exploit that allows attackers to change your password using only your PSN account email and your date of birth V information compromised in the PSN hack of 20th April.16:09
ali1234ha ha ha16:09
shaunoI wonder if PSN let you change your date of birth16:10
DJonesHi kazade16:26
DJoneskazade: I was wondering how you were getting on with your twitter client, needed to install one at work & wondered if you'd come across MahTweets on Windows and if there were any ideas in that you could use16:28
kazadeDJones, it's coming along slowly. I've got my minimal feature set almost done but I'm having to rethink how some of the multithreading stuff works16:33
kazadeDJones, are you on 64 bit?16:34
kazadeerm, do you need one for Windows or Ubuntu?16:34
kazadebecause the Windows build will be coming later16:34
DJoneskazade: yes I am16:37
DJoneskazade: I like mahtweets on Windows, Its quite like Gwibber in having an "Everything" column for all accounts16:37
ali1234"Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.7.5) Gecko/20041107 Firefox/1.0" - that's a interesting user agent string17:05
ali1234who is still using such a old mozilla?17:05
Azelphuroldschool :p17:05
ali1234log is from this year17:06
ali1234they don't have flash either17:06
oimoni used to have some mandrake users who didn't receive updates17:07
oimonmaybe similar situation17:07
oimonfedora core 3 users :P17:07
ali1234the website i'm looking at logs for has been successfully viewed (that is, the swf that contains the whole site was downloaded) 3 times in the past 3 months17:07
davmor2ali1234: I'm guessing some one with an old nokia tablet17:08
ali1234no, nokia tablets don't report i686 on the user agent string17:08
ali1234they don't report as firefox either17:09
ali1234there's certainly no maemo that uses firefox 1.017:10
DJonesali1234: http://www.zytrax.com/tech/web/firefox-history.html Maybe that helps, right near the bottom are some Firefox/1.0 entries17:11
davmor2ali1234: the user agent Mozilla 5.0 bit I got right I was close17:17
ali1234everything says that17:18
davmor2ali1234: how about a dapper drake user who thinks the desktop is supported to next month17:18
DJonesLooks like its pre-dapper going on the date on this bug report that seems pretty close https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/firefox/+bug/28048/comments/9217:19
lubotu3Ubuntu bug 28048 in firefox (Ubuntu) "“firefox crash on exit if client certificates used for ssl auth”" [High,Invalid]17:19
DJonesThats dated April/May 200517:19
=== bigcalm_ is now known as bigcalm
jacobwdapper was probably the best release17:35
Laneyyou can still get it17:36
MartijnVdShardy was good too, jacobw17:36
jacobwi know :) i don 't actually want to run it in 2011 though17:37
MartijnVdSand so was lucid.. all LTSes really17:37
jacobwah, i wasn't using ubuntu at the time of hardy17:37
jacobwonly dapper and lucid, dapper impressed me more at the time, probably because of the state of others linuxes at the time17:37
jacobwbefore fedora dropped core :|17:38
davmor2jacobw: Hardy Heron had the best desktop wall paper17:39
MartijnVdSdavmor2: no, warty did :)17:40
MartijnVdS(the "naked people" controversy)17:40
davmor2MartijnVdS: pervert ;)17:40
shauno\o/ naked people17:40
MartijnVdSdavmor2: puritan :)17:40
shaunoI still kinda regret moving off 8.06.  Still can't get my head around upstart :(17:41
* davmor2 picks himself up of the floor17:41
MartijnVdSdavmor2: http://ars.userfriendly.org/cartoons/?id=1998060317:42
davmor2MartijnVdS: nice17:44
MartijnVdSHah.. http://isamypregnant.com/18:03
bigcalmfunction tardis_doesnt_knows() {18:04
popey..How'd you like this knowledge that I brought18:05
popeyare you an independent woman now bigcalm ?18:05
bigcalmIf Matt Smith dies at a 200yo future doctor, does that mean he will be the last of the Time Lords?18:05
MartijnVdSbigcalm: I think it will be fixed by the end of this series/season18:06
shaunoI wondered that myself18:06
MartijnVdSThere must be a perfectly logical explanation :)18:06
bigcalmMartijnVdS: I should hope so, just quite an odd thing to put at the begining of the series18:06
MartijnVdSbigcalm: reddit.com/r/doctorwho if you want wild speculation (spoilers are tagged/hidden by default)18:07
bigcalmTa, but I like to live under my rock :)18:08
MartijnVdSbigcalm: your blue, police box-shaped rock?18:10
jpdsMartijnVdS: Can we just pretend that it's a chair?18:12
MartijnVdSjpds: you can sit on top of it 8_)18:12
kasztan_85Hi, I accidentally removed the system accounts in the Accounts manager in ubuntu 11.04. After restarting the server does not start X. You can fix it somehow?18:29
