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cjohnstonWhat's the best way to install launchpad lib on a server?04:03
cjohnstonthe packages I've tried want to install icons and stuff04:03
wgrantcjohnston: Hm, they shouldn't.04:04
wgrantpython-launchpadlib is easily installable on a server.04:04
wgrantWhat does it try to install that you feel is inappropriate?04:04
cjohnstonI didn't try python-launchpadlib04:05
wgrantWhat did you try?04:05
cjohnstonsome of the other packages that come up when searching launchpad04:07
cjohnstonsounds close04:09
wgrantThat's the GTK library that provides the "Report a bug..." etc. menu items.04:12
wgrantpredating launchpadlib by several years.04:12
cjohnstonI logged in, now I'm at a continue screen04:14
cjohnstonand it doesnt go anywhere from that04:14
wgrantA continue screen?04:14
wgrantYou mean it says "Almost finished"?04:14
cjohnstonTop says 'Continue' bottom blue bar says (Form submit button) Use right-arrow or <return> to submit.04:15
cjohnstonhit right or return and it pretty much just refreshes04:15
wgrantOh, this is some CLI browser?04:16
cjohnstonya.. on a server04:16
wgrantI think w3m works, not sure about others. I would suggest browsing to the URL it gives in a desktop browser.04:16
cjohnstonok.. now i got the almost finished04:17
cjohnstongot it.. thanks wgrant04:19
xtingrayhelp! passwd recovery is not working for me :S06:39
wgrantxtingray: You don't get the email?06:39
xtingraywgrant: exactly... it works great with gmail... but my email is from another domain :(06:40
wgrantxtingray: It says it has sent it, but it never arrives?06:41
wgrantIf so, please ask at https://forms.canonical.com/lp-login-support/.06:42
xtingraywgrant: are you still there? :(06:48
wgrant15:41:10 < wgrant> xtingray: It says it has sent it, but it never arrives?06:48
wgrant15:42:02 < wgrant> If so, please ask at https://forms.canonical.com/lp-login-support/.06:48
xtingrayok, thanks!06:48
xtingraywgrant: the link it's just a simple survey... no big deal :(06:51
wgrant... so it is.06:51
wgrantxtingray: Choose Other.06:51
wgrantIt will get you a form that is not useless.06:51
xtingrayok... let me try06:52
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=== henninge changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net/ | Help contact: henninge | Launchpad is an open source project: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ abgeändert
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qtheuretI've a problem with my login into Launchpad10:39
qtheuretI had two email addresses on my account settings and I had remove one yesterday10:40
qtheurettoday, when I try to connect to Launchpad, I have this error message :              Sorry, something just went wrong in Launchpad Login Service.10:40
qtheuretWe’ve recorded what happened, and we’ll fix it as soon as possible. Apologies for the inconvenience.10:40
qtheuret(Error ID: 1965canistellaunchpad7)10:40
henningeqtheuret: what is the account name?10:40
henningeqtheuret: I assume that the adderess you removed was the one you originally used for registration?10:43
qtheuretbut I have add a second address because I not use the first address10:44
henningeqtheuret: did you re-enter your credentials when you logged in today?10:45
henningeqtheuret: can you access this? https://login.launchpad.net/10:45
qtheuretyes, I re-entered my credentials and it's at this moment that the error message is displayed10:46
henningeqtheuret: can you access this? https://login.launchpad.net/10:46
qtheuretIt's on https://login.launchpad.net/ that the message appears10:46
henningedid you use the old or the new address for login in?10:47
qtheuretboth and no success10:47
qtheureton other PC with a valid cookie on Launchpad, I'm connected without re-enter credentials10:48
henningeqtheuret: oh, cool!10:49
henningeqtheuret: re-enter your old email address, then.10:49
qtheuretwith the old address, I've this message 'Password didn't match.'10:49
henningeqtheuret: do you still have access to it so you can confirm it?10:49
henningeqtheuret: no, I mean add it back to your account10:50
henningeqtheuret: but that only works if you still have access to that old address.10:51
qtheuretI haven't the connected PC in front of me. I will come back after try this.10:53
