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directhexKeybuk: :)01:01
directhexKeybuk: see? your time with ubuntu can still be a source of great lulz!01:02
KeybukI know, right01:04
Keybukthe funny thing is that I don't actually like Mono01:04
ionWhat’s the funny?01:06
Keybukion: because I was chairing the TB meeting the week the Mono debate came up, it's my name on the TB's position statement01:08
ionI mean, what made you laugh01:08
directhexKeybuk: i made this point when the rumour mill first started up, over such an innocently trolling tweet01:08
* micahg wonders why DIF is so early this cycle01:09
Keybukwhich means Boycott Novell think I'm Ubuntu's chief Monoista or something01:09
Keybukion: http://bit.ly/kB3NcO01:09
ajmitchit's amusing that they'd bite at something that obvious01:09
directhexKeybuk: i'd need to not be in gameos to check my irc logs, but i think it was along the lines of "keybuk doesn't actually like mono, he just hates douchebags"01:09
Keybuk<monodev> people have even weirder names. probably in this local or family or culture, it means something good01:12
ionUpstart 2 will be written in C#!01:13
Keybukanyway, I like to fuck with them01:14
Keybukbecause they are exceptionally nasty people01:14
directhexKeybuk: anyway, how's the googletron treating you?01:15
RAOFI especially like “trojarin” :)01:16
Keybukdirecthex: free food, free gym, free bowling alley, what's not to like?01:16
directhexKeybuk: i can't imagine actively wanting to live in yankland :/01:17
Keybukthe weather is better, the scenery is prettier, the people are friendlier, ...01:18
broderdirecthex: california is most definitely not yankland :-P01:19
directhexbroder: last time i was in the US i was in CA, and... bleh01:20
directhexperhaps i just have a knack for being in crap parts of the US when i visit01:20
directhexalthough san antonio was nice enough, certainly compared to fremont01:20
broderyou were in fremont?01:20
broderyeah, it's hard to say if that counts01:21
KeybukFremont is pretty ghetto01:21
directhexSGIUG meeting01:21
ionThe last time i was in the US i was in Gitmo. Didn’t like it much, although the waterboarding was cool.01:22
Keybukheh, waterboarding does sound like a fun surf-related activity, doesn't it?01:23
directhexit's a few years since i've been to cuba. it was certainly sunny01:26
ionSpeaking of which, my keyboard has this between the arrow keys and the pageup/pagedown/… block: http://heh.fi/tmp/extreme_sports01:26
Keybukat least your keyboard *has* a pageup/down keys01:26
Keybukvaguely related01:27
Keybukdoes anyone how whether Spatula is Christian?01:28
Keybukie. is he likely to be raptured?01:28
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micahgany archive admins around that can pocket copy from -proposed?02:16
brycejcastro, if you want to see the change to the xorg package hook deployed, you can test and give feedback @ #778758; else it'll be live in a few weeks or however long sru's take these days02:23
micahgsiretart: will you be doing a new libav merge soon?02:37
micahgsiretart: actually, nm, it won't fix my issue in any case I think02:38
ohsixhm are the 404 changelogs going to be fixed?03:40
ohsixinput has been acting weird since the last update that included some xorg stuff, but i haven't been able to fetch the changelog yet03:41
broderohsix: changelogs are always accessible through launchpad and the source03:47
ohsixcan you give ne a prototypical example for xserver-xorg or the xorg package?03:48
jcastrobryce: so from looking at the branch you just have the option of "Yes."?03:48
ohsixmost changelogs do work from aptitude; some tend to never do though03:48
ohsixmaybe they're packages in -proposed03:49
ohsixbut they worked in mav03:49
broderohsix: or you can just apt-get source the package and look in debian/changelog03:49
ohsixhm thats probably untenable, on metered internets; any idea why it's broken for some packages in aptitude now? maybe the multiarch name mangling?03:51
ScottKSpamapS: I'd appreciate it if you could go ahead and accept the SRU for Bug #755608.  It's got a major negative effect on people using Kubuntu and VPNs and I'd like to get it in proposed before everyone who's got the problem and is vaguely connected to Ubuntu development has the fix from my PPA and doesn't care about SRU verification.03:55
ubottuLaunchpad bug 755608 in ntrack (Ubuntu Natty) "Ntrack dead loop in function get_nl_link_by_index " [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/75560803:56
broderohsix: it should have nothing to do with multiarch mangling04:00
broderbut i don't know anything other than that04:00
ohsixok thanks04:01
