
=== nlsthzn is now known as nlsthzn-work
* nlsthzn-work waves05:13
inetprogood morning09:07
* nlsthzn-work waves09:11
inetpronlsthzn-work: you don't perhaps know where I can find the afrikaans dictionary for LibreOffice?09:12
* inetpro tried installing via Tools | Language | More Dictionaries Online... in LibreOffice but am failing to find the dictionary09:14
nlsthzn-workinetpro: no idea sorry...09:22
inetpronlsthzn-work: np, I'll find out eventually09:22
nuvolarimeh. Oracle is good at breaking website links10:00
nuvolarieven for OpenOffice10:00
nuvolarihallo fredre, gaan dit goed?10:01
fredrehi nuvolari ja dankie en met jou10:04
nuvolarikan nie kla nie dankie fredre 10:12
wolfeyesmorning superfly and all you other guys10:28
wolfeyesMaaz, coffee on10:29
* Maaz starts grinding coffee10:29
wolfeyesits actually kilos here after a long long all nighter fighting the big fight10:30
* inetpro got Afrikaans spellchecker working by installing the package myspell-dictionary-af or rather myspell-af10:30
wolfeyesactually got maverick working on ians pc at 6am this morning10:30
wolfeyeshiya inetpro 10:31
inetproheh wolfeyes/kilos10:31
MaazCoffee's ready for wolfeyes!10:33
wolfeyesMaaz, ty10:33
MaazYou're Welcome I'm sure10:33
superflyhi wolfeyes, how's the upgrade?10:34
wolfeyeshave only managed to install maverick superfly 10:35
superflywolfeyes: do an upgrade to natty using the alternate CD then10:35
wolfeyesstupid pc refused to even run all ubuntu s from cd10:35
wolfeyesyip will do it that way i think10:35
wolfeyeskept saying things like no live file system found and a few hundred other errors10:36
wolfeyeseventually got one 9.10 to run live and installed grub from there but only after installing in windows10:38
wolfeyeswhat a job10:38
wolfeyesand his sound works10:38
wolfeyesnow still fighting his stupid modem. works fine in xp but after much struggling onmaverick it works till next boot then gone again10:40
wolfeyeslooking at trying betavine to make it work10:40
wolfeyesmy modem works fine here so its his vodafone modem thats fulla10:42
wolfeyesthe old saying is so true10:44
wolfeyesas jy kan sukkel, sal jy10:45
superflywolfeyes: what modem is that?10:46
wolfeyessec i need mag glass to read the info10:52
wolfeyesvodafone mobile broadband k3570-z10:54
superflyMaaz: google k3570-z10:56
Maazsuperfly: "Support Guides for the Vodafone Mobile Broadband K3570-Z USB Stick" http://www.business.vodafone.com/site/bus/public/enuk/support/10_productsupport/usb_stick/01_vodafone/vodafone_k3570z/05_summary/p_summary.jsp :: "Latest Software for the Vodafone Mobile Broadband K3570-Z USB Stick" http://www.business.vodafone.com/site/bus/public/enuk/support/10_productsupport/usb_stick/01_vodafone/vodafone_k3570z/20_software/p_software.jsp :: "10:56
superflyMaaz: google linux k3570-z10:56
Maazsuperfly: "Using Vodafone's Top Up and Go on Linux" http://offog.org/articles/linux-3g/ :: "Betavine - Forums - Linux - K3570-Z on Ubuntu" http://betavine.mobi/bvportal/forums/index.html?threadId=ff8080812988fa9c012a3ca78fc002ac :: "[SOLVED] K3570-z not recognized correctly??!! - Ubuntu Forums" http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1600325 :: "Vodaphone k3570Z data-card Problem in Ubuntu Resolved :) | my ..." http://thasulinux.wordpress.10:56
magellanichoi hoi10:56
superflythere's some info about it10:56
superflyhi magellanic10:56
superflyMaaz: google linux k3570-z device id10:56
Maazsuperfly: "[SOLVED] K3570-z not recognized correctly??!! - Ubuntu Forums" http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1600325 :: "OpenWrt / TL-WR1043ND and K3570-Z 3G modem problem" https://forum.openwrt.org/viewtopic.php?pid=126788 :: "Ubuntu 10.10 - Vodafone dongle K3570-Z not recognised | Mobile ..." http://developer.vodafone.com/discuss/question/728/ubuntu-1010-vodafone-dongle-k3570-z-not-recognised/ :: "Access to Vodafone Support for USB 10:56
wolfeyesty superfly i will look into that10:56