qtheuretthanks a lot for advices10:53
henningeqtheuret: when you did that, go back to login.launchpad.net10:53
henningeqtheuret: here https://login.launchpad.net/+emails10:53
henningeqtheuret: oh actually, no, directly on https://login.launchpad.net/10:54
henningeqtheuret: set your "preferred address" to the new address.10:54
henningeafter that you can remove the old address10:54
dusfi am trying to report a bug on launchpad but i am not sure what project to choose? the problem relates to nvidia drivers and jockey?11:54
henningedusf: you could just report it on ubuntu and they will sort it out.11:55
henningedusf: bu t let me see if I can give you a hint.11:56
dusfhenninge: i have and they haven;t11:56
dusfhenninge: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=10835642#post1083564211:56
henningewhat's the bug?11:56
dusfif you could glance over that and recommend a project for launchpad11:56
henningedusf: I meant report it on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu11:57
dusfhenninge: ahh, i have been trying https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad-project/+filebug11:57
henningedusf: no, that is for bugs about Launchpad11:58
dusfhenninge: my bad11:58
henningedusf: did you already file a bug?11:58
henningewe can move it to Ubuntu11:58
dusfhenninge: i posted on someone elses bug, but i appear to have all of there problems and then more problems as a result11:58
dusfhenninge: ty for your help :)12:05
=== adeuring changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net/ | Help contact: adeuring | Launchpad is an open source project: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/
adeuringhenninge: ^^^12:05
henningedusf: np12:06
henningeadeuring: thanks, although I started late today ...12:06
dusfhenninge: lp is asking me to provide further information to attach to ubuntu-bug, will it take BBCode?12:09
henningedusf: what's BBCode?12:19
henningemaybe adeuring know more about that, actually.12:19
adeuringdusf: no, the only formatting supported is plain text :( henninge: That's a markup language for forums12:20
dusfhenninge, adeuring: ty guys12:23
dusfwill i get instant email notification on reply?12:24
dusfand can i change my launchpad id? not sure how happy i am about my real name being used12:24
adeuringdusf: yes, you'll get an email. And you can create a new account, and the merge your existing one with the new account12:25
wgrantYou can also just change your details at https://launchpad.net/people/+me/+edit12:25
sorenDoesn't https://launchpad.net/people/+me/+edit..12:26
sorenOf course wgrant beats me to it.12:26
sorenWhy do I even bother? :)12:26
dusfsoren: hehe12:37
dusfwent with wgrants suggestion, and also set up a funky avatar :)12:37
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averiI was trying to add a mail to my launchpad account but looks like it's registered for a team I don't own anymore14:21
averiis someone around to get rid of it?14:21
mterryHello!  I hear that LP has the ability to synchronize comments between external and internal bugs.  Does that have to be turned on per-tracker or can it be enabled for a particular module in a bugzilla tracker?14:25
adeuringmterry: that's per-tracker14:26
mterryadeuring, ok, thanks.  I'll file a wishlist request.  :)14:26
adeuringaveri: do you mean that an email address you want to use is associated with a team? In that case please contact the team owner14:26
averiadeuring, I was the team owner but when i left the team I forgot to remove my personal address from there14:27
averithat team is inactive since ages14:27
adeuringaveri: then you can file a question on https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/ ; one of the admins will take care of your request14:29
averiadeuring, awesome, thanks!14:29
adeuringmterry: just to avoid confusion: comment syncing works like this: (1) an external tracker is registered on launchpad (2) somebody must link a bug on launchpad with a bug on the external tracker14:30
adeuringwe don't support syncing of all bugs with an external tracker ;)14:31
mterryadeuring, right.  I filed https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/785173 about that (syncing comments and new bugs filed)14:35
ubot5Ubuntu bug 785173 in Launchpad itself "Support mirroring particular bugzilla modules" [Undecided,New]14:35
