
Rob_____Hello all! It is the official chat of lubuntu?00:28
phillwKM0201: he is the correct room now :)00:47
phillw*he is in*00:47
poltakanyone have problem with lubuntu?02:07
KM0201nope.. :)02:11
poltakKM0201: does lubuntu have the software store?02:11
KM0201not by default.. i think you can install it if you want it though02:11
KM0201it has synaptic02:12
poltakhmm what distro do you use?02:12
poltakI use Arch02:13
poltakI would like lubntu because it is nice fast and good for old hardware02:13
KM0201yeah, if you can use arch, you'll figure out ubuntu/lubuntu02:13
KM0201!info software-center02:14
ubot5software-center (source: software-center): Utility for browsing, installing, and removing applications. In component main, is optional. Version 4.0.1 (natty), package size 451 kB, installed size 2484 kB02:14
KM0201so thats an easy install02:14
KM0201although i prefer synaptic, software center is available if you want it02:14
poltakAynone use SSD?02:15
KM0201i should say, no, i don't02:17
KM0201i'm sure someone does02:17
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n0ydhey guys and girls02:41
n0ydAnyone have issues with ccsm not working in lubuntu? it wsorked fine on my regular gnome desktop on same install02:41
n0yd\it justy gives me a straace when i try to run02:41
KM0201any smart people around?04:06
Unit193Rules me out...04:06
KM0201is there a way to use Gksudo, w/ pcmanfm?04:06
KM0201here's what happened.04:07
KM0201i was just using my laptop, like normal, closed firefox, went to restart it, said there was an unexpected error in an unknown application, it done that on any app i started04:07
KM0201so i restarted,04:07
KM0201now, i log in at the login screen, it looks like it logs in, then drops back to the log inscreen04:07
KM0201im not really concerned w/ fixing the problem (i tried rm'ing Xauthority, etc.04:08
KM0201my main issue, is i want to back up /.thunderbird04:09
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KM0201Unit193: no ideas?04:10
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Unit193KM0201: Backup .thunderbird? You SFTP it over to another computer or boot off a liveCD04:13
KM0201Unit193: i booted a lubuntu live usb... but whenever i access my /home, it says permission denied, so i tried sudo cp... permission denied.04:13
KM0201i know gksudo works, cuz i've used it before.04:13
KM0201but for some reason... gksudo doesn't get used in lubuntu04:14
KM0201its no big deal.. worst that happens is i put ubuntu on a live cd, and do that real quick, then reinstall lubuntu.04:14
KM0201i was able to move a couple of movies, etc.. to my backup.. but when i try to back up, say... /.thunderbird   i get no joy04:15
Unit193ls -l -a |grep thunder04:20
KM0201whats thunder?04:22
KM0201!info thunder04:22
ubot5Package thunder does not exist in natty04:22
jmarsden!info thunderbird | KM020104:49
ubot5KM0201: thunderbird (source: thunderbird): mail/news client with RSS and integrated spam filter support. In component main, is optional. Version 3.1.10+build1+nobinonly-0ubuntu0.11.04.1 (natty), package size 10705 kB, installed size 29608 kB04:49
jmarsdenOh, he disappeared ... never mind :)04:49
head_victimHmm is it default to have colours in LXTerminal or is it just some config file I have stored from years ago?05:59
bioterrorwhat colors06:01
head_victimDark and light blues06:01
head_victimcd /06:01
head_victimand then06:01
bioterrorls colors06:01
bioterrorim a zsh user06:02
head_victimI was just using the default stuff but it did have some sort of terminal config from a previous install06:03
bioterrori have alias for them06:03
bioterrorit has nothing to do with terminal06:03
bioterrorits in your bashrc06:03
bioterroror profile06:04
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jmarsdenBy default, Ubuntu and Lubuntu set alias ls=ls --color=auto    (in .etc/skel/.bashrc06:23
head_victimI just modified the bash.rc06:36
head_victimI like time and date stamps as well06:36
head_victimTakes up a lot more room on the screen but with a 24inch monitor it doesn't really matter06:37
jmarsdenFor a way to see the date/time of last prompt in the window title, you can do things like   PROMPT_COMMAND='echo -ne "\033]0;`date +%F\ %T` ${USER}@`hostname --fqdn`: ${PWD/$HOME/~}\007"'06:45
jmarsdenThis avoids wasting space in the terminal window itself :)06:45
head_victimThat's my prompt06:45
head_victimThat being said I have a similar timestamp on IRC06:46
bioterrorhead_victim, would you like to try zsh? ;)06:47
head_victimI don't even know what that is bioterror  ;)06:47
bioterrorhead_victim, something beyond bash06:47
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head_victimI hardly use bash so probably not ;) I'm what you call a "novice end user"06:48
bioterrorisnt it time to rise above others?06:48
bioterrormaybe yo06:49
bioterroryou will understand more why terminal > gui ;)06:49