magellanicheya superfly 10:57
wolfeyeslo magellanic 10:57
magellanichey wolfeyes 10:57
wolfeyesrsyncing archives is a boon. only needed 20m data to get him updated after sudo apt-get update11:00
wolfeyessaved like 280m11:00
Squirmanyone here happen to know how to make a python script modular?11:24
Squirmsuperfly: iirc, you do python?11:24
superflySquirm: what do you mean by, "modular"?11:25
Squirmmodular, I mean like... being able to dynamically load and unload modules so you wont have to keep on restarting it's  core11:25
superflyyou're more talking plugins than "modular" (as modular has many meanings)11:26
superflySquirm: go look how they do it in the Ibid source code11:26
Squirmplugins is probably the right word11:26
wolfeyessorry superfly  i stuck here11:28
wolfeyesroot@P4:/usr/bin# echo "dda70fd95fb952dbb979af88790d3f6e sakis3g.gz" | md5sum -cmd5sum: standard input: no properly formatted MD5 checksum lines found11:28
wolfeyesam looking here http://wiki.sakis3g.org/wiki/index.php?title=Sakis3G_installation11:29
wolfeyesand for some reason i cannot copy paste those commands to cli11:30
wolfeyesneed to type each one11:30
magellanicout a double space between "dda70fd95fb952dbb979af88790d3f6e sakis3g.gz"11:32
magellanicwell try that out at least. not sure11:34
wolfeyesmagellanic,  double space exactly tween where and where . i dont see too good11:36
magellanicbetween the md5 and file name11:36
wolfeyesbefore sakis magellanic ?11:38
wolfeyesok ty i try that11:39
wolfeyesyay ty magellanic 11:40
wolfeyesok i remove my modem now and try his again. bbl11:45
superflyKilos: you're running after the wrong solution11:55
superfly(that's why I hate forums)11:55
superflythat looks better11:56
Kilosand i so stupid i was doing it all from his machine and swopping modems when i coulda just been here on mine11:56
Kilosty superfly 11:57
Kiloswill try that now11:57
superflyKilos: the best thing to do, however, is to open a terminal, type in "tail -f /var/log/syslog" and THEN plug the modem in11:57
superflythen you can look for lines showing the modem being plugged in11:58
Kilosok will do that now superfly 11:58
superflyKilos: also, lsusb gives vital information12:00
Kilosit has connected  superfly . it was seen in lsusb12:01
Kilosdoes that mean it will keep connecting now when booting again12:02
superflyKilos: yes, the important thing is not if it's there, but what the device id is12:02
Kilosdid "tail -f /var/log/syslog" make it connect now?12:03
nuvolariKilos: it's only showing the latest entries to the system log12:05
nuvolarilike kernel activity when you plug in a device12:05
Kilosyes but i mean what made the modem actually connect now?12:05
Kilosand i dont see it in lsusb anymore12:06
nuvolariKilos: what did you do differently?12:06
Kiloseven though it is online12:06
Kilosthere is still the saki script open in cli12:07
wolfeyesis this it?12:08
wolfeyesBus 001 Device 007: ID 19d2:1008 ONDA Communication S.p.A. 12:08
Kiloson mine i see my modem here12:10
KilosBus 001 Device 003: ID 1bbb:0000 T & A Mobile Phones 12:10
Kilosnothing like that on his lsusb12:11
Kiloscan i spam ubuntu-afr with the output of his lsusb?12:12
Kilos6 lines12:12
Kilosians been asleep since 5am. youngsters cant take the punch12:14
Kilosthey dont make men like they used to12:14
Kilosi dont understand how it can be online but not show in lsusb12:17
magellanicpaste the output to pastebin or something?12:18
Kilosi have pasted to ubuntu-afr are you not there magellanic 12:19
magellanicnopes :p12:20
Kilosaw you boycot us12:20
Kilosapartheid is dead12:20
magellanicthat's a myth :p12:21
superflyKilos: all the stuff I am reading online says that you just need to install USB modeswitch, and then it should work12:33
superflyKilos: also, that "ONDA Communication S.p.A." *is* the modem12:33
magellanicyou're trying to get a 3g modem working? sorry wasn't following close12:35
