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AnAntHello, where can I read about the discussion regarding Thunderbird (might) be the default mail client, and the "specific tasks" upon which this will be decided ?07:39
RAOFAnAnt: You can find the etherpad document linked from the schedule on uds.ubuntu.com (I think the session was on Thursday?), but the specific tasks weren't actually decided there, just the “themes”.07:43
dholbachgood morning07:49
AnAntdholbach: Hello07:53
dholbachhey AnAnt07:54
AnAntdholbach: thanks for the ACKs07:54
dholbachno worries :)07:54
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flowercould it be true that if you backport from meerkat to lucid and let meerkat stand in you changelog file, the system asks for a partial distro upgrade?09:12
flower# DIST=lucid ARCH=i386 pbuilder create09:52
flowerW: /root/.pbuilderrc does not exist09:52
flowerI: Distribution is sid.09:52
flowerI: Building the build environment09:52
floweron debian that is09:53
flowerhttp://fpaste.org/vNpg/ .pbuilderrc09:53
flowerI: Distribution is sid. sould be I: Distribution is lucid. right?09:54
jtaylorset HOME09:54
jtaylorsudo -H09:54
jtaylornewer sudo does nto preserve HOME env variable, this was reverted in natty09:55
jtaylorbut debian did not09:55
floweris it possible to do it with su on debian?09:55
jtaylorif you copy the pbuilderrc I don't see why not09:56
flowerwhat's the command then, I don't suppose it's just # -H09:56
jtaylorcp /your/user/home/.pbuilderrc /root/09:57
flowerI: Distribution is sid.09:58
flowersomething wrong with the .pbuilderrc?10:00
jtaylorall the debia/ubuntu magic is commented10:02
jtaylorso probably no10:02
jtaylors/no/its wrong/10:02
jtayloryou also need to install the ubuntu keyring10:04
flowerI am on sid10:04
jtaylorif you want to build for lucid10:05
floweris that keyring in debian?10:06
floweranyway it doesn't work10:10
jtaylortry --distribution lucid10:11
flowerE: Failed getting release file http://ftp.nl.debian.org/debian/dists/lucid/Release10:13
jtaylorset the correct mirror, ftp.ubuntu.com10:15
flower# Mirrors to use. Update these to your preferred mirror.10:15
jtaylorpbuilder uses MIRRORSITE10:15
jtaylorit can't work if you comment out all the changes needed to use it in ubuntu ...10:16
flowerhmm I find that doc about pbuilder and ubuntu rather unclear then10:16
flowervery unclear to see what you have to comment out and what not10:17
jtaylorits a bit unclear, it does not mean comment out everything after optionally, bu only the following line10:18
flowerthat's very confusing imho10:19
flowerpbuilder-dist lucid i386 create10:27
stlsaintdoes bzr-builddeb have a option to sign the package at build?10:46
jtaylorbzr-buildpackage for sure has10:48
stlsaintjtaylor: aye, thakns11:01
stlsaintthanks even11:01
wejaegerHey, anyone up for reviewing http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/l2tp-ipsec-vpn11:35
stlsaintim having a issue with signing my package13:20
stlsaintgpg --list-keys shows that i have keys there but when i try and sign i get error:13:20
stlsaintgpg: /tmp/debsign.X8IR3dyh/lxdm_0.3.0-0ubuntu5.1.dsc: clearsign failed: secret key not available13:20
stlsaintdebsign: gpg error occurred!  Aborting....13:20
jtaylorstlsaint: are you passing the correct keyid?13:21
stlsaintjtaylor: hrm i thought so i will double check again13:24
stlsaintjtaylor: is the syntax: debuild -S -k <id> -sa13:25
jtaylor-k<id> no space (but not sure if that is required13:26
StevenKI think either work13:26
stlsaintStevenK: nope, cannot be a space13:28
stlsaintjtaylor: as always thank you13:28
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stlsaintHA! Built a package and now i have no idea where pbuilder placed the .deb14:05
stlsaintdirecthex: its not .../result14:06
stlsaintdirecthex: i used a different pbuilder and forgot to use the --buildresult option14:07
arandstlsaint: /var/cache/pbuilder/result/ ?14:12
arandstlsaint: That's the default locatin.14:13