popeydo you have backups?18:31
kasztan_85popey, no :/18:31
kvarleyusing the usb creator on 11.04 64bit to make a 32bit install usb fails as it makes a 64bit kernel with it for some reason ... any ideas?19:20
=== GentileBen is now known as OmNomDeGaulle
AlanBellhttp://raceonline2012.org should we be involved in this?19:25
ubuntuuk-planet[Laura Czajkowski] Re-approvals for O-Cycle rules and overview - http://www.lczajkowski.com/2011/05/18/re-approvals-for-o-cycle-rules-and-overview/19:25
mfraz74daubers: evening19:30
popeykasztan_85: unetbootin19:32
popeykvarley: unetbootin19:32
popeysorry kasztan_8519:32
kvarleypopey: Yeah, resorted to that, it's a downside to the usb creator tool?19:32
popeylooks like i19:33
popeyfile a bug19:33
popeyEvan is a nice guy19:33
popeyyou're not the first to mention this to me this week19:33
kvarleypopey: Hehe, ok19:34
popey!info usb-creator19:34
lubotu3Package usb-creator does not exist in natty19:34
MartijnVdS!info usb-creator-gtk19:37
lubotu3usb-creator-gtk (source: usb-creator): create a startup disk using a CD or disc image (for GNOME). In component main, is optional. Version (natty), package size 27 kB, installed size 240 kB19:37
MartijnVdSpopey: ^19:37
knightwisehey everyone19:52
BigRedSGood morning!19:52
dauberspopey: Seen on wifes fb account "Popey passed his kennel club bronze award, I think the examiner was swayed by his good looks", made me giggle19:57
shaunothat termkit thing was worse than I was expecting :?20:00
shaunopiping into grep works .. which is handy because wildcards don't20:02
kvarleyHow big should my swap be?20:09
kvarleyI have 1GB of ram20:09
MartijnVdSjust go with what the installer automatically sets20:09
kvarleyMartijnVdS: I'm doing a customized partition layout. I have installed ubuntu many times but have never asked that question before lol20:10
MartijnVdSI have 8G RAM, haven't used swap since I upgraded :)20:10
kvarleyIs it meant to be double the size of your RAM or is that a myth?20:10
MartijnVdSI think it's a myth20:10
MartijnVdSmine's the same as RAM20:11
kvarleyBut you have 8GB :P20:11
MartijnVdSbut that might break suspend-to-disk if I'm using swap20:11
MartijnVdSso RAM + A bit20:11
kvarleyOk thanks :P my normal practice resumes xD20:11
mikeatvillageHi :-) I've just installed Ubuntu 11.04 after trying Lubuntu for a week20:23
MartijnVdSmikeatvillage: do you like it?20:24
mikeatvillageSo far :-)  Unity will not work on my hardware though20:24
MartijnVdShave you tried unity 2d?20:24
MartijnVdSit still a bit buggy, but it works20:24
mikeatvillageNo, I'll stick with this for now20:25
SamJ190494i don't get what all the hate is with unity20:26
MartijnVdSSamJ190494: it's different!20:26
SamJ190494if you don't like it, don't use it20:26
MartijnVdSSamJ190494: that's going to be harder next release (with no "classic" option)20:27
SamJ190494then let the haters go20:27
SamJ190494we dont need them20:27
SamJ190494let them install gentoo20:27
SamJ190494good riddance20:27
MartijnVdSSure, but you can't send them away, can you?20:27
MartijnVdSthey have to go by themselves20:27
knightwisesilly question20:30
knightwisei"ve just upgraded from 10.10 to 11.0420:30
knightwiseand .. i dont like unity20:30
knightwiseso i log in to "ubuntu classic"20:30
knightwisebut now : No more compiz and stuff ?20:31
knightwiseHowcomez ?20:31
SamJ190494how do yo mean no more compiz?20:33
knightwisewel , erm .. no more wobbly windows and stuff20:34
knightwisei had them working before the upgrade20:34
highvoltageyou still get that20:34
highvoltageyou can configure it from ccsm20:34
knightwiseccsm ?20:34
gordhttp://castrojo.tumblr.com/post/5608156855/official-uds-o-group-photos-now-available - i'm not in it again :(20:34
SamJ190494compizconfis settings manager20:34
SamJ190494*compiz comfgis20:34
SamJ190494bah forget it20:34
knightwiseok , i'll check if i have it :)20:34
highvoltageyou'll probably have to install it from software center, it's not installed by default20:35
knightwisei got it ,20:35
knightwisejust need to reconfigure it and stuff ,20:35
knightwisei think20:35
gordalso, just to note, Daviey looks like he has been stabbed in that photo20:38
Myrttithat picture screams for thinglink20:43
Davieygord, where's wally?20:47
DavieyNotice wally is drinking a tea... how terribly british.20:47
SamJ190494i think there is a driver issue with ati and java20:55
popey:) daubers21:01
popeyMartijnVdS: ta21:01
popeykvarley: ubuntu-bug usb-creator-gtk21:01