head_victimI already understand terminal > gui for certain thiings it's just I don't use a lot of those things regularly  ;)06:50
jmarsdenhead_victim: my PROMPT_COMMAND makes my window title look something like:   2011-05-18 22:51:55 jonathan@black.jmarsden.org: /home/jonathan/packages/bibledit/main06:53
jmarsdenBut my shell prompt is quite a bit shorter :)06:53
bioterrormy window title says hmmm06:53
bioterrorwhat did it say06:53
bioterrorit says lots of stuff06:54
bioterrorlike last command, which tty06:54
bioterrorunder screen that does not work ;)06:54
jmarsdenbioterror: Right, I wrap that setting inside a case statement that checks your $TERM is xterm or rxvt to try to handle that little issue.06:55
* jmarsden has a .bashrc around 200 lines long... :)06:55
bioterrortty, folder and last command06:57
jmarsdenlast command is ssh but shows an irc client... shouldn't it show the command that started the irc client??06:57
bioterrorlast command is ssh06:58
bioterrorto my shell06:58
jmarsdenOK... you are so paranoid you need to run IRC non-locally?? :)06:59
bioterrorI run it becouse my cable conenction sucks and oh well07:00
bioterrorthis is kinda free for me ;)07:00
bioterrormy friend runs webhotel and stuff07:00
bioterrorand I help when I can with things like moving servers in the middle of the night from cave to another :D07:00
bioterrorand I have three domains hosted too07:01
bioterrorand emails there for me, my wife and my parents with unlimited quota07:01
jmarsdenso I can send you a 5 Exabyte email? :)07:01
bioterrorfirst you need to get that ammount of space :D07:02
bioterrorcat /dev/urandom > ;D07:02
jmarsdenNo, I can write a program to generate it one byte at a time :)07:02
jmarsdenYou need the space to receive it, not to send it :)07:02
bioterrorbut ofcourse I try not to abuse this thing07:02
head_victimNice, I've just lost my mouse pointer, it's invisible but still there sort of07:23
bioterrorI took it07:23
head_victimDAMN YOU07:23
bioterrorI need more mouse pointers07:23
head_victimMight be synergy related07:23
head_victimDamn mouse pointers07:25
head_victimAny suggestions on resetting that without a restart of X ?07:25
bioterrortry lxpanel and mouse icon :P07:25
head_victimjust killed the lxpanel, it's gone but the pointer hasn't returned :/07:26
bioterrorI need to drink my cup of coffee till end07:27
bioterrorbecouse I ment lxappearance07:27
bioterrorwithout lxpanel lxde is rather useless :G07:27
bioterrorhead_victim, you're too trigger happy07:27
head_victimNo lxappearance here07:27
head_victimAnd I can get my panel back easily enough07:28
head_victimI'm thinking restarting X might be my only option :/07:29
head_victimIn which case I may as well reboot for that kernel update as well07:29
jmarsdenhead_victim: Just learn to use the shell instead of a GUI :)07:29
bioterrorhead say in terminal: service lxdm restart ;)07:29
head_victimbioterror: does that restart X though?07:29
head_victimHAHAHA I think my mouse batteries died07:30
head_victimI found the pointer. It's stationary07:30
head_victimOn that note I shall go shopping and let it recharge *docks mouse and feels like an idiot*07:31
bioterroryou at least have that dock07:31
head_victimHeh I got my lxpanel back as well though so it's not like I lost anything07:32
jmarsdenThere is no known Lubuntu command to return mouse to dock to recharge dead mouse batteries... you have to do that yourself :)07:34
bioterrorneeds some physical work07:35
bioterrormove hand07:35
bioterror"sudo mv mouse dock"07:35
poltakwhat kind of kernel does lubuntu use? (and please don't say "linux")08:23
bioterror32bit :D08:23
bioterroror if you're using that AMD64 test iso08:23
bioterroryou have 64bit kernel!08:23
bioterrorcould you specify more08:24
poltakDoes it use the same kernel as Ubuntu?08:25
bioterrorthere's this generic kernel, then there's PAE-kernel and even realtime kernel08:25
bioterrorpoltak, ofcourse it uses the same kernel as ubuntu, or kubuntu or even the xubuntu uses08:25
bioterrorwe use the same repository08:25
bioterrorthe only difference between ubuntu and lubuntu is that candy what you see on your desktop08:25
poltakand the name08:26
bioterrorand bunch of more lightweight applications that's shipped08:26
bioterrorpoltak, but I give you props for that Linux comment ;)08:30
lightahi here, what the command to start lxfe panel again ? start lfce-panel seem not the good one08:30
bioterrorlxpanel --profile Lubuntu08:31
lightathx bioterror =)08:31
bioterrorlighta, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Lubuntu/Documentation/FAQ bookmarks it ;)08:31
lightayep eh I found it weird one panel stuck wasn't easy to start app again08:32
lightaI mean I used formally xfce, I just add to do right clic then navigate to app but here na ! had to do the way in usr/bin/ lol08:32
poltakbioterror: I reject your prop08:33
