
bannikwhat does the host.deny file do?00:00
pstewartbannik: host.deny is for blocking machines that can login remotely to your own00:00
bannikcool thank you00:00
bannikokay a simple question for the pros, what are the good terminals to use - somenoe said I should use the basic one others suggested guake - what do you guys think is best to use00:02
Braiambannik: whats you preffer?00:04
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bannikspeed and usability00:04
bolno luck with  i915.dontloadme=100:04
=== eu is now known as Guest88564
boli give up00:05
hiexpojust terminal is good can do anything with it that any other can do and is less heavy00:05
malikbannik, i would go for  terminator00:06
SpaceBassany suggestions for package/app to create an RSS feed from a directory structure?00:06
aleximjoin debian00:08
aleximargh sorry00:08
=== Guest88564 is now known as hgf
LimsI've installed 11.04 side by side with 10.10 to test it out, now that I'm ready to move over to 11.04 is there a preferred way to do so? Or should I just boot up gParted and start nuking partitions?00:10
lwizardlis there a way to set the default printer to the pdf version of print to file ?00:10
entombed_does richard stallman or linus or any of those dudes ever get on freenode?00:12
ntr0pyI compiled 915resolution from hardy sources for my natty gma500 i386 box. Why cant I install the deb without destroying xserver-xorg-video-intel? This package does NOT provide this tool!00:12
Dakravshould i ask here for help with getting itunes to work with wine?00:13
RandomTimeLims: Depending on how you installed it, copy any files you want from the 11.04 partition, and upgrade the 10.10, then use gparted to kill what was 11.0400:13
bastidrazorDakrav: #winehq may be a better channel and also look at !appdb00:13
bastidrazor!appdb > Dakrav00:13
ubottuDakrav, please see my private message00:13
russjr08Has anyone used the Upgrade option on the Natty CD? Does it work well?00:14
=== nicovl_ is now known as nicovl
LimsRandom: I've got MythTV setup just perfectly (finally) in 11.04, and I'd hate to redo all of that.00:14
LimsI actually have more work done in 11.04 then in 10.10, so should I just blow away the 10.10 partitions and resize my 11.0400:14
MikeHereI've installed Xampp which comes with MySQL which can not launch because it says port 3306 is already in use. I've tried removing mysql-server, but then xampp's mysql won't work. So is there a way I can grab the PID of the process using port 3306 (preferably in a GUI) so that I can kill it.00:14
Oraclecan someone help me with installing usb support on virtual box?00:15
RandomTimeLims: sure00:15
bolsocram: i found this in kern.log -> http://sprunge.us/IIOD if you can do anything with it? :/00:15
Manax392Hi Guys I want to implent a printer driver to a Live-Cd ( in my case USB-Drive ) is this possible for not pros in linux ?00:15
Oracle can someone help me with installing usb support on virtual box? Need help urgently00:16
LimsRandom: Thanks. I was halfway hoping there was a guided (less messy) method similar to how the install is so willing to help you do side by side installs. But gParted here I come.00:16
jgouldI am unable to select my USB mic in sound prefrences.  I can send outbound audio to the headset, but not inbound audio.  Any ideas?00:16
multipasshow do i remove grub2 bootloader from a hard drive?00:16
RandomTimeI don't think so, unless you want to nuke both and start again. Gparted's fairly easy to use00:16
roastedmultipass, why would you need to?00:16
Manax392Hi Guys I want to implent a printer driver to a Live-Cd ( in my case USB-Drive ) is this possible for not pros in linux ?00:17
szal!repeat | Manax39200:17
ubottuManax392: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/00:17
multipassroasted: well i got a new ssd, turned the old spinning one intu pure storage.. cant change the order of HD boot in bios... so its booting first and failing.00:17
szalmultipass: my guess is that it won't do anything else if you remove its bootloader00:18
roastedmultipass, really? you should be able to select the drive in bios. Nonetheless, what if you recover grub2 from an ubuntu livecd?00:18
gebbionewhat is your favourite ssh/sft client in ubuntu00:18
jgouldgebbione: ssh00:18
multipassroasted: i have the grub2 on my ssd now... and i have to do a custom boot every time i load computer00:18
MikeHereNobody know how I can view the PID of a process running on a port?00:19
szalMikeHere: huh?00:20
pstewartMikeHere: netstat -p00:20
ZachrielAnyone know how to change a computer's name after installation?00:20
multipassi just dont want to have any grub on the old spinny hard drive00:20
ubusammyn150what software should i use in windows to make a grub boot loader?  for some reason my netbook is looking for bootmgr instead of grub?00:20
multipassi know i could put grub on that too, but i dont wanna ^^00:20
szal!hostname | Zachriel00:20
ubottuZachriel: Use hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hosts to include BOTH the old and new hostname and then change /etc/hostname to the new one. WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly.00:20
MikeHerepsalden, I'm looking for the PID of port 3306 (mysql) so I can kill it, netstat-p doesn't show this00:21
bastidrazorMikeHere: sudo netstat -napt | grep processname  ..it'll show you the   PID/proccessname at the end00:21
Zachrielszal: What should I edit those files with? Can I use any text editor, ie: gedit?00:21
Limsgedit or vi if your good like that00:21
ubusammyn150I have burned remix rescue onto usb, but it wasnt made bootable..00:22
earl_fxZachriel: you could also use nano on the command line. its quick and fairly intuitive.00:22
bastidrazorZachriel: you can yes but you need to start gedit with gksudo.. for example press Alt+F2 then type gksudo gedit00:22
Limserr... you're00:22
ubusammyn150!how to make a bootable rescue usb?00:22
ubottuubusammyn150: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)00:22
Zachrielbastidrazor: Why gksudo, not just sudo?00:23
bastidrazor!gksudo | Zachriel00:23
ubottuZachriel: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)00:23
timo2ubottu: you are00:23
timo2low self-esteem :-[00:24
ZachrielOkay, hey... so, now I know what gksudo is and I'm happy I learned -now-.00:24
MikeHereHow can I kill whatever is using port 3306 please?00:25
ArachonHey, I'm having troubles doing a command-line install of ubuntu, I can run through the installation process as normal, but when I boot up, it boots, the boot-splash loads, but then I just get a black screen00:26
Arachonwith a blinking underscore00:26
JeruvyMikeHere: MySQL is usually listening on that port.00:26
MikeHereJeruvy, is there a way I can end it, like kill <flag> 3306?00:26
JeruvyMikeHere: service mysql stop00:27
=== RealOp is now known as RealOpty
LoshkiMikeHere: run 'lsof -i4tcp' to see which process is running on that port...00:27
JeruvyMikeHere: er mysqld* rather.00:27
timo2whats the d for00:28
aeon-ltddaemon?.... ,maybe00:29
ntr0pyHow can i install .deb package when it is in conflict with another one?00:29
MikeHereJeruvy, service mysql stop, did the trick - thanks for that00:29
ZachrielI changed the /etc/hosts and /etc/hostname files, do I need to restart the system to actually see the change?00:29
LimsZach: Yes00:30
ZachrielRight... let's see.00:30
ubusammyn150hehe #windows actually helped me haha00:30
Armageddonwhat is the source code option in the source.list ? what is it used for exactly ? what is its purpose ?00:30
ntr0pyHow can i FORCE a local .deb package to install over any conflicts?00:33
nicovlhow does the /dev/ part of the filesystem work?00:33
nicovllike what does this mean: df -h  result: none                  997M  244K  997M   1% /dev00:33
bastidrazor!filesystem > nicovl ::this page tells all00:33
ubottunicovl, please see my private message00:33
Armageddonntr0py, you do not want to do that though00:33
th0rntr0py: I think there is a -force option in dpkg00:33
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
ntr0pyArmageddon: What do you mean?00:34
nicovlbastidrazor: I am having problems with the dev filesystem not being available during boot00:34
MikeHereSo, you al sysadmins in here, how can a web developer with all the web jargon to learn find time to learn of all bash commands as well lol00:34
Armageddonntr0py, I mean, don't force it over conflicts, they are called conflicts for a reason00:35
nicovlmount: special device /dev/disk/by-uuid/4f99705c-139f-4054-82fb-3dc293210448 does not exist00:35
ntr0pyArmageddon: yes, but i dont use the parts from the other package in question00:35
timo2use paste bin u noob00:35
kb3gtnMikeHere: http://tldp.org/HOWTO/Bash-Prog-Intro-HOWTO.html00:35
nicovltimo2 r u talking to me ?00:36
kb3gtnMikeHere: http://tldp.org/LDP/abs/html/00:36
Armageddonntr0py, I'm not worried about the other packages you don't use, I'm worried about the whole system which you do use00:36
bastidrazornicovl: you should ask the channel.00:36
nicovltimo2: using pastebin for one line would be a little excessive don't you think00:36
Danny_JorisHi all. I need to set environment variables as described here for fedora commons: https://wiki.duraspace.org/display/FCR30/Installation+and+Configuration+Guide#InstallationandConfigurationGuide-PrepareEnvironmentVariables How do I set the PATH variable?  not sure what $FEDORA_HOME/server/bin means..00:36
bastidrazorDanny_Joris: you do know this isn't #fedora?00:37
CrustyBarnaclentr0py: Agree with Armageddon. What are you trying to install?00:37
MikeHerekb3gtn, Looks good - bookmarked for a rainy day :p thanks00:37
Danny_Jorisbastidrazor: repository fedora, not linux distribution fedora00:37
Danny_Jorisi guess it's more a general linux question00:37
ArmageddonDanny_Joris, it has something to do with fedora's repos, it's not a general question anymore00:38
bastidrazorDanny_Joris: you're adding a fedora repository to ubuntu?00:39
ntr0pyArmageddon, CrustyBarnacle: i need 915resolution for plymouth resolution, i compiled it from hardy src but the resulting .deb collides with xserver-xorg-video-intel which does not provide that tool. I am not using any 9xx or 8xx drivers but emgd for gma50000:39
nicovlok... to clean things up: I am having problems during bootup, the dev filesystem doesn't seem to be available during bootup here is my boot.log http://pastebin.com/ekj6W1YU can anybody help?00:39
Oraclecan someone help me with installing usb support on virtual box?00:40
a|3xso i got this laptop and installed ubuntu on it but my sound quality really sucks now, when windows was on it it was pretty good00:40
nicovlonce the system is booted I can mount the partitions in fstab no problem00:41
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OracleHey guys anyone uses oracle virtual box here?00:41
Oraclecan you help me install usb support00:41
a|3xi got virtual box on it too, but it crashes the vms for some reason with aborted message00:41
nicovlOracle, I have used it but never tried anything with USB00:41
Oraclei have tried everything00:41
CrustyBarnacleOracle: is your user part of the 'vboxusers' group?00:42
OracleDont have a clue00:42
Oracleill check00:42
OracleYes i am crustybarnacle00:43
a|3xhow can i fix my sound issue?00:43
CrustyBarnacleOracle: In VB Settings, under USB, is "Enable USB Controller" selected?00:43
hypoonhey guys, I've got a machine here running 10.04 LTS, and it suddenly reboots after being logged in for a few minutes00:44
hypoonAny ideas?00:44
CrustyBarnacleOracle: and "Enable USB 2.0 (EHCI) Controller"?00:44
OracleCrusty can you team view and fix it?00:45
OracleI have honestly tried everything00:45
szalhypoon: could be anything..  defective RAM, insufficient CPU cooling, failing PSU..00:45
Armageddonwhat is the source code option in the source.list ? what is it used for exactly ? what is its purpose ?00:45
CrustyBarnacleOracle: Not sure if I can fix it.... trying to fix on my system currently.00:45
OracleDoes your usb support not work either?00:46
hypoonszal: yeah, that's what I'm afraid of. This is kind of a, "where do I start?" kind of situation00:46
CrustyBarnacleOracle: It used to.00:46
OracleAnyone else can help00:46
hypoonthere it goes again00:46
trismArmageddon: it allows you to download the source code for a package with apt-get source00:47
Armageddontrism, source code as in .tar.gz right ?00:47
hypoonThis machine is also displaying the message about CPU security features, but I don't remember having seen that before.00:48
b44how to set PYTHONPATH to point to $BUILDDIR/python . ??00:49
trismArmageddon: yes it includes the original tar.gz and any files required the rebuild the package (it also unpacks it for you in the current directory)00:50
itaylor57KM0201: o/00:50
KM0201itaylor57: o00:50
Armageddontrism, thanks, that was for general knowledge00:50
ArachonHey, I'm having troubles doing a command-line install of ubuntu, I can run through the installation process as normal, but when I boot up, it boots, the boot-splash loads, but then I just get a black screen with a flashing underscore...00:50
CrustyBarnacleOracle: Just fixed it for myself. It was just the "vboxusers" issue. Added my user and logged out/in.00:52
CrustyBarnacleOracle: Printing test page via usb from guest ubuntu 10.04 on host ubuntu 11.0400:52
nicovlanyone have any tips on the optimum partition size? I have a 2TB drive which will be used mostly for data/media files... what is the best way to partition it?00:53
nicovlthe system is on a seperate drive00:54
CrustyBarnacleOracle: I do have "Oracle VM VirtualBox Extension Pack" (v4.0.6r71344) installed.00:55
frostschutznicovl: entirely up to you. I prefer to use LVM on such disks so I can slice them up any way I want, but you could just as well just format it with any filesystem of your choice directly.00:55
OracleYour using 4.0.600:55
=== hypoon_ is now known as hypoon
nicovlfrostschutz, thanks :)00:56
ChotazI ahve an nvidia gt9800 and am running natty, anything flash in fullscreen is very jumpy and delayed on interactions(clicks/keyboard inputs, etc). How can I fix this?00:58
CrustyBarnacleOracle: Of the extension, yes. Of VB 4.0.800:58
szalChotaz: buy a better gfx card ;)00:58
hypoonhey again guys, sorry about the disconnects, I had a bad connection. Is Memtest86 a good way to identify defective RAM?00:59
rwwhypoon: yes00:59
watnaoyes, but it will take a couple of hours00:59
rwwwell, I use memtest86+. ISO's at http://www.memtest.org/#downiso00:59
Chotazszal, sorry if it's not the highest end but I never had problems running crysis one with max specs on this setup, so I guess it's not ahrdware problem?00:59
etanki just bought a macbook pro 13inch 8,1. would it be expected that a natty cd would boot to the live file system with no issues?00:59
hypoonso far, I'm on test #8, and no errors have been printed. If it loops back around to test #1, then what?01:00
etanki keep getting a busybox error about not being to find the live file system01:00
hypoonassume the RAM is OK?01:00
hypoonrww: yeah, 86+ is what I meant01:00
hypoonwatnao: even if you only have 512MB?01:01
ITSOVER9000I beleive someone had the ame problem but, in 11.04 when  i play a song it has no sound. What can i do to fix it?01:01
rwwhypoon: it'll tell you when it's done.01:02
rwwhypoon: it does to me, anyway.01:02
ArachonHey, I'm having troubles doing a command-line install of ubuntu, I can run through the installation process as normal, but when I boot up, it boots, the boot-splash loads, but then I just get a black screen with a flashing underscore...01:02
etankhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro8-1/Natty   <-- that page doesn't list anything about boot issues with the live cd01:03
hypoonrww: it now says at the bottom "Pass complete, no errors, press Esc to exit", is that what you mean? It's on test #3 again01:03
ITSOVER9000I beleive someone had the same problem but, in 11.04 when  I play a song/video it has no audio. What can i do to fix it?01:03
rwwhypoon: yes01:03
hypoonrww: Ok, If the memory's OK then, I guess I'll move on to the PSU.01:04
hitttIs there a tool for manual memory changes in linux, similar to cheatengine for windows?01:05
earthen /msg NickServ identify <thorthor>01:05
rww!identify | earthen01:06
ubottuearthen: You can identify automatically by using your NickServ password as the server password in your IRC client. When identifying manually, do NOT send the command from a channel's tab, or a typo may give away your password. If that happened, type « /msg NickServ set password <new-password> » in the server tab as soon as possible.01:06
hitttwithout the <> of course01:06
rwwunless that's part of your password :D01:06
newubuntistdarel : are you there?01:07
hitttdoubtful but yes01:07
GentoonIs there a way to see if ia cp is hanging or still working?01:07
GentoonOr a way to run one with some kind of progress indication?01:07
newubuntist have some troubles with a folder01:08
bastidrazorGentoon: look in the destination directory for files size increase if a single large file, or even if multiple files are being added01:08
ITSOVER9000I beleive someone had the ame problem but, in 11.04 when  i play a song it has no sound. What can i do to fix it?01:08
szal!repeat | ITSOVER900001:08
ubottuITSOVER9000: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/01:08
newubuntistso if i use 'chown' to own a foder01:08
newubuntistdoes it mean that i must repeat this command with all the files of the folder01:09
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lwizardlis there a way to set the default printer to the pdf version of print to file ?01:10
szalnewubuntist: read 'man chown', it has a recursive option01:10
earthenhas anyone connected a samsung galaxy S to ubuntu01:10
bastidrazornewubuntist: use chown -R   to make it affect all files and subdirectories01:10
ChotazI currently have a Q6600 OC'd at 4.0, perfectly stable with water cooling, 8GB of ram and a slightly OC'd GTX9800, but YT videos act weird on full screen, dunno why that'd happen on such a rig, neither I know how to get around it. Any tips?01:11
newubuntistthanks bastidrazor01:11
newubuntistthanks: szal01:11
bastidrazornewubuntist: you're welcome.01:12
=== avalon_ is now known as r_avalon
ejvterrific system specs, and you can't play YT videos? obligatory: http://xkcd.com/619/01:13
=== mike is now known as Guest16273
andresjHow would you go about replacing the File Selector dialog in all GTK+ applications? (Hopefully short of recompiling GTK+.)01:14
andresjTo be sure, I do mean to develop an application/library in C++.01:15
=== ITSOVER9000 is now known as guest3000
Guest69286Hello. Is anyone here?01:17
Guest69286I have a question.01:17
szalwrong question01:17
rwwGuest69286: Yup. Best to just ask the question to the channel (all on one line) and see if anyone knows :)01:18
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)01:18
Guest69286Fab. thanks01:18
Guest69286Question is this01:18
rwwthat's what I said ubottu, yes.01:18
roastedQuestion - has anybody here used Deja Dup? I just came across it today, and I love everything about the program, but I'm trying to see if there's a way to use this program (or something very similar to it) that automatically mounts CIFS shares and rsync's the data across the network, however, uncompressed. Any thoughts?01:18
Guest69286I am using 10.04 and want to upgrade to 11.04. Is it best to do a fresh install rather than upgrade?01:19
rwwGuest69286: upgrade should work, but you'd have to do 10.04 -> 10.10 -> 11.04, so it may be more hassle/bandwidth than you want to do.01:19
Guest69286Ok than Guest.01:19
SudoKingCD may be faster... you won't have to reinstall software if you upgrade :)01:20
hypoonSo I looked over kern.log, and it appears that linux had no idea that we were going to suddenly reboot. Does this imply that it's a hardware issue?01:20
Guest69286I have 11.04 on a CD - just d/l it. Can I just install it over the top onto the same partition? Or can I reformat it?01:20
SudoKingdo you have a separate partition for /?01:20
rwwGuest69286: you can install it over the top of the same partition. It should automatically detect the existing Ubuntu installation and keep your /home files.01:21
rww(but do backups anyway(01:21
szalSudoKing: separate from what?01:21
SudoKingi put my /home on a separate partition:)01:21
Guest69286Thanks RWW, Guest and SudoKing01:21
SudoKingmakes me feel safer, at least01:21
rwwI don't feel safe with repartitioning unless my data is on a drive that's not connected to the computer in question ;)01:21
szalSudoKing: then it'd make more sense to ask the question the other way around :P01:21
ScuniziIn nautilus I have created several bookmarks.  When I'm online with a service to use and need to upload a file when I click "browse" a search window appears (nautilus?) but not all shortcuts are displayed.. How do I make them display ??01:22
Guest69286Yes, my hard drive is this: 1TB - 920 is NTFS and where I store the data. Then I have a 50GB rxt 4 - which has 10 GB extended and 10 GB swap01:22
roastedQuestion - has anybody here used Deja Dup? I just came across it today, and I love everything about the program, but I'm trying to see if there's a way to use this program (or something very similar to it) that automatically mounts CIFS shares and rsync's the data across the network, however, uncompressed. Any thoughts?01:23
questionnnnhi! today i bought a new laptop with an i5 2520m prozessor. its an dualcore prozessor with hyperthreading. it can handle 4 threads simultainly. i wanted to ask if i can install ubuntu 64bit on it01:23
rwwquestionnnn: yes01:23
szalGuest69286: you'll hardly ever need 10 GB of swap space..  unless you have that much RAM and do suspend-to-disk01:24
questionnnnok thanks alot01:24
Guest69286Thanks Guest. I am learning  - hence silly questions. The box has 4 GB of RAM.01:24
spankbotanyone running MAME?01:25
Guest69286So, folks, to make sure I understand, I back up my data, then just slip in the CD and reinstall over the top of the existing installation?01:26
rwwGuest69286: yup01:26
Guest69286No need to reformat the ext4 partition?01:26
rwwGuest69286: nope01:26
Guest69286Thanks heaps RWWW01:27
jplhi people, is this the richt channel to ask for a hardware problem with ubuntu 11.401:28
jplok, I'll just ask. I'm having trouble getting my huawei broadband modem to work with network manager after updating to 11.401:31
jplI deleted the old profiles and created a new one01:31
=== the_dreamer_ is now known as jiohdi
hypoonanybody got any bright ideas for testing a power supply (without having one to swap it with)01:32
jplbut even when I see in messages log that the modem is been detecte, nm is not enabling the connection01:32
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ouyeshypoon, what do you mean test?01:32
hypoonI want to verify that it is functioning properly, I'm getting sudden reboots.01:33
hypoonouyes: it's sudden instant-off, and then it boots back up. It does not go through the shutdown process01:33
jiohdihypoon, how long does it stay on?01:34
ouyeshypoon, you should go to hardware channel, but I think you need to reconfigure your bios setup?01:35
hypoonjiohdi: depends on how much I do. If I boot it up, log in, and leave it, it stays on much longer than if I boot it up, log in, and then open up firefox.01:35
hypoonouyes: it worked great up until today01:35
hypoonouyes: and we've had some moderate storms lately01:35
jiohdihypoon, definitely does not sound like a hardware problem, hardware does not typically behave that way01:35
pepsidoes the bios give you information like the voltage on each rail and the temperature of the cpu?01:36
hypoonouyes: I didn't know there was a hardware channel01:36
hypoonpepsi: I'll check now01:36
pepsi##hardware or ##electronics01:36
ouyeshypoon, you are talking about just one all a lot of computers?01:36
ouyeshypoon, channel name ##hardware01:36
hypoonouyes: well, one out of two in this building01:36
pepsithe other computer sounds like a good donor for a PSU for testing01:37
jiohdihypoon, there may be a power transistor that breaks down when it gets too hot, but your description seems more software/bios related01:37
hypoonjiohdi: any idea how I can verify that it is a software problem?01:37
jiohdilive cd01:38
jiohdithat will take out your os as a culprit anyways01:38
jiohdiit will still leave the bios01:38
enavhello... im adding a printer form a shared windows machine to my ubuntu 10.10....... what driver version should i select from the list?????01:38
enavis ahp D160001:38
bigeyeI have a question. Can I change default messanger to pidgin? I want to launch pidgin when I click Chat button on the top panel.01:39
hypoonpepsi: System temp: 37C/98F , CPU temp: 61C/141F, System Fan: 0RPM, CPU Fan: 3054 RPM, CPU Vcore: 1.36V, 12V: 11.91V, 3.3V: 3.346V, 5V: 5.10V, VBat: 3.34V, 5V SB: 5.02V01:39
roastedQuestion - has anybody here used Deja Dup? I just came across it today, and I love everything about the program, but I'm trying to see if there's a way to use this program (or something very similar to it) that automatically mounts CIFS shares and rsync's the data across the network, however, uncompressed. Any thoughts?01:40
hypoonpepsi: of course, they vary a little bit around those numbers. Temperatures have increased to 39C and 64C since I typed that01:40
pepsiwhat processor?01:41
XuMuKroasted, i was using it some time ago with amazon storage01:41
jiohdihypoon, temp can be a factor... check your fans to make sure they are not caked with crap and running properly01:41
roastedXuMuK, I love it, but I REALLY want to sync raw data. I asked the devs if it was an upcoming feature and they said no, that wasnt their target.01:41
roastedXuMuK, it was so depressing to hear that, as its such a solid application01:41
roastedXuMuK, do you know of any other apps that have the same functionality yet can sync raw data?01:42
jiohdihypoon, though the temp thing is often not power supply problem by video card or main processor01:42
XuMuKroasted, rsyns via sftp01:42
hypoonpepsi: I'm sorry to say that I don't know what processor this is, I'm not very familiar with this machine01:43
tmganyone experienced with webkit building from surces, best if on 11.04 ?01:43
roastedXuMuK, I was hoping for an easy to use gui :(01:43
ntr0pyIs there something like grub2-extras for ubuntu?01:43
XuMuKroasted, there are few frontend for rsync there01:43
ntr0pyi need http://bzr.savannah.gnu.org/lh/grub-extras/915resolution/files01:43
roastedXuMuK, any you recommend?01:43
pepsihypoon, so try a live cd or swap the psu with the other computer temporarily01:44
hypoonpepsi: yeah, I don't have any other PSU's on hand. I'm making a live-usb now01:44
XuMuKroasted, i don't use them anymore, i couldn't say you right now... ask google)01:44
pepsihypoon, you said you have 2 computers01:44
roastedXuMuK, been there. tried about 10 of them. none compare to deja dup, yet I want RAW data. gahh.01:44
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hypoonpepsi: yes, but the other machine's PSU is underpowered for this machine01:45
brad_I think I've found a bug regarding the ath5k driver for my AR5414 atheros chipset in my laptop. It will not list any wireless APs at all on 11.04 (of Ubuntu & Kubuntu & Fedora 15 beta.. so I think it's a kernel issue)01:45
XuMuKroasted, yeah, deja dup compress it all01:45
hypoonpepsi: this machine has dual 1TB's in a raid001:45
roastedXuMuK, and it auto mounts cifs shares, something none of the others did. its SO convenient...01:46
brad_I am new to submitting bug reports so if someone could help me does so I would greatly appreciate it as my wireless no longer works.01:46
hypoonpepsi: it's a desktop machine though, not a server.01:46
XuMuKroasted, as i sad, i didn't use them with cifs, but with remote amazon storage01:46
pepsihypoon, personally, i'd try it anyhow.. but i've never cared about my power supplies much, even with 4 or 5 hard drives01:47
roastedXuMuK, yeah :(01:47
hypoonpepsi: I'll see if they can be swapped. I don't know if the other PSU has sata power on it or not, I'll look in a moment01:47
hypoonanother weird thing is that it doesn't reboot on me if I go into recovery mode01:48
hypoonbut it does if I boot an older kernel01:48
hypoon(not in recovery mode)01:48
pepsimaybe your graphics card hates you01:49
hypoonpepsi: that's why I'm curious how the liveUSB will perform01:49
spankbotI can't believe its so diff to get MAME running in LNX, there is no consolidated documentation..01:50
MrGizmoi am getting Lost of Screen tearing with The ATI  Xord drivers. dose anybody know how to fix this issue?01:50
roastedQuestion - has anybody used gnome scheduler? I set up a recurring task but it doesn't seem to run, even tho it's set to run at every minute of the day. Meanwhile if I execute the command manually, it works fine.01:50
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Loshkihypoon: consider running a memtest overnight to verify the hardware?01:54
Loshkiroasted: which command? Have you tried it under 'at' or via 'crontab'? I dunno much about gnome scheduler...01:55
Belial`is anyone familiar with vgaswitheroo?01:55
spankbotAnyone know about MAME?01:55
ouyeshypoon, what situation are you facing? tell us what happened exactly01:55
spankbotWhat can you tell me about MAME01:56
Sidd1217Am I in the right place.  Noob here, have an odd question about installing ubuntu.01:56
TurkuSama<- curious about mame as well01:56
foul_owlHello. Natty installer does not detect my hard drive, yet nautilus from the live cd sees it fine and I can read and write data to it from nautilus. Running a raid 1 on an integrated SIL3114 on my Asus A8N motherboard. Thanks!01:56
roastedLoshki, I just found it on accident and thought "oh that might be a nicer way to set jobs than crontab"01:57
arandSidd1217: Ask away, otherwise no one will answer.01:57
LoshkiSidd1217: this is the right place, just ask your question and if someone knows they may answer...01:57
roastedLoshki, I may be deploying ubuntu at work so I'm trying to find gui apps so certain people dont crap themselves.01:57
spankbotTurkuSama If I were running Windows f*n 98 through Win7, I'd have MAME up in 5 min with ROMs.  But as always LNX documentation is non-conclusive or up to date on how to get it running.01:58
cirwinwhat's the simplest program I can use to crop an image?01:58
hypoonouyes: The computer booted up today. I logged in. Shortly afterward, the screen went black, and I started to boot up again. Rinse and repeat ;-)01:58
roastedQuestion - with cron, how can I set a job to run at login?01:58
Sidd1217Perhaps somebody will answer.  I'm booting 11.04 off of a cd.  It won't install due to [error 5]...I think there's a scratch on the disc.  I thought I'd install via a flash drive, but I now know this old box won't boot from usb.01:58
TurkuSamai can't help you there, i've tried searching on google01:59
spankbotcirwin GIMP01:59
hican anyone tell me why backtrack crashed01:59
TurkuSamai was going to lurk here for awhile till someone answered you01:59
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Sidd1217My question is, is there a way I can install *from* the ubuntu flash drive, while running from the ubuntu cd.01:59
cirwinspankbot: that's the "simplest", seriously... I might as well use imagemagick01:59
Guest27996can anyone tell me why backtrack crashed01:59
aeon-ltdhi: ask in #backtrack01:59
Loshkiroasted: well, if you want to debug this, I'd still start by seeing if you can get it to run ok with at or crontab01:59
bastidrazorGuest27996: because backtrack is not Ubuntu01:59
ouyeshypoon, horrible, what gave you by unam -a?01:59
spankbotcirwin  it's LNX, nothing is meant to be simplest01:59
aeon-ltd!backtrack | Guest2799601:59
ubottuGuest27996: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux), Ultimate Edition01:59
hypoonLoshki: I ran memtest, it said everything was OK. I only ran one pass though01:59
nejodecirwin, shotwell, fotoxx02:00
roastedLoshki, it works fine if I run it manually. I almost think its just the program itself as it has some options Im not sure of.02:00
cirwinnejode: thanks02:00
ouyeshypoon, and what is your computer type or model?02:00
hypoonouyes: I just booted off of a liveUSB02:00
hypoonouyes: it's a custom built machine, I don't remember the processor. 512MB of ram, dual 1TB sata's in RAID002:00
hypoonouyes: ubuntu 10.4.2 LTS02:00
hypoonouyes: recovery mode seems stable, but neither this kernel nor the previous kernel are, it reboots either way.02:01
hypoonouyes: it seems to last longer if I don't do anything than if I open firefox, etc...02:02
Loshkiroasted: the environment in which the commands run delayed isn't exactly the same as when running from the cli. That's why I wondered about running under crontab. Also consider running from a shell script and adding echo statements so you can see when the script starts and ends...02:02
roastedLoshki, have you used any rsync gui apps by chance?02:02
ccallahanHey, has anyone had issues running applications under WINE and losing their sound?02:02
hypoonthat was interesting02:02
hypoonrunning off of my liveUSB02:03
hypoonI rebooted02:03
hypoonmust be hardware02:03
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Loshkiroasted: sorry, I don't use gui stuff much at all (I find them often buggy). I do use rsync from the command line, though...02:03
roastedLoshki, as do I. just trying to find gui alternatives for some stuff to ease a certain group of people into linux ::02:04
TurkuSama[ubuntu 11.04]  how do i change my desktop icons to whatever .png or .ico I want?02:04
Loshkiroasted: I understand. Maybe write a shell script for them instead?02:04
roastedLoshki, thats possible too. I just thought it would be easier to find an app that doenst suck, considering theres like 12 to choose from02:04
Loshkihypoon: lshw should tell you lots about your hardware. Did you run memtest overnight?02:05
roastedLoshki, the problem is each app has a shining featur about it the others dont have. if only i could just combine them all...02:05
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Loshkiroasted: I'd trade 11 of those apps for one which really works well.... :-(02:05
roastedLoshki, there is one that works super well, but it only supports compression. i want to sync raw data as this file server is also a media server. i cant relaly stream data thats tarballed. ya know?02:06
nwmcsweenhey serge what needs to be finished in userns? maybe I can help out02:06
roastedLoshki, the devs on launchpad said they hadnt intended to support raw transmission of data. im tempted to offer a fat donation if they do, as that kind of app would be a true blessing to have at owrk.02:06
Cube``how can i install python2.5 pip on ubuntu 11.04?02:07
Loshkiroasted: what exactly are you trying to do?02:07
multipassmy 10.10 live usb keeps stalling on the "preparing to install ubuntu" tab.. any idea what its doing?02:07
roastedLoshki, I want a program that does the following. auto mount a CIFS share and rsync all data in raw format to the CIFS share. I'd also like it to do it at certain times with a scheduler02:08
Sidd1217How can I read/install Ubuntu 11.04 from a bootable USB flash drive while running off of a Ubuntu 11.04 cd?  Long story.02:08
roastedLoshki, grsync does this, but has no scheduler or auto mount. deja dup does this, but only supports compression, no raw data. luckybackup wont sync files for me, only empty directories (dont ask, i have no idea)02:08
nwmcsweenhallyn what needs to be finished with userns maybe I can help out02:09
jack-question: which ones are the coolest games you have for ubuntu?02:09
Loshkiroasted: well personally, I would script it, using mount & rsync, and invoke it from crontab....02:09
roastedLoshki, that may be my only choice here, but I felt like I was so close woth deja dup02:09
foul_owlHello. Natty installer does not detect my hard drive, yet nautilus from the live cd sees it fine and I can read and write data to it from nautilus. Running a raid 1 on an integrated SIL3114 on my Asus A8N motherboard. Thanks!02:09
roastedLoshki, its even coming on the livecd of 11.10 and fedora 13.  its a really solid application, like macs back in time or time machine or whatever that thing is.02:10
roastedLoshki, ive tested it extensively, it works spot on. I just wish it wasnt tarballs :/02:10
Cube``how can i install python2.5 pip on ubuntu 11.04?02:10
Loshkiroasted: generally, if it has a gui, it's not usually designed to run unattended...02:12
roastedLoshki, I fail to see why that would be an issue. the thing runs in the background without issue.02:12
gangsjenSorry about that.02:13
quintok so i have run into an issue after installing from a usb made with unetbootin02:13
quintmy fresh installation will not start unless the usb is inserted02:13
shawn_i am looking for someone to help me answer some questions02:14
quinti have a feeling i should install grub to the hard drive from the live image on the usb, does that sound like the right thing to do?02:14
Loshkiroasted: generally, if there's a gui, it was designed for someone to sit there and interact. It doesn't *have* to be that way, but mostly it is. Let me know if you need scripting help. Otherwise, try a 2nd opinion...02:14
shawn_how many workspaces does ubuntu support?02:14
Skaperenshawn_: how do you think you could possibly find such people without letting people know what the questions are?02:15
multipassmy ubuntu keeps freezing after i click forward on the "preparing to install ubuntu" step, where it has the 3 green checkmarks... do i need to download a new iso?02:15
roastedLoshki, I fail to see how it requires someone to interact if it was designed with a scheduler, though...02:15
Skaperenshawn_: define "workspace"02:15
roastedLoshki, because, if thats the case, whats the excuse for cron being acceptable?02:15
quintanyone have advice for me?02:15
quintjust dont wanna go do something i shouldnt lol02:16
roastedquint, I wonder if the boot record is on the usb drive, somehow02:16
Skaperenquint: what are you trying to accomplish?02:16
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roastedquint, what error do you get if theres no usb drive in?02:16
quintno error just blinking cursor (bios i think)02:16
quintmbr is on usb most likely02:17
roastedquint, id restore grub, but direct it to the hard drive02:17
quintthats what i thought02:17
roastedquint, http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/how-to-recover-grub2-linux.html02:17
quintjust needed a second opinion02:17
roastedive used that before02:17
roastedabout 3 days ago actually. haha02:17
quintthanks guys!02:17
quintmuch appreciated02:17
Skaperenquint: try something02:17
roastedgood luck02:17
Loshkiroasted: sorry, wish I could help better...02:18
Skaperenquint: if that doesn't work, try something else02:18
quintlol :P02:18
quintwill do02:18
roastedLoshki, its okay, i just wasnt understanding your take on the unattended thing :P02:18
Skaperenquint: seriously ... I do things that way02:18
Skaperenquint: of course I have some background knowledge to help arrange the order of things to try in an optimal sequence02:18
shawn_skarpen, does ubuntu come with open office by default02:19
roastedlibre office02:19
hallynnwmcsween: see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UserNamespace02:19
roastedas of 11.0402:19
roastedprevious versions came with open office02:19
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Skaperenquint: if you ask "will X work" ... we answer "let us know after you try it"02:19
hypoonLoshki: I didn't let it run overnight, no. It took about 15 minutes to do one pass, and I exited during the second pass. Pardon me while I swap PSUs with another machine I forgot was around.02:19
Skaperenquint: unless, of course, we've already done exactly what you are asking about02:19
quintok i'll report back with result in a few02:20
sroy2is there a bootloader that can handle more than 4 OSes? I think grub is capped out at 302:20
quintthanks :)02:20
Skaperenquint: you've mentioned usb and grub and booting ... somehow I wonder if you are trying to make an ISO bootable on a flash drive02:20
roastedSkaperen, he already did. thats how he installed ubuntu.02:20
hallyn_afknwmcsween: look at the recent userns patches applied to Linus' tree - first step is converting remaining capable calls to ns_capable when appropriate, and converting remaining userid checks to be userns aware.02:20
Cube``how can i install python2.5 pip on ubuntu 11.04? guys seriously this can not be that hard02:21
Skaperenroasted: OK ... and did you notice what his trouble was?02:21
jimmyxuAnyone idea of how to add a new keyboard shortcut under GNOME 3? The "+" button in gnome-control-center is grayed out.02:21
roastedSkaperen, his issue is now that ubuntu is installed, he cannot boot it WITHOUT the usb drive he installed from02:21
roastedSkaperen, as if the MBR is on the flash drive, noit the proper hard drive02:21
adexterhello, my sound is not working with some programs, but I am able to test the speakers (and headphones) just fine. does anybody know how to better diagnose this?02:21
newmaranyone has a ubuntu 11.04 installed in a toshiba satelitte u505 notebook02:22
Skaperenroasted: ah ... then the installer ended up putting grub in the wrong place02:22
Loshkiroasted: well, there *are* guis whose purpose is to schedule things in the background. I'm just saying that the vast majority of them aren't designed for batch use, which they probably were not designed/tested for...02:22
xiamxmy system load is 7.6 while cpu usage is only about 5% avg, what could be wrong?02:22
roastedLoshki, well considering that one app is going to be preinstalled on ubuntu 11.10s live cd and fedora 13, id give it the benefit of the doubt it was tested :P02:22
roastedLoshki, but I undertstand02:23
FlynsarmyAnyone know how i can point localhost.com toward localhost on my machine? I tried adding ' localhost.com' to my hosts file and restarting but it didn't work02:23
SkaperenFlynsarmy: that would be it for those programs that would check /etc/hosts ... but not all do02:24
_Neytiri_i am having a issue playing HD video files on my system, the video is freesing up and skipping, the audio is fine tho and i am useing 100% of my cpu's02:25
Loshkiroasted: we'll just have to disagree on that point :-). When deadlines get tight, testing is often the last thing done and the first thing to be skimped on....02:25
FlynsarmySkaperen: i was using the browser. i'd expect it to check the file?02:25
SkaperenFlynsarmy: are you running your own DNS cache server?  If not, you could.  Put a zone file in it for localhost.com02:25
stbainFlynsarmy, when you ping localhost.com from a command line, what IP address does it resolve to?02:25
roastedLoshki, well, so far its the one backup program that worked predictably for me each time, so Ill still give it a +1 :P02:25
SkaperenFlynsarmy: I don't know if firefox does or not ... but I know it doesn't re-read /etc/resolv.conf readily, so it appears it may be doing its own non-standard lookups02:26
musicMonsterwhere is the right place to set an environment variable?02:26
Loshkiroasted: cool, let us know how you get on with automating it...02:26
stbainFlynsarmy, you should have a line in /etc/hosts that already had localhost on it02:26
tanathwhy does the 11.04 upgrade want to remove banshee? i thought it was the new default?02:26
Flynsarmystbain: by default /etc/hosts was blank02:26
roastedLoshki, well, that program is the one that only does compression. ill probably use it somewhere, but not everywhere, as i need raw data in some areas, remember? :P02:27
foul_owlHello. Natty installer does not detect my hard drive, yet nautilus from the live cd sees it fine and I can read and write data to it from nautilus. Running a raid 1 on an integrated SIL3114 on my Asus A8N motherboard. Thanks!02:27
Flynsarmystbain: ohhh i see! i was typing in /etc/host due to tabbing issues. i had it wrong. thanks!02:27
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SkaperenFlynsarmy: it could be that the browser reads these files once and caches them ... if so, you'd have to quit the browser (not just close the window) and restart it, to have it re-read to pick up changes02:27
stbainFlynsarmy, just add a space and localhost.com to the end of the line... I just tried it. Worked for me.02:27
LoshkimusicMonster: depends on how long it should be around, and who should see it. ~/.bashrc is often a good choice...02:27
stbainshouldn't even need to reboot, just restart browser02:27
SkaperenFlynsarmy: ah ... wrong name would do it02:28
* Skaperen ran into a bug today with a program that could not read /etc/resolv.conf at all ... because of apparmor02:28
tanathisn't banshee the default media player in 11.04?02:29
* hypoon hates stubborn motherboard connectors02:29
_Neytiri_i am having a issue playing HD video files on my system, the video is freesing up and skipping, the audio is fine tho and i am using 100% of my cpu's it does it with vlc media player and Movie player02:29
Skaperenhypoon: hate them more if they fall off02:30
tanathroasted, then why does the upgrade to 11.04 want to remove it?02:30
stbainSince upgrading to Natty, my laptop no longer hibernates. Anyone have a link to explanation / fix that I can research on? Found a few searching but nothing definitive yet.02:30
musicMonsterLoshki: well im trying to setup the go programming and it says i need to add /home/go/bin to my path02:30
roastedtanath, i have no idea. i dont normally do upgrades to be honest wiht you02:30
hypoonSkaperen: o.O how'd you manage that?02:30
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Skaperenhypoon: didn't happen to me ... happened to one of the people that was testing the documentation02:31
Skaperenhypoon: but it wasn't her fault ... it looked like a bad soldering job02:31
LoshkimusicMonster: if it's for just one user, I would add it to the PATH in ~/.bashrc, then logout & login again & check the value of PATH02:32
hypoonSkaperen: I was thinking, somebody must have had some serious overheating issues if they desoldered the motherboard connector!02:32
shawn_how many workspaces can you set up02:32
musicMonsterLoshki: oh ok i didnt logout perfect I will try that. Thank you.02:32
Skaperenhypoon: it broke off when she was trying to connect it ... looked like bad manufacturing02:32
hypoonSkaperen: wow02:33
Cube``how can i install python2.5 pip on ubuntu 11.04? guys seriously this can not be that hard02:33
Loshkishawn_: how many do you need?02:33
hypoonSkaperen: I guess I shouldn't be so surprised, I got a board in the mail yesterday where a SMD LED fell off02:33
Skaperenhypoon: it was a mini-PCI, like the kind Wifi board plug into inside routers and laptops, but it was added to the edge of the board in a weak way02:33
ksywwhy do all distros have a slower keyboard response than mac and windows?02:33
aeon-ltdksyw: they don't normally02:34
_Neytiri_i am having a issue playing HD video files on my system, the video is freesing up and skipping, the audio is fine tho and i am using 100% of my cpu's it does it with vlc media player and Movie player, i am running 10.4 with 2 gigs of ram, dule core 3.6 ghz02:34
ksywaeon-ltd: they dont normally what02:34
hypoondamn, this PSU doesn't have the four pin CPU power02:34
pylixthe wireless article really saved me. thank you Ubuntu for great documentation. was difficult to get the network up with no network connection02:34
aeon-ltdksyw: they don't normally have slower res[onse02:34
Skaperenhypoon: there are adapters for that02:34
hypoonSkaperen: no adapters in my pockets though :-/02:35
ksywaeon-ltd: so your saying you cannot see a difference in speed/response when you type on linux and windows'?02:35
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aeon-ltdksyw: no, unless under heavy load02:35
shawn_loshki im wondering how many it supports. its for a class exam02:35
ksywheavy load as in what do you mean aeon-ltd02:35
hypoonSkaperen: I was feeling lucky when I had a sata power adapter on me02:35
aeon-ltdksyw: cpu near maxing out02:36
ksywaeon-ltd: ok, im surprised you cannot see it02:37
Skaperenhypoon: about every 3 years they have to make up new connector types to maintain a revenue stream of people buying stuff02:37
ksywaeon-ltd: if you type something fast on windows and fast on lets say ubuntu.. you cant see that the lettrs show up on windows faster?02:37
aeon-ltdksyw: no02:38
ksywaeon-ltd: hmm02:38
foul_owlksyw: I notice this in gnome and gtk based distros02:39
foul_owlBut those are memory hogs02:39
ksywfoul_owl: oh ya?02:39
foul_owlRunning fluxbox rather than metacity works great02:39
ksywfoul_owl: whicj distros have a better keyboard response... the non gnomes?02:40
hypoonfoul_owl: I like dwm, nice and fast02:40
foul_owlmetacity, nautilus, and firefox all use waaaay too much memory for me02:40
foul_owlnot to mention pretty much all gtk apps02:40
foul_owli use ubuntu, but install fluxbox, midori, and the x file mamanger02:41
_Neytiri_i am having a issue playing HD video files on my system, the video is freesing up and skipping, the audio is fine tho and i am using 100% of my cpu's it does it with vlc media player and Movie player, i am running 10.4 with 2 gigs of ram, dule core 3.6 ghz, any idea on how to fix this?02:41
ksywfoul_owl: what about kde?02:41
foul_owlI honestly have not tried it02:41
marca311_Neytiri_: What is your video card?02:41
foul_owlopenarena, mplayer, etc all run great with the fluxbox setup, but choke under gnome02:42
_Neytiri_hmm thats a tough one, i dont know off hte top of my head , but let me look02:42
foul_owli have been meaning to write a tutorial about my setup02:42
hypoonI love running mplayer using the framebuffer driver02:42
_Neytiri_its a nvidia gforce 940002:43
_Neytiri_9400 GT02:43
marca311_Neytiri_: there's your problem, the drivers for that vid card are not quite supported yet02:43
* ksyw passes gas02:43
foul_owli think linux distros need to focus on keeping apps lightweight, not everyone can afford new hardware, not to mention windows 2000 had a responsive gui running with a pentium 2 and 64 mb of ram02:44
TurkuSamaanything that can change my gui or skin for ubuntu 11.04?02:44
ksywI actually heard  2000 was more stable than xp02:44
_Neytiri_really? its been working fine for a lot of things non hd video, included02:44
marca311_Neytiri_: maybe find some proprietary (gasp!) drivers or get a different video card02:44
marca311_Neytiri_: oh? hmm02:44
_Neytiri_i am useing the nvidia drives for linux02:45
marca311_Neytiri_: how big is this file you are trying to play?02:45
foul_owli had been trying to find what was slowing things down so much for me, and finally i narrowed it down to gnome apps02:45
_Neytiri_12.7 Gb02:45
fluffmanon unity 2d, my mouse scroll wheel does not change the volume. this works fine in unity 3d. is this normal?02:45
foul_owlgnome terminal is too much of a hog too, xterm is way faster for me02:46
marca311_Neytiri_: hmm, have you tried the video on a different OS on the same computer?02:46
szalmarca311: what the hell are you talking about?  GF9 is far from brand new..02:46
fluffmanfoul_owl: I've not had a problem with gnome-terminal. plus, other terminals don't display byobu applets properly :(02:47
marca311szal: did I say something about the age?02:47
_Neytiri_ya worked fine when i was useing microcrap02:47
szalmarca311: you seemed to imply something along these lines02:47
marca311szal: whoops, i had no intention of doing so02:47
Zelozeloswhen I chage cursors the default white one is still there, sometimes the new cursor will show in windows or when i select a window border. what do i need 2 do to change the cursor for everything?02:48
szal[03:43:56] <marca311> _Neytiri_: there's your problem, the drivers for that vid card are not quite supported yet <- or what did you mean by that?02:48
foul_owlMy laptop is a pentium 3 with 256 mb ram. i know hardware is cheap, but i don't want to jsut throw it out, i know a gui os can run fine on it02:48
marca311szal: I've had a lot of problems with Nvidia and Ubuntu02:48
marca311_Neytiri_: I would suggest either find some way to reduce load on your graphics card or get a new one02:49
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tumenjargalhi all02:50
tumenjargali've big problem02:50
wisienwhere can i find bash history logged?02:50
chawhello, I was wondering if there is a version of ubuntu that I can run on an intel 64 chip02:50
_Neytiri_i have tried it with nothing but the gui and the media playter running and no avail02:50
tumenjargalE: Could not perform immediate configuration on 'multiarch-support'. Please see man 5 apt.conf under APT::Immediate-Configure for details. (2)02:51
chawwisien: .history02:51
chawyou can also run history from bash02:51
tumenjargalthis error help me02:51
chawhistory | grep 'what youre looking for'02:51
marca311chaw: most of them can02:51
chawis the only 64 bit version for amd?02:52
tumenjargalyes 64 bit version02:52
symptomhello is there some issue with ubuntu's ppa's I keep getting the package could not be authenticated issue.02:52
fluffmanchaw: no.02:52
chaw:\ so I should get the x86 version then?02:52
fluffman64 works on new intel chips02:52
chawamd64 works on new intel chips? i7? ? :D fluffman you would make my day02:52
fluffmanit's just called amd_64 because amd developed it02:52
wisienwhat is gui tool for managing services in ubuntu?02:52
chaw<3 awesome02:53
marca311chaw: it should there is minimal difference02:53
fluffmanchaw: you're welcome. enjoy ubuntu! :D02:53
marca311fluffman: indeed02:53
chawi'm running 10.04 here02:53
edwintoddhow do I install a *.tar file with USB?02:53
chawnarwhal is alpha?02:54
tumenjargalhave any solution?02:54
symptomhello is there some issue with ubuntu's ppa's I keep getting the package could not be authenticated issue.02:54
marca311edwintodd: explain more plz02:54
tumenjargalLinux tumenjargal 2.6.38-8-generic-pae #42-Ubuntu SMP Mon Apr 11 05:17:09 UTC 2011 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux02:54
tumenjargalmy computer02:54
edwintoddmarc311, wireless driver down, ethernet driver down, trying to install STA driver from USB02:54
fluffmanedwintodd: .tar is like .zip. you don't install it. it's just a folder full of files02:54
RavenHursTDoes anyone have any idea why in Features' hook_taxonomy_default_vocabularies_alter(&$vocabularies) I can var_dump($vocabularies['my_vocab']) and it gives me the vocab.. but when I run $vocabs = taxonomy_vocabulary_get_names() in the same place,  $vocabs['my_vocab'] returns NULL???02:55
marca311edwintodd: ah, have you unpacked the .tar file?02:55
fluffmanchaw: 11.04 natty narwhal is the current stable release, but not as stable as the long term support like 10.0402:55
edwintoddmarca311, no, how do I unpack?  With Ubuntu?02:55
marca311edwintodd: yes02:55
marca311edwintodd: you should be able to just doubleclick on it and extract it from there02:56
RavenHursToh wait.. I think I just answered my own question... because the alter hook is running BEFORE the taxonomy defaults are actually getting saved to the db.. which explains why this was working when the vocab was already created.. der.. nm02:56
RavenHursThmmm.. wonder which features hook I should write my "create these terms in the default vocab" code then... ?02:57
Spaz_DynamicI just ran updates, and now flash isn't working? Kubuntu 11.04, chromium 11.0.696.65 (84435)02:57
edwintoddmarca311, then what command do I use in terminal to install driver?02:57
marca311edwintodd: it depends what was in the file, was there a file called "configure"?02:58
dylan_does any one know what package the desktop notifications belong to?02:58
fluffmanon unity 2d, my mouse scroll wheel does not change the volume. this works fine in unity 3d. is this normal?02:59
hypoonand the moment of truth, running on a different PSU. will it work?03:00
trismdylan_: there are several notification daemons, notify-osd is used by default in ubuntu, most programs use libnotify to send the notifications, notify-send in libnotify-bin can be used to send them from the command line03:00
edwintoddmarca311, 'lib', 'src', 'makefile', no configure03:00
marca311edwintodd: sweet03:01
dylan_trism: thanks03:01
marca311edwintodd: go into terminal and go to that directory03:01
edwintoddmarca311, at command line, what to type to see directory?03:03
tumenjargalhelp me03:03
tumenjargal[08:59] <tumenjargal> help me [08:59] <tumenjargal> dude [09:00] <tumenjargal> i'm try [09:00] <tumenjargal> sudo apt-get install xchat [09:00] <tumenjargal> then [09:00] <tumenjargal> Do you want to continue [Y/n]? y E: Could not perform immediate configuration on 'multiarch-support'. Please see man 5 apt.conf under APT::Immediate-Configure for details. (2)03:03
tumenjargalDo you want to continue [Y/n]? y E: Could not perform immediate configuration on 'multiarch-support'. Please see man 5 apt.conf under APT::Immediate-Configure for details. (2)03:03
tumenjargalthis problem?03:03
marca311edwintodd: cd [insert directory here]03:04
noobhello guys03:04
noobim absolutely noob in linux03:04
marca311edwintodd: question, where did you extract it too03:04
kzettsAnyone know of a way to install Windows 7 on a machine, using PXE from an Ubuntu machine?03:04
marca311noob: really now?03:04
edwintoddmarc311, when dir is typed, files are visble.03:05
noobcan anybody help me figure things out? :)03:05
stbainkzetts, you may want to ask in #windows03:05
edwintoddmarc311, home directory03:05
noobyes marca311 im very new to linux03:05
kzettsWhy would I ask about installing from PXE FROM an Ubuntu box in #windows?03:05
marca311edwintodd: an easier way to do that is the command "ls"03:05
LAcanguys this is gonna sound stupid, but is there a windows registry editor for ubuntu?03:05
marca311edwintodd: so, where did you extract the files to?03:05
edwintoddmarc311, home directory03:06
tmgkzetts: because you want to get windows?03:06
edwintoddfiles are visible when dir is entered03:06
stbainkzetts, it's a network Windows install, the PXE part is pretty straight forward03:06
kzettsNot really, what I want to know is how to mount any random ISO from a PXE host installed on an Ubuntu box. For all intents and purposes I could be installing VMWare ESX or Citrix Xen.03:07
kzettsThe OS is irrevelent.03:07
marca311edwintodd: oh, sorry, didn't see the first time, in which case type "cd ~/[insert folder name here]03:07
noobcan anybody help me with my phpmyadmin problem?. please03:07
stbainkzetts, ahhh, the PXE howto is probably your best bet03:07
widewakeHelloo , is Qin in?03:07
marca311noob: i might be able to help, what is the problem?03:07
Onryonoob what is your prob?03:07
noobwew tnx marca03:07
rwwwidewake: they've been idle for 3 hours03:08
edwintoddmarc311, two folder names, "lib" and "src", which one?03:08
LAcanguys this is gonna sound stupid, but is there a windows registry editor for ubuntu?03:08
widewakeoh ok03:08
stbainLAcan, I believe WINE ships with one03:08
widewakeis there a way to see a userlist?03:08
widewakei can only see who is in by the chat text itself03:08
marca311edwintodd: oh you extracted it without a folder, oh, i see... in which case, type: "make"03:08
widewakeim using xchat03:08
JoeR1E: Malformed line 60 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list (dist parse)03:09
JoeR1E: The list of sources could not be read.03:09
JoeR1Go to the repository dialog to correct the problem.03:09
JoeR1E: _cache->open() failed, please report.03:09
FloodBot1JoeR1: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.03:09
JoeR1I would like to know how to rectify this error message03:09
LAcanstbain, ty03:09
marca311edwintodd: when that is done, type: "sudo make install" (as long as there were no errors)03:09
Skaperenwhat is wrong with the message?03:10
JoeR1well it is keeping me from using apt-get or Synaptic03:10
edwintoddmarc311, errors are listed, can I paste.ubuntu so you can see, would that help?03:10
Skaperenthe sources file might be corrupt03:10
OnryoLAcan not like you are thinking in Windows. If you use WINE (Windows Is Not Emulated) there is a virtual registry so windows programs work. Nothing to do with your *nix userland03:11
marca311edwintodd: yes, that would help03:11
stbainJoeR1, what is on line 6003:11
rwwJoeR1: open /etc/apt/sources.list, go to line 60, fix it...03:11
janusauronHello TODOS PUTOS!!!!! means hello boys :)03:11
Skaperencan you show line 60 (just the one line) ?03:11
JoeR1stbain rww - thanks, I feel foolish after hearing that but thanks all the same03:11
LAcanOnryo, no, i need to gank a rootkitted registry key and cant do it from windows cuz of permissions..03:11
edwintoddmarc311, http://paste.ubuntu.com/609284/03:12
OnryoLAcan you have a rootkit in your Kernel? Or just WINE?03:12