daubersCan anyone recommend any books about filesystems in general? Even CS textbooks with chapters about it would help me atm21:11
MartijnVdSdaubers: what problem are you trying to solve? :) or just trying to learn?21:12
daubersMartijnVdS: Learn and understand :) Also hitting issues at work, and need to understand where they stem from21:13
MartijnVdSdaubers: http://www.nobius.org/~dbg/practical-file-system-design.pdf  -- first google hit for "filesystem design" :)21:14
daubersMartijnVdS: Trying to find a print copy of that :) Can't read for very long on the lappy screen. Makes my eyes go all woogly21:16
daubersHence after dead tree stuff :)21:16
MartijnVdSdaubers: it contains a bar code/ISBN inside21:16
daubersMartijnVdS, Not in print though21:17
MartijnVdSdaubers: Used from £12 on the amazons21:17
daubersBeen trawling ebay for a copy at a reasonable price21:17
MartijnVdS20 for a "very good" copy21:18
daubersCan't use amazon :( They made me sad too often21:18
MartijnVdSdaubers: They're just the middle man -- they don't sell second-hand stuff themselves21:18
jacobwhas anyone experience of setting up mantis bug tracker?21:18
daubersAlso, was hoping for something that would cover b-tree based filesystems, as all the cool kids seem to be heading that way21:18
MartijnVdSdaubers: hang around in #btrfs? :)21:19
daubersMartijnVdS: That may be so, but they still skim the payment, and I told them to take all my account details off their system :)21:19
daubersMaybe I should just buy a kindle to read the pdf on21:24
ubuntuuk-planet[Matthew Garrett] Macs and Linux - http://mjg59.livejournal.com/136710.html21:25
ubuntuuk-planet[Alistair McKinlay] New Blog Theme - http://www.10people.co.uk/index.php/2011/05/new-blog-theme/21:25
MartijnVdSdaubers: good idea :)21:25
brianb_can someone tell me if you look at the grub.cfg file should the root entry and intrd point to the same hard drive? if you are multibooting from the ubuntu grub2 bootloader into another distro installed on another partition?21:58
ali1234daubers: modern operating systems, tanenbaum22:17
daubersali1234: Ta :)22:18
ali1234tanenbaum's stuff is pretty standard22:18
ali1234it's not the most in depth but it gives you the basics in everything22:18
ali1234computer networks is also very useful22:19
ali1234with those two book and k&r you basically have all the information you need to write your own OS22:19
daubersali1234: Cool, I'll add them to my ebay watchlist22:21
ali1234there's loads of cheap copies on ebay22:27
daubersYup, ones winging it's way to my front door as we speak22:28
ali1234pretty much every comp sci student will have at least one tanenbaum book22:29
ali1234so there's plenty of them floating about22:29
dogmatic69_anyone know how much work there is in getting the following data with bash...22:34
dogmatic69_CPU Utilization, Network In, Network Out, Disk Read Bytes, Disk Write Bytes, Disk Read Ops, and Disk Write Ops22:34
ali1234almost none at all?22:36
ali1234all that info is available through proc22:36
dogmatic69_would it need to run on a cron, or is it already logged?22:36
ali1234if you want to log it try using snmp22:37
ali1234don't do it from cron, that sucks22:37
ali1234/proc/net/snmp /proc/net/snmp622:38
dogmatic69_was hoping to not have dependancies22:38
ali1234i think those 4 cover everything22:38
ali1234you can do it from cron if you want but that's going to suck22:38
ali1234better to use a logging daemon22:39
dogmatic69_how so?22:39
ali1234cron is heavy if you are running the script a lot22:39
ali1234depends what you want the logs for though22:40
dogmatic69_i need to get those details about every 5 or 10 minutes22:41
ali1234yes but what for22:41
dogmatic69_depending on how it works22:41
dogmatic69_pm ok?22:42
ali1234if you must22:42
shaunodependencies aren't always a bad thing.  the shoulders of giants is pretty much the unix way.  find the right tools, tie them together to do what you need.  senseless avoiding the right tools just because someone else wrote them22:44
awilkinsAnyone know how to build the alsa-driver package and get the modules installed?22:48
ali1234awilkins: i did it once, i can't remember how to do it though22:55
awilkinsali1234, Darn, think I found a bug that's annoying me22:55
awilkins'tis in a kernel bit22:56
ali1234i don't recall it being particularly hard22:57
ali1234i think you just go in /usr/source/alsa-driver and do configure; make; make install22:57
awilkinsAh, so you have to install the kernel sources?22:59
awilkinsI have a bzr branch of the alsa-driver package22:59