Morganvdhey Kilos 12:36
MorganvdKilos: what 3g moden is it12:37
MorganvdCell C there is a trick to i12:37
Morganvdwhat distro you running?12:38
Kilosvodacom magellanic12:41
Morganvdwhat distro12:41
magellanicwhen you plug it i, does nm react?12:42
Morganvdk you have the sakis 3g right12:42
Kilosit has on and off but disappears if rebooted or online for 30 mins or more12:43
Morganvdkk kilos 12:43
Kilosjust disconnects and then doesn5t show on nm12:43
Morganvdyou need to fix the usb modeswitch12:43
Kilosyes i have sakis script in as well now12:43
Kilosoh 12:44
Kilosfix it?12:44
Morganvdi used sakis to connect then had to download usb-dev thing12:44
Kiloswhat broke it12:44
Morganvdthen run skakis 3g scritp it has a option to compile it into usb-modeswitch12:44
Kilossorry Morganvd  im not reading well seems12:45
Morganvdlet me download it quick and explain in a pm what tyou need to do12:45
Kilosty Morganvd 12:45
Morganvdkbmonkey: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!14:33
kbmonkeyMorganvd, !!!!!!!!14:35
kbmonkeyhows it going14:35
wolfeyesheya guys15:34
wolfeyesI uninstalled modem manager and connected using Saki3g.15:35
wolfeyesThere is now only no monitor to show if it is connected or not. Only by the light on the modem at the back of the tower or by physically being online. Any idea's please?15:36
nuvolariwolfeyes: it's not the best solution but I usually do a tail on /var/log/syslog which shows what it's up to. Sometimes my light is showing it's connected but thet it's still retrieving dns details or something went wrong with the network then it's redialling or doing somithing15:46
wolfeyesOk thank you nuvolari , I got that command now, (saved it to a file) for future.15:50
nuvolariwolfeyes: but you can try "sudo ifconfig"15:52
nuvolariit should show as ppp015:52
nuvolariwolfeyes: if it's connected you should see something like:15:53
nuvolarippp0      Link encap:Point-to-Point Protocol  15:53
nuvolari          inet addr:  P-t-P:  Mask:
* wolfeyes GOES TO TRY15:54
superflywolfeyes: I would rather not use Saki3g, if possible15:55
superfly*if possible*15:56
superflyif it's not possible, then use it15:56
wolfeyesSo far it is the only thing I can connect with.15:57
wolfeyesI will use until I find something better that works lol15:57
wolfeyessuperfly, can you upgrade Maverick to Natty kubuntu?15:58
wolfeyesThank you for the cd's.15:59
superflywolfeyes: I'm just going to quickly go and drop my ballot paper into a box, I'll hopefully be back in about half an our15:59
superflythen I can help you with that if you want15:59
wolfeyesNo problem take your time, I will be here most of the night. :-)15:59
wolfeyesAnd thank you.15:59
wolfeyesJust so glad I got my computer back.16:00
wolfeyesi got that nuvolari 16:05
KilosMaaz, coffe on16:15
MaazKilos: Huh?16:15
KilosMaaz, coffee on16:15
* Maaz puts the kettle on16:15
MorganvdMaaz: coffee please16:15
MaazMorganvd: Sure16:15
KilosMaaz, rusks please16:16
MaazThere is a packet of Ouma's  on the top shelf16:16
* superfly is back16:17
* Kilos shares rusks with Morganvd and superfly if he orders coffee quick16:17
superflyMaaz: coffee please16:18
Maazsuperfly: Okay16:18
KilosMaaz, move it16:19
MaazDon't rush me Kilos . Making decent coffee is an art16:19
MaazCoffee's ready for Kilos, Morganvd and superfly!16:19
KilosMaaz, dankie man16:19
MaazKilos: Huh?16:19
KilosMaaz, ty16:20
MaazYou're Welcome I'm sure16:20
wolfeyeswb superfly 16:20
wolfeyeslol @ an art.16:20
n8wulfHi ppl,I've registered my IRC nick before, started on a fresh ubuntu install, used '/msg nickserv identify password' which returns a msg that I'm registerd as N8Wulf,but why does my Nick show in the chatrooms as IRC?16:20
superflyyour client is not set up correctly?16:21
superflyI need n8wulf16:21
wolfeyesSo do I.16:21
n8wulfLoL, got it first, have the gmail account as well16:21
superflyn8wulf: that would be your problem, Pidgin is not an IRC client :-P16:21
