
Kokitohello folks05:24
holsteinKokito: o/05:27
holsteini thought it was time for you to show up05:27
Kokitohehe :)05:28
Kokitohaving a coffee at Starbucks and catching up with email and such05:28
Kokitohow are you holstein ?05:28
holsteinKokito: im good05:39
holsteinim thinking about buying some ram05:39
Kokitoram is so cheap these days05:39
holsteinif i max out my recording rig05:42
holsteini can move the old memory over to my server05:42
holsteinSO, its like buying ram for 2 machines05:42
holsteinlooks like for $130, i can have 8gb's on my production machine, and 2gb's on my server05:43
Kokitook, gotta go back home now05:45
holsteinKokito: laterx :)05:45
KokitoI am converting my VHS into digital format, and need to be back before the movie ends :)05:46
KokitoI meant to say "VHS collection"05:46
Kokitosee ya!05:47
scott-workhi Daviey !13:54
scott-workwhat's up paultag ?13:54
scott-workholstein: i was talking about with cory about the gnome3 compatibility mode that they call "gnome-panel" and i realized something13:55
scott-workholstein: i found the graphics dated looking, like it was a regression to an earlier version of a gnome-panel theme13:55
scott-workit was very unpolished looking13:55
Davieyscott-work, !13:58
scott-workhi JFo  :)14:37
* jussi grins at JFo's ident and wonders if jfo is an ubuntu member?14:38
scott-workno, say it isn't so!  JFo 's not a ubuntu member?  heresy!14:39
JFoheya scott-work 15:03
JFosorry was away from this machine for a moment15:03
JFojussi, nope, not yet15:03
JFothe unaffiliated cloak is old15:03
jussiJFo: !! not a member? 15:03
JFothere should be an ubuntu one there, but something is still presenting it from showing15:03
jussiJFo: but you are a member? 15:04
JFojussi, nope, just haven't had the time to apply :-)15:04
jussiJFo: ahh, you dont get a ubuntu/member cloak until you are a member. 15:04
JFowell, haven't TAKEN the time ;-)15:04
JFojussi, no, but I should have a canonical one15:04
JFothat was what I meant15:04
JFosorry for the confusion15:05
jussiJFo: yes, for that you need to ping Joey15:05
JForight, and I did, so I should have it15:05
JFothere is just something that keeps it from showing over the unaffiliated one15:05
jussiahh, so we can blame joey then :P15:05
JFoindeed! :)15:05
jussiJFo: if/when you get membership, we will give you a ubuntu/member clok :D15:06
JFojussi, of course15:07
DavieyJFo, Dude, you so need to get ubuntu membership... you get free subscription to lwn (!!!!!!!!!!) . :)20:30
JFoDaviey, :-)20:40
* ckontros waves.23:06
ckontrosScottL: Please get this crap where we can't upload to our BZR branches sorted. (whatever the story is) This is ridiculous.23:11
ckontrosIt begins: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuStudio/Artwork/OfficialOneiric23:44
ckontrosPM if needed.23:57

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