
=== hallyn is now known as hallyn_afk
DevilSolutionwhy would xchat close itself?04:04
mandelmorning all!08:24
ralsinamorning mandel08:39
mandelralsina: hello hello!08:39
mandelralsina: guess what, yesterday walking the dog the owner of the chiguagua came to talk with me, the little fellow is dead and started crying on my shoulder08:40
mandelI'm considering to write a short movie about this08:40
ralsinamandel: :-(08:40
mandeldark comedy seems to match the full week perfectly08:40
ralsinawell, at least she didn't stab you or anything08:41
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mandelralsina: true, did I tell you I believe she is a 'mujer de dudosa forma de vivir' ?08:44
ralsinayes you did08:44
ralsinathus my concern about chihuahua-avenging-stabbiness08:44
mandelralsina: she was there crying I was wondering, should I hold her hand or something? Will she charge me for that? Do the people around know that?08:45
ralsinaregardless, dead puppy, crying woman.... hand holding is appropiate, I assume08:45
mandelI suppose08:46
mandelI don't knoqw, Ill get back to code, at least windows is behaving now :)08:47
ralsinacool, me too08:48
faganmorning im still doing twisted stuff today ping me mandel if you have a merge09:17
mandelralsina: one question about the design of the windows port, we got a IOCPReactor that can use namedpipe, unfortunatly there is not integration between the IOCP twisted loop and Qt main loop.09:43
mandelralsina: with a SelectThreadedReactor that can be easily done, but makes the UI and the twisted main lopp be the same, which migh make the UI less responsive09:44
mandelhow about using two diff processes, communicate via some easy IPC supported in pythons level between the UI process and the sd and sso twisted main loops?09:45
ralsinamandel: scary?09:45
ralsinahow unresponsive are we talking about here?09:46
mandelralsina: sso wont be a problem, sd might be an issue because the reactor is taking care os file uploads, downloads etc… + the UI09:46
mandelwhere the UI of sd is the control panel09:46
ralsinabut the reactor is not really doing uploads, it's just telling sd to do them? Or am I confused09:47
mandelralsina: the reactor is taking care of dispatching the async ops09:47
mandelso if we have lots of them, it will slow the UI09:48
ralsinamandel: yes, but dispatching should take milliseconds09:48
mandelI had the same conversation at #twisted, the consense there was, if you do lots of operation you will have issues with the UI09:48
ralsinaok then, if we must we must09:49
ralsinaare you thinking a simple queue or something like real RPC09:50
ralsinabecause if it's a queue we can just use multiprocessing09:50
JamesTaitHello people! :D09:52
mandelralsina: I was considering a q or something of the like09:55
mandelralsina: would simplify the solution, adding extra complexity in the reactor sounds like a dangerous thing to do09:55
ralsinalet's keep it as simple as possible09:55
ralsinaanyway, I think we can do it after we have it working09:55
mandelralsina: well, sd is working atm, I can change the reactor to the IOCPReactor and use named pipes for the 'dbus' like calls, lqter we make the control panel two processes, one uses the reactor for the calls, and they communicate via a q to a second process that has a very easy UI09:59
mandelbut then we are back to the question of, is this overeng?09:59
mandelI'm split with the multiprocess idea or attempting to make the IOCPReactor smarter…10:01
ralsinaI suspect the multiprocess is "simpler" n the sense that there is nothing hard about it, but it does make the whole thing more complicated.10:02
ralsinaOtOH, the IOCPReactor changes would be local, but are probably two orders of magnitude harder to get right10:03
mandelralsina: exactly, I'm going to talk with our windows expert to see which is the best option10:03
mandelhe might say something like, 'thats piss easy'10:03
ralsinamaybe he has a great idea on how to do it10:03
mandelralsina: other option is to move from a IOCPReactor to a SelectThreaded one10:03
ralsinamandel: that's beyond my depth in twisted10:04
mandeland do there the named pipe operations, if that is the case I can add the Qt inegration in like 20 min10:04
mandelralsina: I'm just typing random words with the word reactor attach to them to sound smart ;)10:04
