
LLStarksthis gnome3 transition on oneiric is really rough03:24
LLStarksi think firefox is having focus issues because of it03:24
micahgLLStarks: I'm waiting for the first update-manager upload with the devel release enabled to update03:26
LLStarksone more time plz03:27
micahgLLStarks: I haven't upgraded yet, so I can't confirm or deny03:27
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
chrisccoulsoni doubt the gnome 3 transition has anything to do with focus issues in firefox10:06
chrisccoulsonit's because of compiz. and it's broken in natty too10:06
chrisccoulsoni'm really starting to hate compiz10:07
chrisccoulsoni should maybe start using reverse psychology on it, because it always does the opposite of what i wanted it to do10:07
Fudgeis the ppa ppa:ubuntu-mozilla-daily/ppa ?10:42
chrisccoulsonfta - did you upgrade to oneiric yet? i'm just starting it now12:57
ftachrisccoulson, i did, 2 days ago12:57
chrisccoulsonhow did it go?12:57
ftaquite ok. the upgrade fails because of bug 779174 but no big deal12:58
ubot2Launchpad bug 779174 in openjdk-6 "package ca-certificates-java 20110426 failed to install/upgrade: fix path to libnss3 for multiarch" [Critical,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77917412:58
chrisccoulsonnice. the upgrade is going to remove evolution. i smell a conspiracy here12:58
ftaand the gnome theme is weird12:58
chrisccoulsonfta - i guess the theme is weird because we don't have a gtk3 engine or theme yet12:58
ftayep, saw that this morning12:59
chrisccoulsonthat's being worked on12:59
ftaThe following packages have been kept back:12:59
fta  evolution-data-server evolution-data-server-common libebook1.2-10 openarena openarena-server12:59
ftaif i force it, it removes evo12:59
ftabut i depend on it12:59
ftaand i can't use tb13:01
chrisccoulsonfta - do you want me to look after the umd PPA btw?13:15
chrisccoulsonfta - i can do that. but i'll need some help from you to run your bot ;)13:15
chrisccoulson(to start with)13:15
ftasure. There's a README in the sources, and i'd be happy to help if it's not enough13:16
chrisccoulsonfta - cool, thanks. i'll take a look whilst my machine is upgrading13:16
chrisccoulsonmicahg, which interfaces does gcu-plugin use btw? (I saw your comment on desktop-o-mozilla-rapid-release-maintenance)13:18
chrisccoulsonfta - oh, that's quite well documented :)13:38
chrisccoulsonwhere do you keep the current config for umd?13:38
ftain a branch13:38
ftalet me check if it's committed13:38
chrisccoulsonfta - i found lp:~fta/+junk/ppa-confs, but it looks out of date13:38
ftaand rev151 for the bot itself13:40
ftaand my crontab has "0 5 * * * /data/bot/src/daily.sh -e umd"13:43
ftachrisccoulson, ^^13:43
chrisccoulsonfta - excellent, thanks13:43
ftayou should probably pull the .daily branches to preserve the history13:43
ftaalso, iirc, the get-orig-source of the mozilla packages (mozclient) is not able to properly initiate the upstream cache13:45
chrisccoulsonfta - how do you sign the packages from a cron job btw?13:58
ftai use a key without password13:59
chrisccoulsonfta - ah, ok. i thought that might be the answer14:00
chrisccoulsonhmmm, my machine is really starting to crawl now14:01
=== m_conley_away is now known as m_conley
ftachrisccoulson, did it work?15:31
chrisccoulsonfta - the bot or the upgrade? ;)15:33
chrisccoulsonmy machine is in a pretty bad way15:33
ftauh, both? :)15:33
chrisccoulsonfta - yeah, i'll try the bot now i've upgraded15:35
ftabug 14708015:40
ubot2Launchpad bug 147080 in update-manager-core "do-release-upgrade should make disabling third party repositories optional" [Wishlist,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/14708015:40
chrisccoulsonfta - yeah, the bot seems to be working so far (although, it's just downloading mozilla-central atm)16:00
ftachrisccoulson, yep, that's why you'd better use the cache16:20
* micahg hugs fta and chrisccoulson 16:22
chrisccoulsonhi micahg, how are you? did you upgrade to oneiric yet? ;)16:25
micahgchrisccoulson: no, waiting for update-manager to recognize oneiric :)16:25
chrisccoulsoni just did an apt-get dist-upgrade ;)16:26
* micahg supposes he could do that16:26
micahgmaybe over the weekend16:26
chrisccoulsonit's a lot of fun ;)16:27
chrisccoulsonfta - ok, that seems to be working fine16:31