head_victimHey lookk, my mouse works again now08:41
MrChrisDruifGreat head_victim :)08:48
head_victimIf anyone is ever looking for a good book to buy that wants to learn about linux and sys admin stuff http://www.apress.com/9781430219125 is awesome09:26
head_victimIt's more beginner than pro but still awesome for learners like me09:27
head_victimhmm where can I find bash alias'? I thought I'd fixed the colour problem but find and ls and stuff still have colours :/10:10
head_victimNothing in there at all10:14
head_victimWell nothing colour related10:14
bioterrorThu08:23*<jmarsden> By default, Ubuntu and Lubuntu set alias ls=ls --color=auto    (in .etc/skel/.bashrc10:14
head_victimunset color_prompt force_color_prompt10:15
head_victimI think that's doing something10:18
head_victimNah found it10:18
head_victimSorry I should look at the whole file first10:18
bioterroryou should use find!10:18
head_victimYeah was trying to be lazy in nano10:18
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head_victimGday silverarrow12:15
silverarrowhi head12:23
stlsainthi head12:24
silverarrowI'm considering downloading opera, or grease monkey, and hopefully make them play youtube videos12:26
stlsaintsilverarrow: chromium doesnt work?12:31
bioterrorgood luck with Opera12:31
bioterrortry facebook for example with Opera and you will notice nice CPU load12:31
silverarrowit's suppose to be difficult with chromium, but opera and grease monkey are possible12:31
silverarrowtrue lol12:32
silverarrowopera is a bit taxing, but fire fox is even worse12:32
bioterrorI liked MacGyver when he had that pocket knife, but then again Opera is horrible12:32
silverarrowyeah, maybe on the very tiny computers12:33
bioterrorMacGyver did awesome things with this knife, but Opera is a worse in everything12:33
bioterroras a browser, as a mail client, as a what ever12:33
silverarrowit is?12:33
bioterrorsilverarrow, try midori12:34
bioterrorgive it a chance12:34
silverarrowwhen I did research on the library, and had all kinds of online books, documents and flash streams going, Opera was the only one that never crashed12:34
silverarrowin Puppy linux opera ran very smoothly on minimal systems, when fire fox didn't12:36
silverarrowbut now, I am in lubuntu, so maybe not opera then12:36
bioterrorChrome likes RAM12:36
bioterrorthat's for sure12:36
bioterroror Chromium12:37
bioterrortry midori12:37
silverarrowchromium works fine, and I have only 1GB right now12:37
bioterrordid you install midori?12:37
silverarrowadobe doesn't run smoothly, but vlc does for some reason12:37
poltakmidori is lovely12:38
silverarrowI am opening package manager ;- )12:38
bioterrorsilverarrow, sudo apt-get install midori12:38
bioterrorit's that easy ;)12:38
bioterrorI yesterday saw once again wacom users12:39
bioterrorand they said I would never use mouse again if I tried to use wacom for a week12:39
poltakbioterror: your point?12:40
silverarrownow I have midori12:40
silverarrowdo you draw a lot?12:43
bioterrorsilverarrow, how does it play?12:43
bioterrorsilverarrow, I dont draw, but those guys downstairs draws12:43
bioterrorand when I get to their computers, it's like ":D"12:43
silverarrowyeah, it can be fun12:44
bioterroryou keep that pen above that board and try to click by movign pen down :D12:44
silverarrowhmm, midori is veeeryyy slow12:46
bioterroris it?12:46
bioterrorshould be fast like greased lightning12:46
silverarrowperhaps just the few seconds,12:46
poltaksilverarrow: you should probably use links if midori's too slow for you12:46
silverarrowit seems to run fine now12:46
bioterrorpoltak, +1 ;D12:46
bioterrorlinks -g12:46
silverarrowI mean, it looks like it was slow only in the very beginning, but not now12:48
silverarrowweird thing is that Opera was really quick in Puppy Linux12:49
bioterroras I said, try facebook with opera and you will notice that it uses lots of cpu12:49
bioterrorwhile chromium for example uses almost nothing at all12:49
silverarrowI will12:49
bioterrorbut then again, if I use speedtest.net with chromium12:49
bioterrormy cpu usage is around 60-80% :D12:49
bioterrorand I have slow AMD Athlon X2 2.7GHz12:50
bioterrorseems like I need more cores12:50
silverarrowchromium was really bad in puppy, for some reason,12:50
silverarrowat least on the computer I had then12:51
silverarrowbut in lubuntu, it works fine12:51
silverarrowI used to like firefox, had it for years, but then I got used to opera,12:52
silverarrowon my ubuntu computer I had firefox and xp computer opera12:53
bioterrorlike googles sync more than opera's sync12:53
bioterrorI get everything synced with chromium and chrome12:53
bioterrorno big hustle with those12:54
silverarrowinternet explorer wasn't the best there for a while, but the latest versions have pretty much fixed a lot of problems12:54
bioterrorit's still slow12:54
bioterrorno matter what kind of hw you have, it's slow12:54
