
=== chaotic_ is now known as chaotic
LLStarksdoes the gnome3 spec have an anticipated breakage timeline.00:32
LLStarksthat is, is there any notes about the current breakage and future ones?00:33
chrisccoulsonw00t, i'm down from number 10 to number 12 now: http://is.gd/C8FvA1 \o/00:47
chrisccoulsonhopefully that trend will continue00:48
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pittiGood morning05:27
RAOFGoooood morning pitti!05:27
pittichrisccoulson: firefox SRU> I think regression testing and extensively testing the scrollbar will do05:27
kenvandinepitti, good morning05:28
pittiRAOF: ¡ooʇ 'noʎ oʇ ƃuıuɹoɯ pooƃ ʎןǝʌoן ɐ05:28
pitti(.au compatible)05:28
pittihey kenvandine05:28
* RAOF needs to work out where that script is :)05:28
robert_ancellRAOF, is there any case where the X server returning non-zero could be considered not a failure?07:13
RAOFI don't *think* so.  Would you like me to grep the code?07:13
robert_ancellRAOF, nah, I was just wondering if there was a weird X-ism I should know of07:16
RAOFI don't *think* so.07:16
robert_ancellI'm totally going to hold you to that07:18
pittihey robert_ancell, how are you? feeling better?07:19
robert_ancellpitti, yeah, seem to be fully recovered07:20
robert_ancellI got some antibiotics which fixed everything up nicely07:20
pittiah, heh, the big club07:20
robert_ancellno one else sick?  Timing would put it pretty close to the team dinner07:20
pittirobert_ancell: jasoncwarner was as well, and I think TheMuso mentioned it as well07:21
* RAOF was mostly fine. Or, at least, not statistically distingushable from “I hate flying”07:23
pittihm, Australia is a pretty bad place to be at for flying haters :-(07:27
pittibut then again, who doesn't hate flying07:27
RAOFSomeone who doesn't take 30+ hour flights five times a year :)07:30
jasoncwarnerrobert_ancell: ! feeling better? or better enough to drop into IRC ;) yeah...some of us in AU seemed to get sick...but none as bad as you!07:36
robert_ancelljasoncwarner, I think I just had bad timing.  If I'd left a day earlier or a few days later it wouldn't have been much of a problem07:37
jasoncwarnerrobert_ancell: wondering if you should do a week of fasting in dublin just in case ;)07:38
robert_ancellI'm taking my own stash of food, I don't trust these hotels!07:38
robert_ancellplus a pure diet of guinness can't get you sick right?07:39
jasoncwarnerI've never heard of anyone getting sick from such a thing...never!07:39
pittiI didn't quite like Guiness, but I still remember having great beer in all these pubs on Grafton street07:54
jasoncwarnerI for one, even though I don't drink that much, will be making it to the guiness factory...have to experience it once!07:55
RAOFI hope to have a little bit more time to wander, take photographs, and play Race for the Galaxy than UDS :)07:56
didrocksgood morning08:00
jasoncwarnermorning didrocks08:03
didrockshey jasoncwarner!08:03
pittibonjour didrocks08:03
didrocksjasoncwarner: how are you? completely back in your timezone?08:03
didrocksguten morgen pitti08:03
pittijasoncwarner: we did the brewery tour on the 2008 (or so) sprint; I think it was the same hotel even08:04
pittijasoncwarner: it's really worth it indeed, highly interesting08:04
jasoncwarnerdidrocks: pretty much, yes. Feeling better as well. Slept like 12 hours last night, which is like sleeping 4 in baby hours ;)08:04
didrocksI did it as well when I was on my 6 month internship in Dublin, was interesting :)08:04
didrocksjasoncwarner: waow :-)08:05
didrockspitti: from what I understood, the hotel is not really far from stephen's green parc, isn't it?08:06
pittididrocks: it was close to _a_ park (on the way to Grafton street and city center)08:07
pittinot sure what its name was, though08:07
didrockspitti: and a lovely comercial center, isn't it?08:07
pittijust that OSM had an excellent plan of it :)08:07
pittimaybe we'll see/hear more bands playing on Grafton street this time08:08
didrockspitti: very white, like this one: http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fichier:Stephen%27s_Green_Centre.JPG08:08
pittiah, haven't seen that08:08
didrocksok, I'll bring you there, it's really beautiful ;)08:08
didrocksoh didn't get any bands playing on Grafton street?08:08
pittichrisccoulson: would you mind reviewing https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-o-firefox-translations-in-launchpad today?08:09
pittididrocks: I just saw one once08:09
didrocksoh, not very lucky then :/08:09
* pitti checks flights08:10
didrockswill be weird to be back to Dubin TBH, not such a long time for me (5 years from now)08:10
pittiEI 353  W  26JUN  MUC 1 DUB 2  1150  132008:10
pittiEI 352  R  02JUL  DUB 2 MUC 1  0720  105008:10
pittihm, not much time on Sunday afternoon, neither on the Saturday after, but we'll have some time during the week evenings08:10
didrocksright, and Dublin is very nice in the evening, city's lights are nice08:11
dpmmorning pitti!, did you have the chance to upload the natty langpacks, and if so, can I clear the https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Translations/LanguagePackUpdatesQA page ?08:31
pittidpm: yes, I moved them to -updates last night08:32
dpmpitti, great, thanks, I'll clear the wiki then08:32
pittididrocks: I'd appreciate some feedback from you on https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-o-cd-localization08:44
didrockspitti: sure, looking08:44
pittisabdfl: good morning Mark08:44
pittisabdfl: if you have a moment for cross-checking the general strategy there? ^08:44
cdbspitti: The work items tracker, does it work? Sorry but this is the first time I'm dealing with tasks assigned to myself :(08:47
pitticdbs: yes, it's happily tracking oneiric WIs08:48
pittithe trend lines are off, since we didn't officially start tracking yet08:48
cdbspitti: silly question, but where is it hosted? :D08:48
cdbsmaybe because I'm looking at the wrong place08:48
pittihttp://people.canonical.com/~platform/workitems/oneiric/canonical-desktop-team.html for desktop team08:49
seb128hey desktopers08:49
seb128hey pitti08:49
pittibonjour seb12808:49
seb128wie gehts?08:49
cdbsgood morning seb12808:49
pittiseb128: gut, danke!08:49
pittiseb128: saw your ping wrt. libnotify, on my list08:50
seb128pitti, thanks ;-)08:50
pittiseb128: I just finished drafting my last spec, so I'll get to that now08:50
didrockshey seb128!08:50
seb128hey cdbs didrocks08:50
pittiseb128: do you think you'll have some time today for spec reviews?08:50
seb128pitti, yes08:50
seb128will go through the ones I'm approver for today08:50
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seb128hi baga08:53
bagais there anyone in here using gnome3 in ubuntu 11.04 ?08:54
seb128baga, you should better just ask your question if you have one, some people tried that, some people use a vm, etc but you could get a reply from people who know about it without running it08:56
cdbsbaga: yes, go ahead, ask your question08:56
cdbs!anyone | baga08:57
ubot2baga: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.08:57
pittiseb128: ah bummer, libnotify isn't in pkg-gnome08:57
seb128pitti, it is?08:57
pittinot according to http://packages.qa.debian.org/libn/libnotify.html08:57