ali1234you have to install kernel headers at least23:00
awilkinsali1234, I think I have those, the folders are there.23:01
* awilkins installs kernel sources23:01
ali1234!info alsa-driver23:01
lubotu3Package alsa-driver does not exist in natty23:01
ali1234!info alsa-source23:01
lubotu3alsa-source (source: alsa-driver): ALSA driver sources. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.24+dfsg-0ubuntu1 (natty), package size 3766 kB, installed size 4076 kB23:01
ali1234install that package ^23:01
ali1234although alsa-driver is a source package, it "compiles" into a package with source code inside it23:02
ali1234if you really found a bug in alsa it needs to go upstream anyway23:02
awilkinsReported upstream23:03
awilkinsBut these things have a habit of languishing unless someone tests them23:03
awilkinsSo installing the kernel sources gets you a tarball....23:04
* awilkins unpacks23:05
* awilkins copies config from /boot and makes23:06
ali1234is it fixed in upstream?23:06
ali1234either way you should use git23:07
ali1234either cherrypick upstream patch, or make a patch yourself and send it23:07
awilkinsali1234, Nope, the ALSA kernel tree is the same as the natty alsa-driver sources for this routine23:08
ali1234but what about mainline? 2.6.39?23:09
* awilkins trying to work it out now23:10
ali1234git will help you figure this out23:11
awilkinsI have a git clone of linus + alsa23:11
awilkinsCurrent tip of alsa has what I think is the error23:11
awilkinsAnd it was wrong in Maverick as far as I can see also23:12
ali1234what i would do23:12
awilkinsBut different wrong23:12
ali1234add the ubuntu kernel git23:12
ali1234make a patch against alsa23:12
ali1234cherrypick it to ubuntu natty23:13
ali1234build a new kernel package23:13
ali1234send patch to alsa23:13
awilkinsSo that's git://kernel.ubuntu.com ?23:14
ali1234there is a repo for each release23:14
ali1234add it as a remote23:14
awilkinsJust got there .. fetching23:16
awilkinsI really, really need to get on with my stupid idea to write a K/V tree storage frontend for git23:18
awilkinsThis is ludicrously powerful (no offense to Bazaar)23:18
ali1234what does that mean?23:18
ali1234k/v tree?23:18
awilkinsKey value23:18
ali1234ok... but what does that mean in practice?23:18
awilkinsI'm on this project that involves distributed content authoring of lots of objects23:18
awilkinsThe current version control system is basically RCS but worse23:19
ali1234git and bazaar are very similar for what i see23:19
mgdmthere was something on Hacker News the other day about how Git is an elaborate NoSQL store, if you squint a bit23:19
ali1234nosql is just silly, it doesn't really mean anything afaict23:19
awilkinsmgdm, Yeah, it is that really23:19
BigRedSI tend to treat 'nosql' in much the same way as I treat 'cloud'23:20
awilkinsIt's a K/V store itself, stores content on it's SHA1 key23:20
ali1234so what would this frontend do?23:20
awilkinsWhat I want to do is a frontend you can version the contents of other KV stores with (by adding a few extra objects to the KV stores and basically making them into a virtual filesystem)23:21
ali1234git can already pull in from other scm systems23:21
awilkinsYou need the tree objects to make it efficient or you'd end up with one big global tree with all the blobs in23:21
awilkinsI've seen people ask if git can be used to version SQL databases and I think the answer there is they are too rigidly structured, but you can add a layer of meta-structure to a KV store that gives it some of the properties of a file system, which is what git needs to work well23:24
awilkinsWas trying to extend jgit to do this, but brain hurts a lot when trying23:24
ubuntuuk-planet[Jono Bacon] Creating An Ubuntu Power User Community - http://www.jonobacon.org/2011/05/18/creating-an-ubuntu-power-user-community/23:25
ali1234hmm i see23:32
ali1234yeah you'd have to flatten out the database in a sense23:32
ali1234into a filesystem23:32
ali1234which would probably negate the benefits of using tables23:33
AzelphurOMG youtube is broken23:33
awilkinsali1234, The idea is to construct a "folder structure" over the tuples so it can efficiently determine which bits to update and version23:33
Azelphuroh it's back now.23:34
ali1234awilkins: yeah so like, a virtual filesystem just for git to pull from, right?23:36
awilkinsali1234, A VFS for git to check out into23:42
* awilkins wonders if he really needs a 190MB archive of tex documentation to build a kernel23:45

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