
magn3tsis 11.10 not LTS?00:01
magn3tsI thought it was .00:01
jakubo12.04 will be00:01
jakubo8.04, 10.04, 12.0400:01
BUGabundonot there's an hard rule for it00:02
jakubobut i wonder how much behind they will be in systemd and stuff since the incoming "threat" of stableizing until 12.04 is to be attacked00:03
jakuboguess until 12.10 the releases will remain rather boring...00:03
magn3tsHeh, Natty wasn't enough for you?'00:06
jakuboi like natty00:07
BUGabundonatty is old00:08
BUGabundoI used it 6 months ago00:08
jakuboso did i00:08
jakuboand it didnt change much^^00:08
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n0ydIs there a way to download a daily/nightly build of ocelet? im fine with breakage02:37
micahgn0yd: try testdrive02:42
n0ydie. testing in a vm?02:43
micahgn0yd: yes, but testdrive can rsync the latest ISO02:43
n0ydid really prefer a striaght iso...02:43
n0ydoh ok02:44
n0ydi just fine it odd its nit available anywhere02:44
micahgn0yd: you don't have to run it in the VM if you don't want to02:44
micahgn0yd: oh, hmm, I guess there are no images yet02:44
n0ydi know its knew and plenty of breakage occurs, but still02:44
n0ydAnyone know if wubi keeps the iso it downloaded via torrent for sebsequent installs?02:49
jbichan0yd: daily images haven't been built yet, things are still in very early transition03:04
knightautwellhey hows everyone doing today03:56
pooltablewhen will the 11.11 or 10.11 going to start testing ?03:57
ubottuA schedule of Oneiric Ocelot (11.10) release milestones can be found here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/OneiricReleaseSchedule03:58
knightautwellwhats the new verison going to have?03:58
pooltablenot sure03:59
IdleOneit isn't even alpha yet03:59
pooltablei do not like the unity thing04:00
knightautwelli know lol but what are they planning on implementing04:00
knightautwellme either thats why i use classic04:00
knightautwelli personally like classic better. it screws with my graphics card04:01
knightautwelli mean unity screws with my graphics card04:02
pooltablemake it look more like mac i know some people will not like it but is easy to use like ubuntu is easy to use for most first timers04:02
knightautwellyou mean make ubuntu look more like a mac?04:02
IdleOneif I wanted to use OSX I would buy it04:02
pooltablein a way yes04:02
IdleOnemake it look like Ubuntu04:02
knightautwelllol i tried to dual bot osx lion it didnt work out as planned lol04:03
pooltablei know04:03
pooltablei like osx i just wish there way a cheaper why to buy a mac04:04
pooltablefor the price of a mac i can buy al most two computers04:04
knightautwelli know lol. it messed up. they are more exclusive too. more support as well04:04
pooltableanother question if you may help is i have a picture with the word proof on it like to edit it out what the the best way to do that?04:05
knightautwellgimp lol04:05
pooltableany other ?04:06
knightautwelluhm not to sure you could try paint shop pro using wine other than that im not sure.04:06
knightautwelli havent used ubuntu much lol i had to switch back because of a tracking bug on my laptop haha04:07
pooltablei only useing ubuntu due to a bad sector on hard drive linux or ubuntu know how to handel them better04:08
knightautwelli like ubuntu alot because if somethings wrong its easier to fix it than windows lol. windows is too locked down for my liking04:09
knightautwellcant you fix the bad sector tho with a repair disk? or hirens boot cd?04:10
pooltablewell at the time i think i refomat the hadr drive 1 windows 7 2 ubuntu 3 windows 7 4 ubuntu so  4 times ever time i went back to windows 7 xp it run for about a month then i get errors04:12
LLStarksthere are serious focus issues with firefox with these gnome3 updates04:13
knightautwelllol sounds about what i do lol i do mine on purpose tho i get tired of one and i switch to the other lol04:13
pooltableso now i on ubuntu to i get  one new hadr drive or new computer04:15