pittiand svn+ssh://svn.debian.org/svn/pkg-gnome/desktop/experimental/libnotify doesn't exist either08:57
Laneypochu has been uploading it though08:58
pittinot that much of a biggie, though; as soon as Debian updates, we can sync again08:59
seb128pitti, http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-gnome/packages/unstable/libnotify08:59
dpmpitti, re: the localized cd tools, there's also http://uck.sourceforge.net/ which some locos use. I've added it to the references section of the spec08:59
seb128pitti, ^ it's in packages, not desktop08:59
pittiI'll add a Vcs-* header then09:00
seb128pitti, desktop is official GNOME desktop set09:00
bagaok. yesterday i installed gnome3 using ppa:gnome3-team/gnome3 and it work fine until this morning after i'm upgrade my ubuntu and gnome3 session not working properly.09:00
seb128pitti, yw ;-)09:00
seb128baga, what is not working properly?09:01
bagaafter i reboot my laptop. there is no gnome session only ubuntu session09:01
bagaby the way i'm using ubuntu 11.04 64 bit09:02
rodrigo_hmm, my brasero upload was rejected because of lack of permissions, isn't it part of the gnome stack?09:07
pittiit ought to be09:09
pittiprobably wasn't when we set up the packageset, hang on09:09
pittioh, brasero, not banshee09:10
pittithat's weird indeed09:10
pittirodrigo_: try again09:10
geserseb128: re the pidgin FTBFS: thanks to slangasek I now know how to fix it (use dh-autoreconf to get a working set of regenerated autotools files) but it got too late yesterday to get a merge of pidgin done.09:15
seb128geser, is pidgin not using autoreconf yet?09:16
geserseb128: no, the Makefile(?) calls automake and aclocal when it finds the patched configure.ac but not libtoolize which caused the FTBFS due to the version mismatch AFAIU09:17
seb128ok, things patching configure.ac should use dh-autoreconf nowadays09:17
seb128we ported most of GNOME to it and it works great09:18
seb128geser, thanks a lot for debugging it!09:18
seb128geser, let me know if you need any sponsoring09:20
geserwill do, probably today evening09:20
pittiseb128: libnotify done09:24
seb128pitti, danke09:25
seb128geser, is that just a matter of using dh-autoreconf, do you want me to do it?09:25
chrisccoulsongood morning everyone09:26
pittihey chrisccoulson09:26
chrisccoulsonhi pitti, how are you?09:26
pittichrisccoulson: I'm great, thanks! how about yourself? sleeping longer again these days?09:27
geserseb128: yes, just add "include /usr/share/cdbs/1/rules/autoreconf.mk" (I hope I remember that path correctly) to debian/rules and pidgin builds again. And replacing our addition of libtool to Build-Depends with dh-autoreconf09:27
chrisccoulsonpitti - i only slept in because i don't feel too well today ;)09:27
seb128geser, ok, thanks (I know how to make things use dh-autoreconf no worry ;-)09:27
pittiargh, late ubuflu?09:27
chrisccoulsoni've almost lost my voice today. it's a good job i don't need to talk to people ;)09:27
chrisccoulsonpitti - yeah, i've had it all week, but today is definitely the worst so far09:28
didrockshey chrisccoulson09:28
didrockspitti: urgh, my comments didn't intend to be so long, sorry about it :)09:28
chrisccoulsonpitti - i'm pretty much ready to push the button on firefox 5 (i'm just waiting for mozilla to push it to the beta channel)09:29
chrisccoulsonit contains the new language packs09:29
pittididrocks: don't apologize for being thorough :)09:29
chrisccoulsonhow often do we get language pack updates in oneiric?09:29
pittichrisccoulson: is that blocked for uploading oneiric langpacks without XPIs, or did you add replaces:?09:29
pittichrisccoulson: not at all so far09:29
chrisccoulsonpitti - i've added replaces09:29
pittiwe'll need replaces anyway for upgrades, I think09:29
chrisccoulsonwhich sort-of works. but it leaves some residual search plugins for non en-US users for now (as some of the mozilla localized plugins have different filenames to the ones we ship)09:30
chrisccoulsonthat will go away once langpack-o-matic, but it means that some users will get english + localized plugins for some search services temporarily in oneiric09:31
chrisccoulson**once langpack-o-matic is fixed09:31
* chrisccoulson needs coffee09:31
pittisounds fine to me at this early point09:31
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chrisccoulsonpitti - do you want me to remove your work item from desktop-o-mozilla-rapid-release-maintenance? I think that's already covered in desktop-o-firefox-translations-in-launchpad10:38
pittididrocks: followed up to your comments, thanks!10:46
didrockspitti: yw ;)10:47
seb128pitti, do you read https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/seed/+bug/782972 as "you can promote" as well?10:47
ubot2Launchpad bug 782972 in seed "[mir] seed" [Undecided,In progress]10:47
pittiseb128: the bug status seems "approved", let me check10:47
seb128oh, mterry is already there10:47
pittichrisccoulson: ah, right, please10:47
seb128mterry, hey ;-)10:47
didrockspitti: oh, you removed one of my item (hennekn wrongly moved it), I'm moving back, again ;)10:47
seb128mterry, can I promote seed and libpeas? ;-)10:47
pittikees acked it10:48
pittididrocks: I did? I was about to restore your comments that hennekm killed, but someone else already restored it10:48
didrockspitti: yeah, I restored between, editing war blueprints not handling conflicts :)10:50
didrocksdone now10:50
didrockspitti: ok, on your feedback, looking at the spec updated now10:50
chrisccoulsonpitti - ok, i'll do that. am i meant to be approver for desktop-o-firefox-translations-in-launchpad ?10:50
chrisccoulsoni just realized i can approve it ;)10:50
pittichrisccoulson: yes, as I was the drafter, and you are the firefox guru for cross-checking10:51
didrockspitti: for the additional files, I would just be in favor of either localizable examples (which other bin package by local shipping them), or just an additional source package10:51
chrisccoulsonpitti - cool. ok, it's approved now then :)10:51
pittididrocks: I agree; everythign shoudl be packaged, otherwise upgrades/fixes/CD builds will be impossible10:51
pittichrisccoulson: yay10:52
didrockspitti: waow, seeing your diff on the spec, that would put simplecommeubuntu in main. I'm fine with it! :)10:53
didrockspitti: and agree on the major issue which can be seen only as "== Possible future improvements =="10:53
chrisccoulsonpitti - if you feel like using your axe, then bug 782088 might be for you :)10:59
ubot2Launchpad bug 782088 in firetray "Please remove firetray and blacklist" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78208810:59
pittididrocks: I see nothing wrong with having an Ubuntu book in main, as long as it's kept up to date11:00
didrockspitti: yeah, this time it wasn't the case due to ETOOFEWTIMES, but for the last 5 years, it was up in beta (meaning: additional reading to fix typo needed) before RC and up to date in the final version for the release. I'll move the schedule a little bit before, praying for no last minute design change (taking screenshots is time consuming)11:02
pittichrisccoulson: *splatter*11:03
chrisccoulsonheh :)11:03
* pitti off for some errands and lunch11:03
chrisccoulsonpitti - desktop-o-mozilla-rapid-release-maintenance is ready for approval once you get back from lunch11:07