ohsixit'd be great if it worked again04:01
pittiGood morning05:26
pittisconklin, SpamapS, jdstrand: I'll reply with the instructions05:26
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pittilool: ah, seems you registered https://launchpad.net/pkgbinarymangler -- can you please disable upstream bug reports in LP for this project? having them as Ubuntu bugs is enough, as it's a native package07:25
loolpitti: pkgbinarymangler's config says bugs are tracked "somewhere else"07:33
loolI see no bugs on https://bugs.launchpad.net/pkgbinarymangler07:33
loolpitti: so perhaps someone else just changed that, or I don't see what to change07:34
pittilool: I just closed the upstream one in bug 783565 and moved it to null07:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 783565 in pkgbinarymangler (Ubuntu) "Please consider stripping translations of X-GNOME-* extension keys" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78356507:40
pittilool: but anyway, not that important07:41
dholbachgood morning07:49
loolpitti: This looks like a lp bug then07:52
pittihey dholbach, guten Morgen07:53
dholbachhey pitti07:54
loolpitti: NULL has bug tracking disabled as well; it seems you can't prevent bugs from going to projects which disabled the bug tracker07:54
pittilool: ah, the intent is probably that you'd use those for linking to external bug trackers07:54
pittilool: so for this we probably shouldn't have a project in the first place07:55
loolthat's a way to kill it indeed07:55
loolpitti: but we need one for lp:pkgbinarymangler to work07:55
loolpitti: I don't mind either way (keeping it with some ghost bugs or demoving it and using the UDD branch)07:55
pittiah, that was the reason for it?07:56
mdkepitti: hi. Any idea why the gnome-user-docs SRU that was accepted and built in maverick-proposed yesterday has not appeared on archive.ubuntu.com? The source package seems to be there. Sorry always to pick on you with my questions07:56
pittimdke: ah, it's probably in binNEW, as it added new translations; I already binNEWed lucid yesterday, but not maverick07:57
pittimdke: accepted, will be on archive.u.c. in an hour07:57
mdkepitti: magic, thanks. Obviously the translations won't be picked up until the next language packs I guess07:58
* mdke looks to see when they are07:58
mdkemid-June, cool07:58
pittimdke: no, language-selector should pick them up, I think?08:00
pittiah, no, we strip them out and put them into the langpacks08:00
didrocksgood morning08:00
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apwdoes anyone happen to know which process during x setup makes the .ICEauthority file ?08:45
apw@pilot in08:46
=== udevbot_ changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Oneiric Archive: OPEN | Development of Ubuntu (not support, not app development) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for dapper -> natty | #ubuntu-app-devel for application development on Ubuntu | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots: apw
SatorisBuilding Evince git head works fine in 32 bit natty, but fails on 64 because it links to both GTK+ 2 and 3. Any ideas on how to fix this?08:48
pittiSatoris: are you sure that this is platform specific? sounds like a bug in evince's makefiles08:50
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Satorispitti: could be, I have no idea. How do I find out?08:52
pittiit's just weird that it's architecture specific08:53
pittiSatoris: it's much more likely that on your 64 bit system you have both 2.0 and 3.0 -dev packages installed, and on your 32 bit system just one, or something similar08:53
pittiso I wanted to ensure you test with identical build dependencies08:53
ohsixapw: gnome-session from the looks of it, or whatever the session manager is08:54
apwohsix, ahh there it is ... thans08:55
seb128what gnome-session?08:56
ohsixer maybe libice does08:59
ohsixi was just grepping :]08:59
Satorispitti: found out the issue, thanks.08:59
seb128ohsix, what is the issue?09:01
ohsixno idea, he just asked09:01
pittiseb128: apw | does anyone happen to know which process during x setup makes the .ICEauthority file ?09:03
seb128pitti, thanks09:04
seb128yeah it's likely gnome-session09:04
apwseb128, i've found it thanks ... it is indeed gnome-session09:04
apwi am getting and error (of my own making on it)09:05
maswanpitti: hm. where's the prefered support channel for your postgresql 9 ppa, blog entry, email, /query?09:17
pittimaswan: /query will do fine09:18
pittimaswan: are you going to ask why libpq is at 9.1? :-)09:18
pittiseems that people spam me with that question a lot these days09:18