bioterrorand I bet IE9 is still a security risk12:54
silverarrowyes, a bit slow, especially at startup12:54
bioterror(I just picked up a laptop for reinstallation becouse of malmware/virus ;)12:55
silverarrowsafety is an issu12:55
bioterrorI'm now making new images with chrome and firefox 4 installed12:55
silverarrowis fire fox the safest still?12:56
bioterrorI dont have any problems with Chrome12:56
silverarrowI never had anything in opera, and I had trend micro then12:56
silverarrowwith the linix distros I have had I never installed antivirus12:58
bioterrorthat's becouse there's only few of them and those are not active12:58
bioterrorall you have is mostly remote exploits12:58
bioterroryou need to run those12:58
bioterrorand some holes in softwares :)12:58
bioterrorbut they get fixed rather fast12:59
bioterroryou're pretty safe when you're not having open ports to outworld12:59
bioterrorif you have sshd for example, you just remember to disable root login and have a little more tricky username instead of firstname and password that has big letter, number and has more than 6 marks13:00
bioterrorsmall things matters13:00
bioterrorand you can install fail2ban or denyhosts13:01
bioterrorI have denyhosts installed13:01
silverarrowI have to google it13:01
bioterror cat /etc/hosts.deny |wc -l13:01
bioterrorand from the last 4 days13:04
bioterrorsudo cat /var/log/auth.log |grep refused |wc -l13:04
silverarrowwhat I like about firefox and chromium is the toolbar bookmarks, you can have only the logo, no title text13:04
silverarrowvery cool13:05
silverarrowthanks for the new info13:08
silverarrowI have to leave now13:08
silverarrowhave a fine day13:08
silverarrowthanks for all the help13:08
rob_pWhat's the best way to add an app launcher to the taskbar?13:44
bioterrorwhat kind of app13:44
bioterroryou have it installed?13:45
rob_pbioterror: Things from the, "Accessories" menu.13:45
bioterroryou right click that taskbar, you edit that lauched application and you add an item to it13:45
bioterrorif I remember right13:46
bioterrorI dont have lxpanel near me atm. ;)13:46
rob_pHmm...doesn't seem to be very intuitive...13:47
NeosanoArgh! Kupfer stopped working!13:48
Neosanoit was working fine yesterday13:48
Neosanoit pops up on ctrl+space but I can't type anything13:49
Neosanowrong channel, I know... but still :|13:49
rob_pbioterror: I right-click the taskbar and the only thing that looks promising is a menu item that says, "Add/Remove panel items" so I select that.  From there, I get a window with a bunch of things that don't lead me to the items in, "Accessories" so it doesn't seem to be possible.13:49
Neosanouhm what's was the problem?13:50
rob_pNeosano: Was your question directed at me?13:51
bioterrorI'll buut my 10.10 pendrive13:51
Neosanorob_p, yeah ^^13:51
rob_pNeosano: What's the best way to add an app launcher to the taskbar?13:51
rob_pNeosano: I just want to put a launcher for lxterminal in my taskbar.13:52
Neosanoadd remove panel items/add/application launch bar13:52
Neosanothen click on the launch bar, then click Edit13:52
bioterrorright click panel13:52
bioterrorpanel settings13:52
bioterrorchoose panel applets tab13:52
bioterrorthere's application launcher bar13:53
bioterrorchoose chat active and edit13:53
Neosanobioterror, hmm, does it work ok from your pendrive?13:53
bioterrorI assume you can figure out the rest13:53
bioterrorNeosano, ofcourse it does, I made that stick ;)13:53
Neosanobioterror, mine freezes sometimes. :\13:53
Neosanobioterror, just for a sec or two..13:53
rob_pbioterror: Neosano: Oh, now I see what was happening.  I added launchbars but they need to be edited...13:54
Neosanorob_p, yeah ^.^ you can right click your launch bars directly from the panel13:54
rob_pbioterror: Neosano: Slightly unintuitive but now that I know the process, seems easy enough.  Thanks for the help.13:55
Neosanobioterror, especially 5 minutes after the boot.. shouldn't it work faster than from a hdd?13:55
bioterrorusb stick is slower than hdd ;)14:08
Neosanodamn.. then is there a way to minimize disk usage?14:13
budolive cd will not boot into gui14:48
bioterrorwhat's the error14:48
budowell........once you boot the live cd it enters black and white screen command mode14:49
budoerror occurs when I enter command:  startx14:50
bioterrorherp n derp14:50
bioterrorI say14:50
bioterror!mini | budo14:50
ubot5budo: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD14:50
bioterrortry minimal installation14:50
bioterrorinstall from that and we might have better resources to try fix the problem14:50
bioterroronce you have minimal installation installed, you can say "sudo apt-get install lubuntu-desktop --no-install-recommends"14:51
budookay umm  is this a try out version?14:53
budotry out lubuntu without installing it on the hard drive?14:53
bioterroryou will install ubuntu wit minimal installation14:53
