
=== Fuchs_ is now known as Fuchs
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lubotu3oimon called the ops in #ubuntu-uk ()16:02
popeyignore that16:03
DJonesHow tempting was it to kick oimon for botabuse :)16:04
DJonesEven if it was by accident16:04
arand!partialupgrade is <reply> Partial upgrades offered by update-manager, or excessive removals by "apt-get dist-upgrade" are often due to repository inconsistencies, the best fix is often to simply wait, see http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1751299 for more info.16:09
arand!partial is <alias> !partialupgrade16:10
IdleOne!partialupgrade is <reply> Partial upgrades offered by update-manager, or excessive removals by "apt-get dist-upgrade" are often due to repository inconsistencies, the best fix is often to simply wait, see http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1751299 for more info.16:13
ubottuI'll remember that, IdleOne16:13
IdleOne!partial is <alias> partialupgrade16:13
IdleOne!partial is <alias> partialupgrade16:13
IdleOne!partial is <alias> !partialupgrade16:13
ubottuBut partial already means something else!16:13
ubottuPartial upgrades offered by update-manager, or excessive removals by "apt-get dist-upgrade" are often due to repository inconsistencies, the best fix is often to simply wait, see http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1751299 for more info.16:14
arandThanks! :D16:14
IdleOnethank you.16:14
IdleOne!forget partialupgrade16:19
ubottuI'll forget that, IdleOne16:19
IdleOnearand: we have some issues with some of the info. looking into it with other ops16:19
IdleOnearand: this factoid is specifically aimed at +1?16:24
arandProably, since it occurs very seldom if all on stable..16:25
arandI'm basically going by what the forum page states, and anecdotal evidence from myself and others running +1, so I am not 100 about the correctness, however, I have not seen claims otherwise in these discussions though..16:29
IdleOne!partialupgrade-#ubuntu+1 is <reply> Partial upgrades during the develpment cycle, or excessive removals are often due to repository inconsistencies, the best fix is often to simply wait. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1751299 for more info.16:31
ubottuI'll remember that, IdleOne16:31
IdleOne!partial is <alias> partialupgrade-#ubuntu+116:32
ubottuBut partial already means something else!16:32
IdleOne!forget partial16:32
ubottuI'll forget that, IdleOne16:32
IdleOne!partial is <alias> partialupgrade-#ubuntu+116:32
ubottupartial has been forgotten, use '!unforget partial' to edit it again16:32
IdleOne!unforget partial16:32
ubottuFactoid 'partialupgrade' does not exist16:32
Piciyou dont want to do !partial16:32
PiciBecause that will be global16:32
IdleOneok, how do I make partial an alias to partialupgrade-#ubuntu+116:33
Pici!forget partial16:33
ubottuI know nothing about partial yet, Pici16:33
Pici!partial-#ubuntu+1 is <alias> partialupgrade-#ubuntu+116:33
ubottuI'll remember that, Pici16:33
IdleOnethank you16:34
IdleOneok so the alias has to be channel specific also16:34
IdleOnearand: thanks for giving me a headache :P16:36
arandSorry! |o|16:37
charlie-tcabut that was a really good thing to get straightened out too16:39
IdleOnetsimpson jussi can we get ubottu or clone in #ubuntu-qc please20:47
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