
head_victimsagaci: pong03:13
=== locobot_2_2 is now known as locobot_2
sagacihead_victim, pingading05:18
head_victimsagaci: pongadong ;)05:18
sagacii'd like to put my hand up for chairing the meeting(s) if nisshh is unavailable or the spot is still vacant05:20
head_victimSounds fantastic05:20
head_victimDo you know how to use the meeting bot we use?05:20
sagacinot really, but i'd like to learn how05:20
head_victimhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/ScribesTeam/MootBot describes it better than I ever could05:21
head_victimAnd what I would like from chairpeople (and like I said 2 - 3 is probably optimal to share around the time) is to do all the admin work for meetings as well. But I've also documented that process as well05:22
head_victimIt's not heaps of work but it's enough that I think it needs more than one person to cover in case you can't make one particular meeting05:25
gorillathat also allows people to be a fly on the wall occasionally. :-)05:28
head_victimgorilla: indeed :)05:28
head_victimsagaci: so if you like you can chair the one upcoming June 12th if you're able to attend? (I should be at that one myself to help guide you and we can do practice runs as well if you like)05:46
gorillahead_victim: I am happy to heckle at a practice run. :-P05:49
head_victimHaha actually running a good meeting isn't always easy. I was at another team's meeting recently and without a strong chairperson it quickly fell into a waste of time for all. I'd actually stayed up until 8am after a night shift for it and wasn't happy it deteriorated into something I wish I never attended.05:51
gorillahead_victim: yeah.. I heard you on that one.. at lease a face to face meeting someone can turn around and say STFU or go outside.05:52
head_victimYep but it's just a matter of konwing where to draw the line05:53
sagacihead_victim, yep, sure05:53
gorillaI guess it could be enforced by devoicing someone for a minute or two.05:53
head_victimsagaci: Well I've already created the meeting on loco.u.c and sent the first email but if you want to pick up from there.05:54
head_victimsagaci: and again, not all this stuff has to happen immediately or on the same day (re the ToDoList) but as long as it's done in enough time to allow everyone in the team to contribute no matter if they're going to attend or just talk on the list.05:54
head_victimcd /05:56
head_victimHah - wrong screen ;)05:56
head_victimThank goodness there were no password05:56
sagacihead_victim, do you use gnome-terminal?06:01
head_victimsagaci: currently lxterminal on this pc06:02
sagaciguake runs well on lxde06:03
* head_victim googles guake06:03
sagacidrop down terminal06:04
sagaciadd it to startup apps and change the toggle to the menu key and it's the handiest terminal around06:04
sagaciyakuake for kde06:05
sagacihead_victim, http://i.imgur.com/qnvOh.png06:07
head_victimLooks ok06:08
sagacii like my size 20 font06:08
head_victimI don't mind the default stuff, it's hooked into shortcuts well without changing them, etc.06:08
head_victimI just want to dispose of these colours06:08
sagacishortcut, such as?06:08
head_victimalt fhist t06:08
sagacioh ok06:09
sagaciguake is the first thing I install after a fresh install... I can't use my computer without it06:09
head_victimI don't actually use terminal for lots, just updates and ssh really06:10
sagacitext editing?06:10
head_victimNot heaps06:10
sagaciI get better performance out of mplayer than any GUI mediaplayer i've used06:10
sagacifor video06:11
head_victimA bit of rsync and most of my config stuff is already there from keeping my /home and well, I can't code so there's none of that06:11
head_victimI rarely watch video on my pc that isn't online and for audio I just use exaile06:11
sagaciso I guess you're using xchat?06:12
head_victimbingo ;)06:12
sagaciI used to use irssi but I've gotten used to xchat to the point when it's just nicer to use than a console irc app06:12
head_victimUnless you have a specific need for cli (eg with screen) I can't see why you'd not use a gui06:13
head_victimhah note to self, using a terminal screen with *always on top* is a BAD idea06:13
sagacibeing a laptop, don't usually use a mouse, and don't like using touchpad06:13
gorillahead_victim: could have been worse for example: ssh myserver.example.net06:21
gorillamypasswordisvery secret06:21
head_victimHeh I've actually been meaning to try out clicompanion it's meant to be good06:24
head_victimblahdeblah: you're with the wrong ISP according to your ausnog post ;)09:11
=== gorilla is now known as Guest14907
jaddi27head_victim, I would like to ask you a couple of things with regards to social media for Ubuntu-au12:05
head_victimjaddi27: shoot 12:05
jaddi27There is no twitter account set up from what I know - is that the case?12:06
jaddi27I ask because I think it would be a simple way to get messages out to people who use it, which seems to be an ever increasing number12:07
head_victimThat's my understanding.12:07
head_victimIf you had a quick double check with a search to confirm12:07
head_victimI've been led to believe you can link identica and twitter together somehow so not sure if that is an option either12:07
jaddi27Yes, I did a couple of searches and didn't find any, but just wanted to check12:08
jaddi27I haven't used identica at all, but I could look into it I guess12:08
head_victimOk, I have been thinking of getting some social media accounts just to blurb about the team to randoms.12:09
head_victimI've got no idea how to set up groups in twitter, is it a case of just creating an account?12:09
head_victimOr can you subscribe to a group?12:09
jaddi27I think you have to have an account to set them up, but I am not really sure12:09