drowningIWsup guys?? how is everybody today? I dont know about you but I have been working on fing code all day. And i get home and plan to do some ftp work bc the fing boss is a demanding mfer... anyways i go to ftp and it says no route to hose even tho I can ping the host. what gives?03:12
LAcani cleaned the infection Onryo , i just need to delete a few left over reg entries03:13
stbainLAcan, Perhaps give this a try: http://www.arsgeek.com/2008/02/27/use-your-ubuntu-partition-to-fix-a-corrupt-registry-on-a-windows-xp-partition/03:13
drowningIWmy firewall is off and no iptables installed03:13
marca311edwintodd: what does this driver do?03:14
drowningIWno route to host shouldnt be their if I can ping the damn site?03:15
qindrowningIW: Your ftp is not running, ping server, or nmap can shed some night.03:15
edwintoddmarca311, everything seemed OK (wl driver, ethernet driver) until I upgraded to 11.04, then the wireless stopped working.  This driver is from broadcom for a STA driver.  I don't have any internet connection on my laptop, so I can03:15
edwintoddmarca311, can't use the software center.03:16
JoeR1Thanks guys I found out what was wrong, I forgot to put "main" at the end of some software sources03:17
JoeR1easy fix and I feel like a n idiot for doing it and for not thinking of how to fix it03:17
marca311edwintodd: hmm, check the page where you found the driver, see if it needs anything to be installed03:18
drowningIWno way these are burst .net work servers03:18
drowningIWi'll nmap the server03:18
noobmarca heres the prob when i installed php5 and tried to restart apache it says "The apache error log may have more information (failed)"03:18
OnryoLAcan If you need to clean up I had some food in the oven. You you want to clean up cruft from your system03:18
drowningIWnoob tail your etc/log/03:18
noobmarca heres the prob when i installed php5 and tried to restart apache it says "The apache error log may have more information (failed)"03:18
OnryoLAcan  computer-janitor find03:18
drowningIWtheir should be an apache folder in their03:19
OnryoLAcan computer-janitor clean --all03:19
drowningIWand you can see the error03:19
drowningIWmy apache log is in03:19
noobok wait03:20
marca311noob: check the apache log03:20
marca311dang, too late03:20
noobhow do i check my apache log?03:20
drowningIWi have upgraded about 3 servers worht of websites from one host to another in the last03:20
drowningIWfew weeks03:20
drowningIWalong with crafting a social networking site and promoting MMA fights03:21
tophuhow can I add a launcher for a java program to the unity launcher?03:21
noobhow do i check my apache log?.im really sorry my name really says it all im a noob..03:21
qinwidewake: Here...03:22
marca311noob: "less /var/log/apache2/error.log"03:22
drowningIWtail error.log03:22
drowningIWOR you can say03:22
marca311noob: without the brackets03:22
drowningIWvi error.log03:22
drowningIWtail error.log03:22
drowningIWit will bounce you into a03:22
drowningIWthe editor03:22
noobil try it03:22
drowningIWtype :quit to quit03:22
drowningIWtype i to start typing03:22
fluffmantophu: right click on the desktop and create a launcher, then place it in ~/.local/share/applications and run it, then right click on it and keep it in the launcher03:22
noobok copy03:22
rwwor just use nano like a sane person03:22
drowningIWescape to get to main menu and :save filename03:22
drowningIWtail should do the job noob03:23
marca311or just straightup gedit or emacs03:23
drowningIWdog i use gedit for production level shit03:23
drowningIWi got scorned at the office but fuck them I get my shit done with gedit and its plugins03:23
tophuthanks fluff03:23
rwwdrowningIW: Watch your language, please.03:24
OnryoLAcan if you have had some windows stuff on your box you might want to do this after clamscan / -ir --exclude-dir=^/sys --exclude-dir=^/dev --exclude-dir=^/proc --detect-pua=yes --scan-mail=yes --log=/home/clamscan.log03:25
kunudo you have the problem that  the wireless adapter is often turned off automatically since upgrade to 11.0403:26
edwintoddmarca311, check this out and see if my headers and tools are missing, http://paste.ubuntu.com/609290/03:26
edwintoddmarca311, the paste is from the readme.txt file at broadcom's download site03:26
Zelozeloskunu wireless and bluetooth sometimes turn off on me, also bluetooth often dosent connect, i have to make it do it03:27
noobthank you guys. thank you drowningIW and marca1103:27
Zelozelosusually after a screensaver/power option has been invoked kunu03:27
marca311edwintodd: i'm guessing you don't have those packages, i'll send you links03:27
leftinessI recently purchased an RTL8191SEvB pci wireless card. I installed the driver and firmware on the disc. I have wireless connectivity. However, it drops out. When it drops out, the only way I can get it to connect again is by restarting. The only way I've managed to maintain connectivity is to keep a ping to google.com going. It seems that it drops out as soon as connectivity stops being ideal. Has anyone experienced anything like03:28
Skaperenleftiness: have you tried using all the different wireless channels?03:29
marca311edwintodd: actually you can get the packages you need at: packages.ubuntu.com03:29
kunuZelozelos, no  ,I'm using ,turned off Suddenly03:30
leftinessSkaperen: I've tried channel 6, the default channel provided in wicd, as well as channel 9, the channel recommended in a forum, and channel auto. None seem to make a difference, though there may be something specifically required.03:30
Onryoleftiness that card is know for problems. What kernel are you using?03:30
=== CarlFK1 is now known as CarlFK
q_a_z_steveWhat's the console apt-get FE which allows you to choose how to resolve deps?03:30
Zelozelosleftiness, marca311 is prob on the right track, check for channel interference, if u have an android phone theres an awesome app  that would be gr8 for it03:30
Onryoleftniness uname -a03:31
qinleftiness: There was no native drivers?03:31
sc30317I installed gnome-shell through the ppa repository, and now my screen isn't rendering properly.  Is there a known fix for this?03:31
leftinessOnryo: I realize that it's known for problems. I regret not checking that beforehand. I'm using kernel 2.6.38. I expect that the channel is the issue as it's the only lead I've noticed in forums, so I'm only checking here as a formality. I do have an Optimus V with Android 2.2, though I'm unsure how that would help.03:32
marca311edwintodd: brb03:32
leftinessqin: The drivers are native. I used the instructions provided in the readme to compile the driver from source. It works, though again it has quirks.03:32
leftinessI'll continue working with different channels. Thank you for the sanity check.03:33
hypoonhey all, to those who were helping me: swapping the PSU seems to have done the trick03:33
hypoonnow I just need to order a new one I suppose03:33
hypoonthanks all!03:33
qinleftiness: By native I mean from ubuntu repos, not .deb from web or source.03:33
Onryoleftniness what does lsmod | grep r8192 show you?03:33
kunuZelozelos, Have you   solved that problem03:34
gremsetThe regular upater update my flash on my 64 bit to 10.3, Now flash does not work on any of the browser (flash, chromium). How can I revert back?03:34
Zelozeloskunu nope, well sorta, i disable all the power options cept my screen turning off after an hour of inactivity03:34
leftinessqin: The driver probed is r8192se_pci. This seems accurate as I'm using an RTL8191SEvB wireless card, and I've read that the difference between 8192 and 8191 is only desktop and laptop sizing, that the driver is compatible with both.03:35
Zelozeloskunu u should check to see if theres an offical but report on it03:36
qinleftiness: May be some subtel compilation difference (to work better with Ubuntu kernel i.e.)03:36
w0_what exactally is zeitgeist?03:36
Zelozelosas for myself, ill just patiently wait for it to fix its self hahaaaa03:36
leftinessAgain, thank you for the sanity check. The #ubuntu channel is always quick with helpful insights.03:37
kunuZelozelos, Have you had this problem with before upgrade to 11.0403:37
Zelozeloskunu not at all, it all worked perfectly03:37
Onryoleftniness Well that problem was more or less fixed in 2.6.35 but some ppl still had problems. Often a BIOS update did the trick. Have you tried that?03:37
kunuZelozelos,  and I am03:38
Onryoleftniness I am guessing your on a 64bit system.03:38
JoeR1hello folks, I need the terminal commmand that will list connected devices, does such a thing exust?03:38
edwintoddmarca311, dizzy - I a true novice and with out internet on the computer packages and downloads are confusing.. any ideas?03:39
fluffmanJoeR1: lsusb and lspci should work03:39
qinJoeR1: lsusb, lspci, lshw03:39
fluffmanJoeR1: also dmsg | tail03:39
fluffmanedwintodd: http://keryxproject.org/03:41
JoeR1fluffman - very well, Now i need to find out what the device is named as by linux, for example I need to find it in the format /dev/device_here03:41
pladijs_how do i get gdm to execute my .xinitrc? It seems to have read it once and stored things in a session somewhere now.03:41
fluffmanJoeR1: if it's a USB drive plugged in, then I just do "ls /dev | grep sd"03:42
Guest74708oh crap03:42
marca311edwintodd: type: "sudo apt-get install build-essential linux-headers-generic03:42
=== Guest74708 is now known as squonk
pladijs_i want to tinker with scripts in .xinitrc, not have autosaved sessions and whatnot. i just want autologin from gdm. or should i drop gdm03:42
squonkokay that is strange03:42
JoeR1fluffman - it is a USB webcam and i cannot get Skype to produce video so I thought perhaps it had the wrong device name03:43
methedmanhow do i underclock my cpu for powersaving purposes03:43
JoeR1but after careful consideration i have decided this is most likely not the case03:43
marca311edwintodd: send me the output03:43
fluffmanJoeR1: download cheese webcam booth03:44
Zelozelosanyone had any issues with the grub customizer changing the background and colors n stuff? i got the answer from the developer himself ;)03:44
MarkSSWhat program for Ubuntu can do stuff like Adobe: After Effects can?03:44
JoeR1fluffman can this be done with apt-get?03:44
JoeR1wait, yes it should be able to03:44
marca311edwintodd: all the things up to the part where it asks the (Y/N) question03:44
JoeR1i added a repository that allowed akype03:44
fluffmani've found that cheese is better at detecting webcams, and should tell you the /dev name03:44
JoeR1oh wait, cheese in in the software manager03:45
fluffmanJoeR1: sudo apt-get install cheese03:45
=== ga4desk is now known as ubusammyn150
ubuntuguyHow do I reinstall a game that I purchased in the ubuntu software center?03:46
fluffmanJoeR1: if cheese doesn't pick up the webcam, then you've probably got a camera that just won't work in linux03:46
ubusammyn150ok, the usb is tagged bootable,lba and is fat32.. why isnt the samsung n150 booting from usb when i tell it to?03:46
soreauubuntuguy: What are you trying to accomplish by reinstalling it?03:46
MarkSSWhat program for Ubuntu can do stuff like Adobe: After Effects can?03:46
fluffmanubuntuguy: file > reinstall purchased apps03:46
ubuntuguyjust want to know for future reference so when I do a fresh install03:46
ubuntuguyThanks, I'll look for that03:47
noobim back :)03:48
JoeR1fluffman - the cam does work, it produces images through camorama03:48
squonkPurchased software!!! *covers ears* la la la can't hear you.. ;)03:48
ubusammyn150Is there something more i should do for this netbook, other then make a botable usb?03:48
noobdoes anybody here knows how to play world of warcraft in ubuntu?03:48
JoeR1fluffman - cheese has also produced the correct image03:48
ubusammyn150noob, i think wine works?03:48
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qinnoob: #winehq after visiting wine website03:49
marca311noob: the very easy way is to buy crossover games03:49
fluffmannoob: google WOW wine. lots of info there03:49
ubusammyn150but warcraft i thought had a native linux version?03:49
marca311noob: but it is expensive03:49
noobwew expensive? ouch..03:49
squonkokay that means I'll not be 'purchasing' that.03:49
fluffmanJoeR1: dig around in cheese settings and such to see if you can find what the /dev name is03:50
noobi think im gonna forget playing now.. lol03:50
skyshadownoob:try the mana world its like wow and in the repos03:50
fluffmanshould just be /dev/webcam03:50
squonkfine I'll say windows has a use: To play Wow03:50
noobmana world?03:50
ubusammyn150noob yea, there are much better games to be playing i think..03:50
noobsudo apt-get manaworld?03:50
JoeR1fluffman - way ahead of you - /dev/video0 same as in skype03:50
ubusammyn150sword2  replaced wow for me and its free xD03:50
fluffmanJoeR1: weird. should be working then. I'm out of ideas. Sorry. :(03:50
squonknoob: there are a ton of games and applications for linux that don't cost ya.03:51
squonkthe repository is chock full of em03:51
JoeR1so maybe there is aa problem with missing packages needed in skype?03:51
noobhow do i look for them03:51
slinker1squonk: check out auteria03:51
ubusammyn150noob, but i'm sure they'd appreciate a donation or two or more xD03:51
noobim really sorry i just installed ubuntu jsut this morning03:51
* squonk nods to slinker103:51
fluffmanJoeR1: try removing that skype and installing from skype.com. that works for me03:51
squonkAwesome, noob!03:51
squonkI've had it for erm 4 days now03:51
squonkI'm in lurrrve.03:52
Reinier_Strobosok question about partitions03:52
leighhearing a hollow sound when i play any audio, how do i fix this?03:52
noobhow do i install  sword2 game?.:)03:52
squonknot to mention the kewl peeps helping out here ;)03:52
marca311noob: ubuntu software center or synaptic package manager03:52
JoeR1fluffman - very well, one moment and I will report my results03:52
ubusammyn150*tries to google "how to boot from usb on a samsung n150"*03:52
edwintoddmarca311, here the output http://paste.ubuntu.com/609294/03:52
noobcool indeed i mean i jsut discovered ican chat people with this OS03:53
nooblol feels like im not alone03:53
Reinier_Strobosso im  trying to dual boot ubuntu and windows: can i create one partition for windows, one for ubuntu, and one for files that can be accessed by both?03:53
Reinier_Strobosis that possible?03:53
noobalthough im really noob03:53
squonknoob: like he said... check out the synaptic package manager or the ubuntu software support center.... if you are using gnome,. it should be on the action bar on the left side.03:53
marca311edwintodd: oh, jeez, that complicates it03:53
squonkit is on my install anyway.03:53
noobok tnx..marca and squonk03:54
noobyour a life saver.. :)03:54
edwintoddnot a good sign... shall I try a fresh install of 11.0403:54
marca3111edwintodd: no, definitely not03:55
squonkmarca is03:56
Reinier_Strobosso im trying to dual boot ubuntu and windows: can i create one partition for windows, one for ubuntu, and one for files that can be accessed by both? I understand the concept of a swap partition but can i just have all the files be on that swap partition and then access them all from each os?03:56
squonkI'm new too.03:56
marca3111edwintodd: try the second command on the list: sudo apt-get build-dep linux03:56
squonkI just remember what I've learned in here and playing around.03:56
noobi think im gonna hang here from this point onwards :)03:56
ubusammyn150reiner swap is virtual memory..03:56
squonkkk who want's bbq chicken n tater wedgies?03:57
noobbut im gonna change my nick...hmm03:57
* squonk grins and goes to have dinner.03:57
fluffmanReinier_Strobos: that's not what swap is for.03:57
=== Reinier_Strobos is now known as rayy
fluffmanReinier_Strobos: you don't need a partition to hold files for both. Ubuntu can read Windows files just fine.03:57
ubusammyn150Reinier_Strobos, also ubuntu can see files on both drives/parts but windows see's only windows stuff03:57
leighhow do i fix the karaoke effect in my audio? all of my music and audio is like this03:57
noobwew!..my brother just arrived tnx for the tips guys..:)03:58
marca311ubusammyn150: you can install software on windows to see your ubuntu partition03:58
edwintoddmarca3111, http://paste.ubuntu.com/609297/03:58
ubusammyn150rayy, it may be possible to load a virtual machine in windows to run your linux in windows03:58
fluffmanleigh: do you have like a feed back loop? try mucking with the settings in your audio menu03:58
nooblike virtual box?03:58
ubusammyn150oh cool, ty marca03:58
rayyyes i have wubi on this computer but I want to try to dual boot03:59
marca311ubusammyn150: i believe it's called EXT2 IFS03:59
berefeirarunning natty on intel x-25m G1...looking good so far :)03:59
pyfonclose to giving up, tried everything but can't get wifi working on asus 1001p eee pc, ubuntu 10.1003:59
pyfonany help?03:59
marca311pyfon: what is the wireless card?03:59
ubusammyn150isnt that compatable with the ralink drivers?03:59
leighfluffman - where do i find the audio menu? i see the sound settings in preferences04:00
rayyok so windows is installed and when using the prepare disk utility on ubuntu how do i determine the size of each partition?04:00
fluffmanleigh: yep04:00
pyfonmarca311: AR2427 Wireless Network Adapter (PCI-Express)04:01
fluffmanyou're there.04:01
noobdoes anybody in here knows what is crash bang?.my brother just asked me.04:01
openarenai have a problem witrh open arena in natty, it says "cg_registrationitemvisuals out of range blah blah "04:01
edwintoddmarca311, see my paste? http://paste.ubuntu.com/609297/04:01
jasonmchristosi thought seahorse integrates file encryption into nautalis but i dont see any option to encrypt a text file04:02
qinnoob: You mean shebang?04:02
JoeR1fluffman - do you have any recommendation about how to test the built in mic on my webcam?04:02
Loshkinoob: I think he means crunchbang. It's a distro. Google 'ubuntu crunchbang"04:02
fluffmanright click your sound icon applet and click preferences04:02
marca311edwintodd: i'm sorry, i have no idea how to solve your problem04:02
fluffmanJoeR1: ^04:02
noobyeah yea crunchbang i mean04:03
edwintoddmarca311, thanks.04:03
rayyubusammyn150 so if that is the case should i allocate most of the partition for windows and then a small amount for ubuntu04:03
ouyesthere is something wrong with my screensaver, I am runing  Linux Nobody 2.6.38-8-generic #42-Ubuntu SMP Mon Apr 11 03:31:50 UTC 2011 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux, and once the screensaver was active, you can't go back to normal screen, no matter you type what, no response, I have to hold the power button until the lap shutdown, what is wrong with my thinkpad x201?04:03
fluffmanJoeR1: look under the input tab and select the correct connector04:03
JoeR1fluffman, I do not get a preferences04:03
openarenai have a problem with openarena game in natty, it says "cg_registrationitemvisuals out of range blah blah " and crashes in multiplayer04:03
marca311pyfon: have you tried using ndiswrapper? it's bad, but it works04:03
rayyubusammyn150 or create a third partition for data and then download the os's on separate partitions?04:04
fluffmanJoeR1: look under System > Preferences > Sound then04:04
JoeR1fluffman - i retract that I found the preferences04:04
ubusammyn150rayy, using wubi is dual booting04:04
pyfonmarca311: that is what i'm currently using, it works sometimes, but once I restart it rarelly works again04:04
rayyubusammyn150 but its not partitions though04:04
ubusammyn150what would you be allocateing more space for?04:04
openarenam i invisible or cant i see ur reply?? :P04:04
ubusammyn150yes actually it is04:04
marca311pyfon: ah, sounds like a problem with my current wireless driver on my netbook, sorry, i have no idea04:05
ubusammyn150do you have gpart?04:05
JoeR1fluffman - i do not have the input tab though04:05
rayyubusammyn150 im confused with the whole concept of partitions i think04:05
ubusammyn150it will list wubi's parts as ntfs because it was installed from windows04:05
fluffmanJoeR1: what version of ubuntu are you using?04:05
ubusammyn150with my samsung it listed 4 parts on one drive.. 2 of those are win 704:05
marca311openarena: that's because people here don't know how to deal with that04:05
JoeR111. something, whatever the newest is04:05
rayyubusammyn150 my understanding is that you can only access files on the partition that the os is operating on04:06
pyfonmarca311: I find it hard to accept ubuntu wifi still being any issue at that stage in the game04:06
fluffmanJoeR1: weeeeeiiiiiirrrd. can't help ya then.04:06
JoeR1ifluffman I am acctually on Xubuntu04:06
fluffmanah, hmm04:06
rayyubusammyn150 but thats not true? i want to put the os04:07
marca311pyfon: yeah, me too, but what should be native drivers for me have never worked04:07
ubusammyn150rayy, ubuntu will be able to access both file systems... win7 has software available that can see ubuntu as well04:07
fluffmanJoeR1: actually, try running alsamixer from the terminal04:07
jasonmchristosi thought seahorse integrates file encryption into nautalis but i dont see any option to encrypt a text file04:07
JoeR111.04 can't be that different from previous versions can it?04:07
JoeR1very well one moment04:07
peteforsythcan anybody help with what I think is a very basic networking problem?04:07
marca3111peteforsyth: go for it04:08
ubusammyn150so yes, with some software, i don't know what... you can use ubuntu or windows and freely access files on either os partitions04:08
fluffmanJoeR1: the workings aren't THAT different, but Xubuntu is *quite* different from Ubuntu04:08
JoeR1fluffman - alsmixer is running in the terminal04:08
peteforsyththanks marca3111 ! I'd like to assign a static IP to my ubuntu box on my lan04:08
peteforsyth(use it as a file server, etc.)04:08
ubusammyn150wubi makes it's own partitions during the install04:08
peteforsythI have made the settings, including the DNS server addresses from my cable modem's settings..04:08
fluffmanJoeR1: see if you can find your mic listed there then. use M to mute or unmute channels04:08
marca3111peteforsyth: what ubuntu are you running?04:09
peteforsythbut I can't connect to anything named on the internet04:09
rayyuubusammyn150 so are programs located on the separate partition. so say in my case i create three partitions, one with windows (70gb), one with ubuntu (40gb), and a third for all data/ programs (390gb)  can i run the programs on the third partition on both os's?04:09
peteforsythI am currently using xubuntu 11.0404:09
JoeR1fluffman - it is currently set to off and unmuting has no effect04:09
hameerabbasiHello, everybody :)04:09
peteforsythbut I tried this also under vanilla ubuntu 11.04 before installing xubuntu, and had the same problem.04:09
peteforsythmarca3111: I can ping my router, but if I try, say, ping yahoo.com -- no response. (also no response on web browser)04:10
ubusammyn150windows and ubuntu, would be for all your data... xfs file system should be compatable with both os's04:10
hameerabbasican someone point me to a complete list of apps included in the live CD?04:10
marca3111when setting the static ip settings on xubuntu, did you set the dns server to your router IP?04:10
=== RudyValencia- is now known as RudyValencia
peteforsythah -- no, I manually entered the DNS servers that the router has.04:11
ubusammyn150but i can't be sure about that, i don't have personal experieence with that.. but for example.. if you make a third ntfs in windows...only windows will see it04:11
peteforsythI will try it like you say though04:11
fluffmanJoeR1: use the up and down arrow keys to raise the volume04:11
Cyddhas anyone met someone who both against gay marriage and not a complete moron? Just curious...04:11
rudi_arent there tools out there for linux to read and write ntfs04:11
ubusammyn150no, no i'm wrong ubuntu can see all partitions.. and you'll be able to mount it as another drive even04:11
marca3111peteforsyth: that is probably your problem (I hope)04:11
JoeR1fluffman - unsuscessful, however spacebar did move a "capture" indicator to the mic04:12
qin!ot | Cydd04:12
ubottuCydd: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!04:12
kamran1hameerabbasi150 wat do u intend to do with that list ?04:12
jeatonhow do I go about changing the highlighted entry under grub2, so where if nothing is selected within so many seconds, it automatically selects?04:12
hameerabbasiI dunno. I intend to keep ubuntu installed and the livecd for recovery and partitioning purposes.04:13
ubusammyn150why would you want to make another partition if ubuntu and windows could be used?  it may help with performance tho04:13
qinrudi_: ntfs is supported04:13
hameerabbasimainly partitioning04:13
rudi_qin, so in that case, if i wanted to make a third partition to hold media files I would not experience any issues on ubuntu or windows?04:14
ubusammyn150Note: if you try to install windows on the same drive as ubuntu..it will overwrite the boot loader..04:14
JoeR1 fluffman - any idea?04:14
ubuntuguyI'm trying to make a launcher for minecraft, can someone help me, it's in my home directory under .minecraft04:14
hameerabbasiI want to know if It has GParted, in particular04:14
fluffmanJoeR1: sorry. i'm at a loss04:14
Loshkijeaton: edit GRUB_DEFAULT in /etc/default/grub....04:14
Loshkijeaton: edit GRUB_DEFAULT in /etc/default/grub, then run update-grub to propagate the change...04:15
JoeR1fluffman - one moment I may have found something04:15
kamran1hameerabbasi150 can i pm u ?04:15
hameerabbasigo ahead04:15
peteforsythmarca3111: still can't ping :(04:16
JoeR1I need something that can tell me if it is receiving input from a mic04:16
marca3111ubuntuguy: put this in a .sh file: java -jar -Xmx1024M -Xms1024M ~/.minecraft/minecraft.jar04:16
marca3111peteforsyth: hmm04:16
ubuntuguyWhat's a .sh file, sorry newbie question04:16
peteforsythwould it help if I provide more details about my network?04:16
fluffmanJoeR1: try audacity04:16
marca3111peteforsyth: sure04:17
fluffmanJoeR1: or skype :P04:17
JoeR1fluffman - thanks lol04:17
cak054alias irssi="screen -wipe; screen -A -U -x -R -S irssi irssi"04:17
peteforsythmarca3111: router is, netmask should be, the dhcp range is and up, and I'm trying to assign it (though it really doesn't matter as long as I can give it any static on the network)04:17
rudi_ubuntuguy: its a script that executes unix commands04:18
fluffmancak054: what's that do?04:18
peteforsythwhen I log into the router, I see these for dns servers: and
marca3111ubuntuguy: rightclick on a folder window and go to create document, and then empty file, name that file minecraftlauncher.sh and paste the previous text inside04:18
fluffmanpeteforsyth: manually set your dns servers to and
ubuntuguySo I'm naming the minecraft.jar file minecraftlaucher.sh?04:18
fluffmanpeteforsyth: to see if that helps...just maybe. Also, have you run "sudo restart networking"?04:19
marca3111ubuntuguy: no, you're making a program to start minecraft04:19
peteforsythfluffman: still not working04:19
peteforsythwait, I'll try restart networking04:20
huitailanglz: #ubuntu-cn is place talk about chinese04:20
ubuntuguyOk, I did it, let me create launcher now04:20
peteforsyth"restart: unknown instance"04:20
peteforsythfluffman: ^^04:20
fluffmanpeteforsyth: sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart04:20
fluffmanlz > !cn04:21
peteforsythdone, but ping yahoo.com still does nothing04:21
fluffmanlz > !chinese04:21
ubuntuguyDo I import the code with text editor?04:22
marca3111ubuntuguy: put this in the text file: java -jar -Xmx1024M -Xms1024M ~/.minecraft/minecraft.jar04:23
ubuntuguyOk, so I create a empty document file thingy, and opened it with text editor after naming it what you told me to name it, and I put in that code, now what do I launch it with?04:23
jwm123More often than it should, my windows lose their decorations in Natty.  How can I restart the window manager?  I used to use the compiz fusion icon, but there is no place for that now.  Any advice?04:24
marca3111ubuntuguy: go into terminal (ctrl-alt-t)04:24
rudi_ubuntuguy: make sure that after renaming it with the sh extension, you right click and go to properties. then go to permissions and check allow execution04:24
marca3111ubuntuguy: that works too04:24
georgiecan anyone suggest some channels for generic operating system issues..04:25
rayyis optimus working on 11.0404:25
ubuntuguyhm, wierd, it's not launching minecraft04:25
marca3111georgie: what do you mean?04:25
jasonmchristosi thought seahorse integrates file encryption into nautalis but i dont see any option to encrypt a text file04:25
jwm123Any advice on how to restart the window manager and restore decorations?04:25
georgiei'm learning operating system concepts and i've some questions which is not any particular os specific04:26
marca3111jwm123: restart the window manager: sudo killall nautilus04:26
jwm123thanks marca3111.  I'll let you know how it goes04:27
rob_pubuntuguy: Try running the shell script from the command line and see if it produces any errors.04:27
marca3111georgie: ah, idk about a general location04:27
ubuntuguyIn a second04:27
marca3111bed time, night all!04:27
JoeR1fluffman - audacity registers the mic as "USB:camera USB:Audio (hw;1,0) mic 0"04:27
ubuntuguytrying something new quickly04:27
jwm123no effect marca311104:28
electro_how do I add the chrome icon to the dock in natty?04:28
jwm123electro: run chrome then right click on its icon and pin it04:29
CrustyBarnacleelectro_: With chrome running, right-click on the icon and select "Keep in Launcher"04:29
fluffmanJoeR1: can you record with the mic in audacity?04:30
peteforsythfluffman: thanks for trying, I appreciate it! I'm really befuddled by this..it seems like a very basic change. Ah well, I guess I'll try another day!04:31
JoeR1fluffman yes and I found the control to modify mic volume in the mixer controls04:31
magn3tsDrag/dropping Chrome to the unity dock doesn't usually work for me. I think it has to do with google-chrome being a multilayered wrapper script04:31
JoeR1I may be able to use this with skype or gynache soon04:31
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fluffmanJoeR1: good. hope so.04:32
CrustyBarnaclemagn3ts: Is that your question?04:32
fluffmanmagn3ts: can't you just open it and then lock it to the panel?04:33
magn3tsfluffman, yes, and that works fine.04:33
magn3tsCrustyBarnacle, no, someone elses, sorry just chiming in with an anecdote that might be why the other person was having difficulty04:33
methedmananybody know how to underclock for powersave04:33
magn3tsmethedman, if you're on a modern processor it is for you.04:34
methedmanmagn3ts: what?04:34
bencchow can I run cat and push the result as root? "sudo cat /dev/null > /var/log/nginx/error.log" gives me permission denied04:34
magn3tsmethedman, it's likely that it's already happening, for you.04:34
methedmanmagn3ts: the cpu's lowest speed is 33% of max or 800MHz04:35
methedmani want to set my cpu at something like 400MhZ magn3ts04:35
magn3tsOh, I'm not sure if that's something you do at the ubuntu level.04:35
methedmanwhat do you mean "ubuntu level" magn3ts04:36
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)04:36
magn3tsmethedman, I think for underclocking like that you have to deal with bios.04:36
dagerivI was using wine to run spotify on Ubuntu, and it worked fine. But then today, this "new terms of use" box, popups everytime I start spotify, and it crashes. What todo?04:36
magn3tsbencc, the easy way is just to elevate to root and then run that command. What are you expecting that command to do?04:36
benccmagn3ts:  this works: sudo bash -c 'cat file > file2'04:37
magn3tsbencc, good solution!04:37
JoeR1fluffman - I can smell success thanks for the help i will keep you informed04:38
fluffmanJoeR1: yw. :D04:38
magn3tsbencc, I think that's also something you can use `tee` for.04:38
celthundermethedman: laptop-mode-tools?04:39
celthundermethedman: not sure if it lets you underclock that far...04:39
papna_I have a program that wants Ctrl-Alt-T to be its own shortcut.04:39
peteforsythfluffman: I maybe narrowed my networking conundrum down a bit. I tried the same settings on my Mac, and was also unsuccessful. So, it seems either my router is doing something strange (caching MAC addresses??) that prevents the host from getting through after changing to a static IP....or I'm just very confused about the network and doing something stupid on both machines.04:39
ubuntu_How do I get a brightness applet in ubuntu 11.0404:39
papna_Is there a way to have Ctrl-Alt-T launch a terminal normally, but just be used by this program when it's the active window?04:39
ubuntu_lmao I love how they took out the "Add to panel..." option :s04:39
ubuntu_now my laptop screen  is stuck at full brightness and can't add applet to lower it04:40
magn3tsubuntu_, they switched from gnome-panel to their own thing that allows the use of indicator applets rather than gnome-panel applets.04:40
CHris_HDoes ubuntu have anything similar to gmail plasmoid?04:40
magn3tsubuntu_, sadly I'm not sure what the best way to resolve it is.04:40
rob_pbencc: The *best* way would be to run the entire command in a subshell with elevated privs using sudo. ex:  sudo sh -c "command_to_run"04:40
ubuntu_magn3ts: their own thing doesn't let you add any different applets04:40
CHris_Hwhich can accept mutiple accounts, shows the count in each account and also displays the subject of each mail?04:41
magn3tsubuntu_, I know. I hate those stupid applets though. But I understand why you need it. I'll look for you.04:41
magn3tsCHris_H, um, I'm not sure.04:41
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CHris_Hmagn3ts: I wanted to try unity, but I don't want to miss this app04:41
ubuntu_CHris_H: don't bother, not customizable at all :s04:41
ubuntu_probably going to install xfce04:41
magn3tsCHris_H, you don't have to stop using it (most likely)04:41
magn3tsubuntu_, ... you can just revert to classic GNOME... there's no need to run to a new DE.04:42
magn3tsUnless you want to of course.04:42
ubuntu_magn3ts: I kind of want to because they're removing classic GNOME in 11.10 lol04:42
magn3tsubuntu_, it's not ideal since you have to go to CLI to change it, but short term: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1079542404:42
CHris_Hmagn3ts: I am using Kubuntu, and I do love the unity, atleast its something new to the eyes04:42
magn3tsubuntu_, they're just upgrading to GNOME 3. I'm not sure if GNOME 2 will be available from repos though...04:42
ubuntu_I hope they add more customization features :)04:43
ubuntu_<3 ubuntu, been using it since dapper04:43
ubuntu_and thanks for the command magn3ts :D04:43
magn3tsCHris_H, I thought I wouldn't like Unity- I was quite happy with cardapio and Docky... I miss Cardapio (I think the application lens is just the saddest thing I've ever seen since windows ME), but I really like Unity otherwise.04:43
apnIt will be still possible to run gnome 3 without the shell, so nobody should notice any major differences unless they choose to.04:43
magn3tsapn, I didn't know that the legacy gnome-panel setup still existed in gnome3. I'll have to keep that in mind.04:44
=== XuMuK is now known as XuMuK|ZNC
magn3tsI guess that makes sense though, they're not going to abandon non-compositable computer.s04:44
CHris_HDo you guys use any kind of gmail notifier applet, applcation, screenlet or whatever you call it in Ubuntu?04:44
ubuntu_magn3ts: bash: /sys/class/backlight/acpi_video0/brightness: Permission denied04:45
kamran1widget ?04:45
rudi_does conky count?04:45
fluffmanCHris_H: nope. I only ever have two programs running: terminal and chrome04:45
roastedhas anybody else had bad experiences with luckybackup? I can't get this darn program to transfer anything EXCEPT empty directories.04:45
magn3tsubuntu_, sudo?04:45
ubuntu_magn3ts: sudo still returned permission denied :s04:45
CHris_Hkamran1: yes, any gmail widget for Ubuntu unity/04:45
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magn3tsubuntu_, do `sudo -s` first, then type the command, then `exit` at the end to get out of root.04:46
ubuntu_magn3ts: that worked :)04:46
gigawatt34booting into ubuntu forces me into the Memtest for some reason04:47
magn3tsubuntu_, great :)04:47
gigawatt34i can't get the bootloader to change options or anything04:47
fluffmangigawatt34: hold shift while booting04:47
ubuntu_magn3ts: pretty insecure to have to open a root session to change screen brightness though lol...04:47
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)04:47
apngigawatt34: grub config file got messed up? Can you check your menu.lst file?04:48
gigawatt34no let me try to boot holding shift jas04:48
CHris_HNever mind, found several gmail notifiers. Thanks all04:48
magn3tsubuntu_, eh, if you're only executing one command, it doesn't matter. you could also do `sudo bash -c "<command>"` but they're effectively the same thing.04:48
gigawatt34even holding shift it forced into memtest04:48
JoeR1fluffman - well skype still doesn't make use of the camera or mic but I will just have to look around online to see if I am missing some packages, A likely scenario since this is a recent install of linux04:49
gigawatt34wait got it04:49
gigawatt34but now i get a blank purple screen04:49
fluffmanJoeR1: thanks for keeping me updated. good luck with that. sorry we couldn't get it perfect, but at least we know that the mic/cam work otherwise04:50
JoeR1indeed, thanks for all the help04:50
=== peteforsyth_ is now known as peteforsyth
fluffmangigawatt34: sounds like your grub got hosed then. see what CrustyBarnacle posted04:51
gigawatt34where is the menu/lst file04:51
ubuntu_magn3ts: you must be joking, if I was to install ubuntu/unity on laptops for people I oversee I could never add them to the sudoers file just to change screen brightness04:51
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)04:51
magn3tsubuntu_, oh, sorry, I misunderstood what you meant.04:51
gigawatt34i got into it, the newest kernal is broken for me i have to boot into the old one04:51
magn3tsubuntu_, :) of course that's not practical.04:51
magn3tsubuntu_, not sure what else to tell you for now though. try google, port the brightness applet to an app indicaotr?04:52
CrustyBarnaclegigawatt34: Grub2 boot options (what is displayed to the user at boot) are configured in /etc/default/grub04:52
mosesi cant get my second monitor to work04:52
excelsiorI took notes in tomboy, and now I want to send them to someone who probably uses Windows via email. I'm trying to paste them into Yahoo mail, but it won't paste. What's wrong?04:52
mosesalso im stuck at 50 hz04:53
ubuntu_magn3ts: yeah, I was just trying it out live :3 Natty is quite beta, going to wait for Oneiric and see if customization is possible in it...thanks for the help :)04:53
cjohnstonI'm having trouble connecting to an Ad-hoc network.. I've rebooted a couple times, the connection works in other OS's.. what else can I try to make it work04:53
mosesi think the driver for Nvidia is terrible for ubuntu haha04:53
CrustyBarnacleexcelsior: Working fine here from Tomboy to Gmail.04:54
manlymatt83What's the best way to run Windows XP on my Ubuntu machine?  I have a program I want to use that only runs under Windows.  Virtual Box?04:54
CrustyBarnacleexcelsior: How are you cutting/pasting?04:55
Loshkimanlymatt83: if it won't run under wine, then yes, virtualbox...04:55
CrustyBarnacleexcelsior: Both ctrl-c and right-click Cut working for me.04:55
manlymatt83Loshki: This is the Blackberry OS Installer, I doubt it will run under Wine04:55
Loshkimanlymatt83: I doubt it too :-)04:56
manlymatt83Loshki: I haven't done anything with VirtualBox.  Just apt-get install VirtualBox, then use it to create the VM and pop the CD in my CDROM?04:56
manlymatt83It's too bad I can't install Windows 7 in Virtual Box.  My Laptop came with it (I have an unused product key because I formatted and immediately installed Ubuntu)04:57
Loshkimanlymatt83: I use vmware myself, but basically that's the idea....04:57
manlymatt83Loshki: VMWare isn't free, right?04:58
manlymatt83While VirtualBox seems to be04:59
Loshkimanlymatt83: I think that's correct, vmware is a commercial product, virtualbox is free.04:59
hiexpomanlymatt83, no it is free for home use  just have to reg but it is free04:59
mosesdoes anyone use Nvidia cards here?05:01
apnmoises: yes05:01
apnmoses: yes05:02
mosesdo you have a good refresh rate and dual monitor support?05:02
apnmoses: yes, no complains whatsoever.05:02
moseswhat driver?05:02
apnmoses: proprietary from nvidia website.05:02
moseshow do you install it?05:03
apnmoses: kill X server, apt-get kernel sources and headers, and run the script.05:03
apnmoses: but I guess it is not recommended in Ubuntu as there are click-friendly solutions.05:04
eliezerjoin ##0day05:04
eliezerjoin ##0day05:04
masterxcnow about not?05:04
masterxc*how, even05:04
mosesapn, why doesnt the software updating suete have the nvidia drivers?05:04
apnmoses: it does. I just prefer to do things myself.05:05
mosesbut the one i did install sucks05:05
mosesit doesnt offer dual monitor support05:05
uofm49426ok i did a reinstall off everything made a small fat32 partion to save some music and movies etc and so i could retrieve them from05:06
apnmoses: are you using nvidia-settings utility?05:06
mosesapn not that i know of05:06
apnmoses: use it instead of gnome or kde monitor configuration tools.05:07
uofm49426installing ubuntu i have set the fat32 partion as /fat32/tmp in05:07
mosesapn good call05:07
mosesit works perfectly05:07
mosesalthough i dont know how to restard the x server05:08
uofm49426i have sense remove the drive and expanded ntfs05:08
apnmoses: log out and in, it should do it.05:08
uofm49426everytime i reboot it trying to still mount /fat32/tmp05:08
uofm49426but i have erased them05:09
apnuofm49426: remove this line from /etc/fstab05:09
Zelozelosi have a question about ubuntu1, i have my desktop sync'd and i was wondering if i delete files on my dt are they eventually deleted on ubuntu1 or do i need to remember to go there sometimes and delete them manually?05:09
rudi_does anyone know why gparted would say I have 4 primary partitions when I really have 3 and 1 extended?05:09
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit05:09
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apnuofm49426: sudo nano /etc/fstab05:10
Zelozelosrudi_, does it have something 2 do with ext4 perhaps?05:10
theronJust did a base server install, update & upgrade05:10
theronlooking for ext2resize05:10
apnrudi_: extended partition is a partition as well05:10
rudi_Zelozelos: my ubuntu installation is on ext4 yes05:11
rudi_apn: i'm aware, but extended partitions are not primary05:11
mosesoh yeah05:11
mosesworks perfectly05:11
Zelozelosthen it is also a primary partition05:11
moseswhat about my soundcard?05:11
manlymatt83hiexpo, Loshki: Looks like Xen is a good option, too, no?05:11
mosesany advice for getting that to work?05:11
apnrudi_: actually, it is seen like one from fs point of view.05:12
carnage1Xen alwys crashes my kernel05:12
uofm49426in fstap # the beginning and end of the line05:12
Zelozelosdoes anyone know if grub has an official symbol?05:12
apncarnage1: compile the module yourself. It is not a standard behavior.05:12
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rudi_gparted says I have a boot partition, windows ntfs, ext4 ubuntu, and a swap partition(extended)05:12
coz_Zelozelos,  dont know if this is oficial   http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Grub_logo.png05:13
rudi_and now im left with 160gb unallocated space that it won't let me partition05:13
Zelozelosrudi_, thats correct 4 primary05:13
rudi_Zelo: how can I turn that extra space into something my windows and ubuntu can use05:14
rudi_i was originally planning on creating a last partition to store music, videos, etc. but its obviously not turning out as I expected05:14
Zelozelosrudi_, u talking about the swap, i wouldnt mess with it, its calculated by your hd size and amount of memory, unless its hugh05:14
apnmoses: what is your problem with the sound card?05:15
uofm49426next nvidia driver and a purple slash screen fix05:15
mosesi need to install driver05:15
rudi_zelo: no, I'm talking about the 160gb I purposely left open to create the fifth partition05:15
mosesi cant drag programs onto my activated second monitor ?05:15
coz_moses,  is this nvidia , ati . or intel video?05:15
apnmoses: sure you can. What environment are you using?05:16
coz_moses,  is the driver installed05:16
mosesit just locks me out from the right monitor05:16
Zelozelosrudi_, shouldnt it be listed somehow like unused space or something? never done it that way i usually split partitions05:16
quiescensrudi_: you can most likely use gparted or something to move things around if you want05:16
moseswhat do you mean environment?05:16
CrustyBarnacleZelozelos: http://www.inf.sgsp.edu.pl/pub/MALUNKI/LOGO/grub2.png05:16
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mosesi have seperate x screen checked05:16
coz_moses,  thats why you cant drag to the other monitor separate xscreens05:16
moseswhat should i select then?05:17
coz_moses,  open nvidia settings from terminal    sudo nvidia-settings05:17
mosesi can move my mouse over though?05:17
mosesits open05:17
Zelozelosty coz_ and CrustyBarnacle  those dont look very offical though05:17
uofm49426anyone ever try mint05:17
quiescensrudi_: just be aware that changing existing partitions carries a risk of damage to data if your computer crashes or turns off during the operation05:17
coz_moses,  click on  "X Server Display Configuration"05:17
CrustyBarnacleZelozelos: Yeah, don't see any official logo available.05:17
mosesok i did05:17
mosestheres twinview05:17
apnCrustyBarnacle: http://www.inf.sgsp.edu.pl/pub/MALUNKI/LOGO/grub.png according to grub website05:18
coz_moses,  do you see both monitors in the graphics there?05:18
Zelozeloswhen you think of grub, what comes 2 mind (besides the insect)?05:18
andantinois there a general linux chat on here05:18
mosesi do indeed05:18
coz_moses,  click on the secondary monitor to set the resolution you want  then click  Configure  then choose Twinview05:18
CrustyBarnacleZelozelos: Both of the logos are linked from http://www.gnu.org/software/grub/05:18
mosesso twinview is the one i want05:18
arandandantino: Try #linux or #ubuntu-ooftopic I guess05:18
coz_moses,  then click  Save to X configuration and close out,, then either reboot or restart x to see if it holds in twinview05:19
andantinowoops forgot join05:19
andantinothanks arand05:19
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andantinowhy is it that when i join certain channel and type a message it says "cannot send to channel"05:19
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bolt12andantino, could be that channel requires to to authenticate05:20
coz_andantino,  probably because your nick is not registered05:20
rudi_can someone suggest me a partition scheme that would allow me to have the boot partition, windows, ubuntu, and a "media" partition that they can both read and write from. I dont understand this stuff as well as I thought I did.05:20
bolt12using /msg nickserve05:20
syrinx_andantino: register your nick with nickserv05:20
magn3tsrudi_, your media probably should be ntfs/fat. I'd recommend NTFS.05:20
bullgard4andantino: That is a security measure against evil people who try to disturb normal IRC operation.05:20
Loshkijoin ##linux05:20
andantinoahhh thanks syrinx05:20
magn3tsrudi_, and then you just make the partitions how ever you like them! Don't forget about a swap partition if you want one.05:20
andantinotemples of syrinx?05:21
syrinx_thats right05:21
Loshkioops, pardon my fat fingers05:21
bolt12missing system resource panel on ubuntu 11.0405:21
mr_strigiformesFor anyone who's interested I had some interesting experiences with the new Ubuntu. I attempted to install it on my IBM yesterday. The installer crashed, it had corrupted my hard drive, memory, and possibly processor so badly that I couldn't even boot the live disk.05:21
coz_Loshki,   do you mean    /join ##linux05:21
bolt12any alternative in unity cause i am not able to add panels05:21
mosesit broke05:21
andantinoi was listening to that song earlier on my mp305:21
mosesdidnt work05:21
mr_strigiformesI couldn't boot Back Track in silent mode (no disk)05:21
bencc"ulimit -n" gives me "1024" but "lsof | grep user | wc -l" gives me "5336" how is it possible?05:21
coz_bolt12,  you can log off then log onto classic05:21
uofm49426they have a gui start up editor it lets you customize boot from grubs resolution to fixing splash resolution05:21
Loshkicoz_: yes, got there in the end, thanks...05:21
bolt12coz_, lol05:22
rudi_magn3ts: that was my plan but now I'm stuck because I accidentally left the 160gb allocated, thinking I could later format it but it turns out that not I have 4 primaries05:22
mr_strigiformesI couldn't boot a windows install disk05:22
Zelozeloshow about something like this  http://www.pasteall.org/pic/12470  its obvious what its for05:22
bolt12coz_, i mean anything which is in unity05:22
coz_bolt12,   not sure exactly what you want..05:22
mr_strigiformesI was about to give up completely on the computer (thought it had really broke something)05:22
bolt12coz_, well I am searching for some way to add panel or widget05:22
bolt12to display system resource of my work station05:22
CrustyBarnaclemr_strigiformes: Did you try power off, disconnect from outlet and hold down power button to drain all power from the motherboard?05:22
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bolt12and easy access resource graphs05:23
bolt12like the panel available in classic05:23
carnage1have you tried windows?05:23
mr_strigiformesCrusty, oh yes.05:23
mr_strigiformesTried everything05:23
Zelozelosbolt12, for 11.04? me 2 couldnt come up w anything05:23
mr_strigiformesTried windows05:23
coz_bolt12,  ah mm,, well the upper panel is no longer an actual gnome panel in Unity so no on that,, however,, you can add a dock like cairo dock,,,05:23
mosescoz_, have you ever run into this before?05:23
mr_strigiformesI fixed it though05:23
mr_strigiformesAnd here's how05:23
FloodBot1mr_strigiformes: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.05:23
Loshkimr_strigiformes: corrupted bios?05:23
Dianaanyone had any success creating a live ubuntu usb stick that works with a Mac laptop?05:23
DianaI manage to create the image in the usb disk but can't find a way for the Mac to detect the stick upon boot05:24
uvacavwhatanyone else notice their computer running much cooler? i guess because of an update?.. im kinda freaked out that its lying to me cause im really running 10-15 degrees cooler the past week or so05:24
mr_strigiformesI popped in a seriously old Slack distro.05:24
bolt12does the docks interfere with the new side panel?05:24
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bolt12I have not tried any docks just curious will it work with the side panel enabled05:24
Zelozelosbolt12, no cairo dock works perfectly anyhow dk about the others05:24
coz_bolt12,  no they dont interfere unless you place them on top of the Launcher05:24
mr_strigiformesIt booted, I ran fdisk, The hard drive was so corrupted it took a little work but I got a new part table and ran memcheck on the memory fixing the errors.05:24
rudi_ZeloZelos: Will both ubuntu and windows be able to access an extended partition?05:24
uofm49426StartUp-manager is the name of the program is this in ubuntu repository05:25
bolt12awesome, ty Zelozelos and coz_05:25
Dianacan anyone help please?05:25
apnrudi_: yes, as long as both of them can read file system on it.05:25
coz_rudi_,  if the extended partition is not ext4 or 3  windows will be able to yes05:25
mr_strigiformesSo, if anyone else comes along with a computer that really wont boot anything, pass the word. Download Slack from like 2002. It seems to work.05:25
carnage1remember how mandrake had textured panel colors?05:25
mosesyeah it wont let me put anything on this right monitor, i wonder why????05:25
Zelozelosrudi_, windows dosent use swap to compress memory, it has a diff way and the space is on the same partition05:25
bolt12Diana, not sure if anyone will know about Mac issues here05:26
apnmoses, this is not nvidia related, but X or DE05:26
vaxinatedDiana: Does your MAC know how to boot a USB stick?05:26
coz_rudi_,  I havent found a good utility for windows that reads ext file systems  so best best is the extended partion in fat  or ntfs05:26
DianaI press alto upon start to reach the boot menu05:26
Dianabut only shows my HD05:26
Diananot the usb stick as it says on ubuntu website05:26
bolt12Diana, hmm try bois , see if usb is detected there05:27
mosesapn so ill google then?05:27
vaxinatedDiana: Try powering off your MAC, stick in the USB stick, then cold power on the MAC and go to the boot menu.05:27
carnage1mac bios hahahahha05:27
bolt12i donno about mac05:27
rudi_apn, coz, Zelozelos: thanks guys, I'm resizing the extended partition so that it takes up the rest of the disk. Then I can create 4gb swap and have the rest be FAT05:27
bolt12^ ^05:27
bolt12thought it was the same intel stuff05:27
bolt12with bois05:27
apnmoses: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NvidiaMultiMonitors05:28
Zelozelosrudi_, good luck hope it all works out ok05:28
Dianadidn't work :(05:28
bolt12searching for some good free themes for my new unity setup05:28
Dianaonly HD shows on the boot loader05:28
vaxinatedDiana: You still cannot see the USB stick in the boot menu?05:28
bolt12anyone has a link for some cool themes05:28
magn3tsIs Empathy a joke? I can't have it auto open a window?05:29
jason_562go to the places area05:29
jason_562and i think you can find it there05:29
vaxinatedDiana, is this an Intel MAC or Power MAC?05:29
Zelozelosbolt12, gnome-looks.org i think is the best site05:29
Dianait's a Macbook Air05:29
Dianalatest gen05:29
bolt12cool, ty Zelozelos05:29
jason_562ok i think intel mac can't support ubuntu05:29
vaxinatedDiana, you may want to check the BIOS to see if USB boot is enabled.05:29
bolt12jason_562, for real?05:29
Dianahow can I do that on a Mac?05:29
carnage1most people stopped useing ppc mac05:29
bolt12thought it was the other way05:30
jason_562the current mac can only support xp05:30
spacebug-darn, I cant remeber the name of the program I'm looking for :/05:30
vaxinatedDiana, is there any way to get to the BIOS, e.g. Press ESC or F10 or some other key on boot up?05:30
carnage1software update is the only thing that may help Diana05:30
Dianano bios access, do macs even have a bios?05:30
bolt12i guess then you should try ubuntu on virtualbox05:31
jason_562maybe you might need to consult the IT05:31
ubottuFor help on installing and using Ubuntu on a mac, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MactelSupportTeam/CommunityHelpPages05:31
vaxinatedDiana, so if you wanted to change the boot order (e.g. HD, THEN CDROM), how would you do it?05:31
bolt12thats the easy alternative05:31
mosesapn, it is totally my windows manager i dont think it understands i have 2 screens05:31
carnage1you press c at boot05:32
bolt12Diana why don;t you burn ubuntu on disk and try booting from disk05:32
Dianadamn, I wanted an option for usb live ubuntu :(05:32
uofm49426hey it is in repo05:32
bolt12does Air have a dvd rom O.o05:32
magn3tsMacs can boot off USB...05:32
Dianabolt12: Airs have no cd/dvd drive05:32
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bolt12what kind of laptop is that05:32
carnage1you people are funny05:32
magn3tsI repeat. Macs can boot off of USB.05:32
bolt12<< not a MAC user05:32
vaxinatedDiana, from my experience with intel (PC) boxes, the BIOS allows certain controls like enable/disable USB boot, change boot order, etc.  I would hope the same is available for an Intel MAC.05:33
apnmoses: after setting up 2 screens in nvidia-settings in twinview, try using gnome or kde monitor configuration tool to set it up again.05:33
rwwbolt12: Mac. MAC is something different.05:33
Dianamagn3ts: how?05:33
magn3tsI don't remember05:33
carnage1on macs you have to install a firmware just to get a hardware cmd line05:33
mosesapn it doesnt even pick it up :(05:33
magn3tsvery first google result: http://support.apple.com/kb/ht194805:33
apnThat's ok05:33
rwwvaxinated: Last I checked, Apple hardware uses Intel processors05:33
bolt12the new Mac is built on unix kernal right?05:34
rwwand are PCs05:34
jason_562is there LX Terminal on your mac or command prompt if you use XP?05:34
Dianatried that already05:34
bolt12so technically it should run Mac05:34
* rww shrugs, wanders back out05:34
bolt12i mean run on Mac05:34
Dianait works with  OS X usb sticks, but not with ubuntu05:34
carnage1mac terminal in osx is for apps05:34
magn3tsDiana, idk, works for me.05:34
Dianayou boot from the usb stick with ubuntu?05:34
jason_562the USB stick should work with any interface05:35
bolt12just curious why would anyone spend money on a Mac Air to put ubuntu on it05:35
carnage1software update is the only thing that might help Diana05:35
apnDiana: have you tried to set refit on your thumbstick?05:35
Dianamaybe it's a Macbook Air issue then...05:35
jason_562 oidrg'e fgkrfh05:35
jason_562[ r05:35
jason_562gfk eklgerogip05:35
Dianadidn't try refit05:35
FloodBot1jason_562: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.05:35
vaxinatedDiana, do you see the option to boot USB device in the BOOT menu?05:35
jason_562b bm05:35
jason_562nh njm05:35
Dianano such option vaxinated, in macs it's different05:36
bullgard4Trying to install phpmyadmin using Synaptic, a window "Debconf on T43" appears: "Configuring phpmyadmin. Webserver to reconfigure automatically. Please choose the web server that should be automatically configured to run phpMyAdmin: apache, lighttpd." What button do I need to assert? I do not intend to use apache.05:36
apnDiana, mac boots completely different, so try it.05:36
magn3tsDiana, yes, I can choose to boot from USB and it works.05:36
apnvaxinated: mac doesn't have bios05:36
vaxinatedDiana, so how could you boot a MAC stick?05:36
Dianait has a boot loader vaxinated05:36
carnage1macs also have a restriction to boot other oses so if you press c you may crash and get a black screen Diana05:36
jason_562insert the stick into he prot05:36
sexcopterhi, i fairly recently installed ubuntu 11.04 on a laptop serving kinda like a htpc, and just noticed in the /home folder there's /home/netlogon and /home/pdf-documents, which I know I didn't explicitly create myself. Is something up? Or did some safe and normal process create it? I have a hunch it could be related to samba?05:36
jason_562hiks hiks05:36
ackt1cstick it05:36
magn3tscarnage1, what>05:37
vaxinatedDiana, the boot loader has an option to pick the USB to boot from?05:37
Dianait only shows my ssd hd on the bootloader05:37
Dianait should05:37
carnage1theres a restriction against macs using other oses05:37
Dianacarnage1: on ubuntu website says it should work05:38
jason_562well except XP05:38
apnDiana: you have to replace EFI with rEFIt on you mac side05:38
carnage1do they give you a terminal cmd Diana05:38
bullgard4sexcopter: Please use Standard English. This will increase chances for a satisfactory answer.05:38
rwwjason_562: FloodBot1 is not sentient.05:38
Jordan_UDiana: Creating a LiveUSB for mac is difficult. If you want to use their BIOS implementation you can't boot from USB, if you want to use EFI there is a good chance the graphics drivers will fail.05:38
carnage1oh virtualbox works with mac05:38
Jordan_UDiana: If you want to make a LiveCD make sure you use the +mac version (won't help at all with making a liveUSB).05:39
Dianawould ubuntu run nice on virtualbox then?05:39
magn3tscarnage1, no there most certainly is not05:39
carnage1yeah a cd would run on virtualbox05:39
Loshkisexcopter: google says /home/netlogon is samba-related. Dunno about /home/pdf-documents...05:40
Dianano cd drive, but would it work from the downloaded iso?05:40
magn3tsOh crap. I forgot, I use rEFIt.05:40
carnage1yeah .iso05:40
magn3tsJordan_U, any idea where I can read about the difference with the +mac iso? I'm curious.05:40
rob_pDiana: Have you considered vmware-fusion?  I run both Windows XP Pro and Ubuntu in virtual machines on my Mac with it.  Performance is superb and it works very well, although fusion is not free!05:41
Jordan_Umagn3ts: http://askubuntu.com/questions/37999/what-is-different-about-the-mac-iso-image05:41
vaxinatedDiana, the "Startup Manager" on your MAC does not show the USB drive as a possible boot device?05:41
mosesare you guys running the default windows manager that comes with ubuntu?05:42
Diananope vaxinated05:42
Dianarob_p: you know if virtualbox would work too?05:42
vaxinatedDiana, what kind of MAC (model) do you have>?05:42
Diananeeded a free lightweight solution, that's why I thought liveUSB05:42
DianaMacBook Air05:42
rob_pDiana: Actually, I'm in my virtualized Ubuntu right now as I type this! :)05:42
