
eruditehermitif anyone around is in charge of the mainline kernel ppa, please can you look into why the amd64 kernels are not building?01:00
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eruditehermitanyone from the kernel team about?05:11
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* ppisati -> out to take care of some stuff, be back in a hour or so08:10
jpdsIs there a way I can tell a PCI ID to use a specific kernel module?10:58
jpdsI have a Broadcom wireless card which is not being detected in jockey: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/76583910:58
ubot2Launchpad bug 765839 in linux "Kubuntu installer not finding Wireless [bcm 4331 needs driver]" [Undecided,Confirmed]10:58
apwjpds, normally modules list which things they support10:59
jpdsapw: Aha, so I guess I need to hack up the broadcom-sta-source package?10:59
apwfor jocky i think there is a list of things which trigger wl to be loaded (for broadcom stuff)10:59
sorenjpds: You can make it work without patching anything.11:16
sorenjpds: Find the relevant /sys/bus/pci/drivers/<whatever> dir.11:17
sorenjpds: In there, there's a new_id "file".11:17
sorenjpds: You can write a vendor/product id pair to it, and the driver will take attempt to use any devices that match.11:18
sorenjpds: I forget the exact format, but I think it's just "1234 6789". If not, try "0x1234 0x6789".11:18
jpdssoren: Cool, thanks.11:19
sorenjpds: Sure thing.11:19
_rubenis there a trick to compile a kernel in a pbuilder other than pbuilder login and going from there?12:02
apw_ruben, sorry not familiar with using pbuilder, though i'd expect the kernel to be the same as any other package12:04
_rubenapw: well, pbuilder takes a .dsc as "input", a kernel build tends to be more complex than a "standard" source package12:04
apw_ruben, well you can cirtianly make a source pacakge out of our tree12:05
_rubenlet me rephrase: how does one usually do a kernel build in an as clean as possible env? clean chroot? clean server/vm?12:05
apw_ruben, i do all my test builds before upload in clean chroots yes12:09
apwas there i can do partial builds12:09
_rubenapw: made with debootstrap?12:09
apw_ruben, yep basically so12:18
ogasawaraOooo, 2.6.39 final came out.  /me rebases14:09
apwogasawara, have at it :)14:09
amitkogasawara: do we have 2.6.41 for O then? ;)14:18
amitk(.39 came earlier than expected)14:18
ogasawaraamitk: :)  it might make it an interesting call towards the end of the release14:19
apwi suspect .41 will appear very late, which will make getting arm ports up to .41 hard, they may actually make .4014:21
amitkapw: who cares about ARM?!14:25
ppisatiapw: you mean omap4?14:28
apwppisati, including omap4 yes14:28
ppisatiapw: we are discussing it, and tomorrow i hope to know who is going to carry the landing tree14:28
ppisatibecause the situation is a bit fuzzy right now14:29
apwppisati, does not supprise me.14:29
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apwogasawara, let me know when there is a rebase to play with, i have some patches i want to pull up14:40
ogasawaraapw: cool, should be just a sec14:40
bdmurraybug 765082 looks like a good cherry pick for natty to me15:24
ubot2Launchpad bug 765082 in linux "[ips-monitor] is in state 'D'" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/76508215:24
bdmurrayogasawara: ^15:27
ogasawaraapw: rebased and pushed to master-next15:32
apwogasawara, sounds good to me :)15:32
ogasawarabdmurray: cool thanks, will take a look when I get back15:32
* ogasawara bails to appt15:32
apwogasawara, when we uploading agian?  wondering about cd support15:32
ogasawaraapw: I uploaded tues so we have your aufs bits15:33
ogasawaraapw: will likely upload again tomorrow to get v2.6.39 final in15:33
apwahh ncie, will see if there is a disk15:33
apwyou are off tommorrow15:33
ogasawaraapw: I know, but it'll only take a few min to prep the upload15:34
ogasawaraapw: unless you want to volunteer to do it :)15:34
apwif you want me to spin it just say15:34
ogasawaraapw: spin it15:34
ogasawaraapw: doko mentioned he might be uploading a new gcc towards the end of the week, but not sure we really need to worry about it considering our new stance15:35
apwogasawara, only in that we want to compile everything with the same one15:35
apwwill ask him now ... thakns for the heads up15:35
* ogasawara really bails now15:36
* ppisati has just tried to rebase sebjan tree on top of natty's master and got around 2.6k patches...16:27
firewaveppisati, you gonna have good time :-s16:29
ppisatifirewave: throwed the towel after the Xth conflicts16:33
firewaveppisati, :-/ I understand...16:35
apwppisati, have you tried just merging that tip with the natty master instead16:40
ppisatiapw: i'm re-reading your (you, bryan, npitre, etcetc) about the handling methods16:42
ppisatis/your/your thread/16:42
ppisatinope, but i'll try later16:43
ppisatibtw, i have an email from cooloney from...16:43
ppisati[Natty] [ti-omap4] [Pull-request]: TI OMAP4 2.6.38 updates16:43
ppisatiwhere he mentiond he was able to do a rebase against master16:44
