
MagicFabHi all01:33
MagicFabcan someone point me to the LoCo reapprovals bug ?01:34
MagicFabDon't have access to my email right now and czajkowski didn't link the bug in her post.01:34
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dholbachgood morning07:49
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YoBoYUbuntu on the "France 3" french TV, this sunday, at 10PM, don't miss it :D11:21
YoBoYhi everyone :)11:22
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toroshi YoBoY 11:51
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head_victimAny twitter users here? I'm chasing down the best way to set an account up for a loco but have no idea about twitter myself. If I just create an account with the team name and then share the password with people we want to be able to tweet from it? Or is there a better way?12:13
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dakerhead_victim, that's the only way (share the password with the others)13:01
head_victimdaker: no problems, I just have NO idea about social media and want to set it up right from the start rather than doing it wrong and then having to redo it later13:01
nigelbhrm, seems like there should be an alternative...14:42
czajkowskihead_victim: it's how the irish team works16:10
czajkowski3-4 people have the ac detais 16:10
czajkowski*details 16:10
czajkowskithat way we know what is sent and not spammed either 16:10
head_victimczajkowski: thanks, it's different to how the group had set up the facebook and identica accounts is all so I wanted to check. I'm very much a novice when it comes to social media.16:11
czajkowskiwe post to identi.ca and that goes to our twitter stream 16:11
czajkowski3-4 ppl who do the events have access 16:11
head_victimYeah I need to talk to someone to see how that works16:11
czajkowskieither create the event or post about a meeting 16:11
czajkowskihead_victim: it's a setting in identi.ca16:12
head_victimYep I've put out a call for some help with a few things and people are putting up their hands which is good.16:12
head_victimAh ok, so not really all that difficult.16:12
czajkowskihead_victim: no it's a tick the button setting 16:12
head_victimIn preferences, what is best to tick "auto send notices to twitter", "send local # replies to twitter" and/or "subscribe to my twitter friends here" ?16:15
czajkowskihead_victim: all depends on your followers tbh 16:24
czajkowskiI think we get all replied and suscrbie friend here 16:25
czajkowskinot sure what local is about 16:25
head_victimNo worries, thanks for your help though. It's taking a while to lock down the accounts to what I'd consider acceptable (I'm actually pretty much a conscientious objector to social media for privacy reasons but giving it a go just to see how it goes for the loco).16:26
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