bioterrorand then fetch all the lubuntu stuff14:53
bioterrorI rather try to fix a working installation than LiveCD session14:53
budooh ok  hmm14:54
budolbuntu is very slim and fast, right?14:55
bioterrorand remember to first run "sudo apt-get update"14:57
bioterrorbefore you install lubuntu-desktop ;)14:57
budowell....i'll need to back up some files b4 i get started, brb14:59
silverarrowyesterday I installed lubuntu to my new harddrive, and happen to burn the old version, but updated to the new one right away15:58
silverarrownow I am trying to figure out how to make videoplayer work properly, if I have all the restricted packages I need15:59
bioterrorinstall vlc, easieräää16:01
bioterroreasier... even16:01
silverarrowI have marked of for the restricted extras and plugins16:01
silverarrowI did16:01
bioterrorif you dont have anything against qt16:01
silverarrowVLC is my favorite16:01
silverarrowit doesn't play torrent dowloads16:02
bioterrorit plays anything you throw at it16:02
silverarrowyeah, usually16:02
bioterrorwhat kind of pr0n have you leeched?16:02
silverarrowthis old movie I downloaded plays in the gnome player16:02
silverarrowand old scary movie16:02
silverarrowI thought it was the version plaing in the movies now, but it turned out to be an old one16:03
bioterrorwould you download a car if you could?16:03
silverarrowI also dowloaded Red Riding Hood, but neither of them takes the rar stuff16:04
silverarrowneither gnome or vlc16:04
bioterrorthats becouse they are compressed16:04
silverarrowyeah, funny, but I needed to have something to play and try out16:04
bioterrorunrar x fooooooo.rar16:04
bioterrorxbmc actually handles those16:05
silverarrowhmm, I have opened rar in vlc before, but I cannot remember what I did16:05
bioterrorstupid scene releases16:05
bioterrorafter unpacking rm *.r*16:06
silverarrowthe dvd player is not working either16:09
silverarrowdo I need more than the restricted packages found in package manager?16:09
silverarrowsomehow it does read the dvd, I can see a list of stuff when opening as a folder16:11
bioterrorlibdvdcss2 or what was it16:11
ubot5Ubuntu's default installation and repositories do not include packages needed to play commercial DVDs for legal reasons. For information on adding them, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/PlayingDVDs | For information on the legalities involved, see the "DVD" section of https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats16:11
KarolRadomI want to install Lubuntu desktop but now i have xubuntu 10.10. It will be OK if i install lubuntu desktop in synaptic??16:19
silverarrowhi, I happen to close the window16:19
silverarrowyeas, you should be able to choose desktop environment16:20
silverarrowi missed the last posts bioterror made16:20
KarolRadomand after that i have to uninstall xubuntu packages??16:20
silverarrowhmm, I don't think you have to, but it's probably a good idea16:21
silverarrowin my experience the last desktop you choose, sort of sticks16:21
silverarrowand no messup16:22
head_victimKarolRadom: you don't have to, if you don't it will just leave it as an option to log into when you boot up16:22
head_victimsilverarrow: he was using a bot command16:22
ubot5Ubuntu's default installation and repositories do not include packages needed to play commercial DVDs for legal reasons. For information on adding them, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/PlayingDVDs | For information on the legalities involved, see the "DVD" section of https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats16:22
head_victimThat's what he last posted :)16:22
head_victimNo worries mate16:22
KarolRadomok thank you for your help16:23
silverarrowI have installed the restricted ones you have to choose manually16:23
head_victimsilverarrow: should work then if you follow those instructions16:24
silverarrowit doesn't lol16:25
budohmm.....the minimal install wont ask me for the partition scheme I want?16:29
silverarrowI still might be missing something16:29
silverarrowyou  mean manual partitioning table ?16:30
silverarrowthere is an option in the regular installation process16:31
budoyes the table16:32
budookay, thanks16:32
silverarrowI get the message DVDRead could not read -1/4 blocks at 0x0116:33
silverarrowin vlc16:33
silverarrowbudo, I think it is basically an integrated version of G-parted16:34
bioterrorbudo, what kind of partition table are you after?16:41
budoim thinking 504mb swap, 35mb for /boot, and for 1 dont know, and /mnt/home the rest16:46
budoits 8.5 GB hard drive16:46
budofor /  I dont know^16:46
bioterrorrather small16:46
bioterrormy wife's laptop: 145M    /boot16:47
budocould I get away with smaller swap?16:47
bioterrorhow much you have RAM?16:47
budomost people I read only say rarely do people need over 100 mb for /boot16:48
budo504 mb16:48
bioterrormy wife seems to have couple of kernels16:48