chrisccoulsonplenty of removals this cycle ;)11:07
chrisccoulsoni'm going to be popular11:07
chrisccoulsonand someone said at UDS that we never remove old cruft from the archive!11:07
seb128we don't11:08
seb128you just try to clean things user run, not cruft ;-=)11:09
seb128pitti, btw I unassigned ubuntu-desktop from the desktop-o-gtk3-gnome3 to not spam the list at each whiteboard update11:10
chrisccoulsonhmmm, this is a really ugly screenshot (except for the web content, of course): https://launchpadlibrarian.net/71997567/html5Ubuntuweb.PNG11:18
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rodrigo_any idea why we disable dbus in evince package?11:51
seb128do we?11:51
seb128rodrigo_, or do we have 2 builds, one gtk only one and a normal one and it's off only in the gtk build?11:51
rodrigo_yes, we disable it for the gtk build11:52
rodrigo_the debian package doesn't have that anymore, so do I keep it?11:52
seb128rodrigo_, they don't have what?11:53
rodrigo_the --disable-dbus call for evince-gtk11:53
kinoucho`hello seb12811:53
seb128lut kinoucho`, ca va ?11:53
seb128rodrigo_, just follow what they do11:53
seb128not sure it still make sense to have a gtk binary anyway11:54
seb128we should ask on #debian-gnome11:54
kinoucho`seb128: yes and you?11:54
seb128kinoucho`, I'm fine thanks ;-)11:54
rodrigo_seb128, they still have evince-common and evince-gtk, they have merged all libev* packages into one though11:55
rodrigo_seb128, ah, evince-gtk is built without keyring support11:57
rodrigo_so I'll keep as it is in debian, ok?11:57
=== kinoucho` is now known as kinouchou
seb128rodrigo_, ok, I just debdiffed the binaries it still make sense12:00
seb128rodrigo_, the gtk one doesn't ship the nautilus thumbnailer and doesn't depends on gvfs12:00
rodrigo_now only missing our patches, and should be ready to upload12:00
seb128ok, great12:00
seb128pitti, oh, you didn't update libnotify to the current minor version?12:05
ricotzrodrigo_, hello :)12:12
rodrigo_hi ricotz12:12
ricotzrodrigo_, i noticed the brasero upload, but i am a bit confused about the dependency wait12:13
rodrigo_what is it waiting for?12:13
ricotzit claims that libtracker-client-0.8-dev is missing12:14
ricotzwhich is available though12:14
rodrigo_hmm, yes, it is12:14
ricotzi will copy it to the ppa and see what happens12:15
seb128ricotz, rodrigo_: tracker is in universe12:16
seb128we don't want to build-dep on it12:16
seb128is that build-depends optional?12:16
ricotzseb128, ah, that explains it ;), so the ppa will work12:16
rodrigo_seb128, hmm, not optional, no, but can make it optional, I guess12:16
seb128rodrigo_, ok, please do12:17
seb128we don't want to install tracker by default12:17
seb128nessita, hey, how are you?12:42
seb128didrocks, so, question for you12:42
nessitaseb128: preeeetty good. You?12:42
* didrocks hides12:42
didrockshey nessita12:42
seb128nessita, I'm fine thanks ;-)12:42
nessitahi didrocks! how's life going?12:43
seb128didrocks, what was the issue with glew and unity previous cycle which made us downgrade and can we sync 1.6 in oneiric?12:43
didrocksnessita: going fine, thanks, sunny weather!12:43
didrocksseb128: apparently, some issue on intel card where compositing didn't activate after the upgrade IIRC12:44
seb128didrocks, bug #711396 was the issue but I guess nobody ever reviewed if that was nux or glew being buggy?12:44
ubot2Launchpad bug 711396 in glew "segfault in nux::IOpenGLFrameBufferObject::Deactivate" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/71139612:44
didrocksseb128: I guess the guilty was glew itself and not nux. But better to check again with the Xorg guys first12:45
seb128didrocks, do we know of anybody who had the issue who could try if that's still one with 1.6?12:45
seb128or should we just sync and wait for bugs to come and debug then?12:45
didrocksseb128: I would say so, yeah, better to sync now and wait for debug. I don't remember if i945 were affected12:45
didrocksI think they were12:46
seb128didrocks, ok, I will check with the X guys and install it there to see if it obviously break on intel12:46
seb128didrocks, if it's fine I will sync and we can wait for complains ;-)12:46
didrocksseb128: right, i can give it a try with my intel hardware as well, if you want12:46
didrocksyeah, seems a good plan! :)12:47
didrocksglew has a patch for the .pc IIRC as well12:47
didrocksbut maybe debian took it now (I didn't see any activity on the upstream bug report)12:47
seb128didrocks, the #ubuntu-x guys can probably get it in debian if it's not there yet12:48
didrocksseb128: right, I remember that it was accidentally removed once, and I was starting to cry building nux :)12:48
chrisccoulsonright, i'm going to take the plunge in to oneiric now12:54
chrisccoulsonwish me luck!12:54
chrisccoulsonoops. it helps if i spell oneiric correctly in my sources.list12:56
chrisccoulsoni wondered why i had like 5 packages to upgrade12:56
chrisccoulsonhmm, i think i'm just going to stop reading d-d-l before it makes me depressed13:03
chrisccoulsonit's a pretty hostile place to go13:03
cyphermoxgood morning :)13:03
chrisccoulsonhi cyphermox, how are you? how was your flight back?13:04
cyphermoxit was alright, uneventful.13:04
pittiseb128: oh, 0.7.2 is still too old? darn13:05
pittiseb128: putting on my list again then, sorry13:06
seb128no worry13:06
cyphermoxrodrigo_: ping?13:15
rodrigo_cyphermox, pong13:15
cyphermoxhey! :)13:15
cyphermoxI was wondering how far along g-c-c was ?13:15
rodrigo_cyphermox, in lp~ubuntu-desktop/gnome-control-center/ubuntu, ready to be uploaded, but I wanted a review of all the patches I dropped13:16
rodrigo_cyphermox, if you want to do the review, please do :)13:16
cyphermoxhehe I can always take a look, but can't merge13:17
cyphermoxoh nm13:17
rodrigo_or maybe I can upload it and do other uploads as we find problkems/missing patches13:17
rodrigo_cyphermox, oh, still not in ubuntu-desktop team?13:17
cyphermoxwaiting for +1s or -1s on the list ^.^13:18
rodrigo_oh, can I +1? or am I too new?13:18
pittirodrigo_: if you sponsored cyphermox's packages, sure13:22
rodrigo_I never did13:22
rodrigo_so no +1 from me, sorry :)13:22
rodrigo_anyway, lunch now13:22
hvis gnome-settings-daemon mostly stabilized? it seems it is not working properly here. (should I investigage and bug-report?)13:36
seb128rodrigo_, oh, you wait on review for g-c-c? your comment was not clear about that, it seemed like you dropped all patches and needed to port those13:42
pittihv: unlike yesterday, today my keybindings are working again13:43
pittiand the unity panel shows the correct theme again13:43
pitti(i. e. not the hicolor icons, but the humanity ones)13:44
seb128hv, you should open a bug13:44
pittiso I'd call that stable enough for this early oneiric stage :)13:44
pittithe other ugliness is just because we lack a gtk 3 theme13:44
hvI cannot change the theme, and desktop is not shown. instead nautilus is started in a *window*.13:45
pittiboth is expected breakage TTBOMK13:45
seb128hv, well early times in unstable cycle don't give stable experience ;-)13:47
seb128the nautilus issue is known13:47
hvhow about the theme issue?13:47
pittisee above -- we don't yet have a theme for gtk313:48
pittiwell, not an ubuntuish one anyway13:48