ralsinamandel: if it's 20 minutes, see you in half an hour! ;-)10:05
mandelralsina: I already have the integration with the threaded reactor done, I need the named pipes :D10:06
ralsinahehehe, cool :-)10:12
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* fagan break (going to buy la noire)11:03
duanedesignmorning all11:37
faganDamn la noire is out friday in Ireland, american people on youtube showing off that you got it first arent cool11:43
duanedesignfagan: is that a playstation exclusive or are they also releasing it for xbox?11:46
faganduanedesign: rockstar do everything on both11:46
faganthey cant afford not to11:46
* duanedesign nods11:48
faganduanedesign: I have an xbox so I hate that I missed out on heavy rain11:48
fagangot to play a little bit of it and loved it11:48
faganduanedesign: I just bought brink too11:49
faganits very cool11:49
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duanedesigni have not gotten to play heavy rain yet11:58
faganduanedesign: its really interesting you can lose missions and that doesnt make you go back and have to do it again you just continue and it changes how the game turns out11:59
faganralsina: ping12:00
ralsinafagan: pong12:38
faganralsina: just wondering am I going to the sprint too12:39
ralsinafagan: good question. I didn't do the list, Chipaca did12:39
faganI got the email about me not having my travel details and it reminded me too12:39
ralsinaand he's away today12:39
faganralsina: ah its cool we can sort it when he is around tomorrow12:39
ralsinaI suppose that if you are in marianna's list you are attending, but yes, check with chipaca tomorrow early12:40
fagansure thats cool12:40
ralsinaok, back to the salt mines.12:40
gartralidea for Ubuntu One: Add a shell account!12:55
gartraloops, lost link, did anyone get my post?13:01
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gordhey guys, just wondering - are there any special requirements ubuntu one needs of a filesystem? basically i want to sync directly over to my samba share with a symlink and samba can't do much special filesystem stuff - all my music is too much for this small ssd drive13:18
ralsinagord: basically, ubuntu one doesn't follow symlinks13:51
gordralsina, hrm.. so there is no solution to the problem that arises when you have a large amount of data to sync, but a small home directory?13:52
ralsinayou could sync on the samba server13:52
ralsinaexplanation: create a UDF (ie: a folder you sync that's outside ~/Ubuntu One)13:53
gartralgord: you can set the samba share/music as a syncable directory13:53
ralsinasync that folder to the samba server and not to the SSD13:53
ralsinaI am not 100% sure udfs can be defined on mountpoints13:53
gordwhenever i have tried to do that in the past (and currently happens when i try now) all the ubuntu one options are greyed out in nautilus13:54
ryegartral, UDFs cannot be defined on mountpoints, outside of $HOME and attempting to do that with bind mounts or mounting the folder within home can lead to sudden data removal from the server if syncdaemon notices the files are not there, i.e. folder is not yet mounted13:55
ralsinagord, so no udfs on  mountpoints, I'd suggest syncing a UDF on the samba server instead then.13:56
ryei definitely need to come up with a simple one-file u1 uploader/downloader that can be used on the server13:56
ralsinaof course if it's a headless server doing that may be tricky13:56
gordit is :)13:56
ralsinagord: someday you will be able to just use streaming to the desktop ;-)13:57
ryegord, u1 now has a REST HTTP file api that can make it extremely easy to do, actually13:57
ryeralsina, like with Chipaca's u1-music?13:57
ralsinarye: well, for downloads, but not for syncing13:57
ryeralsina, aaaaand uploads! :)13:57
ralsinarye: right ;-)13:57
ralsinagord: bad news are, that costs you a few bucks a month13:58
gordcanonical employee ;)13:58
alecuralsina, gord works on the unity team13:58
ralsinagord: good news are, it's free for you then ;-)13:58
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* ralsina will never remember to check directory first13:59
ryegord, you may try u1-music to see how it can work, but we need to poke Chipaca so that he fixes it to enable it working alongside of ubuntuone installation13:59
