
cyberangerchris4585: I bit the bullet and did it from scratch with debootstrap01:54
chris4585cyberanger, yeah?04:04
chris4585I like it from debootstrap better04:04
wrstmorning cyberanger13:08
kd4zaymorning all16:26
wrstkd4zay: morning16:46
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kd4zaycyberanger: how do you guys handle your linux backups? I looking for a way to take snapshots of the system while mounted.  deshavu!18:24
Juzzylvm can18:37
Juzzyhow many linux boxes?18:38
chris4585kd4zay, my favorite method of backing up http://paste.ubuntu.com/609655/19:34
Xpistoswhat are you backing up with that>20:00
Juzzyeverything apperently20:01
kd4zayI have about 8 linux boxes20:30
kd4zaychris4585: so if i was to need to do a full metal restore i would need to: manually create the partitions ,restore the backup, chroot from the bootup media mount dev and proc then run grub to reinstall the mbr ?20:35
kd4zayjuzzy: lvm was not install on these server originally20:41
cyberangerhey wrst21:05
cyberangerkd4zay: we've not done frozen snapshots, becuase the system was mounted21:06
cyberangerin the past, we've umounted /boot21:06
cyberangerthen rsync'd it21:06
cyberangerthen do the same, but without unmounting it21:06
cyberangerignoring a directory here and there21:07
kd4zayi see21:07
cyberangernot a full backup, exactly, but the directories we ignored are the stuff that is created on the fly21:07
cyberanger /proc for example21:08
kd4zaydev proc21:08
cyberanger /dev too, yep21:08
cyberangerum, not sure on that one21:09
kd4zaythough rsync would only keep one copy synced correct?21:09
cyberangerthere was little that one machine did, /mirror and /etc were about all that was tweaked from stock21:10
cyberangerapache and ssh added21:10
cyberangerthat is true, if you keep using the same destnation or don't back that up21:10
cyberangeronce rsync got the data off the mirror, we could tarball it, we did tarball /boot and /etc for sure21:11
cyberanger /home was pretty useless in this case21:11
cyberangerthing about the mirror, only the most recent data was worth anything21:12
kd4zayi have a hylafax server / a mailarchiva box / snort / and a few others that im trying to come up with a way to manage all the backups for all or anyone but be able to do baremetal recovery21:13
cyberangerso "rsync -avPe ssh exampleuser@exampledomain:/mirror /backup/mirror1 && cp /backup/mirror1 /backup/mirror2"21:13
cyberangerthen we allways have a fairly recent bit of /mirror, and if that had an issue, it'd be on one of two sets, if both sets failed, a bigger issue just happened21:15
cyberangerand since there are no donations, no backers, besides my wallet21:15
cyberangerthis isn't corprate, that's what I gotta settle for21:15
kd4zaysure that could work with a automated script that could create x amount backups or just a daily cron for each day of the week21:16
cyberangeryep, and toss in something checking sha256sums21:16
cyberangermake sure the backups are good21:16
cyberangernow, there is other options, but for a true snapshot, you've gotta stop read and write access21:17
kd4zaythe only issue i see would be any database being open of course you can just stop mysql before the backups21:18
cyberangeryeah, and anything reading the database has downtime too21:19
kd4zayso if i was doing a bare metal restore , i would need to create the partitions, restore the backup and use grub to install the mbr back ?21:23
kd4zaycause really thats what i am looking for is a way to recover from a full failure at any point with a week21:24
cyberangeryeah, that would work21:27
Juzzyfor big deployments I use arkeia (commercial) b/c it has point in time, etc21:27
cyberangerxfs has some nifty utilities that might be better21:27
Juzzyits cheap, and has wicked nice .deb support21:27
cyberangerfor going from nearest backup to new box21:28
cyberangerI've gotten used to doing by hand in under an hour (less with the backup box already setup from one backup, then it's just an update)21:29
kd4zaythe company here uses symantec back exec system recover which take snapshot through out the day, very expense! now i would not need that for the nixs but I will need to come up with a process21:36
kd4zaycyberanger: your solution seem like a valid one21:37
kd4zayarkeia has a free linux version !21:38
kd4zaybut only supports 2 server 8p21:45
Juzzythere's always bakula21:55
kd4zaybakula ? i havent looked at that yet22:23

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