hvoh, so it is not broken then13:48
pittiwell, it is broken, but "expectedly broken"13:49
pittibut these window buttons look kinda cute as well, don't they? :-)13:49
cyphermoxadwaita kinda works13:49
hvgreat! I can live with the theme and nautilus. I was worried if other things are broken, too.13:50
hvso it is not really a gnome-settings-daemon problem anymore13:50
cyphermoxcompiz seems to have major issues with redrawing here13:50
hvis lightdm going to be the default btw?13:51
hvbtw, is the overlay-scrollbar going to ported to gtk3?13:53
pittiyes to both13:53
pittia more firm yes to the latter, though13:53
pittithere's still the (small) possibility that something goes wrong with lightdm, and we'll revert to gdm13:54
hvlightdm randomly crashes for me, so I can see how that might happen ;)13:54
pittiah, I haven't tried it yet13:55
* pitti tries to stay to a default install as closely as possible for dogfooding13:55
kenvandineseb128, FYI i updated overlay-scrollbars and the gtk2 patch in the PPA last night, in case we start seeing more bugs :)13:56
rodrigo_seb128, no, I just dropped the ones that don't apply anymore because of that piece of code going away, so the review is about making sure what we need frtom those patches and add work items13:56
seb128rodrigo_, ok, I can do that13:56
seb128hv, report bugs, issues can't be worked when they are not reported13:56
seb128kenvandine, ok, is that for natty as well or just oneiric?13:57
seb128kenvandine, what about the gtk3 theme? ;-)13:57
rodrigo_seb128, cool, thanks13:57
* rodrigo_ goes back to finish cooking and lunch, bbl13:57
kenvandinejust for natty so far, didn't rush to do it for oneiric13:57
kenvandinehowever when i do, i will put the oneiric build right in oneiric13:57
kenvandineseb128, he has something done for the gtk3 engine, but he said he isn't going to be watching for bugs and merge proposals for it just yet, and won't do a release13:58
kenvandineand there is no theme for it yet13:58
kenvandinei'll get a snapshot packaged though, soon13:58
kenvandinenot the top of my list though :)13:58
seb128kenvandine, why not?13:58
kenvandineworking on the tp-approver atm13:58
seb128can we stop spending time on stupid scrollbars and get a working theme?13:59
seb128not joking13:59
chrisccoulsonstill no theme?13:59
seb128did you trying running oneiric?13:59
chrisccoulsoni'm just in the middle of upgrading ;)13:59
kenvandinei'll try to get a timeline for when we can expect a theme13:59
kenvandineseb128, no... not yet... but the gtk3 build of gwibber looks terrible :/13:59
kenvandinei am going to switch this weekend, i think14:00
pittikenvandine: right, that's how oneiric looks now14:00
kenvandinei figured :)14:00
pittiFWIW, not the thing I'd put on #1 on the TODO list, though14:00
pittiit works, just looks a bit bad14:00
kenvandinei would say compared to new features in the scrollbar... it should be higher14:01
seb128well, I would put it before scrollbars updates still14:01
pittibreakage > libraries > theme > scrollbars14:01
kenvandineare we in a good state now to upgrade to oneiric?14:02
kenvandineor should i wait a couple more days?14:02
seb128it's stable enough to be used14:04
seb128it's not rocking stable14:04
brycekenvandine, I did it on two systems, one upgraded fine, one blew up with kernel problems (probably because it's sandybridge)14:04
hvis any gtk3 theme (e.g. off gnome-look.org) supposed to work, cuz the first one (sorted by rating) apparently isn't working.14:08
zniavregtk3 theme or gnome-shell theme ?14:12
zniavre(oops sorry i hav not see im talking into this room)14:13
hvmore specifically, the theme change affects gnome-appearance-properties window but not anything else.14:14
seb128hv, right, gtk3 has no theme and not sure if g-s-d is setting gtk2 themes14:18
dobeyeh? gtk3 has themes14:20
seb128only one in the archive though14:20
seb128not to mention that it has no UI out of the tweak tool to set one and the tweak tool depends on gnome-shell14:20
dobeywell 214:20
dobeythe default, and the gnome one14:20
dobeythe dconf command line tool supposedly works, but i haven't gotten it to :(14:21
dobeymy gtk3 is still stuck in 199514:22
dobeybut i've seen the problem being described by hv, on another user's computer at UDS, on 11.0414:22
dobeyand i'm pretty sure he didn't enable the gnome3 PPA at least. and it was immediately after he'd installed it.14:23
dobeyvery weird14:23
pittidobey: g-s-d crash?14:25
dobeypitti: that's what i thought, but gnome-appearance-properties worked fine. which makes no sense14:27
dobeypitti: since if g-s-d crashes, g-a-p should end up with the crappy theme too if it's running when g-s-d crashes14:27
seb128dobey, gnome-appearance-properties writes a gconf key which the new g-s-d doesn't read to apply the xsettings14:27
seb128since g-s-d use gsettings and gnome-appearance-properties got dropped14:28
dobeyseb128: define "new" here? you mean in gnome 2 or gnome 3?14:30
seb128dobey, gnome314:30
chrisccoulsonurgh, my fonts are barely readable14:30
chrisccoulsoni hope that disappears after i restart14:30
dobeyseb128: i'm talking about 11.04 which is still gnome 214:30
dobeypretty sure we don't ship g-s-d 3.0 in it?14:30
seb128dobey, no it doesn't, but we were talking about gtk3 themes14:32
seb128which don't really matter on natty since it has no gtk3 application14:32
dobeyseb128: well it matters if someone tries to set the gtk3 theme because they want to build/run a gtk3 app on 11.04.14:33
dobeyand i presume hv is just confused because he downloaded a gtk3 theme which probably also includes a gtk2 theme rc in it, so that both look the same. and so it appeared in gnome-appearance-properties14:34
dobeygtk3 themes don't apppear there14:34
dobeyso the issue with g-a-p getting theme, but nothing else, doesn't really have anything to do with his mention of gtk314:34
chrisccoulsonpitti, my firefox crasher has dropped from number 10 to number 13 on http://is.gd/OzxCYp since you approved the natty-proposed upload yesterday14:48
chrisccoulsoncrash-stats is pretty cool!14:48
chrisccoulsoni wish we had something like that in launchpad ;)14:48
dpmpitti, someone pointed this out on the translators list: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/610086/14:50
mdeslaurchrisccoulson: +114:50
rodrigo_pitti, had same problem for my evince upload than with brasero, can you please fix it?14:58
rodrigo_pitti, no permissions14:58
jbichahi, seed depends on gnome-js-common but that package hasn't been updated by Gnome in over a year15:07
jbichait looks like gnome-shell now just depends on gjs directly instead which is still being maintained15:07
seb128hey jbicha15:08
seb128mterry, ^ do you have any opinion on gnome-js-common?15:09
seb128I'm wondering if we would turn the js support in libpeas off15:09
jbichaI'm thinking we should ask seed to depend on gjs15:10
chrisccoulsonoh, that's really broken15:10
chrisccoulsong-s-d crashes on start here ;)15:10
seb128what version?15:11
chrisccoulsonseb128, 3.0.1-1ubuntu215:11
chrisccoulsonseb128, 1 second, need symbols15:12
seb128let's blame it on rodrigo15:13
chrisccoulsondoes nautilus not draw the background now? i have a black background and when i drag a window, it's contents get left all over the screen15:13
