
=== chaotic_ is now known as chaotic
coz_hey guys04:54
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zniavregood afternoon13:17
zniavreim trying ccs style for gtk3 i got a strange line just between menubar and toolbar can you help me please with it ?13:18
marcushaslamI have a phone call at 3.30 can we make it earlier or later?14:48
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mainerrorjust realized that ivanka isn't around so I'll probably wait till tomorrow with my question20:21
thorwilwhat horrible deed, now nobody here will be able to sleep, not knowing what the question may be!!20:27
coz_ah oh,, what did I miss?20:28
* coz_ looks at scrollback20:28
coz_gah no scrollback20:29
mainerrorevil isn't it? :D20:29
coz_for sure20:30
mainerrorthe question is about the animal logos on the t-shirts20:30
coz_mainerror,  ubuntu t-shirts?20:30
mainerroris there a special reason that they are not available in the design toolkit?20:30
coz_mm let me take alook online20:31
mainerrorI could butt kick myself because I forgot to ask that at the UDS ...20:32
coz_mainerror,  its not on the store yet?20:32
coz_or is it the narwhol tail t-shirt?20:32
mainerroroh no I mean why the logos are not available as SVG20:33
coz_mainerror,  oh!! double oh!  most definitly should be in svg20:33
coz_mainerror,  how was UDS?  I just watched shuttleworth's  opening comments20:36
mainerrorit was awesome to get to know the people behind Ubuntu :)20:37
mainerrorin fact it was so awesome that I've decided to get to the next UDS too20:38
coz_mainerror,  cool,, out of curiosity,, how much was the trip overall?  I mean cost20:39
mainerrorapproximately 350€ from Monday till Friday for two persons, my dad wanted to attend it too :)20:40
coz_mainerror,  excellent,, your dad?  that's cool :)  he enjoyed it as well ...yes?20:40
mainerroryup :)20:41
coz_very cool20:41
mainerrortheres Jorge and me :)20:42
coz_very cool20:44
coz_mainerror,  the developers had orange ribbons?20:44
mainerroryou mean those name badges?20:45
mainerrorno, everyone got them :)20:45
coz_mainerror,  but I noticed the ribbon around the necks,,20:46
coz_mainerror,  also how was Budapest ?  :)20:47
mainerroroh the lanyard you mean, nah that was pretty random, one got a Linaro lanyard (the one I have) and other got the Ubuntu lanyard20:47
coz_mainerror,  ah I see20:47
mainerrorBudapest was great, a beautiful city!20:48
coz_mainerror,  excellent,, I am jealous :)20:48
coz_thorwil,  what question is that?20:48
thorwilcoz_: mainerror already told you ;)20:49
coz_its going to be one of those days,,, I read and then  woosh,, its gone :)20:50
vishmainerror: the animal logos on the t-shirt are not a "design guideline" hence probably not part of the toolkit, you could request the design team to release those if you are interested in doing other stuff with it..21:14
mainerroralright, thanks vish. I was already thinking something like that :)21:16
vishmainerror: you could poke ivanka/iain for it.. but i guess iain is better with those sutff21:16
vishivanka probably already has a load of wrangling..21:16
mainerrorok, I'll do that then :)21:17
vishzniavre: i'm pretty sure, not many here know about the gtk3 theming :)  dashua might start working on it when unico is working..21:17
vishi'd probably start looking at it too, when unico is ready..21:18
vishbut its a whole new thing and might take a while before people figure it out well..21:18
vishzniavre: SeanW was one of the early folks who was theming GNOME3 , so he might know more, he usually hangs out in #gnome-shell21:19
vishcoz_: Budapest is a place where you might find it easier to find models for your pencil work ;)21:20
coz_vish,  oh!  I am moving today  lol21:20
coz_vish,  actually ,, I no longer do nude stuff,, it was a nice period of learning for me  but frankly putting up with models is not my favorite passtime :)21:21
vishactually those are the tough ones, not easy doing them21:22
vish(any human forms)21:22
coz_vish,  I think too many people think its important to be able to draw naturalistically as if it means you are not an artist,, but or course drawing    a person  , place or thing has absolutely nothing to do with art :)21:23
mainerrorI do agree vish, Budapest is definitely the right city to find models :D21:25
vishcoz_: heh, yea, artistic imagination required! ;)  not every good artistic can get a human form right, nor is any person who gets the human form right a good artist ;p21:25
visherr, s/any person/every person21:26
coz_vish,  exactly,,, it is how you get the message across,,21:26