ryeralsina, we need either to poke Chipaca or fix the package :)13:59
ralsinapoking chipaca will probably not work for a few days14:00
ralsinaor at least not achieve much, he's a busy bee :-)14:00
mandelor we don't have a stand up14:01
ryebug #776386 - ping joshuahoover - do you recall where you have posted the instructions?14:01
ubot4Launchpad bug 776386 in ubuntuone-client "File Sync error (IOError with tritcask metadata) (affects: 5) (heat: 24)" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77638614:01
alecu(writting notes)14:01
ralsinafagan, standup if you are around14:01
faganoh didnt think we had one14:02
gordhrm, interesting - i'll have a poke later and see if i can come up with a solution that doesn't require re-uploading everything - streaming sounds perfect though :)14:02
* fagan writing notes14:02
ralsinamandel, go ahead14:02
beunogord, we have magic uploads, so if you've uploaded files before, it won't upload them again14:03
mandelDONE: Work on the idea of the IOCPReactor. Looked at the integration with Qt14:03
mandelTODO: keep looking14:04
mandelBLOCKED: no14:04
ralsinaDONE: mgmt call, hacked in designer a lot (installer wireframes), poked everyone in the right order (hopefully) to get everything signed off, misc stuff. Probably achieved my first food poisoning in this trip.14:04
ralsinaTODO: finish the damn wireframes, receive the final signoffs on dashboard & installer, start passing things around, see doctor14:04
ralsinaBLOCKED: see food poisoning above.14:05
alecuDONE: started a control panel branch to use qt + twisted14:05
alecuTODO: work on that. Mumble with mandel.14:05
alecuBLOCKED: no14:05
ralsinaFORGOT: have two candidates for the "windows guy" position already14:06
ralsinaalecu: sadly it's not going to happen today, as we would really need ;-)14:06
dobeyλ DONE: nightlies fixes, UDS14:06
dobeyλ TODO: 11.10 nightlies14:06
dobeyλ BLCK: Still recovering from cold.14:06
fagannow me then14:06
fagan* got the basics of twisted figured out14:07
fagan* do some coding to learn it proper14:07
fagan* nope14:07
alecufagan, what are you reading for twisted?14:07
faganalecu: just learning the basics of how it works and how u1 is using it14:07
faganalecu: I didnt know much about it before other than it does networking mumbojumbo14:08
alecufagan, right. Do you plan to use any book or tutorial?14:08
ralsinaok, alecu, mandel, nessita will be around later today14:08
ralsinaplease ask her for any assistance you may need and she may be able to provide you14:08
faganalecu: I am using the tutorial but ordering the book later today14:08
ralsinaI will stop to go see the doctor, will try to be back ASAP14:09
alecuralsina, ack14:09
faganralsina: double ack14:09
ralsinaNow, if you will excuse me, I have to look up the turkish conjugation of "to vomit"14:09
dobeysigh, rain.14:11
cgreganHello U1 team....I'm having a bit of an issue with my file sync...anyone available to take a look?14:12
fagandobey: I love the rain :)14:12
fagancgregan: im sure if you said your issue someone will take a look when they have the chance14:12
faganso work away :)14:12
cgreganSo I got my hardware refresh on monday and signed into my account...I have my Documents folder synced and now it appears that although U1 is saying it only has 2 files left to sync (after 3 days BTW) half of my files are still missing.14:14
cgreganand the web interface crashes when I attempt to use it to see what is up there14:15
fagancgregan: wow sounds bad14:15
cgreganyeah fagan.....luckily I have my old drive so I can manually pull the files from it, but not quite the point14:16
cgreganhoping there is merely an issue with something on the server side14:16
fagancgregan: could you pastebin the syncdaemon log from .cache/ubuntuone/log/syncdaemon.log14:17
cgreganfagan: sure14:17
faganthat should give more info on whats going on with the sync from the computer14:18
faganthe web interface should be cought by the oops thingy we have built in14:18
cgreganfagan: it was14:18
cgreganfagan: https://pastebin.canonical.com/47574/14:19
fagancgregan: well im not the greatest with the syncdaemon logs so ill let someone else answer it but there is a gateway timeout down at the bottom that may be it14:21
cgreganfagan: I saw that...seemed bad14:22