stlsaintarand: yea but me fiddling around with my pbuidlerrc trying to configure multiple pbuilders has my stuff rearranged14:15
stlsaintima fix it all in a min14:15
arandAh, :)14:15
stlsaintwould anyone mind taking a look at my pbuilder to see if something is wrong14:21
stlsainti have it moved to /root/.pbuilderrc due to errors before and now it seems like its not doing what i want it to14:21
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l3onHello.. I'm going to upgrade natty at oneiric, but something is wrong with apt:16:01
l3onThe following packages will be REMOVED:16:01
l3on  eclipse eclipse-cdt eclipse-jdt eclipse-pde eclipse-platform eclipse-plugin-cvs evolution evolution-exchange evolution-plugins-experimental libgvfscommon0 libperl5.1016:01
l3on  libpurple0 pidgin-skype telepathy-haze16:01
l3onwhat the hell? why eclipse / evolution / pidgin_skype and others will be removed?16:02
jtaylorl3on: please read this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=175129916:02
ubottuNatty Narwhal is the codename for Ubuntu 11.04 - Natty has been released! - Support in #ubuntu16:03
arandl3on: Repository turbulence, likely.16:03
l3onthanks jtaylor16:03
l3onarand: turbulence during from few weeks :P16:04
l3onI remember that 2 days after natty release I changed repository to oenric, but I was unable to upgrade due to eclipse error :/16:06
arandl3on: Hmm, it may be eclipse having inmproper dependency specifications...16:13
Laneychurn in the development release is expected16:16
Laneyand such questions are better placed in #ubuntu+116:16
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RainCTnhandler: Hey. I can sponsor if needed (keyring package).16:55
* micahg is going bonkers from doing build tests before requesting a sync and then getting build failures when the sync happens...17:21
doctormoHey guys, I have a python package which I'm packaging up for debian/ubuntu18:27
doctormoIt provides a number of plugins for different image programs, so I'm using a seperate deb for each plugin and a central library deb for the main python library18:28
doctormoThe problem is I don't know how to correctly set up the distutils and the debian packaging to do this.18:28
wejaegerHey, anyone up for reviewing http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/l2tp-ipsec-vpn18:29
tumbleweeddoctormo: which package is it, and what excatly are you having trouble with?18:32
doctormotumbleweed: lp:dastash basically the trouble I think is between the release name 'dastash' and the deb package name 'python-dastash'18:34
tumbleweedyes, if it should be called python-dastash18:35
tumbleweedare you working on the packaging in that branch?18:35
doctormotumbleweed: I am yes, I just pushed what I have so far.18:36
tumbleweeddoctormo: firstly; to be able to import dastash, you need to build-depend on everything it needs to be importable18:43
tumbleweed(an easy workaround there is to read the .py file and look for '__version__ = ' instead of importing it.18:43
doctormoI see18:43
tumbleweedalso, you need to import setup from distutils.core (or setuptools if you need it)18:44
doctormotumbleweed: Yes I fix that in rev 8, pushed rev 9 now.18:45
tumbleweeddoctormo: next issue, your setup.py doesn't actually install anything, that's why you are having trouble with the other packages18:48
doctormotumbleweed: It should be at least installing the one script and one module shown.18:49
doctormoBut it doesn't even do that.18:49
tumbleweedit installs one script, by the look of it18:50
doctormotumbleweed: Nothing appears in any of the deb files18:51
tumbleweeddoctormo: worry about that later. Start by looking at what gets installed into build18:52
doctormohmm, so far, just the script18:52
tumbleweedbtw, you really shouldn't be using Provides: ${python:Provides}. That's for special, very rare, situations. And you probably should be using dh_python2 for a new package, instead of python-support. But let's get it working first...18:53
doctormotumbleweed: The provides/deps were removed, pull a fresh version.18:54
