
Keybukmy life was so much easier when I worked on computers that would boot any USB key :p00:17
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elikIs it possible that upstart would limit the creation of child processes?04:27
ionelik: Use ulimit.14:00
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iaindaltonin my pre-start script, I have "echo foo starting >/somefile; /path/to/foo; echo foo done >>/somefile", but /somefile only has "foo starting", even though the script's status is stop/waiting, and pgrep confirms foo isn't running. What's happening?21:18
JanCiaindalton: probably foo stopped with an error?21:19
iaindaltonJanC: why wouldn't the next line execute? I'm not using &&21:20
JanCupstart runs scripts with "set -e" (basically: stop the script when a command returns with an exit status value > 0)21:22
iaindaltonah; is there a way to get at the exit status? The reason I put those echos in was to debug why it was exiting early, since running /path/to/foo from the terminal after the system boots works fine21:23
iaindaltonand where does foo's output go when started by upstart?21:23
iaindaltonI'm searching the docs for this info too21:24
Keybukit goes to /dev/null21:25
iaindaltonah, output goes to /dev/null21:25
Keybukthe exit status of the pre-start script should be in your syslog21:25
iaindaltonwhat if I instead have exec /path/to/foo after the pre-start script? Still in /var/log/syslog? And what do I grep, the name of the script? Because I didn't get anything.21:27
mbiebliaindalton: have you tried "console output" ?21:32
Keybukiaindalton: initctl log-priority info21:34
iaindaltonYeah, but everything scrolled by too fast for me to tell if it worked. I assume it's in a log file though, just gotta find it.21:34
iaindaltonKeybuk: what's that? Does nothing for me21:34
Keybukthen your syslog must be configured to drop messages from init21:36
iaindaltonYeah, looking into that now :-)21:39
iaindaltonWait, was I supposed to run initctl log-priority info at the terminal, or stick it somewhere in my startup script?21:40
Keybukat the terminal21:41
iaindaltonAnd what's supposed to happen?21:41
Keybukupstart sends more to syslog21:44
iaindaltonah, but my script has already quit by the time I log in, so I'd need to run it again, right?21:44
iaindaltonexcept when I run it after logging in, it works fine21:44
iaindaltonwell, I messed with syslog, and now I have the message. Thanks for the help21:47

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