Jordan_UDiana: It would.05:43
magn3tsJordan_U, fantastic. very informative. thanks05:43
rob_pDiana: I don't know if virtualbox has a version for mac.05:43
Jordan_Umagn3ts: You're welcome.05:43
Dianaseems like so05:43
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rob_pDiana: Looks like it! :)05:43
rob_pDiana: Give it a go and see.05:44
moseshow come my ubuntu wont pick up my second display?05:44
DianaI'll go check it out first thing in the morning, gotta run now :) later guys05:45
vaxinatedDiana, check this out: http://ubuntuguide.net/how-to-install-ubuntu-on-macbook-air-3-1-via-usb-flash-drive05:45
schoneI have a ubuntu server running on a box , however I want to save the whole installation as a reusable iso - is this possible easily?05:45
Dianathanks vax, will read it too05:46
Dianabbl :)05:46
vaxinatedlater D.05:46
bullgard4Trying to install phpmyadmin using Synaptic, a window "Debconf on T43" appears: "Configuring phpmyadmin. Webserver to reconfigure automatically. Please choose the web server that should be automatically configured to run phpMyAdmin: apache, lighttpd." What button do I need to assert? I do not intend to use apache.05:47
magn3tsbullgard4, what do you plan to use?05:48
rob_pbullgard4: If you want phpMyAdmin, you *must* have some webserver software installed and running in order for the pages to be served up.  So choose one.05:49
bullgard4magn3ts: mysql05:49
magn3tsbullgard4, I'm not going through this again. You don't know what you're doing and you're rude and uncooperative when I try to help.05:49
magn3tsbullgard4, you seem to not even understand the difference between a db server/client and an http server.05:50
bullgard4magn3ts: You call "rude" when I answer your question? Please re-consider your attitude.05:51
magn3tsbullgard4, no, I was here the other night when you were trying to figure out mysql and you were rude to me after I spent my time trying to help05:51
magn3tsbullgard4, mysql is not an http server. You will need to be running nginx, apache httpd, lighttpd, etc.05:52
rob_pbullgard4: I'm not sure you know what phpMyAdmin is!05:52
vaxinatedmagn3ts & bullgard4: quit arguing and make up!05:52
magn3tsI would recommend nginx, but you won't be able to use the default phpmyadmin package sadly.05:52
magn3tsvaxinated, I'll try again :)05:52
MethedMani made some power saving changes to the kernel and now will not even boot into the grub.  [ctr]-[alt]-[F1 - F12] is dead.  any ideas?05:53
vaxinatedMethedMan: Does grub come up?05:53
Jordan_UMethedMan: What changes did you make exactly? What happens when you boot holding shift?05:54
magn3tsMethedMan, it won't boot into grub? Grub and Linux are different. CTRL+ALT+f1-f12 woudn't be available during grub anyway.05:54
magn3tsMethedMan, it's unlikely that kernel changes alone would botch grub.05:54
carnage1error 2205:54
MethedManvaxinated: grub does not come up05:54
magn3tscarnage1, that's usually due to part changes or messing with /boot05:55
magn3tsMethedMan, so what does happen when you try to boot the computer?05:55
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LoshkiMethedMan: can you boot into a live cd?05:55
magn3tsMethedMan, you might give it a rest. I know this sounds crazy, as a CS student, I hate even saying it, but I've had times when grub wouldn't load and I had to turn my computer off and wait a few minutes and then it would go back to working.05:56
MethedMangoes straight to purple screen and then a blank screen05:56
magn3tsMethedMan, purple? the Ubuntu purple?05:57
magn3tsIf thats the case, grub is working fine.05:57
magn3tsBecause it means Linux/Ubuntu is loading, which is performed by Grub.05:57
MethedManholding down shift works, goes to grub, and then blank screen05:57
magn3tsMethedMan, when you say you changed stuff with the kernel... what do you mean?05:57
schoneI have a ubuntu server running on a box , however I want to save the whole installation as a reusable iso - is this possible easily?05:57
magn3tsMethedMan, did you change the kernel boot options within grub's configuration?05:57
MethedMani did not touch the boot options05:58
magn3tsWhat did you  change?05:58
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uberjaris there a way to use itunes podcasts from ubuntu ? or is this another situation where apple is trying to make a walled garden around content ?05:59
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uberjarI just want to listen to a podcast.. all I see are links to itunes store formatted files05:59
MethedManmagn3ts: got it.06:01
magn3tsMethedMan, okay, congrats!06:01
alib0b0i use vlc-plugin for firefox in ubuntu 10.04, but I cannot see the mms video through internet ? is there any way ?06:01
Soupermanitosay for a moment that i unplug my sda and install win xp on my sdb1, then i replug my sda, so grub will load first, and it wont read the mbr of sdb, could i add up the winxp boot line to grub after that?06:01
Jordan_USoupermanito: Yes. Just run "sudo update-grub" and a menu entry for XP will be added automatically.06:02
gulHi! anybody there?06:02
Soupermanitommm interesting, that way i wont lose grub06:02
rob_pgul: just a few!06:03
_marx_1600 or so06:03
spritlemy external drive is mounting as read only and when i try to change the access rights it wont let me.  any ideas?06:04
* Tobias31 hi06:04
celthunderspritle: mount -o remount,rw /media/device06:04
celthunderspritle: also add your user to group storage (gpasswd -a user storage)06:04
_marx_how do i test my new speakers without waking up my wife; no she's not some balloon figure06:05
celthunder_marx_: minimize volume in pulse/alsa/oss and put your ear againt them and raise up1 notch at a time until you hear it?06:05
spritlereal dolls cant hear silly06:06
* _marx_ was thinking headphones06:06
_marx_but that was wrong06:06
gulrob_p: I was just checking software............its working06:06
spritlestill mounted read only06:07
rob_pgul: great! :)  It's nice when things work!06:08
spritlecelthunder: didnt work06:08
celthunderspritle: ok what's it say when you try and mount it with rw06:08
spritlecelthunder: it mounted it, its just still read only06:09
Tobias31maby the file system is only to read for the O.S?06:09
celthunderspritle: is it ntfs? do you have ntfs-3g installed06:09
gulrob_p: this is the first time i am using xchat on Ubuntu. Previously on Mint and fedora.06:10
spritlecelthunder: no06:10
vanquish349how do you zoom out on gedit06:10
gulany tweaks for unity other than compiz?06:10
rob_pgul: Ah, ok.  I haven't used xchat since Ubuntu 4.04!06:10
celthundergul: xchat is pretty much universally the same06:10
spritlecelthunder: by that i mean its not ntfs06:10
celthunderwhat type is it06:10
mosesshould i update my windows manager06:11
spritlecelthunder: fat3206:11
celthunderspritle: lol ouch?06:11
vanquish349how do you zoom out on gedit06:11
celthundervanquish349: idk ...look in preferences06:11
spritlecelthunder: i use it with my xbox 360, has to be fat3206:11
vanquish349it isnt there06:11
celthundermoses: which wm are you using?06:11
celthundervanquish349: how did  you zoom in?06:11
mosesthe standard one that comes with gnome06:12
mosesi mean ubuntu06:12
celthundermoses: gnome has it's own wm06:12
celthunderunity? idk i don't use either to be honest but i'd probably keep them up to date06:12
celthundergit and svn ftw?06:12
uberjaris there a free program that can parse an itunes link to let me listen to any free itunes podcast ?06:13
vanquish349celthunder: i dont know i just opend it to moddifie my pythonbot and it was zoomed in heaps far06:13
celthundervanquish349: set the font size smaller06:13
celthundervanquish349: i don't think that gedit even has it's own zoom in / out06:13
_marx_thx celthunder low level bass06:13
mosescelthunder, yeah ill check i bet its unity, but it does seem to suck ass06:13
moseswhat would you reccomend?06:13
=== Tobias31 is now known as gustavoparedes
celthundermoses: xmonad06:14
=== gustavoparedes is now known as Tobias31
gulcelthunder: ya! but i don't use ubuntu much. I usually go for Mandriva, Fedora and Mint. Ubuntu is too ODD and support Mono also...........but this time just for unity06:14
mosesits either this unity or my xserver thats not letting me run dual monitors properly06:14
_marx_omg xmonad, hum06:14
vanquish349celthunder: i cant find out how to do that eiter06:14
celthundergul: i use arch..just idle and help here so i feel like i contribute06:14
uberjarI like awesome a lil better than xmonad06:14
mrdebdoes unity use mono06:14
celthundermrdeb: not likely06:14
celthunderanything that uses mono should be thrown in the garbage06:15
celthunderit's the equivalent of MSVC++ for linux06:15
gulcelthunder: I tried Arch a week back but after installation it hanged on 'loading bootloader......."06:15
gulmrdeb: no06:15
celthundergul: lol if you still have it i'll help you fix it06:15
mrdebgul: you install it wrong then06:15
gulmrdeb: I am talking abt other softs like banshee etc.06:15
mrdebi purge banshee. it is useless06:16
celthunderuberjar: eh my configs in awesome kept breaking after update...i got the same xmonad on 3 diff installs and it works every time06:16
howsthatHi I am new to this Chat, I was woundering if anyone know is an Asus P8h67-M mother baord will work with Ubuntu 10.1006:16
celthundermrdeb: indeed it is06:16
celthunderhowsthat: what's the rest of the hardware06:16
gulcelthunder: mrdeb: actually while installing bootloader it was shoeing two entries for my sdb(external hdd)06:16
celthundergul: yeah /dev/sdb and /dev/sdb1?06:16
manlymatt83Hi.  If I messed up files inside my $HOME (dot files), I don't need to re-install ubuntu, right?  I'm the only user account... my plan was to add a new user (myname2), then login as that user to delete my original user (myname), then re-add my original user (myname).  Would that work?  Would it populate the . files?06:16
mrdebyou install to sda06:16
celthunderone the formatted partition the others the actual drive06:16
celthunderand you put it on sda06:16
spritlecelthunder: when i try to chown the drive it says operation is not permitted06:17
celthundermanlymatt83: cp /etc/skel ~/06:17
howsthatThe Intel H67 Chipset support on board graphics, so there is no graphics card as such, it will be a i5 2500K CPU, 4 Gb RAm 2 x 2 Tb hard disks06:17
gulno no external hdd is sdb.............. and internal is sda             .... but on boorloader installing it was showing two sdb . one before sda and other after it06:17
manlymatt83celthundewr: but that doesn't seem to have the default directories like Downloads, Public, etc.06:17
manlymatt83celthunder* rather: but that doesn't seem to have the default directories like Downloads, Public, etc.06:18
celthundermanlymatt83: you don't need those you can make them as needed or whatever the **** made them in the first place will06:18
howsthatCelthunder, I cant find anything by googling it06:18
somethingintereshi all, how can I make sure my installed version of mplayer and all codecs are 64 bit versions?06:18
manlymatt83celthunder: OK, cool. I'm just annoyed because I moved them to different locations, but now things like Virtual Box is freaking out, and when I go to the Zeitgeist menu it says "Downloads" when they aren't actulaly downloads :)06:18
celthunderchromium/firefox for example will make a Downloads folder when you first dl something06:19
celthunderhowsthat: it should work fine06:19
TeamColtraHow much memory should compiz be using when it first starts?06:19
manlymatt83celthunder: Do you use the default locations?06:19
celthunderTeamColtra: depends how many effects you have06:19
howsthatCelthunder, you dont think there will be issues with the Intel graphics on teh H67 chipset?06:19
gulTemColtra: depends on configuration.06:19
TeamColtracelthunder / gul just a base install of Ubuntu06:20
celthunderhowsthat: i have a netbook with intel graphics...works fine the only graphics card i wouldnt TOUCH or go withi n1402194102 miles of with linux is ATI and that's because they FAIL06:20
uberjardoes anyone know if it's possible to listen to (supposidly free) itunes podcasts under linux ? All that software that supposidly lets you do it is now broken06:20
vanquish349ok fixed it06:20
celthundermanlymatt83: i do for Downloads...idk why you'd need a public folder that's what you have unison/dropbox sync to servers for06:20
howsthatCelthunder:  Now thats funny as my experience is that Nvidia are cvery problamitical\06:20
celthunderuberjar: sure06:20
gulTeamColtra: u can check it from system-moniter06:20
gulTeamColtra: but why u want to know it06:21
manlymatt83celthunder: ok thanks :)06:21
TeamColtrabecause its using 65MB of RAM and bouncing between 0-10% of my CPU (on a 4GB RAM / Dual Core system) - gul I am looking at it in the monitor, but i have no baseline to know if its too high06:21
celthunderhowsthat: depends what you're doing to it...ati never updates nvidia at least cares a bit and the oss versions for nvidia are better than ati's06:21
celthunderTeamColtra: ouch? sounds wrong06:21
uberjarcelthunder: could you tell me the name of a program that can do it ? pretty please06:21
howsthatCeilthuder: I have install quite a few copies of Ubuntu on ATI cards and tehy all work well, its Nvidia that are problamitical06:21
gulTeamColtra: its too much............06:21
gulTeamColtra: something is wrong!06:22
TeamColtracelthunder, it looked wrong to me :P thats why I was here to confirm. Is there any good "restart compiz" commands or is it just kill compiz and then restart it?06:22
celthunderTeamColtra: idon't use compiz06:22
uberjarcelthunder: apple pushed a patch a few days ago that seems to break every program that claims to be able to parse itunes links06:22
TeamColtraI could log out and log back in or restart x but those are annoying solutions.06:22
gulTeamColtra / celthundr: nor me............it crashes unity on my system06:23
celthunderuberjar: idk i don't dl itunes music but theres enough programs out there that do it one has to be updated to owrk06:23
uberjarcelthunder: none are.06:23
gulcelthunder: no no external hdd is sdb.............. and internal is sda             .... but on boorloader installing it was showing two sdb . one before sda and other after it06:23
uberjarcelthunder: apple pushed a change that obfuscates to a great degree the file format06:23
uberjarI'll try that one and get back to you06:24
manlymatt83celthunder: So all of these . files I have (.icons, .local, etc.) will be re-created?06:24
gulcelthunder: songbird is closed for linux06:24
celthundergul: yeah /dev/sda /dev/sdb /dev/sda1 /dev/sdb1? like that06:24
gulcelthunder: yes.06:24
celthundergul: like i said i don't use them lol i use mpd and ncmpd06:24
gulcelthunder: and i went for /dev/sdb06:24
uberjarahh yeah songbird is a no go06:24
celthundergul: that's what it's supposed to do06:24
gulcelthunder: but two entries for /dev/sdb      ........... I think i should go for both of them....06:25
MoMousing ubuntu 11 -- is there a config for using a tablet laptop?06:25
guluberjar: but we have nightingale coming soon06:25
celthunderuberjar: why do you want itunes music anyway they're all transcodes06:25
celthundergul: you're supposed to use /dev/sda for grub06:26
uberjarcelthunder: it's not music.. there's an interview with an author I want to listen to06:26
gulcelthunder: but i installed it on external hdd(sdb) .......... to make it portable06:26
celthundergul: yeah...arch isn't the systme you want to do that with06:26
gulcelthunder: even this ubuntu is on external one ........06:27
mysteriousdarrenisn't there a way to break drm? I have some podcasts that are protected :( sometime I hate apple grr!06:27
gulcelthunder: Ok06:27
uberjarsomeone needs to sue apple over this they are deceiving their users.  apple claims that itunes lets you distribute podcasts that other people can download for free.. but thats not actually the case06:27
celthundergul: arch has  2 flaws...it doesn't include 8 billion drivers / etc (not a flaw as long as you don't port it everywhere it's an advantage) and it doesn't have package signing06:27
gulTHIS is much better than mint or fedora.............Its full and always busy      nice to be here :)06:27
excelsiorI took notes in tomboy, and now I want to send them to someone who probably uses Windows via email. I'm trying to paste them into Yahoo mail, but it won't paste. What's wrong?06:28
gulcelthunder: ok!06:28
celthundergul: pm?06:28
celthunderwere talking pretty offtopic here but i want to continue convo06:28
gulcelthunder: no prob..............................06:29
mysteriousdarrenexcelsior, use pastebin, or just add as a attachment06:29
celthunderexcelsior: check clippers or whatever its called it adds anything you highlight to clipboard06:29
excelsiorI just figured out a workaround: pasted into gedit, and then copied and pasted from there to yahoo mail. I don't get the problem.06:30
thegoodcushionguys debian has firmware-realtek package, Ubuntu doesn't.  Any ideas where I can get the realtek drivers?06:30
Loofgrub install is failing /w 11.04 server... not quite sure what's up06:31
LoofAlso chroot to the new target drive fails... it just locks up06:31
celthunderthegoodcushion: search the debian online package lists and dl the .deb file and install it06:31
celthunderthegoodcushion: dpkg -i <.deb>06:31
excelsiorAnyone have any idea why I was having that problem?06:31
Surlent777highly techincal question, if anyone can help: How would I permanently set the permissions of a device, i.e. /dev/input/mouse0? Or permanently create a device, such as /dev/vcs0? (Symlinking /dev/vcs to /dev/vcs0 works, but only until reboot)06:33
celthunderSurlent777: i believe the entire /dev contents is created on boot no?06:34
Surlent777celthunder: hence my problem06:34
celthunderSurlent777: try doing a chroot and making it in there and making it non read/writable06:34
celthunderSurlent777: though then it would literally be non usable06:34
Surlent777celthunder: I seem to think there was some sort of configuration file or another I remember hearing about but I'm having a hard time finding any information on it06:34
celthunderSurlent777: can i ask why you need to do this?06:34
Surlent777celthunder: Well, with the /dev/input, making that readable by non-root users would enable SDL programs to work properly on the command line, and the bit about /dev/vcs0 is for the sake of a program called vcstime, which is hard-coded to look for /dev/vcs0 and which used to work in prior editions of Ubuntu06:35
Surlent777celthunder: by on the command line I mean in a tty/without X06:36
celthunderSurlent777: ok well could probably make an init script to auto mod the devices on init 1/306:36
Surlent777celthunder: otherwise they work so long as I export SDL_NOMOUSE=106:36
mrdebis 904 still a good distro to use06:36
celthunderand yeah what else is a command line06:36
Surlent777celthunder: Some might mistake it for gnome-terminal or something, just being specific06:37
celthundermrdeb: if it works for you sure...though it's probably got 2 year old packages06:37
ActionParsnipMrdeb: jaunty is dead and there is no support and zero updates for it06:37
Surlent777mrdeb: 10.04 is wonderfully solid and supported for another year if I remember right, being an LTS release06:38
ActionParsnipmrdeb: lucid is the earliest supported release and is LTS06:38
ActionParsnipSurlent777: you do ;-)06:38
thegoodcushionwhat's the deal with package firmware-realtek?  Why can't I install the debian version on ubuntu?  My NIC won't work without it06:39
TeamColtraI tried to disable my ATI graphics driver, but apparently when I disabled it... it doesn't re-enable the Linux driver that it came with, how can I find that?06:40
arooni-mobilehi folks... running 10.04 LTS.  trying to install an airlink wireless card awlh6075 ... but its not working as a plug & play card... what do i do next?06:40
Surlent777arooni-mobile: have you tried hooking up the computer via ethernet and using System > Admin > Restricted drivers?06:41
celthunderarooni-mobile: find the chipset?06:41
arooni-mobileSurlent777, havent tried that06:41
ActionParsnipthegoodcushion: mixing debian debs in an ubuntu OS is not advised or supported and will most likely cause you packages issues06:41
Surlent777arooni-mobile: with most computers I've dealt with, that usually does the trick06:42
thegoodcushionActionParsnip: so how do I get my NIC working06:42
arooni-mobileSurlent777, looks like official drivers are railink?06:42
Surlent777arooni-mobile: I'm not sure that means much to me at this point, though if my suggestion doesn't work that will be worth noting if you try to hunt down the proper packages.06:43
arooni-mobileSurlent777, seems to solve it: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=152781006:43
ActionParsniparooni-mobile: run: sudo lshw -C network    use the product line to find guides. If it is USB based then run: lsusb    and use the 8 character hex ID to find guides06:44
arooni-mobileis there a way i can share my laptops wifi connection via the desktop?  via a ethernet cable from my laptop => desktop ?06:44
arooni-mobilethat way i can download the drivers & such06:44
ActionParsnipthegoodcushion: sudo apt-get install linux-firmware    may do it06:44
arooni-mobileboth computers are running 10.0406:44
ubottuIf you want to share the internet connection of your Ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Internet/ConnectionSharing06:45
Surlent777hmm, I never think to try that06:45
grundohey where is a good place to learn more shell scripting stuff?06:48
uabn93Is anyone here running natty?06:48
grundolike i know the basics06:48
Surlent777uabn93: Here and my desktop06:48
ActionParsnipthegoodcushion: could also extract the deb and put the firmware file in /lib/firmware that way you get the file but don't have the debian package stinking up your packages06:48
Surlent777grundo: Try looking in Syantpic for abs-guide06:48
ActionParsnipuabn93: many do06:48
thegoodcushionActionParsnip: sudo apt-get install linux-firmware says I'm already at the latest version.  Mind, I am using 10.0406:48
ActionParsnipGrundo: i'd ask in #bash06:49
arooni-mobilehow do i find out which railink drver to get06:49
grundooh i didnt know XD06:49
uabn93when  you right click any icon on the top status bar does it look off and out of place? the text is ok but the lines in between the boxes are not where they belong.06:49
ActionParsniparooni-mobile: is the device usb based?06:49
arooni-mobileActionParsnip, nope pci06:49
Surlent777grundo: that package I mentioned is the Advanced Bash Scripting Guide. It's a bit tl;dr perhaps but a wonderful resource06:50
uabn93this problem happened after i upgraded06:50
ActionParsniparooni-mobile: ok run: lspci   and it will help identify itself06:50
arooni-mobileActionParsnip, got it06:51
ActionParsnipthegoodcushion: extract the deb :)06:51
uabn93can any of you check if that happens with you on 11.04?06:52
thegoodcushionwell what good's that going to do?06:52
arooni-mobileis there a way to easily share internet connection (from my 10.04 laptop connected over wifi => 10.04 desktop) thats easier than this: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/sharing-internet-connection-in-ubuntu.html06:53
ActionParsniparooni-mobile: windows needs 3rd party apps to do the hardware ID. Linux is smart and can quiz the hardware and tell what it is :-)06:53
arooni-mobilei was hoping to share connection over ethernet cable from my laptop => desktop so that i can download drivers06:53
arooni-mobileActionParsnip, its pretty amazing considering there is such horrible support from most manufacturers for linux06:53
arooni-mobilei'm happy there are people who figure out how to make the hardware work06:54
arooni-mobilein a gui sense06:54
Surlent777arooni-mobile: why not just skip the middle-man and plug in a cable from the non-connected computer to your router/modem?06:54
arooni-mobileSurlent777, cuz then i have to bring the pc upstairs06:54
arooni-mobilei'm being lazy06:54
ActionParsnipthegoodcushion: you can put the firmware files in /lib/firmware so you get the file but the package info is not in the OS06:55
arooni-mobileafter reading all that crap06:55
arooni-mobileprobably faster to just hook it up to the router06:55
ActionParsniparooni-mobile: realtek make great Linux drivers06:55
bfigquestion: getting this error on 11.04 :game/mania_drive.static: error while loading shared libraries: libGLU.so.1: wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS6406:56
arooni-mobileActionParsnip, but i dont thinjk they are compatible with my card?06:56
arooni-mobilei think railink are the official ones for this card06:56
bfigwhat does that mean? and how can i fix it (already tried reinstalling mesa-gl and didn't work.06:56
Surlent777bfig: Do you have the 32-bit compatability libraries installed?06:56
ubottuThe core of Ubuntu is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, and if you need to troubleshoot issues, you can try a !Mainline kernel instead, but if you insist, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile (see also !Stages)06:56
ActionParsnipBfig: your app is 32bit and OS is 64bit06:56
Surlent777...and does anyone remeber the name of that package?06:56
bfigSurlent777, no, how can i install them?06:56
bfigi think it is somewhere around here http://packages.ubuntu.com/natty/libgl1-mesa-glx06:57
bfigbut i don't know how to install it... also it says libgl1 instead of libglu106:57
widewakeHello. I had a jar file on my desktop, somehow i moved it to a folder, i brang it back to desktop, however its become a folder rather than an executable file, and when i option/executable the it wont Check the box. There is also a LOCK emblem on the folder, help please?06:58
uabn93If a hardware doesn't work by default in a distro, does that mean that kernel devs haven' t added it or the distro hasn't?06:58
widewakeHello. I had a jar file on my desktop, somehow i moved it to a folder, i brang it back to desktop, however its become a folder rather than an executable file, and when i option/executable the it wont Check the box. There is also a LOCK emblem on the folder, help please?06:59
bfigSurlent777, is that the package i should install? (the i386 at the bottom of the page?)06:59
Surlent777widewake: open a terminal, and then use the "cd" command to get to where the JAR file is. From there, type sudo chown yourusername:yourusername filename.jar06:59
ActionParsnipBfig: you will need to pull down the 32bit deb and copy the .so to /usr/lib32. Is there no 64bit version of the app? Also install ia32-libs and retry. This is one reason 32bit is advised07:00
Surlent777thank you ActionParsnip07:00
Surlent777could not remember that name07:00
bfigActionParsnip, the 32 bit deb?07:00
widewakeno such file07:00
guluabn93: sometimes there are issues with hardware its because the vendors don't provide info abt there product for Linux community to develop. But ur hardware will work after some teaks07:00
widewakei get no such file using cd07:00
Surlent777widewake: okay, put the file onto your desktop07:01
Surlent777widewake: then, in the terminal, type "cd ~/Desktop" but without the quotes07:01
widewakeok, i am in desktop07:01
EugeneKayCan anybody tell me if the default Ubuntu repos will "just work" on an IPv6-only network? I'm building a v6 test lab, and want to avoid v4 as much as possible for purity sake.07:01
* bfig is downloading ia32-libs07:01
ActionParsnipuabn93: the kernel needs the module to work. Addimg every possible module would bloat the OS a lot07:02
widewakei am also in the of what id like executable07:02
Surlent777widewake: okay, with the file in the desktop and after typing cd ~/Desktop, type "sudo chown yourusername:yourusername" replacing yourusername with whatever your user name is.07:02
widewakeits a folder on my desktop07:02
guru1004_was wondering if there is a system reference page for ubuntu similar to this http://elibrary.fultus.com/technical/index.jsp?topic=/com.fultus.redhat.elinux3/manuals/rhel-rg-en-3/s1-boot-init-shutdown-sysv.html07:02
uabn93gul: Oh. like in my case, the ralink wifi drivers were available online by the company, but i had to compile it myself. that left me wondering how drivers worked in linux.07:03
widewakeshould i be in  /desktop& or desktop/folder$  ?07:03
ActionParsnipBfig: yes as the app is 32bit so it needs 32bit libs. If you can get a 64bit one you won't need to07:03
guru1004_also how does one turn off the hardware, not only the driver, for wired and wireless network cards07:03
Surlent777widewake: you should be in ~/Desktop, or /home/yourusername/Desktop; both are equivalent07:04
bfigActionParsnip, it's the only download available on the page so no... but what is a 'deb'?07:04
uabn93ActionParsnip: So it is a problem with the ppl developing the modules for the kernel and not ubuntu if drivers don't work by default?07:04
guluabn93: right! and similar case with nvidia drivers and printers also07:05
widewakemissing operand07:05
HUMAHATERanyone here from xserverx.com?07:05
widewakemissing operand for sudo chown07:06
Surlent777widewake: again, move the JAR file onto your desktop, then in the terminal type "cd ~/Desktop". After that, type "sudo chown yourname:yourname filename.jar"07:06
Surlent777widewake: after doing that, you should be able to then type "07:06
Surlent777widewake: after doing that, you should be able to then type "chmod +x filename.jar"07:07
ActionParsnipSurlent777: instead of yourname, use $USER07:07
uabn93gul: who are the ones that put the already working, default drivers in linux? its not the distro?07:07
Surlent777ActionParsnip: ...that would probably be a better idea. Thank you.07:07
=== krabbe is now known as Krabbe
ActionParsnipSurlent777: np :-)07:07
widewakeSurlent777: sudo chown namename,  chmod +x done07:08
Surlent777widewake: try running your jar file as you did previously. This should have solved your problem.07:08
guluabn93: i don't know exactly but LINUX is community projects.......... drivers are added from many developers and finally controlled and releaed ny LINUS07:09
widewakeSurlent777: it has wont execute, and will not let to option execute it.. will try some things07:09
ActionParsnipuabn93: the kernel team, not just Linus07:10
widewakeSurlent777: does folder access matter? they are all on access files07:10
mrdebdoes linus do anything with linxu now07:11
Surlent777widewake: a JAR file should either execute or open as an archive...are you saying it's opening in the file browser?07:11
mrdebi thought companies just did the kernel now07:11
ActionParsnipwidewake: if you run:  java ~/Desktop/filename.jar   does it work?07:11
gulActionParsnip: right but kernal is still under the control of Linus ... the only thing which BSD people say they are more free in07:11
vanquish349i am pissed with ubuntu07:11
vanquish349it keeps on freezing07:11
Surlent777vanquish349: using Compiz, by any chance?07:11
gulseems to ne07:12
vanquish349my settings just randomly change07:12
vanquish349Surlent777: yes i am07:12
ActionParsnipGul: true but he is part of the kernel team..07:12
AllMyLovingHi men!07:12
Surlent777vanquish349: It is ridiculously unstable in this release for some reason, notably if you change anything. Especially if you change anything.07:12
ActionParsnipvanquish349: what video chip are you using?07:12
widewakeSurlent777: could not find main class. also if i double click the folder will open with files07:13
vanquish349but should that explain why desktop icons dont show up07:13
Abnormalhello. can someone please help me get my mic working?07:13
Surlent777vanquish349: as for the desktop icons, sounds like Nautilus crashed. Try doing a killall nautilus in a terminal07:13
vanquish349ActionParsnip: i am fairly new to ubuntu how would i check that07:13
AbnormalI'll provide you with any info needed07:13
gulActionParsnip: ya!......... :)07:14
Abnormal00:14.2 Audio device: ATI Technologies Inc SBx00 Azalia (Intel HDA) (rev 40)07:14
ActionParsnipVanquish: press Alt+F2 and run: nautilus -k    (might be -q)07:14
gulits -q07:15
vanquish349Surlent777: didnt work07:15
ActionParsnipVanquish: if you run: lspci | grep -i vga     it will tell you07:15
vanquish34900:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile 945GM/GMS, 943/940GML Express Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 03)07:15
vanquish349that is it07:15
infidhow do you remote desktop from one ubuntu machine to another? x11vnc + vinagre or what?07:17
Surlent777 widewake the command he gave you to run the JAR file is incorrect. Try instead java -r filename.jar07:17
Surlent777 widewake the command he gave you to run the JAR file is incorrect. Try instead java -jar filename.jar07:17
ActionParsnipAbnormal: on the ubuntu sound troubleshooting page there is an alsa-info script as part of a command. Run the command and select to upload to the server. A red URL will be generated. What is the URL?07:18
vanquish349Surlent777: who are you talking to07:18
widewakeinvalid or corrupt07:18
Surlent777vanquish349: I was talking to widewake07:18
ActionParsnipVanquish: if you log on as another user, is it the same?07:19
vanquish349ActionParsnip: i havent got any other users at this time07:19
Surlent777vanquish349: You can create one with System > Admin > Users and Groups07:20
AbnormalActionParsnip, http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=a8293f09f669ffcac87c6c57f092e446a9fd421b07:20
widewakeSurlent777: there is also a lock symbol on my folder. guessing that is read only, though its not checked07:20
ActionParsnipVanquish: make another user. Your OS can hold thousands of local users07:20
AbnormalActionParsnip, fwiw, I have a sound out on gfx07:20
Surlent777widewake: yes, that would normally mean read-only. Your permissions tab should have it listed as Read and Write for you and your group07:21
vanquish349ok just logging out07:21
ubottuTo add new users to your Ubuntu system, follow the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddUsersHowto - For administrative privileges, users need to be made members of the group "admin" - See !sudo07:21
ubottusudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo07:22
widewakeSurlent777: when i switch around folder access, file access, to read and write it will go back wont stay. files access will return to ...07:22
Freeekimy hdd's keep waking up from sleep.07:23
Freeekihow can i check why?07:23
Surlent777widewake: I think that's a visual glitch. It should still stick. To make sure, open that terminal, go back to the Desktop, and type ls -al. There will be a string of letters to the left of the jar's file name.07:23
Freeekican i somehow log HDD actions?07:23
ActionParsnipAbnormal: does the system have a make/model?07:23
AbnormalActionParsnip, I don't really know07:23
bfigSurlent777, ActionParsnip, thanks to both. got it working with ia32-libs :D07:23
=== jeremy__ is now known as vanquish349
vanquish349ok i am back07:24
Surlent777bfig: Awesome. Sorry I couldn't remember the name there at first.07:24
vanquish349desktop icons where working07:24
ActionParsnipAbnormal: well is it a Dell or HP or something likd that or is it a home build / bought from a small local computer shop?07:24
widewakeSurlent777:  thats odd. its listing  a .jar and a .jar(2)07:25
AbnormalActionParsnip, home build07:25
Abnormaldesktop computer07:25
Abnormalasus motherboard07:25
Abnormaland an onboard sound card07:25
Freeekimy hdd's keep waking up from sleep. can i find out why?07:25
Surlent777widewake: wow, that's new. would you mind posting the full output on the pastebin website and showing me?07:25
Abnormalmy audio out works just fine, it's just that audio in is not07:26
ActionParsnipVanquish: ok so we now know its profile based, not the apps themselves. Did you change release before the issue started?07:26
naturallyhi,everyone. Does someone know how to register nickname on this irc server?07:26
widewakeSurlent777: dont mind, will get07:26
britta_I'm having trouble mounting a USB stick. Disk utility tool says 'Daemon is inhibited'. Please tell me what that means, and is there a way to fix it?07:26
Dr_Heckle10.04 LTS: Just resumed from hibernation (went quit well other than) & my cursor was not being drawn (still "existed" & moved, just not drawn) this was "fixed" when I started up X-Chat... For future reference what is the name of the program that is responsible for drawing the cursor?07:27
vanquish349ActionParsnip: no, it was working fine yesturday and when i came on today stuff was going wrong so i ran updated manger and updated everything that it said to07:27
Lancelotnaturally: search how to register with nickserv07:27
ActionParsnipAbnormal: ok then it has no model or make. If you run: alsamixer   is the mic unmuted and cranked?07:27
Surlent777naturally: /msg nickserv <password> <e-mail>07:27
naturallyLancelot: where to search ?07:28
Dr_Hecklenaturally, /msg nickserv help07:28
naturallyDr_Heckle: oh , thank you.07:28
ActionParsnipNaturally: i'd ask in #freenode07:28
Lancelotnaturally: google perhaps? Surlent777 just answered you anyway07:28
AbnormalActionParsnip, yep, I messed with levels already07:29
ActionParsnipAbnormal also in sound settings make sure the correct mic is selected07:29
naturallyLancelot: yeah, thanks. just noticed. thank you all. Surlent777, Lancelot, Dr_Heckle07:29
Abnormalhahaha, damn07:29
AbnormalI fixed it07:29
britta_Solved. Sorry... Google fixed it.07:30
AbnormalI added my card to /etc/modules and reinstalled alsa07:30
ActionParsnipAbnormal: what was the magic bullet?07:30
AbnormalActionParsnip, ^07:30
Abnormalthat's what I did07:30
Dr_Heckle10.04 LTS What is the name of the program responsible for the cursor (esp. drawing it)?07:30
Abnormalnot sure which one of those fixed it07:30
ActionParsnipAbnormal: nice. Wtg!!07:30
widewakeSurlent777: Thanks for help, resolved problem!07:30
Abnormalbut one of them did, for sure07:30
Abnormaland I'm happy now07:30
Abnormalthanks dude, much appreciated07:31
vanquish349please i still need help07:31
ActionParsnipAbnormal: i'd reboot to test07:31
Abnormalnext bug: I start skype, but I don't see it07:31
Dr_Hecklefrom "man -k cursor" > "XFreeCursor (3)      - manipulate cursors" is this it?07:32
vanquish349please i still need help07:32
Surlent777vanquish349: one more thing. Try opening gconf-editor, find apps, then nautilus, then preferences, and make sure show_desktop is checked07:33
Abnormalskype's fixed too07:33
marzencan anyone tell me why twitter pages are blank .. they tell me it's an OS issue .. I'm pretty sure FF and chrome are consistent across OS's ...07:33
=== Braiam is now known as Braiam-awy
ouyeshi all, I get a new usb wireless card and the driver disk is for windows, but I am running ubuntu, how to install a driver under ubuntu?07:35
vanquish349Surlent777: yes it worked07:35
vanquish349but how would that have been turned off07:36
Surlent777vanquish349: no idea. =/07:36
arooni-mobilehow do i determine the MAC address of the wireless card (i cant use ifconfig cuz i'm compiling wireless drivers).  is there another way?07:36
vanquish349also one more problem syntax highlighting isnt working on gedit they say it is an os problem07:36
Surlent777arooni-mobile: would sudo lshw | less do it?07:36
marzenarooni-mobile lspci or lsusb07:36
Surlent777vanquish349: what language?07:37
vanquish349all of them07:37
glinkhow can I install burg on mandriva 2010.2?07:37
sda1986hi all! Question! I have a LIB for a cryptograpy key! I have multiple crit key, but the lib can use only one at the time, so multiple user on a terminal cannot use their crypt key together. Can I say to a LIB you can work only with this USB port? so i copy multiple copies of those libs and i assign it to each USB port? thanks!07:37
Surlent777vanquish349: It's working for me =/07:37
rwwglink: #ubuntu is for Ubuntu technical support. Perhaps you're looking for #mandriva.07:37
arooni-mobileSurlent777, is the serial: in lshw the MAC address?07:37
vanquish349Surlent777: it was working yesturday then i went to update my python irc bot. and it wasnt showing up07:38
glinktww yes, I'm sorry07:38
Surlent777arooni-mobile: ...I'm not sure. It looks kinda like one. Anyone know for sure?07:38
guru1004_hi.  is there a way to display the current power consumption in kWh07:39
Surlent777vanquish349: try doing a complete removal of all the gedit stuff in Synaptic and then reinstall it all. See if that helps.07:39
vanquish349Surlent777: k07:40
ouyesanyone have the experience to install drivers for a usb wireless card?07:40
vanquish349fuck it still doesnt work07:42
Surlent777you did a Complete Removal right?07:43
vanquish349Surlent777: yes07:43
Surlent777vanquish349: have you tried manually selecting Python from the list from within gedit?07:44
vanquish349Surlent777: yes07:44
vanquish349this is bullshit07:46
Surlent777vanquish349: best I can think of at this point is try moving/deleting ~/.gnome2/gedit and see if forcing it to remake the files will help at all07:46
Jordan_U!language | vanquish34907:47
ubottuvanquish349: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.07:47
Surlent777vanquish349: note that you will have to reset your settings after this by hand, and remake/redownload any custom tools/colour schemes that you had put there previously.07:47
vanquish349ubottu: ok sorry07:48
vanquish349Surlent777: still aint working07:48
vanquish349is there somthing similer to gedit that i could use07:48
Surlent777vanquish349: one more thing07:48
vanquish349is ubottu a bot07:49
Surlent777vanquish349: again, gconf-editor. Go to apps, gedit-2, syntax_highlighting, make sure is checked07:49
red2kic!brain | vanquish34907:49
ubottuvanquish349: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots07:49
ouyeshow to install drivers for a usb wireless card under ubuntu?07:49
dragglegvim i mean07:49
Abnormalis ubuntu-desktop a native ubuntu package?07:50
prabhyes it is07:50
Abnormalit tries to install firefox with it, amd I don't want that07:50
Abnormalwhy's that necessary?07:50
Surlent777Abnormal: ubuntu-desktop is a meta-package that pulls in the default Ubuntu desktop07:50
vanquish349Surlent777: that was off to07:50
Abnormaloh, thanks07:50
Abnormal't know that07:50
vanquish349what is going on07:51
Surlent777Abnormal: same sort of thing for kubuntu-desktop, xubuntu-desktop, linux-image, etc. Metapackages basically just do nothing but have a set of related dependencies07:51
Dr_Heckle10.04 LTS: Just resumed from hibernation (went quite well other than) & my cursor was not being drawn (still "existed" & moved, just not drawn) this was "fixed" when I started up X-Chat... For future reference what is the name of the program that is responsible for drawing the cursor? (from "man -k cursor" > "XFreeCursor (3)      - manipulate cursors" is this it?)07:52
Surlent777vanquish349: seems your gconf settings are getting hit. As you notice problems I guess just check around in there for something related =/07:52
vanquish349Surlent777: thanks for your help07:52
red2kicAbnormal: Not a real package. Just a set of carefully/carelessly-selected packages.07:52
Surlent777vanquish349: np07:52
Abnormalbtw, just flaming a bit: who's the one who decided that all ubuntu users upgrading to 11.04 should be pissed off with unity?07:52
Abnormalunity is nowhere near good working solution07:52
AbnormalI can07:52
Abnormal't add launchers easily07:53
Abnormallauncher bar is laggy07:53
Surlent777Abnormal: You can revert to the normal GNOME 2 desktop at the login screen; choose Ubuntu Classic07:53
AbnormalSurlent777, yeah, I did that07:53
Surlent777Abnormal: I do understand and share your frustration though, believe me07:53
red2kicAbnormal: Mark Shuttleworth, I think. You can stay with 10.04 LTS.07:53
AbnormalI'm just wondering07:53
Abnormalred2kic, yeah, and have enormous problems with it07:54
AbnormalI have a less then 1 year old MoBo and gfx07:55
Dr_Heckleok... perhaps some 1 can tell me if there's a freenode channel for X/X11/whatever...07:55
AbnormalI have hard enough time dealing with them on 11.04 even07:55
Dr_Heckleas i'd rather not run a /list w/ freenodes' 10k+ channels07:55
AbnormalDr_Heckle, try something like #xorg07:55
Dr_HeckleAbnormal,  thx07:56
nishanthi am having trouble opening the same application twice at the same time.....like say if i want to open 2 terminals ...i cant do it....can someone help me?07:57
irreverantwhats the command for resetting the root passwrd?07:58
irreverantsu passwd || password ?07:59
ScallHow can I do High ASCII characters like this -> ☺ or this -> ▲ in a GNU/Linux system?08:00
penolGRE: Bad checksum from pppd.08:00
penolGRE: Bad checksum from pppd.08:00
penolenyone can help?08:00
FloodBot1penol: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.08:01
Dr_Heckleirreverant, back again?08:01
Dr_Heckleyeah su  (switch user) passwd (change password)08:01
Dr_Heckleyou might also direct your attention to passwd --help08:02
penolDr_Heckle: are u talking to me?08:02
Dr_Heckleno, i'm talking to irreverant08:03
D0minat0ranyone know an easy iptables guide/generator? no GUI08:03
Dr_Hecklepenol, "GRE: Bad checksum from pppd." isn't a question08:04
irreverantDr_Heckle actually it worked on my dell mini, see i have been playing around with ubuntu on this machine which is essentially a break me box, i bought the netbook to help retrain me at linux before i decide to install it on my production machine08:04
Roasted_Question - On Ubuntu when connecting to a CIFS share on my SAN, I sometimes get an error- "Error: No data available. Please select another viewer and try again." What's the issue here?08:04
irreverantso far ive been learning at an exponential pace.08:04
irreverantD0minat0r: what do you need an iptables guide for? are you subnetting?08:05
penolDr_Heckle: What does GRE: Bad Checksum from pppd mean?08:05
Dr_Hecklepenol, Provide context08:05
irreverantpppd is for a point to point connection08:05
Dr_Hecklewhere did this come from? what did you do?08:05
D0minat0rirreverant: im have to config my server, if i put default rule DROP my surf (http) gets slow as hell08:06
irreverantpenol: are you connecting through dsl or a modem?08:06
D0minat0rtrouble figuring out services/port i have to open for it to work, the services i have started are easy only have SSHD and imapd on08:06
greaverlenovo T500 thinkpad(with intel 825687LM gigabit card) can't connect to lan08:07
FlynnHello.  Does anyone know the command to install xfce?  I looked it up and it says "sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude install xubuntu-desktop" but that returned "sudo: aptitude: command not found."08:07
irreveranthow bad is your http connection when you set the rule?08:07
Roasted_When mounting CIFS shares do I HAVE to use gvfs or can I use something else?08:07
irreverantand are you running the server behind a firewall?08:07
D0minat0rirreverant: very slow08:07
Dr_HeckleD0minat0r, google: default port list08:07
D0minat0rthe server is the firewall08:08
irreverantis it running bind?08:08
irreverantfor dns?08:08
D0minat0rno dns08:08
draggleso everything is itanium only since 11.11?08:08
eekTheCatIs there some guide to list server specific improvements in maveric and natty? Is there much difference aside from some updated packages?08:08
D0minat0ri have my operators dns on all clients08:08
irreverantid recommend following Dr_Heckle advice and checking first the default port list08:09
irreverantyou running ubuntu server? or rhel?08:09
D0minat0rirreverant: ubuntu server08:09
aeontechhey all08:10
r0fs3ck5has the flash plugin for ubuntu firefox been fixed yet?08:10
aeontechi messed up my grub loader :(08:10
aeontechtried to follow the instructions here: http://www.linux.com/community/forums?func=view&id=4219&catid=18 to restore it, but still no luck08:11
aeontechdo i have to reinstall the whole system?08:11
rob_ppenol: You're using pptpd or connecting to pptp server for VPN, I presume?08:11
irreverantD0minat0r whats your current acl look like?08:11
aeontechor if someone can point me to a manual on how to fix it i'd be very grateful08:12
aeontechi don't want to reinstall everything :(08:12
r0fs3ck5I want to install a flash player plugin for firefox without #shared-objects being symlinked to the root of my home folder.  Is there a plugin that does not have this vuln?08:13
irreverantwell i was trying to point him in the right direction for iptable creation08:13
FlynnIs having my mouse pointer be red taking a significant amount of resources?08:14
wisienhow can i run kde?08:14
D0minat0rirreverant: well at the moment i have default accept in because i cant get my rules to work08:15
D0minat0rand it seems i forgot to save my rules when i did reboot :)08:15
D0minat0rso all i havein iptables are the routing rules08:15
irreverantstatic routes?08:15
irreverantcan you show me your network diagram?08:16
D0minat0rmodem (bridged) - Ubuntu server - client08:17
irreveranthow did you bridge your modem?08:17
D0minat0rmodem software08:17
irreverantso its a hybrid modem?08:18
D0minat0rso that my server handles the PPPoE08:18
D0minat0rthe whole net works fine and is fast as long as i have default inbound accept08:18
irreveranthave you tested for packet loss?08:18
D0minat0ri have done ICS from help.ubuntu.com08:18
D0minat0rno i havent08:19
irreverantwell if your losing connectivity then your packets are either timing out or your getting loss.08:19
rob_pD0minat0r: What are you trying to filter/block at the Ubuntu box?08:19
D0minat0rrob_p: i want my server to drop everyting that isnt established from inside besides sshd and imapd08:20
rob_pD0minat0r: So use iptables state module.08:20
tasslehoffIs it possible to use wired and wireless networks at the same time? I want to connect a gadget with static IP with LAN, while still being connected to the internet on WLAN.08:21
irreverantyes, but if he08:21
rob_pD0minat0r: And then just add some static rules for inbound ssh and imap.08:21
irreverants blocking everything else then thats why hes getting slow connectivity because his rules are dropping packets08:21
irreverantyes you can connect both wirelessly and with a wired connection08:23
D0minat0riptables is the only thing i just cant figure out on my server08:23
irreverantsince both interfaces are independent of each other.08:23
D0minat0rgone form windows based system to only linux in a month so still a beginner :)08:23
Deimoshas anyone figured out how to get compiz window dragging performance back in 11.04?08:23
rob_pD0minat0r: If you have your rules properly defined, then the NAT sessions will be stateful and therefore allow traffic regardless of the default policy (which is probably set to DROP in your situation).08:24
guru1004_how do you display current power consumption08:25
guru1004_preferable in the terminal08:25
draggleacpi -b08:25
D0minat0rrob_p: i followed this guide for my ICS https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Internet/ConnectionSharing08:25
rob_pD0minat0r: But if you do modify the default policy, don't forget to specifically allow the services needed by the Ubuntu box itself.  Again, stateful filtering works good there.08:26
D0minat0rrob_p: i have opened the services i need and all works BUT when i set drop default then my http surfing goes slow from the clients08:27
D0minat0rso all works but goes slow and i cant figure out that part08:27
irreverantbut he can accomplish this much better using a firewall with a router role and configure port fowarding08:27
=== Flecks is now known as Fleck
VictorCL2hallow :)08:29
guru1004_draggle: that does not show the actual power consumption only remaining battery life in time and percentage of battery08:29
VictorCL2ubuntu says that firefox 3.6 is the latest one .. how can I update to firefox 4 ?08:29
irreverantdid you try apt-get install firefox because thats what i did and got the same issue08:30
rob_pD0minat0r: You can troubleshoot it in a couple of different ways.  You could enable logging in your iptables ruleset and then look for dropped packets and see if you've overlooked something that needs to pass through, or you can do a packet dump (tcpdump works well for this) and monitor the traffic in real time.08:30
irreverantim researching the same thing right now08:30
Starminn!ff4 | VictorCL208:30
ubottuVictorCL2: Firefox 4 is the current stable version of Firefox. Versions of Ubuntu before 11.04 do not have it (see !latest), but there is an unofficial and unsupported PPA that you can use by running the following command: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:mozillateam/firefox-stable && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install firefox08:30
guru1004_i am looking for a way to measure how much power i am currently using to gauge power saving based on my settings08:30
StarminnVictorCL2: That's what I did to add the stable; it's been working flawlessly for me.08:30
VictorCL2I will08:31
ferengeeguru1004_, on a laptop? or a desktop machine08:31
rabidfoxhi all08:31
guru1004_on a laptop ferengee.  trying to get 7+ hrs of battery life.08:31
rob_pD0minat0r: Do your clients get DNS answers from your server, or do they query outside nameservers?08:31
guru1004_not sure if that makes any difference ferengee.  seems like the code would be the same.  i know windows 7 has an option to show current power consumption in kilowatt hours08:32
D0minat0rrob_p: outside, from my operator08:32
new2net!search ubuntu08:33
ubottuFound: repomirror-#kubuntu, ubuntuone, ops-#xubuntu-offtopic, gr, selinux, genii yadda ps3*, themes, ubuntutweak, ge, browsers and 1003 more, see http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi?search=ubuntu08:33
irreverantrob_p hes not running dns locally08:33
aureianimus_is there a way i can detect keyboard use with bash?08:33
new2netyikes... good thing he knows better than to print all 101008:33
irreverantdid you make sure you configured your dsn servers in your server?08:34
rob_pD0minat0r: When you test name resolution from a client machine, do you get long pauses? (use dig)08:34
VictorCL2should I update to version 11 ?08:34
irreverantbecause if you didnt then that would explain why your getting such long wait times for browsing08:34
ferengeeguru1004_,  the most objective way to measure power consumption is to follow your battery drain on your laptop, or monitor the amount of power drawn from a wall outlet08:34
D0minat0rrob_p: hard to tell now sitting outside the net and no client on the inside powered on :/08:35
rob_pD0minat0r: Sort of hard to troubleshoot unless you can reproduce the issue! :|08:35
D0minat0rrob_p: i know...damn work08:35
sachin__is ther any way to play .rmvb files in ubuntu 10.04?08:35
sachin__HELP : is ther any way to play .rmvb files in ubuntu?08:36
rob_pD0minat0r: Anyway, I'm guessing you have overlooked something that the server needs access to but is being blocked by your default policy.08:36
irreverantD0minat0r let me ask you this, if you had a router configured with lets say  primary and secondary dns server set to 67.x.x.x and your domain controller is running dns and it08:37
ferengeeguru1004_, i use powertop for tuning08:37
irreverants ip is set to 192.x.x.x and your having a problem associating a client with the domain controller why do you think that would happen?08:37
irreverantof if you can answer rob_p?08:37
irreverantand your trying to associate to server.local can you tell me why?08:38
irreverantthe clients wouldnt be registering with the domain?08:38
=== dcg__ is now known as dcg
D0minat0rnetworking isnt my strong side, still learning08:39
irreveranthow bout you rob_p?08:39
VictorCL2can I update ubuntu 10 to 11 ?08:39
DJonesVictorCL2: If you've got 10.10, then yes, you can update to 11.0408:40
VictorCL2I have 10.0408:40
irreveranti can tell you why which is what i think is your problem.08:40
DJonesVictorCL2: If you've got 10.04, you would need to upgrade to 10.10 first and then upgrade to 11.04.  You can't upgrade directly from 10.04 to 11.0408:40
irreverantyou have to set either in eth0 or the routers primary dns to the private network address of the domain controller 192.x.x.x08:41
=== ruben is now known as Guest78687
irreverantbecause the client will try using the current primary ip address which is a public address for srv records instead of the local domain ctonroller08:41
irreverantso unless you direct the client to request the name service from the local domain controller its not going to find it out on the internet because its not there. so right now you getting issues i think with name resolution08:42
D0minat0rirreverant: good idea to install bind on the server then?08:42
D0minat0rok thats what i figured out reading what you wrote :)08:43
irreverantand set your primary dns servers to the ones from your provider or the gateway08:43
D0minat0ri will try with bind then tonight08:43
rob_pirreverant: Sorry, I stepped away for a bit...I'm at work! :)08:44
perscitusUnity is broken and won't start up. To be exact, Monitor goes to No Signal mode. And this is with OSS ATI driver.08:45
guru1004_ferengee: will i need to uninstall acpi to use powertop08:45
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irreverantso that your clients will make the request to the server and the server will then direct all the requests from the primary dns server that you configure in the hosts file08:45
perscitusUnity is broken and won't start up. To be exact, Monitor goes to No Signal mode. And this is with OSS ATI driver.08:46
rob_pirreverant: D0minat0r: No need to run your own namserver as long as you put the proper NAT/forwarding rules in place.08:46
=== Krabbe is now known as krabbe
chrislu5ticHi there, when I go to run my win app, it says it is not marked as an executable,08:47
perscitusUnity is broken and won't start up. To be exact, Monitor goes to No Signal mode. And this is with OSS ATI driver. But its not driver since I am in classic mode now.08:47
rob_pD0minat0r: If you decide you want to provide name resolution from the Ubuntu box, consider using dnsmasq because it also provides dhcp services.  Sort of a 2 birds with one stone type thing! :)08:48
Axsuulhow would i run a command from a certain directory without having to "cd" to it?08:48
perscitusAxsuul,  use the path to it08:48
sachin__axsuul: use export PATH="/home/abc"08:49
perscitusAxsuul,  like /usr/bin/firefox08:49
D0minat0rrob_p: well i have DHCP already running on it08:49
D0minat0rdamn installed dhcp3-server from the beginning08:49
perscitusUnity is broken and won't start up. To be exact, Monitor goes to No Signal mode. And this is with OSS ATI driver. But its not driver since I am in classic mode now.08:49
rob_pD0minat0r: dnsmasq is *better*, hehe! :)08:49
irreverantif you use wireshark you can see if your dropping packets somewhere08:50
D0minat0rrob_p: hehe gonna see if i wanna go thru with the trouble changing my dhcp server tonight then :)08:50
kbniI need help08:50
perscitusWhat!? no help?08:50
rob_pD0minat0r: dnsmasq lets your Ubuntu box act like a conventional home router by providing dhcp and dns services to the client boxes.08:50
kbniPirates of the Carribean 4 or Thor 3d - which should I go and see?08:51
perscituskbni,  both08:51
irreverantrob_p and that would help him out by making thigns easier for him08:51
kbniwhich is better?08:51
dcgI vote for both too08:51
irreveranttheres no need to be worrying about configuring acl/iptables unless your running an enterprise solution08:51
rob_pD0minat0r: So with dnsmasq and some iptables magic, you have a linux-based router! :)08:51
perscitusI would go with Thor since more sequels are often just remakes of previous ones08:52
kbnithanks perscitus08:52
kbniI've never been to a 3D film before08:52
D0minat0rwell it is routing now just not so secure at the moment hehe08:52
irreverantget yourself a watchguard firewall08:52
perscitusnor have i08:52
kbniI heard 3d is bullshit08:52
D0minat0ror even tho someone would find a username the cant getin withouth my private rsa key08:52
kbniI dont want my movie experience tainted by some cocked-up fad08:53
D0minat0rfirst thing i did was take away root login and set paswordless login with only rsa key08:53
perscitusUnity is broken and won't start up. To be exact, Monitor goes to No Signal mode. And this is with OSS ATI driver. But its not driver since I am in classic mode now.08:53
dcgkbni: in the old days 3d was pretty ordinary, modern 3d can be spectacular, just look at the success of avatar08:53
rob_pD0minat0r: You would be well served to get familiar with iptables if you really want to take command of your firewall/router.08:53
kbnifuck james cameron08:53
D0minat0rrob_p: i want and thats why im trying iptables08:53
jussiif I sudo cp -R folder1 folder2, does it keep folder1's permissions?08:54
xardas008D0minat0r, there is a graphical tool, fwbuilder which makes work with iptables much easier08:54
D0minat0ri tired of not having full control, and i do this to learn handling router/gateway/server08:54