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=== deryck changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net/ | Help contact: deryck | Launchpad is an open source project: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/
deryckadeuring, I've got IRC now, and can meet you in mumble whenever you're ready.15:15
niemeyerThis operation seems to be consistently timing out:15:26
deryckHi niemeyer.  I just tried it and it worked for me.  Do you get an OOPS?15:28
niemeyerderyck: Hey!15:28
niemeyerderyck: Let me see if I can find it in the text (using it from the terminal)15:28
deryckah, ok.  I just pasted in the browser.15:28
niemeyerderyck: OOPS-1965CK33115:28
deryckniemeyer, that one is not available yet.  so I'll give it a few minutes and check.15:30
deryckI'll see if we have a bug or not and file one.15:31
niemeyerderyck: It worked locally now as well15:31
deryckah, ok.15:31
niemeyerderyck: Maybe it was a hiccup15:31
niemeyerderyck: But it was reproducible a few times in a row15:31
deryckniemeyer, maybe so.  I'll take a closer look once the OOPS is synced.15:31
niemeyerderyck: Thanks a lot15:31
deryckniemeyer, np!15:32
cody-somervilleI'm getting permission denied (publickey) followed by 'bzr: ERROR: bzrlib.errors.TooManyConcurrentRequests' when trying to commit to a binded branch that is hosted on Launchpad.15:52
cody-somervillenvm, works now15:52
jdobrienacklog 116:12
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=== abentley changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net/ | Help contact: abentley | Launchpad is an open source project: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/
triuneis there a freenode channel that handles LP translations specifically?19:12
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ahasenackhi guys, just got an oops when filing a bug20:44
ahasenack OOPS-1965AP61420:44
ahasenackand again if I go back and resubmit, another oops: OOPS-1965DS54920:44
abentleytriune: I don't think so.21:00
triuneso, I guess this would be the place to ask?21:01
abentleytriune: sure.21:01
triunewondering if LP handles more than one .pot file per locale as pootle does, or whether its just one per locale21:02
abentleytriune: do you mean .po file per locale?  Because .pot files are locale-independent AIUI.21:04
abentleyahasenack: I am trying to track down your oopses, but having some trouble.21:04
ahasenackabentley: I was getting them repeatedly, so I saved the bug content and started over21:05
ahasenackabentley: then it worked21:05
ahasenackabentley: I also couldn't find them in that web interface21:05
triuneI think I know there is only one .po per locale... we were considering building separate pot files per context21:06
triunesorry if i misphrased that21:06
abentleyahasenack: Nor can I, but those are supposed to be synced every 10 minutes.21:06
abentleytriune: We support multiple .pot files.21:06
triuneword, thats what I wanted to know, thanks :)21:07
abentleytriune: They must all have unique filenames, though.21:07
triuneeven if in separate folders?21:07
abentleytriune: Yes.21:07
triuneahh, that would be good to know21:07
triunethanks for the help, ill pass this on to my GSoC student21:08
* niemeyer burns Launchpad CPUs iterating over thousands of members for testing purposes21:08
abentleytriune: no problem.21:08
abentleymatsubara: ahasenack is reporting encountering some oopses that aren't showing up in the oops viewer: OOPS-1965AP614 and OOPS-1965DS549.21:09
ahasenackabentley: I just got a 500 error when trying to view the second one21:10
ahasenackand now it's not found again21:10
matsubaraabentley, I'll look into it. just a min21:10
abentleymatsubara: thanks!21:10
matsubaraabentley, ahasenack: are theses oopses recent (recorded less than 1h ago)?21:11
ahasenackmatsubara: yes21:11
abentleymatsubara: Oh, I thought we synced every 10 minutes.21:12
ahasenackmatsubara: at :4421:12
matsubaraabentley, we sync oopses from production servers to devpad every hour, IIRC. the script that then loads the oopses that were synced to devpad into the oops db checks if there are new oopses every 7 min. So, it's possible that those oopses are still not available in devpad for oops-tools to pick them up21:14
abentleymatsubara: okay, sorry to bother you.21:15