maswanpitti: no, why pg_upgradecluster fails hard :)09:18
pittithat's more interesting indeed; which version are you upgrading to?09:19
maswan8.4 on lucid09:19
pittimaswan: debian bug 627227 probably09:19
ubottuDebian bug 627227 in postgresql-common "postgres-common: pg_upgradecluster fails with ERROR: function replace(..." [Normal,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/62722709:19
maswanpitti: yeah, it looks like it09:19
pittimaswan: I'll try to fix it today09:19
maswanpitti: I get more error messages though, starting with ERROR:  could not access file "$libdir/tablefunc": No such file or directory09:20
maswanpitti: maybe I should update that bug or so with the full error paste, or would that annoy debian purists?09:20
pittimaswan: wouldn't annoy me at least, and I'm the maintainer09:20
maswanpitti: would it be helpful?09:20
pittican't hurt09:21
maswanok, adding it09:21
geserpitti: I'm only using the Debian squeeze backport of postgresql-9.0, but did you already update the versions in the README.Debian? Not that people follow it blindly and drop their 8.4 clusters09:25
pittigeser: well, I'd expect a certain amount of thinking there :) but I'm happy to generalize it to not say a particular version09:25
pittibut it says that it's only an example09:26
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flower could it be true that if you backport from meerkat to lucid and let meerkat stand in you changelog file, the system asks for a partial distro upgrade?09:31
pittiit's not related to the changelog; presumably the new backport version grew a new dependency09:36
ohsixhm what's the story with powertop, is oneiric going to see a bump to 1.97? and what stopped it from happening with natty09:48
amitkohsix: if you're doing work on getting powertop in, could you get it from tip instead?09:50
amitkit has fixes to make it run on ARM09:50
* amitk is not sure what is currently packaged in debian09:50
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pittimaswan: fixed p-common uploaded to sid; uploading backports for lucid/maverick/natty to PPA now10:33
* sebner hugs pitti :)10:34
* pitti hugs back sebner10:34
cdbscjwatson: All default CD packages in Oneiric are installable now, time to fire up daily builds? :)10:53
pitticdbs: yeehaw!11:01
cdbspitti: Thanks to you, geser, seb128 and cjwatson for keeping the archive consistent11:02
pittiwe are still breaking gnome, but trying hard to not break it too hard/long11:02
Laneyaw, that's no fun11:03
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dokopitti: ping on bug #78402911:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 784029 in gcc-4.6 (Ubuntu) "Lack of g++-dbsym" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78402911:36
cjwatsoncdbs: oh, yeah, I was thinking of doing that soon - I was kind of hoping to switch to live-build first, but that'll probably take too long11:38
cjwatsonneed to check on all the dailies that weren't released with natty first though, and maybe take archive copies11:39
* sebner hugs cjwatson :D11:40
jdstrandpitti: re kernel-sru> thanks!12:12
ScottKpitti: I'd appreciate it if we could get the fix for Bug #755608 into natty-proposed.  It's hitting quite a number of people pretty hard.12:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 755608 in ntrack (Ubuntu Natty) "Ntrack dead loop in function get_nl_link_by_index " [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/75560812:20
siretartmicahg: what is the issue?12:31
siretartmicahg: and yes, I intend to upload 0.7_beta2 RSN12:31
ScottKmicahg: I was wondering if you might have a look at this thread https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/kubuntu-users/2011-May/054073.html and see if you have any ideas about this problem or suggest someone better to look into it?12:49
pittiScottK: will do now12:57
pittidoko: I'll have a look12:58
* sebner hugs ScottK too :D13:00
sebnerScottK: we'll definitely meet again, maybe not in orlando but someday. I'm looking forward to it13:02
* ScottK too13:02
ScottKasac: I'd appreciate it if you could have a look at the patch in Bug #785119 soonish.13:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 785119 in ntrack "ntrack can get into endless poll loop if no backend modules found" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78511913:09
asacadded to list13:11
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brodersebner: i'm going to be disappointed with you if you don't make it to orlando, so work harder :-P14:29
* sebner hides14:33
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apwdoko, are we expecting any compilers in the next couple of days?  we are likely uploading a kernle tommorrow15:36