chrisccoulsonthis is seriously weird15:13
mterryseb128, jbicha: so are you guys saying that we don't need seed, but insstead gjs?15:13
seb128no, I'm not saying that15:13
seb128I'm saying I've not clue about js :p15:13
seb128I just want gedit to build15:14
mterryseb128, :15:14
mterryseb128, jbicha's comment does sound like gnome-js-common would be a hard sell for MIR15:14
mterryseb128, if we can turn off libpeas's support for JS, that would be an easy short term fix until the JS situation is sorted15:15
seb128mterry, gnome-js-common is just a bunch of .js15:15
seb128it's no library or anything15:15
seb128it's a .pc and some .js15:16
chrisccoulsonwth, gnome-settings-daemon is just exitting, but it's crashing on exit15:18
seb128is a g-s-d already running?15:18
rodrigo_chrisccoulson, oh, backtrace please, yeah :)15:19
rodrigo_chrisccoulson, exiting? see .xsession-errors15:19
mterryseb128, has a MIR been filed yet?15:20
chrisccoulsonrodrigo_, oh, it's exitting because one is already running15:20
chrisccoulsonbut the one that is running doesn't seem to be working very well15:20
rodrigo_chrisccoulson, is this on a virtual machine?15:20
seb128mterry, not sure, I ask on the bug if jbicha can do one15:20
chrisccoulsonrodrigo_, no, on my laptop15:20
seb128jbicha, do you plan to write the gnome-js-common mir?15:20
rodrigo_chrisccoulson, hmm, so what is not running well?15:21
chrisccoulsonrodrigo_, no theme (for anything), and no background being the main things15:21
rodrigo_chrisccoulson, no theme is because you need gnome-themes-standard and change the theme in gsettings (or use gnome-tweak-tool from the ppa)15:22
chrisccoulsonrodrigo_, is the same true for the background?15:22
rodrigo_no background is bad15:22
jbichaseb128: mterry I'm going to submit a bug against seed recommending they depend on gjs, since seed is the only thing15:24
jbichadepending on gnome-js-common, we won't even need gnome-js-common in the archives at all15:24
seb128jbicha, would gjs work? the gnome-js-common description suggest it ships what is common to gjs and seed15:24
seb128so likely none of those would should ship what is in the common et?15:25
mterryseb128, btw, disabling seed in libpeas is as simple as a configure flag.  Not sure what that would break though15:25
seb128mterry, let's do that for now so things can build maybe?15:25
seb128we don't care much about libpeas js for now since nothing use it15:25
mterryseb128, sure.  I can make that change15:26
jbichaseb128: that's an old description, gjs includes what gnome-js-common provided15:26
seb128mterry, thanks15:26
rodrigo_chrisccoulson, what does 'gsettings get org.gnome.desktop.background draw-background' show?15:26
chrisccoulsonrodrigo_, it's true15:26
chrisccoulsoni'm just playing around with it atm15:26
jbichaI think the vinagre chat status plugin depends on seed js, but the plugin is broken anyway :-)15:27
rodrigo_chrisccoulson, and gsettings get org.gnome.desktop.background  picture-uri?15:27
jbichait's definitely not an important plugin15:27
chrisccoulsonrodrigo_, oh, that's the issue15:27
chrisccoulsonit's not set to anything ;)15:27
chrisccoulsoni forgot about that15:28
chrisccoulsoni've been playing around with picture-filename, because that's what it used to be15:28
rodrigo_yes, but the gsettings schema should have /usr/share/themes/Adwaita/backgrounds/stripes.jpg as default15:28
rodrigo_so, something's wrong there15:28
rodrigo_you have the latest gsettings-desktop-schemas, right?15:29
chrisccoulsonrodrigo_, i just set my background from firefox, and it works now ;)15:29
rodrigo_chrisccoulson, ok :)15:29
chrisccoulsonrodrigo_, yeah, i have that installed15:29
rodrigo_hmm, but how does firefox set the background? via gconf?15:30
chrisccoulsonrodrigo_, oh, the issue is actually that i don't have the default background installed15:31
bcurtiswxHi all15:31
chrisccoulsonyes, firefox 6.0 uses gsettings15:31
chrisccoulsoni was using dconf-editor and looking in totally the wrong place for the settings15:32
chrisccoulsonso i got confused15:32
rodrigo_chrisccoulson, ah, ok15:32
chrisccoulsonit's good to know that my gsettings code in firefox works though15:32
kenvandineseb128, gtk3-engines-unico is in source NEW15:36
kenvandineseb128, bzr branch is lp:~ken-vandine/unico/gtk3-engines-unico for now, until the source package exists15:37
seb128kenvandine, ok, reviewing it15:38
bcurtiswxkenvandine: Still no luck from yesterday. :(15:39
kenvandinebcurtiswx, :/15:40
bcurtiswxAnyone know if there15:42
seb128jbicha, so gnome-js-common is deprecated?15:43
bcurtiswxHave been any changes to deb_dh_makeshlibs_args_ since natty?15:43
pittididrocks: is it currently even possible to customize the apps in the home dash?15:44
didrockspitti: it takes the default emailer, browser, music player15:44
didrockspitti: so if you change them by the relevant gconf key, yeah15:44
seb128bcurtiswx, shouldn't why?15:44
pittididrocks: ah, but you can't add/remove stuff there?15:44
didrockspitti: no, you can't15:44
pittididrocks: thanks for confirming15:45
didrocksyw :)15:45
bcurtiswxseb128: In my rebase of seahorse there's a build fail at the end. Lemme rebuild and paste bin the error. It'll be a few mins15:45
bcurtiswxkenvandine: Do you still have that paste bin link?15:46
kenvandinei don't15:47
seb128cyphermox, didrocks: https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=65015015:52
ubot2Gnome bug 650150 in general "FTBFS because vinagre uses both gettext and intltool" [Major,New]15:52
seb128the evo build issue is likely the same one, don't run intltoolize from the rules, drop the gettext snippet from configure15:53
rodrigo_seb128, seems pitti is out, so can you please have a look at adding evince to the ubuntu-desktop packageset? My upload was rejected because of lack of permissions15:54
pittioh, I am?15:54
rodrigo_pitti, oh, sorry, since you didn't answer, I thought you were away :)15:55
rodrigo_sorry :)15:55
pittirodrigo_: ah, sorry, missed that; I was out for a bit for some garden work15:55
rodrigo_but yes, now I see you were not :)15:55
pittirodrigo_: done15:56
seb128rodrigo_, you should rather ask cjwatson than pitti15:56
rodrigo_pitti, thanks15:56
seb128cjwatson, sorry for the highlight, I didn't know pitti had access to the sets as well15:56
seb128pitti, thanks ;-)15:56
didrocksseb128: read both bug reports, thanks for the head's up!15:57
seb128didrocks, yw15:57
seb128someone should open an evo bug upstream also to get the configure just use intltool15:58
pedro_fyi: if you see a bunch of bug emails is me pinging old reports, so just delete those15:58
seb128pedro_, don't worry that's what we usually do with emails coming from you ;-)15:59
pedro_rodrigo_, neat that you're finally running for the foundation board!15:59
* rodrigo_ adds pedro_ to list of spammers15:59
seb128joke aside we are used to you doing cleaning waves15:59
rodrigo_pedro_, heh, not sure, already involved in some discussions, and haven't been elected yet :D16:00
pedro_did somebody talked to me? I have seb128 blocked16:00
cdbsdidrocks: Hey , when is the 3.8.14 SRU due?16:00
seb128pedro_, ;-)16:00
* pedro_ hugs seb12816:00
seb128pedro_, hug ;*)16:00
didrockscdbs: next tuesday, as mentionned in the latest desktop team meeting :) (not all bugs will be fixed though)16:00