matsubaraabentley, I just checked on devpad, and can't find the oops there. so I think that's the reason. I asked in the past to increase the frequency of oops syncing from prod servers but since rsync takes some time to finish, I was advised to not make the sync frequency so often as rsync processes might step over each other.21:19
niemeyerAnother quickie on the API: Is there any distinction between a person and a team from an available field/supported ws.op perspective?21:28
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niemeyerHmmm.. the ops are different21:29
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matsubaraniemeyer, there's a is_team attribute21:33
niemeyermatsubara: Yeah, that's what makes me ponder about it21:34
niemeyermatsubara: I understand internally they are actually in the same table21:35
niemeyermatsubara: I wonder if the exposed REST API actually exposes exactly the same fields for both, or if there's some other distinction21:35
matsubaraniemeyer,  that I don't know. sinzui probably does. :-)21:37
niemeyerLooks like the same.. which actually makes it a bit weird (e.g. person has expired_members_collection_link), but that's ok.21:37
niemeyermatsubara: Super, thanks even then21:37
sinzuimatsubara: niemeyer.team and  user are not IPerson. We add IPerson to a team in init when teamowner is not None21:41
ojwbhi, is there a way to remove a language translation from a project on translations.launchpad.net?21:41
sinzuimatsubara: niemeyer: isTeam() and  is_team are really checks for the teamowner21:41
sinzuiIt is a dirty implementation21:41
* ojwb has managed to end up with an en_GB translation, but the messages in the .pot files are actually en_GB, so that's not helpful21:42
sinzuiojwb: not without violence to the db21:42
niemeyersinzui: In this context, what difference would it make to have the object being an IPerson or not?21:42
ojwbsinzui: is there a way to request such violence?21:43
ojwbor do I just need to keep uploading a dummy identity translation for it forever?21:43
sinzuihmm, niemeyer, there is a difference.many team methods will raise an AssertionError if the IPerson is not an ITeam21:43
niemeyersinzui: I'm talking from an API perspective only21:44
lifelessojwb: open a ticket on answers.l.n/launchpad21:44
lifelessojwb: there is a script that can be run21:44
sinzuiojwb: Lp requires the POT to be en, and more specifically it is assumed to be en_US because they have Disney, Hollywood, and McDonalds21:45
ojwbsinzui: yes, I realise that21:45
ojwbbut I'm happy to have to handle the en_US translation externally if I have to21:45
sinzuiojwb: I think I may be able to deactivate the POT, maybe you can took. Which project and series?21:46
ojwbi don't have much interest is changing to use en_US as the key21:46
sinzuiIt will hide the set of messages so that users are not encouraged to translate them21:46
ojwbyou mean deactivate the PO (not POT)?21:47
sinzuino, I do not think we can deactivate a PO. I thought you said the POT was bas21:50
sinzuiojwb: is this the series https://translations.launchpad.net/survex/trunk/+templates21:50
sinzuiseries and template?21:50
ojwbno, the pot is fine21:50
ojwbit's en_GB, but I don't really want to change that21:51
ojwbi just want to kill off the en_GB translation, since it isn't really useful21:51
sinzuiLp thinks it is en_US21:51
* ojwb will file an "answer"21:51
ojwbsinzui: yes, AIUI it assumes it is21:51
sinzuiI think it is fine If you want to keep it, but you cannot stop users from translating to en_GB21:52
* ojwb tried to write a script to "pivot" the .pot for launchpad, but it just isn't worth the pain21:52
sinzuiojwb: At some point the Americans are all going to be speaking es (except for the fr_CA), so I think you are planning for the future21:55
ojwbthey'll probably realise the whole independence thing was a bad idea sooner or later21:56
sinzuiojwb: They have not noticed that the lost independence to media companies. Cinco de Mayo is popular, so they may think they won independence from France21:58
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ScottKThat or we might think random people on the internet making snarky comments about Americans are idiots.22:14
ScottKWho know.22:14

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