
amichairin case someone cares or will be reading through the logs... I found the solution to the slow lookup in wget/browsers: it has to do with the wins server configuration in /etc/nsswitch.conf - wins needs to be moved to the end of the hosts lookup lists (instead of before dns). Reports say this may screw with samba automounts, but that's a less pertinent issue for me and I'll deal with it some other time. For everyone blaming ipv600:07
amichairconfigurations - know that there is another cause that should be checked :-)00:07
amichairtsimpson: ^^ (and thanks)00:07
TheFriendlyOnesanyone else having issues with rekonq's stability?00:19
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Magnussondoes anyone here make their own splash screens, plasma themes,, etc or know a place i can go to start learning how?00:52
James147Magnusson: played about with some splahs screens, best way is to download some form kde-look.org and start experimenting00:53
Magnussonthat's what i was afraid of  =\. not that great at reading complex code.  was trying to convert a kdm 3 splash screen to use in kdm 400:54
James147http://kde-apps.org/content/show.php/Ksplash+theme+generator?content=104456   http://kde-apps.org/content/show.php/KSplasher+Splash+Screen+Editor?content=86463  might help00:55
James147Hi pete_00:57
Magnussoni saw the first link last night, but the 2nd one looks promising, thanks James147 :)00:57
pete_hi james, i have no idea what i am doing here, how do i create a name that i can use properly?00:58
Magnussonpete_>if you're just wanting to change your nickname use /nick (new desired name)00:58
pete_where do i use that command?00:59
=== pete_ is now known as peatie
peatieoh i see i am now peatie01:00
peatiethanks Magnusson01:00
Magnussonsure np :)01:00
preecherevenin Magnusson01:00
Magnussonhey preecher01:01
Magnussonhow's it goin01:01
peatiei was thinking i had to join the channel irc.freenode.net to get on chat for advice, does anyone know any applications that I can get similar to hyperterminal in windows?01:02
Magnussonpeatie>what're you wanting to do exactly?01:04
Magnussoni remember using hyperterminal years ago but forgot what for01:04
peatieConsole to my cisco router, so I can fiddle with it01:04
Magnussontry putty01:04
peatieMagnusson>I've only got one network interface on this PC at the mo01:05
Magnussonpeatie>http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ check it out and see if that'll serve your needs01:06
DragnslcrI'd think that the router would support telnet or ssh01:06
peatiethis (linux) is all very new to me01:06
Magnussonpeatie>heh yep, me too. i've recently come back to linux myself01:07
gomiboypeatie: minicom is what you want01:07
peatieyeah, I can't telnet to my cisco when I'm using the only eth port available to chat unfortunately01:08
peatieminicom eh?01:08
DragnslcrWhy can't you telnet to it?01:08
DragnslcrSeems weird that you can't have a telnet connection to it over the same wire as everything else01:09
peatiedragnslcr> because my internet connection is to a different router01:09
gomiboy the serial console is cooler :D01:10
DragnslcrHeh, I'll take your word for it01:10
peatiegomiboy> i feel safer with the console01:10
Dragnslcrhttp://tldp.org/HOWTO/Serial-HOWTO.html might be a good starting point01:12
DragnslcrThough that's probably for raw communication over the serial port01:13
szalMagnusson: what do you want w/ PuTTY on Linux?  isn't that 100% redundant?01:14
Magnussonszal>to my understanding he was wanting something to use on windows 0.o01:15
szalMagnusson: then you understood wrongly01:15
Magnussonfair nuff01:15
szalapart from that that'd be OT here ^^01:15
peatiethanks, that looks like some good info, but i'm just after an application that will let me get to the router for now. I've used hyperterminal a fair bit, just after a linux equivalent01:16
peatieso anyway, I haven't registerd or anything, so if I close this window, will I lose the name peatie? and if so how do I register? AND will i be able to get on other thingmajigs (channels?) with that username?01:22
peatiesorry I didn't mean to use the term "window"01:23
gomiboypeatie: don't worry, peatie isn't a particularly appealing name :D01:24
* gomiboy isn't registered anyway :)01:25
peatieI dunno, wasn't he the artist in the Charlie Braown comics?01:26
dbc254got an easy one01:26
ubottuInformation about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode01:27
MagnussonJames147>the ksplasherX app worked great , thanks again :)01:27
dbc254got an easy one01:27
szal!repeat | dbc25401:27
ubottudbc254: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com/ http://www.ubuntuforums.org/ or http://www.kubuntuforums.net/ while you wait.01:27
dbc254how do you create a new icon in 10.1001:27
moesKubuntu 10.04...I have four workspaces ...I want to add different wallpaper to each one...Need url with instructions ?01:28
eMyllerhow can i fix the height for the tray icons?01:28
Magnussonmoes>you can do it but you'll have to add seperate widgets for each desktop01:28
eMylleri really want my panel thinner than normal, but the icons are all unaligned or oversized01:29
szalwhat KDE version is in 10.04?  4.4.x?  was that possible already there?01:29
dbc254in 9.01 I could just right click on the desktop and create a new icon. Can't do that in 10.1001:29
moesMagnusson, Is the cheat sheet somewhere's...the one I found does not work01:32
Magnussonmoes>right click the desktop pager01:34
Magnussonpager settings->virtual desktops01:34
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LinkmasterIm having the most annoying thing happen with my focus policy at the moment. For some reason, the focus policy is causing the window's to raise, which is difficult when I have some things maximized and some at smaller screens. how do I make it so the focus follows the mouse, but doesn't raise the windows?01:46
LinkmasterI fixed it, nevermind. I kept monkeying around with it, and got it. Thanks anyways01:50
SIR_Tacohello again02:12
Linkmasterhey hey02:17
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di3gopaHello everyone! anyone knows how can i enable subpixel hinting for the fonts?02:44
di3gopaanyone knows where can i change the font hinting? (my fonts look horrible)02:55