head_victimI guess you just then share the password with whomever you want to be able to post from it12:10
jaddi27Yes, that would be the way to do it12:10
jaddi27I am not sure if that would be what you are thinking of12:11
head_victimAre you proficient with twitter?12:12
jaddi27Not really, but have a general idea of it12:12
jaddi27It is something I want to look into more, because it seems to be very popular as a tool to get messages out quickly, which could be quite useful12:13
head_victimYep, I'm also keen to link it with the identica group if possible12:13
head_victimI'm all about not having to do 200 things separately if possible so one updates the other would be best. One less thing to update12:14
head_victimI'm just asking around to see what other loco's do.12:15
jaddi27Yes. Looking around just then, it looks like identica has built in support for the Twitter API, so I presume that means you post to one and it is sent to the other automatically12:15
head_victimThat sounds exactly like what I'm after :) Having to update multiple accounts is tiresome12:16
jaddi27Yes, I agree with that12:16
jaddi27I know there are some clients that can post updates to multiple locations as well12:16
jaddi27Also, the Ubuntu-au Facebook page could be used a bit more to capture that market as well. I have used Tweetdeck to send post to both a Twitter account and Facebook page at the same time, so that might be an option.12:18
head_victimI like the flickr account because it's a place to put pictures and links in to loco.u.c nicely (it displays the most recent photos on the team page). The identica/twitter/facebook things are currently severely underused and the last.fm I'm not sure about.12:19
jaddi27I have never used last.fm at all (don't even know what it is)12:19
head_victimSo is tweetdeck a standalone program or browser based.12:19
head_victimLast.fm is a music aggregation, shows what you're currently playing and what you've recently played.12:20
jaddi27Either. It is more of a standalone application, but they have a version for Chrome browser, as well as an Adobe Air application12:20
head_victimAvailable for linux?12:21
jaddi27Yes, it is12:21
jaddi27I just found this - http://www.webupd8.org/2010/09/how-to-use-tweetdeck-with-identica-w.html12:21
jaddi27It sounds just what we would want12:21
head_victimOh no, another adobe product.12:22
head_victimI wonder if air is a little more stable than flash12:22
head_victimHmm in the partner repositories though12:23
head_victimInstalling now12:25
jaddi27I have used it a bit on Ubuntu, and it has worked fine so far12:25
head_victimHmm it even knows how to handle lxde12:26
head_victimCreated the menu and desktop items fine12:26
jaddi27I am happy to help out with the updating of the Facebook page, and the identica/Twitter ones (if we start a Twitter account, that is)12:28
head_victimYep if we can do them both together I'm all for it12:28
head_victimJust want to make sure it's done right to start with so if you don't mind I will wait until another loco gets back to me just to make sure. Easier to organise the "right way" now than try and redo it later.12:29
jaddi27Yes, that is fine12:29
head_victimThe facebook stuff, does anyone need special permissions to post to the group or can members just sign up and send it stuff?12:30
head_victimBecause I know nothing about it either12:30
jaddi27To post as the page, you need to be a page admin. Anyone logged in to Facebook can add comments and make new posts to the wall of the page, but not make posts as the page itself.12:31
jaddi27To use Tweetdeck with a Facebook Page, you need to be an admin of the page you want to post as.12:32
head_victimAh ok, thanks for clearing that up. SO essentially though anyone can post something that will get out to all members?12:32
jaddi27No, I think for it to go out to all people who 'like' the page, it has to be posted as the page12:32
head_victimOk, that's important to know 12:33
head_victimI'm getting quite the education tonight, thanks for letting me pick your brain12:33
jaddi27That's alright12:33
head_victimI know flickr, that's the only one I have any understanding of :) Anyone can add to that group so that's easy.12:33
head_victimHalf the reason of posting the new contact us page was to find out who did what and make sure they're still active enough to continue doing it.12:34
jaddi27Yes, I thought it might have been for that. It is good to see exactly who is in charge of what though, so thanks for doing it.12:34
head_victimThe identica one is a group though, not a single account12:35
head_victimYeah I had to search out a few of them and I'm almost certain it's not complete.12:35
head_victimelky: if you had a chance sometime to skim over the page I would love to see if I've missed anything - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AustralianTeam/ContactUs as I don't really know who the mailing list moderators are and I think I've got most of the others right but not 100% sure.12:36
head_victimjaddi27: yeah it was one of the things I had had several people ask me about actually so thought it would be a good thing to get done.12:36
head_victimNow I just need to find someone to pick the brains of about identica and I think I'm almost capable of organising it all 12:37
jaddi27I guess nisshh would be the person to ask, seeing as he is the admin of the page12:39
head_victimYeah, I think he's stepped out of the team for a bit. Once I understood it all better I was going to talk to him about organising others to help admin it.12:39
jaddi27Ok, sounds good.12:41
head_victimI've just taken the plunge and created a twitter and identica account12:45
head_victimTook a little bit of work to get the same account name12:45
