
philipballewwy usb wireless adapter connects to the web when pluged into my laptop, but when i plug it into my desktop it shows no networks. anyone know?00:46
Captainkrtekphilipballew: I can try to help00:52
philipballewgo for it. if i acdently go offline its because my laptop is buggy but id be back on shortly after00:53
Captainkrtekheh no problem00:53
Captainkrtekplug it in00:53
Captainkrtekthen go to System Settings > Hardware > Additional Drivers00:53
philipballewi figured because there are no propitery drivers on my laptop that might be irrelvent00:55
Captainkrtekmight be for the card00:55
philipballewthe card was in use on my laptop and runs fine from the same spot my desktop sits00:56
philipballewoh well. :)01:08
philipballewthe only difference on my laptop and desktop is my laptop has 11.04 and desktop is 10,04.01:10
UndiFineDphilipballew, did you update 10.04 with a newer kernel ?01:10
Captainkrtekhey UndiFineD01:12
UndiFineDthe linux kernel contains all / most drivers for your hardware, upgrading that one might fix the issue01:13
UndiFineDCaptainkrtek, I hope he caught my message01:16
CaptainkrtekYeah I hope he did too01:17
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hajourgoodnight all01:41
ApOgEEhi, greetings all...02:36
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Puck`good morning everyone07:45
nlsthznPuck`: Alo07:47
Puck`hi nlsthzn (:07:48
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tdnsince I installed 11.04 on my lenovo s10 netbook, my wifi is very flaky. I have installed the restricte STA driver, however, it does not work very well. It works for a while then net stops working. In 10.10 I used the other restricted driver: bcm43 or b43 or something. My NIC is: Broadcom Corporation BCM4312 802.11b/g LP-PHY.   How do I fix this?13:45
bioterrorsolder another chipset, something like atheros or intel ;)13:58
bioterrorI have a laptop HP 8440p with same chipset14:02
bioterrorhardly connects :)14:02
holsteintdn: you should try the other driver14:03
holsteinsudo apt-get install b43-fwcutter firmware-b43-installer14:04
tdnholstein, how to do that? There is only one restricted driver available. I know there should be one called b43, but it is not there. How do I get it?14:04
tdnholstein, I already installed those packages. But how do I activate the driver?14:04
tdnholstein, I have tried following the instructions there, but it does not work.14:04
holsteintdn: i dont have that hardware, so i cant test for that specific task14:05
bioterrorshould I use ethernet? :D14:05
holsteinbut, i have suggested that before here, and it worked14:05
holsteinyou can also try a windows driver with ndiswrapper14:06
tdnholstein, it worked just fine in 10.10 but stopped working in 11.04. Appearently others experience the same: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1083604314:06
holsteinsudo apt-get install ndisgtk14:06
tdnholstein, then what?14:06
holsteintdn: then, use a windows driver thats appropriate for your hardware14:06
tdnHow do I get that?14:07
holsteinsometimes you have a driver CD supplied by the vendor. sometimes they are online14:08
holsteinAFAIK, its a bug that keeps both the drivers from *not* showing up in natty14:08
tdnholstein, no cd. I have tried finding it on broadcom.com.14:09
holsteintdn: OK, so thats one place14:09
tdnholstein, ok, so it does not show up. But it should be able to select it anyway or?14:09
holsteinyou can flip the unit over, write down some #'s, and open up google14:09
tdnholstein, how can I trust something I download from a random web page?14:10
holsteintdn: there are 3 options, the driver you have tried already, the other driver in the repos, and the windows driver14:10
holsteintdn: ??14:10
holsteingo the the vendor page14:10
holsteintoshiba, dell14:10
tdnholstein, I did. ould not find the driver.14:10
tdnholstein, is there a way to isntall the maverick b43 driver inside natty? From ubuntuforums it seems that it has worked for some people.14:10
holsteintdn: sure, you can search the repo online14:11
tdnOk. And just DL the .deb and install with dpkg -i?14:11
holsteinbutg, you probaby wont know how to activate that either, right?14:11
holsteini mean, the packages sholud be similar, they just move the over to natty from before14:12
holstein*they are probably identical actually14:12
tdnSo I have installed the right driver now. But it does just not show up in the additional drivers dialog. Is that correct?14:12