LinkmasterYou can go to 'system settings -> Application Appearance -> Fonts[tab]' and see what can be done from there02:56
di3gopaLinkmaster: thanks02:57
LinkmasterDid it help?02:57
di3gopaLinkmaster: i just enabled Anti-alising02:58
di3gopabut no changes, i think i have to restart X02:59
di3gopabrb to try02:59
di3gopaLinkmaster: am back, and no, still ugly haha03:01
LinkmasterHuh..I wouldn't know then, my apologies Dx03:01
di3gopaLinkmaster: np, thanks al lot ;)03:02
multipasshmm i cant mount my iphone in 11.0403:12
multipassany tips03:12
multipassall it says is camera03:15
ScottyKHow can I find out what wireless driver I'm running? I know the chip is broadcom03:27
AnimentalHello e'rbody!03:27
DaskreechScottyK: lsmod03:29
Daskreechhi Animental03:29
* Animental blinks03:29
RoeyOmigorsh :)03:29
* Daskreech waves03:29
Roeyhey :)03:29
feiI'm from China03:30
Daskreechfei: welcome03:30
AnimentalHello, Fei!03:30
Daskreechthis is an english channel :)03:30
feiI have something in trouble03:30
AnimentalHaha, English Channel.03:30
Daskreechwhat is it?03:30
feicould you help me?03:30
ScottyKDaskreech - Thanks!03:31
DaskreechWe don't know un;ess you tell us :)03:31
AnimentalHe's running from the police.03:31
AnimentalI think that's definitely what he met.03:32
DaskreechAnimental: don't be mean :)03:32
feieverytime I resize the konsole window, the system crashed03:32
Daskreechfei: nvidia video card?03:32
Daskreechturn off transparency03:33
Daskreechor the desktop effects03:33
feiok,but how?03:33
Daskreechtry alt+shift+F1203:34
mediaworkHi, how can I get my ubuntu to be as idle as possible?03:34
mediaworkIm trying to see how low my cpu temp drops...03:34
feithank you very much03:34
Daskreechmediawork: don't touch it and leave it in front of MTV03:35
AnimentalHe could turn off X. Run it command line only.03:35
AnimentalAND THEN set it in front of MTV.03:36
mediaworkanyways, is 38 deg C a low idle temp for a cpu?03:37
Daskreechfei: if you want just transparency gone you can turn it off under Desktop effects03:37
feiok,thank you03:37
Daskreechmediawork: not low but below normal03:37
mediaworkhow does MTV help? the TV station?03:37
feiI just try03:37
Daskreechmediawork: it makes whoever watches it an idler03:38
AnimentalYeah, Dask was jokin'.03:38
* Animental raises his hand. He has a n00b question.03:38
* Daskreech has n00b answers03:38
* Animental updated his...holy smokes, he just realized he was in the wrong channel.03:39
mediaworkjeez, Ive got 4 cores and all of them are fluctuating between 2 - 10% load, and nothing is running...03:39
* Animental waves goobye.03:40
Daskreechmediawork: your computer is on03:40
Daskreechsomething is running03:40
asobi* Daskreech has n00b answers  <--- liesssssss03:41
mediaworkDaskreech: right, just seems a bit busy doing some flops of rubbish I dont care about I think03:41
mediaworkDaskreech: I wish it didn't... Is ubuntu busy solving some math problems while Im not around?03:41
AnimentalOkay, so, the #xubuntu room is very quiet. They just stared at me.03:42
* Daskreech stares03:42
Animental:o Not you, too!03:42
Daskreechmediawork: most likely03:42
feimaybe your computer just come to crazy ,^_^03:42
Daskreechwhat would you like it to do?03:43
Daskreechnot you fei i was asking mediawork03:43
feiI like this channle03:44
Daskreechyes much better than MTV ^_^03:44
asobihi dask03:45
mediaworkDaskreech: Cant ubuntu be a bit concervative on cpu-power, when all it has to do is hold that thought... wait for me to ask it to do something...03:45
AnimentalI don't know...Jersey Shore's pretty awesome... Quick question: just updated my server running Xubuntu with some recent updates (still 11.04) and I can no longer connect to it using it's hostname, just IP addy. Wha happen?03:45
multipassanyone know how to mount a iphone4 in kubuntu 11.04?03:45
mediaworkDaskreech: I mean average 5 percent of all 4x 3.6GHz cores is pretty damn much dont you think,  mind you what does Ubuntu do with a single core machine?03:45
Daskreechhi asobi03:45
mediaworksingle core machine would then be 20 percent busy when Idle...03:47
mediaworkand on a weaker processor, it might be 50 percent busy doing nothing...03:47
mediaworkI turned off all desktop effects, the busyness seems to have dropped a bit, and my cpu cooled down a degree.03:48
Daskreechmediawork: No it wouldn't Linux would scale back03:49
Daskreechif you put in 64 cores it would scale up03:49
ubottuFor information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - For the iPhone and the iPod Touch, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod03:49
Daskreechmultipass: ^^^03:49
mediaworkDaskreech: lol,  yes, Linux would scale back on wasting time with your cpu.03:49
Daskreechmediawork: well it does have work to do03:49
* Animental has a single-core PIII in his server. Idles just fine.03:49
DaskreechThe way the kernel does things is that anytime a user is doing something it basically stops all of it's own work03:50
Daskreechwhen the user goes idle then it returns to doing it's jobs03:50
Daskreech so when you go idle for a little bit you'll see a bit of a spike in work getting done03:50
mediaworkDaskreech: right, I suppose it could be checking my filesystem integrity ...03:51
feimy system crashed again when I try to resize the konsole window03:51
Daskreechmediawork: right and indexing files. cleaning dead processes and files doing chronological checks dumping old log files03:51
mediaworkDaskreech: but, there can be too much of a good thing, maybe this scaling isn't making much sense with these new multi-core machines.03:51
Daskreechmediawork: it just gets the work done faster then it goes back to idle03:52
multipassthe steps that work in ubuntu dont work in kubuntu, Daskreech03:52
mediaworkDaskreech: maybe I can control this aspect of the kernel?03:52
multipassubuntu 11.04 iphone works out of the box03:52
multipasskubuntu is nogo03:52
Daskreechmediawork: A lot of it might have to do with GUI and network checks you can kill the gui and network if you like03:52
Daskreechmultipass: ask in #ubuntu how it works then03:53
Daskreechmultipass: or you can check in #kubuntu-devel03:53
multipassbut im on kubuntu03:53
multipassso they will be like03:53