dokoapw: just the ones currently building15:38
stgrabermdeslaur: hey! I just noticed that usb-creator in Oneiric has a lower version number than the one in Natty. Is there a reason you didn't upload your security upload to Oneiric too?15:38
apwdoko, thanks, i'll try and avoid them till they finish :)15:38
cjwatsonstgraber: I can copy it ...15:40
stgrabercjwatson: would be great15:40
broderhmm...does strcpy's buffer overrun detection tend to have false positives?15:40
apacheloggertkamppeter: pingy, is the call to com.redhat.NewPrinterNotification something ubuntu specific or something worthwhile to implement in upstream KDE?15:42
broder(i'm trying to evaluate the patch on bug #723830)15:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 723830 in seamonkey (Ubuntu) "seamonkey-2.0-bin assert failure: *** buffer overflow detected ***: /usr/lib/seamonkey-2.0.11/seamonkey-2.0-bin terminated" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/72383015:42
mdeslaurstgraber: ev had a commit to go in his bzr tree, I was waiting for him to commit it15:43
cjwatsonmdeslaur: I'm generally happy to just batch-copy everything non-divergent from -updates to the next development series along15:45
cjwatsonmdeslaur: and assume that somebody will take care of merging any bzr branches etc.15:45
mdeslaurcjwatson: so I would ask an AA to do that?15:46
cjwatsonyes - I'm in the process of doing it now15:47
mdeslaurcjwatson: ok, cool. thanks15:47
micahgScottK: ISTR an old bug like that16:12
hrwpitti: I found reason of bug 784029 - but is in pkg-create-dbgsym16:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 784029 in pkg-create-dbgsym (Ubuntu) "Lack of g++-dbsym" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78402916:47
pittihrw: oh, you did? I just added a simple test case (dhtest++1), but that works16:47
hrwpitti: in_line() function uses egrep and fails if $pkg argument consists + character16:47
pittihrw: right, that was my first suspicion -- but shoudln't that fail on dhtest++1 as well?16:47
pittihrw: I got distracted by some other stuff, but I'll continue to look into this16:48
hrwpitti: fails for me16:48
hrwdhtest++1 I mean16:48
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pittiah, it might magically work with just one package name16:49
pittihrw: I'll write a more appropriate test case16:49
pitti.. in a bit, need to run out to supermarket16:50
hrwno problem16:50
RoAkSoAx /win 1616:51
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loolpitti, hrw: Issue seems to be the grep in "in_list" in pkg-create-dbgsym/dh_strip17:01
loolecho "g++4.6" | egrep -q "(^|[[:space:]])g++4.6(\$|[[:space:]])" fails17:01
hrw17:47 < hrw> pitti: in_line() function uses egrep and fails if $pkg argument consists + character17:01
hrws/in_line/in_list ;D17:01
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pittilool, hrw: I already had the fix, but as my first initial test case wasn't reproducing, I postponed it17:10
hrwfine for me - you know the problem, will solve it and I will get g++-4.6-dbgsym package17:11
hrwon 26 March 2010 g++-4.4-dbgsym package got created so maybe you can check how it was done at that time17:12
hrwpkg-create-dbgsym (0.41) lucid; urgency=low17:13
hrwyou added in_list in this version17:13
hrwit was fix for bug 56660217:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 566602 in pkg-create-dbgsym (Ubuntu) "does not build libglib2.0-0-dbgsym" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56660217:14
hrwbzr rev 17417:16
hrwanyway time for me to take care of nonwork related stuff17:17
hrwhave a nice rest of day17:17
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apw@pilot out17:24
=== udevbot_ changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Oneiric Archive: OPEN | Development of Ubuntu (not support, not app development) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for dapper -> natty | #ubuntu-app-devel for application development on Ubuntu | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots:
nigelbpersia: welcome back to IRC ;)17:26
persianigelb, Thanks!17:26
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apwpersia, does that mean some normality is returning ?17:27
persiaapw, Yes, indeed.17:28
micahgwelcome back persia17:28
macopersia: you're back! *hug*17:28
persiaAlthough, honestly speaking, my infrastructure setup time causes a lag between apparent normality and connetion monitoring17:28
pittiev: FYI, I just re-merged lp:~pitti/usb-creator/pygi to trunk (just saw  your new upload)17:31
pittiev: any chance to merge this soon, that it stops getting out of date? or do you want to wait on something else?17:32