tdnSo isn14:12
tdnSo isn't there a way to activate the driver without the GUI front end?14:13
holsteinthats what i have understood14:13
holsteindid you restart?14:13
tdnDo you have a link to the bug report?14:13
tdnI could not find it.14:13
holsteintdn: i dont have that hardware, so i have not searched for bugs relating to it14:14
holsteinand i need to run out for a bit... BBL14:14
holsteintdn: i would also consider installing and using the LTS version, lucid 10.0414:54
raubvogelI installed ubuntu desktop in a machine I wanted to setup as server. Is there an easy way to switch them or should I just reinstall it?16:21
raubvogelMain thing is I do not want the GUI stuff16:22
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Maratichraubvogel: do you want fast start with text login only ?16:52
raubvogelNo point in having gui since machine will be in a rack16:53
Maratichok, i think, will be helpful study this - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linux_startup_process16:54
Maratichwhat you want - /etc/inittab - change run level16:55
Maratichhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Runlevel and this16:55
Maratichfor Ubuntu - upstart daemon http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Upstart16:56
Maratichhttp://upstart.ubuntu.com/cookbook/  - and this16:58
Maratichis this - what you want to know ?16:59
raubvogelWell, I would like to get rid of all X-windows-related packages16:59
Maratichi dont use ubuntu 11.04 - prefer 10.04 LTS17:01
Maratichin my distro - gdm manages all X sessions17:01
Maratich(gnome display manager)17:01
raubvogelI am using 10.04LTS right now; I am sorry if my problem description implied otherwise17:01
Maratichsimple way - 1) reinstall 2) change runlevel in /etc/inittab17:02
Maratichor you can remove X17:03
Maratichfrom console - apt-get remove xorg17:03
raubvogelWould that remove X and all related packages (gdm and firefox and so on)?17:04
Maratichi dont like it but your comp - your rules17:04
Maratichthis removes only service - X-server17:04
Maratichif you havent free space - reinstall17:05
Maratichbut copy files from /etc/* if you made some changes in configuration17:05
Maratichand with "apt-get install elinks" - you can browse the web in text mode ))17:08
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kristian-guesthi all, this is good ole kristian-aalborg18:00
kristian-guestI'm at a box I'm being told has wireless built in, but I can't see it anywhere18:00
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adam61hi, does anyone know how to enable the integrated flash in chrome? it's supposed to be there automatically, but i've installed 64 bit and now that's all that appears in about:plugins. i haven't been able to get flash working yet and i've tried just about everything i can thing of. any help would be greatly appreciated!18:13
bdfhjkhi adam6118:14
adam61hi bdfhjk18:14
bdfhjkso You instaled 64bit chrome and You haven't flash ?18:14
adam61no, it's not working for me, but it wasn't before that either.. i've tried firefox and chromium too.. i'm using ubuntu 11.04 as my only os btw18:15
bdfhjkDo you changed any configure file?18:16
adam61i don't think so.. pretty sure i haven't. i reinstalled chrome too, but nothing changed18:16
bdfhjkplugin not working or is not visible?18:17
bdfhjkDid You notice any error messages?18:18
adam61it's not working and it's not visible. the only one i have according to about:plugins is the 64 bit one18:18
adam61no error messages, they just said to download an updated flashplayer, when i ran it with mine disabled18:19
bdfhjkTry that18:19
bdfhjkuninstall  flashplugin-installer18:20
bdfhjkuninstall chrome18:20
bdfhjkinstall  flashplugin-installer18:20
bdfhjkand install chrome18:20
bdfhjkThat can solve possible issue with broken instalation of  flashplugin-installer18:21
bdfhjkif that not work18:21
adam61ok thanks i'll give that a shot18:22
bdfhjkthere may be a some kind of chrome bug18:22
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tronyxwrong channel21:34
virgoanyone can help with Code::Blocks program?21:41
Error404NotFoun1!ask | virgo21:48
ubot2virgo: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)21:48
virgoi have problem compilig cpp project with Code::Blocks IDE. I cant get the libraries working, it cant find the header file.21:49
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