perscitusUnity is broken and won't start up. To be exact, Monitor goes to No Signal mode. And this is with OSS ATI driver. But its not driver since I am in classic mode now.08:54
sachin__Any command for mapping a site address to the corresponding ip address08:55
FloodBot1sachin__: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.08:55
xardas008perscitus, maybe the ati driver works not proberly and you have no 3d support now08:55
perscitusxardas008,  im not using ati driver.08:55
irreverantD0minat0r: using iptables is a powerful tool but it requires practice.08:55
rob_pjussi: Also use the -p switch to preserve file attributes.08:56
D0minat0rtime i have, no life atm hehe08:56
irreverantjust like setting up acls.08:56
doggerzubuntu  11.04 is a piece of shit08:56
irreverantthen do what heckle said and get familiar with the ports to begin with08:56
doggerzits the most unstable piece of shit ever08:56
new2net!bing | doggerz08:57
ubottudoggerz: ban08:57
doggerzfuck up08:57
D0minat0rirreverant: one more question, why do i get samba connection reguests (denied) from outside my net even tho i have set samba to only listen to my internal eth1 and set samba allowed hosts08:57
perscitusdoggerz is right08:57
DirtyDawghow do you really feel doggerz08:57
doggerzits crap  man08:57
D0minat0rok i know they get denied because only internal ip addresses are allowed08:57
doggerzive had every other version08:58
rabidfoxi like ubuntu 11.04 but i'm not a fan of unity08:58
doggerzkeeps reajusting the screen and shit08:58
doggerzunity is a good idea08:58
doggerzbut it works like shit08:58
FloodBot1doggerz: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.08:58
dzupwhat you expect by using a kernel?08:58
doggerzconsidering you rewrote it from scratch08:58
eekTheCatis it possible to get an rss feed or something for packages on my system that need upgrading?08:58
doggerzthis big black spot on my screen wont fuckoff08:59
irreverantwell whats your scope look like?08:59
doggerzits all your fault08:59
rob_pdoggerz: There's no need to vent your frustrations with profanity! Let's keep the channel family friendly. :)08:59
doggerzthats it08:59
FloodBot1doggerz: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.08:59
irreverantyour ip scheme?08:59
doggerzim installing mandriva08:59
new2neteekTheCat... you mean synaptic package manager?08:59
irreverantand when you mean net do you mean your lan segment?08:59
perscitusUnity is broken and won't start up. To be exact, Monitor goes to No Signal mode. And this is with OSS ATI driver. But its not driver since I am in classic mode now.08:59
MIyamotoi'm still using lucid08:59
irreverantD0minat0r and how did you configure the interfaces?09:00
eekTheCatnew2net, I don't think so. something I can view in a news reader. scan what's changed. if it's an important security update i launch a terminal and manually upgrade. if not I ignore it09:00
eekTheCatnot a news reader. i meant to say a feed aggregator.09:01
perscitusmaybe ill install ATI Drivers and see if its just OSS Driver and Unity thats broken09:01
yabanizeIs it just me that doesnt like the new ui in 11.04?09:07
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sachin__how to install new linux kernel from the source code..09:07
D0minat0rirreverant: yes09:07
travelerI've upgraded ubuntu from 10.14 to 11.04 and since then I can't access it - I dont see GRUB OS-chosing window at all - instead I get 'video mode not supported' on my monitor - what can I do about it ?09:07
DirtyDawgyabanize: nope09:07
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yabanizeDirtyDawg, is there a waay to get it back to classic ubuntu09:08
Jordan_U!classic | yabanize09:08
ubottuyabanize: The default interface in Ubuntu 11.04 is !Unity. You can switch back to regular !Gnome by logging out and clicking on your user name, in the Session box at the bottom of the screen select Ubuntu Classic.09:08
DirtyDawgyes at the login screen, choose Ubuntu classic from the menu at the bottom09:08
D0minat0rirreverant: sorry had to run a bit09:08
rabidfoxyou can choose the classic ubuntu on your startup screen09:08
irreverantno worries. Im actually finishing up my bachelors in communications and network management09:09
irreverantand have an AAS in Computer Science Network systems09:10
dusfis it strange that fdisk -l returns nothing in terminal?09:10
D0minat0rirreverant: in smb.conf i have set up in [global] hosts allow =,
llutzdusf: use sudo09:11
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D0minat0rand i know that works as smb logs show all external ip addresses gets DENIED09:11
irreverantso you have the loopback and cidr 2409:12
D0minat0rbut all that would stop i would set my default inbound policy to drop which its now at the moment because of my problems, right?09:13
irreverantWait im sorry, i trying to understand what your typing.09:13
D0minat0rhehe no problem as im beginner i might confuse things09:14
irreveranthere were all beginners...09:14
irreverantwell maybe not all.09:14
rob_pD0minat0r: With the default policy set to DROP, you will need to specifically allow the ports required for smb protocol within your iptables rules.09:15
irreverantthat makes sense09:15
D0minat0rrob_p: yes, and i dont even want samba to work form an external ip address09:15
dusfllutz: ty09:15
rob_pD0minat0r: That's wise! :)09:15
dusfllutz: i'd assumed it would recommend using sudo if required09:15
D0minat0rright now i have logs form external ip addresses tryingto reach samba shares but get denied09:16
rob_pD0minat0r: Again, get familiar with iptables and you will be able to allow and block exactly what you want on whatever interface you desire!09:16
llutzdusf: yes, empty output is irritating09:16
D0minat0rrob_p: i will, im so paranoid i have to so i can sleep at night :)09:16
irreverantbut im lost dont you want it to deny external access?09:16
D0minat0rjust asked why i get reguests for shares from outside the internal net09:17
irreveranti need to get off the oxy, i had surgery and this stuff really makes you dull or rather my brain dull.09:18
D0minat0rdidnt know that was possible to access windows shares from another net09:18
irreverantcause people are always scanning for open ports09:18
irreverantwell that depends, are you talking about a diff subnet?09:18
bullgard4Nautilus shows the directory icons of /var/lib/gdm, /var/lib/mysql and /var/lib/php5 together with an emblem "white skew cross". What does this white skew cross mean?09:19
szalD0minat0r: it is possible, I've seen a lot such shares years ago in the uni network09:19
D0minat0rirreverant: should be on completely different net as i get requests from jankara, turkey and im in sweden09:19
irreverantso let say you have 192... and 172 subnets you saying that because your on two diff segments you wont be able to access a resource on the other segment?09:19
D0minat0raah my friend told me because my iptables isnt set to drop it answers on the smb port to see the ip address of the requests09:20
irreverantno, theres no reason why just because their in a diff geo region you wnot get requests09:20
irreveranthmm... if your not set to drop that request on that port then it will answer the request09:21
irreverantall drop does it reads from a source and kills the packet from reaching the destination.09:22
D0minat0rim gonna first set my iptables straight and see my net works good and see the logs after that09:22
irreverantPort scanning is what your talking about09:23
irreverantyou ever heard of nmap?09:23
D0minat0rive heard of it...09:23
irreverantnmap is a great tool!09:24
irreveranticmp bomb and udp drops09:25
D0minat0ryeah reading now09:25
irreverantread about udp and icmp09:25
kflottorpIs there an IRC client (other than Empathy ) that integrates with the notification system?09:25
D0minat0rkflottorp: xCat09:26
irreveranti thnk09:26
yabanizewheres the effect options gone from previous versions of ubuntu09:26
yabanizei want to turn on wobilly windows09:26
D0minat0ri use xChat09:26
kflottorpI'm currently using xchat, but it doesn't integrate :(09:26
irreverantwhat about ksirc?09:26
irreverantim not sure09:27
D0minat0raah i only have the icon in notification bar that blinks an ! when someone types to me09:27
bullgard4kflottorp: Gajim.09:27
bullgard4kflottorp: Sorry, I made a mistake.09:27
ubottuForgot your password? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LostPassword What's the root password? See !sudo. Don't see *** in password prompts? That's normal. Sudo doesn't ask for your password? It remembers you for several minutes. Please use strong passwords, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/StrongPasswords09:27
irreverantim new to ubuntu so im learning too but the best way i learn is by participating in answering questions, it requires research09:28
kflottorpI'll give some of them a try, thanks :)09:28
szalbullgard4: Gajim is a Jabber client, not an IRC client09:28
kbinghami'm having some really odd problems on Natty with power management / cpufreq on a dell precision m70. If I leave the power unplugged, my cpufreq scaling monitor happily shows me flicking between idle at 800mhz and busy at 2.2GHz... but if I plug in the power - (You'd think we wouldn't be worried about saving power then) - I am left stuck at 800Mhz permanantly ..... anyone got any clues or ideas on where to look / what to do ?09:31
Chris_HThe thing I love about Unity is that I can have 40+ tabs in google chrome and still see the favicons of all tabs :)09:31
Chris_HVery useful09:31
html_inprogresscan you make a linux cluster ?09:31
new_kid1Hi I cant delete a partiton on my pen drive. I created the partition by usinng the dd command using an iso image as source09:31
irreverantwhat about the ubuntuone client?09:32
new_kid1please give a command that will force delete the partition09:32
irreveranthtml_inprogress http://www.linux.com/community/blogs/tags/Ubuntu-Cluster/09:33
irreverantthat i remember reading about09:33
icerootnew_kid1: use gparted09:33
pepelechesis someone having problems installing ubuntu 11.04?09:34
irreverantbeouwolf clusters09:35
mathewspepeleches: post ur problem09:35
pepelechesI did. but received no response :(09:36
irreveranthtml_inprogress does that help?09:36
mathewspepeleches: it is important a detailed description as how u did it like along with windows or single os like that and what error comes out....09:37
szalpepeleches: where did you?09:37
pepelechesmathews, szal: my problem ismy problem is I can not install because the installation cd will not start. The CD is not damaged, because in a virtual machine I installed ubuntu windows properly.09:39
pepeleches(sorry for my english :P)09:39
VictorCL2people still use cd ... xD09:39
yabanizepepeleeches, look in your bios see if it is set to boot from cd09:40
tomek_is corel draw avaialable for linux?09:40
yabanizeAlso can anyone tell me where the effects like the wobbily windows are in 11.0409:41
pepelechesyabanize: yes, it stats booting, but in a moment it stops09:41
uabn93pepeleches: something went wrong when burning to the disk. make sure you slow the speed down to 4x09:41
mathewstomek_: take gimp09:41
yabanizeSo i want to know is there more people that prefer unity over the classic interface?09:42
yabanizevice versa09:42
tomek_mathews:what about 3d09:42
uabn93pepeleches: at what speed did you burn the disk?09:42
pepelechesuabn93: 4x :S09:42
mathewsyabanize: install compiz manager and select it from system09:42
bullgard4Nautilus shows the directory icons of /var/lib/gdm, /var/lib/mysql and /var/lib/php5 together with an emblem "white skew cross". What does this white skew cross mean?09:42
mathewstomek_: search in software center09:43
szalVictorCL2: (1) as long as the images won't run by themselves (i.e., you need something like unetbootin to make them run from a USB pen) it's easier to burn a CD; (2) there are still computers out there that don't boot from USB09:43
irreveranthas anyone here ever created a live cd on a sd card? or even a sd card that is mounted in a mobile windwos phone?09:43
uabn93pepeleches: where did you download the iso from?09:43
yabanizeirreverant, i haven't but i dont see why it shouldnt work as its just like a usb stick09:43
pepelechesuabn93: two pics from the halts: http://img153.imageshack.us/img153/396/17052011173.jpg , http://img163.imageshack.us/img163/2444/17052011174.jpg09:43
mathewsirreverant: sd card never be a live cd but can a start up disk09:43
pepelechesuabn93: from ubuntu.com main download page (html), and ubuntu.com alternate downloads page (torrent)09:44
yabanizeWhy not, Matthews..09:44
yabanizeAnd yes ubuntu.com has very fast servers :P09:45
irreverantmathews: why wont an sd card work? what if the phone acts as a usb drive and uses the sd card as a folder and not a drive.09:45
frogzoocan you alt tab between apps in unity?09:45
mathewspepeleches: after u download check the md5 of ur iso by rightclick and select the md5sum and compare it with that provided in the download page09:45
szalirreverant: a cellphone is not a card reader; if you don't have one, buy one, they don't cost the world ^^09:45
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yabanizefrogzoo yes you can09:45
szalirreverant: if you can set up the phone to act as a USB mass storage device, that should work09:45
pepelechesmathews: yes, md5 was tested and passed09:45
uabn93pepeleches: did you do an md5 checksum just in case?09:45
darkacaphurm...why my cpu easy to get 100%???09:46
irreverantlet me explain it like this, i would like to use my cell phone as a live cd for a linux distro so that when im at a buddies comp i can use nix instead of windows./09:46
uabn93pepeleches: If you downloaded from torrent, you don't have to worry about this.09:46
wisienI want to know how kernel and CPU works, any suggestions?09:46
mathewsirreverant: how could u connect a phone to ur system before it get booted?09:46
theadminirreverant: If you can get this phone to work as a USB drive, sure, just use unetbootin.09:46
uabn93pepeleches: but i've had errors before when downloading from the ubuntu site09:46
pepelechesfirst checked MD5 to the *.iso, then to the burnt cd09:46
irreverantszal: yes the phone can act as a usb mass storage device and treats the sd card as a folder not another independent storage device on any computer i connect it to.09:47
yabanizeOh if it treats it as a folder then it wont work09:47
darkacaphurm...why my cpu easy to get 100%???09:47
szalirreverant: ok, that complicates things09:47
szal!repeat | darkacap09:47
ubottudarkacap: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/09:47
mathewspepeleches: what methos u selected for installation? do u have any windows os?09:47
irreverantszal: see thats what i was wondering...09:47
theadmindarkacap: Check the process list to see what eats up your CPU, and try closing Firefox :P09:48
yabanizeI find unity not multitasking friendly09:48
anli_If I get a low vcore voltage, will my system go down? Is there some logfile I can view on this? It a vcore voltage of +0.86 V acceptable?09:48
uabn93pepeleches: does it at least get to the menu so you can do a disk check?09:48
anli_I find unity deinstalled09:48
irreverantcant i just edit the live cd to mount the folder as a drive so that it boots from the folder?09:48
pepelechesuabn93: nope, it gets stuck before a menu apears09:49
yabanizeirreverant you probably could do that09:49
yabanizemight be hard though, depending on what format the sd card is09:49
irreveranti believe fat 3209:49
irreverantor fat 1609:50
uabn93pepeleches: hmm, i cant help you w/ reading what's on the pictures you posted. I wonder if its your disk drive.09:50
yabanizei dont know much, im just guessing it wouldnt work\09:50
yabanizebut im not sure about the format thing, give it a go09:50
irreveranti could format it for nfs09:50
anli_I have got two panics recently, is there a logfile for panics?09:51
theadminirreverant: FAT, FAT32 and ext2 should work for a LiveCD-like boot partition if you're using Unetbootin.09:51
pepelechesuabn93: ok, thanks anyway... I will try to instal 10.11, and then upgrade to 11.0409:51
uabn93pepeleches: hey, have you tried usb?09:51
irreverantok i09:51
theadminanli_: It's some of the /var/log/kernel.log.* files, I think09:52
irreverantll look up unetbootin09:52
pepelechesuabn93:  not yet09:52
yabanizeSmuxi vs Xchat?09:52
pepelechesuabn93: goin' to try :)09:52
yabanizeHi meteor09:52
uabn93pepeleches: that method must work. Plus, its less of a hassle than upgrading from 10.1009:52
ShaunDreclinHey ive got a 500gb ntfs drive i want to install linux on. Whats the best way to give linux a 32gb partition without reformatting?09:53
theadminShaunDreclin: Use GParted (present on our CDs) to resize the existing partition.09:53
anli_/var/log/kern.log is spammed with "May 17 14:04:27 sysname kernel: [174882.650522] r8169 0000:02:00.0: eth0: link up" lines09:53
irreverantif your running windows 7 you can just do it from the drive management mmc09:53
mathewspepeleches: run the live cd and select the start up disk creator and make it and run it and try ..better than a live cd09:54
uabn93ShaunDreclin: how many partitions are currently present on the drive?09:54
ShaunDreclinWinxp, and i dont have a working disc drive. Is gparted included in the datastick version?09:54
ShaunDreclinJust one partition, ntfs09:54
bullgard4Nautilus shows the directory icons of /var/lib/gdm, /var/lib/mysql and /var/lib/php5 together with an emblem "white skew cross". What does this white skew cross mean?09:54
theadminShaunDreclin: Get EASEUS Partition Master, then.09:54
theadminShaunDreclin: And use that to resize09:54
tempI've upgraded ubuntu 10.10 to 11.04 and after that I cant see my grub ('video mode not supported') - I am running liveCD, and trying to edit grub configuration, but I can't see menu.lst where it should be - how can I generate a new one ?09:54
ShaunDreclinThanks :D09:54
theadmintemp: There are no more menu.lst's for a long time09:55
theadmintemp: It's /boot/grub/grub.cfg09:55
pepelechesmathews: doing rhigt now :) in a while i will re-log to the irc09:55
uabn93ShaunDreclin: how are you going to install linux w out a drive then?09:55
mathewspepeleches: all the best of luck09:55
temptheadmin: : when I try to edit grub.cfg I see "DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE", it has been generated using templates... what should I do then ?09:56
theadminuabn93: USB stick, booting the ISO directly, using VirtualBox with a real drive as a host HD...09:56
llutztemp: you edit /etc/default/grub and run "sudo update-grub" after09:56
theadmintemp: /etc/default/grub, AFAIR09:56
mathewstemp: run a live cd and copy ur data to an external disk and try a clean install than upgrade09:56
oktayhi. can someone who has skype tell me the version string 'skype --version' ?09:56
anli_kern.log does not contain anything about the panic, the spam flood about eth0 is just ended (in 22.01 yesterday)09:57
ShaunDreclinUabn93: datastick09:57
pepelechesmathews: if doesn't work, i'll do the 10.11 -> 11.04 install/upgrade ;) but i will come to tell my experience :)09:57
anli_Then I can read new entries about the startup this morning09:57
temphmm, why is grub so tied to linux ? I even specifically separated hd partition to /boot - why do I have to edit grub options on the other one ?09:57
theadminanli_: Hm... Not sure what it is on Ubuntu, bot here I have /var/log/kernel.log.1 and /var/log/kernel.log.209:57
anli_No panic.log in my system09:57
anli_only kern.log09:57
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chilli0Hi, I did an update the other day, and now for some reason my SAMBA shares are screwing up from my client. Like it doesn't load, or sometimes it will load for a second and then hang. And also sometimes the web won't work, or like on page will work but I can't load another page. Doesn't matter if I change browser either.09:57
theadminanli_: Okay, no idea then09:57
mathewspepeleches: i think u win the match09:58
oktaytemp: /boot is not where your boot record is. what is the problem?09:58
uabn93theadmin: i never knew you could do that w/ virtualbox09:58
tempoktay: there probably is no problem, just curious why the options werent on /boot09:58
theadminuabn93: VBoxManage internalcommands createrawvmdk -rawdisk /dev/sda -filename lol.vdi09:58
anli_I get the impression that no log is created on a kernel panic09:58
novitololoI'm getting unrar fail when trying to unrar folders that contain accents (for example: á) in their names.  Any thoughts what can I do?09:59
oktaytemp: grub is something i don't mess with as long as it's working :)09:59
oktaywhen you do have to mess with it, it's not pretty09:59
JohnTBulk rename them novitololo09:59
novitololoI just have the .rar file09:59
tempyeah, I followed the same policy, but ubuntu upgrade made it not work09:59
novitololocan I rename them from the inside?09:59
oktaytemp: did the disk UUIDs change?10:00
mathewstemp: try it as upgrade creates hassles10:00
theadminHint: don't use /dev/disk/by-uuid/, it's not pretty, use by-label.10:00
novitololoJohnT could you be a little bit more specific?10:00
razz1i am using xsane for the first time, I am scanning an important document, I need it to be high res, which file format should  I save it to, the default is pnm?10:01
ph88When i try to connect my phone (Nokia N900) with usb to ubuntu 11.04 tethering doesn't work because when i try to make the connection it immediately disconnects, need help10:01
yabanizeHow do i turn on more of the effects, like the wobbily windows (it used to be called extra in display options)10:01
tempi'll try, thanks for the tip - what I suspect right now is that new ubuntu 11.04 uses newer version of grub than 10.04, and it made it mess up10:01
Guest89987I seem to have a problem with my Ubuntu 10.04 installation - The speakers of my laptop don't give a sound, while any plugged in speaker/headphones will, so the sound card seems unaffected. However, sound works in 10.10 and up, but I don't want to use those as they can't properly read the charge data of my battery-10:01
theadminyabanize: You need simple-ccsm10:01
asheshtemp: I think you're right about GRUB, it did upgrade grub during my OS upgrade from 10.0410:02
chilli0Hi, I did an update the other day, and now for some reason my SAMBA shares are screwing up from my client. Like it doesn't load, or sometimes it will load for a second and then hang. And also sometimes the web won't work, or like on page will work but I can't load another page. Doesn't matter if I change browser either.10:02
yabanizeSo older versions didnt need it, theadmin10:02
mathewsguest89987: select the "sound" from the menu and check the volume is muted or not10:02
Guest89987it isn't ;) That'd be too easy10:02
theadminyabanize: Who knows, it could just no longer come as default xd10:03
Guest89987it's on full fling, yet does not give a beep.10:03
mathewsguest89987: run the "additional drivers: from system10:03
theadminWow, I had like 3 flash upgrades during recent weeks, did they finally decide to make it work? xD10:03
yabanizeI clicked install and it came up with :Package dependencies cannot be resolved10:03
theadminyabanize: Ugh. Also try it with compizconfig-settings-manager, but I can't really help you more since Ubuntu people love to mess their repositories up :/10:04
tempI'm surprised grub is so tied to linux, to the point when it uses options from other partitions and can be updated by it unknowingly to the user. I wont troll, but I used to blame windows for overwriting boot sector.10:05
Guest89987Only shows GPU and WiFi card. As I've said, the sound card itself seems to work properly, it works with plugged in devices (Headphones), but not with the speakers of the laptop itself.10:05
theadminyabanize: I also think the latest Ubuntu doesn't actually use Compiz anymore10:05
ph88i did this: http://anidel.blogspot.com/2009/10/n900-as-modem-for-ubuntu-910.html   but connection isnt being established ! :(10:05
theadmintemp: It's not GRUB's fault, it's how it's made in Ubuntu :D10:06
theadmintemp: Here on Arch, everything GRUB-related *is* under /boot/grub.10:06
oktaytemp: grub is what linux installs as a boot loader. you can use another bootloader that is more tied into windows if you like10:06
mathewsguest89987: look any related post in ubuntu launchpad or www.askubuntu.com10:06
asheshtheadmin: what? It does use Compiz. I solved a frame rate issue on my ATI Radeon laptop by unselecting 'sync to vblank' inside CompizConfig settings manager.10:06
uabn93Guest89987: what about sound preferences>hardware tab> then changing the profile tab.10:06
tempI see, ok thanks for all the answers.10:07
oktaysomebody post their skype version pretty please10:07
mathewstheadmin: it more clear in gnome or ubuntu with no effects10:07
yabanizetheadmin: thanks that worked10:07
rinchanhay guys any one tell abt music composer10:08
theadminmathews, ashesh: Well, I'm an Arch+KDE user so I dunno how Ubuntu, Gnome and Compiz are really doing these days. Still do try to help though10:08
uabn93Guest89987: I meant changing the profile section to the device you have. try using different options.10:08
Guest89987nothing there either. All switched on :-/ A real mystery, that. It works with newer versions, so it HAS to be some form of software issue. :O10:08
mathewsoktay: skype 2.210:08
Guest89987Yeah, checked that. Does not change anything10:09
asheshtheadmin: hmmm, after the latest GNOME release and to be very honest the mess Ubuntu Unity is right now, KDE/XFCE make more sense to me10:09
oktaymathews: ? 'skype --version'10:09
theadminashesh: GNOME 3 was so damn weird o.O10:09
asheshtheadmin: I switched immediately to XFCE after my upgrade.10:09
asheshtheadmin: navigation is a PIA!10:09
uabn93Guest89987: you said your headphones worked?10:09
oktayxfce4/xmonad here10:09
oktayi am not jumping on the gnome shell / unity bandwagon10:09
mathewsoktay: (skype10:10
Doomnethi ^^10:10
theadminashesh: I think that's offtopic here, so let's switch to PM, shall we :D10:10
oktaymathews: thanks !10:10
Guest89987Headphones, external speakers, even the TV speakers when hooking it up to a TV with split screen10:10
darkacapermm...my cpu becomes very hot...does someone know why it is happened?10:10
mathewsoktay: if u try from software center this is the version or u can add the PPA for it if u want latest version10:10
oktaymathews: thanks. i don't have access to my ubuntu now. comparing with arch.10:11
Guest89987darkacap : Maybe it constantly runs at maximum core clock, that might make it overheat.10:11
mathewsdarkacap:check ur fan working well10:11
asheshtheadmin: sure :-)10:11
theadminActually, what does Ubuntu use in place of good old /etc/init.d/ these days?10:11
darkacapmathews: my fan is working...and i can hear the fan's spin...10:12
uabn93Guest89987: thats strange. I had that same problem and messing with profile section fixed it for me.10:12
gelbanderhi, does anyone experience that the "over menu bar" disappear in every window u have open?10:12
darkacapguest89987: how to solve the problem?10:13
Guest89987darkacap: There's a panel applet that lets you control the several core clocking stages of your CPU - see if it's permanently at 100%10:13
darkacapguest89987: ermmm...can you show me how to open the applet...sorry...im new to ubuntu...10:13
Guest89987uabn93: Glad to hear I'm not the only one. Unfortunately, it doesn't work for me :/ But that's a start, anyhow.10:13
theadminoktay: Another arch user huh? I seem to be not alone xD10:14
oktaynew install. 2-3 days10:14
oktayi like it so far10:14
oktayi also have mint debian10:14
Guest89987darkacap: right click on the top panel bar, hit "Add to panel" and select the "CPU frequency scaling monitor"10:14
theadminoktay: Mint is yummy, but Arch is the best for my rather slow system10:15
theadminoktay: It seems that stuff slows down on other distros cause of their awkward package management.10:15
uabn93Guest89987: most of the time, google is a better friend than irc in some situations.10:16
its__Hey guys.. My HDMI audio (NVIDIA) isn't working for me.. No system audio at all10:16
its__I've done aplay -l to find the devices10:16
its__It shows 4 nvidia devices (3,7,8,9)10:16
its__So I tested, and aplay -D plughw:1,7 im.wav gave me sound10:16
oktaytheadmin: they are a bit more polished though. don't have to deal with assigning default apps and litlte stuff like that10:16
its__But how do I config ubuntu (10.04) to use that device?10:16
theadminoktay: I like configuring everything manually.10:16
Guest89987uabn93: Normally, yes. But putting in "CQ56 Ubuntu sound issues" only leads me to countless shop sites with written reviews :D10:16
oktaytheadmin: i do too. and i will do it once then keep rolling rolling10:17
theadminoktay: Speaking of rolling, rolling releases ftw xD Anyway, let's switch to PM10:17
* oktay blushes10:17
Guest89987darkacap: found it?10:17
theadminoktay: ?10:18
szaltheadmin, oktay: #archlinux exists :P10:18
darkacapguest89987: nope...i cannot find 'add to panel'10:18
its__No one to help?10:18
theadminszal: Also a support channel, and #archlinux-offtopic is meh10:18
szaltheadmin: try #ubuntu-offtopic ;)10:19
Guest89987darkacap: the panels are the top and bottom bars, similar to the Start-bar on Windows10:19
uabn93Guest89987: my last suggestion would be to try the #linux channel. great ppl there.10:19
theadminszal: Isn't it a channel where they all speak about aliens and conspirancy theories?10:19
szaltheadmin: no idea, haven't been there much10:19
Guest89987darkacap: You right click on those, which gives you the option to "add to panel"10:19
szaltheadmin: my favourite Linux distro offtopic channel is #opensuse-chat10:19
theadminszal: Hm, thanks, I also used to be a SUSE fan earlier10:20
Guest89987darkacap: working now?10:21
guru1004_is there a command to turn off the ethernet card (eth0) ?10:22
r0fs3ck5ifconfig -eth0 down?10:23
r0fs3ck5mark7845: or do you want to disable it at the hardware level?10:23
VictorCL2the volume control is not working properly .. on 10.04 ..when I click the , when I move the white circle to raise or lower the volume .. it skips to the right .. raising the volumeee  :/10:24
guru1004_r04s3ck5: was that answer for me?  i want to disable at the hardware level.10:24
VictorCL2is like not detecting correctly the mouse pointer10:24
r0fs3ck5guru1004_: hmm not sure on that one.  You may be able to turn it off in the BIOS if you're lucky.10:25
its__http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=10830940#post10830940 can you help me?10:25
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guru1004_i saw the command for wireless -> iwconfig wlan0 power off10:26
guru1004_r0fs3ck5 -> yeah don't want to disable it in the bios, but that is certainly better than nothing10:26
darkacapguest89987: when i right click the bar...nothing comes out10:28
r0fs3ck5guru1004_: try sudo ifconfig wth0 power off.10:29
r0fs3ck5r0fs3ck5: I'm not sure if your device, motherboard or kernel supports it, but give it a go.10:29
moses_is the windows manager the thing that shows the monitors?10:30
r0fs3ck5eth0 rather10:30
moses_the monitor preferences10:30
moses_whats that done through?10:30
moses_my monitor preferences only show 1 monitor10:30
tdnWhat to do in order to make Sun Java work in Firefox/Opera, etc? I need this to use online bank.10:31
minimecguru1004_: you probably have to blacklist your eth0 device with in /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf. iwconfig is only for wifi devices and the option 'power' is the power managment of a wifi device...10:32
moses_darkacap, ?10:33
NoormanHi all, is there a way to bridge wlan0 and eth0 in 11.04?10:33
sunson1. What is the impact of too many TIME_WAIT connections on the performace of a web server (with huge number of short-lived connections)? 2. What is the impact of increasing tcp_max_syn_backlog kernel setting?10:33
Noormanbrctl does not allow wlan0 to be added10:33
darkacapmoses: windows manager???10:34
moses_darkacap, i cant get programs to go from my left monitor to my right10:36
moses_it just hits a wall at the edge of my left monitor10:36
moses_but both are on10:36
moses_and i can move the mouse to them both10:36
moses_any ideas?10:37
darkacapmoses: sorry...im new to ubuntu...^_^10:37
darkacap....why my cpu always above 13%..or is it normal???10:38
darkacapcan someone answer it...^_^10:38
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Guest89987darkacap: So you got the applet working? It shows activity higher than 13% permanently?10:43
minimecdarkacap: Could you verify that in a console with 'top'. The gnome-system-monitor will use most of your 'idle' cpu usage. Press '1' in top, if you have multiple CPU.10:43
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darkacapguest89987: i open the system monitor...and it shows cpu 13%(minimum)10:44
darkacapminimec: i have single cpu only10:45
minimecdarkacap: So just 'top in a console...10:45
minimecdarkacap: top10:45
rayvtirxok guys  and girls, i was playing about with my ubuntu 11.04 server (upgraded from 1010) and i installed ubuntu-desktop using apt-get,i thought it would be as easy as apt-get autoremove ubuntu-desktop but that just removes 1 16kb file, any ideas?10:46
Guest89987darkacap: That's the CPU usage, not the frequency. 13% is probably normal depending on what sort of CPU you use, considering you're using IRC right now10:46
rayvtirxsorry wrote that wrong10:46
rayvtirxi now wish to remove  ubuntu-desktop10:46
cousin_marioWindow gadgets sometimes don't work and the ones of the window in the back get clicked instead (ubuntu 11.04/64 bit, using gnome classic). Any ideas?10:47
darkacapminimec: ok10:47
mathewsrayvtrix: what u mean by ubuntu-desktop10:49
moses_anyone know why my monitor preferences wont pick up my second monitor10:50
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NoormanHi all, is there a way to bridge wlan0 and eth0 in 11.04?10:51
darkacapguest89987: owh...i see...10:51
Noormanbrctl does not allow wlan0 to be added10:51
rayvtirxi was running ubuntu server, and i saw that you could install ubuntu desktop with sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop , so i did to try it :s thinking it would be as simple as apt-get autoremove ubuntu-desktp to get rid of it10:51
rayvtirxbut that only gets rid of a 64kb sized file10:52
darkacapguest89987: by the way....when i want to scroll down in the firefox...it scrolls very slow...why?10:52
darkacapguest89987: especially when i open youtube...10:53
Guest89987darkacap: could it be that your Graphics adapter has no driver installed, so the CPU has to take care of everything?10:54
anli_what I experience when scrolling down firefox is that the window hangs for a while, then the scrolling is performed10:54
darkacapguest89987: ermm...so how to solve it?10:54
Guest89987check that at "System>Administration>Hardware drivers". This shows you the available third-party drivers10:55
moses_anyone know how to get dual monitors to work with an nvidia card?10:55
mathewsrayvtrix: i think there no desktop for server edition. try type gdm and look what happends10:56
Guest89987moses: Is multimonitoring turned on in the driver menu? Sometimes it does not register straight away by itself10:56
rayvtirxmathews: erm wel i managed to install one lol10:57
deploymentAnyone know of any network monitor software.  To be used like a dashboard to monitor PING,SNMP etc all the time and aleart via email or GUI when required.10:57
darkacapguest89987: is it under control  center>hardware>additional drivers??10:57
mathewsrayvtrix: see the ubuntu documenatation for server edition,I think there no way10:58
constlHello, i've been experiencing a lot of CPU spikes and stalls using a fresh install of Natty in a duo core 2.2 with 4 GiB and ssd. In specific i see that XOrg (in top) consumes a lot of CPU power all the time. Any hints?10:58
Guest89987darkacap: In 11.04, yes10:58
darkacapguest89987: its empty10:59
Guest89987odd: what GPU does your system have?10:59
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Guest89987Integrated INTEL, Nvidia or AMD ?10:59
rchavikhow do i make bash completion work again with subdirs prefixed with environment variable, eg: 'cd $SOMEDIR/subdir'10:59
html_inprogressconstl,  me to ,,, i think its something to do with the update to day10:59
darkacapguest89987: integrated intel10:59
constlhtml_inprogress: I've been experiencing this for over 2 weeks.11:00
constlDoes it have to do with graphics drivers?11:00
darkacapguest89987: mobile intel graphic media accelerator x310011:00
Guest89987Alright then, no wonder it's empty. But that also means it works and does not explain your slow page buildup. Odd11:00
mathewsrayvtrix: see this link and get an idea  http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/ubuntu-63/gui-for-ubuntu-server-463053/11:01
darkacapguest89987: so...do i have to install the driver?11:02
Guest89987no, you don't. It's installed already. Otherwise it would show up there.11:03
constlIs simple-ccsm dependencies broken for anyone else?11:03
karthick87Is it possible to create a launcher for rdesktop in desktop ?11:03
darkacapguest89987: owh ok...hurm...11:03
Guest89987yeah, i'm baffled now as well, so... :/11:04
moses_anyone know a good soundblaster driver for ubuntu?11:04
szalmoses_: legacy sound drivers built into the kernel should work w/o issues11:07
Chris_HHI, whenevr I try to set a VPN connection, it fails and gives out the error VPN Connection was not provided by any settings service11:07
Chris_HIt used to work in Kubuntu11:07
Chris_HPlease hlp11:08
moses_szal, these are terrible11:09
szalmoses_: how so?11:09
arvutHi.. I am stuck in the 11.04 installation cause I removed a lvm group (manual partitioning) but not the 3 logical volumes in it. I need to modify those volumes in order to continue the installation.11:09
moses_it sounds terrible when put through11:10
moses_i cant tell if there are two many layers11:10
moses_because its an uncompressed movie11:10
arvutright now I get an error saying that it can't modify the volumes cause they belong to a group that doesnt exist11:11
arvutlovely, huh?11:11
tempwhere's the file that grub uses for each operating system/kernel ? that what used to be menu.lst - i tried /etc/grub/default ,but I see only options there, no lines with each kernel options etc11:11
jrib!grub2 | temp11:11
ubottutemp: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)11:11
rayvtirxhow about if i reinstall ubuntu server from disk without changing the partitions?11:11
jribrayvtirx: what about it?11:12
rayvtirxi was running ubuntu server, and i saw that you could install ubuntu desktop with sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop , so i did to try itthinking it would be as simple as apt-get autoremove ubuntu-desktp to get rid of it11:12
jribrayvtirx: it should be11:12
icerootrayvtirx: !purekde (only use the part to remove gnome)11:13
iceroot!purekde | rayvtirx11:13
ubotturayvtirx: If you want to remove all !Gnome packages and have a default !Kubuntu system follow the instructions here « https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureKDE »11:13
JediMasterok, stupid one, I've just setup two ubuntu 11.04 natty machines and neither of them will remember their hostname, any idea what's going on? I set them using: hostname myhost.domain.tld; echo "myhost.domain.tld" > /etc/hostname11:13
JediMasteryet after rebooting it looses the hostname and reverts the previous one11:13
JediMasternever had this issue with any version of ubuntu previously11:13
jribJediMaster: verify you actually changed the contents of /etc/hostname (also, you need to update /etc/hosts)11:13
JediMasterjrib: yes, it's in there11:14
JediMastereven after reboot11:14
JediMasterI've recursively grepped through the entire /etc/ and the only thing with the original hostnames is the ssh host keys in /etc/ssh/ssh_host...11:14
jribJediMaster: don't know then.  See if there's some way to change it through network manager11:14
JediMasterjrib: ubuntu server, no X11:14
_rubendhcp might be overriding your hostname11:15
JediMasterahh, yes, that's it11:15
JediMasterthe reverse dns will take 24 hours to update11:15
JediMastergood thinking _ruben11:15
pdevIs there any way to restrict users, not to use "number" at the starting of their password?11:16
JediMasterI've already changed the rdns entry, any way to stop dhcp from auto-assigning the hostname?11:16
_rubenJediMaster: read 'man dhclient3' ? :)11:16
JediMasteryeah, I guess heh, thanks11:16
jribpdev: look into pam; don't know how easy that is to achieve11:17
alex88[nb]hi guys, my 11.04 install just screwed up, i get like low graphics login screen and this is the desktop http://i.imgur.com/HbAcC.png11:17
arvuthow do I remove unallocated logical volumes?11:17
rayvtirxunfortunately there is no manual instructions for 11.0411:17
pdevyes I have made some policies using pam_cracklib11:17
arvutthat are part of a lvm vg11:17
alex88[nb]alse when i reduce to icon a folder the image of the folder sticks on the desktop11:18
pdevlike using of Uppercase, lowercase, number, special charactors etc in the password11:18
pdevbut not finding a way to achive this11:18
pdevanybody can help on PAM topic?11:19
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infobitalex88[nb], try logging in with gnome11:19
alex88[nb]infobit: ok let me try11:20
arvutmust say the 11.04 dvd starts really fast compared to ealier versions11:21
arvutubuntu user dvd that is11:21
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arvatwhay ubuntu do not try to do more light desktop?11:23
alex88[nb]infobit: unable to load session 'gnome', btw after login it says system load problems, report or cancel, and if it should change the user home folder names to be correct with language..11:23
jesus_does anyone her use epsxe?11:23
infobitalex88[nb], PM?11:24
szalarvat: if you want a light option, try Xubuntu (XFce) or Lubuntu (LXDE)11:24
alex88[nb]infobit: PM?11:24
bolt12whats the short cut to show the desktop11:25
bolt12in ubuntu 11.0411:25
guru1004_using powertop and was told: Enable USB autosuspend for non-input devices.  How does one do that?11:25
arvatszal you do not understand, i want the functionallity of kde but lightness of gnome11:26
szalarvat: Gnome light?  are you kidding?11:27
szalGnome is no lighter than KDE11:27
szalalso, if you want KDE, use KDE..  features come at a payload, that's how it is11:28
arvatszal: i meen the simplicity of gnome11:28
beta0x64arvat: just install both window managers and have fun11:28
infobitarvat, the use kde 3.4 or some older version kde than 4.0 something11:28
szal"simplicity" is highly subjective..  for me, e.g., Gnome just doesn't fit the bill, I don't find my way around it, plus it lacks some features11:29
szalinfobit: KDE3 is dead11:29
arvutkde4 or unity?11:29
interglacialxfce must be realy popular now11:30
REKhello guys I am using the ubuntu tweak on ubuntu 11.0411:31
REKbut the convert image to JPG is not working11:31
infobitarvut, kde 4 also try unity11:31
REKany possible solutions?11:31
arvutinterglacial: I am tempted to try it. tested 10.10 64-bit in xfce from a live dvd, gonna install it along with 11.04 unity11:32
szalREK: "not working" is NOT a precise error description11:32
head_victimAnyone have any information on BluRay playback that isn't several years old? The RestrictedFormats page seems a little out of date on the topic.11:32
REKszal: previously it used to make another file of the JPG format on its own on 10.10 . But now nothing happens11:33
SukiHello World11:33
adam61i just got my tascam us122 set up and everything's working great except for one thing, there's no sound in flash (i'm assuming that's what google chrome uses to play youtube videos). does anyone know about this?11:37
lispmachinesGreetings, I have a desktop running 10.04 and apache. How do I make apache work with ipv4?11:38
moses_has anyone in here ever installed a sound card driver (tar) file in ubuntu?11:39
adam61moses: i just did that; what soundcard do you have?11:39
moses_X-Fi soundblaster11:39
moses_its a POS11:39
moses_but w/e11:39
paulo_how do i create a disk image from a usb?11:40
paulo_usb flash drive, that is11:40
paulo_google is giving me wrong results11:40
moses_adam61, ?11:42
adam61moses: i was hoping you were going to say tascam lol.. i don't understand how to do that myself, i just googled how to and followed the instructions. here's the link that worked for me if it's of any help to you in understanding it: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/TASCAM_US-122  and  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=169228911:42
rayvtirxwell i think i got it thanks for your help :)11:42
adam61moses: someone should be able to help you though, this channel's good11:43
moses_how did you install it though11:43
moses_are insall instructions in here?11:43
adam61moses: i don't quite understand the question.. i just followed the instructions without quite understanding what i was doing and it worked. do you have a more specific question?11:43
moses_where did you extract the tarbul11:44
moses_the tar file11:44
adam61k just a sec11:44
wmphello, i have big problem with ext4, after try to resise this, i have: http://pastebin.com/TP33VNim11:44
adam61moses: if you read the first link i sent you carefully, you will undersand it. what you are asking is step 611:45
leomanfxhi there11:45
adam61moses: sorry, step 411:45
apterwhere can i learn terminal commands? (total noob on linux)11:45
adam61read the preamble11:46
jrib!cli | apter11:46
ubottuapter: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal or type in it: man intro11:46
adam61to that step11:46
abysHi all11:50
adam61hmm anyone know why it shut down xchat twice in a row when i tried to open the ##flash channel?11:51
abysI'm trying to give a user the possibility to run apt-get without sudo, how can I manage to do that? Thx :)11:51
arvutI managed to get rid of those naughty lvm vg partitions. booted into the livecd and erased them from there. couldn't do it from the textbased install..11:52
arvutI'm not sure what I think of unity yet.. I do like gnome a lot tho.11:52
adam61maybe someone here can answer my question: how do i fix no sound in flash if everything else is working ok? i'm using ubuntu 11.04 and chrome11:53
SudoKingabys, if i may ask, what's wrong with sudo?11:53
awellsabys: you will need to use sudo, but you can configure it so that sudo only allows them access to apt-get11:53
arvutmight give that xfce a try after all. is it seletable from the login screen after I've installed ubuntu 11.04?11:53
abysSudoKing I need to authenticate to a proxy and root is not part of the domain, so I can't authenticate with sudo....11:54
sahilskHello there.11:54
abysSudoKing I add the computer to my domain with likewise and use a domain admin user, that the way my proxy authenticate11:55
interglacialXFCE is the future11:55
sahilskI've just started exploring ubuntu and while looking for "how to run script on system boot" i come across rc.d files. can anyone explain me what this file actually does? Apart from it, when i look into my /etc dir i find rc0.1, rc1.d and many more.A brief explaination would be great.11:55
arvutunity appears to use the same system as mac OSX for menus11:56
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abysawells thanks but still have to get rid of it ^_^11:56
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giulio800hi man??11:57
arvut!ot > giulio80011:58
ubottugiulio800, please see my private message11:58
abysAny suggestion guys? :)11:59
=== ketut is now known as ketut|away
rob_pabys: You can give a user the ability to use *just* apt-get via sudo, but for some unknown reason, you don't want to use sudo! What have you against it?12:03
abysrob_p if I use sudo it use the user root which is not part os the domain. My proxy authenticate with domain users so it's why I have to launch the command with a domain user...12:05
awellsabys, can you place it behind an apt-cache server running as a domain user?12:07
abysawells what do you mean? Tell me more about that :)12:08
VictorCL2what is the best subversion client .. similar to tortoise in windows .. but for ubuntu?12:10
abhilashm86VictorCL2: collabnet subversion works in ubuntu12:11
abysawells I have to go to lunch, if you could PM me and I catch you back with a full belly? :) Thx man12:12
awellsabys, no problem12:13
adam61does anyone know why i'm not getting sound in flash? or why xchat closes when i go to the ##flash channel?12:13
Cube``how can i install sqlite3 for python2.5?12:17
Cube``on 11.0412:17
jribCube``: apt-cache search -n python sqlite12:18
Cube``jrib: yes ofc there is python-sqlite3, but im looking for sqlite3 for python*2-5*12:19
Cube``not 2.712:19
jribCube``: how did you install python 2.5?12:20
Phil_Ewerthi together, upgraded to 11.04 yesterday and have crashes of kernel + unity all the time since. Try to switch to gnome-panel now. In System Settings=>Login Screen=>Default Session I switch to "Ubuntu Classic". Reboot. It still boots into Unity (and not gdm). Any Ideas ?12:20
thegoodcushionPhil_Ewert: your installation is borked12:20
fallfkdIf I  update against natty-security on archive.ubuntu.com, is there any reason to still update against natty-security on security.ubuntu.com?12:20
Phil_Ewertthegoodcushion, what does borked mean ?12:21
Phil_Ewertbroken ?12:21
thegoodcushionuh oh spaghetti-o12:21
thegoodcushionyes, broken12:21
szalcorrect spelling would be "b0rked" -> l33tsp34k for "broken"12:21
Phil_Ewertthegoodcushion, hmmm, upgrade went fine and fast without errors12:22
thegoodcushionPhil_Ewert: I hear you, but it's obviously broken12:22
Phil_Ewertthegoodcushion, ok, yes and it cant be fixed ?12:22
thegoodcushionjust reinstall it12:23
bazhangthegoodcushion, thats not good advice12:23
bazhangPhil_Ewert, try to start up in recovery mode12:23
Phil_Ewertbazhang, what would you suggest ?12:24
karthick87Is it possible to create a launcher for rdesktop in desktop ?12:24
Phil_Ewertwill try that12:24
bazhangkarthick87, right click create launcher12:25
garu01im having trouble executing opengl progms any help??12:26
thegoodcushionI just installed realtek firmware on 10.04.  How do I tell whether or not it's being used?  My NIC is still not working?12:27
jribgaru01: you should be more specific12:27
bazhangthegoodcushion, installed how12:27
thegoodcushionbazhang: from the website, as a sh script12:27
garu01jrib Xlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".12:28
garu01freeglut (./a.out): OpenGL GLX extension not supported by display ':0.0'12:28
garu01i get that when i use the ./a.out12:28
Dr_Willisgaru01:  you have installed theproper 3d drvers for your video card?12:28
jribgaru01: what video driver?12:28
garu01jrib ubuntu automatically installed all drivers for me12:29
Dr_Willisgaru01:  and your video chipset is what?12:29
garu01nvidia geforce 540 m12:29
arvut!info aptitude12:30
ubottuaptitude (source: aptitude): terminal-based package manager (terminal interface only). In component main, is optional. Version 0.6.3-3.2ubuntu1 (natty), package size 2277 kB, installed size 7000 kB12:30
Dr_Willisgaru01:  you may want to run the addational drivers tool and see if there are some better drivers for the card.12:31
arvut*wonders why aptitude isn't installed by default anymore*12:31
bazhangarvut, disk space12:31
jribarvut: precious space on the cd12:31
Dr_Willisarvut:  disk size and lack of people needing it.12:31
garu01Dr_Willis: i have the additional drivers installed also12:31
* jrib NEEDS it :P12:31
Cube``guys help me out please :( http://paste.pocoo.org/show/391135/12:31
Dr_Willisgaru01:  run the nvidia-settings tool to see if its actuallybeing used.12:31
Cube``what am i missing?12:32
garu01Dr_Willis: im kinda new to this linux environment.. how exactly do i do that12:32
Dr_WillisCube``:  you could summarize the problem.12:32
jribCube``: you never answered my question (how did you install python 2.5?).  And in your pastebin, you don't give any context as to what you are doing/trying to accomplish12:32
Dr_Willisgardar:  its in themenus some where. or run 'nvidia-settings' from a terminal12:32
arvutis there a way to configure unity to have the file menus on the actual window instead of up there at the taskbar like OSX does?12:33
Cube``Dr_Willis: jrib: im trying to compile python2.5 on ubuntu 11.04 so i can get web2py to work with google app engine.12:33
Dr_Willisarvut:  you can disable/tweak the 'global menu' settings  so it can have them in the window.. or in both i recall.12:33
garu01Dr_Willis: ou do not appear to be using the NVIDIA X driver.  Please edit your X configuration file (just run `nvidia-xconfig` as root), and restart the X server.12:33
laumonierwhat is the command to get pass to the new version to ubuntu from an older???12:33
jriblaumonier: you want to upgrade to a new ubuntu release?12:34
Dr_Willisgaru01:  that would be the root of the problem then.12:34
Cube``Dr_Willis: jrib: basically im missing sqlite3 support for python2.5. i got python2.5 installed from a PPA, but it doesnt have sqlite312:34
garu01Dr_Willis: how do i solve this problem12:34
laumoniernew release12:34
arvutI dislike these mac clone modifications that has been done to ubuntu. first the close/minimize/maximize buttons and now this12:34
jribCube``: if you have python 2.5, why are you compiling it now?12:34
Dr_WillisCube``:  ive seen some peolle mention using differnt pythin versions on the askubuntu.com site. but i never mess with python12:34
Dr_Willisgaru01:  run that addational-drivers tool again, and see if you can click 'activate' and reboot the box.12:35
Cube``Dr_Willis: jrib: google app engine needs python2.5. i have it installed from a ppa. but it lacks sqlite3, which g. app engine needs. how can i fix that?12:35
szalarvut: from what I gather, Unity/Gnome3 is explicitly designed to mimick OSX12:35
arvutDr_Willis: good, any idea on how to do it? or should I start googling?12:35
thegoodcushionszal: mimic is a bit strong12:35
LjLarvut: probably if you remove the indicator-appmenu package the menus will be back in the windows, but no guarantees, i haven't tried12:35
arvutszal: yeah, appears so..12:35
Dr_Willisarvut:  the webupd8 blog site has a guide on 11.04 tweaking that covers it12:35
thegoodcushionhow do I tell whether my realtek firmware is being used?  I installed it manually12:35
jribCube``: install sqlite3 module for python.  Use apt-get build-dep with the python sqlite version in the repositories (as the dependencies are likely the same).  Then install the module using whatever method you want (call setup.py directly, use easy_install, or use pip (did pip exist for 2.5?))12:36
szalthegoodcushion: I heard someone say the other day that they even exactly copied some "key" icon (i.e. an icon showing keys, for keyring or ssh)12:36
Cube``jrib: i have sqlite3 for python2.7, but i need it for for 2.512:36
jribCube``: yes, I know12:36
Cube``jrib: ah ok? so its possible with build-dep?12:37
paulo_i just installed partclone. where do i find it?12:37
jribCube``: it's possible with what I said before12:37
jribCube``: make sure you install it to your python2.5 installation, not the default ubuntu one12:37
arandpaulo_: It is likely a command-line tool12:37
paulo_arand: it's not12:37
Dr_Willispaulo_:  it may be a cli only app.12:37
Dr_Willispaulo_:  run it from a terminal and see12:38
Dr_Willis!info partclone12:38
ubottuPackage partclone does not exist in natty12:38
Cube``jrib: where do i define that?12:38
arandpaulo_: It is, ncurses-based12:38
Cube``jrib: where do i dfine which installation?12:38
Nick_Meisterhi guys for some reason i found gnash installed on my system which caused all of the flash streaming except youtube not work12:38
garu01Dr_Willis: i use netbeans 6.9 for my  programming. iv installed the relevant libraries but i still get an error for all opengl functions used in the pgm.12:38
Nick_Meisterso i purged it12:38
arvutI must say, the new workspace switcher in gnome3/unity is really nice.. been thinking of a workspace switcher much like this new one for months. I'd love to see it in 3d like the safari startscreeen tho (thats about the only part of OSX that I actually like)12:38
Nick_Meisterhow do i get the non free flash back on my ubuntu 11.0412:38
jribCube``: well if you are calling setup.py, say "python2.5 setup.py" and not "python setup.py"12:39
bazhangarvut, chat/commentary in #ubuntu-offtopic please12:39
Nick_Meisterinstalling flashplugin-nonfree doesnt seem to help12:39
arandNick_Meister: Remove and reinstall flashplugin-installer12:39
jrib!flash | Nick_Meister12:39
ubottuNick_Meister: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash12:39
arvutbazhang: fine12:39
Cube``jrib: aah!12:39
Cube``jrib: ok so im doing apt-get build-dep python-sqlite. then which directory do i go in to find setup.py?12:40
Dr_WillisCube``:  the askubuntu.com site i recall covers other ways to use differnt versions of pythin12:40
jribCube``: the directory with the sqlite module source12:40
garu01ou do not appear to be using the NVIDIA X driver.  Please edit your X configuration file (just run `nvidia-xconfig` as root), and restart the X server.12:40
bazhanggaru01,  so run it12:40
Cube``jrib: where would that be?12:40
JediMasterthat's odd, installing nginx on 11.04 no longer creates the /var/www/ dir12:40
Cube``jrib: or does apt-get build-dep download to the cwd?12:40
garu01bazhang: how?/12:40
jribCube``: where you put it?  (you need to download it)12:41
jribCube``: the python documentation has a document on installing modules you should read12:41
szalgaru01: on the terminal12:41
paulo_I used this command: "dd if=/dev/sdc of=./Desktop/usb.img12:41
paulo_to create an image from a drive12:41
paulo_is it correct?12:41
jribCube``: http://docs.python.org/release/2.5/inst/inst.html12:41
Dr_Willispaulo_:  depens on how you want to manage the image.12:41
szalgaru01: sudo nvidia-xconfig <- preferably when X is not running (don't ask me how to temporarily stop X in *buntu, since it doesn't use the traditional runlevel system)12:42
paulo_Dr_Willis: what do you mean?12:42
Dr_Willispaulo_:  i tend to do like  if=/dev/sda1  of=sda1.image12:42
szalgaru01: and don't PM people without invitation or permission12:42
Dr_Willisfor each partition.12:42
arvutI wonder, has anyone in here tried virtualbox in 11.04 with win7 as virtualized OS?12:42
Cube``jrib: aah, so build-dep just gives me the dependencies. ok, and now i need to get the source from somewhere else (eg python.org)?12:42
JediMasterarvut: probably doesn't help much, but windows xp works fine under it12:43
Cube``jrib: yes or no?12:43
paulo_Dr_Willis: i did it that way since i want to preserve the MBR12:43
jribCube``: sure.  I don't know if you need build-dep but it won't hurt12:43
Dr_Willispaulo_:  so what are you going to do with the image..12:43
Cube``jrib: yeah ok. thanks!12:43
paulo_Dr_Willis: boot it on bochs12:43
arvutJediMaster: I assume it would, any performance differences from native install?12:43
Dr_WillisRunning in a VM will always have some performace issues.12:44
bazhangarvut, much slower, no 3d12:44
arvutbazhang: ok, how about the other way around?12:45
bazhangarvut, ubuntu on windows 7 host? same issues12:45
JediMasterarvut, as bazhang said, no 3d, but the performance wasn't too bad, it was simply so we had a copy of IE6 and IE7 to test sites on, it was useable running on the crappy host that only had 2GB ram and a single core amd cpu12:45
Dr_WillisIt all depeneds on what you are going to do in the VM.12:46
uuser123i have installed ubuntu 10.04 and after that i have installed utm (unified threat management software -firewall/vpn/av/ips/mail/url/vpn ) on that but now how do i installed /configure  additional  interface12:47
paulo_this copy is taking long :/12:47
arvutJediMaster: ah, I was thinking 11.04 64-bit native on a quad core 3.06ghz i7 with 8 ram which I currently run win7 64bit on. then virtualizing one or the other OS and thus having both at good functionality12:48
Dr_Willispaulo_:  you DID use a bs=2048 or similer option?12:48
Dr_Willispaulo_:  that may be why.12:48
paulo_Dr_Willis: what does bs do>12:49
Dr_WillisI think dd may default to 1024 now a days for bs.. not sure..12:49
bazhangarvut, better to dual boot in that situation, honestly12:49
Dr_Willisblock size of somthing like that.. You see it used in all the dd examples12:49
Dr_Willismakes it faster - up to a point.12:49
Dr_Willissee ' man dd '12:49
arvutbazhang: yeah.. would be cool with both at the same time tho12:49
uuser123in ubuntu how do i configure nic 2 and 312:52
paulo_the copy without bs was at 6.9mb/s12:52
bazhanguuser123, to do what12:52
uuser123i want to assign this nic with kvm12:53
uuser123there are 3 nic installed but i don't know how to configure them12:54
gartralhey, what happened too the #ubuntu-one channel?12:54
uuser123only 1 nic is correctly configure12:55