budooh i c16:48
bioterroroh, you have shared RAM with with graphics card?16:48
bioterroris that a laptop?16:48
budogood question  lol16:49
budono desktop16:49
budoold gateway16:49
bioterrorthen you dont need 1.5x RAM16:49
budocould I get away with 384?16:50
bioterroroh look, I dont have swap activated atm. :D16:50
bioterrorI dont know your habbits16:50
bioterrorbut I would put 512MB16:50
bioterrorthere's some for the case if a program starts to leak memory16:51
bioterror/ is the place where you install programs16:52
bioterrorI would go with swap and /16:52
bioterrorbut that's me16:52
silverarrowwith that kind of harddrive, why don't let lubuntu take over and handle it automatically?16:52
budo800 MB for /, and rest for /mnt/home16:52
bioterrorsmall /16:52
bioterrorand logs will be too generated into /16:53
silverarrowhmm, a new harddrive and some ram would improve16:53
silverarrowram for old portables doesn't cost much these days16:54
silverarrowI have a portable with 300 GB harddisk, 700 MGHz CPU, and 1GB ram, runs fine,16:55
silverarrowthough for Totem player you need core 2 duo CPU, and 2 GB ram16:55
silverarrowI like the small portables, but only the newest can handle regular Ubuntu and Windows16:57
silverarrowbudo, which model is it?16:59
bioterrorsilverarrow, tobe honest: with flash your cpu is too slow17:16
silverarrowyes it is, that old laptop is a curiosity17:17
silverarrowbut a cerelon M 1,5GHz works17:17
bioterroreven my few years old dell get's warm with flash17:17
KM0201Unit193: u around?17:18
silverarrowI used to have this tiny portable with an atom processor, every thing worked but it got hot17:18
silverarrowI think it is about 2 years old now, it came with windows 717:18
silverarrowand W7 was pretty new then17:19
bioterrorI have couple of Atom boards17:19
bioterrorone with 330 and later one with D52517:19
budout oh, error occurred while trying to install the kernel17:19
silverarrowbioterror, VLC streams fine on the old computer17:20
silverarrowadobe, is jerky17:20
silverarrowbut, it's way to old to depend upon, it's just that I had this new IDE harddisk and the others are SATA17:22
silverarrowso I had to try it in the old one,17:22
silverarrowmy computers keep braking down, and need repair17:23
silverarroweven the new ones17:23
Unit193KM0201: Now I am...17:27
KM0201hang on a sec.. i just closed it...17:27
KM0201well crap, it won't let me paste it17:29
bioterror!language | KM020117:30
ubot5KM0201: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.17:30
KM0201bioterror: get bent.. crap isn't a bad word.17:30
KM0201Unit193: can you see the problem here.. specifically 203-209   this worked fine on my laptop... http://pastebin.com/V9RmPzus17:32
budowont install kernel17:32
Unit193KM0201: I take it it's just not running? Does it give any sort of error?17:44
KM0201Unit193: nope, nothing.. i hit ctrl alt l, and nothing at all happens17:44
KM0201Unit193: another way i could do it... is create a launcher, make it executable, and just add that to my panel and when i need to lock-screen, just click it... i'd be fine w/ that, but i can't figur eout how to create a launcher.17:47
KM0201unfortunately googling Lubuntu, always turns up "Ubuntu".. and i know how to do it in Ubuntu..17:47
Unit193https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Lubuntu/Documentation/FAQ <--- is that what you're looking for?17:48
bioterrorKM0201, why dont you use super+l?17:48
KM0201Unit193: yeah17:48
silverarrowlubuntu is cool,17:49
silverarrowI think I shall have lubuntu  in my new laptop17:49
KM0201Unit193: only thing is... when i use super-l.. it doesn't work.. so go figure.17:49
KM0201i have cntrl alt l working fine on my laptop, w/ that exact set of lines, but for some reason.. not working on the desktop.17:50
Unit193Did you logout then back in?17:50
KM0201several times17:51
ubuntui'm on the unofficial lubuntu 64, anything should I do to test?17:52
Unit193KM0201: Just to make sure, what file did you edit? And you are using 10.10 or 11.04?17:53
KM0201Unit193: 11.04, and /home/user/.config/openbox/lubuntu-rc.xml17:53
KM0201weird, i got it to work.17:55
KM0201i had copied/pasted it from my laptops file, and it looked exactly the same17:55
KM0201but.. i simply just "typed" it in, rather than copy/paste, and it worked.17:56
KM0201go figure.17:56
Unit193Laptop file > pastebin17:56
KM0201Unit193: i'm not at at it now.17:56
KM0201but it looks exactly like what i pastebinned earlier17:56
KM0201to the letter17:56
KM0201Unit193: thanks for your help, not sure what caused it.. only thing i did different, was type it in manually, rather than cut/paste, but it seems to be working now.17:59
Unit193KM0201: I would like to see the one that works to tell what went wrong (Compare)18:00
KM0201Unit193: it looks exactly the same...18:01
KM0201i even counted the spaces from the margin.18:01