ryecgregan, re: web interface crash, could you please open the source of the page and look for "OOPS" word and copy the whole identifier in the comment and paste here?14:22
cgreganfagan: it is currently trying to sync a rather large file, and maybe that it causing some trouble14:22
cgreganrye: sure14:22
ryegw timeout?14:22
faganrye: yeah14:23
dobeyfile size should have no bearing on the web ui "crashing"; number of files might though14:23
ryedobey, unless the shard the account on is under a heavy load and it crashes no matter what14:24
cgreganrye: hmm...so just was able to get into the web UI14:25
cgreganand it actually looks like the problem was when the files synced from my old machine14:25
cgregansome directories have no content14:25
cgreganso of course then no content is on my new machine14:25
ryecgregan, some directories on the web ui don't have content, do you have the access to the old machine?14:26
cgreganSo although it has taken 3 days for the files to sync down (with 2 remaining) it is doing what it thinks is right14:26
cgreganrye: I have access to the drive from the old machine14:26
cgregannot the whole machine14:26
dobeyrye: but that has nothing to do with file size :)14:27
cgreganI will double check the original content and get back to you with more details14:27
dobeyrye: that's just "always breaks, for everything"14:27
ryedobey, true14:27
ryecgregan, could you please also grab the ~/.cache/ubuntuone/log directory from the old machine drive so that we can see whether it believed it has synced everything14:27
cgreganrye: certainly14:28
faganrye: hehe thats what I thought too but I only asked for the syncdaemon log :/14:28
faganI didnt believe that the notifications were telling the truth14:29
joshuahooverrye: i think he's referring to removing ubuntuone which we have in this faq: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOne/FAQ/HowDoICompletelyRemoveAndReinstallUbuntuOne14:38
Chipacamandel: ping14:41
mandelChipaca: on the phone one sec14:41
faganoh Chipaca you are around 1 quick question am I on the list for the team sprint ralsina didnt know14:42
Chipacafagan: there is no list. When there is, I'll let you know either way.14:43
faganChipaca: cool14:44
cgreganrye: so confirmed...a ton of docs not synced from the old Documents folder. I have not copied them directly and OSDNotify tells me that over 4000 files are now being uploaded to U114:44
cgreganI also got the log dir14:44
ryecgregan, could you please archive the log dir and send it to ubuntuone-support@canonical.com ?14:44
cgreganrye: sure14:45
ryejoshuahoover, btw, i talked to launchpad team and flacoste said they have notified IS about the spam14:46
joshuahooverrye: good :)14:46
mandelChipaca: I'm back sorry14:47
mandelChipaca: personla stuff with the ex-suegra etc...14:47
Chipacamandel: in Ubuntu you can't sync folders outside of your home. What's the restriction on Windows?14:47
Chipacamandel: uncomfortable essential conversations, i guess14:47
mandelChipaca: same thing, we did a map of the xdg_home dir to C:\Users\username14:47
Chipacais there a way to refer to "any folder under taht" that is comprehensible to windows users?14:49
mandelChipaca: let me find a msdn doc that uses the term14:49
mandel'cause I call it home folder14:50
dobeyi think they call it user profile folder or something like that14:53
mandelChipaca:  dobey is right, the call it profile folder14:54
dobey<- smrt14:54
dobeyshen me niao!14:57
dobeywhere did my Alt+F2 go?!14:57
dobeyanyone else using classic on up-to-date 11.04?14:58
Neotiyep im on classic cos i HATE unity ...14:59
Chipacadobey: using unity in oneiric ... and settings daemon seems to be busted14:59
Chipacaso gtk2 is all "YAY ITS 1992"14:59
dobeystupid keyboard14:59
fagandobey: I love unity14:59
dobeyfagan: good for you14:59
Chipacathat's quite an accomplishment for an irishman15:00
* Chipaca runs15:00
mandeldobey: try the same shortcut as used in unity, maybe the got that screwed up15:00
dobeydon't make me laugh, my chest hurts :(15:00
Chipacadobey: ow, sorry :-/15:00
dobeymandel: no no. my stupid keyboard15:00
faganChipaca: lol we love unity in ireland too north and south :)15:00