mainerrorand that also depends on the audience21:26
coz_mainerror,  it does but a fine piece should cross backgrounds,, contries, languages21:27
vishmainerror: you literally cannot walk the streets without getting solicited … even odd was that the Hotel had people coming in o.021:27
mainerrorvish, what? really? Thats really odd21:28
vishmainerror: did you see the hotel's tour brochure? there is an add in it too! o.021:29
mainerroroh well yea I've seen those yea21:29
coz_mainerror,  I dont recall seeing you here before,, I probably just wasnt around when you were here21:31
coz_mainerror,  however ,, you are the only one  I have seen :)21:32
* coz_ refers to the photo :)21:33
mainerrorI'm new in this channel ;)21:34
coz_mainerror,  excellent :)21:34
vishnah, the cat is out of the bag, coz_ is a creepy stalker!!21:34
mainerrorbut I'm very interested in digital art, especially in 2D art21:34
vishhe followed you home!!  look behind you ;p21:34
mainerrorvish, nope only the cat :D21:34
coz_mainerror,  well this is very very cool,, a new person,, it gets tiring hearing vish 's  evil rants lol21:35
mainerrorthis is my gallery on deviant art it someone is interested http://odamiean.deviantart.com/gallery/21:36
vishcoz_: you forgot darkmatter !! poor guy he'd pout if we dont include in our rants :p21:36
coz_vish,  oh yes  I have to apologize :)21:36
mainerrorI should probably create some Ubuntu stuff and update it21:37
coz_mainerror,  looking now21:37
coz_mainerror,  cool21:37
mainerroryes, I'm quite an Android fan21:37
mainerrorcorrection, I was an Android fan21:38
darkmatterwuh? huh? who? o.O21:38
coz_darkmatter,  :) hey guy21:38
coz_darkmatter,  vish  just mentioned that you are evil incarnate :)21:38
mainerroroh yea and I did that one http://askubuntu.com/questions/28086/unity-keyboard-mouse-shortcuts/36648#3664821:39
darkmatterand as for you vish: see this? oh no, wait, you can't see gestures over the internet, your loss :P21:39
mainerrorthat one is at least Ubuntu related :D21:39
coz_darkmatter,  lol21:39
coz_mainerror,  oo that's interesting21:40
coz_mainerror,  and you have the svg source ,, very excellent :)21:40
coz_mainerror,   good idea by the way21:41
mainerrorthanks :)21:41
coz_mainerror,  i think with 11.04's  introduction to Unity ,, this is going to be needed21:42
coz_opening inkscape to take closer look :)21:43
mainerrorI'm planing to do something a bit more advanced though. An overlay (like the conky overlays) which gets triggered by, lets say Ctrl + H. It displays that cheat sheet.21:43
coz_mainerror,  oo that would be real nice21:43
mainerrorthat be resolution independent cause right now the solution sucks21:43
coz_mainerror,  I wonder if it can be triggered from within compiz as well21:44
mainerrorcoz_, yea beware some elements are on the wrong layers, I should fix that if I find the time21:45
coz_mainerror, ok lookin carefully :)21:45
coz_mainerror,  out of curiosity, how were you planning to create an overlay for this?  via xcompozitereleaseoverlaywindow?22:07
mainerrorhonestly I have no idea, I've never done something like that before :)22:08
coz_mainerror,  oh  , I have been doing a bit of research on this since you mentioned it,, I think I need to re word the search string,, but I did come across this    http://linux.die.net/man/3/xcompositereleaseoverlaywindow22:09
mainerrorhmm, looks interesting22:11
coz_mainerror,  I am also asking sam  if we can create a overlay plugin for any type of image,,,  should be easy with compiz22:12
coz_mainerror,  although it would be nicer to have this on the system with or without compiz22:14
mainerrorthe only question is, does it make sense without compiz? I mean Unity depends on compiz22:15
coz_mainerror,  that is a good point22:15
coz_mainerror,  well I will see what he says,, it should be no issue as a compiz plugin22:16
mainerrorsounds great, thanks!22:16
coz_mainerror,  well the only thing I was thinking is  Unity 2d  or at least on 11.04  classic ( no effects)  people using either of those would be left out of the overlay22:16
mainerrorok I'm absolutely confused by the brand communication guideline, which dot pattern do I have to use for community stuff now?22:24
coz_mainerror,  I am just as confused,,22:25
mainerrorjudging by the name none at all. one is called the developer dots and the other one is called the enterprise dots22:29
coz_mainerror,  where are you looking?22:31
mainerrordot patterns and usage22:31
mainerrorI'm off to bed, catch ya tomorrow22:43

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