multipasswe dont support kubuntu here03:53
Daskreechmultipass: well they are meanines then. We are all part of the linux family03:53
Daskreechmultipass: ask in #kubuntu-devel03:54
Daskreechmediawork: I suppose it is too much to point out that if you want to use less power turning off the computer might be a good idea>03:54
mediaworkmediawork: I never thought of turning of a linux machine03:56
mediaworkDaskreech: I mean.03:56
Daskreechfei: did you turn off the effects?04:02
DaskreechHibernate works :)04:05
kubu2recorditnow is not recording sound? any idea how?04:14
AnimentalSo, how do I connect to my server using it's hostname and not it's IP addy?04:17
eMyllerAnimental: you may get the best answer for that in ##linux :)04:17
* Animental nods04:18
AnimentalThanks, I'll ask there!04:18
kubu2Animental: if you know the ip addy then use it. otherwise you need a dns lookup to translate hostname to ip04:18
kubu2and a lot faster04:19
Animentalkubu: The strange thing is is that it worked not hours ago. After an update, which included smb updates, it just stopped.04:19
DaskreechAnimental: can you ping it?04:20
* Animental checks04:20
eMyllerAnimental: is your dnswhatever service running also?04:21
AnimentalI'm not running a DNS service...I just want to connect to it on my LAN.04:22
AnimentalAnd I can't ping the hostname. It's IP, though, pings just dandy.04:22
kubu2that's what dns for- translate names to ip addy.  you need to tell everyone hostname is ip addrs04:26
AnimentalWell, the router handles that, I thought. Is there any reason (after this update) that my server would no longer be telling everyone it's hostname? When I gave it a host name when I set everything up, the router picked it up immediately.04:28
new2netwhere do I report bugs?04:29
LinkmasterI know its possible to download system fonts, but how do you do it? I want to install 'Helvetica' as my font. Any suggestions/help?04:47
multipasshi, im unable to get into grub to launch ubuntu, kubuntu just starts up auto05:15
multipasshow do i add ability to select?05:17
sre-sumultipass: Ubuntu and Kubuntu are the same except for the desktop environment they05:55
sre-su use, so you can have both installed at the same time. No need to dual boot05:55
LinkmasterDoes anyone know of any good screen recorders that also record sound from the computer? And preferably doesn't bog down a slower computer. I know that Camtasia works in windows, but that has a lot of bloat, and I'm looking for something that does the same thing, but is lighter. any suggestions?06:23
funcrushkmail copy/paste is strange... copied contents contains xml... how can I set this action that just contains plain text?06:30
Linkmasteranyone here know of a screen recorder that grabs sound as well?06:44
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Linkmasteranyone know of something I can record the desktop sound with? I have a screen recorder already, I just need to record sound now08:01
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alesando you know if it is possible to put an icon of konqueror in file manager mode in the quick launch area?08:45
alesanI tried like crazy but I cannot08:46
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tsimpsonalesan: just add a link to "konqueror --profile filemanagement"08:57
alesantsimpson, umh... ok for the command line option08:58
alesanhow do I add a "custom" command to the quick launch?08:58
alesanI thought you had to select an icon already existing in the K menu08:58
alesanI'm really lost :(08:58
tsimpsonthere is a line above the list, you can just type it in there and it will create a new entry for you08:59
tsimpsonyou can then choose an icon etc08:59
noaXesshey al09:05
mircosxhi ya09:05
noaXessi have installed a deb package and can see it with sudo dpkg -l | grep packagename.. status ii.. but i can't remove it with sudo apt-get remove packagename09:05
noaXessi get: E: Unable to locate package nevernote09:05
noaXessany idea?09:13
new2netuhh yeah.... dpkg -C09:16
new2neti think it checks for broken packages or something... can't remember09:16
tsimpsonit checks for not fully installed packages09:16
tsimpsonnoaXess: see if "sudo dpkg -r packagename" works09:16
noaXesstsimpson: hey.. no09:17
new2netyeah... apt-get can remove packages, but if you only want to remove 1 package I think dpkg would be a better fit09:17
noaXessdpkg: warning: there's no installed package matching nevernote09:17
tsimpsonthen recheck the output of "dpkg -l" I guess09:17
noaXesssudo dpkg -l | grep nevernote09:17
noaXessii  nevernote:i386                                                       0.99                                                   An open source clone designed to interact with Evernote.09:17
tsimpsoneh, that looks like the package name is "nevernote:i386"09:18
tsimpsonwhich is evil btw09:18
noaXessah.. yes.. better.. nno it is uninstalled09:18
noaXessstrange package name.. will report that to the creater..09:19
alesantsimpson, that must be new...09:20
tsimpsonit's just bad form09:21
alesantsimpson, sorry I was referring to the line to type in a custom command when adding a quick launch icon09:21
alesananyway I added the konqueror icon09:22
tsimpsonah, well I don't think it's new09:22
alesanwell ok09:22
alesannow I must see if I can completely remove dolphin09:22
tsimpsonI have KDE 4.5.3, so it can't be that new09:22
alesansometimes it pops out again09:23
tsimpsonyou don't want to remove dolphin09:23
alesanand it would be so cool if non-kde apps could use the KDE file chooser when asked to save or load09:23
tsimpsondolphin _IS_ the file manager, konqueror only wraps dolphin in its window09:23
alesaninstead of those crappy gtk ones09:23
alesantsimpson, I do not care too much about the inner details I just want dolphin to go09:24
alesanit's dumb compared to konqueror09:24
tsimpsonthat doesn't make sense09:24
tsimpsonkonqueror _uses_ dolphin in file manager mode09:24
alesanin any case, I think years ago I found a way to let all applications use the KDE file chooser... do you have any idea?09:24
tsimpsonit is dolphin09:24
tsimpsonthe only thing I've seen that makes apps use the KDE file choose is "kgtk", but it's a hack09:28
beagleOCSHi. I added:  echo aaaaa > /home/ocs/foo.txt    in rc.local.  But the command is not executed after boot. why?10:12