Neotifagan: i hate unity .... why why why did they mess up a perfect desktop with unity ... ARGH!!!!! i used unity for a couple of days and got pissed off with it... switched back to classic15:00
dobeymy keyboard apparently ended up having the Fn lock turned off15:00
* dobey glares in the general direction of Redmond15:01
faganNeoti: I love it mainly because it suits how I like to work15:01
mandeldobey: stop looking at me!15:01
faganNeoti: I use a lot of hotkeys in games and stuff so now I can apply that to my entire desktop15:01
dobeyuhm, ok, yall can stop arguing about unity and totally misusing the term "desktop" now15:02
faganalthough I really hate some stuff I love the multitasking and how good the search is15:02
Neotilol games what games ... ubuntu and games lol ... im only joking .... but they need to get Magic the gathering working on ubuntu .... then my move will be complete15:02
faganNeoti: heroes of newerth15:02
dobeyChipaca: yeah, stupid cold :(15:02
Chipacadobey: does it also hurt if i <tiger pounce> TICKLE YOU!!!15:03
faganNeoti: if you can get a higher action per minute game other than starcraft ill give you a picture of a green dog15:03
dobeyChipaca: physically, and emotionally, yes15:03
NeotiStarcraft is cool... so im not going to even bother trying ....:)15:04
faganNeoti: well heroes of newerth and savage 2 are my fav games on linux15:04
fagansavage 2 is free too so its even better :D15:04
dobeyyall are weird15:05
fagandobey: if you havent met me yet then you are only getting the half of my weirdness15:06
dobeyi met you, yes15:06
dobeythankfully only briefly :)15:06
fagandobey: haha15:07
* fagan doesnt remember a few of the names of the people he met at lucid UDS15:07
faganI did meet as many people as I could so that was fun15:08
Neotifagan: i use to like playing recoil... but can not get wine to work properly with it...15:09
faganNeoti: I never use wine for games15:09
Neotifagen: what do you use then ?15:09
Neotifagan: what do you use then ?15:10
faganNeoti: native games15:11
faganlike what other games do you need than world of goo and heroes of newerth they both cover all of te major bases15:11
NeotiMagic the gathering, Starcraft, Recoil15:12
Neoticommand and conquer15:12
NeotiHouse of the dead III15:12
mandelalecu: ping15:12
faganStarcraft I can agree with15:12
faganbut the others aren't my thing15:13
dobeythere are native engines for C&C and Starcraft, but I don't know how well they work any more, or how complete they are15:17
faganthere is an interesting one in lua called spring15:22
faganbut all the games I saw that use it look really ugly15:22
faganmaybe thats me being shallow about graphics though15:23
faganlua is a cool language15:24
dobeynot really15:24
fagandobey: well no language that I have seen looks more like my psudocode than ada :)15:26
faganI did a little bit of lua and liked it but the bindings arent there and adobe is the only one "maybe" using it15:26
dobeylots of people are using lua15:27
dobeymost notably, blizzard.15:27
fagandobey: I havent seen much of it around15:27
mandeland most decent tams that develop games15:27
mandelgreat scripting lang15:27
faganI didnt know blizzard use it15:27
dobeywell, proprietary code isn't for you to see15:27
dobeyChipaca: more nightiles in O coming15:30
Chipacadobey: O my15:31
ryecgregan, and now I know why weren't they syncing.15:31
ryecgregan, bug #683116 ... grr I really need to come up with something here15:32
ubot4Launchpad bug 683116 in ubuntuone-client (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "Syncdaemon silently crashes at startup (affects: 9) (dups: 2) (heat: 146)" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/68311615:32
cgreganrye: thanks for the info15:33
cgreganrye: keep me in the loop15:33
cgreganI will subscribe15:33
dobeyman, budapest killed me15:35
fagandobey: ubuflu15:36
faganall the ubuntu developers carry their local flus with them15:37
dobeyit is not ubuflu15:37
Minzegot a problem, syncing worked fine for quite some time, but now it wont, i dont know why :S15:37
Minzeuploading over the webinterface works, though.15:37
Minzestrange crap...15:41
Minzeworking now again :S15:41
dobeyyay, time to get some lunch16:02
mandelalecu: alecu_: ping16:10
alecumandel, pong16:11
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dobeymandel: ping17:05
dobeyah bother17:21
nigelbfagan: early?17:35