bazhanggartral, #ubuntuone still there12:55
gartralohh, i had the name wrong.. durr12:55
BluesKajHI all12:55
Picigartral: #ubuntu-one should forward to #ubuntuone12:55
Dr_Willisuuser123:  configure them to do what exactly?12:58
davzieIs there any reason rsync might be transferring the same files over and over again across an SSH tunnel?12:58
davzieThere haven't been any changes12:58
=== Krabbe is now known as krabbe
uuser123i have 3 nic on my system and only 1 is configure and i want to configure 2 and 3 rd nic so i can use nic 2 and 3 with KVM12:59
Dr_WillisNo idea what youmean by 'KVM' in this instance.12:59
ActionParsnipuuser123: you may need to use either wicd, or /etc/network/interfaces. As far as I am aware, network manager only handles one NIC12:59
uuser123on KVM i have installed UTM ,where i want to use 3 nic13:00
Dr_WillisTheres always the  command line tools.13:00
ActionParsnipDr_Willis: keyboard-video-mouse13:00
Dr_WillisI cant recall ever seeing a ethernet based KVM gizmo :)13:00
PiciDr_Willis: They exist, and uuser123 is not talking about the KVM that you're thinking of.13:01
oates_hi all, I have a problem with the eperl package on 10.04 it hangs on install forever and dpkg wont even kill -9. I now have an install of eperl that requires an install to remove, but the install hangs every time after unpacking. Does anyone have a tip on how to remove the package?13:01
uuser123KVM = virtualizastion13:01
Dr_WillisPici:  thats what i was thinking. :) thats why i asked for clarifdication13:01
=== Cain` is now known as Cain
ActionParsnipoates_: you can edit the dpkg status file and remove it that way, backup the file before playing13:02
gartralPici: /j #ubuntu-one gives me an error saying i must be invited13:02
oates_ActionParsnip: okedoke thanks13:02
Picigartral: Are you already in #ubuntuone ?13:02
gartralPici: yes, but it didn't matter13:03
Guest9190gartral, works for me13:03
Picigartral: wfm13:03
Guest9190gartral, i guess you need to register with NickServ13:03
gartralGuest9190: i am registered13:03
gartraloops, not auhed13:04
arandgartral: If you are already in the channel it tries to forward to that is the message you will get.13:04
Picigartral: That shouldn't have anything to do with it.13:04
Piciuuser123: You may want to try asking in #ubuntu-server if you don't get anything here.13:04
gartralPici: nope, just left13:05
gartraland it still gives me the invite error13:05
Picigartral: I'll take a look then.13:05
engammalskoI have lots of problems since upgrading from 10.10 to 11.04.13:06
engammalskoCan anyone help or do I need to make a fresh install?13:06
oates_ActionParsnip: unblocked now, thanks. Not had to actually get down and dirty with apt before in 10 years of desktop use ;)13:07
BluesKajgartral, maybe irssi isn't seen as an irc client ..just speculating13:07
engammalskoOk, first problem. My calender and workspace switcher and sound icons disappear. Can I restore my panels without making them disappear again?13:07
engammalskoI have a shell hotkey but it doesn't work.13:08
thegoodcushionThe resizing partition thing's been going for 13 minutes now, with the HDD light flashing and I can hear the HDD spinning.  Still not panic time?13:08
engammalskoAnd I can't see the running programs in my bottom panel, is that a compiz setting?13:09
thegoodcushionI bet it's erasing my porn13:09
szalthegoodcushion: it's time to panic when it finishes and leaves your partition b0rked :P13:09
Picithegoodcushion: Hard drive resizing can take a long time.13:09
thegoodcushionszal: Yeah I've got Steam on this thing with 120 gigs of games I've diligently downloaded13:09
=== seba is now known as Guest31984
Guest31984how configure rsyslog.conf when I can log from tcp?13:10
ScallHow can I make ASCII extended characters (like this -> ♣) in Qt applications? In gtk+ applications I simply type "ctrl+alt+shift+U" and I type che code.13:10
=== rovie is now known as jarbox
saboteur2011-05-18 21:36:30,307 ERROR got an error from dpkg for pkg: '/var/cache/apt/archives/libc6_2.10.1-0ubuntu19_armel.deb': 'subprocess new post-removal script killed by signal (Illegal instruction)'  <-- i'm guessing this is less than optimal :)13:10
engammalskoOk, I restored my panels.13:10
=== nathaniel is now known as Guest93175
Trashihi. i noticed that there is no iphone support in kubuntu 11.04. but in ubuntu 11.04 it works. so i want to know which packages are responsible for that. isnt it possible to install them in a kde environment?13:10
engammalskoBut my terminal hotkey still doesn't work.13:11
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seba21how configure rsyslog.conf when I can log from tcp?13:11
szal!repeat | seba2113:11
ubottuseba21: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/13:11
Guest93175hi how do i access my windows files while using ubuntu 11.0413:12
seba21I want to have logs from network I'd like use the command rsyslogd but I have to configure the file rsyslog.conf13:14
TrashiGuest93175: on the same machine?13:14
saboteurdamn, looks like it has hosed my install13:15
Guest93175yeah, someone before told me a good thing to type in terminal to display a windows folder but i forgot13:15
=== tweak4fun is now known as tweak4fun-Away
TrashiGuest93175: well ... the windows partition should be a ntfs filesystem ... isnt it? so it should be possbile to access them via nautilus or another filemanager13:17
Guest93175Trashi_: its not on a different partition13:18
gartralTrashi: as long as it isn't encrypted13:18
llutz_seba21: you already read the rsyslogd.conf man-page and checked /etc/rsyslog.conf for "#$ModLoad imudp" or "#$ModLoad imtcp"?13:18
seba21Ok I'll try13:19
mrdebis it possible to isntall windows in debian13:19
TrashiGuest93175: windows and ubuntu = same partition? does it work? can you boot both operating systems? o_O13:19
Guest93175Trashi_: yeah the new Ubuntu you can install in windows and its not partitioned13:20
Svr_Sakurahi all13:20
mrdebdo you use network manager or wicd13:21
llutz_Trashi: seems to be a "wubi"-install13:21
Svr_Sakurawhen i used "wine "~/.wine/Drive_c/Program\ Files/Blah/Bash.exe"" in alacarte, the console opens up and then closes itself, with no text output...13:22
Svr_Sakuraany ideas on what i did wrong?13:22
TrashiGuest93175: ah ok ... well i think your windows should be in /host or /media/host or s.th. like that ... can you check out?13:23
pepelecheshi all13:24
Guest93175Trashi: how can i create foders using terminal so i can make it a perminate folder to use13:25
thegoodcushionThis is the one I'm using, which recognizes my Wifi card (the normal ones don't) http://cdimage.debian.org/13:25
thegoodcushionOops http://cdimage.debian.org/cdimage/unofficial/non-free/cd-including-firmware/current/amd64/iso-cd/13:25
Svr_SakuraGuest93175, mkdir <foldername>13:26
victorhugo289Does anybody know if the Youtube extensions work with Chromium?13:26
wolfricneed a bit of help extracting a split rar file (as in r00, r01 etc) by command line. Online references say to install unrar-free and use archive manager but obviously via command line... so i tried unrar free on the file.r00 and it simply said failed. I tried catting file.r* >> complete.rar and trying to unrar-free that but that also failed continously. Any ideas?13:26
soultekkiestrage problem13:26
soultekkiesometimes the mouse moves without me touching it13:26
llutz_wolfric: unrar x file.rar  or file.r0113:26
soultekkielike when i maximize xchat it centers the mouse on the screen13:27
victorhugo289Does anybody know about a youtube downloader for Chromium?13:27
idefixwhat is this error? err:ole:CoCreateInstance apartment not initialised13:27
jribwolfric: install "unrar", not "unrar-free" and either extract the first one (unrar e first_file) or double click on it in the gui13:27
soultekkieno always but frequently enough to drive me crazy13:27
wolfricjrib: i have both and tried both13:28
idefixlong time no see dude!13:28
pepelechesi'm having problems installing ubuntu 11.04... maybe it's incompatible with my acer aspire 5635?13:28
jribwolfric: pastebin what happened13:28
jribidefix: hey, what's up?13:28
wolfricjrib: ok give me a sec to get all the combinations13:28
idefixerr:ole:CoCreateInstance apartment not initialised13:28
jribwolfric: no need, just: unrar e first_file13:28
idefixwhat error is that?13:28
jribidefix: no idea; context?13:29
idefixwine ~/.wine/drive_c/"Warcraft III"/war3.exe -opengl13:29
victorhugo289Pepeleches, what do you mean incompatible? is Acer aspire and old computer?13:30
jribidefix: oh, wine.  Have you checked the appdb entry for warcraft 3?13:30
jrib!appdb | idefix13:30
ubottuidefix: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help13:30
karthick87Please suggest me some open source softwares which can be used as replacement s for Photoshop / Coral & Video converter ?13:30
arvuthow do I move the close/minimize/maximize buttons to the other side of the window? I forgot how to do it and I have no clue how to do it in 11.0413:30
jribk3strel: gimp and an ffmpeg front-end?13:30
idefixJoin #winehq13:30
jrib!controls | arvut13:31
ubottuarvut: In Lucid, the minimize, maximize, and close buttons have been moved to the left side. For more information, please see https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/light-themes/+bug/532633/comments/56413:31
BluesKajkarthick87, gimp and ffmpef13:31
jribarvut: don't know if that's relevant to 11.04 or not13:31
BluesKajffmpeg, karthick8713:31
arvutyeah, think I did it in lucid actually..13:31
Guest93175another question, how can i change the location in the folders from icons to the /home/blah etc13:31
anon_herowhat number to phone in germany for ubuntu 11.04 technical support?13:31
jribGuest93175: I don't understand what you want to do13:32
karthick87BluesKaj: ffmpeg is for ?13:32
jrib!support | anon_hero13:32
ubottuanon_hero: The official ubuntu support channel is #ubuntu. Also see http://ubuntu.com/support and http://ubuntuforums.org and http://askubuntu.com13:32
BluesKajvideo conversion . amongst many other media uses13:32
Guest93175jrib: when i open a folder it displays the location as little bubbles at the top, i want to be able to type the locations i want in there13:32
Sidewinder1!gimp > karthick8713:33
ubottukarthick87, please see my private message13:33
jribGuest93175: I see.  Try ctrl-l13:33
Guest93175jrib: cheers !13:33
arvutxubuntu comes with xfce by defoult, right?13:33
m477sentence 'how is it called' is wrong?13:33
jribarvut: yes13:33
arvutgood, gonna install that then13:34
slm858uk_HI im using 11.04 and having problems connecting to a wireless network that uses any encryption. If the network is unsecure i can connect to it fine. any ideas on how to get this to work?13:34
jribm477: if you have a question about english, try ##english13:34
arvutdon't like unity, will try the classic gnome theme tho13:34
wolfricjrib: http://pastebin.com/nCxP1bDp13:34
arvutslm858uk_: is it hiddenA?13:34
karthick87BluesKaj: For coreldraw ?13:35
IledenEerp! just upgraded to 11.04, and the system is acting VERY weird. There's a bar on the left full of static (somewhat random color pixels in blocks) and anything highlited from the left by mouse cursor is also composed of the static. Desktop pic is ok, as are desktop icons. Top menu (which is invisible) acts weird but the menus look ok. Please advice, any help is appreciated!13:35
m477jrib: thx13:35
jribwolfric: like I said, I don't need all your combinations, just the one I asked for.13:35
jribwolfric: unrar e first_file13:36
IledenHey cool, I even managed to get a strange shadowed white geometrical figure flicker on the screen...13:36
wolfricjrib: just tried that and it also failed13:36
arvutslm858uk_: It worked just fine for me, are you sure the network is connectable? it might use mac filtering13:36
jribwolfric: pastebin13:36
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Guest93175I have a .sh file which i excute to open a program, how can i create a link or tab or just add this program to ubuntu13:37
slm858uk_arvut: yeah it is my home network with 3 other devices connected all be it not ubuntu devices13:37
arvutslm858uk_: I'd connect to it with ethernet first, log into the router and check the logs to see if your wifi connection attempts gave any errors13:37
jribGuest93175: what ubuntu version?13:37
slm858uk_arvut: im on it the network atm wirelessly but the network is unsecure.13:38
wolfricjrib: http://pastebin.com/Snhccrff13:38
abysHi guys, am back! Still trying to run apt-get with a user without using sudo as my proxy needs domain authentication and sudo is a local root user. Anyone? :)13:38
jribGuest93175: in previous versions you could right click on the ubuntu icon and then "edit menu".  See if that's still the case13:38
arvutslm858uk_: then secure it13:38
Guest93175jrib: 11.0413:38
pepelecheshi, i'm having problems installing ubuntu 11.04... maybe it's incompatible with my acer aspire 5635? (5 years old)13:38
Guest93175jrib: okay thanks13:38
slm858uk_arvut: ubuntu wont connect to a secure network13:38
jribabys: you're not going to run apt-get without sudo or being root13:38
mitzamptabys: apt-get requires root13:38
Guest93175pepeleches: whats sort of trouble13:38
jribwolfric: and if you call it on the .rar?13:39
arvutslm858uk_: try hiding it, then connect manually. make it secure as well.13:39
abysYes, I no that but root is not recognize as a domain user by my proxy...13:39
pepelechesGuest93175: installer doesn't start13:39
wolfricjrib: actually it's alright, i just noticed the unrar 0.0.1 so decided to apt-get install unrar... for some reason it installed as if it hadn't been installed before (i only installed unrar-free) and now it's extracting13:39
Guest93175pepeleches: are you trying to use the wubi13:39
jribwolfric: ah, cool13:40
abyscan't I tweak my user to be part of root group?13:40
jribabys: that wouldn't matter13:40
abysjrib why that?13:40
pepelechesGuest93175: no, it freezes on booting13:40
mitzamptabys: you could try configuring your proxy with separate credentials13:40
mitzamptdunno just tossing ideas13:40
jribabys: because directories don't generally have group write permissions13:40
sunitI am trying to ssh connect ubuntu server and  Result is starlite@starlite-laptop:~$ ssh vvehicles@ ssh: connect to host port 22: Connection timed out13:41
abysmitzampt unfortunately nop, but would be easier ^_^13:41
mithranwhen i run fdisk -l i get output saying that my disk has 255 heads, are those read write heads?13:41
jribsunit: what's your question? :)13:41
Guest93175pepeleches: are you trying to install from a CD?13:41
pepelechesGuest93175: have 2 pics of the halts: http://img153.imageshack.us/img153/396/17052011173.jpg and http://img163.imageshack.us/img163/2444/17052011174.jpg13:41
sunitWhen I am trying nmap I am getting starlite@starlite-laptop:~$ nmap -p 22  Starting Nmap 5.00 ( http://nmap.org ) at 2011-05-18 18:05 IST Interesting ports on ABTS-North-Static- ( PORT   STATE    SERVICE 22/tcp filtered ssh  Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 13.59 seconds starlite@starlite-laptop:~$13:41
eipi-1hey, is there a fast way, maybe even gui, to quickly give a friend access to internet, so he can download wlan driver. Idea is that he is connected to my pc via lan and gets internet that my pc gets via wlan13:42
pepelechesGest93175: i've tried both with cd and usb13:42
Sidewinder1!cn > cbxyh13:42
ubottucbxyh, please see my private message13:42
sunitjrib: can you tell me what shall I do ?13:42
abysjrib you're a genius13:42
llutz_sunit: disable filtering port 22 on server13:42
sunitllutz_: how can I do that ?13:43
abysjrib I add my user to root group and gave root group write acces in /var/lib/apt13:43
llutz_sunit: check your iptables-rules13:43
g4is icedtea required to make java applets run in firefox?13:44
jribabys: this won't work13:44
sunitllutz_ : what is the command ?13:44
abysjrib my user car run apt-get now ;)13:44
llutz_sunit: iptables -nvL13:44
jribabys: you won't be able to install anything.  I think you should instead figure out how to use sudo13:44
sunitllutz_ : ok13:45
mitzamptabys: you could add yourself to the suders file to execute apt-get without password...13:45
abysjrib I know how to use sudo but the proxy needs a domain authentication so I can run any sudo I want, unfortunately I won't have internet access13:45
mitzampti think, check sudoers man13:45
llutz_mitzampt: he still would need to use sudo and the command still will be run as root not as user13:46
jribabys: but this approach of using the root group... I don't see it working...13:46
mitzampti still believe he should try adding separatecredentials for domain auth13:46
abysjrib me too but have to try to find a solution as I don't have the hand on the proxy13:47
jribabys: see what mitzampt suggests13:47
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micheleitaliani ?13:48
dj__ i hve prblm wid my grub13:48
dj__actually its due to dual boot13:48
dj__and change in my drives from window13:48
mitzamptabys: the credentials are still sent from your computer... why aren't they global for the box?13:48
abysjrib, mitzampt checking the man ;)13:48
jrib!it | michele13:48
ubottumichele: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)13:48
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=== pratz is now known as pythonfish
michelegrazie bomber13:49
abysmitzampt whant do you mean by global?13:49
IledenUm, yes? It had ubuntu 10.10, which i upgraded to 11.04, and is now screwed up. Here's a picture: http://ileden.kapsi.fi/dist/ubuntu-11-04-messed-up.jpg13:49
Iledenerp sorry.13:49
dj__now when i start my system it shows13:49
dj__unknown file system13:49
dj__grub rescue13:49
FloodBot1dj__: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.13:49
IledenEerp! just upgraded to 11.04, and the system is acting VERY weird. There's a bar on the left full of static (somewhat random color pixels in blocks) and anything highlited from the left by mouse cursor is also composed of the static. Desktop pic is ok, as are desktop icons. Top menu (which is invisible) acts weird but the menus look ok. Please advice, any help is appreciated! Here's a picture: http://ileden.kapsi.fi/dist/ubuntu-11-04-messed-up.jpg13:49
Sidewinder1!enter > dj__13:49
ubottudj__, please see my private message13:49
mitzamptabyss: meaning the authentication process sending username and password could be sent from the system and not from the user13:50
mitzamptfor example running an auth script after you start the network interface13:51
uffohow to make some script to call a sudo password dialog13:51
mitzamptuffo: use gksudo13:51
abysmitzampt I don't really know how likewise manage users from active directory on linux ...13:51
abysI though it would be automatic?13:52
mitzamptyou should check active directories conf..13:52
uffomitzampt: whereiwrite it beginning to script or,,, i have n2n launch script but currently i use terminal to launch script but i want script n2n.sh to call password dialog itsef13:53
Hammerhead2010Hi all13:53
mitzamptuffo: use gksudo <command_name>, usually using it repeatedly in a script for all priviledged command does not mean it asks you every time for a password13:54
Sidewinder1Hammerhead2010, Mornin'13:55
arvutwhat's the difference of gksudo compared to just sudo? graphical?13:55
Sidewinder1Yes. gk is for guis13:56
DJones!gksudo | arvut13:56
ubottuarvut: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)13:56
arvutSidewinder1: thought so13:56
slm858uk_wireless encryption still doesnt work on 11.04. running with iwevent i get this message - 13:47:48.646224   wlan0    New Access Point/Cell address:Not-Associated13:56
slm858uk_13:47:48.646242   wlan0    Set ESSID:off/any13:56
IledenDoes someone here know D34X?13:57
uffomitzampt: http://pastebin.com/NVw9rV5y13:57
Dori23Hello I've installed Ubuntu 11.04 on my laptop and now the Iphone tethering option not working any idea ?13:58
Sidewinder1arvut, Firefox can become really borked if run w/sudo... Personally, I have never run a browser with root priv. Can't see why there would ever be the need.13:58
mitzamptuffo: http://pastebin.com/juYXrThK13:59
arvutSidewinder1: heh, I can't see a reason to do that either. sounds dangerous and somewhat pointless13:59
mitzamptuffo: if you want custom dialogs check xdialog man14:00
abysjrib, mitzampt I think I'll try to setup a squid and chain the proxy, might be the easiest solution :)14:00
mitzamptuffo: you may need to apt-get it, though14:00
Sidewinder1arvut, Sometimes I do find it necessary to run Azureus from root; but that's only for version upgrades.14:01
uffomitzampt: i wrote gksudo there but it wont call password dialog like synaptic or others that needs assword14:02
arvutSidewinder1: the bittorrent client?14:02
mitzamptuffo: you may already be using root...14:03
codeshepherdhow do i give execute permissions to all directories recursively to some user14:03
mitzamptkde has it's graphical sudo, too...14:03
Sidewinder1arcnaut, Yes, I believe it's currently referred to as Vuze.14:03
sunit_llutz_: please check url http://dpaste.de/GrCR/14:03
mitzamptuffo: try calling the script from the terminal and see if you get any error14:03
jribcodeshepherd: why exactly?14:03
Sidewinder1arvut, ^^14:04
Kateoncodeshepherd: find /your/dir -user username -type d -exec chmod +x {} ';'14:04
martinramehi, quick question about ssh tunnel. I made an ssh tunnel to connect to a remote server hosting a Firebird database (port 3050), and found I can only connect using one program at a time.14:05
llutz_sunit_: 1st of all, use "sudo -i" not sudo su to get a root-console. you run that on the remote site you want to connect to?14:05
uffomitzampt: yes od terminal way works if writing sudo and dropping n2n.sh to there it is fine but i want to script itsef to call password dialog when choosing run from nautilus double cick14:05
mitzamptuffo: no try it with gksudo14:05
mitzamptwithout sudo14:06
martinrameDoes the port is "taken" by the program that originates the connection?.14:06
arvutSidewinder1: Ahh yes, I believe it is.14:06
sunitllutz_ : what shall I do ?14:06
arvutSidewinder1: I mostly use utorrent or transmission myself. was about to try rtorrent once tho. haven't had need to use either in a long time14:07
llutz_sunit: answer my question?14:07
janhajHello.. does anybody have laptop with Intel Core i3-2310M and Intel HD 3000? Can you tell me please, how does it working in Ubuntu? Is Nexuiz / OpenArena playable? What about H264 acceleration? Is it better than NVIDIA GeForce 310M?14:07
LjLhow can i fix my Unity's broken display? when i click the "Start" button everything is garbled up14:07
Kateonmartinrame: is that a local port forward, or remote? to my knowledge, if you forward a local port to the remote host's port, you can initiate as many connections as you'd like14:07
ysisHi, I have a question regarding GNU ddrescue, hope I'm correct in this channel. I backuped a whole hard drive with "ddrescue /dev/sdc image logfile" which gives me an image file the size of the hard disk and should contain everything like partition table and mbr. Now, is there a way to access the data in this image without copying it to a physical hard drive (which has to be exactly the same size) as far as I understood.14:07
sunitllutz_ : I have given output in  http://dpaste.de/GrCR/14:08
riktkinghi, trying to setup WOL but its not in the bios of the machine, is there anywhere else it can be done?14:08
llutz_sunit_:  you run that on the remote site you want to connect to?14:08
Kateonysis: you can mount the image locally using -o loop option of mount14:08
Kateonysis: or use losetup and then mount /dev/loop014:08
martinrameKateon: no, this is a remote port. I think is a Firebird problem. The first test I did was connect to a database using Flamerobin, then connect to the same database using a sample program made by me, and I couldn't connect. But, if I connect with flamerobin to a different database, both programs can coexist.14:09
Sidewinder1arvut, Yes, Azureus is a lot "heavier" than utorrent or transmission; but I prefer having access to all of the info, that Az. provides, even on an old system such as mine (2003). :-(14:09
BluesKajriktking, WOL ?14:09
ysisKateon: I tried and it failed. But when I thought about it, it seems logical, because I didn't take an image of a partition like /dev/sdc1, but the whole disk /dev/sdc.14:09
riktkingBluesKaj, wake on LAN14:09
sunitllutz_: yes14:10
llutz_sunit: is that machine behind a router?14:10
BluesKajriktking, then use that term , acronyms aren't familiar to everyone14:10
Kateonysis: ah yep, look into man page of mount and the option to set up an offset14:10
s0ultekkieanyway to divert localhsot:port to another_ip:same_port14:10
uffomitzampt: i tried gksudo but when i runned script it did not run and did not call password entry dialog like this for example http://i.zdnet.com/blogs/ubuntu-update-manager-permission-required.png14:10
s0ultekkieany way14:10
riktkingBluesKaj, sorry14:10
sunitllutz_ : yes14:10
riktkingdo you know if it can be done?14:10
llutz_sunit: port 22 needs to be forwarded to that machine in the router14:11
ysisKateon: So then I have to know the exact positions of the partitions? How do I get these?14:11
BluesKajno need to be sorry riktking, just be aware14:11
Kateonmartinrame: hmm ok, i have no experience with that software, so can't really comment on that14:11
sunitllutz_: how ?14:11
llutz_sunit: check the routers webinterface14:11
arvutcan WOL be done from the outside of a lan?14:11
sunitllutz_: yes14:12
lesshasteI am sorry for the boring question but.. I can't get any sound at all from my pc running 10.0414:12
Kateonysis: i'm not sure! there's the first 512 bytes (bootsector) for your partition table and boot code14:12
llutz_arvut: it can, needs some tricks on your router. see dd-wrt wiki theres a howto14:12
lesshasteis there a checklist somewhere?14:12
Kateonysis: but google14:12
arvutllutz_: cool, ty14:12
arvutllutz_: do you know if the machine needs to be in sleep mode or can be completely shut off?14:12
ysisKateon: Thanks. I'll try.14:12
Antwonhello. what's the tool's name used by ubuntu to encrypt the home folder+14:12
Kateonysis: good luck14:13
arandAntwon: ecryptfs afaik14:13
riktkingis there a way to enable wake up on lan if it is not in the bios14:13
llutz_arvut: it can be off14:13
llutz_riktking: no14:13
arvutllutz_: thought so14:13
riktkingllutz_ didnt think so, bummer14:13
llutz_riktking no wake on acpi event" items in your bios?14:14
SURFkeesIs there a doc where I can find what the -y option for apt-get exactly does? Like how it will handle situations like a new config file, etc14:14
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riktkingthere might be, need to look on the machine when i get home14:14
Sidewinder1!sound > lesshaste14:14
ubottulesshaste, please see my private message14:14
llutz_riktking: check it, most BIOS have such options hidd behind the weirdest names14:14
riktkingllutz_, will do thanks14:15
janhajHello.. does anybody have laptop with Intel Core i3-2310M and Intel HD 3000? Can you tell me please, how does it working in Ubuntu? Is Nexuiz / OpenArena playable? What about H264 acceleration? Is it better than NVIDIA GeForce 310M?14:15
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riktkingis there any way to access the bios setting via the system14:15
lesshasteSidewinder1, I did those things :(14:15
xunilpenguinis there a procedure for installing a package from say (natty) to (lucid)? I need to get some functionality that is only available in the newer version of openssh-client14:15
llutz_riktking: and make sure to enable WOL in the OS, like using ethtool14:15
lesshasteSidewinder1, http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=11fbe1d77bbaa67122f3f3ed673f8d992d09c2a8 is that helps?14:15
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BluesKajxunilpenguin, which functions on openssh ?14:17
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arvuthow do I browse the .Private folder in my home dir? I encrypted it when I did the install and its my old home from 10.1014:19
jrib!encrypt | arvut14:19
ubottuarvut: For information on setting up encrypted private directories (8.10+) see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedPrivateDirectory14:19
mitzamptuffo: try 'gksudo echo hi' in a terminal14:19
xunilpenguin<BluesKaj> looking for ssh-keygen -s  (need to sign the key with a cert)14:20
consumerismis there a way to kill an unresponsive ftp session, akin to ~. for ssh?14:22
BluesKajxunilpenguin,  ok,I'm not familiar with the seurity certifacte options .14:22
uffomitzampt:  hm it works, strange that my script wont activate this14:22
IledenEerp! just upgraded to 11.04, and the system is acting VERY weird. There's a bar on the left full of static (somewhat random color pixels in blocks) and anything highlited from the left by mouse cursor is also composed of the static. Desktop pic is ok, as are desktop icons. Top menu (which is partly invisible) acts weird but the menus look ok. I can start a terminal, and it looks ok. Please advice, any help is appreciated! Here's a picture: http://ileden.kapsi.fi/d14:23
lesshastedoes alsaconf exist in an ubuntu package?14:23
xunilpenguin<BluesKaj> It's been in FreeBSD forever and it's just been ported to linux ..14:23
mitzamptuffo: it may need some cd to a working directory...14:23
mitzamptuffo: but i don't get why it doesn't complain on the terminal14:24
jribIleden: your link was truncated14:24
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Iledenjrib: ah. http://ileden.kapsi.fi/dist/ubuntu-11-04-messed-up.jpg14:25
BluesKajlesshaste, yes , but's probly buried by pulseaudio settings14:25
lesshasteBluesKaj, ok...14:25
lesshasteany idea what do when you have no sound at all?14:25
ysisKateon: Solved it. If you're interested I can tell you how.14:26
jribIleden: all I can suggest is seeing if it happens outside of unity, with another OS, with another video driver, with another version of ubuntu and going from there.  fwiw, I had something similar happen when my video card gave out on me...  But it could just be a driver issue I guess.14:26
BluesKajxunilpenguin, is it possible to upgrade to 11.04 ?14:26
uffomitzampt: i drag droped script in terminal and it just shows tat gksudo usage help    Usage: gksudo [-u <user>] [opti14:26
lesshastewhen I print from inkscape, for example, the file sits in the queue for a long time and I see gs in top doing some processing14:27
lesshasteis this a known bug in 10.04?14:27
llutz_xunilpenguin: get the natty source-package, build your own deb on lucid14:27
Iledenjrib: well, 10.04 worked fine. I'll try booring to xubuntu live...14:27
mitzamptuffo: is this edge command in your path? e.g. /usr/bin /bin /usr/local/bin?14:28
xunilpenguin<BluesKaj> we are using 10.4LTS for production business .. no plans on upgrading until next LTS14:28
xunilpenguin<llutz_> I'll look inito that14:28
uffomitzampt: please test, make script.sh and try to launch that n2n command and you see14:28
BluesKajxunilpenguin, right14:29
uffomitzampt: launch from nautils wth double click14:29
Kateonysis: sure14:29
BluesKajllutz_, I've wondering about that whether it's workable to adapt a newer vrsion of an app to an older OS..interesting14:30
mitzamptuffo: i don't have the edge command...14:30
llutz_BluesKaj: thats how backporting works14:30
Iledenjrib: hm, how would I switch drivers from a terminal?14:30
mitzamptuffo: try to launch the script /path/to/script.sh from terminal to see if it complains http://pastebin.com/Ey9uHcWC14:30
Kateonlesshaste: does this describe your problem? Seems to be your sound card and same symptoms http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=103650814:30
jribIleden: edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf14:31
lesshasteI have card 0: Intel [HDA Intel], device 0: ALC268 Analog [ALC268 Analog]14:31
BluesKajllutz_, I always thought backporting was the other way around,  older apps on newer OSs , not vice versa...but it;s good to know14:32
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VictorCL2gedit always get stuck ¬¬14:32
xunilpenguin<llutz_><BluesKaj> .. backporting, I'll take a look ..  might just have to put off that functionality until a newer release .. :)14:32
xgt001hey guys this is a really strange problem...... my laptop runs very noisy and cpu usage is quite high when i am on AC power..... but its quiet in battery .... any ideas?14:33
VictorCL2now it wont open .. how can I kill gedit process?14:33
lesshasteshould I have linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.32-31-generic ?14:33
lesshasteI ask because it doesn't seem to exist on my system14:33
BluesKajxgt001, check your PSU/adapter/charger , it might be failing14:34
xgt001BluesKaj: how to check whether my Charger is alright or not?14:35
lucasanyone experiencing a memory overflow in vlc?14:35
BluesKajxgt001, try it on a friends laptop, make sure the voltage range is the same first14:36
xgt001BluesKaj: Thanks :)14:37
BluesKajor n a differnt OS, xgt00114:37
darkwoodmy friend upgrade distribution, and now he gets http://tinyurl.com/6jea2zy what to write there?14:37
xgt001i tried on windows too, same issue14:37
Iledenjrib: well the system works when i select "ubuntu classic (no effects)" from the bootup menu, so I don't think the display adapter is broken.14:38
BluesKajok xgt001 that narrows it down...then try your frind's PSU/adapter on your laptop14:38
ysisKateon: You can easily check the partition layout with parted. Just fire up "parted imagefile" and read out the start of the partition you'd like to mount. Then do so with "mount -o loop,offset=XXX imagefile mountpoint". Found at http://www.andremiller.net/content/mounting-hard-disk-image-including-partitions-using-linux14:38
Iledenjrib: I have no xorg.conf14:39
uffomitzampt: http://pastebin.com/ECE8h9dd14:39
thegoodcushionHi everyone.  I installed debian on my machine alongside Ubuntu and now the boot selector (GRUB) has the debian look and Ubuntu is no longer the default.  How do I reinstall the Ubuntu one?14:39
llutz_thegoodcushion: boot ubuntu, reinstall grub14:40
llutz_thegoodcushion: boot debian then, rewrite grub into partition, not MBR14:40
BluesKajthegoodcushion, why worry , they both do the same job14:40
LoofI'm unable to install grub from the Ubuntu (11.04) server install.14:41
Loof                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           14:41
Loof                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           14:41
Loof                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           14:41
Loof                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           14:41
Loof                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           14:41
FloodBot1Loof: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.14:41
thegoodcushionso how do I install grub again?14:41
Loof                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           14:41
Loof                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           14:41
FloodBot1Loof: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.14:41
thegoodcushionAnd I want the Ubuntu one and I want Ubuntu to be the default14:41
LoofThis mirc program sucks donkey dong14:42
LoofI'm having trouble installing grub /w the Ubunut server (11.04) install disk.14:42
LoofI also can't chroot into my new /root14:42
VictorCL2ahh nice to come back to using linux after some time .. and taking 15minutes to save a damn file xD14:42
LoofVictorCL2: It's like anything else... if you hadn't rollerskated in a while... it might take you 10-15 mins to stop falling on your face14:43
kubu2thegoodcushion: while in ubuntu sudo update-grub && sudo grub-install /dev/sda14:43
iszakSo I basically rooted my drive by editing the fstab file and having an error in it, how to fix?14:43
thegoodcushionkubu2: that's it14:44
darkwoodany help?14:44
darkwoodwith grub console? :/14:44
Loofiszak: Boot an install/rescue disk and edit the file again from the new shell.14:44
thegoodcushionkubu2: I knew there was a way without using grub directly14:44
LoofAnyone here try installing ubuntu server?  I think the installer is badly broken.14:45
cv99f[** | NOTICE | **]  BEGINNING  JUNE  1ST  FREENODE  WILL CHANGE  THE  WAY  YOU  CONNECT  TO  IT.  UNLESS  YOU  ENABLE  SASL  YOU  WILL  BE UNABLE  TO CONNECT  TO FREENODE.  PLEASE JOIN  #FREENODE OR  MSG A  STAFFER FOR  DETAILS   [** | NOTICE | **]   GibbaTheHutt lobolars thalll [ND] arquio mue VampiricPadraig JediMaster wegue kibab jhattara sipior Cyanure dsjkbfal dkrotx Wobbley valium larry1 faruq fsarker Tsune AlertEye apelgate tPl0ch abhinav_singh maedo14:45
cv99f[** | NOTICE | **]  BEGINNING  JUNE  1ST  FREENODE  WILL CHANGE  THE  WAY  YOU  CONNECT  TO  IT.  UNLESS  YOU  ENABLE  SASL  YOU  WILL  BE UNABLE  TO CONNECT  TO FREENODE.  PLEASE JOIN  #FREENODE OR  MSG A  STAFFER FOR  DETAILS   [** | NOTICE | **]   Zahrada laknath anli_ esh3llz arunce OpenSourcedNick jhesketh k42b3 TimeRider andi_ triengage XVampireX gandalfn Frank Skaperen hashashin html_inprogress ada2358 kflottorp ph88 gnugr CrazyH arooni-mobile roknir14:45
iszakLoof, it's a VM... hmm14:45
aLinuxi can't get the yahoo mail webpage, can you get that page ? is the yahoo mail webpage off ?14:46
DirtyDawgwow people still use yahoo mail lol14:47
janhajdoes anybody have HP ProBook 4330s?14:47
ubottuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.14:47
xcc112mail.yahoo.com works fine to me14:47
sideonexcc112; no it doesnt :)14:47
sideoneyahoo is horrible w/mail14:47
aLinuxDirtyDawg: why not yahoo mail ?14:48
xcc112sideone; i mean its not off14:48
iszakLoof, link to this recovery disk?14:48
sideoneoh gotcha14:48
aLinuxi got the connection is untrasted, "mail.yahoo.com" webpage14:49
davzieDoes rsync provide the ability to display only errors. I have some backups setup on Cron scripts and want only errors to be spat out into a file so I don't have to wade through a tonn of output.14:51
llutz_davzie: sure, don't use -v14:52
sattu94davzie: or you could use the 2> argument14:52
darkwoodhow to fix http://tinyurl.com/6jea2zy after upgrade?14:52
llutz_davzie: rsync -q14:52
darkwoodi cant do shit, only this screen apears14:52
A_JIs there any way to run direct launch .exe in wine, i mean one's who don't have an installer ?14:52
sattu94davzie: which AFAIR is for redirecting the stderr(standard error)14:53
DarkKnightCZhi,does someone have some experience with configuring postfix and courier?14:53
sattu94DarkKnightCZ: why ?14:55
sattu94DarkKnightCZ: are u having problems setting up a mail server ?14:55
llutz_DarkKnightCZ: nice documentation on postfix.org, help in #postfix14:56
sattu94DarkKnightCZ: so is it already set up ?14:56
sattu94DarkKnightCZ: you could try using iRedMail, it makes things a breeze..14:57
=== raep3d is now known as therap1st
DarkKnightCZyes, but mail cannot be delivered (sent via mailx -> mail wont be delivered -> folders wont be created -> courier imap wont work)14:57
DarkKnightCZsattu94: will look at it, thanks14:57
DarkKnightCZlets go to #postfix, thanks :)14:57
sattu94DarkKnightCZ: http://www.iredmail.org/14:57
sattu94DarkKnightCZ: it uses a combination of postfix, dovecot and other things to auto-set-up a server14:58
DarkKnightCZsattu94: for more domains14:59
sattu94DarkKnightCZ: yea, i think they do have multiple domain support.14:59
DarkKnightCZok, thanks, will try it...14:59
dusfis there an IRC channel where I can get support for banshee? #banshee autokicks anyone who joins it...15:00
Loofiszak: Most VMs allow you to specify a 'CD' image... that would be equivalent15:00
sattu94DarkKnightCZ: it basically runs an interactive script that fetches everything and then installs according to the specified configuration15:00
LoofOk, trying once more... has anyone here SUCCESSFULLY installed Ubuntu 11.04 server from scratch?   I can't get it to install grub and can't get a chroot shell.15:01
jimecki need help with mbr, someone can help me ?15:03
iszakLoof, I'm in there but no drive is listed under /target15:03
Loofis there a different channel for ubuntu server support?15:04
iszakno idea15:04
ikoniaLoof: #ubuntu-server15:04
Loofiszak: fdisk -l   Then mount your partition (mount /dev/... /target)15:04
Loofikonia: Doesn't exist15:04
ikoniaLoof: it does, I'm in it15:05
Loofikonia: Yah it does... if you type ubuntu correctly :)15:05
ikoniathat does help15:05
iszakLoof, no fdisk command15:05
sattu94yea and i am reading it's logs right now..15:05
ikoniaiszak: sudo15:05
thegoodcushionGuys I'm running 10.04 32-bit.  I've installed nvidia-current to get my GTX 460 SE working and it works perfectly.  Now I boot into the PAE kernel and it refuses to give me graphics except in low-graphics mode.  Is there something else I need to do in order to get the new kernel stuff happening?15:05
a-atallahow can i install gtkmm3-devel on 11.04 ? i cannot find it via synaptic15:06
iszakikonia, still nothing15:06
ikoniaiszak: what is the exact command you are using15:06
iszakfdisk -l15:07
sattu94a-atalla: are you sure that is the 'exact' package name ?15:07
ikoniaiszak: "sudo fdisk -l"15:08
bael56hello guys15:08
a-atallathis one is exactly what i need http://www.ubuntuupdates.org/packages/show/30674215:08
A_Jwhats the command to look up in the app repository apt-get ?15:08
iszakikonia, didn't work15:08
bael56I am trying to record from two sources.. using: "arecord -d 5 -f cd -t wav -D plughw:UA25 -c 2 -I testing.wav t.wav15:09
iszakcommand does not exist.15:09
ikoniaiszak: define "didn't work"15:09
bael56but what I get is two empty files ( 0 bytes )15:09
PiciA_J: if you're asking about searching for packages: apt-cache search searchterm15:09
bael56Does someone know whats wrong?15:09
A_JPici,  applications15:09
PiciA_J: What?15:09
bael56I have tried with a few asoundrc files but without success15:09
ikoniaiszak: show me the output of "uname -a" please15:09
iszakikonia, just so you know, I'm in recovery console.15:09
ikoniaiszak: that's fine15:10
A_JI'm wanting to install applications15:10
PiciA_J: It sounded like you were asking about searching for new applications to install.  Do you want to search or install?15:11
VictorCL2which photoshop works better with wine¿15:11
bael56Can someone please help me with ALSA? :>15:11
A_Jsearch and install15:12
jimeckHello. By mistake I started to install new ubuntu, but suddenly I canceled current instalation and now each of partitions are without filesystem. How I can recover or restore that data ?15:12
Kateonbael56: instead of asking a generic question whether someone wants to help you, just state your question more specifically and hope for an answer.15:12
PiciA_J: apt-cache search   to search, apt-get install  to install15:12
A_JVictorCL2, CS215:12
A_Jk ty Pici15:13
bael56Kateon, I already did.,.15:13
Kateonbael56: oh i must have missed it. sorry15:13
bael56<bael56> I am trying to record from two sources.. using: "arecord -d 5 -f cd -t wav -D plughw:UA25 -c 2 -I testing.wav t.wav... But what I get is only two empty wav files (0 bytes) I have tried configurating the .asoundrc but without success..15:13
thegoodcushionIs anyone here running nvidia-current (nonfree) drivers with 32-bit PAE kernel?  I can't get them to work with the PAE kernel15:14
sattu94a-atalla:so are you on a server,? cuz this package comes as default in the gnome shell,15:14
bael56<bael56> I am trying to record from two sources.. using: "arecord -d 5 -f cd -t wav -D plughw:UA25 -c 2 -I testing.wav t.wav... But what I get is only two empty wav files (0 bytes) I have tried configurating the .asoundrc but without success..15:15
Kateonjimeck: you want to recover the data that was previously on the disk, before ubuntu repartioned the layout of your disk?15:15
klevisonwichi is the best choice natty 32b or 64b?15:16
DirtyDawgdepends how much memory you have15:16
A_J4gb + 64bit klevison15:17
sattu94klevison: because 32-bit cannot handle more than 4GB mem.15:17
klevisonHP dv5 2080br.. i5 2.3 .. 6gb dim 3.. 1Tb sata15:17
sattu94klevison: 64-bit then ! :)15:18
DirtyDawg64gb would run well15:18
DirtyDawggb lol Bit*15:18
klevisonDirtyDawg, well :o15:18
bael56<bael56> I am trying to record from two sources.. using: "arecord -d 5 -f cd -t wav -D plughw:UA25 -c 2 -I testing.wav t.wav... But what I get is only two empty wav files (0 bytes) I have tried configurating the .asoundrc but without success..15:18
VictorCL2what is the best torrent client for ubuntu¿15:18
klevisonsattu94, DirtyDawg i wanna the best performance..15:19
TvLjust switched back from unity to gnome (ubuntu -> ubuntu-classic)... could not bare with it anymore...15:19
sattu94klevison: yea, 64-bit > 32-bit..i.e. more efficient15:19
livingdaylightcan someone recommend a good laptop?15:20
sattu94VictorCL2: utorrent runs on ubuntu, u have the default client Transmission.15:20
abhinav_singhwhats wrong with unity TvL15:20
darkwoodwhat is the main difference between home and server edition? what server edition have?15:21
TvLabhinav_singh, really missing the taskbar in the bottom15:21
sattu94abhinav_singh: to easy to think, maybe ?15:21
icerootdarkwood: server edition doesnt have a gui and server is a pae-kernel15:21
TvLabhinav_singh, really missing my netspeed applet15:21
sattu94darkwood: server has no mouse, no GUI15:21
llutz_livingdaylight: define "good" and ask in a different channel15:21
bael56<bael56> I am trying to record from two sources.. using: "arecord -d 5 -f cd -t wav -D plughw:UA25 -c 2 -I testing.wav t.wav... But what I get is only two empty wav files (0 bytes) I have tried configurating the .asoundrc but without success..15:22
sattu94darkwood: i.e. ir runs a specialized kernel, instead of the generic one.15:22
abhinav_singhyup thats true..i am hoping that you guys dnt like Mac UI ..do you like Mac UI?  TvL15:22
livingdaylightllutz, looking for an entry i3 processor; hdmi out and chassis must be cool to touch and quiet. Soney EE3S1 14" looks nice and Samsung P530 with matt screen... Where would you have me ask?15:23
thegoodcushionIs anyone here successfully running nvidia non-free drivers on a 32-bit PAE kernel successively?  I can run them on non-PAE only15:23
TvLabhinav_singh, I'm not really fond of the Mac UI :)15:24
llutz_livingdaylight: no idea, but its offtopic _here_15:24
sattu94abhinav_singh: i use a dock, AWN.15:24
DirtyDawglivingdaylight: perhaps #hardware15:24
karthick87I need original sources.list file for ubuntu 10.10, can anyone give me pls...15:24
TvLabhinav_singh, I really like having multiple windows next to each other, and unity seems to be designed for 1 window full screen15:24
VictorCL2nice .. downloading at 7MB/sec ...15:25
abhinav_singhyes same here....I think Unity is good but  i dnt like it personally ..i also work on ubuntu classic TvL sattu9415:25
pylixI'm behind a router, and i'm just wondering how to set a static ip at the ubuntu level15:25
karthick87Can anyone give me original sources.list file for ubuntu 10.10 ?15:26
livingdaylightDirtyDawg, hardware is by invite only15:26
TvLabhinav_singh, I've read that ubuntu will probably drop the gnome desktop in 11.1015:26
thegoodcushionTvL: mark shuttleworth wrote that in an email in march15:27
DirtyDawglivingdaylight: it isnt, you probably need a registerd nick tho15:27
TvLabhinav_singh, sounds like a bad thing, unless unity will rock by then15:27
sattu94pylix: if by ubuntu level you mean your LAN IP , then go to system->preferences->network preferences.15:27
thegoodcushionDirtyDawg: correct15:27
bnovcafter updating to Ubuntu 11, almost every time I alt+tab, I can't type in the application anymore until I click on the app in the dock instead15:27
Guest33894hello all, they ubuntu software center is not loading, it is giving only a blank grey screen.15:27
abhinav_singhyes TvL15:27
thegoodcushionIs there any real down-side to using 64-bit version of Ubuntu?  Assuming you can handle a 5% increase in disk footprint etc15:29
VictorCL2.wine is not owned by you  :(15:29
VictorCL2I cant execute photoshop Setup.exe15:29
TvLthegoodcushion, abhinav_singh, sounds like a bad idea... Wondering if there will be a gubuntu15:29
sattu94VictorCL2: hmm. i hope you know that windows programs dont run on linux, natively(you need additional software i.e. wine)15:29
VictorCL2oki doki now15:29
VictorCL2I didnt had to put sudo15:30
thegoodcushionTvL: yeah lots of people are talking about it.  Join #ubuntu-offtopic15:30
VictorCL2I was doing .. sudo wine Setup.exe15:30
Minzeubuntuone will nicht syncen, aber der upload über das webinterface klappt, any ideas?15:30
sattu94VictorCL2: okay. so i guess it's working now.15:30
TvLthegoodcushion, cool, didn't know that channel existed15:30
Minzeubuntuones wont sync, but the upload over the webinteface work, any ideas?15:30
Minzeit worked like a charm for quite a long time, but now, nothing :(15:31
DirtyDawggubuntu being Gnome-Ubuntu?15:31
VictorCL2so .. if I install a program that last 30 days under wine .. and remove it and install it again ... will I have 30 mores days?15:31
TvLDirtyDawg, yes15:32
DirtyDawgahh coool thx15:32
sattu94VictorCL2: lol. if that's the expected behavious in Windows, then it will be the same in Linux/wine15:32
sattu94Minze: are you u r logged into UOne ?15:32
Minzeyep, i guess so.15:33
Minzeif i open the ubuntuone-tool it says "syncing..."15:33
adamismedamn being tired at work sucks.15:33
adamismeI should just go home ugh.15:33
Minzebut there isnt an upload at all :S15:33
adamismeI just got fios installed yesterday anyway :)15:34
sattu94Minze: so the files you want to sync large? (GBs, TBs maybe?)15:34
Minzeand had sinced files of halb an gb filesize without any problem :S15:34
sattu94Minze: you might want to try asking this question on #ubuntuone ?15:36
Minzedidnt know there is such a channel15:36
sattu94Minze: now you do :)15:36
Minzeyep, thanks.15:36
Roasted_Question - I'm getting an error now and then on Ubuntu with my CIFS shares. It's as if Ubuntu loses track of them somehow, because I'll click on the link to them and it'll say no data available, please select another viewer, etc. The downside is, this directly effects my backups since it sometimes stalls out when a backup is happening. Is there a known bug with samba/CIFS in 11.04 or something?15:38
Lofdei have a question.... i am running a apache webserver ... and i have a few http files on the /root directory /var/www  what i want is for a user if they type in the browser serverip.com/filefolder/folder/   that if there is NOT an HTML file in there that it will NOT list the files of the directory15:38
D34XHas anyone used remote desktop on Xfce?15:38
D34XPM me if you cn answer a question for me15:39
sattu94D34X: yea kinda..using rdesktop15:40
tsimpsonLofde: add "Options -Indexes" to (or remove "Indexes" from) your <Directory> block in the config for that site15:40
skrewlerlofde: http://lmgtfy.com/?q=apache2+disable+directory+listing15:40
TraintopHi Folks! I just tried to emulate an arm-system on my x86-box; to be as simple as possible I installed qemu via software-center and download arm-test-0.2.tar.gz from qemu-hp, but after I type qemu-system-arm -kernel kernel-image -initrd initrd I always get an instant-crash of the emulated machine... -any ideas?15:41
jaxxdrewI have minitube downloaded and it says I need to update.  I am on 3.1 and the new one is 4.3.  How do I do this?15:41
Lofdethanks skrewler  and tsimpson15:42
D34Xpress download/go to the site jaxxdrew15:42
Roasted_Question - I'm getting an error now and then on Ubuntu with my CIFS shares. It's as if Ubuntu loses track of them somehow, because I'll click on the link to them and it'll say no data available, please select another viewer, etc. The downside is, this directly effects my backups since it sometimes stalls out when a backup is happening. Is there a known bug with samba/CIFS in 11.04 or something?15:42
jaxxdrewthanks d34x15:43
en1gmaim running a dual boot with win7 and ubuntu 11.04 and at the grub menu it lists the defaul OS to boot as the ubuntu....i want to change it so win7 is default but i have read that if i do a kernel update sometime in the future it changes it back to ubuntu as the default OS15:44
Lofdehaha skrewler  funny ill have to use that lmgtfy.com more hahaha15:44
en1gmacan someone help me fix it so win7 is perm the default os to boot15:44
karthick87No one has source file for ubuntu 10.10 ?15:47
Lofdeenlgma http://www.lmgtfy.com/?q=ubuntu+windows+7+make+windows+default+boot15:47
GundamZhi guys! what happend with red eclipse?15:47
Untouchab1eHi.. I have a Fujitsu Li 1718 laptop here.. with an AR5001 wireless card.. I havent found any recent documentation on compatibility with Ubuntu, but its seemingly not working out of the box with 11.04.. any idea?15:48
en1gmalofde you dont think i already read at google....you better go back and play on a console if you cant at least figure that out15:48
rooisto47hi everyone15:48
Untouchab1eWell, technically its a "ar5007eg".. but lspci reports it as a AR500115:49
Lofdehaha i was just bored :) and didnt know about lmgtfy15:49
LetsGo67_Hey my peeps!  How well does the X360 Wireless Receiver work in Ubuntu?15:49
tic^!wifi | Untouchab1e15:49
ubottuUntouchab1e: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs15:49
avalon_where can i look to see why my computer crashed? like a log file or something?15:49
newubuntisthi i would like install Giza++ under ubuntu 11.04 is any one familiar with statistical machine translation??15:49
llutz_en1gma: create a /etc/grub.d/40_custom   with the entries you need.15:50
rooisto47can you help me set my "maxi power twl541p" wifi carde ? here is the output of the "lspci -k"15:50
rooisto4702:00.0 Ethernet controller: Marvell Technology Group Ltd. 88w8335 [Libertas] 802.11b/g Wireless (rev 43) Subsystem: Marvell Technology Group Ltd. 88w8335 [Libertas] 802.11b/g Wireless15:50
=== thegoodcushion is now known as IRS_Undercover
usr13avalon_: If it has been rebooted since, I doubt that you will find much, but there is syslog and messages (/var/log/syslog and /var/log/messages)  and dmesg15:50
en1gmallutz_ when i install a new kernel it will rearrange the entries and move ubuntu back up top wont it?15:50
usr13avalon_: less /var/log/shyslog15:50
rooisto47I tried hard to make it work (using ndiswrapper) without result15:50
=== IRS_Undercover is now known as thegoodcushion
avalon_ok thanks15:51
llutz_en1gma: it doesn't do here15:51
newubuntistg++ -Wall -W -Wno-deprecated -O3 -DNDEBUG -DWORDINDEX_WITH_4_BYTE -c Parameter.cpp -o optimized/Parameter.o this is the error mesage i had15:51
en1gmait doesnt do it there?15:52
llutz_en1gma: i always get the same grub-menu here, just with my 2 custom entries15:52
llutz_en1gma: offcourse you have to disable os-prober15:52
usr13en1gma: The new kernel becomes default.  But what is it you need to know exactly.15:53
en1gmaok thanks man. could you paste your /etc/grub.d/40_custom on pastebin so i can look at it?15:53
llutz_en1gma: mom15:53
en1gmallutz_ just said that it does not become default15:53
en1gmait stays perm15:53
llutz_en1gma: http://pastebin.com/v8xDbQ3P15:55
smookihello guys15:56
TraintopFi Folks! -Is there a chance that there are some bugs around qemu in synaptic? -I cleanly installed qemu from there but cannot boot at least one "QEMU disk image" from their website; -but emulating an x86 with a live-iso works fine, only the arm, mips, ppc crash in qemu...15:56
tweepcathai, i am running lamp on an 11.04 desktop, and htaccess doesnt work15:56
smookiI've just installed ubuntu, but what's the default user please ?15:56
tweepcatdoes anyone know what do do?15:56
=== root is now known as Guest31392
iceroottweepcat: posting usefull infos15:57
smookiinstalled trough vmware, not sure what's wrong15:57
Traintopsmooki: whoami15:57
llutz_en1gma: disable /etc/grub.d/30_os_prober, set /etc/default/grub  GRUB-DEFAULT=   to the item you want15:57
Guest31392say: @aefub15:57
smookiTraintop : I can't log ...15:57
tweepcatsorry, what, iceroot?15:57
debeughello somebody with hibernate problem with 10.04?15:57
llutz_en1gma: thats what i did and it works15:57
en1gmaok thanks15:58
iceroottweepcat: we cant help if the only info we get is "not working"15:58
iceroottweepcat: and i think its more of an apache problem #httpd15:58
tweepcatis iceroot a bot?15:58
TraintopI remember setting a username during the install of ubuntu, perhaps try this one?15:58
icerootGuest31392: stop it please15:58
llutz_en1gma: you could also disable /etc/grub.d/10_linux and add a 3rd entry to 40_custom to boot your ubuntu15:59
smookiok, I've installed ubuntu in a virtual machine, but is there a default account In ubuntu please ?16:00
compdocroot account?16:00
compdocit asks for your name for a reason16:00
icerootsmooki: the user you choose during install16:00
jrrcan anyone recommend a pciE sata controller card that "just works" with ubuntu?16:00
smookiroot or user16:00
smookihmm ok, I think vmware did it automatically16:00
iceroot!hardware | jrr16:00
ubottujrr: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection16:00
compdocwhen you install it asked your name16:00
smookiI mays have mistypes the password ...16:00
compdocthats whats nice about a VM - you can do it over and over until you get it right16:01
smookihooo maybe I'm with qwerty keyboard on log on terminal !! :D16:01
jrriceroot: thanks16:01
nimrod10does anyone know what do I use to view  graphviz files ?16:01
jrrI take that back; these links aren't useful16:02
* smooki finnaly logged on16:02
smookithe old issue with azerty&qwerty16:02
smookihow to I set my locale & keybaord to Fr-fr please ?16:03
Picinimrod10: It depends what format they're in, but you could do: dot -Tpng output.png input.dot16:03
ubottuTo set up and configure your locales, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LocaleConf16:03
smookiso now please what's the default root password ?16:04
ubottuDo not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo16:04
smookithe same as user I created ?16:04
Traintopsmooki: I remember that ubuntu-install asks for all these settings while install... :-)16:04
Dr_Willisthats your SUDO password smooki16:04
smookiyeah I know but16:04
Dr_Willissmooki:  you dont directly log in as root16:04
Traintopsmooki: and root has no pw... :-)16:04
smookiok let's try16:04
smookijust need sudo to change locale :P16:04
Traintopanyone familiar with qemu and emulating arm-machines?16:05
nimrod10Pici that command just spits a lot of ASCII funny chars16:05
Dr_Willissystem wide configuratioj.. yes sudo would be needed16:05
JontaI have a 2030 Typematrix keyboard. I'm learning both it, and the colemak-layout, which is built in to it (hotkey to activate). Ubu is set to norwegian layout, and generally it works well. But there are characters I can't find though, < and > specifically. Solutions? Software to generate a custom charactermap?16:05
Picinimrod10: Sorry, I missed an argument: dot -Tpng -o output.png input.dot16:06
nimrod10Pici, thank you that has generated the PNG16:09
=== shinnok is now known as Guest3840
mattalexxDoes anyone know what is font is?: http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_JSR8IC77Ub4/TGE5g7oddRI/AAAAAAAAA3c/xpOgQ-ecHik/s1600/121882-1.jpg16:12
KXTwohow would you find the default super user/administrator on the system with uid and gid?16:14
MrNemuscan you mark a packet thats being read throught bridge-utils ?16:14
MrNemuscan you use iptables to mangle a packet thats not being routed but be sent through two pridgin interfaces so that it can be traffic shapped?16:15
llutz_KXTwo: its root, uid/gid 016:15
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gthacihey guys, we're trying to livestream with a dv cam, using it as a web cam16:15
smookiwell I tried the local reconfigure, still only have the en ....16:15
gthacican't find help on forums16:15
gthacitopics are too old16:16
gthaciand most of softwares are out of date16:16
KXTwoI need to find the administrator16:17
DirtyDawghe is over there ---->16:17
llutz_DirtyDawg: nope, he just left16:18
llutz_KXTwo: getent group admin16:18
maximilianubuntu, opensuse or backtrack?16:18
dscasselsmooki: You shouldn't need to re-install to configure your locale, but for future reference, Ubuntu France builds an Ubuntu install pre-configured for the French locale. http://ubuntu-fr.org/16:18
szalmaximilian: your decision16:19
llutz_maximilian: this is ubuntu-support only16:19
maximilianima nooblet16:19
smookiok dscassel16:19
smookibut now ...16:19
Dr_Willisgthaci:  theres askubuntu.com now a days also16:20
KXTwothat did nothing16:21
KXTwonvm I give up16:21
KXTwocomputer nerds dont know how to dumb things down for people i swear16:21
Dr_Willisbut then people just get dumber and dumber..16:21
* Dr_Willis missed the original problem.16:21
llutz_KXTwo: people don't know how to ask smart questions :)16:21