knightautwelllol that sucks04:15
pooltablewell i am looking and wating for the new AMD X804:18
pooltableso i will jump from what i have to a X8 a huge junp04:19
pooltablei cant to get my deam computer under 1000 no matter what i do if i buy the part i not sure how to put the motherboard in the caes or the CPU on the monther board so that will cost me money04:20
pooltablewhat do you think of no OPEN OFFICE ?04:22
pooltablethe new one for me takes longer to load04:22
knightautwelli have a question login screen settings wont unlock when i press the unlock button04:34
knightautwellhey i have a problem i tried  to uninstall KDE and it screwed up bad lol now it wont boot to the log in screen it hangs05:11
knightautwellhow can i fix my boot up files?05:12
braiamknightautwell: go to #kubuntu , they should know ;)05:20
knightautwellwhy kubuntu?05:21
braiamknightautwell: kubuntu is the kde flavor of ubuntu :/05:24
knightautwellhey whats your take on gnome 3?05:25
litropyFirst, I want to thank you guys for everything you do. Where can I find a discussions and/or collated list of intended changes for Oneiric Ocelot?06:42
bazhanglitropy, some major blogs covering UDS06:43
litropys/find a/find06:43
litropybazhang, thanks. searching ...06:43
bazhanglitropy, I saw at webupd806:43
bobweaveranyone know where i can get a daily build of 11.10? if there is one?07:08
bobweaverI see that alpha1 comes out june 2nd07:17
nit-witcan't find any07:20
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DocPlatypuswho's bright idea was it to get rid of the classic GNOME interface for 11.10?09:49
daedaluzShuttleworth, I presume09:50
kklimondagnome developers'09:50
kklimondathere is no "classic" gnome in gnome3 anyway.09:50
daedaluzwas 11.10 the new LTS again09:52
DocPlatypusno 12.04 is the new LTS, I think09:52
daedaluzgood. there's just too much new stuff flying around to make it LTS09:52
DocPlatypusI still like GNOME 3's interface much more than Unity, looking at the screenshots09:53
kklimondadon't judge the book by its cover.09:53
kklimondait's nice but, at least for now, less polished than unity09:54
DocPlatypusthough in honesty... I still prefer GNOME 2 to either09:54
daedaluzluckily there's XFCE. I heard quite a lot GNOME developers defected to that project09:56
DocPlatypusXFCE does look interesting, and it looks like they borrowed a lot from GNOME09:58
DocPlatypuslooks like I am sticking to 11.04 for a while then10:01
DocPlatypusor maybe someone will make a GNOME variant of Ubuntu a la Kubuntu, Xubuntu et al10:02
* tsimpson would say "GNOME variant of Ubuntu is Ubuntu", but people are all like "OMG CHANGE!! I HATEZ CHANGE!!!"10:13
daedaluzI still think Unity is a terrible idea. nothing wrong with change, but GNOME3 is much better thought out entity, has more developers & distros backing it and has fewer dependencies.10:18
tsimpsonOMG!! CHANGE, IT BURNS!!10:20
daedaluzwell, name one thing that's better in Unity than in GNOME310:21
tsimpsonI haven't tried GNOME3 yet, so anything I say would be baseless10:22
matrixa1daedaluz, nautilus, because i'd rather look for the executable and click it than use unity11:43
matrixa1though, it's the best solution for tablets11:44
ior3kdoes the gnome3 panel support app indicators?11:58
ior3kI use xmonad and gnome, so unity is out of the question for me, but I'm pretty fond of app indicators (including appmenu)11:58
hifiok, what the heck is broken that gimp, eye of gnome and even ristretto is broken15:24
hifigimp can still load images but whines about unsupported type png, eog just fails to open and ristretto says "loading" but does not show anything15:25
hifisome common component is missing15:25
hifiis it gtk that is borked15:28
arandhifi: Works for me on uity2d, before opening the floodgates of recent updates..15:38
hifi(gpicview:32532): Gtk-WARNING **: Error loading icon from file '/usr/share/pixmaps/gpicview.png':15:38
hifi        Couldn't recognize the image file format for file '/usr/share/pixmaps/gpicview.png'15:38