tumbleweeddoctormo: hint: it's not called "modules"19:01
doctormoDo I presume I put all the other files into setup.py too as data?19:02
doctormo(I had thought the install scripts would cover those, but aprrently not)19:02
tumbleweedyou can install them with setup.py or dh_install. But if you install them with setup.py you'll need dh_install them into the correct packages anyway, so there's really no point in doing it with setup.py unless you want to make life easier for people installing on other distributions19:04
doctormotumbleweed: I figured that was the case, but it doesn't want to work and I can't see the issue.19:11
tumbleweeddoctormo: dh_install: gimp-plugin-dastash missing files (gimp/*.py), aborting19:13
tumbleweed^ that's really very simple. There is no such file (gimp is empty)19:13
doctormotumbleweed: I'd made some dumy files which is why I never saw that error, I've commited them now.19:17
doctormoThe problem is, I think dh_install can't find my files to package them19:17
doctormoAnd I don't think the python debhelpers can package it correctly because my package is called python-sdstash.19:18
doctormoAh wait, the inkscape plugin is the one missing files.19:19
doctormoOK so I have everything but the python module, it doesn't want to be installed by dh_install, but it won't be installed via anything else either.19:58
doctormoIt's like it's a bunch of floating files in build which won't be nailed down to the package in debian/control19:58
persiaIs the set of files deterministic?20:03
keffie_jayxBeen trying to create a debootstrap for Onieric in a Lucid machine using pbuilder. But it complains about not having the Onieric script. this means that some of the tools have not been ported to lucid?20:12
jtaylorjust copy any other script to the name of oneiric20:13
jtaylorthere all the same20:13
jtaylor(their all symlinks to gutsy)20:15
aranddoctormo: Are you still having issues with the inkscape-plugins one?20:18
doctormoarand: I think the inkscape plugin is going in the right place, but the python module isn't.20:19
keffie_jayxjtaylor: thanks :)20:21
aranddoctormo: Hmm, seems I was wrong in my hunch why it wasn't working, sorry...20:28
doctormoarand: Thanks for having a look anyway20:28
doctormoI still have no clue how setup.py links to debian/control20:28
persiadoctormo, It doesn't.  setup.py is executed with appropriate arguments to drop stuff in a to-be-packaged staging area.  If there is one binary package, this entire staging area is stuffed into a package.  If there are multiple binary packages, dh_install extracts bits from the shared staging area into staging areas for each binary package.20:30
macofoo.install files can be used to tell which binary package each file goes in20:31
doctormoso I need to make a dh_install thing for the python lib somehow? are there any examples?20:31
persiajust create a debian/python-whatever.install file that lists all the files you want to end up in the package by relative path (e.g. usr/bin/wrapper).  Wildcards are accepted.20:32
doctormopersia: It's not the user/bin that worries me, it's the /usr/share/pyshared/ -> /usr/lib/python2.6/blah links and so on.20:33
ScottKYou should let your python helper handle those bits.20:33
doctormoScottK: How?20:35
ScottKIf you've got a proper setup.py then it should be roughly automagical.20:35
ScottKdh $@ --with python2 may be sufficient.20:36
ScottK(if you're using dh_python2, which I do recommend)20:36
ScottKThat's for a package with one binary.20:37
ScottKFor a package with multiple binaries it's slightly more tricky.20:37
ScottKYou can use pyspf as an example for that.20:37
doctormoThanks for the example20:40
doctormoOK I think just stuffing the module into pyshared is sufficient according to the example and my testing.20:45
doctormoSometimes automagic is as alchemy.20:45
doctormoThanks for your help persia, ScottK and maco20:49
ScottKYou're welcome.20:49
ScottKBTW, that probably won't work for Maverick, but should be fine for Natty.20:49