gr8m8beagleOCS:  is /home/ocs mounted at that stage?10:18
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snikkerhi, how can i reset an reconfigure alsa? i can't hear any sound no more12:14
snikkerPeace-:  ?12:17
Peace-snikker: ok you are there12:17
Peace-snikker: do you know veromix?12:17
snikkerPeace-: no12:17
Peace-snikker: ok... click on the panel right button12:17
Peace-add widgets12:17
Peace-then download12:18
Peace-then ... search for veromix12:18
snikkerPeace-: ok, i've installed it12:20
Peace-snikker: ok use that12:21
snikkerPeace-: ok, now i try12:21
snikkerPeace-: i've changed soundcard from veromix, but nothing to do12:23
Peace-snikker: ok , lspci | grep -i audio12:24
DoctorPepperhi guys !!!12:25
Peace-DoctorPepper: hi12:25
DoctorPepperis anyone here using the bespin widget style  ?12:25
Peace-DoctorPepper: i used12:26
Peace-not everytime i have often used12:26
Peace-+but  i have..12:26
snikkerPeace-: 00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 6 Series Chipset Family High Definition Audio Controller (rev 05)12:26
Peace-snikker: 11.04 ?12:26
Peace-snikker: i mean kubuntu 11.04? if youi don't know lsb_release -a12:27
snikkeryes, i'm under natty12:27
Peace-snikker: ok ,  alsamixer -V all in the terminal12:28
Peace-snikker: then do a screenshot12:28
Peace-snikker: to post a screeshot fast see this12:28
DoctorPepperPeace-:  i have  some wierd issue with  dolphin places panel  having some kind gradiant on his header  and i cant find  away to remove it12:28
DoctorPepperand  its only  the panels on dolphin  that  have  this issue .12:29
Peace-DoctorPepper: mm12:30
Peace-snikker: http://wstaw.org/m/2011/05/19/sceenshot.gif12:30
BluesKajHowdy folks12:30
Peace-DoctorPepper: screnshot ?12:31
Peace-DoctorPepper: i guess loading default scheme should fix the stuff12:31
snikkerPeace-: http://i.imgur.com/YmWvI.png12:32
DoctorPepperPeace-: http://img62.imageshack.us/content_round.php?page=done&l=img62/1794/dolphinbespin.png12:33
Peace-DoctorPepper: http://wstaw.org/m/2011/05/19/besping.gif12:34
Peace-DoctorPepper: hihihi macstyle12:34
Peace-snikker: of course you have not sound :D12:35
Peace-snikker: put all to max12:35
Peace-snikker: speakers are to 0 level12:35
Peace-DoctorPepper: mm how did you get dolphin on the top panel?12:36
Peace-i mean i seee12:36
snikkerPeace-: opppss... yes, it's right :-)   but kmix show it at half12:36
Peace-DoctorPepper: dolphin edit etc12:36
snikkerPeace-: btw now it works! thank you12:36
Peace-snikker: :)12:37
DoctorPepperusing Xbar plasmoid and Bespin12:37
DoctorPepper+ install  dbusmenu  for gtk-apps12:38
Peace-DoctorPepper: mmm you know about ... menubar?12:38
Peace-DoctorPepper: you don't need of bespin with menubar12:38
snikkerPeace-: what application do you use for make video in .gif format?12:39
Peace-snikker: i did it xD12:39
Peace-snikker: http://kde-apps.org/content/show.php/gif+recorder+qt?content=141720&PHPSESSID=a60a95b0453c7a5ce9c869c8e2ece1de12:40
Peace-snikker: download unpackage and then  : sudo ./install12:40
snikkerPeace-: compliments! thank you also for this :)12:41
Peace-snikker: well it's a simple bash script + menu12:51
snikkerPeace-: btw nice good work12:54
=== f3n1x is now known as F3N1X
george_ok folks, maybe a silly question butI like displaying only the shut down button at the panel, but it looks just too big. Is there a way to make it smaller, like when displaying shut down and block buttons?13:27
Peace-george_: mm13:35
Peace-george_: i guess you should customize the icons13:35
Peace-i mean13:35
Peace- /usr/share/icon13:36
Peace-on that folder there are icons13:36
george_Peace: Oh....13:36
Peace-so you basically you need to replace bigger icons with the smaller one13:36
BluesKajto me that's not a real question ...a real question is about fixing broken apps or probs with making things...icons etc is window dressing IMO13:37
BluesKajmaking  apps work13:37
george_Peace:Ok, thanks for you help.13:38
yofelafaik the icons are resized to fit into the panel without cropping. So to get  a smaller icon you make the panel smaller13:38
BluesKajmostly i just shutdown our pcs from the cli with ssh13:38
george_BluesKaj:I guess we all have our own preferences13:39
Peace-george_: /usr/share/icons/oxygen/32x32/actions/13:39
Peace-george_: of couse if you have another icon theme , i mean that is for oxygen13:40
Peace-you need to edit /usr/share/icons/THEMENAME/SIZETOOBIG/actions/system-shutdown.png13:41
george_Peace:Ok, thanks.13:41
BluesKajgeorge_, yeah, I'm just in a jerky mood today. :_)13:45
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pjpj_hello: does anyone here know if you can set rekonq to private browsing by default. If so then how?14:07
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kleopatraHi is there a way to change ubuntu to kubuntu easily?14:39
kleopatrai dont like the unity14:39
szalsudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop, choose KDE on next login, that should do it14:42
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ao11_\msg NickServ identify ao1114:58
genii-aroundao11_: You should probably change your password now14:58
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supermagnum_hi, i need to format a USB disk to : FAT32 16KByte 8KByte clusters.15:45
supermagnum_how do i do that from the command line ?15:46
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* mino stares15:50
ubottuCanonical's partner repositories provide packages a location for software vendors to publish applications. The repo itself can be added by running this in a !terminal: « sudo add-apt-repository "deb http://archive.canonical.com/ $(lsb_release -sc) partner" »15:56
manju_after updating lucid lynx I don't hear any sound now15:58
manju_can anyone help ?15:58
ubuntuhey everybody16:00
manju_except oss neither alsa, nor pulseaudio generates any sound16:01
manju_I am using gstreamer-properties16:01
manju_to test16:01
BluesKajsupermagnum_, http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/formatting-usb-pen-in-linux/16:01
amichair!find sun-java6-plugin16:02
ubottuPackage/file sun-java6-plugin does not exist in maverick16:02
amichair!info sun-java6-plugin16:02