nessitaralsina: hey there, how is it going?17:50
nessitaalecu: ping18:02
=== beuno-lunch is now known as beuno
=== hallyn is now known as hallyn_afk
dobeynessita: can i get a review on https://code.launchpad.net/~dobey/ubuntuone-client/allow-gtk3-compile/+merge/61448 ? :)18:29
nessitadobey: sure118:29
beunokarni, CardinalFang,  DanRabbit here can help us with the artwork for the Android Files App18:33
beunocould you let him know what we need?18:33
karniwhoa nice18:33
beunoI know there's the startup image, the icon's orange is different to music18:33
beunowhat else?18:33
beunoDanRabbit, do you have an android device?18:33
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DanRabbitbeuno: I do not sorry18:33
beunoit's ok18:34
karnibeuno: DanRabbit: I think we could use a properly sized icons (resized look really bad), they're too small in the UI18:34
DanRabbitokay, we're talking icons for Android right?18:34
beunofor 2.3 inclusive, yes18:34
beunoand maybe a monochrome version as well?18:35
karnibeuno: is the logo on the action bar fine? (I took it somewhere from design resources)18:35
DanRabbitokay, I had supplied several sizes previously do you know which ones are missing?18:35
karnislow down guys, slow down18:35
karniI meant the *file* icons in the UI18:35
karnifile, folder, published file, etc18:35
karniunless we can find those already on the net with proper license with CardinalFang18:35
karniwe were missing the icon (we have it), missing splash screen (landscape and portait), better _file_ icons on the list18:36
DanRabbitkarni: if I could get a list of icons needed, the sizes you need them at, and bonus points for screenshots of the current ones, I can do that :)18:36
karniDanRabbit: sure thing!18:36
karniDanRabbit: I'll give you the sizes of splash screens as well18:37
karniDanRabbit: I'll get back to you shortly, is that ok?18:37
DanRabbitkarni: that would be great :)18:38
karniDanRabbit: thanks. want to quickly triage one problem.18:38
DanRabbitkarni: you could also email me: daniel.p.fore@gmail.com if you'd like18:38
karniDanRabbit: perfect, saving your mail18:38
nessitadobey: approved18:39
dobeynessita: thanks18:39
dobeyanyone else want to give a quick second review?18:39
dobeynessita: oh, btw; your cp branch supposedly fixes a bug, but it wasn't committed with a --fixes= ?18:55
nessitadobey: the orange branch? let me confirm18:55
dobeynessita: the comment you removed has a bug # in it18:56
nessitadobey: true, sorry for forgetting that :-(18:56
dobeynessita: doh, of course, it just merged a few minutes ago :)18:56
* nessita updates the bug status18:56
karniDanRabbit: under little fire here, sorry18:58
DanRabbitkarni: no pressure :)18:59
=== DanRabbit_ is now known as DanRabbit
dobeynessita, beuno: ended up needing larger changes, so i resubmitted; could you please re-review? https://code.launchpad.net/~dobey/ubuntuone-client/allow-gtk3-compile/+merge/6145519:29
nessitadobey: ack19:30
beunodobey, still +119:32
dobeynessita: did you mean to poke here about that? :)19:43
nessitadobey: yes, sorry! too many opened channel and the same prefix :-D19:44
dobeynessita: anyway, the test-gsd-ubuntuone.c didn't actually do any testing itself. it was to use for testing the display of the quota dialog, which isn't there any more. it was used by running it, and then running the accompanying python script to send the signal, while it was running19:46
alecunessita, pong19:46
nessitadobey: right, I now remember19:46
nessitaalecu: hi there! how is it going?19:46
nessitadobey: approving19:47
alecunessita, fine fine19:47
nessitaalecu: I'm one test distance of proposing a branch to have multiplaftorm-ready code in u1cp19:47
nessitaalecu: what are you working on?19:47
alecunessita, using qt+twisted in the control panel19:48
alecunessita, mandel told me that no designs have been approved yet for the control panel ui.19:49
nessitaalecu: what does that mean? (other than being scary :-P)19:49
* nessita passes out19:49
alecunessita, there have been a few designs approved for the "installer" wizard19:49
alecunessita, but no cp yet.19:49
nessitaalecu: is mandel working on that? (installer wizard)19:50
alecunessita, afaik ralsina is working on that19:50
nessitaok, I guess today is too late to bitch about not having approved designs :-)19:50