pedro_rodrigo_, that's the idea of these weeks, lot of questions to the candidates :-)16:00
pedro_rodrigo_, we have just 3 though16:00
seb128rodrigo_, did you send the evince gold patch to upstream?16:01
seb128the gir one as well?16:01
cjwatsonpitti: how did you do it - just via lp?16:02
cdbsdidrocks: Could I get https://code.launchpad.net/~bilalakhtar/unity/fix-unity-crash-on-hidden-quicklistitem/+merge/61067 in for it?16:02
pitticjwatson: edit_acl.py, as usual16:02
cjwatsonpitti: that won't stick16:02
pittithat's how we manage the other package sets like the recently added virtualization one as well, though? or the mono one?16:02
cjwatsonseb128 was right to ask me, unfortunately the branch containing the permanent exceptions to seed-based packageset rules is not in a state where multiple people can edit it16:02
cjwatsonpitti: it works for non-seed-based ones16:02
didrockscdbs: do we have an application triggering the crash?16:03
cjwatsonfor exceptions to seed-based ones, you need to ask me16:03
pittiah, ok; thanks for clarifying16:03
cjwatsonotherwise my next push will revert your change16:03
bcurtiswxMy error: http://paste.ubuntu.com/610123/16:03
chrisccoulsonrodrigo_, aren't my old gconf settings for theme / fonts etc meant to be migrated to gsettings? or did that not happen because i was using default settings for everything?16:03
cdbsdidrocks: hmm, no, but it would be a boon for prospective app developers16:03
jbichaseb128: I don't know if it's deprecated, I suppose I'll find out https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=65059216:03
ubot2Gnome bug 650592 in libseed "Should depend on gjs instead of gnome-js-common" [Enhancement,Unconfirmed]16:03
seb128jbicha, thanks ;-)16:03
cdbsdidrocks: We expect developers to churn out tons of app utilizing libunity, and we expect them to be using Natty for it16:03
didrockscdbs: the patch seems small enough to work. Can you follow the SRU process in the bug report please? (we need a test case, with crasher)16:04
cdbsdidrocks: okay16:04
didrockscdbs: please, file the SRU process so that it can be included16:04
cdbsdidrocks: I'll write up a Vala script which makes this crash16:04
cjwatsonrodrigo_,seb128: done persistently now16:04
cdbsdidrocks: and then will add a TEST CASE. In the meantime you can merge16:05
didrockscdbs: also, I think that "integrating unity with the platform" spec is ready (I didn't see you touching the spec), should I push it as "waiting for approval"?16:05
seb128cjwatson, thanks!16:05
didrockscdbs: well, I prefer the dx team to review patches16:05
pittidpm: right, I already renamed the wiki page16:05
didrocksso, wait on them to merge :)16:05
cdbsdidrocks: I didn't get time to check it out well, will poke you tomorrow after it passes my check16:05
didrockscdbs: I'm off tomorrow FYI16:06
cdbsdidrocks: :( Monday then16:06
cdbsdidrocks: Could you target bug #759174 to 3.8.14, please?16:06
ubot2Launchpad bug 759174 in unity "Unity crashes when dynamic quicklist dbusmenu contains a hidden menuitem." [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/75917416:06
cdbsthat would make DX review it well16:06
didrockscdbs: it's already done for 3 minutes :)16:06
* cdbs refreshes16:07
cdbsthanks didrocks16:07
didrocksyw, thanks to you cdbs!16:07
rodrigo_cjwatson, thanks16:08
cyphermoxseb128, Re gettext, thx16:27
seb128cyphermox, yw16:27
seb128rodrigo_, ok, reviewing g-c-c16:27
rodrigo_seb128, ok, thanks!16:28
seb128rodrigo_, you added work items for the ubuntu system settings ones right?16:28
rodrigo_seb128, yes, iirc, let me double check16:28
seb128rodrigo_, you can drop the 52_button_layout thing since that's deprecated16:29
seb128same for 96_hide_accessible I guess16:29
seb12897_subpixel_hinting is not in the source so you should probably drop it from the series rather than comment it16:30
rodrigo_yes, work items for system settings added16:30
seb128is that something that should maybe be noted on etherpad to see if that's still needed?16:30
didrocksgnome-session will really really not be a joy to rebase :/16:30
rodrigo_didrocks, :(16:31
didrocksrodrigo_:  * Merge from Debian package -> that didn't tell me what's the remaining diff is though :/16:31
rodrigo_seb128, what? those 2 patches I just removed?16:31
didrocksI'm pondering restarting from scratch for rebasing TBH… :/16:31
rodrigo_didrocks, from the PPA? I think ricotz just got the debian version and added some of our patches16:32
didrocksrodrigo_: I'm talking about: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~gnome3-team/gnome-session/ubuntu/revision/14216:32
seb128rodrigo_, what? I'm saying you can probably drop 52_ and 96_ from the source they don't apply to the new ui16:33
didrocksevery version have a few lines of changelog with a lot of file changes16:33
seb128rodrigo_, 97_ should maybe be listed in the etherpad as something we should investigate what it was for and if that's still needed to bring back somewhere in some way16:33
rodrigo_seb128, ah, ok16:33
rodrigo_didrocks, yes, sorry, that was me testing and pushing stuff16:34
didrocksrodrigo_: yeah, and there are a lot of commits like that. We end up with a 6184 lines of diff from debian16:34
rodrigo_seb128, etherpad, or the blueprint better?16:34
didrockslet me try to see what I can save16:35
rodrigo_didrocks, yes, I think you should just rebase ubuntu-desktop branch with debian's, and then look at any patch that's oin the ppa16:35
seb128rodrigo_, either work, that one seems rather a note that a work item but your call16:35
didrocksrodrigo_: are you aware of some patches from the ppa that would be nice to get?16:36
rodrigo_didrocks, yes, the ones for the unity session16:36
didrocksrodrigo_: something you changed there? didn't see that one16:37
rodrigo_didrocks, jbicha iirc did16:37
seb128rodrigo_, you probably want g-c-c to use dh-autoreconf, configure needs an update for the nm disabling16:37
rodrigo_seb128, ok16:38
didrocksthe "  - Bypass panel autostart phase as this may slow down login" ?16:38
rodrigo_hmm, no, let me check16:38
rodrigo_didrocks, 02_add_ubuntu_session.patch16:39
didrocksrodrigo_: this one is the one I did in natty16:39
didrocksrodrigo_: I saw the changed about "- Bypass panel autostart phase as this may slow down login"16:40
didrockswhich is wrong16:40
rodrigo_seb128, so, adding %s: dh $@ --with autoreconf, rioght?16:40
seb128build-depends on dh-autoreconf as well16:41
rodrigo_didrocks, ok then, you know that better than me16:41
rodrigo_seb128, yes, alreadfy build-depends on it16:41
didrocksrodrigo_: ok, I'll rebase on debian directly and see if I can pick some patches then, thanks :)16:42
rodrigo_didrocks, yes, I thought it was interesting because it fixed the loading of the unity session for me16:42
rodrigo_but if it's wrong, then ignore it16:43
didrocksrodrigo_: what "fixing"? you mean, it doesn't load without it?16:43
didrocks(this is what we have in natty right now)16:43
didrocksand this is what gnome-shell is using16:43
rodrigo_didrocks, yes, didn't work before that was fixed16:43
rodrigo_or maybe it was another patch?16:43
* rodrigo_ looks16:43
didrocksis g-s loading?16:43
didrocksit just "may slow down login"16:44
didrocksfrom the description16:44