n8wulfalways worked...16:22
Kilosoidgin can do irc superfly 16:22
superflyKilos: I know, I'm teasing16:22
Kilospidgin as well16:22
superflyPidging usually is used as an IM client though16:22
superflyand, to be honest, makes a really horribly IRC client16:23
superflymeh, my typing is horrible today too16:23
superflyn8wulf: try XChat or Quassel16:23
superflyor weechat if you're a command line junkie16:23
n8wulfdo they support mxit as well?16:23
superflythey are IRC clients, not IM clients16:23
n8wulfso u r telling me I'll have to run 2 apps in the background just because I can't change my Nick here /16:25
n8wulfif I run /NICK N8Wulf I get 'Unknown command'16:26
n8wulfis that the right format though?16:26
superflymost commands are usually lowercase16:27
=== n8wulf is now known as N8Wulf
N8WulfYEAH BABY16:28
N8Wulfpidgin doesn't update, although I received msg that I'm now known as N8wulf16:28
superflyas did the rest of the channel16:28
superflyN8Wulf: funnily enough, computers are pretty powerful these days, and pretty good at running multiple apps at the same time16:29
Kilosthere are ladies here N8Wulf 16:29
N8Wulfok, 'daughter of a Ken then16:30
superflyN8Wulf: just be aware that this channel is ruled by the Ubuntu Code of Conduct16:30
Kiloslol thats better16:30
N8WulfI didn't swear... i made a joke16:30
superflyN8Wulf: just letting you know16:31
Kilossuperfly, afrodeity will fight with him soon16:33
N8WulfI'm gonna try xchat quick16:34
N8WulfI found it... in Pidgin>Accounts I set the local alias as IRC instead of my nick, so to me my nick showed in chats as IRC instead of N8Wulf16:44
N8WulfI see on the .org page that the Stellenbosch crowd has an Ubuntu Hour often... be it the Wine in the area that makes them more social?16:47
Tonberryi think the high concentration of ubuntu users is the more likely reason16:52
N8Wulfo... would be interesting to go to a Meet in Jhb or Pta... 16:53
nuvolariwolfeyes: eh? you got what? :P16:56
wolfeyesnuvolari, I got what you said and did it and see what you said.16:57
wolfeyesIf that ^ made sense lol16:58
wolfeyesJust looking at skype installation.17:01
nuvolariwolfeyes: lol ok, kinda made sense. As long as you see that you should be connected. If you are not connected, you will not se an IP address for ppp017:05
wolfeyesNodz correct.17:05
wolfeyesCatch you guys soon, rebooting and sorting mic out.17:35
nuvolariok, what did we do wrong? :P17:47
afrodeity1oops, there are two of me17:50
Kilosonwe with a tail17:50
Kilosand ladies dont have tails17:50
afrodeitynow there is only one17:52
Kilosyeah and the right one17:53
afrodeityI think I voted for a tannie by accident today17:53
afrodeityit got all a bit confusing17:54
afrodeitypity there was no ubuntu party17:54
nuvolarihup! Mark for president!17:55
afrodeitypirate party would also do it for me17:55
nuvolariI think the pirate party would be LAN RAGe17:56
afrodeityany party which will up bandwidth would get my vote17:56
afrodeityfree last mile access to fibre network17:57
afrodeitybreak telkom up into 50 small service providers17:58
Kiloslo nlsthzn 17:59
nlsthznKilos: Hey uncle :) have you played with the new distro's yet?17:59
afrodeityKilos: could I interest you in a new distro, its called Kilotex18:05
Morganvdi must say thanks to monkey i found my distro for my netbook18:16
Kilosnot yet nlsthzn been fighting just to get ians pc to accept ubuntu18:17
Kilosbut he running full steam on maverick now and everything is working so maybe tomorrow we upgrade him to kubuntu18:17
nlsthzn:/ ah crap... doesn't seem that I am getting notified when I am being pinged :(18:18
Kiloslol afrodeity 18:18
Kilosis it linux18:18
nlsthznhttp://www.ustream.tv/channel/at-home-with-jono-bacon - starting in about 10 minutes if I did my maths right :p18:52
afrodeityKilos: nah, its based on a new monolithic kernel called kilosX18:57

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