budoon the minimal installation the kernel wont install18:01
Unit193KM0201: You could run a diff program on them (see what's changed)18:03
KM0201Unit193: to late now, i didn't save the old one18:04
KM0201i just retyped everything, logged out, logged in, and it worked18:04
KM0201maybe a weird space in there or something (from the copy/paste) was causing an issue?18:04
Unit193Well, would you mind pastebin? I have what *should* be the other one...18:05
KM0201yeah, hang on18:05
KM0201thats just the relevant part18:07
KM0201like i said, there had to be a hidden space, or somthing weird in there18:08
KM0201cuz when i typed it manually, it worked fine18:08
ubuntuhey what up yo18:10
ubuntuthese messages that say "don't show this message again" don't seem to work18:11
ubuntuy'all up on this?18:11
KM0201Unit193: any ideas on what the prob was?18:12
Unit193KM0201: There was no change.... (Might be in the Keybind key part)18:13
KM0201hmm, maybe.18:13
bioterrorhi ubuntu19:12
ubuntuhello bioterror :)19:13
bioterroranything in mind?19:13
ubuntuI'm running the unofficial 64 bit lubuntu, just wondered if I should be running any tests or what not19:26
bioterrorif it works, it's okay19:27
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WulongCan someone recommend a decent remote desktop serer like the one in Ubuntu?19:38
WulongThat should be server.19:39
bioterrorszczur, would you say x11vnc?19:39
bioterrorszczur, or you do prefer "tight" more? :D19:39
szczuri used x11vnc afair19:40
WulongIs it virtual? I will need to be connected to the same desktop as the one running.19:41
WulongDisplay :0.019:42
bioterrorisnt that the idea of vnc19:42
Unit193bioterror: That's not how tight server works... It makes it's own virtual server19:43
Unit193Wulong: x11vnc will show you the current/running desktop19:44
WulongOk. Downloading, thanks.19:44
bioterrorx11vnc then19:44
WulongDo Lubuntu automatically connect to my last saved/used WiFi network when using automatically login?19:47
bioterrorWulong, you have said to do so19:48
WulongAre there any autorun scripts or folders where I can run x11vnc on X startup?19:57
Wulongok, thanks19:58
bioterrorbudo, how's going now?20:00
budoanyone have any idea why a kernel will refuse to install on hard drive?20:00
bioterrorbudo, with mini.iso?20:00
budoitll download and install the packages but generate an error for kernal install20:01
bioterrornot good20:01
* bioterror tries to remember if there was possibility to choose another mirror20:01
budoyes there is, tried that, same response20:02
budohope my hard drive isnt defected20:03
bioterrormini.iso should be idiot proof20:05
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KarolekI have one questin: Can I update my lubuntu to 11.04 when I have version 10.10??20:13
WulongRun do-release-upgrade20:14
bioterroryou can do it with update manager or from terminal with comman ^20:14
KarolekEverything will be OK??20:14
bioterrorshould be20:14
WulongThat is always the question :P20:14
KarolekOK thanks :)20:15
bioterrorif n ot, i think we can think somekind of solutions20:15
WulongAs long as you don't have any exotic hardware.20:15
WulongLike gma500 I'm struggling with.20:15
WulongMaybe I should put lubuntu on my main computer. Is there anything like gnome-do available?20:23
bioterrorgnome-do is a dock?20:23
WulongNo, it's a .... argh. Like katapult, if you know KDE.20:23
WulongIt executes program quickly.20:24
WulongSimliar to what unity does today.20:24
WulongYou trigger the program, enter "fire" and it understand you want to open firefox and does it.20:24
bioterror"gnome do with the docky interface"20:24
bioterrorI have gmrun20:25
bioterrorI type chr and press tab :D20:25
WulongI hit <menu>, type c and enter :D20:25
Unit193I wonder how well dmenu works in Lubuntu20:25
Wulonggnome-do didn't have that docking crap before.20:25
WulongUsed it for a long time.20:25
WulongAlways disabling it.20:26
bioterroroh well, dock is here to stay20:26
* bioterror is not going to judge as I still use wmaker every day ;)20:26
bioterrorbut that's so OS X stuff20:27
WulongI prefer screen relestate.20:27
bioterrorUnit193, I've wondered that too20:27
WulongI see gmrun is a little stupid.20:32
WulongIt suggest running CLI stuff in an desktop enviroment.20:33
bioterrorhow so20:33
WulongWithout even opening terminal for it.20:33
WulongIt should only check or atleast prioritate .desktop stuff.20:33
WulongMaybe I can config it to do so.20:34
Ahmuck-Srhow do i tell what version of lubuntu i'm using?20:40
Wulongcat /etc/lsb-release20:41
Ahmuck-Srlooks like i'm at 10.4  how do i upgrade?20:42
bioterrorlsb_release -rc20:42
Ahmuck-Srsudo aptitude do-release-upgarde20:42
Wulongupdate-manager -d20:42
Ahmuck-Srps -ax20:46
budobioterror:  it went through now.....frankly, it didnt like my partition scheme i had for some reason20:49