ubottuPackage sun-java6-plugin does not exist in maverick16:02
ubottuTo install a Java runtime on Ubuntu on 10.04 LTS and newer, see http://tinyurl.com/2ffg7cc -  For the Sun Java products and browser plugin, search for the sun-java6- packages in the !partner repository on Lucid (which must be enabled), or !multiverse repository on older releases.16:03
BluesKajmanju_, open alsamixer in the terminal and make sure there no M in the ctrl boxes and use the arrow keys to navigate turn the ctrls up16:03
Piciinfo sun-java6-plugin partner16:03
Pici!info sun-java6-plugin partner16:03
ubottusun-java6-plugin (source: sun-java6): The Java(TM) Plug-in, Java SE 6. In component main, is optional. Version 6.24-1build0.10.10.1 (partner), package size 1 kB, installed size 60 kB (Only available for all amd64 i386 lpia ia64)16:03
Piciamichair: ^16:03
amichairah, thanks16:03
amichairunfortunately, it's not up to date :-(16:04
Piciamichair: What version are you looking for?16:04
manju_BluesKaj, ok...that didn't work16:05
PiciAh. I see that in sid's repo, but it doesn't look like its been pulled into any of the partner repositories  yet.16:05
amichairPici: how long does it usually take it?16:06
BluesKajmanju_, describe didn't work...what did you try ?16:06
Piciamichair: I'm not sure, but 6.24 seems to be in all the supported release's partner repos, so it seems that they are updating them regularly.16:06
manju_I started alsamixer and turned up the volume on all the bars, except the headphone, which it wouldn't let me turn it up because the headphone is not plugged in16:06
manju_BluesKaj, and then typed gstreamer-properties and selected alsa and clicked test on it and no sound16:07
manju_BluesKaj, but OSS still works though16:07
BluesKajmanju_, OSS? ..ok dunno much about OSS ...could be pulseaudio is the culprit ...I don't need it because I don'tr use a pci soundcard16:08
amichairPici: that's what I was expecting... 6.25 is a month old though, and still not available16:08
manju_flashplayer also does not make any sound16:13
manju_non of the youtube videos work16:13
manju_that is they play but no sound16:13
manju_anyone face this problem ?16:13
Peace-manju_: well , there is not this problem on kubuntu16:16
Peace-manju_: you have to set well your kmix16:16
Peace-i guess16:16
Peace-manju_: or install properly flash16:16
Peace-manju_: btw , firefox4 can use youtube with html516:16
manju_it was working and then ubuntu did a security update and everything broke :-(16:17
Peace-manju_: google ===> youtube hmtl5 ===> join ===> enjoy16:17
Peace-manju_: alsamixer -V all16:17
Peace-manju_: make a screenshot16:17
Peace-manju_: mmm press right arrow16:20
Peace-manju_: there should be more16:21
Peace-if you look there are >16:21
Peace-on the right so it should be shown more16:21
Peace-anyway  i am quite sure that is not that your problem16:21
manju_Peace-, yes all those are set to maximum too16:22
manju_but it seems to be something related to alsa, or pulseaudio16:22
Peace-manju_: pulse is not installed on your machine i  guess16:23
manju_ok...oh well, let me think some more, maybe I will download latest ubuntu and wipe this and install or something16:23
Peace-manju_: well it's not a linux way that16:23
Peace-manju_: are you using firefox?16:23
manju_Peace-, yes16:23
Peace-manju_: ok lets try this16:23
manju_even vlc and mplayer don't work16:23
manju_so it is something more fundamental16:24
manju_anyway I am off for now...dinner time16:24
manju_thanks for your help16:24
Peace-i guess something is using alsa16:24
manju_interesting theory16:24
Peace-and it's not dead xD16:24
Peace-manju_: close every applications16:25
Peace-manju_: leave only irc16:25
Peace-manju_:     lsof | grep snd16:25
manju_yes only kmix and pulseaudio are alive and using sound and well xchat16:26
manju_still nothing16:27
Peace-manju_: manju_:     sudo alsa force-reload16:27
manju_it works16:28
manju_Peace-, dude you're a genius16:28
manju_ok...thanks, so next time I need to do sudo alsa force-reload16:29
BluesKajmanju_, is pulseaudio installed ..I have to ask ?16:29
manju_BluesKaj, yes16:29
manju_BluesKaj, it is installed16:29
BluesKajmanju remove it and try again16:29
Peace-BluesKaj: i guess it's not16:29
manju_BluesKaj, ok...I will try16:30
manju_Sorry guys, thanks for all the help, ok I have to go now, otherwise my wife will kill me...16:30
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BluesKajdunno why ppl put up with pulse , it breaks more integrated sounds than it helps16:31
* amichair removes pulseaudio after every release upgrade that installs it... and then everything continues to work as it should.16:32
BluesKajamichair, integrated sound on the mobo ? then yes , but ppl with pci soundcards can benefit from PA's options altho they're running an extra layer of distortion causing digtal processing16:35
BluesKajI think the devs should make PA an option during the install when the HW detection taking place16:37
kodaminosorry...italian channel for ubuntu????16:38
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)16:38
amichairBluesKaj: yep, integrated. haven't needed a standalone card in over a decade...16:40
BluesKajamichair, right same here but I'm having DD issues ,,can't seem to pass the DD signal thr spdif16:41
haidersomebody from colombia??16:47
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amichairspeaking of sound... any idea why the mic capture gets turned off (the checkbox in kmix reverts to unchecked) after every reboot? other devices and levels don't seem to be affected.16:50
amichairand I think this never happened before maverick (possibly before lucid) - I'm certain in versions before that it was not a problem16:50
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* S74rk7 is away: Gone away for now17:14
gribouillekpackagekit constantly prompts me to upgrade my system. this is extremely annoying. how can I stop this ?17:29
OerHeksKpackagekit preferences , notifications ?17:33
gribouilleOerHeks, where ?17:33
OerHeksin kpackagekit, 3th option on left panel ?17:34
gribouilleOerHeks, you mean warn when updates are available ?17:35
gribouilleOerHeks, I've just unchecked it, but it doesn't seem to change anything17:36
oliwhen i resize my konsole-window in natty, my system freezes17:36