mattalexxDoes anyone know what is font is?: http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_JSR8IC77Ub4/TGE5g7oddRI/AAAAAAAAA3c/xpOgQ-ecHik/s1600/121882-1.jpg16:21
szalmattalexx: http://new.myfonts.com/WhatTheFont/16:22
KXTwotypical flawed logic trying to reflect the issued back on the person asking the question16:24
KXTwolove it lol16:24
* Dr_Willis still hasent seen the original problem.16:25
llutz_KXTwo: what about rephrasing your question if you're really interested in an answer?16:25
KXTwoI already figured it out now16:25
voozewas it just root?16:25
Dr_Willisso do we still send you the bill...16:25
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KXTwoI was just making the statement that I usually have difficulties in here as people dont like to simplify things but instead try and show off their knowledge lol16:26
Paul1111Running into a prob with 11.04 and Drivers, someone else posted this comment (no response so far) "Ubuntu 11.4 does not offer me my driver under "Additional Drivers" like normal?" I have the save problem, any ideas ?16:26
szalPaul1111: what driver?16:26
voozeKXTwo: ehm.. not really true.. i just stated using ubuntu like 2 months ago, and i've gotten lot of help here..16:26
KXTwovooze, wants a cookies?16:27
gthaciDr_Willis: i need a fast response16:27
Paul1111Well, following steps to get my dvd to play, the next step was to make sure the drivers were installed, newbie16:27
mcl0vinto excute a .jar file i have to ./file name and i have to be in the same <dir> how can i add the path to the dir so i don't have to do it every time please16:27
szalKXTwo: your question was what UID and GID of the superuser are, you got the answer, what's wrong w/ that?16:27
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phlois there a driver for onboard intel video card, i have an Asus k52f notebook with intel video card16:27
Dr_Willisgthaci:  askubuntu.com seems tobe rather quick - it depends on teh issue of course16:27
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Dr_Willismcl0vin:  like java -jar /path/to/whatever.jar16:28
Dr_Willismcl0vin:  ive never noticed you could do ./whatever.jar befor and have it work16:28
Dr_Willismcl0vin:  you could make an alias, or script to launch the jar also16:29
prashant_123456hello all16:29
KXTwoscroll up, that was not my question :)16:30
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llutz_ 17:14 < KXTwo> how would you find the default super user/administrator on the system with uid and gid?16:31
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PiciKXTwo: On Ubuntu the default user who can use sudo is in the admin group.16:31
llutz_KXTwo:  which you get with: getent group admin16:32
sierrahow do I adjust my screen brightness?16:32
szalsierra: see the manual of your screen16:33
sierrawhere is that?16:33
Paul1111No drivers showing up at all ,16:34
mbeierlI've got a Lucid 64b system that keeps randomly hanging.  I think it might be overheat, but I can't seem to find a temperature package that works on it.  lmsensors doesn't exist and wmsensors can't access proc/sysfs file16:34
szalsierra: how do we know where you put it? ;)16:35
obengdakosierra simply open gnome power manager or use pkexec to run gnome-backlight-helper --set-brightness in on phone so pardon my commands and lag16:35
andyccmbeierl, it's "lm-sensors" and not "lmsensors"16:35
Paul1111Any ideas on why there may be no drivers showing up at all in the additional drivers section of ubuntu 11.416:37
DemoOnhow can i make ssh keys to work on localhost?(for testing purposes)16:38
Dr_WillisPaul1111:  i had tht happen befor. I did a 'sudo apt-get update' and 'sudo apt-get upgrade' (from console if needed) and it updated some things. then my card showed up16:38
gamerxHey, i cant seem to download using the AU mirror, anyone else having issues?16:38
Paul1111Thank You, I will try that ...................!!16:39
gamerxSorry: through the AU repoisitor mirror16:39
llutz_DemoOn: "ssh-copy-id localhost" or "cat .ssh/id_rsa.pub >> .ssh/authorized_keys"16:41
bapaCan anyone reproduce this crash on a freshly-installed copy of Seamonkey on Natty? Going to [Tools->IRC Chat] results in a buffer overflow, at least for me.16:43
DemoOnAgent admitted failure to sign using the key.16:44
ActionParsnipbapa: are you fully updated?16:44
gamerxtried restarting16:44
gamerxstill not able to download packages using apt-get16:44
deathknighthas anyone used rl8187 effectively in lucid?16:44
bapaActionParsnip: Yup. Wouldn't be asking if anyone could reproduce the issue if I wasn't fully-updated first :)16:44
ActionParsnipbapa: I assume nothing16:44
ActionParsnipbapa: try creating a new user and try as that16:45
* bapa on the other mitten, assumes _everything_16:45
MaximumResultsI have a weird issue.  When I log in with my user account, every window opens with no title bar.  All of them open at the top left corner, and all seem to have the focus (simultaneously)16:45
MaximumResultsI think something in my user X11 configuration is whacked.  But I'm not sure what, or where it is.16:46
MaximumResultsOther user logins work properly on this computer.16:46
bapaActionParsnip: I don't think that would necessarily make a difference, as SeaMonkey does not have any profile data yet. Though, thanks for the input however.16:46
MaximumResultsAny ideas?16:46
gamerxI cant download any packages using apt-get, it jsut sits on "Waiting for headers" and then times out16:47
szalgamerx: tried switching mirrors?16:47
gamerxszal, i dont know how when using apt-get?16:48
biggestchopsevening everybody. i hope someone can help. i have been running ubuntu 10.04 lts, and had to install fedora for work. not thinking properly, i let it install grub legacy in the MBR, so now when i try at select ubuntu i get an error 13.16:48
ActionParsnipMaximumResults: if you hold alt and drag them down, are they ok?16:48
ActionParsnipbapa: worth a shot16:48
fritsiehello world16:48
MaximumResultsAlt-drag doesn't do anything (that I can see).  Also, my mouse cursor is a "X"16:48
sandwichesHow can I figure out which package supplies a file called package.pot, is there a way?16:49
ActionParsnipMaximumResults: does ALT+F2 bring a run dialogue up?16:49
TecnicoDPChello ubuntu16:49
gwallace42I have an issue with my machine not booting up. I get to "Checking Battery Power" during the startup, and then nothing.  I can switch to another term and loging, but I am still not able to get X up and running.  I run startx, and get a black screen with a mouse.16:49
Dr_Willissandwiches:  theres apt-file and thebot here16:49
ActionParsnipsandwiches: dpkg -S package.pot16:49
Dr_Willis!find package.pot16:49
ubottuPackage/file package.pot does not exist in natty16:49
BluesKaj!grub | biggestchops16:50
ubottubiggestchops: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)16:50
biggestchopsthank you bot16:52
gamerxHow do i switch repositories for apt-get?16:52
Dr_Willisgamerx:  there used to be some find fastest repo tool.. but its been ages since ive used that16:52
KindariHey guys, I was playing a game called SpaceChem, it crashed but the window is still open. Having trouble locating its process name in top to kill it.16:53
Dr_Willisi wonder if the feture is in the  software center tool now.16:53
gamerxi know, i found that on google, but i cant connect to my selected repo to downn load it16:53
gamerxIm using CLI-only ubuntu16:53
Dr_WillisKindari:  try  the 'xkill' command from a terminal. THEN click only in the window tokill.16:53
deathknightis there a way to rollback drivers to previous distro's?16:53
Dr_Willisgamerx:  what server are you using now on your sources.list?16:54
ActionParsnipgamerx: could add apt-fast  its super fast at downloading apps :)16:54
Dr_Willisdeathknight:  not really.16:54
KindariDr_Willis: that is awesome worked perfectly, didnt know that program existed. Thanks!16:54
Dr_WillisKindari:  its OLD-skool.. Be VERY carefull withit. :) missclick on the desktop. and you could get logged out16:54
deathknightDr_Willis, so what do we do if the device used to work in previous version but not in current?16:54
gamerxdeb-src http://au.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ natty main restricted16:55
Dr_Willisdeathknight:  file a bug report for starters..  well first thing is Search for a bug report.16:55
Dr_Willisgamerx:  remove the 'au.' at the front perhaps..16:55
=== Guest17991 is now known as ssfdre38
ouyesis there any battery management software to set the charge limit, for example, under 96% charge, else do not charge the battery16:55
ActionParsnipgamerx: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:tldm217/tahutek.net; sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get -y install apt-fast16:56
biggestchopsouyes: you can sometimes do it in bios16:56
czekoonwhat u guys think about unity ?16:56
Dr_Willisouyes:  not that ive ever seen/heard of. I recall seeing that asked here once befor.  Youmay want to check on the forums, or the askubuntu.com site. I was thinking it was a bios setting also16:56
ActionParsnipczekoon: it's ok]16:56
Dr_Willistheres alternatives if you dont like it. :)16:56
biggestchopsouyes: at least in my samsung netbook you can, i was just looking at it this afternoon16:56
riktkingwhats the off topic channel16:56
ActionParsnip!ot | riktking16:57
ubotturiktking: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!16:57
ouyesbiggestchops, Dr_Willis bios? where, I don't think so16:57
riktkingcheers ActionParsnip16:57
czekooni like it was suprised that so mamy complained about it16:57
Dr_Willisjemand:  theres no need to msg me.. i rarely see priv messages16:57
biggestchopsczekoon; have you tried gnome3?16:57
riktkingis there a way to get info about my systems bios from the command line? like lspci/lsusb?16:57
ActionParsnipriktking: look into dmidecode16:57
jemandDr_Willis,  now you saw it does this mean no support? even though you know the answer16:57
gamerxau mirror must be down or something16:58
Dr_Willisjemand:  i just set grub2 to default to windows if i need.. and let it display grub for a few moments16:58
biggestchopsouyes yeah, there was a smart charging option in my bios, that let you limit charging to whatever to preserve battery... something16:58
ActionParsnipgamerx: its saweeeeet16:58
Dr_Willisjemand:  i dont hide grub.. ever...16:58
riktkingActionParsnip, do i do lsdmiecode16:58
czekooni have kde but dont like it16:58
biggestchopsczekoon: i'm trying it out now, am liking it more than i thought16:58
biggestchopsfedora15 beta16:58
ActionParsnipriktking: sudo dmidecode --type bios16:58
huitailangriktking: just run 'dmidecode'16:58
jemandDr_Willis,  yesterday some boy here called immsys told me he just hammers on one button and can switch to ubuntu16:58
Dr_Willisczekoon:  you can customize kde a great deal.:) then theres Lubuntu for somthing very simple.16:58
ouyesbiggestchops, Dr_Willis I just get a thinkpad x201, the bios never have a thing talking about battery charging, but lenovo do have a  battery management software to set the charge limite, but it is for MS windows, you know the first thing I get the lap is installing ubuntu16:58
ActionParsniphuitailang: dmidecode needs sudo, so on it's own won't work16:59
riktkinghuitailang, ActionParsnip figured it would need sudo, nice info in there16:59
Dr_Willisjemand:  no idea. I normally set my pc to boot one os per hd. if i want to not see grub - i set pc to boot the windows hd first.16:59
* ActionParsnip thiks apt-fast should be default :)16:59
mohadilahye allz17:00
mbeierlAh.  once again.  hard lock up on the lucid 64bit computer.  temps all check out ok, and so does the memory.  anyone have suggestions?  When I submit a large print job to the computer, it locks up hard17:00
mohadilagreetings from malaysia17:00
Rich_Hi guys, this is Rich and i am looking for some help.17:00
jemandDr_Willis,  how do u do that17:00
=== ericp_ is now known as MaximumResults
MaximumResultsI was just on, reporting no window title bars, "X" for mouse cursor, other issues.17:00
mohadilahye rich17:01
MaximumResultsI just discovered a strange "workaround."17:01
mohadilawhat up...17:01
=== ubuntu_ is now known as pankaj_sharma
jemandabout the bios? Dr_Willis  Ive installed it about Wubi and the Windows loader appears instead of grub , but the thing with setting the hd first is actually the thig i wanted17:01
Rich_hi mohadila :)17:01
Rich_I am still new to Linux and i am trying to do some network programming on Ubuntu 10.117:01
mohadilaoooo i see17:01
MaximumResultsIf I log in first on one of the user accounts that still works, then do a "switch user" to the account with the issue, then I get proper window titles and proper operation.17:01
biggestchopsouyes: this might help: http://www.thinkwiki.org/wiki/Tp_smapi17:01
Rich_its a simple system issue, but its stopping me doing my prog17:02
Rich_i am trying to leverage the "Checksum.h" header file, so i can use the TCP Checksum functions defined within it.17:02
MaximumResults  Something whacked a configuration option on my "usual" user account.17:02
MaximumResultsWhere are the per user X11 configuration options stored?17:02
Dr_WillisMaximumResults:  theres some screen settings in their home dir.. but not sure whta other X11 configs a user even has controll of.17:03
Rich_But the checksum.h is not in my /usr/include.17:03
Dr_WillisMaximumResults:  the webupd8 site had some commands to17:03
Rich_its in /usr/src/linux-header<version>/include.17:03
Dr_WillisMaximumResults:  the webupd8 site had some commands to  repair/reset gnome/compiz/unity settings if they break.17:03
KXTwook so what does it mean if getent group admin returns nothing?17:04
KXTwothere has to be a super user/admin doesnt there?17:04
MaximumResultsWhat is webupd8?17:04
TheRedOctoberRich_: Did you try making a link as a rough work-around?17:04
Dr_Willisissent the proper term the 'root' user? :)17:04
Dr_WillisMaximumResults:  a ubuntu/linux blog site17:04
Rich_Anyone know how to take a header from /usr/src/linux-header-<version>/include over to /usr/include?17:04
PiciKXTwo: Is this on Ubuntu?17:04
Rich_TheRedOctober, yeah i did actually.17:05
KXTwoits a unix based system17:05
Rich_I am new to linux (Ubuntu), and have read tons of stuff.17:05
Dr_Willislinux is not identical to Unix.17:05
PiciKXTwo: This channel is for Ubuntu support ONLY.17:05
Rich_But still stuck :(17:05
MaximumResultsI just went in with it working (through switch user)17:06
MaximumResultsand reset (changed) some of my appearance and window manager settings17:06
KXTwooh here we go again17:06
compdocDr_Willis, wot?!!17:06
ActionParsnipMaximumResults: are there bugs reported?17:06
MaximumResultsI'm going to log all the way out and see if maybe something there was whacked and changing it fixed it.17:06
KXTwook its ubuntu17:06
PiciKXTwo: We don't support other distros here. Period.17:06
KXTwoI didnt say it wasnt ubuntu17:06
multipasswhats the command to open up another instance of firefox?17:06
KXTwoI just said its a unix based system17:06
KXTwowhich ubuntu is17:06
KXTwoive never actually checked17:06
FloodBot1KXTwo: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.17:06
PiciKXTwo: Stop fooling around.17:06
KXTwobut just did17:06
MaximumResultsI saw some reference to this issue on earlier versions. I'm xubuntu 11.04 right now.17:07
Rich_TheRedOctober do you know much about including headers from the Kernel Source Headers?17:07
MaximumResultswith xubuntu-desktop, not the standard gnome desktop.17:07
alesanhi, is there a way to install latest ubuntu, but keep the interface of Ubuntu 10.04 LTS?17:07
MaximumResultsI'll check back in a minute or three. Let me see if reseting some of my options helped.17:07
KXTwoand its ubuntu, NOW back to the freaking question at hand.  If getent group admin returns nothing, what does that mean?  Is it possible to have no super user in a group?17:07
TheRedOctoberRich_: I'm do most of my systems stuff like that in python, it handles it all for me:)17:08
Rich_The one i want is in there (checksum.h), but its not in my other store (/usr/include).17:08
PiciKXTwo: What does uname -a report?17:08
mbeierlOnce again - hard lock up on the lucid 64bit computer.  temps all check out ok, and so does the memory.  anyone have suggestions?  When I submit a large print job to the computer, it locks up hard17:09
Rich_TheRedOctober yeah, this is the 1st time its been very difficult, the other issues were a learning curve.17:09
soapiembeierl: stop submitting print jobs :p17:09
KXTwothat its ubuntu :)17:09
llutz_ .. take your fish and troll away <°))))><17:09
Dr_Willismbeierl:  last lock ups i had was due to hard drive failure.. checkdmesg output?17:09
PiciKXTwo: I think we're finished here.17:09
mbeierlsoapie: yep...17:09
KXTwo2.6.35 if you want to keep being anal17:09
alesanis it possible to install the old user interface on the latest ubuntu?17:09
Dr_Willis!classic | alesan17:10
ubottualesan: The default interface in Ubuntu 11.04 is !Unity. You can switch back to regular !Gnome by logging out and clicking on your user name, in the Session box at the bottom of the screen select Ubuntu Classic.17:10
KXTwoPici, i was done with your elitist attitude 10 minutes ago17:10
Rich_TheRedOctober Have you done much programming with Packets on Ubuntu?17:10
Dr_Willisalesan:  the classic is not identical to the old gnome however.17:10
Dr_Willisalesan:  but its close.17:10
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alesanDr_Willis, do you know if this option will be available also in the next LTS version?17:10
mbeierlDr_Willis: there is no dmesg as the OS is locked hard and cannot persist dmesg across reboots.  also there is nothing in /var/log/messages or any other log to indicate any faults at all :(17:10
Dr_Willisalesan:  from what ive read.. next releae.. will be Unity only.17:10
TheRedOctoberRich_: have you tried asking #linux? #ubuntu is more for complaints about unity these days.  I haven't spent time on the lower region of the tcp/ip stack in a decade.17:11
alesanDr_Willis, I hope my mom, that learned the Gnome interface during the last 4 years, will find it similar enough17:11
soapiembeierl: you can't ssh in from another machine? It's totally borked?17:11
Dr_Willismbeierl:  you could ssh in, and have a app tailing the dmesg output to screen to see if you can fiure out anything. (Not a great way to do it.. but a way)17:11
MaximumResultsI'm back.   No luck.   Still no window title bars, "X" for cursor, generally broken window manager behaviour when I log directly in with my main account.17:11
Rich_TheRedOctober No, actually im new to IRC as well ;17:11
mbeierlcorrect, no ping, no network, no sysreq-reisub, nothing17:11
mbeierllocked hard17:11
KXTwohaha aww do you feel better lol homo :)17:11
KXTwogo get laid you nerd17:11
Dr_WillisMaximumResults:   You could totally reset all the users settings.17:12
alesanDr_Willis, I think I will stick with LTS 10.04 then, and when it goes out of support, look for a different distribution :(17:12
TheRedOctoberRich_: Try another place, even #Debian would be better.  Best of luck, wish I could help.17:12
MaximumResultsDr_Willis, is there a quick way to do that?17:12
Dr_Willisalesan:  gnome3 will also be replaceing the old gnome by then.. so whatver.17:12
Rich_TheRedOctober Never knew about #linux i may try that next (This is quite busy lol)...... Thx man!!!17:12
Dr_WillisMaximumResults:  move everhting in your  home dir to some newlymade dir.. is one hardcore way. :)17:12
alesanI thought Ubuntu was using gnome 3 in the latest release...17:13
MaximumResultsRight now, I have "real work" to do.  I think I'm going with my workaround for the moment. I just log in with my other "testing" account first and switch users from there, When I do that it seems to work correctly17:13
Dr_WillisRich_:  its a slow day actually17:13
alesanDr_Willis, are you saying gnome 3 is a different thing than unity?17:13
macoalesan: yes17:13
MaximumResultsDr_Willis, Yeah, I might create a new user, and then move everything (data, not settings) from one user to the other.17:13
Dr_WillisMaximumResults:  i mentiioned the webupd8 site having some commands to try17:13
Dr_Willisalesan:  gnome3 is not unity.17:13
macoalesan: gnome 3 was released late enough in natty's cycle to not be included17:13
Dr_Willisalesan:  they have similer looks.17:13
awfjq[** | NOTICE | **]  BEGINNING  JUNE  1ST  FREENODE  WILL CHANGE  THE  WAY  YOU  CONNECT  TO  IT.  UNLESS  YOU  ENABLE  SASL  YOU  WILL  BE UNABLE  TO CONNECT  TO FREENODE.  PLEASE JOIN  #FREENODE OR  MSG A  STAFFER FOR  DETAILS   [** | NOTICE | **]   awfjq pascalaldo Gwar gepatino a111 matrixa1 Simath SimonP86 sgrover sphenxes01 MaximumResults ogra_ mal10c rootuser23 myjaponica_ czervika kubanc sattu94 Ericounet goshawk p1cass0 tiagoscd A17:13
awfjq[** | NOTICE | **]  BEGINNING  JUNE  1ST  FREENODE  WILL CHANGE  THE  WAY  YOU  CONNECT  TO  IT.  UNLESS  YOU  ENABLE  SASL  YOU  WILL  BE UNABLE  TO CONNECT  TO FREENODE.  PLEASE JOIN  #FREENODE OR  MSG A  STAFFER FOR  DETAILS   [** | NOTICE | **]   rogst_ ssfdre38 jemand bl4ckcomb` Rich_ Maratich blueghost DrShoggoth dyess002 sandwiches Cibort martiner5 philipballew Daniel0108 Justice_form Shaun stbain Milossh deathknight trism infobit 17:13
awfjq[** | NOTICE | **]  BEGINNING  JUNE  1ST  FREENODE  WILL CHANGE  THE  WAY  YOU  CONNECT  TO  IT.  UNLESS  YOU  ENABLE  SASL  YOU  WILL  BE UNABLE  TO CONNECT  TO FREENODE.  PLEASE JOIN  #FREENODE OR  MSG A  STAFFER FOR  DETAILS   [** | NOTICE | **]   benkevan aagaard Scunizi McPeter_ dkim1987 soheil fgump old81 chiluk jon8 avalon_ cloud9 bipo v_v Murphant Fretta lighta iggy19 gthaci ckrailo teknowill koski mattalexx mterry AlertEye MrNemu17:13
MaximumResultsOK. I'll check that.  Is that http://webupd8.com/  ?17:13
Rich_Dr_Willis Wow really!! Im tired already which doesnt help reading all these lines :)17:14
macoalesan: GNOME Shell and Unity are two different desktop shells17:14
alesanmaco, :(17:14
macoalesan: GNOME Shell is part of GNOME 3. Unity can work with the rest of GNOME 3 apps, but i don't think they've been packaged yet17:14
mbeierlDr_Willis,  soapie: sorry - posted quickly without nick.  Just in case: the machine is totally locked up, not just the ui.  no network, no sysreq, nothing.17:14
Dr_Willisthe UNDERlaying stuff (not to get techincal) is the same for gnome3 an unity :) i guess ya can say..17:14
MaximumResultsDr_Willis,  where is webupd8?    What's the url for their blog?17:15
Dr_Willismbeierl:  bummer.  I was having similer issues.. due to HD failing. saw it mentioned in dmesg output.17:15
quanthello, there is no global menu in pidgin and I need to mute the sounds, can anyone help?17:15
Dr_WillisMaximumResults:  i just type webupd8 and its first google hit. :) see my links at http://delicious.com/dr_willis17:15
JontaI have a 2030 Typematrix keyboard. I'm learning both it, and the colemak-layout, which is built in to it (hotkey to activate). Ubu is set to norwegian layout, and generally it works well. But there are characters I can't find though, < and > specifically. Solutions? Software to generate a custom charactermap?17:15
mbeierlDr_Willis: there's no tail -f for dmesg is there?17:15
Dr_Willismbeierl:  i think you can tail -f /var/log/messages or some similer file.17:16
Dr_Willismbeierl:  i think theres some othe ways to do it also. but its been a whild.17:16
MaximumResultsGot it.   Google got me there.  It's http://www.webupd8.org/  not http://www.webupd8.com/17:16
trismmbeierl: tail -f /var/log/kern.log;17:16
llutz_mbeierl: tailf /var/log/dmesg17:16
Dr_WillisI recall using some 'colortail' command years ago to get nice colorized dmesg/log output :)17:17
Dr_Willis!info colortail17:17
ubottucolortail (source: colortail): log colorizer that makes log checking easier. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.3.3-1 (natty), package size 24 kB, installed size 144 kB17:17
TheRedOctoberI just looked up a 2030 typematrix...scary looking keyboard!  I'll stick with das keyboard.17:17
trism/var/log/dmesg actually only includes the boot log, so tail -f probably won't help there (at least on my systems)17:17
mbeierlthanks all... giving that a shot...17:18
Dr_Willisi like my G15 keyboard. :) i even have the lcd on it working in Linux good now a days.17:18
quantany solutions for the missing global menu (and therefore missing main menu in general) for pidgin? please17:18
llutz_trism: right you are, my bad17:18
Dr_Willisquant:  theres a way to turn off the global menu on a per app basis17:18
Dr_Willisquant:   i saw it at www.webupd8.org once17:18
chipgerino unity sidebar and menubar after disabling desktop w+all on ccsm..how+ to get unity back?17:18
quantDr_Willis, ok, ty17:19
TheRedOctobertsim: isnt /var/log/dmesg like dmesg before it goes multiuser?17:19
dmzhowdy y'all, i just upgraded to natty and now my nvidia-x keeps crashing - i get xf86OpenConsole: VT_WAITACTIVE failed: Interrupted system call and it kills X then goes back to gdm logon; google isn't very helpful...anyoen else seen this before?17:20
Dr_Willischipgeri:   www.webupd8.org has some commands/tips on resetting compiz/gnome/unity17:20
TheRedOctoberdmz: what drivers are you using?17:20
trismTheRedOctober: I believe you are correct17:20
Dr_WillisI cant find my bookmark to it. :(17:21
dmzTheRedOctoboer, 270.41.06-0ubuntu117:21
D34Xwhat the hell is up with the spam bot checks?17:21
Dr_WillisD34X:  spammers are at it again.. so they send in the bots.17:22
ubottuTo switch your keyboard layout on GNOME: System -> Preferences -> Keyboard | KDE: System Settings -> Regional & Language -> Keyboard Layout | Xfce: see https://help.ubuntu.com/6.10/xubuntu/desktopguide/C/switch-keyboard-layout.html | See also !Shortcuts17:22
D34XI used to have a botting program17:22
D34Xnever learned how to use it though17:22
ubottuKeyboard shortcuts can be set in System -> Preferences -> Keyboard Shortcuts. If your multimedia keys don't work with that, try the 'keytouch' package, explained at http://keytouch.sourceforge.net - See !Keyboard for changing layouts. A list of keyboard shortcuts for Unity is available at http://goo.gl/Pwxq117:23
Dr_WillisD34X:  thats proberly a good thing.17:23
dmzwow even a remote ssh connection tunneling X will cause same X crash17:23
dmzand it's not happening on my laptop so i'm pretty sure it's something in the nvidia drivers :(17:23
D34Xit's funny MonkeyDust17:24
D34XTry a driver test17:24
danger89How is the ATI HD Mobility Radeon 5430 support in Ubuntu 11.04?17:25
WackyLuckyDuckalright... I was upgrading to natty from 10 remotely... and my network connection got interrupted...17:26
WackyLuckyDuckfirst question... is the upgrade still running?17:26
Dr_WillisWackyLuckyDuck:  were you using screen?17:26
Dr_WillisWackyLuckyDuck:  remote as in ssh?17:26
WackyLuckyDuckand if so... how can I attach to it again so I can see what's going on?17:26
danger89WackyLuckyDuck: via screen?17:27
Dr_Willisyou should have beenusing sssh and screen17:27
WackyLuckyDuckyou mean like x?17:27
rt6765[** | NOTICE | **]  BEGINNING  JUNE  1ST  FREENODE  WILL CHANGE  THE  WAY  YOU  CONNECT  TO  IT.  UNLESS  YOU  ENABLE  SASL  YOU  WILL  BE UNABLE  TO CONNECT  TO FREENODE.  PLEASE JOIN  #FREENODE OR  MSG A  STAFFER FOR  DETAILS   [** | NOTICE | **]   rt6765 Calinou RobinJ WackyLuckyDuck eitch0000 Cyc ScorpiusLetalis krckor ThinkT510 AlertEye dmz pfifo D34X donald_ chipgeri intlkleinblue RaNa ouyes andrejpan mark7845 CyrusB_1 pascalaldo Gwar gepatino a111 matri17:27
WackyLuckyDuckno, no x.17:27
Dr_Willisscreen is not X.17:27
Dr_Willis!info screen17:27
ubottuscreen (source: screen): terminal multiplexor with VT100/ANSI terminal emulation. In component main, is optional. Version 4.0.3-14ubuntu7 (natty), package size 571 kB, installed size 1008 kB17:27
WackyLuckyDucklet me see...17:27
D34XI'm going to guess RT is a bot?17:28
Dr_WillisWackyLuckyDuck:  ssh in, see if the updater is still running i guess.17:28
WackyLuckyDuckyeah... I'm connected again.17:28
Dr_WillisWackyLuckyDuck:  but youmight be needing to get to the machine in person soon.17:28
WackyLuckyDuckhmmm... it's too far away...17:28
WackyLuckyDuckdang it.17:28
Dr_Williseven if you were using screen, it may fail/disconnect. so its not a great idea to update remotely17:28
danger89WackyLuckyDuck: yea it's a command so there will be screated a new virtual terminal. SO if the connection drops you will be always able to attach to the virtual terminal (screen)...17:28
WackyLuckyDuckI tried running do-release-upgrade again.17:28
WackyLuckyDuckI've never used that.17:29
hmullerWhat creates the entries in /etc/fstab during installation?17:29
Dr_WillisWackyLuckyDuck:  and definatly learn touse screen :) it goes along with ssh like peanut-butter and Jelly. :)17:29
WackyLuckyDucklesson learned.17:29
WackyLuckyDuckvery nice.17:29
WackyLuckyDuckI will read up on it.17:29
WackyLuckyDuckthanks for that info.17:29
danger89WackyLuckyDuck: np gl17:29
Dr_Willistheres also tmux and boybu17:29
D34Xwtf would you even do with a bot?17:29
Dr_Williswhich are similer.17:30
danger89Dr_Willis: screen is mostly used?17:30
=== nriel is now known as nriel_AWAY
Dr_Willisdanger89:  its the most common.17:30
=== nriel_AWAY is now known as nriel
danger89yea ok17:30
Dr_Willisdanger89:  and byobu (sp?) is a ubuntu tweaked screen.17:30
Dr_Willis!info tmux17:30
ubottutmux (source: tmux): terminal multiplexer. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.3-2+squeeze1 (natty), package size 178 kB, installed size 460 kB17:30
Dr_Willistmux is an alternative.17:30
danger89ok nice17:31
Dr_WillisI recall some other similer apps in the past. but cant recall their names.17:31
Dr_Willis!info twin17:31
ubottuPackage twin does not exist in natty17:31
nanchoHi. I cannot install xbmc on ubuntu 11.04. why ?17:31
nanchoI tried to do as here http://webtablab.com/linux/ubuntu-11-04-tweaks-tips-tricks/17:31
=== JoFo_ is now known as JoFo
Dr_Willisnancho:  it works here. I just enabled the right repo and installed it.17:32
Dr_Willisnancho:  not sure which repo. :)17:32
danger89Anyway can somebody tell me if Ubuntu supports ATI HD Mobility Radeon chips like the Mobility Radeon 5430, please?17:33
ThinkT510!ati | danger8917:33
ubottudanger89: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto17:33
nanchoDr_Willis when I install with the reppository, there's an error the terminal displays en error17:33
danger89ThinkT510:  yes I know https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RadeonDriver17:34
CycCan anyone help me get 5.1 sound working in Ubuntu 11.04 please? I have a Dell M1530 under sound preferences > hardware > there aren't any 5.1 profiles only 4.0.17:34
BluesKajDr_Willis, multiverse repos17:34
Asad2005How can i tell if someone is trying to gain access to my computer from the log files. Only these from outside my LAN17:34
danger89but they don't say a thing about HD Mobility17:34
mattalexxWhen you use nautilus to connect to a samba share, where on the filesystem is that mountpoint?17:34
hmullerCan anyone tell me what creates the entries in /etc/fstab during installation?17:34
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Dr_Willis!info logwatch | Asad200517:35
ubottuAsad2005: logwatch (source: logwatch): log analyser with nice output written in Perl. In component main, is optional. Version 7.3.6.cvs20090906-1ubuntu4 (natty), package size 386 kB, installed size 2620 kB17:35
ThinkT510danger89: if the regular one works then the mobility ones should too17:35
Dr_WillisAsad2005:  monitor yoru ssh ports mainly.17:35
mastroDanihow does ubuntu set the default GDM keyboard layout? I don't see it in xorg.conf17:36
Dr_Willisxorg.conf dosent even need to exist in most cases. X auto configures.17:37
Dr_WillisNo idea where gdm gets its keyboard layout however.. could be a gdm config.17:37
eliezerhow do i get rid of the grub screen at start up,i just want the regular ubuntu purple screen at boot and no waiting17:37
mastroDaniDr_Willis, the question is valid anyway... how do Ubuntu set the default keyboard layout?17:37
Dr_Williseliezer:  you want grub to hide by default then.17:37
danger89ThinkT510: thx17:37
ubottuTo switch your keyboard layout on GNOME: System -> Preferences -> Keyboard | KDE: System Settings -> Regional & Language -> Keyboard Layout | Xfce: see https://help.ubuntu.com/6.10/xubuntu/desktopguide/C/switch-keyboard-layout.html | See also !Shortcuts17:37
ThinkT510danger89: no worries17:37
D34Xanyone know if ubuntu can be booted on an xbox?17:37
eliezerDr_Willis, yes17:37
Dr_Willis!grub2 | eliezer17:38
ubottueliezer: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)17:38
Dr_Williseliezer:   You edit the right settings in /etc/default/grub  and rerun update-grub17:38
danger89D34X: Xbox or Xbox 360?17:38
D34XXbox.  Yo know, the one you could drop on a cat and give your carpet a new color.17:38
mastroDaniDr_Willis, apparently that link is broken, and anyway I don't think it's the reply I'm looking for.. actually I want to know how it do it _under_the_hood_17:39
BluesKajmattalexx, smbfs service mountpoint17:40
mjolnirhey guys, looking to resize my / and im on kde so i need qtparted. except i cant find the live cd??? anyone got ideas?17:40
Dr_Willismjathree:  you can install gparted or qtparted from the package manager while using a live cd. it will isntall to 'ram'17:40
Dr_Willismjathree:  thers also gparted specific live cds you can use.17:40
mattalexxBluesKaj, Is that a command? It's not working17:40
BluesKajmjolnir, burn gparted17:41
seidosDr_Willis: i think you sent that to the wrong guy17:41
mjolnirblueskaj i thought it only works with gnomes>17:41
Dr_Willisproberly - this irc clients nick completion is brain dead.17:41
BluesKajmattalexx, no that's the mountpoint , I beleive it's in a tmp file , but i can't be sure17:41
Dr_Willisseidos:  ask me if i care. :)17:42
seidosDr_Willis: no worries broham17:42
BluesKajmjolnir, gparted live cd , it works as a partitioner from your cdrom17:42
Dr_Willisgparted live cd - is a 'must'have in a pc toolbox.17:43
Dr_Willistheres also the 'system rescue' live cd. thats worth getting.17:43
mjolnirblueskaj, dr_willis yes but isnt gparted just for gnome? i have kde so i thought qtparted...17:43
BluesKaj!system rescue17:43
Dr_Willismjolnir:  theres no law saying you cant run gnome apps in kde or visa versa17:43
Dr_Willisgparted is  a 'gtk' app i belive.17:44
Dr_Willis!info gparted17:44
ubottugparted (source: gparted): GNOME partition editor. In component main, is optional. Version 0.7.0-1ubuntu1 (natty), package size 487 kB, installed size 1632 kB17:44
Dr_Willisnot sure how much gnome it will pull in.17:44
Dr_Willissudo apt-get install gparted     and see what it wants to install17:44
Logan_!disks | mjolnir17:45
ubottumjolnir: For help with partitioning a new install see: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/switching/installing-partitioning.html - For partitioning programs see !GParted, !QtParted (!Kubuntu 8.10 and lower) or !PartitionManager (!Kubuntu 9.04 and up) - Other partitioning topics include !fstab !home and !swap17:45
BluesKajmjolnir, it doesn't matter what the desktop or OS is,  gparted works on windows ntfs as well17:45
dmzargh, is there a better version of nvidia driver i should use?17:45
dmzmy desktop is totally unusable :(17:45
Logan_mjolnir: sudo apt-get install partitionmanager17:45
Logan_mjolnir: that's essentially the Kubuntu version of Gparted17:45
BluesKajdmz, did you install the recommended driver in admin/additional drivers17:46
BluesKajLogan_, it's no point trying resize partitions that are mounted, it can't be done17:46
markskilbeckHi, all. How can I determine what OpenGL version I'm running, or, indeed, that my hardware supports it?17:49
=== gianni is now known as Guest82227
smookiok I got the KDE in azerty, but not its login form ...17:51
dmzBluesKaj, i have driver 270.29, so it seems to be the latest17:52
quick-hoe do i  login ?17:52
quick-how do i  login ?17:52
BluesKajdmz ok, which card ?17:52
BluesKajquick-, login where ?17:53
dmzBluesKaj, GeForce 9800GT17:53
quick-i have a registered nick so login here in irc  to validate my nick17:53
ubottuInformation about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode17:54
ubottuYou can identify automatically by using your NickServ password as the server password in your IRC client. When identifying manually, do NOT send the command from a channel's tab, or a typo may give away your password. If that happened, type « /msg NickServ set password <new-password> » in the server tab as soon as possible.17:54
BluesKajdmz, Unity, Gnome classic or ?17:54
seph_anybody know a channel of Web Programming here?17:54
markskilbeckseph_: #web17:55
seph_thanks a lot =)17:55
dmzis there any way to roll back from a natty? guess it's just not ready17:55
markskilbeckdmz: what's wrong with it?17:55
dmzmarkskilebeck i open some windows & get: xf86OpenConsole: VT_WAITACTIVE failed: Interrupted system call, then X dies & goes back to gdm17:56
quick-seph_:  let me know if  you get to know17:56
stbaindmz, I switched to Ubuntu Classic (no effects) and I am much happier now17:57
markskilbeckstbain: amen17:57
Asad2005ubottu: I have installed logwatch as suggested and set it up to send me mail locally and when i ran logwatch it did send me the mail but will it run by default say daily or do i have to add a cron17:57
ubottuAsad2005: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:57
thegoodcushionHi everyone.  I have a realtek RTL8168 NIC.  I've installed a proprietary driver for it.  Hardware Drivers says it's activated but not currently in use.  How do I 'use' the NIC?17:58
D0minat0ri made a real secure server, forwarding thru my server works perfect, but thats the only thing. cant get to the server form internal or external net :D17:58
BluesKajdmz, or what i's worth I had probs with Unity on the same driver with nvidia 8400gs ...it's not the driver it 's the desktop IMO17:58
peter____im trying to make usb startup for ub 11.04 does dd works?17:58
dmzstbain in both classic & non, both use the same nvidia driver and both use glx17:58
sburwood1Is there something out there in the Ubuntu domaine somewhere to "record" noise levels?  (to find out how many decibels there are in an environment?17:59
stbaindmz, try it with the "no effects"17:59
dmzBluesKaj i tried classic & ubuntu desktop and both had the same issues17:59
dmzworth a try17:59
seph_guys i cant get in #web do i need to be registed?17:59
dmzwhat's easest way to disable all effects17:59
Asad2005ubottu: ok i will wait tell next day and see if it send the mail. Thanks a lot17:59
ubottuAsad2005: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:59
stbaindmz, on mine it was one of the session choices "Ubuntu Classic (no effects)"17:59
peter____or u can install unity-2d18:00
sburwood1seph_: I just tried to go to #web.  It said that I needed to be identified18:00
Pici!register | sburwood118:00
ubottusburwood1: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode18:00
BluesKajdmz, I have since switched to KDE ...which I've preferred all along , but I thought i'd try 11.04 with Unity to see what the fuss was all about ...nice to look at but it didn't work for my setup18:00
dmzugh, so annoying i had great effects in the last ubuntu18:00
peter____guys anyone familiar with dd command??18:00
sburwood1ubottu, I was answering seph_18:00
ubottusburwood1: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:00
KM0201BluesKaj: it needs some work, no doubt about that18:01
dmzok let me try18:01
sburwood1Anyone wanna help me to detect decibel levels???18:01
WackyLuckyDuckscreen is good... thanks again guys...18:01
intlkleinblueubottu is a damn near intelligent bot then. I for one welcome our new IRC bot overlords.18:01
ubottuintlkleinblue: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:01
Dr_Willispeter____:  dd has 1000's of docs/guides/examples online.. what are you wanting to do with it18:02
Atlantic777Hi! I'm trying to install shotwell 0.8+ on Lucid but without success for now. I've added yorba's and felxio-something's too. No help.18:02
Atlantic777Any idea? Btw, is there any other app for image collections with video support?18:02
=== jsurfer_ is now known as jsurfer
KM0201Atlantic777: picasa maybe?18:03
thegoodcushionsburwood1: I doubt you'll get anything here18:03
Atlantic777KM0201: picasa doesn't play videos on GNU/Linux AFAIK.18:03
thegoodcushionsburwood1: it's a hardware problem18:03
houmsi am trying to install xchat and remove xchat-gnome as it does not seem to be working properly18:03
vachohow to I execute a .sh file?18:03
Dr_Willisvacho:  chmod +x foo.sh   ./foo.sh18:03
KM0201Atlantic777: ok... what version of shotwell do you have, and you're trying to install .8?18:03
Dr_Willisvacho:  or sh foo.sh18:03
houmsbut when i try to install xchat it complains about libperl5.10 > not being installable18:03
dmzok so disabling effects didn't clear it up18:04
houmsfrom what i can tell libperl5.12 is already installed18:04
houmswhat gives?18:04
Atlantic777KM0201: current version is 0.7.2 from yorba's ppa, and I'm looking for 0.8 or 0.9.18:04
dmzX just dies & drops me out; i'm going to try another driver version18:04
peter____Dr_Willis: im trying to make startup disk for UB11.04 but result of dd if of , makes some corrupted (or strange looking) folders and files on my usb stick18:04
sburwood1thegoodcushion: What I'm looking for is a program that I can install on the computer - connect a microphone and get feedback on the decibel levels18:04
Atlantic777KM0201: 0.8 should have video support too.18:04
thegoodcushionyeah I know that's what you're looking for.  I don't think a normal mic can be used like that18:04
thegoodcushionI've worked in TV for 15 years18:04
Atlantic777KM0201: btw, I can install it from source, but...18:04
Dr_Willispeter____:  lets clarify somting.. are you trying to 'dd' the iso file to a usb stick?18:04
thegoodcushionpeter____: I reckon you shouldn't do that18:05
Dr_Willispeter____:  totally WRONG way to do it.18:05
WackyLuckyDuckfor some reason during the upgrade there are a bunch of archives that say connection failed.18:05
Dr_WillisI wonder where people get the idea they can dd an iso to a flash drive :)18:05
KM0201Atlantic777: well, looking at their instructions, the yorba repository for .9 only works w/ maverick... so.. thats why its not working... unless you find another repo, your only option is to compile from source18:05
kasztan_85i need help18:05
Dr_Willispeter____:  use a tool like unetbootin, or some of them from pendrivelinux web site. to make the flash stick18:06
Dr_Willispeter____:  or somt other tools also exist for the same task.18:06
bakaratwhen i'm working in a VM (host = ubuntu 11.04) with "some" key combination in the VM (don't know which yet) i start up banshee in the host which is obviously very annoying, anyone know 1) what that keybinding could be, 2) why it is being propagated to the host and 3) how to fix it?18:06
Atlantic777KM0201: ok... do I have to remove current shotwell before compiling it?18:06
peter____Dr_Willis: im stuck on mint 10 and default usb making apps seems to not work as intended, unetbootin failed as Ubuntu dosent boot up so im running out of options here18:06
KM0201Atlantic777: wait, have yout ried the "flexion" PPA, and it still didn't work?18:06
Atlantic777KM0201: yeah. Still nothing.18:07
Dr_Willispeter____:  pendrivelinux site have tools for linux that will work. so check oiut that site i suggest18:07
kasztan_85i delete a accounts in Account manager in Ubuntu 11.0418:07
KM0201Atlantic777: that would probably be a good idea...18:07
houmsyou could try the debian way peter which is to cat file.iso > /dev/sdX18:07
Atlantic777KM0201: ok...18:07
kasztan_85and X server didn't start18:07
Dr_Willispeter____:  there are issues with the usb-disk-maker tool in some older relases with newer iso files. yes. :)18:07
kasztan_85plz help me18:07
KM0201Atlantic777: you can probably back up /home/user/.shotwell  if you want to save your configuration.18:07
peter____Dr_Willis: thank you for help18:07
=== viper is now known as Guest12604
Atlantic777KM0201: great idea. :D18:07
sburwood1thegoodcushion: I don't care what kind of microphone ... I work at a hospital and we have a room where we can relax.  And there are a couple people who yell like they were at a rock concert18:08
Dr_Willispeter____:  pendrive site also has tools that let you setup grub2 on a flash to boot an iso file. :) you could set up 10+ disrtos on one flash drive that way18:08
peter____Dr_Willis: thats handy!18:08
thegoodcushionsburwood1: decibel meters are really easy to buy at an audio shop18:08
sburwood1thegoodcushion: and I want to get an objective bit of information to tell them that they are exaggerating18:08
kasztan_85plz help me, anybody?18:09
KM0201Atlantic777: there's instructions here for backing up shotwell, etc.. i would do that, then uninstall it, then compile from source.. http://trac.yorba.org/wiki/Shotwell/FAQ#CanIrunShotwell0.9.0onUbuntu10.04LucidLynx18:09
thegoodcushionsburwood1: you need a decibel meter.  And where you place the meter is of critical importance18:09
KM0201Atlantic777: they also have instructions on that site for compiling it from source...18:09
sburwood1thegoodcushion: I live in Belgium.  Are they something that can be discrete and do they need something connected?18:09
thegoodcushionthey look like mics18:09
sburwood1thegoodcushion: and do they cost a lot??18:09
thegoodcushionno, they don't cost a lot18:09
Atlantic777KM0201: gentoo user here, don't worry. :D18:10
KM0201Atlantic777: then why are you here18:10
sburwood1thegoodcushion: and what is "not a lot"?18:10
Atlantic777KM0201: because my father uses ubuntu. :D18:10
Dr_Willissburwood1:  got one for $20 us here. :) about 2 meals at McDonolds..18:10
jemandHello evryone , on the wesbite www.Ubuntu.com are 2 downloads available Download and Install , and try it from a Cd or a usb stick what are the differences?18:11
sburwood1Dr_Willis: Ok, but do they need to be connected to something?18:11
Dr_Willisjemand:  if you download the iso . you can put it on a cd, or on a usb.18:11
thegoodcushionsburwood1: http://www.google.com.au/search?hl=en&safe=off&q=decibel+meter&oq=decibel+meter&aq=f&aqi=g10&aql=&gs_sm=e&gs_upl=5702l6543l0l3l3l1l0l0l0l312l515l2-1.118:11
jemandbut its both the same Dr_Willis18:11
Dr_Willissburwood1:  the one i got is just about the size of a pack of cigs. and has a Digital meter on the front.18:11
Dr_Willisjemand:  they do the same thing.18:11
jemandive downloaded download and install18:11
jemandvery weird well both will use wubi?18:12
Dr_Willisjemand:  i just get the iso via torrent normally.18:12
smookihmmm does flash player work for you ? /S18:12
Dr_Willisjemand:  i DONT recommend using wubi :)18:12
jemandDr_Willis,  me too18:12
sburwood1Dr_Willis: but are they independant or do they need something with them?18:12
xanguasmooki: flash sucks, if that is what you are asking18:12
smookixangua : I would like to test some video on youtube18:12
Dr_Willissburwood1:  its just a box that takes a battery and a meter/gague on it.. You are makign it way too hard..18:13
jemandDr_Willis,  i burned the iso and it asked me to run wubi so it means wubi is on the cd, will it work like a normal cd?18:13
sburwood1no, I didn't know18:13
smookiit seems it doesn't load any datas...18:13
Dr_Willisjemand:  you did not BOOT the cd.. you just put it in while running windows.18:13
sburwood1How high do they go?  How many decibels??18:13
Dr_Willisjemand:  wubi is on the cd yes. :) I always remove wubi from my custom setup18:13
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dsjkbfalEvince fails with "No protocol specified <\n> Cannot parse arguments: Cannot open display: " when I try to open any pdf file. Any fixes ?18:13
smookirekonq us freezed18:13
sburwood1thanks for your help.18:14
jemandDr_Willis,  yes ok , bec when i installed ubuntu about wubi it didnt install grub it used windows loader ... i fear that it might do it again ill do it about boot wish me luck18:14
Dr_Willissburwood1:  you measureing Jet Engines or somtning?  :) i imagine it depends on the specific brand. this one i got to mreasure pc noises. not airplanes.18:14
jemandfear het wubi18:14
smookiadobe is a joke18:14
sburwood1I'm in a room with 2 tables and 12 people - but they are mainly women and they yell ... no way to get them to stop !!18:15
smookiyou guys never go to see a video on youtube ? :S18:15
OerHekssmooki, do you have a Flash issue with ?18:16
smookiand still got the kde logon in qwerty, boring time18:16
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smookiOerHeks : well the last version I supposed as I just  installed it18:17
tsmithExcuse me. Via the command line, how can I determine what version of Ubuntu I am running?18:17
IdleOnetsmith: lsb_release -a18:17
tsmithIdleOne, thanks!18:18
smookiI run the : No LSB modules ... :)18:18
smookiOerHeks: , how to reinstall the flash player ?18:19
awellssmooki, that's a version too old...you should upgrade18:19
OerHekssmooki, i had problems too, yesterday, see this bugreport with solution(s) > https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/flashplugin-nonfree/+bug/78397618:20
ubottuUbuntu bug 783976 in flashplugin-nonfree (Ubuntu) "flashplayer does not work anymore, after update to" [Undecided,New]18:20
OerHeksin my case, the google talk plugin is the bad boy18:20
smookiI've just downloaded from adobe18:20
greatHi, which is best: flash32 or flash6418:21
rhenaniHello I need help, I forgot my windows7's  password18:21
jpds!best | great18:21
ubottugreat: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.18:21
rhenaniI'm trying to rest it using a ubuntu iso18:21
rhenaniand Using try Ubuntu18:21
rhenaniThe version is 11.0418:21
smookiOerHeks : thanks but how to updrade this flash player, when adobe expose this one ? (
rhenaniThe thing is that I do all the steps but My windows password doesn't disappear18:22
OerHekssmooki, remove it, see if you can remove goolge-talk-plugin, and re-install from repository, will do18:22
ThinkT510rhenani: how can you forget your login password?18:22
rhenaniThinkT510: I forgot it18:23
ubottuFor discussion on Microsoft software, or help with same, please visit ##windows. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and /msg ubottu equivalents18:23
thegoodcushiondoes anyone know how to get Ubuntu to use my NIC?  The driver is installed and the device is active but not in use.18:23
rhenaniThinkT510: Can you help me?18:23
rhenaniI'm in ubuntu18:23
rhenaniI did apt-get install chntpw18:23
kasztan_85Hi, I accidentally removed the system accounts in the Accounts manager in ubuntu 11.04. After restarting the server does not start X. You can fix it somehow?18:23
ThinkT510rhenani: i suggest using a password you can remember18:23
rhenaniThinkT510: can you help me to reset the pasword?18:24
jpdsrhenani: That's for Windows NT/2000.18:24
IdleOnerhenani: if you need help resetting your windows password ask in ##windows18:24
smookigoogle talk plug in ?18:24
rhenanijpds: chntpw doesn't work in wndows 7??18:24
LAcanthegoodcushion, does it show in network manager?18:24
jpdsrhenani: No, and you're really asking in the wrong channel.18:24
rhenanijpds: But I've read in google that it works fine in windows 7?18:25
jpdsrhenani: Clearly not.18:25
LAcanwhats ur problem rhenani ?18:25
IdleOnehis problem is Windows related18:25
LAcanok well im in ##widnows too so rhenani come on over18:26
rhenanijpds: do you know a way o another software that i could use?18:26
IdleOneI know a way18:26
smookihtpp://get.adobe.com/flashplayer/ and it's ...18:26
IdleOneask in ##windows18:26
bastidrazor  bjHuy18:26
LAcanahh christ he forgot his password... theres no fix for stupidty18:26
kasztan_85Hi, I accidentally removed the system accounts in the Accounts manager in ubuntu 11.04. After restarting the server does not start X. You can fix it somehow? plz help me18:26
smookiIdleOne : me ?18:26
IdleOnesmooki: no, not you.18:27
Dazzledmy PC detects 2 screens, however, there's only 1 attached18:27
LAcanthegoodcushion, ?18:27
smookicause I'm talking here from windows, but I try to install flash player no VMwared ubuntu18:27
Dazzledit also thinks one is a laptop, while in fact there's only one, and it's a TV18:27
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DazzledI'm on 11.04; in 10.10 this worked fine18:28
thegoodcushionLAcan: I'm on 10.04.  Do you mean Network Connections?18:28
rhenaniLAcan: I forgot my password in windows, My queston is can i use ubuntu and chwnpt to reset it??18:28
rhenaniIdleOne: Can you help me resting my password please ??18:28
LAcanthegoodcushion, the network manager thing in your panel...?18:28
ThinkT510smooki: have you tried using virtualbox instead of vmware?18:28
thegoodcushionLAcan: no it does not18:28
IdleOnerhenani: no I can't but I know that there are people in ##windows who can18:29
LAcanthegoodcushion, is it greyed out or not showing at all?18:29
thegoodcushionnot at all18:29
smookiI did before, I prefer vmware18:29
thegoodcushionI have the wifi icon but not the wired icon18:29
antlonghi, how do i go back to the desktop from ubuntu 10? (im on 11)18:29
LAcanIdleOne, they already gave him the link in ##windows18:29
bakaratsmooki, depending on how long ago your experience with vbox was, you might wanna give it another shot18:29
intraderrhenani, I don't think that you can from ubuntu, you need to use your recovery media18:29
* LAcan wants to see someone else get booted for a change, lol18:29
ThinkT510!classic | antlong18:29
ubottuantlong: The default interface in Ubuntu 11.04 is !Unity. You can switch back to regular !Gnome by logging out and clicking on your user name, in the Session box at the bottom of the screen select Ubuntu Classic.18:29
smookibakarat : my actual problem is to get flash running ...18:30
LAcanthegoodcushion, ok so your wired card does not show up as greyed out or saying "not managed"?18:30
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bakaratsmooki, aha :) sorry just caught your last sentence there, didn't see the original problem. not sure how you got to vms from flash :D18:30
Dazzledis there a way to "reset" the screen driver?18:30
smookinp bakarat :)18:30
LAcanDazzled, whats the problem?18:31
intraderAnyone, how is the upgrade to 11.04 from 10.10 going for anyone?18:31
antlongoh god, thanks. that what a hot mess. ty ThinkT51018:31
DazzledLAcan, I have a box connected to a TV, but the resolution is wrong18:31
ThinkT510antlong: np18:31
Dazzledand when I try to change it, there are 2 screens in the window, while in fact there is only 1 attached18:31
LAcanDazzled, i dont understand 2 screeens in the window?18:32
Dazzledand none of the resolution fit the tv (should be 1360x...) but the max I can pick is 1024x76818:32
thegoodcushionLAcan: there is no icon on my panel18:32
DazzledUbuntu detects 2 displays18:32
Dazzledbut there is only 1 connected18:32
Dazzledone it calls "Laptop" and one it calls "Unknown"18:32
n2diyI'm getting ready to upgrade, is it still recommended that I go from 9.10 to 10.04 to 10.10 to 11.04, or can i jump straight to 11.04?18:33
LAcanDazzled, ya that seems like proper behaviour.. the TV is "unknown"18:33
thegoodcushionn2diy: you have to jump like that, or install 11.04 fresh18:33
=== Guybrush88 is now known as realcommie
Dazzledbut there is no laptop :s18:33
Dazzledthe TV is the main monitor18:33
Dazzled(there shouldn't be 2 displays detected)18:33
n2diythegoodcushion, 10-4! :)18:34
LAcanDazzled, ok... i dont use dual head setups so... im gonna have to pass on this one... 11.04 is known to be buggy with 2 screens fyi18:34
DazzledLAcan, sorry, I'm confusing you I think18:34
intradern2diy, I had trouble going from 9.10 to 10.04 - all kind of X problems and UI problems. However, straight install from 9.04 to 10.10 went just fine and fixed the X and UI problems18:34
Dazzledthere is only 1 screen18:34
Dazzledbut Ubuntu _thinks_ there are 218:34
Dazzledone VGA cable, one TV :)18:34
Dazzlednothing more18:34
toadhow can I check running processses18:35
toadvia command line?18:35
Dazzledso perhaps I could reset the default display settings?18:35
desktophi all18:35
toadthere is a black box that is due to GDockyey18:35
toadI think18:35
FloodBot1toad: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.18:35
toadhow can I kill that18:35
kubroDazzled have you looked at grandr from command line or perhaps system settings>display18:35
LAcantoad, ps18:35
ThinkT510toad: ps aux18:35
frackledon't use Enter as punctuation. Words to live by, lol18:35
Dazzledin System Settings > Display it shows those 2 screens18:35
Dazzledbut I don't know grandr18:36
Lofdeis there a gui vi?18:36
Lofdelike gedit that can use vi shortcuts18:36
n2diyWhen I upgrade, I don't plan to format / or /home, so I don't loose all my synaptic add ons, is there a down side to doing this?18:36
frackleLofde, lol, that's a good one18:36
fracklegui vi, lmao18:36
Lofdeim serious ... like a mixture of gedit + vi hotkeys ...18:37
fracklenope. vi was one of the first text editors in *nix, there is no gui version, lol18:37
kubroDazzle w/out view your hardware setup short term fix would be to set the supposed 2nd monitor as clone18:37
desktopyou noobs! wahahah!!!! you really noobs!!!18:37
frackledesktop, gui version of vi, lmao18:38
Lofdefrackle,  well that really would be something nice to bring into the present VI is very powerful... i could use some of those line shortcuts etc18:38
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whallzee vieja18:38
IdleOneLofde: see vim-gnome18:38
frackleyeah, there's vim18:38
Oglgood afternoon18:38
trismLofde: or http://launchpad.net/vigedit maybe?18:39
schoremhi all18:39
Atlantic777gvim should be fine18:40
smookihooo ok18:40
desktopI fucked you in the mouth!18:40
abonecin my system installed "document viewer" but how to launch it? Dash panel not found this application(18:40
smookiI need to download 64bits player with is beta :S18:40
kasztan_85Hi, I accidentally removed the system accounts in the Accounts manager in ubuntu 11.04. After restarting the server does not start X. Can I fix it somehow?18:40
Lofdetrism,  thanks.. thats what i wanted :)18:40
Atlantic777abonec: evince18:40
xanguasmooki: google flash 64 ppa18:41
Dazzledsmooki, there is the "Square" project18:41
xanguato add a repository that contains it18:41
Dazzled64 bit Flash18:41
Dazzledbut AFAIK it's SW render only18:41
abonecAtlantic777, thx18:42
smookiyeah I go a .so, I need to put this file where ?18:42
Antwonhello. I am trying to generate new public/private keypair with ecrypt-manager but it asks me for which key type to use but it does not show me any options18:42
Dazzledopt/google/plugins for chrome IIRC18:42
smookirekonq here18:42
smookiI'll never install chrome18:42
smookigoogle is evil :)18:42
=== raul is now known as jython-newbie
DazzledI don't know then :p18:43
Dazzledisn't there a <BROWSER BRAND> folder in your opt dir?18:43
n-iCehi, how can I disable a wireless interface to stop loading on boot?18:43
Polahn-iCe: Network manager, select the one you don't want to connect, click Edit, then untick "Connect automatically". Should do it.18:44
jython-newbieCan anyone help me about jython?18:45
thegoodcushionLAcan: you got any other ideas for me?18:45
ActionParsnipn-iCe: blacklist the driver, or add:  ifdown wlan0  (or whatever your wireless interface is) in /etc/rc.local   above the exit 0 line18:45
LAcanthegoodcushion, ya open up /etc/network/interfaces18:45
bakarathmm for some reason the unity dock won't hide properly anymore (used to work), any ideas?18:46
n-iCePolah: but that will stop connecting to a network, I want to stop an interface wireless to load18:46
n-iCeActionParsnip: thanks18:47
Polahn-iCe: I see now.18:47
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pylixis there any downsides to using a ndiswrapped driver?18:48
thegoodcushionLAcan: I've got auto lo \n iface lo inet loopback18:48
n-iCeActionParsnip: says ifdown: interface wlan0 not configured18:48
LAcanthegoodcushion, anything else? related to your wired interface?18:48
ray24Hi, I get an error message when I try to install gstreamer for mp318:48
thegoodcushionfirst line: auto lo  second line: iface lo inet loopback18:48
ActionParsnipn-iCe: hmmm, then you could blacklist the wireless module, to get wireless working you will need to manually load the module18:49
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smookiI give away18:50
=== paulo_ is now known as paulo
kasztan_85Hi, I accidentally removed the system accounts in the Accounts manager in ubuntu 11.04. After restarting the server does not start X. Can I fix it somehow?18:50
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compdocthegoodcushion. add lines in /ect/network/interfaces to enable it. Thats how you do it manually. I dont use network manager myself18:51
thegoodcushioncompdoc: christ, how do I do that?18:52