aranddoctormo: Bit late but http://paste.debian.net/117419/ seems to get things working via a .install file20:54
arandWell provided that is where the files should end up..20:54
doctormoarand: The second line is correct, but if you put the python module directly into python2.6 it'll cause issues. Maybe.20:55
* arand looks innocent, knowing barely a word of python20:56
ScottKYeah.   Don't do that.21:09
ScottKpython2.7 is the default in Natty, so it wouldn't work for that.21:09
paultagScottK: how dare you do that. Don't you know Debian still has 2.6?21:10
RhondaUbuntu is always the python (and gcc toolchain) testbed for Debian, did noone tell you yet?21:11
paultagit'd funnier if someone had actually not said that21:11
paultagRhonda: :)21:11
ajmitchRhonda: causing trouble again?21:12
RhondaMe? Never!21:13
Rhondaajmitch: Actually I'm a bit puzzled by that question, to be honest.21:18
ajmitchRhonda: hm?21:26
RhondaEither I read it wrong, or I don't understand what you try to imply.21:26
ajmitchRhonda: that what you wrote could be jokingly trolling :)21:26
* persia suspects morning sarcasm to be colliding with late-night worries21:27
* ajmitch is still waking up & drinking caffeine21:27
Rhondaajmitch: So then what about the "again" part?21:27
ajmitchI was joking21:27
RhondaMore seriously, there's nothing bed with Ubuntu switching some things earlier than Debian. In some sense this is one of the ereas where Ubuntu is giving back a lot to Debian in the sense of sent patches for future troubles.21:28
RhondaIt's _me_ who should in bed, I guess.21:28
RhondaSee, it's only trolling if you want to take it as such. But as one person who has received a few of these forwarded bugs for toolchain changes, I'm very grateful about that Ubuntu takes the lead in this area. :)21:32
ScottKThis got started by a certain DD complaining yesterday that Ubuntu trying to help fix RC bugs in Debian so that the Python transitions can get done faster in Debian is Ubuntu telling Debian what to do.21:39
* ajmitch shall just be quiet & do work instead :)21:39
ScottK(and no, I don't understand it either)21:39
* ajmitch was in that channel at the time21:39
Laneyevening all21:40
ajmitchhi Laney21:40
RhondaScottK: Oh, then my tongue-in-cheek comment (even if the background from my side is an appretiation of the effort) was with a bad timing. Sorry for that then.21:41
ScottKNo problem.21:41
rockclimb123I uploaded a new version of a package to Debian unstable yesterday. Any idea how often the sync to Ubuntu takes place?22:19
arandrockclimb123: Pretty often I think (suncing of my AC upload was within a day or two)22:21
rockclimb123OK, thanks22:21
broderrockclimb123: syncs are run by hand by an ubuntu archive admin, usually once a day during this stage of the ubuntu cycle22:21
rockclimb123Excellent, I was hoping it would be daily. The version in Ubuntu won't build right now because of a missing dependency.22:23
ajmitchis it unmodified in ubuntu?22:24
rockclimb123Yes. The dependency got renamed in Debian, but the binary packages are still hanging around in unstable so I didn't pick it up.22:24
rockclimb123Actually I think some changes are probably needed to the dependency too to make upgrades work properly - I'll figure that out next.22:26
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jtayloris bug 782414 ready to request a SRU?23:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 782414 in Tahoe-LAFS "tahoe-lafs can't start because foolscap packaging metadata doesn't declare the fact that it supports secure_connections" [Unknown,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78241423:44
ScottKjtaylor: Do you need to build-dep on python-setuptools or just python-pkg-resources?23:52
jtaylorScottK: setuptools, the setup.py tries to import it and only then sets the requires23:54
ScottKThen yes.  I'd say so.23:54
ScottKI accepted the nomination for Natty.23:55

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