evI thought you meant you merged it into trunk17:32
evyes, I'll do a merge now17:32
pittiwell, technically I can commit myself, of course, but I wondered whether you'd prefer to review it17:32
evI'll have a quick look over17:32
evjust to put another set of eyes on it17:32
tkamppeterapachelogger, this is used at least in Fedora/Red Hat, Ubuntu, and Mandriva (distros which use system-config-printer). The D-Bus signal is sent by the Plug'n'Print part of s-c-p (udev-configure-printer, udev-add-printer, both in /lib/udev/) and received by the s-c-p applet.17:41
pittihrw, lool: ah, got my failing test case at last; it only hits builds which use dh_strip -p..., so my initial attempt failed17:49
pittias usualy, 30 minutes for test case, 30 seconds for the fix, but I'm anal about having this stuff covered17:50
jdstrandhallyn: hey, so I started looking at your libvirt merge17:51
jdstrandhallyn: first off, you will want to use '-v<last version in ubuntu>' when building your source package17:51
jdstrandhallyn: more importantly, it seems that attaching of physical devices has changed/is broken17:52
hallynjdstrand: i'm certain i did17:52
jdstrandhallyn: the changes file only lists the changes for 0.9.1-1ubuntu1, so not sure what happened there17:53
jdstrandhallyn: I looked upstream and there is a lot of stuff on 'phyp' cleanups and bug fixes, etc17:53
jdstrandhallyn: here is the xml that fails:17:54
jdstrand<disk type='block'> <driver name='phy'/> <source dev='%s'/> <target dev='sdb'/>17:54
hallynjdstrand: there's a qa test that does that?17:54
hallynIf so, can we open a debian bug for it?17:54
jdstrandwhere '%s' is the name of some file created with 'dd if=/dev/zero of=<foo> bs=1M count=64'17:54
jdstrandhallyn: yes-- test_guest_aa_attach_detach_physical()17:55
jdstrand"attach-device (physical)"17:55
jdstrandhallyn: there were other failures-- save/restore that I am not worried about (nested qemu issue)17:56
jdstrandhallyn: and then test_CVE_2010_2239(). I need to investigate that17:57
hallynhm, i thought i tested save/restore on the vostro17:57
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jdstrandhallyn: save/restore certainly works, what doesn't work is nested virtualization with save/restore where the nested vm is qemu (iirc)17:57
hallynfor a sec i thought you meant nested on amd17:58
jdstrandkvm for the guest that is running test-libvirt.py. test-libvirt.py runs a qemu guest17:59
pittikees, jdstrand: releasing karmic linux-ec2, smb confirmed testing18:00
pittito -updates and -security18:00
jdstrandhallyn: that didn't work right on natty either, fwiw18:00
pittinot sure whether you want to release an USN for this, as it's past EOL18:00
hallynjdstrand: it should work in natty-proposed18:00
jdstrandhallyn: you have a patch for that?18:01
hallynjdstrand: (the mishandling of int in kvm.ko stopped restore from working)18:01
jdstrandah, a kernel update18:01
jdstrandhallyn: is that in oneiric already?18:01
hallyni'm not seeing anything in libvirt git tree for phys18:01
hallynshould be in o, yes18:01
hallyn(i haven't checked, but was told it was)18:01
jdstrand$ cat /proc/version_signature18:02
jdstrandUbuntu 2.6.39-2.8-generic 2.6.39-rc718:02
jdstrandstill busted there ^18:02
jdstrandmight be a different issue18:02
jdstrandistr finding a bug on it, but I can't locate it right now18:02
hallynsigh, yup18:02
hallynthat's with libvirt 0.8 ?18:02
jdstrandpitti: thanks, I'll let kees handle it18:03
jdstrandhallyn: no, the new 0.9.118:03
hallynoh, ok18:03
jdstrandI can tell you it was busted with natty and 0.8 that is in release18:03
hallyni suppose i need a debian box to test its libvirt on18:03
apacheloggertkamppeter: ah, sounds like something we should implement in upstream KDE then, thanks :)18:03
hallynor, maybe better to test with daily build18:04
jdstrandhallyn: regarding phys, I looked in http://libvirt.org/news.html-- tons on phyp (I'm assuming those are the relevant changes)18:05
tkamppeterapachelogger, this would be great, best would be if both KDE and GNOME ship with a printing applet and the applets being compatible to each other.18:06
tkamppeterapachelogger, GNOME 3 comes with its own printing applet, but I do not know anything about its D-Bus interface.18:07
hallynjdstrand: (wouldn't those be ones which are in th epackage?18:09
hallynI see one phyp 'avoid a crash' post-0.9.1 in git changelog18:09
jdstrandhallyn: yes, presumaly they are in the package, and something is wrong cause I get:18:10
jdstranderror: Failed to attach device from /tmp/tmpSMveEB/device.xml18:10