juanitosomeone speak spanish?18:52
Pici!es | juanito18:52
ubottujuanito: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.18:52
smookiquelqu'un parle français ?18:52
Jordan_Uthegoodcushion: Can you pastebin the output of "ifconfig"?18:52
compdocthegoodcushion, you dont have to call me christ18:53
Dude-XI am using 11.04 with unity. how do I move the window for 'Terminal Server Client' which has no top bar to grab?18:53
thegoodcushionJordan_U: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=176132818:53
Yadirais there any GIU fot TestDisk ?18:54
kasztan_85how reinstall all packets in ub11.04 ?18:55
kubroDude if you look closely you'll see the resize box on the left side of the top bar,,you have to click that then you'll have access to the program bar18:55
npcshow do i set up a personal repository for a small office?18:56
npcssomething i can just add to sources.list18:57
ActionParsnipnpcs: look into apt-mirror18:57
npcsawesome, thank you much. it's in the repos, right?18:57
kalibI wanna install flash player on my system.. should I install Adobe Flash OR flashplugin-nonfree?18:58
compdocthegoodcushion, are the two loopback the only lines in the file /ect/network/interfaces    ?18:59
npcssudo apt-get install flashplugin (or, you could just do sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras)18:59
thegoodcushioncompdoc: there are two lines, just like I said18:59
thegoodcushionfirst line is auto lo18:59
kalibnpcs, ;]18:59
smookiouch finally got flash working !!!!! yipi19:00
dave_ is the command gsudo sources to opern gedit an edit ?19:00
mattalexxIs there a way to get Virtualbox Seamless mode to work with a Natty host that has Unity enabled?19:00
dave_ is the command gsudo sources to open gedit an edit  sources?19:00
compdocthegoodcushion, add these lines to /ect/network/interfaces        http://pastebin.com/iqQqZBbN19:00
kalibnpcs, no packages found with this name..19:01
dave_whats the command to open gedit an edit sources?19:01
thegoodcushioncompdoc: good.  Now do I relogin?19:01
kalibYou mean flashplugin-nonfree, right?!19:01
thegoodcushionor reboot?19:01
compdocthegoodcushion, you can restart networking, or reboot19:02
ActionParsnipkalib: flashplugin-nonfree will install flash for you19:02
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kalibActionParsnip, thanks ;]19:02
dmzargh; is the only way to go back from ubuntu 11 is to boot from cd & reinstall 10?19:02
Lock3Hi All. I'm running Ubuntu 10.04 and my CD/DVD drive either won't recognize or it recognizes then about 5 minutes after boot it unmounts and won't recognize until I reboot. Any thoughts?19:02
dmzi can't work when X keeps borking19:02
thegoodcushiondmz: yes19:03
thegoodcushionthere is no rollback, you have to reinstall19:03
dave_ActionParsnip,  whats the command to open gedit an edit  sources?19:03
dmzif i reinstall over this current install w/10 will it "work" or will it just be confused19:03
ThinkT510dave_: edit sources?19:03
thegoodcushioncompdoc: Okay I did that but it didn't fix it19:04
dmzwhat is the easiest way to trace/debug the X issue; i'd rather fix it :)19:04
dave_software sources ThinkT51019:04
thegoodcushion"This driver is activated but not currently in use"19:04
thegoodcushionno icon at top right for my wired NIC19:04
compdocthegoodcushion, any difference in ifconfig?19:04
smookilol, flash player fullscreen is not really allright ^^19:04
ActionParsnipdave_: gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list19:04
ThinkT510dave_: gedit /path/to/file19:04
compdocthegoodcushion, the icon is for netowrk-manager. this wont fix that19:04
ActionParsnipThinkT510: it needs gksudo as the user doesn't have write access. It is owned by root19:04
D34Xdoes anyone know a way to get DLS (damn small linux) on an IBM 701C?19:04
thegoodcushioncompdoc: yes, there's now a new item: eth0:avahi19:05
ActionParsnipD34X: DSL isn't supported here19:05
ThinkT510dave_: oh those, yeah what ActionParsnip said19:05
D34Xlinux is linux genius -_-19:05
ActionParsnipD34X: Read the channel banner, geius19:05
ActionParsnipD34X: this is ubuntu support ONLY19:06
carandraugI'm having some trouble with git. I made commits on my branch, created a patch sent to the devs and they ewre commited. I then did 'git pull' However it still says my branche is ahead of master. I did rebase and nothing. Even did 'git --reset hard master' but git status still says I'm several commits ahead of master19:06
D34Xand yet ubuntu is a linux version 9_919:06
mbeierlD34X: we can tell you how to install Ubuntu.  If that applies to DSL, then go for it....19:07
kubu2thegoodcushion: compdoc if you want networkmanager to manage your networking there should only the lo in the interfaces file19:07
compdocthegoodcushion, does eth0:avahi have a ip address?19:07
D34Xok then?...19:07
ActionParsnipD34X: no, its a distribution. Linux is only the kernel19:07
compdocthegoodcushion, thats an address that gets created when there is no dhcp server on the lan19:08
ActionParsnipthegoodcushion: 169.254.x.x means you failed dhcp19:08
compdocit has a cable plugged in?19:08
npcsokay, i have apt-mirror up and running, how do i add custom packages to it?19:08
compdocgetting ready to rain here - brb19:08
mbeierlI guess he showed us...19:09
thegoodcushionok how do I re-DHCP19:09
Dianais there a way to get ubuntu on 1366x768 resolution native of my screen?19:09
DianaI installed Ubuntu on a Mac in VirtualBox, but it keeps a 1024x768 resolution19:09
Antwonhow can I use ecrupt-setup-private to use key file instead of just a passphrase?19:09
smookiDiana, I changed it but with vmware19:10
ActionParsnipDiana: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=777759  use that, just change the res. Be sure to install the guest additions19:10
kubu2Diana: install vbox guest addition and then configure X to use vboxvideo as the driver19:10
smookisystem settings then display19:10
An_Ony_Moosehow do I change the default backend for gksu[do]?19:10
harleydudeIn Windows you can use the Shift & CTRL key to highlight more then one file, not sure how to accomplish the same task in Ubuntu Any help would be appreciated? ?19:10
An_Ony_Mooseharleydude: hold ctrl19:10
smookipress ctrl strongly19:11
ActionParsnipharleydude: its the same, use nautilus19:11
harleydudeNot working for some reason19:11
escottAntwon, i looked at that a few months ago and it wasnt supported in 10.04 it might be supported now, check dustin kirkland's blog19:11
Dianakubu2: installing vbos guest addition now, then how can I configure X to use the driver?19:12
harleydudeoh ok Will try19:12
dmzok i caught the X segfault: http://pastebin.com/LZdVM3gq, anyone have any thoughts?19:12
kubu2Diana: reboot to recovery mode then sudo X -configure -a19:12
compdocthegoodcushion, do you have a wired router? or other wired computers that do work?19:12
kubu2Diana: it will create an xorg.conf.new in /root. copy this to /etc/X11/xorg.conf. reboot19:13
Dianahow do I reboot to recovery?19:13
smookiok dudes, my linux works well now, many thanks to all for helping me :) o/19:13
thegoodcushioncompdoc: yeah, a router19:13
ActionParsnipDiana: after the guest additions, I doubt you will need xorg.conf19:13
OerHekssmooki, have fun19:13
kubu2Diana: when you see the Vbox screen prerss shift and it will bring up grub19:13
thegoodcushioncompdoc: the same computer can connect to it via wifi without issue19:13
thegoodcushioncompdoc: and I'm typing to you on my MacBook which is also connected wirelessly to it19:14
compdocthegoodcushion, in the router, enable dhcp19:15
kubu2Diana: just to confirm reboot means restart the vbox19:15
thegoodcushioncompdoc: It's done19:15
compdocwas it disabled?19:15
thegoodcushioncompdoc: My MacBook has been connecting for the last 6 weeks on and off without fail19:15
DianaIt also turned off Unity upon install, is that normal?19:15
thegoodcushioncompdoc: nope19:15
Antwonhow can I use ecryupt-setup-private to use key file instead of just a passphrase?19:15
compdocthegoodcushion, does the wired nic connect directly to the router? does it show connection LEDs?19:16
thegoodcushioncompdoc: it connects to my switch, which currently shows no connection19:17
compdocor LEDs on the nic itself?19:17
thegoodcushion(even though it's plugged in)19:17
compdocsounds like a wiring problem19:17
DianaDoes unity run on vbox?19:17
thegoodcushionwell it works in Windows19:17
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kubu2Diana: to install the vboxadditons and configure X, X must not be running. that's why you have to boot to recovery mode19:18
Dianakubu2: res worked with just a reboot without configure, after installing the additions19:18
kubu2Diana: lucky you then. bec sometimes it doesn't configure well19:19
Dianabut it turned off unity after install, is that normal?19:19
kubu2Diana: I haven't seen unity in vbox for me19:19
pappijoexcuse me...19:19
dmzhmm it appears it may be tied to new kernel19:19
harleydudeHave forgotten where to make an application the Default to open or run? Example would like to use VLC for video file instead of Totem ? ?19:20
dmzanyone have any idea why marvick only has kernel 2.6.38 kernel? where did the older kernels go?19:20
icerootdmz: why need an older kernel?19:21
phox_Hello! Can somebody help me with Bash? I'm trying to write a simple program with 2 alternatives, but get the error "unexpected end of file". Here is the code: http://pastebin.com/9P5SZfxn. I want option 2 to just exit the program, and 1 to execute the commands.19:21
dmzbecause it's the last thing i can try; the upgrade to marvick is segfaulting X (a lot)19:21
icerootphox_: #bash19:22
pappijoHi! Can you help me with the graphic card driver?19:22
phox_iceroot: user limited reached there.19:22
icerootphox_: try agaiin19:22
studentwhat's the gnome3 shell configuration app call?19:23
studenti forgot the name of it.19:23
compdocthegoodcushion, i guess ubuntu isnt enabling the nic. Maybe because it has no driver for the nic. Although I use several realtek cards with no problems19:23
phox_lol iceroot it worked.19:23
georgiehow do i downgrade ubuntu to bare essentials so that it can run faster?19:23
thegoodcushionit has a driver.  I installed it19:23
thegoodcushiongeorgie: install a GUI-less version19:24
m___is there anyway to put the top menu bar of apps back on its window??19:24
m___(in ubuntu 11.04 unity)19:24
compdocthegoodcushion, maybe thats why - it didnt have one to begin with? Mine realtek cards have never needed a driver since it was built in19:24
thegoodcushioncompdoc: well it definitely wasn't working before I installed a proprietary driver19:25
thegoodcushionand it still isn't19:25
pappijoMy graphics card driver is not working: it cuts out a stripe of the screen and don't show all resolutions.19:25
thegoodcushionshould I keep those 2 lines in my /etc/network/interfaces file?  how confident are you of those lines?19:25
dmzwish me luck!19:25
rudicould anyone tell me how i can give permission to a non-root user to unmount partitions?19:26
compdocthegoodcushion, those lines will work if the system can use the card19:26
ThinkT510rudi: add the user to the wheel group and use sudo umount /whatever/it/is19:27
escottrudi, add the partition to the fstab or add the user to plugdev19:27
compdocthegoodcushion, this is 10.04? I wonder if 11.04 has proper drivers by now19:27
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necromancerhey how do i get to mysql command line?19:28
sattu94necromancer: type mysql -u user_name -p19:28
thegoodcushioncompdoc: 10.04 and 10.10 definitely don't19:28
rudiThinkT510: I want to be able to right click the icon on the desktop and select unmount, without getting a "only root can mount" error. In other words, without having to open the terminal every time19:28
necromanceri typed mysql but i get "The script you are attempting to invoke has been converted to an Upstart19:28
necromancerjob, but create is not supported for Upstart jobs."19:28
thegoodcushionI'm on 10.04 right now but I was using 10.1019:28
m___is there anyway to put the top menu bar of apps back on its window??   (in ubuntu 11.04 unity)19:28
hmchinh1986i can't muont to my HDD 1TB SATA please help me19:28
hmchinh1986Error mounting: mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sdb3,19:28
hmchinh1986missing codepage or helper program, or other error19:28
hmchinh1986In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try19:28
hmchinh1986dmesg | tail or so19:28
FloodBot1hmchinh1986: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.19:28
temp_Hey guys, does anybody here use MPD? I'm having a problem with the port i think. Im getting the error message "Failed to bind to '[::]:6600': Address already in use". I've been searching around and nothing has helped. Any help is greatly appreciated!19:28
sattu94necromancer: u are starting you mysql service19:28
compdocRealtek RTL8111 has been a problem in other linuxes...19:29
compdocolder linuxes19:29
thegoodcushionit's also been a problem in Windows 7, but at least it works sometimes19:29
thegoodcushionit's built in to my motherboard19:29
compdocI use the 8139 and 816919:29
aaaaalextemp_, are you sure mpd is not already running?19:29
necromancersattu94: i get the following error when i start mysql.. start: Rejected send message, 1 matched rules; type="method_call", sender=":1.289" (uid=1000 pid=1678 comm="start) interface="com.ubuntu.Upstart0_6.Job" member="Start" error name="(unset)" requested_reply=0 destination="com.ubuntu.Upstart" (uid=0 pid=1 comm="/sbin/init))19:29
ThinkT510rudi: i haven't needed to use the terminal with my regular user to unmount drives via the right-click menu19:29
ActionParsnipthegoodcushion: have you grabbed the source for the device fro19:30
thegoodcushionActionParsnip: I installed it from realtek's website19:30
ActionParsnipFrom the realtek site19:30
thegoodcushionActionParsnip: http://www.realtek.com.tw/downloads/downloadsView.aspx?Langid=1&PNid=5&PFid=5&Level=5&Conn=4&DownTypeID=3  << First one under Unix (Linux)19:31
ActionParsnipthegoodcushion: is the driver being used or is something else loaded?19:31
dmzok so it was the kernel; i changed to an older kernel & X is no longer segfaulting19:31
temp_aaaaalex: I believe so, because I did use the killall mpd command, and when i run mpd again i get "listen:bind to '' failed: Address already in use (continuing anyways, because binding to '{::]:6600' succeeded)"19:31
sattu94necromancer:  try asking you question on #mysql ?19:31
m___is there anyway to put the top menu bar of apps back on its window??19:31
m___ (in ubuntu 11.04 unity)19:31
thegoodcushionActionParsnip: it says the driver is active but the device is not in use19:31
sattu94necromancer: u might get better support there.19:31
rudiTHinkT510: I never had to prior to installing the ntfs-config program19:31
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sattu94necromancer: :)19:32
aaaaalextemp_, can you paste you mpd conf?19:32
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.19:32
ActionParsnipthegoodcushion: does. sudo lshw -C network     show the module after driver=19:32
ActionParsnipm___: if you log into the classic session, yes19:33
thegoodcushionActionParsnip: driver=r816919:33
m___ActionParsnip: no way to do it unity?19:33
thegoodcushionit also says link=no19:34
m___u think they will add it later??19:34
thegoodcushionI would upgrade to 11.04 if I knew for sure that it would fix my NIC19:34
temp_aaaaalex: If I could kindly ask you look at my post @ https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?pid=93604419:35
temp_I'm curreontly on a different computer19:35
ActionParsnipm___: i believe if you log into classic and start compiz, then in ccsm enable the unity addon it will load19:35
aaaaalextemp_, hang on!19:35
ActionParsnipthegoodcushion: test in a live cd ;)19:35
rudiwhere is the fstab file19:35
ThinkT510rudi: /etc/fstab19:36
m___ActionParsnip: what is ccsm?19:36
temp_ok thank you!19:36
temp_Btw does anyone here know how I can respond to somebody on xchat so that it appears in red for them?19:36
ThinkT510!ccsm | m___19:36
ubottum___: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz19:36
ActionParsniprudi: in /etc19:36
thegoodcushionActionParsnip: actually yeah that's a good idea19:36
SensivaHello, can I back up files from ext3 filesystem to ntfs filesystem preserving their attributes to restore them back to the ext3 filesystem later? how?19:36
CycI'm having problems trying to delete a file on a ntfs partition, I can delete it in windows but it still shows in ubuntu. Have tried sudo rm -f file, get no error but file is still there. Any ideas?19:36
thegoodcushionSensiva: no, don't do that19:36
multipassanyone know of a plugin/program that would allow nautilus to display image width/height/attrs?19:36
Sensivathegoodcushion why?19:37
thegoodcushionSensiva: you should backup the disk or image it19:37
m___!compiz | m___19:37
ubottum___, please see my private message19:37
Sensivathegoodcushion isn't it possible by tar or something?19:37
rudiThinkT510: Do you know what I would have to add to give permissions for mounting to a user19:37
thegoodcushionSensiva: yes.  Clonezilla will do it.19:38
aaaaalextemp_, bind_to_address "localhost" seems to be missing form the minimal conf in that post19:38
ActionParsnipSensiva: ntfs is too primitive to store Linux file attributes. If its only user data then its ok19:38
ThinkT510rudi: what is the filesystem?19:38
thegoodcushionActionParsnip: okay I'm creating an 11.04 Cd19:38
aaaaalextemp_, you could also bind it to your computers actual local ip address - makes a lot of sense to be able to control mpd from another puter19:38
SensivaActionParsnip I understand, can't I contain the files in a compressed file preserving their attributes?19:38
rudiThinkT510: nftfs19:38
ActionParsnipthegoodcushion: remember to MD5sum19:38
sattu94Cyc: you mean to say that you deleted the file on windows, but the deleted file still appears on ubuntu ?19:39
thegoodcushionoh why bother?19:39
ActionParsnipSensiva: i guess so19:39
wildc4rdevenin all19:39
ThinkT510rudi: find out the users uid by typing id in a terminal using that user19:39
rudiThink510: its 100019:39
temp_aaaaalex: I believe i tried that previously and nothing happened but I will add it again and hopefully my headache will go away :) Thank you for the support I'll get back at you in a moment19:39
Cycsattu94, Yes well the file appeared to be deleted in windows but it's still there on ubuntu19:39
ActionParsnipthegoodcushion: so you know the image is complete and consistent19:40
aaaaalextemp_, if you want i can give you my working mpd.conf as a basis for your own setup19:40
ThinkT510rudi: then add to fstab: /dev/sda5/mnt/sda5ntfs-3grw,uid=10000019:40
temp_yes could you please i would love that!19:40
ThinkT510rudi: that is assuming it is sda5 and your mountpoint is /mnt/sda519:40
Cycsattu94, also when I delete the file through the GUI in ubuntu I get the following error message Error removing file: No such file or directory19:40
Daniel0108I am using WSGI for my moinmoin wiki, but I only want to have moinmoin running on www.domain.com and on domain.com but not on the subdomains, is this possible with the apache config file?19:41
rudiThinkT510: Thanks, all my partitions seem to be sdb and not sda19:41
ActionParsnipCyc: is the partition mounted read only19:41
sattu94Cyc: try deleting it with the verbose option -v i.e. rm -fv file_name19:41
sattu94Cyc: so is this file on a read only storage device ? or is that device mounted as reas only19:41
ThinkT510rudi: then use sdb, its probably your second harddrive if that is the case19:42
CycActionParsnip, sattu94: It isn't read only I can delete other files and write other files to the disk, it's an external HD btw19:42
temp_aaaaalex: Where can I obtain your mpd.conf? Sorry for prodding....19:42
sattu94Cyc: did u try the verbose option ?19:43
Cycsattu94, yep just did: rm: cannot remove `The.Cleveland.Show.S01E19.HDTV.XviD-LOL.torrent': No such file or directory19:43
ActionParsnipCyc: make a blank file of the same name and move it in, then delete the file19:43
Cycoops may have accidently revealed the filename there :p19:44
npcsokay, i want to set up something to automatically sync the contents of /var/cache/apt/archives with /var/www/somefolder. how do I do this?19:44
aaaaalextmp_ just 'depersonalising' it give me a second19:44
temp_aaaaalex: ok thank you!19:44
ActionParsnipCyc: also advertising your illegal activities isn't incredibly smart19:45
CycActionParsnip, get cannot move: Input/Output Error19:45
sattu94ActionParsnip Cyc LOL19:45
JacKFoLLacan help you for one installation software?19:45
rudiThinkT510: That line did not change anything :(19:46
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ActionParsnipNpcs: use rsync. You can cron the task to run regularly if you wish19:46
CycActionParsnip, yeh i know, copied and pasted without thinking lol19:46
tyler_dI have an issue with broken packages while trying to install kubuntu-desktop after upgrading to 11.0419:46
ThinkT510rudi: unmounted using sudo, then remounted using your normal user?19:46
ActionParsnipCyc: i'd boot to windows a19:46
ActionParsnipCyc: and  chkdsk the partition19:47
rudiThinkT510: yes, it did not work19:47
ThinkT510rudi: what does groups output in the terminal?19:47
CycActionParsnip, ok thanks, will give that a go, I'm guessing the data is corrupted in some way19:47
aaaaalextmp_ http://paste.ubuntu.com/609665/ there you go.... Its a little messy a cause i left all the comments in. but on the bright side it will give you a direct streaming output... You can control mpd from your android phone and stream directly to it :-D19:47
rudiThinkT510: rudi adm dialout cdrom plugdev lpadmin admin sambashare19:48
temp_aaaaalex: Ok thank you very much this should help me!!!! I will get working on my problem right now :)19:48
ThinkT510rudi: same as me, should let you mount and unmount19:48
aaaaalextmp_ mpd is awesome and should be default in ubuntu - together with gmpc19:49
ThinkT510rudi: try logging in and out, and as a last resort restart19:49
georgieA shroe, a shroe, ym dingkom orf a shroe.19:49
bbflynnCan someone help me out...I am trying to rip audio from a DVD, to get mp3s, of a concert....I am trying to use acirdrip...to make avi...but, my DVD is mounting at /media/cdrom0...I think that is the issue...but I'm not sure...19:49
thegoodcushionnow, it's not possible to upgrade 32-bit 10.04 to 64-bit 11.04, is it?19:49
rudiThinkT510: The fstab entry looks like this: #Entry for /dev/sdb6 :19:50
rudiUUID=1F73A5816ADB2D0F/media/MEDIAntfs-3gdefaults,locale=en_US.utf800       100019:50
_moon_ Hello.. I have problems wiht sudomeins. Forbidden19:50
_moon_You don't have permission to access / on this server. My Vhost is:19:50
_moon_<VirtualHost *:80>19:50
_moon_DocumentRoot /home/moon/www/webmail19:50
_moon_ServerName mail.clan.lv19:50
_moon_ServerAdmin karlis.millers@gmail.com19:50
FloodBot1_moon_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.19:50
aaaaalexthegoodcushion, nope19:50
georgieWhy Beer Is Better Than A Woman. - A beer won't accuse you of lying when you say you read Penthouse 'just for the articles'.19:50
rudiThinkT510: Scratch the 1000, I added that to see if it would do anything19:50
ThinkT510rudi: uhh, i hate uuid19:50
oCeangeorgie: wrong channel19:51
bbflynnCan someone help me out...I am trying to rip audio from a DVD, to get mp3s, of a concert....I am trying to use acirdrip...to make avi...but, my DVD is mounting at /media/cdrom0...I think that is the issue...but I'm not sure...(I'm trying to get these files to dropbox...so I may add them to my cloud)19:51
bfighaving a simple trouble with vi: whenever i hit an arrow key on insertion mode i get ABCD instead of the movement. how can i change this behavior?19:51
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ThinkT510rudi: what is the 1000 doing over there? it should be with your options defaults,etc19:51
ThinkT510rudi: before the 0 019:51
rudiThinkT510: Lol, I added it to see if it would do anything, I have no idea what any of those numbers mean19:52
m|kaelhello, i cannot access shared samba sources from windows systems, this is my config file http://pastebin.com/WMunmWxG please help19:52
ActionParsnipThinkT510: 1000 is the UID of the user you make at install time19:52
ThinkT510rudi: after it says defaults, add the following uid=100019:52
thegoodcushionOkay I'm in the 11.04 live CD right now.  How would I tell if it recognizes my realtek NIC?19:53
ThinkT510ActionParsnip: i know19:53
bbflynnDoes anyone have a guide for ripping mp3/ogg from DVD?19:53
tyler_dcan someone help me resolving broken packages / dependancies please... I'm trying to install kubuntu-desktop and getting issues throughout19:53
rudiThinkT510: I'm guessing before the comma?19:53
_moon_ Hello.. I have problems wiht sudomeins. Need help.. http://paste.ubuntu.com/609669/19:54
ThinkT510rudi: UUID=1F73A5816ADB2D0F /media/MEDIA ntfs-3g defaults,uid=1000,locale=en_US.utf8 0 019:54
ActionParsnipThinkT510: if you add it in fstab, it makes the mount be owned by that user, i19:54
ThinkT510ActionParsnip: that is what he wants19:55
_of_the_jungleHow do I run this VI regex  ==> %s/\(^\d\+\);\(\d\+\);\(\d\+\);\(.\+\)/(\1, \2, "\3", "\4"),/g   <==  on a semicolon-sepated-values file using sed?19:55
rudiThinkT510: Gives the same error19:55
sattu94ActionParsnip: since npcs didnt carry it forward, i will. How do you add an item to crontab?19:55
ThinkT510rudi: and you unmounted and remounted?19:55
Hi-Lighter_moon_ check permissions/ownership19:56
ActionParsnipThinkT510: sorry, misread. Thought you weren't familiar with it rather than exclaiming at its position19:56
ThinkT510ActionParsnip: no worries :)19:56
_moon_Hi-Lighter,  im nooby on linux world..Could you tell me a comand?19:56
ActionParsnipsattu94: if you install gnome-schedule (i assume gnome desktop) it shows the cron line added or you can simply use the app to schedule the task easily19:58
RSGMWhat is the default root password19:58
tyler_ddoing an apt-get update shows a lot of Ignores, how should I fix that? I have verified the contents of /etc/apt/sources.list and still the same messages19:58
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sattu94ActionParsnip: and if i am on a server ?19:58
ThinkT510!root | RSGM19:58
ubottuRSGM: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo19:58
TimR_moon_: Right-click the file/folder and select Properties19:58
iceroottyler_d: ots not a problem19:58
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iceroottyler_d: its not a problem19:58
ActionParsnipRsgm: there isn't one. Nor do you need it19:58
sattu94ActionParsnip: you know for backup, and stuff.19:58
RSGMOk Ty19:59
tyler_diceroot: ok, but doing apt-get install kubuntu-desktop shows a whack of missing dependancies19:59
rudiThinkT510: yes, still giving "only root..."19:59
iceroottyler_d: apt-get checks the md5sum of a Package-file with the md5sum of the last run, if it is the same, there is no need to load the Package file19:59
iceroottyler_d: post the errors and your sources.list to pastebin19:59
Em1lyhello.. ubuntu noob with a question..19:59
ThinkT510rudi: thats unusual19:59
sattu94Em1ly: don't ask to ask a question, just ask it! :)20:00
ActionParsnipsattu94: read up on crontab. If you commands need root access run: sudo  crontab -e20:00
thegoodcushionActionParsnip: My NIC isn't working with the liveCD of 11.04.  I've installed the realtek drivers from the website and it hasn't worked.  Anything else I should try before I restart and throw this disc away?20:00
ThinkT510rudi: how are you editing fstab?20:00
paulo_is it possible for dd to show progres?20:00
rudiThinkT510: root gedit20:01
ThinkT510rudi: you mean gksudo gedit?20:01
icerootrudi: gksudo gedit /etc/fstab20:01
ActionParsnipthegoodcushion: keep the disk. Its useful for system recoveries, or give it to a pal20:01
TimRpaulo_: I don't think so, but try checking the man page for a verbose option20:01
pontinoI'm using Ubuntu 10.04.1 LTS.. Via ssh: I try '# apt-get install apache2' but I receive this error: http://pastebin.com/z7GPfH6Q ... What's is this?20:02
_of_the_jungleHow do I run this VI regex  ==> %s/\(^\d\+\);\(\d\+\);\(\d\+\);\(.\+\)/(\1, \2, "\3", "\4"),/g   <==  on a semicolon-sepated-values file using sed?20:02
=== necromancer is now known as necromancer`brb
ThinkT510rudi: and after you edit it are you saving it?20:02
tyler_diceroot: http://paste.ubuntu.com/609672/ and http://paste.ubuntu.com/609673/20:02
ActionParsnip!away > necromancer`brb20:02
ubottunecromancer`brb, please see my private message20:02
rumpe1_of_the_jungle, i would think about using a vi(m)-script...20:02
rudiThinkT510: yes, I'm saving it20:03
necromancer`brbi don't have an away msg being sent to the channel, just a nick change20:03
=== necromancer`brb is now known as necromancer
_of_the_junglerumpe1, lemme check20:03
necromancernot the same thing at all20:03
ThinkT510rudi: well, i'm stumped20:03
aunvbqFREE AND EXCLUSIVE UBUNTU PORN FOR UBUNTU USERS! http://ubuntu.bigblackarabiandicks.tk/ FREE AND EXCLUSIVE UBUNTU PORN FOR UBUNTU USERS! http://ubuntu.bigblackarabiandicks.tk/ FREE AND EXCLUSIVE UBUNTU PORN FOR UBUNTU USERS! http://ubuntu.bigblackarabiandicks.tk/20:05
FloodBot1NOTICE - The above was an exploit attempt that may have disconnected some users. Please ignore it, DON'T click on untrusted links, and type « /msg ubottu exploit » if you want more information.20:05
iceroottyler_d: sudo apt-get update && apt-cache policy language-selector-kde20:05
iceroottyler_d: to pastebin please20:05
_of_the_junglerumpe1, that only makes things more complicated20:05
karlOzHello everybody, I have a strange network problem an did not find an answer in the german forum. May anybody help me?20:05
icerootkarlOz: just ask your question20:06
paulo_wow, how does the exploit work?20:06
tyler_diceroot: http://paste.ubuntu.com/609674/20:06
ActionParsnippaulo_: probably not is my guess20:07
karlOzNetwork is disconnecting from time to time, Loading pages then hang at "waiting for answer", skype is logged out etc. - I have to reconnect to make network work again. It is no problem with the wlan itself I think. The problem occures since update to natty20:07
iceroottyler_d: hm looks fine, can you use aptitude for installing kubuntu-desktop? the output of aptitude is much better for dependency-problems20:07
mbeierlpaulo_: it's not really an exploit.  It is a large apt: url which if you have the right combination of software, may cause compiz (the window manager) to crash20:07
tyler_diceroot: tried it with teh same, I will pastebin that output as well, 2 sesc20:07
paulo_i thought it was a router exploit20:08
mbeierlpaulo_: it "works" by causing the apt window to have a huge title, overflowing an internal buffer, allowing for a remote possibility of arbitrary code execution, but it requires a lot of conditions before that can be done20:08
aljonaI just installed xubuntu 10.04 and now i only have a 800x600 resolution, i can not change it under the setting menu and i do not have an xorg.conf file. It all worked well when i was running the previous version of xubuntu on the same machine. How can i fix this problem?20:09
tyler_diceroot: nm, synaptic I tried, aptitude not installed.... installing that just fine right now through term(apt-get)20:09
iceroottyler_d: i have to go now, sorry but the rest of the channel may help you20:09
tyler_dthank-you iceroot20:09
rudiThinkT510: i tried erasing the uid=100 part and just putting "user", it gave the error: Mount is denied because the NTFS volume is already exclusively opened.20:09
rudiThe volume may be already mounted, or another software may use it which20:09
rudicould be identified for example by the help of the 'fuser' command.20:09
ActionParsnipaljona: what video chip?20:09
aljonaActionParsnip, some intel version20:09
ThinkT510rudi: don't edit fstab while the partition is mounted20:10
aljonaActionParsnip, as i said though, it all worked well with the previous version of xubuntu, without any tinkering with any settings or additional drivers20:10
ActionParsnipaljona: ubuntu doesn't ship with xorg.conf but if you make one it will be obeyed20:10
ActionParsnipaljona: maybe others can advise20:11
rudiThinkT510: I unmounted it, then got this error when typing  mount /dev/sdb6:20:11
rudiUnprivileged user can not mount NTFS block devices using the external FUSE20:11
rudilibrary. Either mount the volume as root, or rebuild NTFS-3G with integrated20:11
rudiFUSE support and make it setuid root. Please see more information at20:11
FloodBot1rudi: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.20:11
ThinkT510!pastebin | rudi20:12
ubotturudi: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.20:12
aljonaActionParsnip, i have no idea how to manually create a xorg.conf file though..20:12
ThinkT510rudi: and what does your fstab look like?20:12
rudiThinkT510:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/609678/20:14
ActionParsnipaljona: if you boot to root recovery mode you can run: Xorg -configure  then copy the file to /etc/X1120:14
m|kaelcan anyone please help me get samba working, i cannot access my shared dirs from windows xp. this is my config file http://pastebin.com/UHRR1k0r20:14
ActionParsnipaljona: you may get luck with the xorg edgers ppa. Its very experimental20:15
ThinkT510rudi: are you able to mount and unmount /media/sda2 as a regular user?20:15
hoijuiwhats the shortcut to turn on external monitor output?20:15
modOn this page (https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-x/2011-February/001050.html)  it is recommended to not use the AMD FGLRX driver but to use "ATI" or "NOUVEAU" ... is that done by installing  xserver-xorg-video-ati20:15
ActionParsnipm|kael: if you run: smbtree on the server do you see the shares?20:16
m|kaelActionParsnip: i can access the shares from other ubuntu machines, just not from win xp machines20:16
rudiThinkT510: No, it gave the same error I posted before20:16
ActionParsniphoijui: what video chip?20:16
m|kaelActionParsnip: the xp machine ask for password and never let me see the shares =(20:16
aljonaActionParsnip, i will give that a try, thnks20:17
ThinkT510rudi: change the users option to uid=100020:17
hoijuiActionParsnip, NV20:17
georgiecan someone suggest how i can get a widget like app on my desktop screen to constantly monitor my network bandwidth usage settings?,,20:18
ActionParsnipm|kael: then run: sudo smbpasswd -a $USER   you can now authenticate as the user using the password. Tell the OS to store the credential20:18
rudiThinkT510: Gives the only root error20:19
ActionParsniphoijui: nvidia-settings will do it20:19
escottgeorgie, try conky20:19
rudiThinkT510: I added the user option after reading this : http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html20:20
ThinkT510rudi: here is mine (and it works for me): http://paste.ubuntu.com/609681/20:20
m|kaelActionParsnip: it worked, but i cannot edit files in the shares now, should i change the mask to 0777?20:21
rudiThinkT510: that looks a lot simpler than mine.20:21
mbeierlpaulo_: the actual bug report for the "exploit" should have read https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/software-center/+bug/783263 .  The security notice is here: http://www.ubuntu.com/usn/usn-1132-1/20:21
ubottuUbuntu bug 783263 in software-center (Ubuntu) "long apt: URL causes Software Center to open and freeze, potential DoS (dup-of: 783594)" [Undecided,New]20:21
ubottuUbuntu bug 783594 in apturl (Ubuntu Oneiric) "extremely long URL causes apturl to DoS window manager" [Low,Confirmed]20:21
ThinkT510rudi: i prefer the /dev/ naming scheme to the uuid systen20:22
m|kaelActionParsnip: its 0755 now, shouldt it work?20:22
LuckyNeoDo closed nvidia graphic card drivers have better support for older cards than ati?20:23
temp_aaaaalex: You still there? Your bind_to_address "localhost" worked like a charm, and I had no more errors when running mpd. But when I do /etc/rc.d/mpd start it keeps failing! Sorry to bother but have you run into this problem before? I added mpd to my daemons in /etc/rc.conf but it still fails! Why does this seem so difficult?!?!?!20:23
matrixa1LuckyNeo, no20:23
ActionParsnipm|kael: there is a line you  can add to the share definition to set allowed users. Not sure of syntax and i'm on the street now :-)20:23
m|kaelActionParsnip: ok, ill try google it then =) thanks for the help20:24
georgieconky and conky-all are both installed but how do i get the widget on the desktop screen?20:25
ThinkT510georgie: conky20:25
rumpe1georgie, alt-f2, "conky"20:26
ThinkT510georgie: you'll very likely want to customise it to your liking20:26
rudiThinkT510: I copied that exactly, changing it to sdb6 and adding the right mount point and I stil get the only root error. could this having something to do with the ntfs configuration tool I'm using?20:26
ThinkT510georgie: /etc/conky/conk.conf20:26
ironhalikanyone maybe knows how to turn off ambient light sensor on on a dell latitude?20:27
ThinkT510rudi: i don't remember installing the ntfs config tool you mentioned20:27
aaaaalextemp_, try running mpd like a normal command and look at the output - maybe some file does not have the right permissions20:27
ThinkT510rudi: it probably is what is causing the problem20:28
chairHello all :)20:28
ThinkT510rudi: for read-write ntfs support you just need ntfs-3g and ntfs-progs20:28
dabbishwhat's up with rhythmbox, why doesn't it import my mp3s?20:28
dabbishsometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. damn annoying20:28
rudiThinkT510: okay, I'm running a distro that came with it installed along with a lot of other stuff that I don20:28
rudi*t know anything about20:29
raoulCousinsmy laptop is very inconsistent in successfully waking up from suspend or hibernate. About half the time it works, and half the time it gives me a mouse cursor and a black screen (running 10.10 32-bit desktop). What can I do?20:29
ThinkT510rudi: what distro?20:29
iridiumgeorgie: yeah, but is better to copy the /etc/conky/conk.conf into .conkyrc in your home directory and edit this one20:29
bfigok. ihave a Real Problem now. the GUI collapsed badly20:29
rudiThinkT510: It's called Ubuntu Ultimate20:29
ThinkT510rudi: oh, you should have said, we can't offer support for those derivatives20:30
ThinkT510rudi: because they've changed things, as you just learned the hard way20:30
bfigi got a message today when i booted up after half-shutting the computer down by putting the laptop monitor down  that said 'you don't have the hardware required to run unity'20:31
rudiThinkT510: Sorry, I figured it would be the same deal. Well, I'm going back to 11.04. This distro doesn't seem to offer anything I can't install/configure myself20:31
chairDoes anybody have any issues with the new flash version in fullscreen? (10.10 Maverick)20:31
bfigthen it was downhill from there... i committed the horrible mistake of running the command unity on a terminal, then closing it with ctrl c.20:31
hongry_Hi all20:31
hoijuiActionParsnip. thanks :-) worked (i had to instruct someone over hte phone, who is PC noob, and i dont have an ubuntu here ;-) )20:31
ThinkT510rudi: thats true of most of the spinoffs20:31
bfigit was on GNOME i think, now i'm on a shortcut-less gnome and can't do anything20:32
georgiehow do i make conky start by default on startup.. crontab?20:32
bfighow do i revert to factory settings on all the gui variants?20:32
adam61hey, does anyone know how to get alsamixer to work? when i put it alsamixergui this is the only thing that comes up; http://imagebin.org/153891  ...it used to open a much bigger, colourful console with more options. anyone know how i can get this back?20:32
escottgeorgie, gnome-session20:32
iridiumgeorgie, what is your desktop manager?20:33
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jeff__Is it possible to close tty terminal via ssh ?20:34
[min|dvir|us]I'm having wireless card issues. Right now I'm connected wirelessly, but it drops when I leave my computer for a while.20:34
[min|dvir|us]That is, nm-applet disappears.20:34
georgieactually i'm using linux-mint which has ubuntu as base..20:34
ThinkT510!mint | georgie20:34
ubottugeorgie: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org20:34
slack-mi thought mint was a slack derivitive20:34
[min|dvir|us]Furthermore, when I restart nm-applet, my wireless doesn't work again until I turn off and back on my wireless card.20:34
bluecraftHi folks20:35
[min|dvir|us]Anyone have any ideas?20:35
bluecraftideas about what?20:36
bluecraftjust joined20:36
chris122380Where can I get the "gnomeshell@pidgin.im" folder20:36
bfigi think my gui may have collapsed after i installed ia32-libs20:36
bfigthe boot after that just crapped my gui20:37
EnzoGameciao a tutti20:37
soapiechris122380: pidgin related stuff is in ~/.purple20:37
chairDoes anybody have any issues with the new flash version in fullscreen? (10.10 Maverick)20:37
kubanchow do i search in nautilus for specific file format?20:37
EnzoGameparlate italiano???20:37
EnzoGamei'm italian20:37
Pici!it | EnzoGame20:37
ubottuEnzoGame: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)20:37
[min|dvir|us]bluecraft: My wireless card is messing up.20:38
chris122380No it's one that has to be installed sepratelly for gnome 320:38
q_a_z_steve_Is someone willing to answer a couple proxy questions? General setup and understanding-the-purpose stuff.20:38
chris122380it's not in .purple20:38
anxthow do you get into DOS mode? i have a friend who does lots in the DOS mode and says it is more powerful.20:39
anxtrather than the graphics programs20:39
bluecrafti think the terminal is the most powerful tool in ubuntu ;)20:39
[min|dvir|us]anxt: You are a troll.20:39
bfiganxt, alt ctrl f120:39
ironhalikanyone maybe knows how to turn off ambient light sensor on on a dell latitude? :>20:40
escottironhalik, see if it is exposed in /proc or /sys20:40
ironhalikuh ok ill try :>20:40
hongry_I recently upgraded from 10.10 to 11.04, and compiz does not function properly.  Windows have no borders, I get no effects, and it generally does not work right.  Is this a common problem for people who upgrade from 10.10 to 11.04 who had compiz installed?20:40
rlieghHello, upgrading to 11.04 just screwed up my video and I cannot access the grub screen. I have a dual boot windows7/11.04 on my hard drive and I need to know how I can fix grub so it does NOT use a video setting I can't see. I AM able to boot from a usb drive20:40
chris122380Where can I get the "gnomeshell@pidgin.im" folder? It's not in ./purple it's not part of pidgin install. It's for gnome 320:41
escottrliegh, modify /etc/default/grub20:41
SimonPHOENIXhow to turn on keyboard from terminal?20:41
rliegh@escott do I need to run anything else for grub to read that on bootup?20:41
anxtironhalik: with a piece of black tape?20:41
Jordan_Urliegh: sudo update-grub20:41
escottrliegh, you would need to rerun grub-mkconfig20:42
ThinkT510SimonPHOENIX: paradox20:42
Jordan_Urliegh: Specifically, you should uncomment "#GRUB_TERMINAL=console".20:42
rlieghOk, and I can do this from my 10.10 usb stick?20:42
escottrliegh, yes20:43
rlieghOk, thanks20:43
SimonPHOENIXThinkT510, keyboard on screen I mean20:43
escottrliegh, just chroot yourself into that system see !grub20:43
adam61does anyone know how to get alsamixer? i forget and can't figure it out; is it just alsamixer gui? cause that's just giving me a little useless mixer http://imagebin.org/15389120:43
escottadam61, alsamixer is a console program20:43
intokhow do I cook up a script for root Nautalus here for Gnome 2 in 11.04 since the scripts from here no longer work http://www.ubuntu-unleashed.com/2007/09/125-nautilus-scripts-to-simplify.html20:44
anxtlol that ctr-alt worked thanks bfig20:44
ThinkT510SimonPHOENIX: sorry, not sure20:44
anxti can be on more than one at a time20:44
chris122380I take it that I can't get the Where can I get the "gnomeshell@pidgin.im" folder any more :-(20:44
bfiganxt, ctra alt fx with x in {1,2,3,4,5,6} works. ctrl alt f7 to get back to gui20:45
ThinkT510adam61: type alsamixer in a terminal20:45
newcaranyone can readme?20:45
bfigdon't know why it would be more powerful than any other terminal though20:45
adam61escott: ThinkT510: when i do that nothing happens. when i type alsamixergui the little one comes up20:45
anxtbfig: maybe just the big print20:46
q_a_z_steve_My first question is mostly as to purpose - I want to block internet unless traffic is filtered for content. How is this accomplished? How easy is it to circumvent?20:46
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bfigq_a_z_steve, you need to implement/set up a proxy20:46
ThinkT510newcar: yes, need any help?20:46
adam61escott: ThinkT510: i guess i have to reinstall it; which is the correct package to reinstall?20:47
[min|dvir|us]nm-applet closes after a while. Help!20:47
escottadam61, alsa-utils most likely20:47
bfigq_a_z_steve, block traffic for who or what hardware?20:47
adam61escott, k great thanks; i'll give it a try20:47
tempestCan I get the cube to work in Natty?20:47
flowwHello folks, iam having problems installing Ubuntu . I h ave reached the point where I install Ubuntu but I dont know how i set the partitioning20:47
anxt[min|dvir|us]: sudo apt-get install wicd-curses20:47
tPl0chI'd like to see a professional testing workshop on cakefest20:48
tPl0chI would come for that20:48
bfigtempest, don't think so. but check ccsm20:48
[min|dvir|us]anxt: Why?20:48
flowwive read some guides but they didnt help me a lot20:48
q_a_z_steve_bfig: That's what I figured - that's the typical/only way... I want to block a laptop which has clearwire USB modem.20:48
Antwonhas anyone used ecryptfs with openssl key?20:48
tempestbfig I got ccsm20:48
escottfloww, have you decided what partitions you want20:48
tempestdoes not work.20:48
anxtdpkg --purge network-manager20:48
bfigq_a_z_steve, you want to block the laptop you own?20:48
[min|dvir|us]nm-applet closes after a while. Help!20:48
q_a_z_steve_floww: any reason not to use the default?20:48
jeff__how to remove gnome ?20:48
flowwescott,  the bigger problem is that I dont know how i set them it always tells me when i say go on  you have to set the boot20:48
flowwbla bla bla20:49
q_a_z_steve_bfig: yup, for my kids etc.20:49
anxt[min|dvir|us]: try turning on logging or run in the foreground20:49
flowwq_a_z_steve yes i have a ssd and windows 7 on it20:49
chairCan someone help me understand how I can either downgrade a current package in the Synaptic package manager to an older version, google is not helping me very much atm :( (Maverick Meekrat 10.10)20:49
rlieghI'm chrooted and I've edited /etc/default/grub but when I try to run grub-mkconfig or grub-update it gives me errors about not finding / and not being able to create /dev/null and asks me if /dev is mounted [it is]20:49
flowwits gonna be secondary on my 1tb disk20:49
bfigtempest, i mean enter ccsm and see if you can activate the cube. you get some conflicts iirc, ie, some actions that are supposed to rotate the cube do other stuff in unity20:49
[min|dvir|us]anxt: Wow, thanks; that's a good idea.20:49
flowwwould anyone provide me with a guide for my problem20:49
bfigtempest, it's all explained when you try to do it. again, check ccsm20:49
jimcooncatq_a_z_steve, one simple way is to use opendns on your router20:50
q_a_z_steve_floww: so just don't use the entire drive.20:50
escottfloww, well at minimum you need a partition with a mountpoint as "/", in addition you can have a /boot partition or a /home partition. a swap partition is also recommended20:50
anxtsetxkbmap -layout "dvorak,us"20:50
anxt[min|dvir|us]: yeah logs help :)20:50
q_a_z_steve_jimcooncat: There is no router20:50
ironhalikhow can you encrypt, in an easy way, the home folder after instalation?20:51
flowwescott, I have no idea how to set it I had tried to create a partition, and I have also tried to use the whole hd  but it tells me something that i have to set the boot in the partition manager20:51
jimcooncatq_a_z_steve, well, on the computer itself then in /etc/resolv.conf20:51
tempestbfig Can't say I am loving this new desktop. Kind of like Gnome the way it was. Ill do a little reading and see if I can get the cube with skydome etc working.20:51
yigalCan someone help me get a sd8686 sdio wifi card working on a Pouslbo host controller hub?  Everytime I enable the module for embedded controler of the wireless the computer hard crashes, that is not even REISUB will reboot and I have to manually power the device off?  After loading the module to turn it on, I'll try to get the libertas_sdio drivers to work with it, but so far I'm stuck.  Thank you20:51
escottq_a_z_steve, if you only have the single computer directly connected to the internet it makes it harder you have to loopback all network traffic through the proxy, otherwise it can just be disabled in the browser20:52
adam61escott: i just reinstalled alsa-utils (and gnome-alsamixer) in synaptic and it still says "cannot open mixer: No such file or directory"20:52
escottfloww, can you give the exact wording of the error message20:52
yigalI guess what I'm asking is what logs should I look at to try and diagnose why these crashes are occuring?20:53
bfigtempest, i haven't tried the cube other than just trying whatever was available on unity... i kind of like the unity shortcuts though.20:53
yigalbfig: I've read you can have the cube + unity20:53
flowwno i forgot it but i tell you excactly what i did escott  I pressed on someting else  then i clicked on my 1tb harddrive and created a partition there it bugged out I selected 17 gb and /dos   and use it as ntfs20:53
PolahIs there a program that can regularly record RAM usage? Or could I set up a script to do this and run it via cron?20:54
bfigyigal, possibly, i'm just saying there are some conflicting things with them20:54
yigalbfig: do you know anything about the lack of a fully functioning dbus compiz plugin?20:54
flowwescott,  so i said ok whatever lets install it on the whole partition didnt work also20:54
yigalbfig: in 11.0420:54
Renskiin orer to modify the default group of new files I need to chmod g+s on the directory, right?20:54
flowwescott,  as u see i need some guidance20:55
bfigyigal, i've no idea what you're talking about, in fact i'm having problems with unity myself at the moment20:55
RenskiI do that, but then members of the group cant ls in that directory20:55
flowwescott, something with primary boot data20:55
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escottfloww, i understand but without knowing exactly what your error was its hard for me to say what is happening20:55
yigalbfig: there is a problem with the dbus plugin for compiz so that dbus calls don't work at the moment20:56
escottRenski, thats only for new files in that folder20:56
yigalbfig: what problems?20:56
n2diy Can I mix and match Ext 3 and Ext 4 file systems? I'm building a test/backup box, and I was thinking of formatting it Ext 4, but my main box is using Ext 3?20:56
Youndern2diy, yes20:57
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escottadam61, do you not have a /dev/audio/mixer?20:57
Renskiescott: sure, but that doesnt explain why I cant ls after I cd to that directory20:57
flowwescott, would it be possible to install ubunntu without Grub , so that I just click f12 while booting and choose my secondary HD to load Ubuntu20:57
escottadam61, or rather /dev/snd?20:57
q_a_z_steve_jimcooncat: I want to understand, what's the file you mentioned used for? Is that where a gateway address would be setup?20:57
bfigyigal, yesterday i wanted to try mania-drive so i downloaded it. then i got some weird ELFCLASS64 problem, i had to download ia32-libs. after i rebooted there was an error telling me i didn't have the necessary hardware to run unity20:57
rlieghOk, I'm trying to repair my 11.04 upgrade from a 10.04 usb stick. trying to run gives me this error: /usr/sbin/grub-probe: error: cannot find a device for /20:57
escottfloww, you must have grub, but you can try to put grub on the secondary disk20:58
bfigyigal, then i ran unity from a console... and that was my one way ticket to linux hell20:58
rlieghthe stick is mounted, the target is mounted, I dunno what to do.20:58
Renskiescott: basically I want the user and group to have full access, and any files and directories they create to be readable by the group20:58
flowwok escott  ill thank you20:58
n2diyWhat is the advantage of the Ext 4 FS over Ext 3?20:58
rlieghchrooting in and doing it locally gives me the exact same results20:58
escottn2diy, extents mostly. check wikipedia20:58
bfigyigal, now i don't have a clue what i should do to revert this20:58
q_a_z_steve_escott: I don't care about the speed of routing it that way, I do want to eliminate browser being the controller, because that's definitely able to be circumvented in most cases, right?20:58
adam61escott: i don't know, the sound card i'm trying to use as my default (tascam us122) doesn't have a mixer i don't think; when i type /dev/audio/mixer it says "bash: /dev/audio/mixer: No such file or directory"20:58
Youndern2diy, https://ext4.wiki.kernel.org/index.php/Ext4_Howto20:58
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yigalbfig: so your on x64 and installed ia32-libs, well I guess uninstall that?20:59
yigalbfig: are you using a xorg.conf?20:59
escottadam61, sorry its /dev/snd im not sure what file alsamixer is looking for20:59
rlieghok, I'll just try rebooting, fuck it.20:59
bfigyigal, what's that?20:59
yigalbfig: xorg.conf is a file to manually specify how Xorg should treat your hardware21:00
escottq_a_z_steve, anyone who has physical access can circumvent. your child could get their own livecd and boot that to browse for pr0n, but if you control the only outside line...21:00
bfigyigal, where should it be?21:00
yigalbfig: /etc/X11/ but if you haven't manually created one you won't have one21:01
adam61escott, /dev/snd returned the same output. i can't understand why i don't have it anymore21:01
HedgehogCan anyone recommend a good program in the repos for directly editing .pub files?21:01
escottadam61, check that your sound card modules are loaded, with lsmod/modprobe21:01
bfigyigal, i have one but it doesn't have much on it21:01
yigalbfig: in the "good old days" a year ago and more an xorg.conf file was basically required to get graphics up in linux21:01
mdwright-gdesktoOn 10.04, when I run `sudo update-java-alternatives -s java-6-sun`, it appears to run successfully but my java version doesn't actually change. Any ideas why this would be and how I can change the default java to sun's java6?21:02
yigalbfig: ok, pastebin it21:02
ubottuTo reset the GNOME panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »21:02
escottRenski, (a) check that the setgid bit is working as expected by doing chmod g+s .; mkdir test; ls -l test21:02
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bfigyigal, http://pastebin.com/aqstPxLW21:03
jimcooncatq_a_z_steve_: /etc/resolv.conf is where the dns name servers are stored. Please understand I haven't kept up with all the tech, and this may be different now, so please research this more. If still true, you can get an account at opendns, filter what you want, and put their name servers in this file.21:04
adam61escott, that's lsmod/modprobe with no spaces? it says "no such file or directory". cat /proc/asound/modules returns "1 snd_usb_usx2y"21:04
prashant_123456hello all21:04
flowwescott,  its telling me to set the root now i remembered it can i set the root point21:04
prashant_123456which is the best mail client in ubuntu 11.04 ?21:04
escottadam61, no just lsmod and look for your soundcard module (if you know what it should be)21:04
bob___SOUND PROBLEMS, again. Linux Sound is ... Anyone able to keep the sound from the mic from getting to the speakers on a Ubunut 11.04 AMD64 installation?21:04
yigalbfig: ok, none of that should mess with unity21:04
bfigyigal, *I* messed with unity21:04
flowwescott,  can i set the root point on my used disk with music movies and so on21:04
yigalbfig: just reinstall it21:04
bfigyigal, how can i do that? btw i'd like to do the same with GDE21:05
bfigalso reset my ccsm settings21:05
yigalsudo apt-get --reinstall install unity21:05
escottfloww, setting the mount point to "/" just means that is where your system software will be. all your other stuff like (/home) can be in the same partition or in other partitions21:05
HedgehogCan anyone recommend a good program in the repos for directly editing .pub files?21:05
escottfloww, if you set it to your used disk then all your music will be deleted21:05
escottHedgehog, what are .pub files?21:06
adam61escott, ok i did that and found it. it says: "snd_usb_usx2y          28972  2"21:06
Hedgehogescott: Microsoft Publisher21:06
escottHedgehog, libreoffice is my only guess21:06
flowwescott, how should i do it create a partition and put it there?21:06
escottfloww, you could delete the partition that exists, and then create a new one21:07
prashant_123456Hedgehog, open office21:07
yigalbfig: about resetting your compiz, that is your ccsm settings I'd imagine that the command "gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/compiz" should do the trick, though I'm not exactly certain21:07
jimcooncatHedgehog: no .pub editor or converter I know of.21:07
bfigyigal, what should i do now?21:07
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q_a_z_steve_escott: good point about the livecd but I think outside of that I'll be fine with a proxy, right?21:07
bfigyigal, ok21:07
yigalbfig: what have you done?21:07
Hedgehogprashant_123456: What program?21:07
bfigsudo apt-get --reinstall...21:07
prashant_123456Hedgehog, open office21:07
yigalbfig: well do that bit above with gconf21:07
prashant_123456Hedgehog, open office publisher21:08
escottq_a_z_steve, the point is it is very minimal security, you can try to configure all the browsers to go through the proxy, but its not going to be hard to configure them to go direct *UNLESS* you make sure the only way out is through the proxy, and thats hard to do with a single system21:08
bfignow reboot?21:08
Hedgehogprashant_123456: I mean, what OpenOffice program?21:08
yigalbfig: now you can either log off and login, but in your situation I would almost suggest just restarting to see if there are any improvements21:08
Hedgehogprashant_123456: Ah21:08
prashant_123456Hedgehog, yep21:08
prashant_123456Hedgehog, open office publisher21:08
bfigyigal, ok. thanks for the help, i'll reboot and come back21:08
Faint1Hi. Just a quick one: What ever happened to the Ubuntu Netbook download for 11.04? There was a link right around 11.04 release time at the Ubuntu home page, but it was 404, and now it has been removed completely.21:08
escottfloww, the install media has a "try ubuntu first" option which has a tool called gparted, it may be easier to setup the disk partitions with that tool prior to beginning the install21:08
improveuponever since i installed natty the screen is frozen after coming back from hibernation if a video is playing--i think not just flash but totem or anything. you can still pull up a f1-f6 terminal and reboot but that is all. does anyone have any suggestions21:09
flowwindeed escott  ill head on going this way21:09
n2diyI'm building a test box with a SATA 160g hard drive. I can't set the boot flag on the drive, it is an OEM drive that has WIN NT, and XP on it, and it won't boot those, ideas?21:09
=== Relevant is now known as Rel
escottHedgehog, openoffice has been renamed to libreoffice in newer releases21:09
q_a_z_steve_escott: I'm definitely going to have the proxy built on a separate system, but I think if the internet gateway is a transparent proxy (I'm hearing) and it has filters then it solves the issue, at least most of it???21:09
Hedgehogprashant_123456: no such program ;(21:10
escottq_a_z_steve, yes thats what you want. you want your gateway to be the proxy21:10
prashant_123456Hedgehog, its called OOo21:10
escottprashant_123456, Hedgehog its now called libreoffice21:11
q_a_z_steve_Hedgehog: there is no way that I know of to edit .pub's Microsoft has kept too tight of leash on this. You can do other things like convert it from pub and then edit it as a drawing or whatever... Check www.osalt.com or others.21:11
prashant_123456Hedgehog, http://www.openoffice.org/21:11
prashant_123456escott, is it really called libreoffice ?21:12
Faint1improveupon: is this with a proprietary graphics driver? (re: your hibernation/freeze thing)21:12
escottprashant_123456, yes in the more recent versions they switched (its an oracle/sun merge fallout thign)21:12
Faint1prashant_123456: oracle is ditching openoffice because libreoffice has gained so much "mindshare"21:12
prashant_123456escott, ok21:12
prashant_123456Faint1, its great21:12
Faint1libreoffice is supposed to have better MS Office compat, etc21:13