DarthFrogoli: For how long?17:38
oliDarthFrog: I have to shut down the PC hard17:38
DarthFrogWhat video card do you have?17:38
oliNVidia GT-21817:39
bibliothequeguys, i m trying to get xbmc working, no way. i sudo add-apt-repository ppa:team-xbmc-svn/ppa17:39
DarthFrogoli:  Which driver is it using?17:39
bibliothequeand sudo add-apt-repository ppa:team-xbmc/ppa as well17:39
olihow to check the driver's version?17:40
DarthFrogoli: /var/log/Xorg.0.log17:40
bibliothequesome files failed to load with sudo apt-get update, sudo apt-get install xbmc says Unable to locate package xbmc...17:40
oliNVIDIA GLX Module  270.41.06  Mon Apr 18 15:10:15 PDT 201117:42
gorio_BRcould anyone help me to install glibc-devel for Ubuntu 11.04 x64 ?17:42
DarthFrogoli: is the word "nouveau" anywhere in that file?17:42
olino nouveau driver, it's the propietary one17:43
DarthFrogoli: Hmm.  Sorry, that's about as far as I can go.17:43
oliok, thanks17:43
hibuI'm actually using kubuntu on vmware I would like to use it really17:43
hibuwill kubuntu create a multiboot ?17:43
oliDarthFrog: I found this one: http://forum.ubuntuusers.de/topic/system-friert-bei-groessenaenderung-des-konsol/#post-288303717:44
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DarthFrogoli: It's Greek to me.  Well, it might as well be, for all the German I speak. :-)17:46
oliDarthFrog: http://kubuntuforums.net/forums/index.php?topic=3116727.017:46
oliDarthFrog It's a nvidia problem...17:46
oliDarthFrog: so waiting for the nect driver...17:46
DarthFrogoli:  As I thought, a driver issue.  I was thinking that you might be running the immature nouveau driver and was going to suggest switching drivers.17:47
oliDarthFrog: I would like to do that, but it's too slow for a game i play...17:48
DarthFrogoli: But if it's fixed by disabling desktop effects, that's OK.  Unless you were to install the latest & greatest from Nvidia perhaps.17:48
goriofabhi all, could anyone help me how to install glibc-devel for Ubuntu 11.04 x64 ?17:48
oliDarthFrog: Yes, I will try to disable the Effects. Thanks for your support17:48
DarthFrogoli:  so don't use Konsole.  I use yakuake and love it.17:49
oliDarthFrog: Good tip, I'll try it17:49
erebusHey. Can someone add jin download to launchpad? https://launchpad.net/jin http://www.jinchess.com/unix_download18:04
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goriofabhi all, could anyone help me how to install glibc-devel for Ubuntu 11.04 x64 ?18:42
jmuthi. I got lenovo t520 but I don't think I have wireless detected. Only bluetooth lid is on  but not wireless. how can I easily check that and install appropriate drivers18:43
jmuton windows I see the lid on btw18:43
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jmutI blieve this is the wireless    03:00.0 Network controller: Intel Corporation Centrino Advanced-N 6205 (rev 34)18:44
dniMretsaMhello all18:50
cba123I'm trying to get fsrunner installed, but can't find anything that works with Natty.  Any ideas?  (fsrunner is an easier way to get krunner to search for file-names over meta-data)18:59
BluesKaj!info fsrunner19:02
ubottuPackage fsrunner does not exist in maverick19:02
cba123BluesKaj, I've been searching, but I can't seem to find another way to get krunner to prefer filenames over metadata.  99% of the time, I need to search by filename.  Which I can't seem to get to work.19:03
BluesKajcba123, dunno but you be able to find it ib the ubuntubackports project19:04
cba123BluesKaj, I googled that, but can't find a ppa to add, or if it even has this file.19:06
cba123Nevermind, enabled it in kpackagekit19:07
BluesKajcba123, it was listed in kpkit?19:10
BluesKajok , gotcha ..I misread for a sec19:11
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dniMretsaMit's srsly dead in here19:48
ownermebbe everyone's system works perfectly19:53
dniMretsaMoh yeah, that's likely19:54
LinkmasterOr they are just working to peoples satisfaction. Nothing is perfect for anybody :P19:54
dniMretsaMtrue that19:55
dniMretsaMbut still, that's never going to happen19:56
dniMretsaMit'd b kinda nice though19:56
LinkmasterWell, if you make your own system, to your personal liking, and tweak and fiddle with everything, you might be able to create a perfect system for you for..5 minutes? Then you'll realize you want something else, and you have to make that as well xD19:59
dniMretsaMI'd say more like 3 minutes20:01
BluesKajhow does one underline text in kate ..I've forgotten20:01
BluesKajmanaged to figure out how to pass Dolby Digital DYS etc to the DAC inputs : Configure VLC tools/preferences/audio , in Output, choose:"alsa audio output". check,"Use spdif when available", and device, choose, Yoursoundcard digital out( same as the didgital out in phonon)20:04
dniMretsaMI don't kow20:04
BluesKajerr DTS20:04
skynet2000anyone know how to make kde system tray on mint 11 look like mint10 kde20:13
BluesKajskynet2000, ask in #mint20:13
BluesKajor #linuxmint20:14
BluesKajtyhs is kubuntu20:14
skynet2000oh ok20:14
skynet2000first  time i have every been here20:14
skynet2000i just installed ububtu20:15
skynet2000and but kde on it20:15
BluesKajhow did you install kde, skynet2000 ?20:16
skynet2000from ubuntu20:16
skynet2000software mangager20:16
BluesKajwhat did you install with the software manager ?20:17
skynet2000im on ubuntu then installed KDE desktop standerd20:17
skynet2000but my system try dose not look as dark and nice as mint10 kde20:18
BluesKajok , open a terminal and do , sudo apt-get kubuntu-desktop20:18
skynet2000ok BluesKaj20:18
skynet2000ty hold on20:18
BluesKajok , open a terminal and do , sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop20:18
dniMretsaMthat might just the theme that you're using20:19
BluesKajskynet2000, ^20:19
skynet2000its runing20:19
skynet2000so i did not install the right thing20:20
skynet2000will this replace what i installed20:20
BluesKajskynet2000, it will be ok20:20
skynet2000i just typ ->Y20:20
BluesKajno worries20:20
skynet2000and its runing some more20:20
BluesKajyup, your desktop wasn't fullyinstalled , like the plasma etc20:21
skynet2000oh ok20:21
skynet2000so its better to do it this way?20:21
skynet2000i will save that comannd thank you BluesKaj20:22
