
=== gtaylor2 is now known as gtaylor
koolhead11|afkhi all05:42
kim0hi everyone09:04
koolhead11|afkhi kim009:43
kim0hey :)09:43
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=== daker_ is now known as daker
omrico1I can't ssh my ubuntu small EC2 instance... get the Permission denied (publickey).14:25
omrico1I tried almost everything.. can some please help me?14:25
obinoomrico1: did you create your own keypair?14:30
omrico1ofcourse while I was creating the instance14:31
obinoand did you try to login as the ubuntu user?14:31
omrico1yes I did..14:36
omrico1do you want the debug out of the ssh?14:36
obinowhat are the permissions of the private keys?14:47
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=== dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk
* koolhead17 clicks obino17:08
kim0koolhead17: hi .. so did you get approval on your Eucalyptus community cloud yet17:08
koolhead17kim0: not yet17:08
kim0I wonder why they're not using automatic approval17:09
kim0perhaps obino can help17:09
* koolhead17 looks at obino :)17:09
kim0just wait a bit17:10
* obino looks away :)18:06
obinokoolhead17: you did apply to ECC?18:06
obinokim0: we are not using automatic approval because we want to move to openID or something similar so all accounts (web and ECC) will be the same18:07
obinoso now we check that the accounts (web and ECC) are the same18:07
kim0obino: interesting ..18:07
kim0I hope the move to some fast auto-approval way is gonna happen soonish18:08
obinowe are on the way: 3.0 will have ldap integration which will help18:08
obinowe are very fast to approve (there are 4 ppl who can approve) but the approval emails seem to finish in the junk box way too often18:08
obinonot sure why :(18:08
kim0I would think if we'll be publicizing ECC as a standard way to play with Ensemble ..18:09
kim0we'd need some way for quicker approvals ..18:09
kim0obino: exactly what are you checking in those registrations ?18:09
obinowe do have less than 1 day turnaround, but in case we can give you approval rights :)18:09
obinothat the email/account matches the account/emails on the web site18:09
obinoplease tell koolhead17: to check the spam filter for the confirmation email18:10
kim0koolhead17: hey ^^18:11
kim0obino: btw, your contribution here would be great :) http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=175820918:12
obinokim0: you got me at the right time, just before dinner18:14
obinowill do right now :)18:14
obinokoolhead17: just checked, you should have received the confirmation email. Check your spambox18:21
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kim0obino: hehe :)18:33
kim0obino: before dinner .. oh you're EU timezone18:33
kim0yeah you mentioned that .. well sorry18:33
obinoyep , for few more days18:33
kim0Enjoy your stay :)18:33
koolhead17kim0: :)18:38
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=== dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates
=== dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk
=== dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates
=== hallyn is now known as hallyn_afk

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