hifi/usr/share/pixmaps/gpicview.png: PNG image data, 48 x 48, 8-bit/color RGBA, non-interlaced15:38
hifiit has lost all image formats except jpg15:38
hifisome recent update broke it15:39
hifiduring this week15:39
hifithis is starting to get a bit annoying, would like to find out what it was...15:39
hifiright, reinstalling libgdk-pixbuf2.0-0 fixed it15:42
hifiback to business15:42
arandhmm, eog and co. still works, though the upgrade borked gtk theme engine for me :)16:33
ubottuPartial upgrades during the develpment cycle, or excessive removals are often due to repository inconsistencies, the best fix is often to simply wait. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1751299 for more info.16:34
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g0bl1nIn Ubuntu Netbook Edition 10.10 the Workspace Switcher was much more awesome than in Unity 11.04. It "ordered" all hidden the windows. Can't Unity do that ? Will it be planned to 11.10 ?17:07
g0bl1n* the hidden17:07
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gnomefreakanyone know if libgvfscommon0 is safe to remove?19:33
* gnomefreak not seeing a problem with removing it 19:33
gnomefreakalso what do i need to do to read an .azw?19:37
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lucas-argpleeease make ubuntu boot look niceeeee with all video cards!... go back to usplash if its neccesary!22:41
BUGabundoso who broke metacity?23:25
BUGabundoas if compiz wasn't bad enough already23:25
BUGabundodid we drop the entire WM now?23:25
* charlie-tca thinks it might be the latest in improvements23:33
BUGabundocharlie-tca: no WM is NOT an improvement23:35
BUGabundoI have a BIG blue "desktop" that I can't click23:35
BUGabundoeven if my soccer club is blue and won't the europe championchio yesterday23:35
BUGabundoits not fun to see that much blue23:35
BUGabundoplues no composite23:35
BUGabundoand very ugly GTK unthemed23:36
IdleOneBUGabundo: have you tried ubuntu classic (no effects)?23:36
BUGabundotried to reload metacity and load compiz23:36
BUGabundono luch23:36
BUGabundoit just kills the terminal23:36
BUGabundoIdleOne: I'm on classic23:36
BUGabundosince for ever23:36
arandYea, I got no gtk theme engine as well, though the unity2d stuff around it seems to still be working a-ok23:45
BUGabundoarand: so anything posted to LP?23:46
BUGabundoor is it a feature?23:47
arandI think it's in the feature stage yet, did a quick search..23:47
BUGabundoand updates are getting slower and slower23:49
IdleOneit's funny how people are always surprised about breakage at the beginning of a dev cycle23:49
IdleOnebtw this may be of interest to some in here23:50
ubottuIf you are interested in helping the Ubuntu Power User community or want more information see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PowerUsers23:50
arandNot really, that's why I'm being naughty and not reporting it, guessing that it will just fix itself with more syncing or sommat..23:51
IdleOne!no poweruser is <reply> If you are interested in helping the Ubuntu Power User community or want more information / join #ubuntu-power-users Also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PowerUsers23:52
ubottuI'll remember that IdleOne23:52
IdleOne!no poweruser is <reply> If you are interested in helping the Ubuntu Power User community or want more information /join #ubuntu-power-users Also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PowerUsers23:52
mdelanyone know the proper PPA for freenx on natty?23:52
IdleOnenot sure there is one23:52
arandfreenx was going proprietary last time I heard about it..23:53
mdelhmm.. guess I'll have to build it23:53
arandOh, and for natty you want #ubuntu23:53
mdelarand: yes, i know23:53
mdelthis applies to +1 as well, as I'm trying to find the same for ocelot23:53
IdleOnethat says maverick but you can check the PPA and see if they have 11.10 packages23:54

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