alecunessita, mandel is working on making the iocp reactor for windows play nicely with qt19:50
nessitatomorrow it is19:50
nessitaalecu: ok, I'll be finishing this (separating linux-specific into linux modules), and then I'll be moving the little logic we have in the gui module to the backend19:51
alecunessita, we've been discussing with mandel if it would be fine to keep the separation between the u1cp gui and backend, and we came to the conclusion that keeping that separation is not useful for the windows port.19:51
nessitaalecu: I wanted to be sure we're not overlapping in our work19:51
nessitaalecu: wait19:52
nessitaalecu: we talked about this in Budapest. We said we will not have 2 processes, not that we'll mix logic and view19:52
alecunessita, the separation you are doing is ok, though.19:52
alecunessita, right19:52
nessitaalecu: is that what you mean?19:52
alecunessita, yes.19:52
nessitaah, great. I almost pass out twice :-P19:52
alecunessita, but we (mandel and I) discussed having two processes again, to work around the iocp+qt issues19:53
alecunessita, but we would need iocp in the gui layer as well19:53
alecunessita, so one process is better.19:53
alecunessita, anyway: please let me know when you need reviews for that.19:53
dobeyi am scared19:54
nessitaalecu: yessir19:54
nessitadobey: I'm scared of asking why19:54
dobeywonder if i should upgrade yet20:02
philsfhi, My u1 folder appears to be in sync with the cloud, but the application reports 159,7MB of usage, whereas du -h reports 180MB. How is this possible?20:43
nessitaalecu, someone else: https://code.launchpad.net/~nataliabidart/ubuntuone-control-panel/multiplatform/+merge/6146520:43
philsfsorry, du -h reports 206MB20:43
alecunessita, will do.20:45
alecuphilsf, du reports on block usage, not exact file usage. So if a file is 1byte, but the filesystem block size is 4kb, then du will report 4kb.20:45
alecuphilsf, add that error for all the files in the filesystem....20:46
nessitaphilsf: what alecu says :-)20:46
dobeybeuno: uhm, so, i am *pretty* sure that i do not have "578.8 files" in u120:49
beunodobey, I don't think we tell you the number of files anywhere20:50
dobeybeuno: the dashboard "Files" rectangle just says "578.8" and doesn't classify it as MB or anything20:50
dobeybeuno: which is confusing, given contacts/notes are counts of20:51
beunodobey, sounds like a bug. FF4?  Have you fudged with the font size?  (can you control+0?)20:51
dobeyit is FF4, and doing Ctrl+0 doesn't make MB appear20:51
philsfalecu, nessita: but both nautilus and "disk usage analyzer" (baoba?) also report similar sizes to du. Why is u1 the only one reporting different total size?20:52
dobeyand yes my default font size is not "humongous" like the actual default in firefox is20:52
dobeyphilsf: are you *certain* all your files are on u1?20:53
beunodobey, strange, I can't reproduce with the same values20:53
philsfdobey, no. I'm sure they're on one computer (confirmed by rsync), not all of them but the total size reported by u1 does not match anything else I use to measure it20:54
beunodobey, http://ubuntuone.com/p/u8q/20:54
dobeybeuno: it also seems weird to show the quota usage in that spot anyway, to me20:55
beunodobey, it is20:55
alecuphilsf, try "du -bh"20:55
dobeybeuno: since i don't think we have any means of distinction for "quota used by files" vs. "quota used by everything else"20:55
philsfalecu, 164MB, u1 reports 159,7MB.20:56
beunodobey, we _only_ have quota used for files20:56
dobeyoh well20:57
alecuphilsf, well, we are getting closer, right? Probably u1 is summing the size of directories differently to what du does.20:58
alecuphilsf, du -hb still seems to count full blocks for directory sizes.20:59
=== hallyn_afk is now known as hallyn
alecunessita, what happens here? test_add_oauth_headers.skip = "Why is the patch being ignored?"21:15
nessitaalecu: ah, I gave up :-(21:19
nessitaalecu: patch will not patch the function21:19
nessitaalecu: I tried debugging for a while, but I failed miserably21:20
alecuack. will take a look there.21:20
dobeystupid storm21:20
nessitaalecu: thanks :-)21:20
alecunessita, I don't like the "MockWebClient.failure = 404" and similars21:35
alecunessita, they used to be self.be.wc.failure = 40121:35
