
hajourhi AlanBell 01:11
hajourAlanBell,  xchat already trying to get chances done for accessibility things and also for make faster and have ask often for some changes grr cant remember which one anymore .but already half year.and would really appreciate some help to compliance that.for me now already xchat is making irc most accessible for me and i have tried out several01:14
hajourjust wanted to inform you ala01:18
hajourAlanBell, 01:19
MrChrisDruifhajour; I think AlanBell is asleep or something, as he's grayed out with me, which indicates he's inactive01:20
hajourwell MrChrisDruif  he will read back01:20
hajourjust was remembering me i had promise to tell it01:21
hajouri had promised the people from xchat i would do that01:21
hajourgoodnight all01:41
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mhall119AlanBell: Pendulum: ping15:15
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AlanBello/ mhall119 16:26
mhall119AlanBell: probably an unnecessary question now, but if we put the main navigation links for a website in an iframe, does that screw with accessibility?16:28
AlanBellit might not help :)16:29
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charlie-tcaThe newest scrollbar change looks easier to use - http://iloveubuntu.net/ayatana-overlay-scrollbars-02-released-orange-borders-and-new-visibility-behavior-natty-testing-ppa18:54
PendulumAlanBell: pong20:58
AlanBellwasn't me20:58
Pendulummhall119: pong20:59
Pendulumoh, wait was answered20:59
mhall119that's ok21:00
Pendulummhall119: how's you?21:00
mhall119like I said, we'd already decided not to use iframes, so the question was moot21:00
mhall119Pendulum: doing surprisingly well, no ubuflu for me21:00
PendulumI was thinking of you all today because we were were at a train museum Q would like21:01
Pendulumin Baltimore for a week of medical testing21:01
mhall119I saw your status on FB21:01
mhall119testing for the same stuff, or different stuff?21:01
Cheri703side note to Pendulum (Hi :) and there's a u-w meeting :) )21:02
Pendulumthis is all testing to see about what neurosurgery I do/don't need this summer21:02
PendulumCheri703: I got fewer than 6 hours sleep and spent over an hour this morning in testing and this is my first chance to nap. So I think I will miss this one ;-)21:03
Cheri703Completely understandable!21:04
hajour1TheMuso, can i pm you?21:09
hajour1well it also can here21:09
hajour1i want to ask or you want take over team leadership from speechcontrol or integrate it in orca21:10
hajour1because i go resign from speechcontrol21:10
hajour1i can you mail trough mail adresses from contacts i had made on uds after asking the persons or it is ok to give it to you. 21:12
TheMusohajour1: Thanks for the offer, but I am already pushing myself as to the amount of work I have to do for Ubuntu this cycle, so I will have to politely decline the offer.23:25
hajour1themuso i wouold apriciate some advice who would be good to give leadership over from speechcontrol .i would apriciate if you would mail me some advice about this23:38
TheMusohajour1: I really don't know of anybody I could recommend I'm affraid.23:40
hajour1mm okey thanks anyway TheMuso 23:50

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