jaddi27What is your account url? I could become your first follower on Twitter12:45
head_victimFacebook is taking ages. I'm spending heaps of time going through settings and locking it up :/12:53
head_victimNot that there's anything there12:53
head_victimANd they appear to like hiding stuff in random places12:53
jaddi27Yes, I know what that is like. There are so many different options available, which is good in some aspects, but very annoying to set up12:53
jaddi27I have just realised that the Facebook page for Ubuntu Australia is actually a group, and not a page13:03
head_victimDoes that change things?13:04
jaddi27That means that you cannot use Tweetdeck to post updates to it, as you can only post updates to a page13:04
jaddi27I looked into the difference between the two a while ago for a sports club, and decided that a page is better13:05
head_victimCan it be changed?13:05
head_victimOr do you have to start over?13:05
jaddi27With a page, you can get a custom URL (such as facebook.com/ubuntu-au), and you can still do most of the same things as with a group13:05
jaddi27I think you would have to start over, but it would be fairly easy to do13:06
head_victimMight be the same with identica then as well?13:06
jaddi27Yes, I think so13:06
jaddi27But after we have done it once, everything should work out a lot easier13:07
jaddi27One explanation of the differences: http://www.allfacebook.com/facebook-groups-pages-2010-0213:07
head_victimOk, that sort of change I don't just want to do without gauging some feedback from the team.13:08
jaddi27Yes, I understand that13:08
jaddi27Should I add it to the agenda for the next meeting?13:09
head_victimSounds like a great idea actually13:09
head_victimJust shoot the mailing list with the update to the agenda as well so those that can't actually attend can still have their say13:09
jaddi27So just an email saying that I added [insert topic here] to the agenda for the next meeting, with a brief explanation?13:10
head_victimI'd include that link as well, I know bugger all about Facebook but that's pretty informative.13:10
head_victimYeah, feel free to reference this talk on IRC as well so if people want to come looking for the logs they can see how we came to the idea.13:11
jaddi27Ok, I will do it now13:12
jaddi27I have added it now. Hopefully it sounds alright. I will do the email up tomorrow I think.13:21
head_victimThanks mate, it just helps make sure those who can't make it still can participate.13:22
jaddi27That's fine. I can understand why we would want it done13:23
head_victimWell I think I'm going to head off for some dinner13:23
jaddi27Ok. I will leave now anyway to concentrate on other Uni things. Thanks for you time with all that.13:24
head_victimThank you for helping me understand it all a bit better13:28
sagacihead_victim, so what would you like me to do about the meeting13:30
head_victimHave you read the wiki pages?13:32
head_victimWe can have a practice one if you like13:32
head_victimAnd we can work through the items on the todo list for the upcoming one13:34
sagacilink to wiki pages?13:34
sagacisorry, i've been in and out of this channel all day and haven't got it logged13:34
head_victimhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/ScribesTeam/MootBot is the information on the bot for running the meeting13:36
head_victimhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/AustralianTeam/Meetings/ToDoList is the list of admin things to do behind the scenes for each meeting13:36
head_victimsagaci:  You be here in 15 - 20 mins? Was just about to knock up some dinner13:46
sagaciyeah, i'll be around till about midnight13:47
head_victimCool, just didn't want to leave you hanging about the chairing thing13:48
=== asp1176 is now known as nDR01d
sagaciwell theoretically attendance should be up at the next meeting since it's on sunday afternoon and the public holiday is on the next day14:16
head_victimsagaci: cool, back with dinner now if you have questions about chairing14:29
sagaciso it's just using those commands and finding the right balance between issuing them and wait time14:31
head_victimYeah it's important to let discussion go but make sure it stays on topic and at an adult level14:33
sagacihead_victim, ping14:56
head_victimsagaci: here mate :)14:56
sagaciso what's the process of registering a chair for a meeting, do you have to register for individual meetings?14:57
head_victimThere's no official way of doing it I don't think. It's pretty much assume whoever create the event is chairing it. MootBot will respond to the person who issues the #startmeeting command as the chairperson as well.14:58
head_victimHm speaking of which15:19
=== head_victim changed the topic of #ubuntu-au to: Welcome to the Australian Ubuntu LoCo Team channel! - guidelines at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AustralianTeam/IRC | Off-topic chat in #ubuntu-au-chat | Next Team Mee/ting: Sun 12/06/2011 @ 2000 AEST (GMT+10) http://loco.ubuntu.com/meetings/team/93/detail/ | Website: http://ubuntu.org.au | Mailing list: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AustralianTeam/MailingLists | Forum: http://au.ubuntuforums.org
=== head_victim changed the topic of #ubuntu-au to: Welcome to the Australian Ubuntu LoCo Team channel! - guidelines at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AustralianTeam/IRC | Off-topic chat in #ubuntu-au-chat | Next Team Meeting: Sun 12/06/2011 @ 2000 AEST (GMT+10) http://loco.ubuntu.com/meetings/team/93/detail/ | Website: http://ubuntu.org.au | Mailing list: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AustralianTeam/MailingLists | Forum: http://au.ubuntuforums.org

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