
j1mcis anyone around that can take a look at some xslt with me? http://pastebin.ca/206400604:05
j1mcthe issue is with the template match="row"04:06
j1mci want to get the title, but not every row has a title04:06
j1mcso how can i not produce any output if there's no title?04:06
andrejzhello! i am a translator and would like to know how can i test translations of natty docs?07:41
mdkeandrejz: hi. Have a look at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DocumentationTeam/Translation and particularly the section "Instructions for gnome-user-docs". Then ask me questions if you don't manage to make it work07:55
mdkeandrejz: but I won't be around on irc much so you may have to use email07:55
andrejzmdke, when i try to do  bzr checkout --lightweight lp:ubuntu-doc/natty ubuntu-docs-natty i get08:34
andrejzbzr: ERROR: Permission denied: "Cannot create 'bzr'. Only Bazaar branches are allowed."08:35

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