didrocksnot "not loading at all"16:44
rodrigo_didrocks, ah, no sorry, it was the previous upload:16:44
rodrigo_  * debian/gnome-session.install16:44
rodrigo_    - Actually install the Ubuntu session16:44
seb128rodrigo_, is gnome-icon-theme-symbolic required? if it is you need a mir for it16:44
seb128rodrigo_, if it's not you should relax the depends16:45
didrocksrodrigo_: ok, but that's not impact by my debian -> ubuntu merge as I'm already installing it (should have been dropped in one of your merge ;))16:45
rodrigo_didrocks, although:16:45
rodrigo_  * debian/patches/02_add_ubuntu_session.patch16:45
rodrigo_    - Used upstream fallback session and added fallback with compiz session16:45
rodrigo_      for Ubuntu Classic16:45
seb128rodrigo_, same for apg16:45
seb128rodrigo_, you need a mir for accountsservice as well16:45
rodrigo_seb128, yes16:45
rodrigo_seb128, I mean: yes, removing the deps16:46
didrocksrodrigo_: this is basically a rename of gnome-classic to gnome-fallback from the diff?16:47
rodrigo_didrocks, yes16:47
didrocks(and the file is not upstream, why has it been renamed?)16:47
rodrigo_seb128, about the mir for accounstservice, I'll take the work item in the bp, ok?16:48
seb128rodrigo_, you can drop the libappindicator build-depends also, the type break code which was using it has been deprecated16:48
seb128rodrigo_, ok16:48
seb128rodrigo_, no need to build-depends on quilt in source v316:49
rodrigo_seb128, right16:49
didrocksrodrigo_: I'm unsure about calling the session "fallback" as we used "classic" which is less pejorative16:49
seb128rodrigo_, nor need to include the quilt.mk in the rules16:49
didrocksbut that can be in separate packages16:50
rodrigo_didrocks, yeah, was not sure neither16:50
seb128rodrigo_, drop 99_ also, it's deprecated with our toolchain and was coming from debian16:50
seb128rodrigo_, otherwise the update looks ok16:50
seb128sorry that you get reviews from didrocks and me at the same time ;-)16:51
rodrigo_seb128, ok, thanks!16:51
seb128rodrigo_, if you fix those ping me for another review16:51
rodrigo_yeah, it's a French invasion :)16:51
didrockswell, it's more a plan for action in fact ;)16:51
rodrigo_seb128, ok, building now16:51
seb128rodrigo_, I guess we need accountsservice, not sure about apg and the icon-theme-symbolic16:51
didrocksseb128: so yeah, I'll tackle that on Monday, but I really think my starting point will be debian16:51
rodrigo_seb128, I don't think they are needed, just nice to have, but checking16:51
seb128rodrigo_, the symbolic should just fallback to normal icons if they are not there right?16:52
rodrigo_didrocks, yes, sounds better16:52
rodrigo_seb128, yes, afaik16:52
seb128didrocks, well I always start point with debian and diff the debian dir and re-add stuff16:52
seb128didrocks, that's the best way to only get the diff you need16:52
didrocksseb128: didn't you say you merged first from the ppa?16:52
seb128didrocks, basically I get current ubuntu, cp debian dir over the vcs and bzr diff and tweak until I'm happy then commit16:53
seb128didrocks, right, I merge the ppa, commit, then copy debian over and work on the bzr diff16:53
didrocksof course, I'm doing that normally ;)16:53
seb128until I'm happy with the diff16:53
didrocksseb128: right, but for this one, I won't merge the ppa, that was my point :)16:53
seb128I've done that for a few other ones16:53
seb128just diffed my merge with the ppa before uploading to see if I missed something interesting16:54
rodrigo_seb128, oh, the user accounts panel uses apg to generate passwords :(16:56
seb128rodrigo_, ok, so you need a mir for that as well16:56
rodrigo_seb128, or can we suggest/recommend it?16:56
seb128what will happen if it's not installed?16:56
seb128users will not be able to generate passwords?16:57
rodrigo_the password generation won't work, so yeah, better to have it16:57
seb128well maybe lower to a recommends for now16:57
seb128so it doesn't block the upload16:57
seb128what happens if accountsservice is not installed? does gnome-control-center start?16:57
seb128well I guess they are not blocker for the upload16:57
seb128but you should get the mir written today or tomorrow once it's uploaded16:58
seb128then ping mterry for reviews16:58
rodrigo_seb128, the user accounts panel doesn't work, but the control-center works16:58
seb128mterry, you will likely have accountsservice and apg on your review plate soon ;-)16:58
mterryseb128, love it16:58
seb128rodrigo_, ok, downgrade those to recommends for now in the upload then so it doesn't break CD builds if we try any16:58
rodrigo_seb128, ok16:58
seb128cyphermox, how is evo going? the new e-d-s has built and leads to have evo uninstalled17:02
seb128pitti, sorry for the email spam on the cdspace spec, the launchpad ui was just spinning but apparently it did commit the changes17:07
seb128pitti, so I did a few forth and back tries17:07
seb128pitti, spec approved btw ;-)17:07
rodrigo_hmm, the dh --with-autoreconf doesn't work:17:09
rodrigo_dh debian/control --with autoreconf17:09
rodrigo_dh: Unknown sequence debian/control (choose from: binary binary-arch binary-indep build build-arch build-indep clean install install-arch install-indep)17:09
rodrigo_make: *** [debian/control] Error 2517:09
pittiseb128: yay, thanks17:10
seb128rodrigo_, dh $@ --with autoreconf17:10
seb128did you use it this way?17:10
seb128g-c-c use cdbs17:11
seb128you want to include autoreconf.mk17:11
rodrigo_        dh $@ --with autoreconf17:11
rodrigo_ah, ok17:11
seb128like it was in natty17:11
rodrigo_oh, alreadyincluded17:11
seb128you can probably drop DEB_AUTO_UPDATE17:11
seb128rodrigo_, oh right, I overlooked it, sorry about that17:12
rodrigo_seb128, all the lines with DEB_AUTO_UPDATE?17:12
seb128that's for an old autoreconf way17:12
rodrigo_same problem17:12
seb128what same problem?17:13
seb128can you copy the error?17:13
rodrigo_dh: Unknown sequence debian/control (choose from: binary binary-arch binary-indep build build-arch build-indep clean install install-arch install-indep)17:13
rodrigo_ make: *** [debian/control] Error 2517:13
seb128rodrigo_, what command to do you run? did it work before? the autoreconf thing was already in the ppa and in your merge so it doesn't make sense it breaks now17:14
rodrigo_seb128, it wasn't in debian/rules, nor in the natty package17:14
seb128$ grep autoreconf gnome-control-center-2.32.1/debian/rules17:14
seb128include /usr/share/cdbs/1/rules/autoreconf.mk17:14
rodrigo_seb128, I mean the debian/rules rule17:14
seb128rodrigo_, lying! ;-)17:15
seb128can you push your vcs?17:15
seb128so I can review what's wrong17:15
seb128rodrigo_, the nm diff doesn't apply there btw17:17
didrockspitti: reading the feedback in desktop-o-cd-localization, anyway, unity-2d/unity should use the same system for customization in oneiric (shared code), so I think there is no point in making them separate17:17
pittididrocks: right, but right now they don't, so I just mentioned that no matter what, the defaults-builder thing will DTRT17:17
didrockspitti: ok, anyway, it's a question of either gsettings or gconf default override anyway17:18
rodrigo_seb128, pushed to ~ubuntu-desktop/gnome-control-center/ubuntu17:19
rodrigo_seb128, doesn't apply? it did last time I built it, so checking17:20