nessitaalecu: right, but since failure is a class variable, is "more correct" if we use the class to access the variable21:36
nessitaalecu: and also, pylint will not stop complaining about that (even if the disable are in place)21:36
alecunessita, I find that touching the class variable is touching global state and problems problems etc.21:37
nessitaalecu: I added a cleanup line on setUp...21:37
alecunessita, a class variable belongs to a class till it's changed, and then it belongs to the instance.21:37
nessitaalecu: if you find how to make pylint happy, I'm happy to change it back21:37
alecunessita, right, I saw the cleanup on setUp. But we'll need to remember to do that in every other TestCase where that mock is used...21:38
alecunessita, anyway, I see that this style is in all this file (not only in the changed parts), so let's skip this issue.21:39
nessitaalecu: which, from my POV, makes some sense. But again, I'm happy to change it back, but the pylint warning will not go away21:40
dobeywhat pylint warning?21:42
alecunessita, from my POV instances of that mock default to not erroring, and only specific instances are set up to error. So there should be no need to reset the class behaviour on every TestCase setUp.21:42
nessitaalecu: right21:42
alecunessita, if pylint complaints, it's because pylint prefers instance variables to be created in the __init__21:43
alecunessita, which I find verbose and ugly when I want a default that I can set on the class.21:43
nessitaalecu: yeah, but the problem is that even if I add the disable clause, pylint will not shut up21:43
dobeymaybe we should write our own python checker thing21:48
nessitadobey: you think? I would like to be able to fix pylint...21:50
dobeyi think "fix pylint" means "completely rewrite pylint"21:52
dobeypylint is way too complex of a system21:52
nessitadobey: I haven't looked at it, to be honest21:52
dobeynessita: well it's not just pylint; it's astng, logilab-common, pylint, and who knows what else21:53
nessitadobey: right. Would you be able to re-write it? :-)21:56
dobeyi already have enough to rewrite right now i think21:57
=== m_conley is now known as m_conley_away
alecunessita, I think the patch being ignored has to do with the import code that makes stuff from linux.py show up in a level above. I'm working on fixing it now.22:09
nessitaalecu: fixing the import on __init__?22:09
alecunessita, no, the import should be fine. I'll work on the tests.22:10
alecunessita, in "ubuntuone/controlpanel/integrationtests/test_web_client.py", try "from ubuntuone.controlpanel.web_client import linux as web_client" (instead of "from ubuntuone.controlpanel import web_client")22:12
dobeyalright, well i think it's time for me to bounce22:14
dobeyhave a good evening all!22:14
alecunessita, the explanation is: the test code is patching the reference to build_oauth_headers in __init__.py, but not the real definition in linux.py, which is what add_oauth_headers uses.22:14
alecubye dobey!22:15
alecuseems to fix it.22:15
nessitaalecu: but...22:19
nessitaalecu: I was trying to have the webclient tests multiplatform22:19
nessitaalecu: since they don't depend on any platform specific (but the implementation does)22:20
alecuaha, let's see.22:20
nessitaalecu: what about moving the oauth helper methods to the __init__.py module? that is multiplatform22:20
nessitaand leaving the Soup-specific under linux.py22:20
nessitaalecu: makes sense?22:24
alecunessita, makes sense. I'm trying to find out now what it is that OAuthRequest.to_header did.22:24
alecuwell, it looks like it returns a dict, so this should apply to the twisted web client or the qt web client as well, so I'm +1 with that change.22:27
nessitaalecu: ok, adding that to my branch22:28
nessitaalecu: any other change you would like me to add?22:33
alecunessita, I can't think of any other thing. It looks nice!!!22:34
nessitaalecu: fixed and pushed to revno 14822:37
nessitaalecu: I need to run some errands in a few minutes (I need food!). But I don't want to block the review, would you need anything else from me?22:49
alecunessita, not at all. go erranding22:50
nessitagreat, thanks!22:51
alecunessita, approved.22:53
nessitaok I'm gone23:03
nessitasee ya crowd!23:04

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