jdstranderror: internal error unsupported driver name 'phy' for disk '/tmp/tmpSMveEB/device_disk.img'18:10
hallyni'll look into it, thanks18:10
jdstrandhallyn: it might be an intentional change-- I don't know, but the test is there cause iirc euca and openstack attach physical devices18:11
jdstrandhallyn: and this could break them18:11
apacheloggertkamppeter: if the interfaces were specified somewhere that would probably help with that18:12
jdstrandhallyn: it is conceivable the restore/save failures are test suite failures-- please ignore those for the time being18:12
jdstrandhallyn: I'll look at that and the CVE test18:12
pittiev: cheers18:14
hallynjdstrand: cool, thanks.  i can trivially reproduce the phys one here  :)18:14
* jdstrand nods18:15
hallynbtw, no need to smack me, i'm realizing i should've run the qatests, i'll smack myself18:15
pittiev: thanks18:15
evsure thing18:17
tkamppeterapachelogger, signals sent by CUPS should be no problem. They are defined in CUPS and the applets have to follow. The problems are signals from the printer setup tool and other utilities.18:19
apacheloggertkamppeter: yeah... though if they signals are all dbus signals it should be easy enough to introspect the existing ones and come up with a cross-desktopy spec (maybe also outside the com.redhat namespace ;))18:21
tkamppeterapachelogger, do you know how Plug'n'Print works in Kubuntu?18:21
apacheloggertkamppeter: you mean how well?18:22
tkamppeterIn Ubuntu the system-config-printer-udev is installed which provides everything.18:22
apacheloggerwe have that too, Riddell wrote a KDE clone of system-config-printer18:22
tkamppeterapachelogger, how and how well.18:22
apacheloggerit only misses the newPrinterNotification it seems18:23
apacheloggerother than that plug'n'print works fine18:23
tkamppeterapachelogger, so the printers get set up if there is an exact driver match and no notification appears?18:23
jonopitti, hey, just a quick FYI - I just reviewed https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-o-default-apps-unity-integration/ with Jorge, but you are the Approver and I inadvertently approved it - let me know if you are not happy with the approval, and we can adjust it18:24
jonoI will be expecting jcastro to ensure the assignments here get completed18:25
tkamppeterThis would once mean that users do not get aware of the automatic process and even worse if there is no exact driver match (for example if a driver is only available for auto-download from the internet) the printer setup tool does not pop up for interactive setup and so the printer stays without queue silently.18:25
tkamppeterapachelogger, ^^ so catching newPrinterNotification is very important.18:26
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tkamppeterapachelogger, does Kubuntu do automatic printer driver download with Jockey?18:28
apacheloggertkamppeter: I have not the slightest idea, JontheEchidna does jockey stuff18:28
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: pingy pinlingy18:28
tkamppeterJontheEchidna, does Kubuntu do automatic printer driver download with Jockey?18:29
JontheEchidnahmm, dunno. I've never seen it but I've never needed it18:29
JontheEchidnait should work, in theory18:29
JontheEchidnajockey has some nice backend/frontend separation18:29
JontheEchidnaand the kde frontend should implement all the necessary bits18:29
tkamppeterJontheEchidna, can you run the command18:30
tkamppetersystem-config-printer --setup-printer='file:/tmp/printout' --devid='MFG:Epson;MDL:EP-702A;'18:30
tkamppeteron your Kubuntu system?18:30
JontheEchidnahmm, I don't have that executable, it's part of the gnome package18:31
tkamppeterJontheEchidna, one minute please ...18:31
tkamppeterJontheEchidna, replace "system-config-printer" by the KDEish executable of system-config-printer.18:34
JontheEchidnait's not an executable, but a plugin for KDE's System Settings app18:34
tkamppeterJontheEchidna, can you do something like18:35
tkamppetercd /usr/share/system-config-printer18:36
tkamppeterpython newprinter.py --setup-printer='file:/tmp/printout' --devid='MFG:Epson;MDL:EP-702A;'18:36
tkamppeterJontheEchidna, I hope the debug modes for pretending that a given printer got detected are somehow implemented in the KDE incarnation of s-c-p.18:37
JontheEchidna!find newprinter.py18:37
ubottuFile newprinter.py found in system-config-printer-gnome18:37
tkamppeterJontheEchidna, you need to call the file where this functionality ended up for KDE.18:38
JontheEchidnaI don't really know much about that18:40
tkamppeterRiddell, ping18:40
Keybukpitti: I don't think that replacing TCL with Vala really helps :-/18:52
pittiKeybuk: why not?18:53
