
InHisNameGood Morning all13:50
InHisNameHey did any of you get a VirtaPay.com account ?   Have some VirtaPay credits to spend.13:51
ssweenymorning andrew14:21
JonathanDGood morning.14:21
InHisNameTheir site is up and buying and selling has begun.14:29
InHisNameThe Bacon-izer isn't awake yet.14:30
InHisNameI am slowly getting the hang of Unity.14:58
InHisNameExcept the pulldowns of an app are harder to get to:14:59
InHisNameI found them in full screen mode at top  of screen.15:00
InHisNameJust by hovering over to right of window title in top bar.15:01
InHisNameThe hovering over top bar of screen for reduced window works too.15:01
InHisNameGreat!    Now not to much inconvieniance to using Unity over regular.15:03
InHisNameNow Ive 'anchored' terminal and pidgin in unity bar, but needing 2nd terminal and clicking term button only goes back to 1st one.15:04
InHisNameStill gotta open upper left "    " space to open apps and call on terminal for 2nd one to run.15:04
InHisNameSo what are YOUR happy and sad parts of Unity ?15:09
InHisNameIf you're going to 'raspberry' then give details, teddy-dbear15:11
teddy-dbearit no worky :-/15:11
teddy-dbear11.04 broke wireless on one laptop15:12
teddy-dbearcan't get nvidia drivers to work on 2 laptops15:13
teddy-dbearnetwork manager is broken on the oldest Dell15:14
InHisNameswitching to 'regular' fixes all of that ?15:14
teddy-dbearnot a good version for me15:14
teddy-dbearit's the version15:15
teddy-dbear2 laptops can' even run Unity15:15
InHisNamethen regress back to 10.1015:15
teddy-dbearI'll stay with classic for now15:16
InHisNameOne of my machines wants classic too.  Video card too dumb to do any more than that.15:17
teddy-dbearthe battery is dying on the home box15:17
teddy-dbearit will have to be replaced sooner or later15:17
InHisNamehome box =? the old fancy brown covered laptop ?15:17
teddy-dbearthat is my old one15:18
teddy-dbearthe one that traveled15:18
teddy-dbearthe home one han't been out and about for at least 3 1/2 years15:18
InHisNamea newer laptop ?   its battery going bye-bye where the old machine still running on battery just fine ?15:19
teddy-dbearplus I good use more hard drive space15:19
teddy-dbearit only has 160 gigs15:20
InHisNameSome laptops can run with no battery but with charger plugged in.   Not your case I assume.15:20
teddy-dbearok for now15:20
teddy-dbearworks fine plued in15:20
teddy-dbearjust can't move around with it15:21
teddy-dbearat least not for long15:21
teddy-dbearand no wireless15:21
teddy-dbearit is now a desktop15:21
InHisNameteddy-dbear: can you go to - http://www.sias.us/mathdril.htm  and tell me the count of US flag ?15:21
PennBotTitle: New Page 1 (at www.sias.us)15:21
InHisNameOk thanks for checking.   So It will increase with more IPs logging in.15:24
InHisNameGood AfterNoon! who's awake NOW ?19:37
JonathanDNo one.19:38
* InHisName yawns, longing for a nap too.19:41
* rhpot1991 wishes he could nap20:10
* ChinnoDog hits rhpot1991 over the head with a baseball bat20:17
* ssweeny wishes he could nap without the threat of violence20:20
* InHisName went searching for some ritalin to end this maddening urge to nap.20:22
rhpot1991I think my work would discourage both the napping and the violence20:23
InHisNamer u a brain surgeon ?20:24
ChinnoDogYou wished you could nap. I made sure you could.20:25
rhpot1991s/brain/bad .net code/ and then maybe20:26
ssweenyChinnoDog should be ChinnoFairy or ChinnoGenie for all the wishes he grants20:31
ssweenycould go old-school with ChinnoDjinn20:32
rhpot1991the chinnofairy is here to grant you a wish with its wish bat20:33
* teddy-dbear stays away from ChinnoDog20:49
teddy-dbearI don't need my stuffing knocked out :'(20:50
n2diyCan I mix and match Ext 3 and Ext 4 file systems? I building a test/backup box, and I was thinking of formatting it Ext 4, but my main box is using Ext 3?20:54
* InHisName thinks he has ext3, ext4, and lvm all running on same spindle.20:55
teddy-dbeartime for this teddy bear to go21:06
n2diyI'm building a test box with a SATA 160g hard drive. I can't set the boot flag on the drive, it is an OEM drive that has WIN NT, and XP on it, and it won't boot those, ideas?21:14
InHisNameI usually can set boot flag from gparted.   Strange that you cannot.21:16
InHisNameOf course the boot tracks need to be good or it wont boot.21:16
n2diyInHisName, roger that, I can't even format it, but let me try formatting it without the boot flag set, and see what happens?21:17
InHisNameIf you don't care about the old stuff.  Just delete all the partitions.  Start fresh.21:18
InHisNameI will be on intermittently.21:18
n2diyInHisName, roger that, I don't want any MS stuff. I set up the partitions, and it is now installing the system, hopefully GRUB with be able to set the boot stuff?21:30
ChinnoDoghrm. In Gingerbread you can write entire applications in C++22:35
InHisNamegrub on a bare drive was always good for booting.  Hope you have luck for that.22:49

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