
* _marx_ still getting weird lockups02:02
_marx_been searching lp nothing seems appropriate02:02
_marx_nothing being written to logs until i restart x02:03
_marx_and can't reliably replicate02:04
_marx_likely it's the cast off monitor i'm using03:34
_marx_debian unstable here i come?05:54
_marx_freakin ridiculous, away for an hour x lockup14:39
_marx_now on lxde14:39
_marx_also crazy that my heat is running14:40
_marx_possible replication; have terminal open ssh -X w/remote x app running14:42
_marx_that seems to assure a lockup14:42
_marx_mhall119: http://sudomakecoffee.com/15:26
mhall119_marx_: what is that?16:54
akgranerholstein, will you be in Asheville on Friday?17:33
holsteinakgraner: yup17:33
holsteini have a computer job at 6ish17:34
akgranerawesome - I'll be at VA most of the day17:34
holsteinthen im loose :)17:34
holsteinand off for the nite17:34
holsteinakgraner: im off in the daytime too17:34
akgranerthink you could meet me over there at some point to hand off come CD's to you?17:34
holsteinis that where the old VA is?17:34
holsteinon tunnel road?17:34
holsteineh, ill sort it out17:35
holsteinill google it :)17:35
holsteinjust let me know when and where there, and i'll find you :)17:35
* holstein running out to rehersal17:36
bachi akgraner19:40
_marx_mhall119: re your FB coffee post19:55
_marx_he needs to come up w/some better names19:56
_marx_hum, lxde is displaying a pixelated bg20:24
_marx_akgraner: hope they take good care of you at the VA20:25

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