chrisccoulsoncould you add me to ~ubuntu-mozilla-daily too please?16:32
asac[reed]: hey man!16:35
asac[reed]: who should we talk to on automated benchmarking of browser rendering and what benchmarks you use and have in the repo?16:35
chrisccoulsonhi :)16:35
asachello friends!16:35
chrisccoulsonasac - how are you? recovered from UDS?16:37
asacyes!! i am back on track16:37
asacfoot is back to human shapes16:37
chrisccoulsonthat's good :)16:37
asacantibiotics and sleep for 60 of 80 hours helped16:37
asacstill not 100% ok but i see light16:38
=== m_conley is now known as m_conley-lunch
ftachrisccoulson, done. could I stop the bot on my side then?17:19
ftaasac, hey17:19
chrisccoulsonfta - thanks. yeah, i can take over that now17:20
asachello fta17:20
micahgfta: thank you for running the bot all these years17:22
asacfta: you got rid of the bot? wow17:43
asaccongrats for the transition ... hope you can use the new time to contribute more to the core of things17:44
ftaasac, well, the plan was more to retire18:03
asacfta: retire entirely?18:12
asacdont tell me that ... how comes?18:12
asactell me what you want!18:14
LLStarkschrisccoulson, i'm on oneiric and i've been having sporadic focus issues with firefox since gnome3 started landing18:15
ftaasac, i drafted something on my blog weeks ago explaining why, i still need to finish it18:16
asacfta: ic ... whatver that is, I loved working with you! and it is a pleasure to know you!18:18
asacif you need anything you know where to find me!18:18
asaci hope you still stay in low maintenance mode18:18
asacrather blog about what is bad etc. ;)18:18
asacbut not sure; i understand if you are super fed up. just would have loved to help more and feel really bad that i couldnt18:18
ftaasac, well, thanks. but i guess there's nothing you don't already know18:31
=== m_conley-lunch is now known as m_conley
micahgchrisccoulson: libgtk2-mozembed-perl is a suggests of perl, no need to drop the package from the archive20:12
micahgoops, suggests of gmusicbrowsert20:12
chrisccoulsonmicahg, right. i haven't checked all the package relationships in detail yet. all i've checked is that they are there20:22
* chrisccoulson sharpens axe for thunderbird-locales20:23
bhearsumanyone know if there's plans to add mozilla-aurora and/or mozilla-beta based builds to the Mozilla Daily PPA?20:28
m_conleybhearsum: ask again, now that chrisccoulson is back. :)20:34
chrisccoulsonmy connection died when i undocked my laptop20:34
m_conleychrisccoulson: bhearsum asked:  "are there plans to add mozilla-aurora and/or mozilla-beta based builds to the Mozilla Daily PPA?"20:34
chrisccoulsonm_conley, bhearsum - there are no plans for aurora atm20:35
chrisccoulsonfor beta, we will provide beta builds in the firefox-next PPA20:35
chrisccoulsonand we will also upload them to the development release of ubuntu20:35
chrisccoulsoni'm already ready to push the button on 5.0 ;)20:35
bhearsumwould it be a lot of work to set-up mozilla-aurora based builds? i've got no experience with Ubuntu PPAs, but tons of experience with Mozilla builds20:37
chrisccoulsonbhearsum, it probably wouldn't be too much effort if there is a demand for it20:37
chrisccoulsonbeta builds are definitely important for us, as thats what we'll be using to test our security updates in the future ;)20:38
bhearsumthanks for your time chrisccoulson, i think i'm going to do some reading about PPAs and see if i can get one for mozilla-aurora going20:40
jcastrochrisccoulson: is there a bug report for quicklists for tbird?20:40
chrisccoulsonbhearsum, cool, no problem. i can probably get aurora builds going soon. i'm still adjusting to my new workflow :)20:42
chrisccoulsonjcastro, i'm not sure if there is a bug report for that20:42
bhearsumcool :)20:43
Dimmuxxchrisccoulson: so 5 will be built the moment it's official? ;)20:43
chrisccoulsonDimmuxx, it will be uploaded to oneiric, yes. i'm already running our build here20:44
Dimmuxxwhat about the -next ppa?20:44
jcastrochrisccoulson: there's no WI for it in the unity-integration spec, did we forget or is it one of those assumed tasks?20:44
chrisccoulsoni'll put it in the firefox-next PPA too, which will probably become the staging area for transitioning lucid, maverick and natty too20:44
chrisccoulsonjcastro, it's all part of launcher integration. that is there isn't it?20:45