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dniMretsaMI'm out for now guys20:26
BluesKajskynet2000, you install most packages in (k)ubuntu with sudo apt-get install 'nameofpackage"20:29
skynet2000so i need to run that command to?20:29
BluesKajor use the package manager20:30
skynet2000i just did the-->sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop20:30
skynet2000it just got done20:30
skynet2000do i need to do the other one you just said to?20:30
ubottuAPT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome), !Adept (KDE) or !KPackageKit (KDE)20:31
skynet2000do i need to run  sudo apt-get install 'nameofpackage" to?20:32
BluesKajskynet2000, say you want to install VLC , which isn't included in kubuntu by default , then sudo apt-get install vlc , will do it20:33
BluesKajgot it now ?20:33
skynet2000i did not have vlc on yet20:34
ubottuThe packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories20:34
rosco_yI can't print to my HP Laserjet 1000, does anyone have some advice?20:34
skynet2000what was the  sudo apt-get install 'nameofpackage" do??20:34
skynet2000nameofpackage"  ???20:34
skynet2000i gusse i will reboot and see if it has worked20:34
skynet2000ty brb20:34
BluesKajnameofpackage was in brackets because it means whatever package you want20:35
BluesKajrosco_y, check systemsettngs/printer configuration20:36
skynet2000its still the same20:41
rosco_yThank you BluesKaj :)20:42
skynet2000can you not have kde desktop on mint 11 like it looks on mint10 kde20:47
skynet2000it just looks like OpenSuse20:47
rainoffMINT 11 is ready now?20:47
skynet2000yes rainoff20:48
skynet2000i have had it for 2 weeks now20:48
rainoffwith gnome 3?20:48
skynet2000and i like kde20:48
rainoffits mean like ubuntu 11?20:48
skynet2000my mint10 kde cant run google chrome no more20:49
skynet2000so i got mint 1120:49
rainoffdo you know USU?20:49
skynet2000USU?? sorry no whats that20:49
rainoff<skynet2000> ubuntu11.04?-- yes20:49
skynet2000yes i have that to20:50
skynet2000you dont even need to brun a cd any more them the new 1120:50
rainoffthis is Bulgarian distro20:50
skynet2000what is that20:50
rainoffi use ubuntu 11.04 1 week, but..20:51
szalMint is off-topic here, please talk about it in #kubuntu-offtopic or in #mint20:51
skynet2000no oes here lol20:51
rainoffthis is my father name20:51
skynet2000can you help me20:51
rainoffhow can i help you20:52
skynet2000is usu a desk top GUI?20:52
szalwhat's usu?20:52
skynet2000what he told me usu g20:52
rainoffthis is in english- Learn Free Ubuntu20:52
skynet2000i have no idea szal20:52
skynet2000but i need help20:53
skynet2000something for nootbooks it looks like20:53
skynet2000im trying to but kde on mint11 or ubuntu20:53
skynet2000every time i put kde on it dose not look this same as  mint10 kde20:54
skynet2000can you help me20:54
skynet2000debrain or what every20:54
skynet2000same thing on anything i put it on20:54
szalyou can either use Mint 10 or copy its ~/kde/share/config/plasma-desktoprc and plasma-desktop-appletsrc20:55
skynet2000can you pls help me with this hack20:55
skynet2000im lost there bud20:55
skynet2000i cant use mint 1o any mnore szal as it wont let me run google chrom anymore20:56
skynet2000and i cnt live with out chrome20:56
szalwell, instructions can't get any clearer than the above, /me thinks20:57
skynet2000ok thank you szal20:59
skynet2000do you know when  mint 11 with come out with kde21:00
skynet2000ok i need to leran how to copy mint10s kde desktop21:00
szalagain, Mint is off-topic here21:00
szalcopying KDE settings from somewhere else is just within topic, but other distros' release dates sure aren't21:01
skynet2000ok lol szal well if its just in topic may i ask how i would go about copying the kde desk top from 10??21:02
skynet2000if thats ok21:02
szalthat's your task to figure out, you know where to find the 2 files and where to place them again ^^21:03
skynet2000ok thanks for the info szal21:03
skynet2000wow its hard in theses help channds lol21:04
skynet2000im just realy new to linux21:04
szalok, one correction: it's not ~/kde/, but ~/.kde/21:05
szali.e., a hidden directory21:05
skynet2000well i dont think that will help me as im new21:06
skynet2000to all this21:06
rainoffcan you halp me21:06
szalsure, if you tell me what "halp" is ;)21:06
rainoffwhen my laptop batery is to low, starting some alarm21:06
szalno friggin' idea here about battery stuff, sorry21:07
rainoffhow can i stop it21:07
skynet2000is that sopose to me a joke or to make your self fell bigger? as i told you im new in linux god  oh hes not a hard ware guy lmao mint rocks bye21:08
szalwhatever that was about..21:09
Bauldricksee this problem I have --- [13:59:27] <Bauldrick> I have a problem --- I can only get into system if I boot into recovery and then > resume boot - that gives me a command prompt at which point I login and issue startx - If I try to select normal 2.35.8 at grub (or whatever # it is) I get black screen and monitor actually turns off...21:26
BauldrickI have the same sort of problem on a laptop that was upgraded to natty, but with that the screen goes blue and if I hit spacebar the hdd light goes active and it will load.21:26
vbgunzIf I right click in Kate, nothing comes up. I don't remember this behavior21:26
vbgunzwhat could be wrong?21:26
BauldrickOn this PC, if I hit spacebar immediately after grub, kubuntu loads, if I dont hit spacebar monitor switches off and PC is non responsive?21:27
Peace-Bauldrick: try with a fresh installation21:28
Peace-in another partition21:28
Peace-i guess that should solve your problem quickly ~20 minutes21:28
Peace-if you don't like this ...21:28
Peace-well try to reinstall packages21:28
BauldrickPeace-: this problem appears on two different machines, and I could reinstall, but would like to know the problem (and file a bug against it)21:29
Peace-Bauldrick: i dunno it could be a bad configuration , if you have upgrade in both machines21:30
Bauldrickno, on the PC was fesh install of beta221:30
Peace-if  you don't i mean if in a machine you did a fresh installation that could be a bug21:30
Peace-Bauldrick: you could find some thing on the release note21:31
Peace-Bauldrick: google==> kubuntu release note21:31
Peace-Bauldrick: it could be your bios21:32