escottprashant_123456, if someone is running 10.04 then oocalc,oowriter etc are correct, but for 11.04 (And i think 10.10 as well) they want the libreoffice version21:13
Faint1I forget what all the good stuff it's supposed to have is21:13
prashant_123456escott, ok ic21:13
aaaaalexFaint1, no oracle21:13
no_faceAnyone using TOR in Ubuntu 10.4?21:13
bfigyigal, i still can't alt-tab but the ability to bring terminals is there again, same with executing programs with alt+f221:13
prashant_123456no_face, u mean torrent21:13
yigalbfig: do you have compiz working?21:14
no_faceNo... i mean TORproject.org21:14
jimcooncatHedgehog: there's an online converter at http://www.zamzar.com/ -- I haven't tried it yet21:14
DarkKnightCZno_face: im using it...21:14
escottbfig, can you drag and resize windows?21:14
yigalbfig: <super>+w does that show all windows open?21:14
Antwonhow can I built openssl key module?21:14
bfigyigal, yes, it's all a heap of conflicting programs overriding their keys21:14
bfigescott, nope :(21:14
bfigthe part of the gui that handles windows seems to be misconfigured21:15
escottbfig, do you have the window decorations (the border you would use for dragging or are they missing?)21:15
bfigi don't have minimize/max/restore buttons either21:15
bfigescott, i have the down-right corner, and the scrollbar. other than that no21:16
bfigescott, for the terminals they don't have a menu bar21:16
escottbfig, compiz isn't working then, was it working before?21:16
bfigbut if i press alt+F they show the context menu21:17
bfigescott, yes... till i manually opened and force-closed unity with ctrlc21:17
bfigwhile gde was running :p21:17
guntbertbfig: please take it easy on the <enter> key, don't use it for puctuation21:17
cypha`what does "touch" do?21:17
escottbfig, or at least compiz is partially working (because alt-f2 is working) but compiz isn't doing its job as a window manager21:17
yigalcypha`: it creates an empty file with the name you supply21:18
guntbertcypha`: it creates a file21:18
OerHekstouch makes an empty file21:18
cypha`oh ok, thanks21:18
yigaltouch foo, creates the empty file named "foo"21:18
bfigescott, i attribute this to a massive key misconfiguration, that's why i wanted it to go back to factory settings21:18
escottcypha`, also used to update the files modification date21:18
cypha`escott, interesting21:18
escottbfig, i would nuke your .compiz directory then21:18
bfigescott, if i make it explode, will it reconfigure everything automagically?21:19
Faint1Is there anyone else here who just didn't dig Unity? :P21:19
newubuntisti have an error message i want to confirm the solution before to use it21:19
escottbfig, yes, those folders will be recreated21:19
newubuntisthere's the message "/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lgcc_s collect2: ld returned 1 exit status"21:19
bfigescott, where can i find this? home folder?21:19
HedgehogFaint1: I tried to get rid of it21:19
guntbert!enter | newubuntist21:19
HedgehogFaint1: I failed21:20
yigalbfig: if you want to take risks you could also nuke your ~/.gconf and ~/.gconfd folders21:20
ubottunewubuntist: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!21:20
Faint1Hedgehog: just select ubuntu classic from the login screen21:20
yigalbfig: ~/.config/compiz21:20
HedgehogFaint1: I know, it always fails though21:20
escottbfig, yes there is ~/.compiz as well as ~/.config/compiz and ~/.config/compiz-121:20
newubuntistok ubottu i take note21:20
guntbertyigal: suggest "rename" instead of "nuke"21:20
Faint1Hedgehog: weird; failed distribution upgrade maybe? or was this a clean install21:20
HedgehogFaint1: No, my computer's just 7 years old ;)21:20
HedgehogWith no graphics card21:21
HedgehogIt only just survives Unity21:21
Faint1Hedgehog: mine's no prize either, but I had no trouble21:21
guru1004are there any decent math programs on ubuntu to draw discrete mathematical figures/diagrams21:21
bfigso should i nuke all those folders ? just to be sure: ~/.compiz, ~/.config/compiz, ~./config/compiz-1, ~./gconf, ~./gconfd21:21
escottbfig, you will only lose whatever customizations you may have made. if they are extensive then it may be worth being more discrete21:21
Faint1Hedgehog: I'd say the inability to select "ubuntu classic" and login is an indication that something else is up21:21
yigalguru1004: are you familiar with LaTeX?21:21
HedgehogFaint1: no, it works, just very useless21:21
escottbfig, the gconf folders control assorted application customization, so i would remove it as a last resort21:21
Faint1Hedgehog: not sure what you mean21:22
yigalguru1004: PGF/Tikz is a TeX program for this21:22
yigalguru1004: also xfig isn't bad21:22
bfigok... i'll leave the gconf ones out of it then. what will hapen when i reboot and it doesn't find any conf files?21:22
yigalguru1004: it looks awful but works well21:22
flowwwwwescott:  I have no idea how to go on google doesnt help me neither I have managed to start gparted but Iam confused21:22
newubuntist<guntbert : here's my error message : "/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lgcc_s collect2: ld returned 1 exit status" do you think that this referes to the "ld" library and if yes how can i add it to ubuntu 11.0421:23
escottbfig, it will make those folders again with the default contents21:23
yigalbfig: it will make them21:23
bfigbut for example, which gui will it boot me into?21:23
escottflowwwww, the upper right of gparted shows the disk you are working with21:23
yigalbfig: which ever you last opened if it was default21:23
flowwwwwescott:  indeed selected the  right one21:23
TheRedOctoberbfig: /etc/skel contains a skeleton of those files, and copies them over if it fails to find them21:23
alex88[nb]hi guys, to create a guid based partition table what table type should i use on gparted?21:23
Faint1newubuntist: for ld to return an exit status of 1, doesn't it have to be present?21:23
bfigok. i'll try and get back here after this21:24
yaaarhey guys. can anybody tell me what the difference between quota.user/quota.group and aquota.user/aquota.group is? I see in the quota man page that aquota is version 2, but there's no mention of what that does differently. i'm using "usrjquota=quota.user,grpjquota=quota.group,jqfmt=vfsv0" in /etc/fstab which works fine. but if i try to change it to aquota (and touch the files) the remount...21:24
escottflowwwww, you can right click on a partition and "delete" it, and you can right click on free space and "create" a partition21:24
yaaar...fails saying "bad optioin"21:24
Faint1newubuntist: you seem to be trying to build or compile something; have you made sure that you have the build-essential package installed21:24
newubuntistFaint : sorry i don't understand your question21:24
guntbertnewubuntist: sorry, no idea, listen to Faint121:24
guru1004yigal: thanks for the tips.  i was looking for something more high-level such a firemath.21:24
Faint1newubuntist: if you read your error message, it says that ld returned exit status 121:25
newubuntistFaint :yes you are right21:25
escottalex88[nb], gpt is the guid-partition-table, you can also use gdisk command line utility21:25
teb2anyone know if theres an eqvilivant if /etc/init.d/iptables ini script on ubuntu ?21:25
flowwwwwthere is partition sdb1 system preserved   with Flags boot what about it  escott21:25
escottflowwwww, hard to say without a screenshot. can you !paste one to us?21:25
flowwwwwescott:  ill try21:26
Faint1newubuntist: for something to return an exit status 1, it has to run :P otherwise it's going to be the shell telling you it's not found21:26
res0nat0rteb2: ufw maybe21:26
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newubuntistFaint: i need to have gcc 4.1 and am afraid if i install build essential this will update the gcc , wht do u think?21:26
teb2can ufw read standard iptables rule files?21:26
yigalnewubuntist: you can have more than one gcc21:27
=== WhoHazBigCock is now known as Afteraffeky
=== Afteraffeky is now known as Afteraffekt
escottteb2, ufw creates its own set of basic rules, i doubt they are compatible with a custom set of rules and filters21:27
leighaudio problems: all audio playback has echo, music to front and voices to the back -- how do i fix?21:27
yigalnewubuntist: usually you just have to make sure that your compiler variable points to the right one21:27
res0nat0rteb2: http://pario.no/2008/05/21/using-ufw-iptables-in-ubuntu-804-lts/21:27
newubuntistyigal : so i can install build essential without removing my gcc 4.1.221:27
janisozaurI have a laptop, how do I configure it to play audio via both: speakers and headphones simultaneously?21:28
yigalnewubuntist: you might have to manually install gcc4.1 and then install build-essential21:28
guru1004yigal xfig looks perfect21:28
yigalguru1004: great!21:28
newubuntistyigal : i did install manually gcc 4.121:28
teb2res0nat0r : thx21:29
alex88[nb]escott: oh thank you, i'll use that!21:29
yigalnewubuntist: you should be good to go then21:29
bfigescott, yigal, windows haven't returned :|21:29
escottjanisozaur, you could play around with hda_analyzer (if you have hda sound), but usually its automatically disabled when press detect indicates the headphones are being used21:29
yigalnewubuntist: so, apt-get install gcc-4.1?21:29
newubuntistyigal : no i updated first the sources.list by the right link21:30
dsphenomteb2: one method....https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo#Saving iptables21:30
chewyguys, someone there? i m trying to install xbmc 10.1 on kubuntu, or ubuntu,... can't. Is there a way?21:30
adam61escott, do you know what i might be able to try to recover alsamixer?21:30
Minzegot an audio-book here, and want to transfer it to the MP3-Player... sadly the ID3-Tags are f..... up and i would like to remove them at all... so that i can sort them by filename21:30
janisozaurescott, tbh, I have no idea what kind of sound do I have. I can see snd_hda_intel module loaded but I am not sure if it actually means that I have hda hardware21:30
Faint1chewy: very descriptive error message there21:30
JoshuaLMinze, easytag21:31
chewyFaint1, sorry: i m only trying to find the xbmc package in ubuntu software, no way.21:31
chewyIs there a repo i should add?21:31
escottjanisozaur, if you have a recent intel based laptop, you almost certainly have hda, download the hda_analyzer from alsa, use the --monitor mode to see what flags are being changed when you plug in the headphones, and use the gui to enable the flags for both headphones and speakers21:31
newubuntistyigal : then apt-get  updates , then you enter a long command line  i don't have it now but if u need it i can give it to you21:31
MinzeSadly i know nether an tool too remove them at all, nor a tool to rename them all at the same time like in WIN21:31
JontaI have a 2030 Typematrix keyboard. I'm learning both it, and the colemak-layout, which is built in to it (hotkey to activate). Ubu is set to norwegian layout, and generally it works well. But there are characters I can't find though, < and > specifically. Solutions? Software to generate a custom charactermap?21:31
yigalnewubuntist: you need to make sure to install gcc-4.1 manually so that it will be treated as software not to be automatically upgraded, to do this issue, "sudo apt-get install gcc-4.1"21:32
escottadam61, sounds like you dont have any sound card modules loaded. what kind of soundcard do you have21:32
MinzeSo that the filenames would be like 1(001).mp3 1(002).mp3 and so on21:32
chewyguys, anyone knowing the way to install xbmc on 11.04?21:32
leighany audio experts here?21:32
wubiuserhello, I'm trying to install ubuntu on windows (wubi) but I get an error during instalation (actually, during download), the log show this error: OSError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: u'C:\\ubuntu\\install\\ubuntu-11.04-desktop-amd64.iso'21:33
adam61escott, it's a tascam us122. when i do cat /proc/asound/modules it gives: 1 snd_usb_usx2y21:33
guntbert!anyone | leigh21:33
ubottuleigh: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.21:33
escottMinze, there should be an id3tag command line tool which could wipe them all21:33
newubuntistyigal : ok i will , then for build essentail : i must do : apt-get build essentials?21:33
maconewubuntist: sudo apt-get install build-essential21:33
newubuntistthanks :maco21:33
maconewubuntist: it has a - and is singular, and you need to give apt-get instructions to do with it, in this case "install"21:33
escottadam61, ok... i'm not too familiar with usb soundcards21:33
pickettany ftp clients for ubuntu that have speed limits?21:34
wubiusercan anyone help me, please ?21:34
Jordan_Uwubiuser: You need to be logged in as an administrator to install via Wubi. Why not do a normal dual boot install though?21:34
leighDoes anyone know how to fix an audio echo playback problem?21:34
yigalnewubuntist: just <tab> complete, I believe it's "build-essential"21:34
Jordan_Upickett: wget21:34
aaaaalexMinze, try eye3D21:34
Jordan_Upickett: I'm sure there are many others as well.21:35
yigalnewubuntist: yes, so "sudo apt-get install build-essential" <- just paste what's in the quotes after manually installing21:35
aaaaalexMinze, or if you prefer a gui application: easytag21:35
wubiuserJordan_U: how to login as administrator on Windows seven please ? I've never used it. I want to install ubuntu on windows, not as dual boot, just a choice21:35
newubuntistyigal , maco thanks , i'll install it and tell you whether it solved the problem21:35
yigalnewubuntist: cool, please do21:36
janisozaurescott, thanks, not sure yet how to do what i want, but this seems to work, as it shows some diff when I (dis)connect headphones. man, I just love linux!21:36
adam61escott, it sounds like it's a problem with the alsa software though, so i should be able to reinstall it you'd think wouldn't you? how might you go about this - i tried reinstalling alsa-utils as you suggested earlier in synaptic, but that didn't do it; not quite sure what else to try, it was working fine before21:36
guntbertwubiuser: we cannot help you with windows in this channel21:36
escottjanisozaur, just open the gui and you can revert the part of the diff that is disabling your speakers (you can also apply the diff with the tool iirc)21:37
wubiuserbtw the problem is about installing ubuntu on windows, so it's somehow related ...21:37
newubuntistyigal : it says  that build-essential is already the newest version.21:37
Jordan_Uwubiuser: You'll have to ask in ##windows about how to login (or at least run wubi) as an administrator.21:37
wubiuserI'm the admin, but ..21:37
aaaaalexright click is your friend21:38
n2diyI'm building a test box with a SATA 160g hard drive. I can't set the boot flag on the drive, it is an OEM drive that has WIN NT, and XP on it, and it won't boot those, ideas?21:38
ironhalikcan you make the launcher stay hidden by default? and only appear when you reach the edge/click ubuntu logo?21:38
OerHekschewy, there is 1 ppa for XBMC , but it is Unstable !! > https://launchpad.net/~team-xbmc/+archive/unstable21:38
newubuntistFaint: installing build-essential didn't solve the problem21:38
flowwwwwescott:  here is the picture http://img823.imageshack.us/content_round.php?page=done&l=img823/8281/screenshot1sd.png21:38
adam61wubiuser: do you know why it exits me from xchat-gnome when i go to ##flash?21:38
wubiuseradam61: I don't21:39
escottflowwwww, i don't know what is on that sdb1 partition, but its something windows related21:39
bfigdamn xchat stood frozen for about the last 10 minutes and i didn't even realized about it. i haven't been able to solve my problems, also, why is the gui thing all messy and intertwined?21:40
adam61webiuser: i saw where it said u were admin lol; i hadn't read your previous posts yet haha sorry21:40
flowwwwwescott:  so leave it ? could it be the boot21:40
aaaaalexironhalik, yes - if you install ccsm you can - there is a unity plug in that allows you to hide it by default21:40
chewyOerHeks, i m adding the ppa with apt-get. updating system anyway now...21:40
chewyshould not be unstable. i works smoothly in another box..21:40
chewy.thanks anyway21:40
escottflowwwww, the "boot" over in flags doesn't mean much. its a holdover from much older hardware where stuff like that mattered21:40
ironhalikthanks aaaaalex21:40
flowwwwwescott:  ok would you tell me what i do with the other partitions which ones to delete which ones to change21:41
bfigi mean, i have several possible guis, some of them can run simultaneously or so they make you think, there is no single config file, also there are functions that overlap in default key placement for example...21:41
escottflowwwww, you could also mount sdb1 and look at what is inside it, and if you decide you don't need it you could delete it but your current partition layout seems fine21:41
wubiuserJordan_U: ok, I run wubi as admin, but I have the same error21:41
aaaaalexironhalik, n.p. while you are at it try making the launcher smaller -  you may like it21:41
ironhaliksure, ill look around21:41
escottflowwwww, you could install ubuntu to sdb6 as "/" and use sdb7 as swap (not sure what is on sdb6 right now)21:42
newubuntistyigal : this is the error message i have " /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lgcc_s collect2: ld returned 1 exit status make: *** [GIZA++] Error 1"21:42
adam61does anyone here know about installing alsamixer? thanks in advance21:43
newubuntistmaco : do you have an idea ? this the erro message " /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lgcc_s collect2: ld returned 1 exit status make: *** [GIZA++] Error 1"21:44
Darkenvy-xray plugin?21:44
Darkenvyomg I hate xchat21:44
Darkenvywrong channel21:44
flowwwwwescott:  lets do it this way how to do it then21:44
ThinkT510adam61: it should be installed by default21:44
Dingohi, I'm trying to run a c++ program when I boot Ubuntu21:45
escottflowwwww, in the installer you should be able to select sdb6 and set the mount point as "/" from the dropdown, and set sdb7 as swap if thats what you want21:45
mi01Hi, I recently found bug in 11.04 concerning external Monitors at Laptops -- you just can not switch off the Laptop screen without loosing the external monitor too. The bug is convirmed  by seferal users. Now there is a similar bug already https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-control-center/+bug/766490 at launchpad but there does not seem any movement how can I raise attention here ????  Thyx a lot Michael21:45
ubottuUbuntu bug 766490 in gnome-control-center (Ubuntu) "[Natty-Beta2] Turning off laptop monitor turn off both monitors (laptop and external) on Vostro 3500" [Undecided,New]21:45
adam61ThinkT510: ya i had it but now it's not there. it says the file doesn't exist. i tried reinstalling alsa-utils on synaptic but that didn't do anything. not sure what to try next21:45
Dingobut adding it to Startup Applications doesn't do it21:45
ThinkT510adam61: odd21:46
b0otAre there any guides for ubuntu on how to host a website on your own internal network?21:46
aaaaalexDingo, you could have it executed from /etc/rc.local21:46
yigalnewubuntist: ok gcc is point to the latest gcc you downloaded I believe21:47
yigalnewubuntist: please tell me what you get when you issue "ls -l /usr/bin/gcc"21:47
aaaaalexb0ot, for starters: run sudo apt-get install apache2 and then point your browser to your local ip adress - the web pages live in /var/www by default21:47
penguatcould anyone help me to get sound working on my toshiba Satellite Pro A200 laptop?21:48
Gesthalhow do I stop ubuntu to ask for my password every time I leave the computer for what feels like no more than three and a half seconds? it adds no security; I am the only one ever to be in physical range of the computer21:48
b0otaaaaalex, I was told I should use lamp? is that the same thing?21:48
adam61ThinkT510: when i type alsamixergui, this comes up: http://imagebin.org/15390321:48
DrSlonyHey, how do I find out which version of a program I have installed? libjpeg62 or libjpeg62-dev21:48
Dingoaaaaalex, and what would I add to rc.local "./my/path/program" ?21:48
wubiuserrrI have a problem during the download of ubuntu via wubi, it gives an error, is it possible to download it separently, because I think that wubi try to download it via torrent, but in my network, the ports used for torrent are blocked.21:48
yigalDrSlony: dpkg -l 'libjpeg62*'21:48
ThinkT510adam61: can't you edit what you need from that?21:49
penguatb0ot: lamp stands for linux/apache/MySQL/PHP21:49
yigalDrSlony: what's do you get?21:49
aaaaalexDingo: /full/path/to/program ;-)21:49
ironhalikand btw, is there any solid way to edit/skin/theme GDM?21:49
Dingoaaaaalex, thanks :)21:49
ironhalikGDM login screen that is21:49
adam61ThinkT510: no, what i need is the bigger one that had the option to select default sound card21:49
flowwwescott:  ok am trying it this way21:49
newubuntisterror message : /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lgcc_s collect2: ld returned 1 exit status21:50
DrSlonyyigal: http://paste2.org/p/142378421:50
abstraktsomeone suggested this http://packages.ubuntu.com/karmic/i386/libmysqlclient15off/download as a MySQL Workbench replacement21:50
abstraktis that a joke?21:50
yigalnewubuntist: did you get my message?21:50
abstraktthey just mean "use the cli" ?21:50
aaaaalexb0ot, lamp or xamp is a package that runs the whole shebang from one directory including mysql and php. downside: no security updates21:50
brianb_can some one tell me on a multi boot system if you are chaninloading using the 40_custom file to add a extra linux disto and then you run 30__os prober when you do a update-grub if you look at the grub.cfg file should the root entry and intrd point to the same hard drive?21:50
ubottuFor information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - For the iPhone and the iPod Touch, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod21:51
aaaaalexDingo, make sure its executable21:51
newubuntistno yigal21:51
yigalDrSlony: both are installed then, you see the ii in the 1st column that means that both are installed21:51
yigalnewubuntist: please tell me what you get when you issue "ls -l /usr/bin/gcc"21:51
newubuntistyigal : ok i'll do it and get back to you21:51
flowwwescott:  can u paste me what u wrote before i lost it due to disconnect21:51
ThinkT510adam61: not sure what it is called under unity (something like gnome-mixer perhaps?)21:52
Dingoaaaaalex, yeah, I chmodded it +x21:52
DrSlonythank you very much yigal :]21:52
newubuntistyigal :that's what i got :  lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 7 2011-05-16 17:46 /usr/bin/gcc -> gcc-4.521:52
yigalDrSlony: cool :)21:52
Dingoaaaaalex, so I don't need to put a period in front of it?21:52
yigalnewubuntist: right so your /usr/bin/gcc is a symlink that's point to the wrong gcc for you21:53
hiexpohey ya all21:53
wubiuserrris it possible to download ubuntu iso manually, and then install it on windows using wubi ?21:53
aaaaalexDingo, no - you are starting from / not from some current directory ;-)21:53
newubuntist<yigal>: how can point to the gcc 4.1?21:54
toddnineHi guys.  Does mirage playlist generator for banshee work on 11.04?  I let it scan all night, and restarted banshee, but I still don't have any UI elements to interact with it21:54
VonhintenI'm running Natty on an Asus N53JF lappy, was trying to get my sound working after it stopped suddenly, ran the AlsaUpdater script and managed to bork the system up pretty good.  Only way I can get Unity to load properly now is by 'alsa force-unload' which basically kills my audio devices completely... is there anyone that has solved this problem, or can tell me how I can go about reverting/fixing21:54
Vonhintenmy system?  I'd like to fix it rather than throw in the towel and reinstall.21:54
yigalnewubuntist: so what you can do is remove the symlink, "sudo rm /usr/bin/gcc" and create a new symlink to /usr/bin/gcc-4.1, "sudo ln -s /usr/bin/gcc-4.1 /usr/bin/gcc"21:54
multipasshow do i upgrade the imobiledevice from 10.10 to what happened in 11.04? i forget the command, is it distro upgrade?21:54
aaaaalexDingo: if the program lives in your home directory for example it would be /home/yourusername/programname21:55
_Platypus_wubiuserr: Should be able to download the .iso, burn it off, drop it in, and install from Windows no problem.21:55
wubiuserrrwaw the download of ubutnu ISO is very slow :/   50k/s O_o21:55
Dingoaaaaalex, ah, k,  thanks for the clear explanation :)21:55
aaaaalexDingo, /etc/rc.local is run by root so be carefull what your program does :-D21:56
adam61ThinkT510: no, it's alsa-utils, it shows an image of what i'm looking for in the software centre21:56
eossin my apache www folder i want to everytime i create a folder or file also give www-data read access21:56
eosshow i do that21:56
Dingoyeah, it's pretty tricky :)21:56
Dingoaaaaalex, *21:56
aaaaalexwubiuserrr, try starting the download again from another mirror or get the torrent21:57
wubiuserrraaaaalex: torrents are blocked for my network21:57
ThinkT510adam61: sorry, don't know what to suggest21:57
aaaaalexwubiuserrr, why?21:57
wubiuserrraaaaalex: because I'm not the admin of the network ...21:58
adam61ThinkT510: that's ok, thanks anyways. very strange problem21:58
aaaaalexwubiuserrr, :-D21:58
wubiuserrraaaaalex: I tried from the offical link http://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu/download  can you give me a more faster links ?21:58
Dingolet's test this :)21:58
xanguawubiuserrr: use torrents21:58
wubiuserrrxangua: -__-21:58
wubiuserrrI can not xangua21:59
aaaaalexwubiuserrr, if you go for the download alternatives you should be able to select a mirror close to the exit point of your netowork21:59
bfiggod i can't deal with this. i want to get the whole gui to factory settings and i'm willing to do almost anything. i don't care about any gui setting at all just want to explode everything. also, what am i supposed to do with ia32-libs? is that a potential problem? should i uninstall it?21:59
=== dave is now known as Guest84866
aaaaalexbfig, first: lets take a deep breath. :-D what version of ubuntu are you running?22:00
Guest84866hello, i have a invalid source. I have gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list OPEN but i cant find the invalid source.22:00
bfigaaaaalex, 11.0422:00
flowwwescott:  installation is going on22:00
Dingoaaaaalex, it didn't start :/22:00
flowwwhope it didnt delete my music and other stuffs :/22:00
aaaaalexbfig, unity --reset should do the trick22:01
=== Guest84866 is now known as tuxers
magnus_anyone got issues with flash on ubuntu 11.04? im getting a lot of white boxes and weird graphics artifacts in my flash since upgrade22:01
gapeHello, i'm really new to linux, but i really can't find the dvd drive anywhere22:01
ironhalikwhich compiz plugin handles the menu bar/title bar transparencies?22:01
tuxershow can i list all sources using gksudo?22:02
bfigaaaaalex, will that destroy all gui (not just unity) settings? because i want to go back to absolute zero with *all* of it22:02
gapeIf i insert ubuntu install dvd it shows up normally, but when i enter mathematica install dvd it's nowhere to be found22:02
aaaaalexDingo - can you run it from the terminal? i mean as your user?22:02
aaaaalexbfig idk22:03
Dingoaaaaalex, the program itself?22:03
multipasshi is sudo apt-get dist-upgrade  a good idea if im going to stay on 10.10?22:03
aaaaalexDingo yes. does it do what it is supposed to do? does it run?22:03
bfigaaaaalex, couldn't load unityshell: error: GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object not supported22:03
wubiuserrraaaaalex: I found one, which is much more faster22:03
Dingoaaaaalex, yes22:03
Dingoaaaaalex, it runs, and does what it should do, it's a C++ application btw22:04
aboudeskfor 11.04 upgrade questions is this the best channel?22:04
mfilipehow do I do to change the number of application in unity dock?22:04
tuxershow can i list all sources using gksudo?22:04
aaaaalexbfig: sorry ijust pulled that command from this web site: http://www.addictivetips.com/ubuntu-linux-tips/how-to-reset-unity-to-default-settings-in-ubuntu/ . but i would guess you need to log out and back in again for the changes to take effect22:04
Dingodo I need to run a certain program to apply the changes to rc.local ?22:04
bfigaaaaalex, it pretty much reseted fine except i don't have the leftside bar...22:05
aaaaalexDingo: no. it just needs to be executable by root and the path needs to be correct - oh and the program of course22:05
aaaaalexbfig: should be back after relog22:05
aaaaalexwubiuserrr, great!22:06
Dingoaaaaalex, I added it right before the exit 0 statement22:06
bfigaaaaalex, ok i'll try22:06
aaaaalexDingo, yes. this always works for me :-D22:06
aboudeskI'm trying to install google-chrome, "Ubuntu Software centre" says: Dependency is not satisfiable: libcurl3  , how can I fix that?22:06
Dingodo I need to do something more then chmod +x to be executable by root?22:06
wubiuserrraaaaalex: but can you tell me if it's possible to install this iso that I'm downloading manualy, on windows using wubi ?22:06
ThinkT510aboudesk: why not chromium-browser?22:07
bastidrazortuxers: gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list22:07
xanguaaboudesk: chromium-browser is already in repository and is open source22:07
TheRedOctoberHi all...How do you check to see how much swap a process is using?22:08
tuxersbastidrazor,  i did so, i dint have the invalid source there22:08
VonhintenWhat does the ubuntu/linux installation do to determine what drivers to load for my system, by default?  Suppose I want to go back to that, how would you do that?22:08
aboudeskok fine, ThinkT510, xangua, but I still would like to have libcurl3 installed22:08
jon8what is a ubuntu command that can take this text, Hello.Sir.YOU or Cya.Sir.Bye -- is there a command that would drop the first word, before the first period?22:08
bfigaaaaalex, hasn't worked. i think it has to do with ia32-libs (99% probability i'd say), which i installed yesterday to play a game... for some reason i think this overrides the proper 64bit library that should be used for unity22:09
aaaaalexwubiuserrr, from my experience with past ubuntu versions i would guess that that you just pop it in your win$ and run the installer22:09
Dingoaaaaalex, sorry, closed my command line22:09
brianb_can someone tell me if you look at the grub.cfg file should the root entry and intrd point to the same hard drive? if you are multibooting from the ubuntu grub2 bootloader into another distro installed on another partition?22:09
prashant_123456i m using ubuntu 11.04 i have a problem that some webpages not loading properly dont know why any help ??22:09
ProlificPuffinT check Swap, type "free" into a terminal (no quotes)22:09
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prashant_123456i m using ubuntu 11.04 i have a problem that some webpages not loading properly like mail.yahoo.co.in dont know why any help ??22:09
gapeWhen I enter my mathematica install dvd, the dvd drive just disappears, do i have to mount it somehow?22:09
aaaaalexbfig what exactly is the problem?22:09
Dingojon8, regular expressions? sed?22:10
bfigaaaaalex, i can't use unity properly22:10
Minzethanks, and good night22:10
prashant_123456i m using ubuntu 11.04 i have a problem that some webpages not loading properly like mail.yahoo.co.in dont know why any help ??22:10
jon8Dingo thanks22:10
aaaaalexbfig in what way?22:10
prashant_123456anyone to help me out22:10
gapewhat shows up wrong prashant22:11
bfigaaaaalex, the launcher won't appear, the desktop that loads is i think gnome22:11
ProlificPuffinSwitch Yahoo Mail to "Classic"22:11
Vonhintenprashant_123456, won't resolve?  won't load completely?  won't load images? what?22:11
prashant_123456gape, pages loads so slowly some webpages load partially22:11
aaaaalexbfig when you enter your username at the logon screen you can select your session: ubuntu (unity) or classic (gnome 2.something)22:11
prashant_123456Vonhinten, pages loads so slowly some webpages load partially22:11
bfigprashant_123456, i found this started happening since yesterday's update22:11
aboudeskI just installed 11.04, previously I used to go to places->server and connect to another ubuntu on the network, how I  do the same thing now? I can't see anything like "places"22:12
Vonhintenprashant_123456, wireless?22:12
prashant_123456Vonhinten, pppoe broadbnad connection via network manager22:12
prashant_123456bfig, i m having problem since i m using ubuntu 11.0422:13
aaaaalexaboudesk, in nautilus, hit f10 to get to the menu and select: connect to server ;-)22:13
gapeDoes anyone know how to access dvd drive, do i have to mount manually or something? I tried some commands i found while searching but none of them works22:13
prashant_123456Vonhinten, all webpages load good in windows but not in ubuntu22:13
gapeI tried entering ubuntu livecd and gets mounted normally, but mathematica 8 dvd doesn't22:14
prashant_123456gape, /media22:14
prashant_123456Vonhinten, any solution22:14
gapeit's not there22:14
gapeAs i'm saying, when I enter the dvd it disappears22:14
gapeNormal websites or only those using flash/other plugins22:15
prashant_123456gape, mail.yahoo.co.in22:15
adam61i've found the alsamixer executable in the proper folder, /usr/bin, but it doesn't do anything when i double click it. i reinstalled alsa-utils with synaptic, but when i try to reinstall alsa-utils with software centre it says it will remove ubuntu-desktop if i remove it. anyone have any ideas?22:15
Vonhintenprashant_123456, other than using some network tools to try to figure out what the problem is, I have no ideas22:15
gapedid you try using classic version prashant?22:15
prashant_123456Vonhinten, ok thanks22:15
prashant_123456gape, i m on classic version22:16
prashant_123456gape, everything is fine under windows but not in ubuntu22:16
Snicers-Work2Is there a terminal based way to select which packages you want to update?22:17
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aaaaalexSnicers-Work2, install aptitude22:17
Snicers-Work2aaaaalex, I have aptitude, how do I get a list then?22:18
aaaaalexSnicers-Work2, sorry, idk. Anyone?22:19
Snicers-Work2Is there a terminal based way to select which packages you want to update? I already have aptitude22:22
Jordan_USnicers-Work2: sudo apt-get install foo22:22
Jordan_USnicers-Work2: If it's already installed it will be updated.22:22
Jordan_USnicers-Work2: There is one drawback though, it will also set all those packages as being "manually installed".22:23
Snicers-Work2Jordan_U, I have a message saying I have security updates, I want to review that list and verify those updates so if something breaks I know where to start.22:23
Snicers-Work2So I don't know what packages to update yet.22:23
Snicers-Work2Trying to find out.22:24
bencchow can I see how many file descriptor a user uses?22:24
aaaaalexSnicers-Work2, to fing out you could run sudo apt-get upgrade and then answer N for no - it will first display the list of what will be done before its being done22:24
edbianbencc, Do you mean the .jpeg .gif  .mp3   etc etc?22:25
Snicers-Work2aaaaalex, that works, but there has got to be a better way right?22:26
benccedbian: I'm running a network stress test from a terminal and I want to see how many file descriptors the user uses22:26
mathiascomment ça va22:27
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edbianbencc, I don't know22:27
Guest44649i speak a little english22:27
aaaaalexSnicers-Work2, just ran apt-get help22:27
computa_mikeis the room ok?   I had loads of problems connecting22:30
aaaaalexSnicers-Work2, it mentions something like dselect...22:30
Snicers-Work2ok, thanks.22:31
aaaaalexGuest44649 There are support channels in other languages22:31
angel668Hello I've upgrade from Ubuntu 10.10 to Ubuntu 11.04 and from some reason the thtering on Iphone 4 is not working any idea ?22:32
computa_mikei think empathy is playing up...  can't see who's in the room22:32
IsTI37hello, is someone here who uses lxc for vps' and may answer to a few questions ? I see that OpenVZ is no longer supported in ubuntu but lxc lacks too many features out of the box.22:34
ProlificPuffinAngel - BT tethering or via a cable?22:34
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ProlificPuffinIs network manager not seeing the connection?22:34
computa_mikei have a couple of questions ...In Empathy how can I See the participants in this room?  The member list at the side seems to have gone22:36
Dingoanyone has rc.local edited in 11.04?22:36
angel668ProlificPuffin: via a cable22:36
DingoI edited etc/rc.local and it doesn't boot my program22:36
ScuniziWithin Gwibber.. how do I tell my account to follow someone?22:38
cypr1nushi, i've got a problem with my cell phone. Whenever I plug my cell phone usb wire to my PC, my ubuntu detects my phone, but after 5 seconds it disappears.22:40
newubuntistyigal : it didn't solve the prob22:40
newubuntistYigal : i have the same error message22:41
yigalnewubuntist: ok, what are you trying to compile?22:41
computa_mikeis it me or is there some network issue with #ubuntu?22:42
=== Guest59867 is now known as kingkong
Absolute0Why is the '^' required in the command 'apt-get install lamp-server^' ?22:44
ironhalikwhich compiz plugins sets gnome transparency? as in menu/title bar?22:44
computa_mikeAbsolute0: I didn't think it would be...  Is that the package name?22:44
Absolute0computa_mike: it's some weird meta package name, installs the entire lamp stack.22:45
newubuntistYigal am:  trying to compile Giza++ word alignment tool22:45
newubuntist<Yigal>: i must run the file 'make'22:46
computa_mikeAbsolute0: I'm just checking that package out in aptitude - perhaps there's some naming convention22:46
Absolute0computa_mike: apt-cache search won't find it22:46
yigalnewubuntist: you can manually link to the location of libgcc_s.so22:46
Absolute0i just found that in some tutorial22:46
yigalnewubuntist: -lgcc_s -L/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libgcc_s.so.122:47
newubuntistYigal those errors are the compilation errors of running the 'make' program, how can i link manually, shall i modify the makefile?22:47
yigalnewubuntist: yes, I think you must, where does it think the library is?22:47
melow01(command line question): how can I figure out where audacity is installed in the Ubuntu 9.10 file system?22:48
newubuntistYigal i'll check the makefile22:48
yigalnewubuntist: cool22:48
newubuntistYigal :is this command line to locate the library?22:48
yigalnewubuntist: to find the library use locate22:50
yigalnewubuntist: locate libgcc_s.so22:50
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computa_mikeAbsolute0: I have no idea why the ^...  but I'm learning packaging at the moment, so that's something to look at..  I wouldn't have thought there would be a requirement.22:51
newubuntistyigal : this are the results : /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libgcc_s.so.1,  /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/4.1/libgcc_s.so,    /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/4.5/libgcc_s.so22:53
computa_mikedoes anyone know how to do arrays in shell scripts..  I've had a go but I keep getting syntax errors.. Any ideas?22:53
yigalnewubuntist: you want to use /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/4.1/libgcc_s.so for gcc-4.122:54
Jordan_Ucomputa_mike: http://mywiki.wooledge.org/BashFAQ/00522:54
newubuntist<yigal> yes sure22:54
n-iCehi I bought an Alfa AWUS036H wireless card, I have 4MB bandwidth I used to download with my old car about 400kb/s now with this card is about 100kb/s what could it be it has 88% signal strenght :/22:55
=== JediMaster is now known as Guest13874
aaaaalexmelow01, find / -iname audacity22:55
yigalnewubuntist: cool ;D22:56
melow01aaaaalex, thanks. I see most of it is in the /usr/share/ directory. Is that directory for all users in the system?22:58
aaaaalexmelow01, indeed. all user specific stuff is in /home/...22:59
computa_mikeJordan_U: I was following the tutorial at http://www.tutorialspoint.com/unix/unix-using-arrays.htm but that doesn't work...22:59
melow01aaaaalex, true but the files I found are in the /usr/ directory... how is that directory different from the /home/ directory?23:00
escottmelow01, /home/username is owned by username, /usr/ is owned by root23:00
aaaaalexmelow01, http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/linuxdir.html23:01
jaymeskellerHi, very simple question here. In chromium, some letters show up as question marks. I think I'm missing a package somewhere. What would be the package I need to fix it?23:01
melow01escott, ahhh... ok, thanks for the clarification. /usr/share/audacity/ mostly contains plugins which I suppose all users would need access to anyway.23:02
* YankDownUnder doesn't understand why folks just don't run Chrome...23:02
escottmelow01, yes and you cannot accidentally or intentionally modify them23:02
Jordan_Ucomputa_mike: Don't follow that guide. They use /bin/sh when in fact they're expecting a specific shell like /bin/bash or /bin/ksh.23:02
Jordan_Ucomputa_mike: Follow the guide I sent you.23:03
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
melow01escott, ...unless I'm root?23:04
computa_mikeJordan_U: I was hoping to update the postinst packaging script generated by debhelper...  That uses /bin/sh... So I should be using /bin/bash23:04
escottmelow01, yes23:05
Jordan_Ucomputa_mike: If you want to start using arrays, which are not defined in posix sh, then yes, you will need to change the #! line to #!/bin/bash.23:05
computa_mikeJordan_U: I though that sh was aliased to bash in ubuntu...23:06
computa_mikeJordan_U: Is that not right?23:06
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launch /server 800223:06
escottcomputa_mike, it may be but you should reserve /bin/sh for posix compatible scripts, and bash may notice it was called as sh and drop to posix mode and complain23:07
Jordan_Ucomputa_mike: It is not right, and even if it were your scripts should not ask for /bin/sh if they're meant to be run with /bin/bash.23:07
jaymeskellerHi, very simple question here. In chromium, some letters show up as question marks. I think I'm missing a package somewhere. What would be the package I need to fix it?23:07
computa_mikeJordan_U: cool - I'll be looking into arrays then :)23:08
YankDownUnderjaymeskeller, Mate, what's wrong with running Chrome - the native package - as opposed to running Chromium - via wine?23:08
n-iCetraceroute command as the benchmarking test? how exactly, I am sorry23:08
computa_mikeJordan_U:  Thanks for thehelp23:08
n-iCehi I bought an Alfa AWUS036H wireless card, I have 4MB bandwidth I used to download with my old car about 400kb/s now with this card is about 100kb/s what could it be it has 88% signal strenght :/23:08
YankDownUndern-iCe, Have you tried to check/config yer wifi card's settings with "sudo iwconfig wlan0" ?23:09
jaymeskellerYankDownUnder: It's in the Ubuntu repro, that's why.23:09
aaaaalexjaymeskeller, try opening the preferences -> under the hood -> customize fonts and then select unicode utf-8 as an encoding23:10
YankDownUnderjaymeskeller, Just trying to make it simple, mate. Sorry.23:10
n-iCeYankDownUnder: yes are ok23:11
YankDownUndern-iCe, I have a machine here in the lab that I have to force the settings in order for the machine to get proper throughput on it's wireless - ergo, I've "scripted" the settings - otherwise, the machine gets fairly poor throughput....23:12
adam61anyone know why audacious stops as soon as another application, say google chrome, is opened? i had this problem before and solved it by removing pulseaudio, but i'm very hesitant to do that again because i think it may have been the reason i had to reinstall ubuntu twice. any ideas?23:14
YankDownUndern-iCe, Just as an FYI, as well, I always install dnscache-run on my workstations/servers => helps to cache DNS data, which also makes the network (or workstation) run a bit "nicer" as it were.23:15
ShaunDreclinHey, what is linux-swap? I used gparted to make 16g of empty space on my drive then ran the installer, and now ive got a 15g ext4 partition and a 2gb linux-swap partition23:15
YankDownUnderadam61, Same situation basically, however, I tweaked out my swap partitions (they live on different drives) and tweaked out the sysctl.conf for better vm usage.23:16
melow01How can I use the remove command, rm, to remove both a directory and a file in the same command?23:16
escottadam61, pulseaudio provides a software mixer. if your hardware doesn't provide a hardware mixer you will only be able to play a single stream23:16
YankDownUndermelow01, rm -rf filename23:16
aaaaalexmelow01, use the -r parameter to make it recursive23:16
escottmelow01, that will remove the entire directory if filename is a directory23:16
escottadam61, you could check with lsof what audio devices in /dev are being used and by which processes23:17
Snicers-Work2I have a folder with -rwxrwxr-x permissions on it, but when I mkdir inside of that folder the new folder has -rwxr-xr-x, how do I force it to inherit the parent directories permissions?23:17
ubottuswap is used to move unused programs and data out of main memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq for more info23:18
adam61escott, ah i think that might be the problem, it's not detecting a mixer.. although it was working perfectly before, after i deleted pulseaudio... k i'll check lsof thanks23:18
adam61YankDownUnder: ok cool thanks.. not quite sure what a lot of that means ahha, but thanks23:19
ShaunDreclinThanks aaaaalex23:19
dwxreaperSnicers-Work2: maybe it has to do with who owns the folder and an alias would also work23:19
ShaunDreclinIs linux-swap like windows's page file?23:20
Snicers-Work2dwxreaper, what do you mean an alias would also work?23:20
Snicers-Work2dwxreaper, and the owner is the same user that is creating the new folder.23:20
aaaaalexShaunDreclin, in many ways yes23:20
melow01YankDownUnder, thanks, got it23:21
YankDownUndermelow01, Roger that.23:21
melow01adam61, I haven't used audacious but I noticed some issues with audacity so I'm removing it and reinstalling.23:22
ShaunDreclinAlright thats good, i tend to max out my ram a lot. One more question, my partitions are named sda1 sda5 and sda6, is there any way to rename them to 123?23:22
adam61escott, i couldn't see anything there: http://pastebin.com/uPYnBVby23:22
melow01adam61, I've also got a odd version of audacity so I'm reverting back to the stable release23:22
ShaunDreclinNot really important i suppose but i know its gonna bu me23:22
ubottuTo rename the labels of your partitions, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RenameUSBDrive.23:22
ShaunDreclinThanks :D23:23
adam61melow01, cool i've heard that's a good program - haven't used it yet myself23:23
ShaunDreclinOh wait its not the label, its under device name23:23
VonhintenWhat does the ubuntu/linux installation do to determine what drivers to load for my system, by default?  Suppose I want to go back to that, how would you do that?23:24
aaaaalexShaunDreclin, the names you have will remain though i think they are assigned in the order the drives are found by the kernel23:24
escottadam61, sudo lsof | grep "/dev"23:24
rwwShaunDreclin: in short, no.23:24
ShaunDreclinAhh damn. I wonder why it went 1 5 6, what happened to 2 3 and 4 haha23:24
aaaaalexShaunDreclin, but you can uses labels or UUIDs to handle the partitions instead of the device names23:25
ironhalikCan you theme the newer GDM?23:25
ShaunDreclinAha, I'll do that then23:25
adam61escott, http://pastebin.com/LTPbp8f923:25
ShaunDreclinFirst time using linux, this is all very alien to me~23:25
rwwShaunDreclin: in long, MSDOS-style disk layouts can have 4 primary partitions, one of which may optionally be an extended partition containing logical partitions. So, four boxes, one of which has more boxes inside it. Logical partitions are labeled starting at 5.23:26
aaaaalexShaunDreclin, welcome to free software :-D23:26
enferexSo I have run oprofile, and I get teh following when I try to opreport after i dump the data: "No sample file found"  I have a log in /var/lib/oprofile/samples/oprofiled.log which said it captured values.  But nothing when I do a opreport.  Whats up?23:26
aboudeskis there a way in 11.04 to get to the Places->Downloads quickly like it used to be previously?23:26
rwwShaunDreclin: so sda1 is a primary partition, then you have an extended partition that contains sda5 and sda6.23:26
ShaunDreclinOh! Yay, now it makes sense. Thanks rww :323:26
wizard1should i remove pulseaudio from my ubuntu installation?23:27
ShaunDreclinGoing off on a tangent here, but whats the difference between a primary and logical partition?23:27
escottadam61, it seems pulse has the only open file. if possible see if you can get audacity to output to pulse23:28
abioticrhymeI need a little help I just got through running configure and got several warnings using gcc23:28
dusfi am trying to install an NVIDIA driver from inside a tty, but when i try 'sudo ./NVIDIA-Linux.........run' it tells me command not found, what is the correct syntax?23:28
escottShaunDreclin, its a workaround from extremely old limits that said max of 4 partitions23:28
fredhamiI recently connected my pc to the lcd tv.  When I work in windows xp the pc input signal on my lcd works, however when i boot up into ubuntu, the lcd screen says: mode not supported? is there a firmware or software update that could fix this issue for ubuntu?23:29
OerHeksdusf cd /to/the/path/of/file23:29
merryman540hello I have ubuntu 8.04. If I run an upgrade to say 10.04 will I lose my home folder, settings etc?23:29
wizard1i have heard nothing good about pulse and it seems according to the wine guys that it is responsible for breaking audio in wine23:29
adam61escott, when i do that, there's no sound when i play audacious. not sure what else i'd have to change there23:29
dusfOerHeks: i'm already in the dir, i have it on reliable recommendation i need to use 'su' - thanks23:30
ShaunDreclinEscott aha, i think i get it23:30
ShaunDreclinOff to install ubuntu, thanks again for the help guys c:23:30
merryman540hello I have ubuntu 8.04. If I run an upgrade to say 10.04 will I lose my home folder, settings etc?23:31
bastidrazormerryman540: no.23:31
ubottuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/project/about-ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories23:31
ShaunDreclin11.04 is the new one~23:31
escottmerryman540, you shouldnt lose your home folder, and settings should stay, unless the program was upgraded and doesn't respect that setting23:31
merryman540er um doesn't respect that setting?????23:32
fredhamiI using maverick 10.4 does somebody know what is going on?23:33
ChotazI currently have a Q6600 OC'd at 4.0, perfectly stable with water cooling, 8GB of ram and a slightly OC'd GTX9800, but YT videos act weird on full screen, dunno why that'd happen on such a rig, neither I know how to get around it. Any tips?23:33
merryman540Ok I'll upgrade and be damned ha ha ha ha. Thanks.23:33
escottmerryman540, if program B replaces program A, then B may not understand A's settings, so you may have some minor tweaking to do23:33
adam61escott, all apologies i'm an idiot, i've been testing it with my speakers off for the last ten minutes lol.. you're suggestion about switching to pulse output worked! thank you very much!!23:33
fredhamiwith the lcd not being suppoted in ubuntu23:33
chantalhow to fix the sound on this system23:33
merryman540escott- ok thank you23:33
escottChotaz, try the flash 64bit ppa23:33
Chotazescott, wanna walk me through that? I'm kinda enw23:34
escottChotaz, http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2009/12/64bit-flash-ppa/23:34
crischanjust got a thinkpad x220 with 320GB hdd + 80gb ssd, but ubuntu 11.04 just shows the hdd. aything special requirements for ubuntu to suse ssd?23:34
escottcrischan, depends on how the ssd is connected. does it appear in lspci23:35
merryman540Can anyone tell a quick way to solve this please: E: Malformed line 64 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list (dist parse)23:35
merryman540I'm fairly sure there aren't 64 lines23:36
crischanescott, it's a intel mSATA ssd, and no, it doesnt show up in lspci23:36
usr13crischan: sudo fdisk -l | pastebinit23:37
escottcrischan, if it is SATA then it wouldn't show up anyways (There are some pci SSDs) have you checked cat /proc/partitions or sudo fdisk -l23:37
merryman540E:Malformed line 64 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list (dist parse), E:The list of sources could not be read.'23:38
escottmerryman540, have you checked line 64 of /etc/apt/sources.list?23:38
KM0201merryman540: you didn't put that line in your source list correctly... pastebin /etc/apt/sources.list23:38
crischanescott, thanks, but no trace of it.23:39
escottcrischan, does mSATA use the same controller as SATA? or does it have its own controller?23:40
crischanescott, if i'd only know... i'll have to dig deeper for taht, i guess23:40
flowbeehow can i find out the VERSION of a particular package... i.e. redis-server ... .  i want to know the VERSION of the software that if installed through the package manager would install.  i'm debating whether to install from source or not.23:41
escottcrischan, what is listed in ls /dev/disk/by-path23:42
robieliciao, chi mi può aiutare con una webcam?23:42
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aaaaalexflowbee one way would be to open synaptic and search for the package23:42
escott!br | robieli23:42
ubotturobieli: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.23:42
flowbeeaaaaalex, only have command line23:43
Sonja*6***foo     <-- this cron will execute foo every morning at 6am... how do i end the foo job (Ctrl-C?) at 9am every morning?23:44
merryman540escott - KM0201: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/609813/23:44
escottSonja, make the job dump its pid to a file in tmp, then at 9 run another job which kills the process listed in the pid, and remove the tmp file23:44
merryman540E:Malformed line 64 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list (dist parse), E:The list of sources could not be read.'http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/609813/23:45
Sonjaescott: thanks. now i must google meoar23:45
aaaaalexflowbee, apt-cache show packagename23:45
escottmerryman540, its a good idea prior to updating to remove those ppas23:45
ccallahanWhat's the Ubuntu-related gaming channel? I'm trying to start a Ubuntu clan, but I need to know what's the channel or if there even is one.23:46
KM0201merryman540: have you tried removing 64?23:46
yagooanyone trying the latest flash? supposeduly there are great updates for it23:46
ugliefrogI have a dual monitor set up...when i click the full screen button in lets say youtube it puts it fullscreen on the second monitor i need it to stay full screen on the main monitor....23:46
Sonjaor do i instead need 06***23:46
KM0201yagoo: i am... its working great for me23:46
Sonjato do it everymorning at 6am23:46
Sonjainstead of  * 6 * * * foo23:46
escottSonja, echo $$ > /tmp/mycronjob.pid; then the rest of your job23:46
ShaunDreclinHey i just finished installing ubuntu and im at the bootloader, is there any way to make windows the default option?23:47
merryman540KM0201- can you tell me which one is 64 http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/609813/23:47
yagooKM0201, do u get the full dialog settings box.. i mean the "new" dialog settings that's the buzz23:47
KM0201merryman540: can y[ou not see the numbers on the side?23:47
KM0201merryman540: if i had to guess, its probably line 66... but thats just a guess...23:47
escottSonja, better to specify the minutes as 023:47
merryman540Now I can ha ha ha thanks.23:47
flowbeetrying to install redis-server on ubuntu.  the package manager says version = 2:2.0.1-2 ; yet when i install that version and do redis-server --version => Redis server version 1.3.15 ... if i want a later version is my only alternative to install from source?23:48
yagooKM0201, 10.3 has alot of new advanced settings box.. does it work for your case? just wondreing before i can borke my system :)23:48
KM0201merryman540: you're gonna have a couple extra lines because of the way you copy/pasted that... so im' guessing its line 6623:48
Sonjathanks escott23:48
KM0201yagoo: i've not really used any of the advanced settings23:48
KM0201i just know its not causing my cpu to spike to 100% whenever i do anything w/ flash now (memory leak fixed)23:49
merryman540KM0201 -so how do I disable them? # something is it?23:49
aaaaalexflowbee, you could search if somebody already made a more recnet package. maybe there is a ppa for it23:49
ubottuA Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk.23:49
* yagoo says u can right-click on a flash area after it loads to reach the settings box.. the new advanced settings should be visible..23:49
kingofswordshow do i fix my flashplayer in 64bit?23:49
KM0201merryman540: honestly, i would just delete it.. rather than disable it.23:49
flowbeeaaaaalex, are supllementary packages?23:49
kingofswordshow do i fix my flashplayer in 64bit?23:50
KM0201merryman540: there's no reason to comment it out, as its not in there properly as it is, so its useless23:50
yagooKM0201, it supposed to offer more privacy controls which is good23:50
escottmerryman540, you are going to have to update all those ppa's anyways23:50
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KM0201yagoo: i guess... like i said, i've not messed w/ it23:50
merryman540escott is that sudo apt-get update??23:50
Sonjaescott: like this? http://pastie.org/192419823:51
KM0201merryman540: no, apt-get update, just updates your source list after you've made changes to it.. what exactly are you tryin to do?23:51
aaaaalexflowbee, ppa= personal package archive. any one can make a ppa on launchpad.23:51
escottmerryman540, no i mean either (a) the ppa will not be necessary, or (b) you will have to find a ppa appropriate to your new release (you were doing a dist-upgrade right)23:51
deco_anyway know how to completely remove an ubuntu sso account ?23:51
escottSonja, no create a script for it.. #!/bin/bash\necho $$>/tmp/mycron.pid\nmycommand23:52
=== Jura is now known as crogeek
crogeekI need help23:52
ubottuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.23:53
crogeekCan I disable completely vsync on classic+compiz?23:53
crogeekhow can I do that?23:53
ShaunDreclinHey i just finished installing ubuntu and im at the bootloader, is there any way to make windows the default option?23:53
adam61escott, i tested it again, and turns out switching output in audacious to pulseaudio actually didn't fix the problem. audacious still stops when i open the browser23:53
KM0201!grub2 | ShaunDreclin yes.. read this.23:53
ubottuShaunDreclin yes.. read this.: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)23:53
escottSonja, then run that script in your cron-job, and later kill it. when you kill the parent bash shell hopefully the child process will also be killed. if its not you may have to do some bash stuff to get the child pid23:54
crogeekQuakeLive is locked at 60fps, seems that vsync is turned on completely, how can I disable ?23:54
adam61does anyone know how to solve conflicts between alsa and pulseaudio? i think that's what's causing audacious to stop when another application opens23:55
datakidany recommendations for software to draw patch panel diagrams with?23:56
fredhamiI trying to connect pc computer to my Samsung 32" LCD using a VGA cable because the pc does not have HDMI. When i am in windows xp it work however when I boot in to ubuntu, 1o.4 the screen on my lcd said mode not supported.  do I need a video card to run the signal over to my lcd?23:56
crogeekCan I disable completely vsync on classic+compiz?23:56
datakidi've used Dia, but I was looking for something ...under more dev? sexier?23:56
szaladam61: audacious runs fine through Pulse here23:56
adam61szal: what do you have your audacious output plugin set to?23:57
adam61(in preferences)23:57
szaladam61: PulseAudio output plugin23:58
merryman540KM0201 & escott - thanks for your help bye23:58
KM0201good luck23:58
szaladam61: so if your browser makes Aud stop, it's probably a non-behaving Flash plugin or something23:58
fredhamiI trying to connect pc computer to my Samsung 32" LCD using a VGA cable because the pc does not have HDMI. When i am in windows xp it work however when I boot in to ubuntu, 1o.4 the screen on my lcd said mode not supported.  do I need a video card to run the signal over to my lcd?:)23:59
szalno such problem here; FF audio plugin routes its output through Pulse like it's supposed to23:59

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