ppisatibut, really, 2,6k patches are a bit too much16:44
apwppisati, though i think he did t th opposite, he didn't rebase branch aganst master, he rebased master against his branch16:44
apwwhich isn't the same at all, but he called it that anyhow16:44
apwnow i personally think as i said in the thread, if we are using the linaro base, then we should just merge that with master16:45
ppisatiso he got the latest ubuntu sauce/cve/sru/etcetc16:45
ppisatiactually sebjan tree was supposed to be based on mainline + BSP16:45
apwppisati, either way if its a major pile of patches, i am inclined to suggest a merge may be less mind dammaging for us, and its not hard to maintain if we know that is what it is16:46
ppisatiuhm k16:47
ppisatianyway, i keep reading...16:47
apwanyhow, thats what i tried out in my thread, so perhaps speak again when you have read16:47
JFolunch... bbiab17:12
ppisatiapw: i didn't faint, it's just that i'm trying to get a sane set of patches from sebjan17:40
ppisatiapw: and i'm down to 453 now17:40
apwppisati, heh17:40
ppisatistill after 10 of them i start getting all kinds of conflicts17:40
apwthat was my experience ... very hard to merge and i am not sure its worth it17:42
ppisatianyway, i'm off to the gym now17:44
ppisatibut i'll keep trying a bit more17:44
ppisatiwe can discuss about it monday17:45
JFook, I am tired of looking at bugs for one day18:19
* JFo goes back to planning 18:19
ogasawaraJFo: just fyi, I posted all the action items from your UDS bug handling session to the blueprint and assigned them to milestones18:25
ogasawaraJFo: there were some Alpha1 items to knock out18:25
JFoogasawara, you rock! thank you very much. :-)18:25
JFoPete fussed at me for getting action items18:26
JFoapparently I wasn't supposed to incur any as this cycle will be almost solely focused on the defect analysis definition18:26
JFoso we can get it solidified before the next LTS18:27
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ogasawaraJFo: well now is the time to go through the current items and pull out any you know you need to defer then18:27
JFoI thought he meant 'don't get action items from anything OTHER than the bug handling bp18:27
JForight, will do that18:27
JFobut thank you so much for taking the notes and noting the actions. I really do appreciate it.18:27
cndogasawara, do you know why the mainline builds aren't generating amd64 packages?18:29
cndnot since .39-rc518:29
ogasawaracnd: hrm, not sure.  best to nudge apw since he's been caring for the mainline builds for the most part.18:29
apwcnd i am told the dailies are now18:30
apwand if you look back its cause amd builds are broken18:30
cndwhere are the dailies?18:30
cndnm, found them18:30
apwin the daily sub dir, not that i've checkeed my self18:30
cndthey look good18:31
apwand it looks like v2.6.39 worked too, so i assume upstream fixed the bug18:31
apwif someone finds out which commit fixed it i can rebuild the earlier ones with it18:33
njinhello, why is detected as ethernet controller? Ethernet controller [0200]: Atheros Communications Inc. AR5001 Wireless Network Adapter [168c:001c] (rev 01)19:02
mjg59njin: Because its PCI class header says it's an ethernet controller19:03
njinmig59: and isn't detected as wirless device then ?19:04
mjg59There's no PCI id for wireless19:06
mjg59Only ethernet or generic network controller19:06
mjg59It makes no difference to anything19:07
njinops, the wireless driver is used but don't work19:07
njinmig59: thanks for the explicaton19:08
ckingmjg59, very amusing patch comment:  https://lkml.org/lkml/2011/5/19/377 - how many more UEFI screwups await us?19:08
mjg59Dell laptops with 4GB or more don't boot, but they seem to be dying in grub so that's probably not my problem19:09
mjg59Several machines have just appeared with screwed up video setup, but again that's something the bootloader's going to have to deal with19:09
mjg59So with luck we're ok in the kernel for now?19:09
mjg59I obviously don't actually believe that when I say it19:10
mjg59But I'm hoping that maybe we'll catch a break19:10
ckingI can see we are going to have many more years of dumb UEFI issues in the pipeline19:10
jjohansencking: well if how buggy bioses have been is any indication ...19:19
mjg59Let's solve the BIOS problem by making it even more complicated19:19
jjohansenhehe, yeah that sums it up nicely19:22
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* jjohansen -> lunch20:13
jjohansenrunning an errand21:10
mfilipesforshee, thanks a lot for your support with kernel http://people.canonical.com/~sforshee/lp614238/linux-2.6.39-020639rc7.201105192014~lp614238/21:25
mfilipeI will test it tonight or tomorrow 21:26
sforsheemfilipe, no problem, hopefully the fix does the job21:26
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bdmurrayogasawara: that test kernel worked for me23:45
ogasawarabdmurray: cool, thanks for testing.  I'd pinged nessita too to test.23:46
ogasawarabdmurray: I'll probably send it to upstream stable23:46
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