
hajourhi NightHawk877 :)02:22
NightHawk877I'm running Ubuntu Natty on my desktop and it's better than Maverick.02:22
hajoura ok NightHawk877 :)02:23
hajouri have several programs on this one for testing some programs for accessibility but not have tried all out02:24
NightHawk877Yup. Everything is running great on this custom desktop with 3 gigs of DDR RAM, an AMD Athlon XP 3200 and a Geforce 6800GT. Unity runs great, but I don't like it.02:25
hajouro NightHawk877  why you don't like it then?02:28
NightHawk877It doesn't look good in my 24 inch monitor.02:29
NightHawk877It's better on my EEEPC.02:29
NightHawk877I use the standard GNOME interface on my desktop and 15.6 inch laptop.02:30
NightHawk877I've been using Ubuntu since Hardy was released. In fact I downloaded it the day it was released.02:35
hajourok NightHawk877 03:04
hajouri am not yet so long on ubuntu channels and only use ubuntu now almost 1 and half year03:04
NightHawk877I've been on Windows since the early 90's. I've only been using Gentoo and Slackware for the past 5 months.03:09
NightHawk877I have a 2.3 ghz Athlon XP, 3 gigs of DDR RAM, an MSI Kt880 Delta motherboard and a Geforce 6800GT along with two Hitachi 160 gig SATA hard drives.03:11
NightHawk877Those parts are from 2003-2005 and my computer runs Windows 7 like a dream.03:12
hajourhonest say after i had let crash the whole pc system almost 20 years ago i not had touched a pc till 200703:12
hajouron school i let crash the pc system03:12
hajouri have problems reading and just tried things out03:13
hajourafter that i not have dared to touch a pc long time03:14
hajourNightHawk877, ^03:14
NightHawk877wow. Long time03:23
hajourwell they where angry on me on school so i assumed i had done something very bad03:27
hajourbut i need to go to sleep now a few hours its 4:27 night here03:27
hajouri have a test at 9:0003:28
hajourneed to leave home at 7:27 for to travel to there also :(03:29
hajourby bus03:29
hajourso talk to you other time again NightHawk877  :)03:29
hajourgoodnight all03:30

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