Peace-i mean the same bios that is not supported well from your kernel21:32
Peace-Bauldrick: have you tried selecting a new kernel a different kernel21:32
Peace-you need to test21:32
Peace-vbgunz: tried to reset kate configurations ?21:33
Peace-vbgunz: ~/.kde/share/config21:33
Peace-Bauldrick: on that folder you should find out some confgiruation files21:33
vbgunzPeace-: might as well21:33
vbgunzone sec21:33
Peace-vbgunz:  on that folder you should find out some confgiruation files21:33
Peace-vbgunz: even here  ~/.kde/share/application21:34
Peace-vbgunz: sorrry               even here  ~/.kde/share/apps21:34
vbgunzPeace-: I got them21:35
vbgunzthere were 4 files, I just sent them to trash21:35
vbgunzright click works now, I never really used kate so I don't mind losing all configurations for it21:35
ledah_hi anyone knows how i can connect to a hidden network?22:06
johndonehi, is there simple explanation of akonadi/nepumuk/strigi ?22:25
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giantpunei have just installed kubuntu on my laptop and set it to autologin and the kwallet is pestering me for the password.  is there any way to make the autologin unlock the kwallet?22:32
gomiboygiantpune: well the passworded wallet is to keep passwords safe... if you autologing + auto unlock the wallet... well just put a sticker on your monitor with your password written on... hehehe.. anyway, no but you can disable kwallet if you want (system settings--> personal informations IIRC)22:40
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James147giantpune: not yet, however there are some work arounds: 1) See if you can tell what ever is trying to uinlock the wallet to use a unencrpyted file instead (the network manager can do this) 2) dont use a password on the wallet... though this is generally discuraged as you effectivly store all passwords unencrpyted22:42
giantpunenobody else is using this computer except me.  so im not really worried about the password security.  but it really defeats the purpose of autologin to the computer if you still get asked for the password as soon as it starts22:42
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giantpuneheh.  and when i try to open system settings--> personal informations, it spits out some error about akonadi not being able to start up22:45
giantpunewoot.  changing the network manager to store the password unencrypted keeps it from pestering me for the password right on startup.  thanks James147.22:50
LINKSWORD2Well, that was stupid! I've somehow managed to remove my userbar from the screen of my Kubuntu computer. How do I restore it?22:59
LINKSWORD2Hello, Daskreech23:00
Daskreechhi LINKSWORD223:01
Daskreechhow are you?23:01
LINKSWORD2I did something stupid... Again.23:01
LINKSWORD2I was re-arranging stuff on my desktop, and apparently I deleted the taskbar. How do I restore it?23:02
LINKSWORD2Yeah. I'm stupid. xD23:03
James147LINKSWORD2: if you removed the task manager (not the entire panel) then right click > add widgets > find and drag it back... if you removed the panel > right click the desktop > add panel...23:04
LINKSWORD2I'm used to windows, so I'm used to calling it the taskbar.23:05
LINKSWORD2Is there something I can do to restore the bar to its defaults?23:06
James147LINKSWORD2: on kde 4.6+ just add the default panel23:08
James147LINKSWORD2: on 4.5 and lower you need to reset the whole of plasma-desktop23:08
DaskreechLINKSWORD2: Remove the panel and add back one23:08
Daskreechthe first panel on the desktop gets a default "KDE3" setting23:08
LINKSWORD2 James, how do I reset plasma?23:08
DaskreechLINKSWORD2: mkdir ~/bkup ; kquitapp plasma-desktop && sleep 5 && mv ~/.kde/share/config/plasma* ~/bkup && plasma-desktop23:09
LINKSWORD2Hang on while I copy all that. lol23:10
LINKSWORD2Daskreech: I tried your command and got a return that says:: Invalid D-BUS interface name 'org.ked.plasma-desktop.PlasmaApp' found while parsing introspection23:15
LINKSWORD2mv: target '~bkup' is not a directory23:15
LINKSWORD2... It's all Greek to me. :/23:16
DaskreechLINKSWORD2: You copied it incorrectly ?23:16
Daskreechhi Animental23:16
LINKSWORD2 I double checked everything you said before I hit Enter.23:16
lcbgood eves for all23:17
LINKSWORD2Not really. lol23:17
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darthanubisbombono-dvd fails with glibmm-ERROR **: unhandled exception (type std::exception) in signal handler: what: bad lexical cast: source type value could not be interpreted as target23:29
Daskreechhi lcb23:31
lcbHi Daskreech :)23:31
lcbit seems Netsplit is in town23:32
lcbdarthanubis: dpkg-reconfigure it to check if that error goes away23:35
darthanubiswhat glibmm or bombono?23:36
lcbdarthanubis: i would start with bombono-dvd23:37
lcbjust that23:37
lcbsudo dpkg-reconfigure bombono-dvd23:37
darthanubishere goes23:38
lcbdarthanubis: other... sudo apt-get --purge remove && apt-get install bombono-dvd23:38
lcbsudo on the 2nd too23:39
darthanubisyeah the first cmd makes no since since there is nothing to configure?23:39
darthanubisI don't see how reinstalling the app fixes anything either?23:39
darthanubisseems like there is a real bug here hence the error23:40
lcbpurging it... better than just removing it23:40
lcbdarthanubis, the only entry i see with that error from dr google -> http://goo.gl/2gLDS23:41
lcbdarthanubis: how many entries you have with libglibmm?23:43
darthanubiswhat do you mean 'entries'?23:43
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lcbhow many packages related to glibmm23:44
lcba lot of compiz things?23:46
darthanubiscompiz is not installed23:46
lcbubuntu-tweak i mean23:46
lcbdarthanubis: well, i only have libglibmm-2.4-1c2a23:48
ubottuUbuntu bug 785451 in bombono-dvd (Ubuntu) "glibmm-ERROR **: unhandled exception (type std::exception) in signal handler: what: bad lexical cast: source type value could not be interpreted as target" [Undecided,New]23:49
lcbdarthanubis: there you go23:49
darthanubisThat was last resort23:49
lcblooks like affects bombono23:50
darthanubisof course it does, thats the app that through the error23:50
darthanubisI created that bug report23:50
lcboh yea, that's you :)23:50

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