seb128rodrigo_, did you try to build g-c-c before pushing? ;-) (not the recent push you did but the previous one)17:20
rodrigo_seb128, yes17:20
rodrigo_hmm, but now it's failing with the gettext thing17:21
seb128rodrigo_, right, similar to https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=650150, you need to drop the gettext rules17:21
rodrigo_ugh, doesn't apply indeed17:21
ubot2Gnome bug 650150 in general "FTBFS because vinagre uses both gettext and intltool" [Major,New]17:21
seb128rodrigo_, you let the "dh $@ --with autoreconf" in the rules17:23
seb128rodrigo_, that doesn't work with cdbs, the include is enough17:23
seb128rodrigo_, that's what create your Unknown sequence error17:23
rodrigo_yes, removed it already17:24
seb128so you need to get the nm diff to apply and to fix the intltool,gettext conflict in the configure17:24
rodrigo_seb128, fixing the patch now, so will ping you when it's up for a review17:24
seb128then you should be good ;-)17:24
rodrigo_yes :)17:25
rodrigo_not sure why the patch doesn't apply, I'm 99% sure I built it17:25
rodrigo_but maybe I didn't, not sure17:25
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seb128rodrigo_, the symbolics icons are used in quite some place, it should maybe stay as a recommends or suggests17:26
seb128chrisccoulson, did you ever send https://launchpad.net/bugs/630753 to upstream, do you know if it's still needed?17:31
ubot2Launchpad bug 630753 in totem "gnome-screensaver activates while watching a movie in totem" [Low,Fix released]17:31
seb128pitti, I think you followed you the debian pygobject, dh_python2 transition thing, do you plan to handle it in ubuntu?17:32
chrisccoulsonseb128 - i sent my patch upstream ages ago, but i think it was fixed with a different patch in the end after sitting in bugzilla for months17:32
chrisccoulsoni think it was that bug anyway17:32
seb128chrisccoulson, so we can drop the patch?17:32
chrisccoulsonseb128 - in the new version? probably17:33
pittiseb128: for the pygobject/gtk-2.0 stack? that should come through merges17:33
pittiseb128: bigon and I have discussed it quite a bit, and pygobject has a backwards compat hack until everything is ported from pysupport17:33
seb128chrisccoulson, ok, thanks, let's drop it and see how it goes17:34
chrisccoulsonseb128 - yeah, it was fixed upstream17:34
seb128pitti, ok thanks, I guess the question was "do we need to be careful, do they need to transition at once", seems not since there is a backwards compat, thanks!17:34
pittiseb128: right, I tried hard to avoid that, and so far it seems to work17:34
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pittigood night everyone!18:16
pittiah, no TB in 45 minutes18:16
seb128time for sport and dinner there18:16
pittiso, dinner time18:16
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* didrocks waves good egning18:53
didrockseven :)18:54
didrockswill be off tomorrow see you on Monday!18:54
pittirodrigo_: still here?19:25
pittirodrigo_: unping, already resolved itself19:26
cyphermoxis somebody already looking at the tomboy schema issue>20:02
pittigood night everyone20:03
cyphermoxgood night pitti20:04
ricotzcyphermox, hello20:10
ricotzcyphermox, is it possible that you changed the tarballs of evolution and e-d-s?20:10
cyphermoxricotz: doubtful, they were redownloaded by didrocks using uscan20:11
cyphermoxricotz: care to explain the issue you're seeing?20:11
ricotzthey are different to debians20:11
mterrycyphermox, not that I know of...  let me see scrollback20:12
mterrycyphermox, hm, no.  All I know is that the schema file that gets installed is empty.  But the schema.in file in source isn't20:13
cyphermoxmterry yeah, I know why :)20:13
mterrycyphermox, oh?20:13
cyphermoxcdbs doesn't have strip-schema.pl anymore, so it just writes an empty file in debian/rules when called by tomboy20:13
cyphermoxI *think* it's just been forgotten by pitti, as I can't see it in the last merge20:14
ricotzcyphermox, the checksum is different to http://ftp.gnome.org/pub/GNOME/sources/evolution/3.0/evolution-3.0.0.sha256sum20:14
cyphermoxbut it could have been on purpose20:14
cyphermoxricotz: I can confirm the checksum is different, but I can't tell you why, because I don't know. note that I didn't upload this myself, it was sponsored by didrocks. I have no clue how he got the tarball20:22
cyphermoxi'm checking if it's the result of bzr bd / running get-orig-source that does that, but it's the best idea I have to offer ;)20:22
ricotzcyphermox, alright ;), it just made me suspicious, because this shouldnt happen20:23
cyphermoxright, it shouldn't, but I have no idea why it did20:24
cyphermoxI never shipped didrocks my tarballs, only ever the branch with just debian/20:24
ricotznevermind, with 3.0.1 this can be fixed soon20:24
ricotzwhich is already available ;)20:24
cyphermoxwe'll get started on that shortly20:25
ricotzok :), have a good night20:25
* mdeslaur lifts eyebrow at tarball mismatch20:25
cyphermoxmdeslaur: I'm trying to figure out why that is20:26
cyphermoxmterry, can you look at the cdbs/strip-schema.pl stuff?20:26
cyphermoxdo you want a merge for it?20:26
mterrycyphermox, sure20:28
mterrycyphermox, we're unsure if strip-schema.pl should be gone or not, right?20:28
cyphermoxit was a diff we had with Debian, it could have been forgotten20:29
cyphermox(or dropped on purpose)20:29
mterrypitti, ping?20:35
mterryAh...  The strip-schema.pl drop seems to be part of the langpack.mk -> dh-translations transition.  Looking further20:38
cyphermoxoh ok20:39
cyphermoxso there is probably something to be changed in tomboy20:39
cyphermoxmterry: should I just drop the call to strip-schema.pl?20:44
mterrycyphermox, I'm looking at it, but basically yes.  Also probably the desktop file bit.20:45
cyphermoxlooking at it as in doing the change?20:46
mterrycyphermox, right20:47
dobeykenvandine: can i *see* the vala/gtk3 gwibber widget for twit display somewhere in a PNG or something?20:50
kenvandinethat is what it looks like right now20:51
kenvandineand it kind of works :)20:51
dobeyhmm. a bit bland. though the gtk+ theme works it seems. i can't even get gtk+3 to use the theme right :(20:52
dobeybut cool20:54
kenvandinethis is the unico theme engine20:54
kenvandineand a community gtk3 that uses it20:55
kenvandineunico will be our default20:55
kenvandinedobey,  json.loads(self.Messages("all", "all", 0, "0", "0", "time", "DESC", 2000))20:55
kenvandinedobey, http://ubuntuone.com/p/uB4/20:55
kenvandinethat is what we are trying to make it look like20:55
mterrycyphermox, ok, fix uploaded20:57
cyphermoxmterry: cool21:17
davidcallekenvandine, hey21:23
kenvandinehey davidcalle21:23
davidcallekenvandine, is there a theme working with unico?21:23
kenvandinenothing packaged yet21:23
kenvandineand no eta yet :/21:24
davidcalleDo you have a branch?21:24
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kenvandinedavidcalle,  https://code.launchpad.net/~lucazade/+junk/ambiance-gtk321:37
davidcallekenvandine, ty :)22:14
kenvandinedavidcalle, np22:14
bigonpitti: the pkg involved into the pygobject to dh_python2 changes miss some breaks23:13
bigonif all the pkg are not changed to dh_python2 this will breaks horibly23:14

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