pittiit's about as fast as C, and avoids a runtime dependency18:53
Keybukerr, it adds a massive amount of runtime dependency18:53
Keybuklibgobject, libgee, libgio, etc.18:54
pittibut we ship those anyway18:54
Keybukyou do18:54
pittijanimo's port uses gee and gio?18:54
Keybukwe don't18:54
pittiif you don't import anything, it should just depend on glib18:54
Keybukglib is large18:55
pittianyway, I don't personally mind what it's written in, as long as it's not something which requires a new runtime18:57
Keybukyeah, agree18:57
Keybukfor us, glib is effectively a new runtime too18:57
pittiKeybuk: upstream mentioned python, that would be too big for you as well then, I guess?18:57
Keybukit's not clear to me why the dispatcher is needed at all, since all it does is run the C program18:57
Keybukright, we don't have Python18:57
Keybukand that would be considered both a size problem and security problem, just like TCL18:57
pittiwow, you want usb 3G support, but don't have glib?18:58
pittiwhat kind of environment is that, OOI?18:58
KeybukChromium OS18:58
pittisabdfl: TB meeting now?18:59
sabdflpitti: en route19:00
kees550 Changes file must be signed with a valid GPG signature: Verification failed 3 times: ["(7, 9, u'No public key')", "(7, 9, u'No public key')", "(7, 9, u'No public key')"] : Permission denied.19:14
keesanyone else seeing this on oneiric uploads?19:14
pittikees: sometimes, but the upload works anyway if you use dput19:14
keesthat error is from dput. :(19:15
slangasekkees: yes, the error is spurious - the upload succeeded anyway19:17
keesslangasek: oh, how ... odd19:17
slangasekthe bug is filed against lp somewhere19:17
keesthat's kind of alarming... can I upload stuff that doesn't pass signature tests too? >_>19:18
slangasekyou can upload it, yes; it won't get accepted into the archive19:19
slangasekthis is basically a new LP feature intended to check the signatures at upload time in order to give more immediate feedback in case of a problem19:19
slangasekit doesn't work right because the upload queue sometimes has the wrong keyring :)19:19
kees"wrong"? my key hasn't changed in months now...19:23
keesbut okay, fair. early rejection is not an indication of later rejection. sounds good19:23
james_wI think wrong == empty19:23
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macokees: this is why i uploaded the same 0-day sru for natty 3 times :P19:34
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davmor2james_w: your beer glass is wrong.........yeah I can see how that would work19:34
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keesmaco: hah, d'oh20:54
nigelbfta: ping, around?21:00
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ScottKkees and slangasek: As I understand the error it's not that LP has the wrong key but that it's lost contact with the keyserver so it has no keys at all.21:37
geserdoesn't it also happen when a tmp directory goes missing?21:38
geserbug 75724821:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 757248 in Launchpad itself "poppy-sftp's signature checking relies on long-term survival of a directory in /tmp" [Critical,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/75724821:39
ScottKNice.  OK.  That too.21:41
cndScottK, do you know where the "canonical" (not the company) source for the qt4-x11 packaging lives?22:27
cndI've proposed my patch in the past, but it felt like I was doing it wrong by branching lp:ubuntu/qt4-x11 and proposing a merge request22:28
ScottKcnd: https://code.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-packagers/qt/ubuntu22:30
cndScottK, thanks!22:32
cndso I should propose merge requests to merge into that branch?22:32
ScottKYes and probably ping someone on #kubuntu-devel.22:36
sebnerpersia: contentless ping (email reminder) :)22:37
cndScottK, ok, will do22:38
persiasebner, heh.22:39
sebnerpersia: :D but don't worry, you can take your time22:40
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virhilothe "-L/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu -L/usr/lib64 -L/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu" directories are not in library path by default, i think they should be, or there shuld be symlinks from /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libjpeg.so to /usr/lib23:51
virhiloshould i create bug on it?23:51
virhilothe middle(-L/usr/lib64) one is problbly in library path i just coppied too much:)23:52
slangasekvirhilo: what do you mean, "by default"?  They are certainly part of the library path in natty and oneiric for both gcc and binutils23:53
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