jcastrofirefox is mentioned, but not tbird.20:45
Dimmuxxgreat to hear, the 4 betas were usually a couple days after release20:45
jcastro(I'm not trying to generate more work, just trying to get them all sorted)20:45
jcastrochrisccoulson: someone from the community made a .desktop file, I just want to make sure it gets to the right spot, should I file a bug in lp with it or upstream?20:46
chrisccoulsonoh, xchat died there. i'm loving oneiric20:47
chrisccoulsonjcastro, i think m_conley already has plans for quicklists20:47
jcastroah cool20:48
jcastrom_conley: is there a bug report somewhere?20:48
chrisccoulsonbhearsum, do you run ubuntu btw?20:48
bhearsumchrisccoulson: yeah, i'm on 11.04 currently20:48
Dimmuxxchrisccoulson: it's just telling you to switch to irssi20:49
chrisccoulsonbhearsum, oh, cool. you work on firefox don't you?20:49
chrisccoulsonDimmuxx, i like xchat (when it doesn't crash)20:50
bhearsumchrisccoulson: yeah, i'm a Release Engineer at Mozilla20:50
chrisccoulsonbhearsum, oh, that's good to know :)20:50
Dimmuxxchrisccoulson: all gui clients I've tried always have some flaws20:51
chrisccoulsonDimmuxx, i think that's true of all software ;)20:52
bhearsumsome more than others :)20:52
Dimmuxxprobably but there are some that you can live with at least :P20:52
chrisccoulsonthis windows 95 look is really starting to hurt my eyes now20:53
chrisccoulsoni want ambiance back again!20:53
Dimmuxxso 11.10 will look like win95?20:53
chrisccoulsonDimmuxx, it does at the moment because there is no gtk3 theme20:53
chrisccoulsoni guess if i fix my theme settings that i can get ambiance back for firefox though20:54
chrisccoulsoni'm sure we still have gtk2 themes installed20:54
* bhearsum decides to wait a bit before upgrading to 11.1020:57
Dimmuxxthe linux server I'm using at work is using a really old suse version so it's a good reminder of how terrible gnome can look :P20:57
m_conleyjcastro: no bug report, no.  :/20:58
chrisccoulsonbhearsum, yes, 11.10 is only for the crazy at the moment :)20:58
m_conleyjcastro: but i'm hoping to get the Unity Launcher extension into the PPAs tomorrow, and have the .desktop updated to include the quicklists.20:59
m_conleyjcastro: that's the plan, anyhow.20:59
chrisccoulsonm_conley, i've just thought of something21:03
chrisccoulsonyour extension depends on tbird 3.3 doesn't it?21:03
m_conleychrisccoulson: it does indeed21:04
chrisccoulsonheh :)21:04
chrisccoulsonwe don't have 3.3 just yet21:04
chrisccoulsonalthough, i'm almost ready to upload it21:04
bhearsumisn't it in https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-mozilla-daily/+archive/ppa already?21:05
chrisccoulsonbhearsum, i think that build has been broken for a little while. i'm going to transition that to comm-central this evening21:05
chrisccoulsoni was sort-of hoping we would get a 3.3 beta release soon :)21:05
chrisccoulsonm_conley, http://is.gd/xLruvu21:17
chrisccoulsonlooks whats at number 1021:17
m_conleychrisccoulson: uh oh.  :/21:26
chrisccoulsonm_conley, i've got a fix for that already though21:26
chrisccoulsonit's pretty easily reproducible by installing the MR Tech Toolkit addon21:26
m_conleywhat's the issue?21:26
chrisccoulsonm_conley, pretty much the same issue that was causing the lightning crash you looked at ages ago21:27
m_conleychrisccoulson: a new type of node?21:27
m_conleychrisccoulson: something that dummy doesn't account for?21:27
chrisccoulsonexcept it seems to be adding a non-XUL element to the menu, and the extension just bails out of building the menu then21:27
chrisccoulsonbut then another bug causes it to crash21:28
chrisccoulsonall of the destructors were assuming that the nodes initialized correctly21:28
chrisccoulsonso i've fixed that now21:28
m_conleywhew. :)21:28
chrisccoulsoni'm also causing a common crash in firefox too, but for a different issue :(21:29
chrisccoulsonbut that's an easy fix too21:29
chrisccoulsoni only realized after someone reported that to launchpad, and then i decided to do a search on crash-stats, and found the tbird crasher too21:29
=== m_conley is now known as m_conley_away
BUGabundohey fta23:34
fta oops23:35
ftabad focus23:35
BUGabundodon't complain23:37
BUGabundoClassic dies on me today23:37
BUGabundono gtk themes23:37

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