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slooksterpsvhey all I have a quick question, is there a bug with the lxpanel's cause changing it to system theme doesn't make the panel's look like the chosen theme21:27
slooksterpsv?? anyone?21:29
gomiboyworks as expected here21:30
Neosanoslooksterpsv, what version?21:31
slooksterpsvso if you change the system theme, and then select system theme for the appearance of lxpanel it works? hmmm I'm on 64-bit Lubuntu (installed Ubuntu 64-bit then used psychocats script to install lubuntu) and it doesn't what can I try - 11.04 64-bit21:31
slooksterpsvis anyone here running the 64-bit version via the torrent that was sent mentioned in the mailing list and it works?21:36
gomiboyslooksterpsv: try this: logout, ctrl+F1, login, mv .config/lxpanel .config/lxpanel.backup, ctrl+f7, login and change the setting21:37
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slooksterpsvahh I think I figured it out; well when I made this ISO I guess I not only had just LXDE installed, I guess I had tested KDE and Gnome, so I logged into LXDE instead of Default and it works... weird21:40
slooksterpsvalright I'll bb gonna grab the ISO off my other computer for the Lubuntu 64-bit torrent brb21:41
ocj-001i'm on 10.04.2.x21:54
ocj-001i was reading on upgrading, but it did not appear to work21:54
ocj-001really though, i'm comfortable with the LTS release.  is there a libre office option for 10.04.221:55
bioterrorunless ppa21:55
bioterrorocj-001, what did not work?21:55
bioterrordid you get somekind of error message?21:55
ocj-001k, guess i should upgrade then21:56
ocj-001k, let me try again21:56
bioterror"sudo do-release-upgrade"21:56
bioterrorand you will end up to 10.1021:56
bioterrorwhere you can upgrade again to 11.0421:56
ocj-001ocj-001@OCJ-001:~$ sudo do-release-upgrade21:58
ocj-001Checking for a new ubuntu release21:58
ocj-001No new release found21:58
slooksterpsvgomiboy, could I Just do rm .config/lxpanel and then pkill lxpanel ?21:59
ocj-001lsb_release -a21:59
ocj-001No LSB modules are available.21:59
ocj-001Distributor ID:Ubuntu21:59
ocj-001Description:Ubuntu 10.04.2 LTS21:59
bioterrorocj-001, use -d flag?22:00
bioterrordo-release-upgrade -d22:00
KM0201ocj-001: are you trying to upgrade 10.04 to 10.10?22:01
gomiboyslooksterpsv: didn't you solved already? anyway, yes, should work that way too...22:01
ocj-001that worked22:02
ocj-001thx bioterror22:02
slooksterpsvgomiboy, actually I have to rm the lxpanel directory in .config; set it to the system theme, change the system theme, then pkill lxpanel then lxpanel & just to get it to show correctly22:02
slooksterpsvoh wait now it's somewhat working... weird22:03
slooksterpsveither way we've figured out how to fix it22:04
ocj-001KM0201: i'm really only trying to get libre office, and if that requires upgrading, i'll try22:05
KM0201ocj-001: honestly, i see no reason to upgrade for libre office... that seems a bit like buying a new car because you'll get a free tank of gas22:06
bioterrorocj-001, https://launchpad.net/~libreoffice/+archive/ppa22:07
KM0201ocj-001: i'm pretty sure there's a repository for 10.04 and libre office22:07
KM0201ocj-001: thats the one i used for Maverick... i imagine it would work fine for lucid as well.22:07
bioterrorbut then again, if you're not using i586, I would recommend upgrading22:07
ocj-001cept there is no buying part22:08
ocj-001just the free tank of gas22:08
ocj-001any way of stopping the upgrade?22:09
ocj-001looks like there is a ppa22:09
bioterror^C :D22:09
ocj-001it warns you when starting the upgrade, don't interrupt22:09
bioterroris it now upgrading to natty or maverick?22:10
budothe minimal install doesnt like my computer22:13
bioterrorbudo, what's the issue now?22:13
ocj-001now i need to downgrade22:14
budoitll complete the install n everything, once it reboots for the new system to load it just hangs there22:14
ocj-001to maverick22:14
bioterrorocj-001, what+22:14
ocj-001i cancelled the instal as it was only in the download part22:14
bioterrorsudo apt-get clean22:14
bioterrorand edit your apt sources22:14
ocj-001i need to downgrade my source.list to 10.04.222:14
ocj-001sudo apt-get clean22:15
KM0201ocj-001: still doesn't make sense to jut upgrade for a free office program, that is easy to install on 10.04... (if the office program is your only reason to upgrade)...22:23
KM0201that was my point..22:23
bioterrorrather funny that lts didnt have libreoffice in the repos by default22:24
KM0201bioterror: i dont think libre office was stable when 10.04 came out.. thus why it wasn't put in lts.22:25
bioterroroh well, they could add it to repos22:25
bioterrorbut in the end it doesnt matter22:25
KM0201they could, but its something to do w/ how the repos on LTS is handled..22:26
bioterroroh well, good night folks22:30
Unit193bioterror: Have a good one!22:31
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