
=== mnepton is now known as mneptok
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (s-dfaqwfd appears to be abusive and has been muted, will need to be UNMUTED MANUALLY)01:39
CoreyMight want to fix floodbot  triggering on NAT cloaks.01:40
rwwCorey: poke LjL about it, he's the floodbot person ;)01:45
rwwand yes, i did say that to highlight LjL ;)01:45
IdleOnerww: is qin banned?01:58
rwwnot that I know of01:58
IdleOnethought I saw you mention something a couple days ago01:58
IdleOneabout them01:58
rwwoh hey, it's shcherbak. I knew it'd be someone that'd been in #ubuntu a while02:00
rwwanyway. no, doesn't look like it.02:00
rww(I've been idly wondering who the new three-letter-nick person that answers questions like they're not new is)02:01
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (sffreer appears to be abusive and has been muted, will need to be UNMUTED MANUALLY)02:04
rwwubottu: I'll get right on that ;)02:10
ubotturww: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)02:10
rwwAssuming that nobody minds, I'm going to be leaving #ubuntu +r for a while, since these dolts are apparently watching for it to go -r.02:11
=== Jordan_U_ is now known as Jordan_U
ubottuHere I am, brain the size of a planet and they ask me to respond to factoid requests. Call that job satisfaction? Because I don't.03:18
HFSPLUSMy brain is quad core on 200MG caffiene03:20
HFSPLUSand it runs at 300Ghjz03:21
HFSPLUSplus ubuntu sucks cock03:21
* rww giggles03:21
HFSPLUSmac os x is god!03:21
IdleOnealmost had me waiting for more specs03:21
HFSPLUSgo go power rangers03:21
rwwIdleOne: almost makes me want to use Ubuntu03:21
IdleOnerww: I hear you03:21
HFSPLUSmy brain specs are03:22
IdleOneEOL hardware?03:22
HFSPLUS3.2Ghz Clock Speed 4 cores 256GB l2 Cache 1GB l1 Cache03:22
HFSPLUS500Ghz FSB03:22
rwwHFSPLUS: I haven't seen you in a while. I take it you're not here to resolve your multitude of bands?03:22
HFSPLUSand it is hyperthreaded03:22
rwwbans. or bands too if you want.03:22
HFSPLUSand it runs exclusivly on my kernel Brain03:22
HFSPLUSwhen i take 1000Mg caffiene my brain rockets up to 1Thz03:23
HFSPLUSanyways i urge you to ban me03:23
rwwoh, YankeesFan is HFSPLUS? Lol, I never made that connection.03:23
rwwor I did any forgot. either way, amused.03:23
rwwand **03:23
HFSPLUSwhos YankeesFan?03:24
IdleOneI am asking the questions here03:24
IdleOnewhy do you want to be banned?03:24
HFSPLUSban me!03:25
rwwI like the bantracker comment for their +b in #ubuntu: "boring troll"03:27
IdleOneHe was slightly entertaining this time03:28
elkyAbout as entertaining as fish in a barrel really. The most exciting bit is the nuking.03:30
=== Jordan_U_ is now known as Jordan_U
cdbsPlease remove the OCaml rebuild bit from the #ubuntu+1 topic and add "Do not upgrade gnome-settings-daemon to 3.0+ as it doesn't work well with Unity yet"10:49
LjLCorey: what's it about nat cloaks?11:45
ubottutheadmin called the ops in #ubuntu ()14:37
AmaranthPici: I only see two users with that hostmask14:38
jribPici: same ip as nickblotbla which I said "hello hello hello" to if you recall14:38
AmaranthChaosfreund and nickbotbla14:38
PiciI sent a message to marten__ earlier who is on the same connection that we don't allow bots in our channel.14:39
jribDrego is on now from the same connection14:40
sdhasuban me!15:36
sdhasui hit the gym hardcore everyday15:36
sdhasufuck ubuntu15:36
sdhasufuck linux15:36
sdhasumac os x is god!15:36
IdleOnesdhasu: why do you want to be banned?15:36
sdhasucuz i hit the gym hardcore15:37
sdhasui need a doctor15:37
sdhasumeow meow15:37
sdhasui bet no one hits the gym hardcore like i do15:38
ikoniaI bet I do15:41
jrib"* (with ubuntu)"15:53
ubottuIn #ubuntu-irc, arand said: !partialupgrade is <reply> Partial upgrades offered by update-manager, or excessive removals by "apt-get dist-upgrade" are often due to repository inconsistencies, the best fix is often to simply wait, see http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1751299 for more info.16:09
ubottuIn #ubuntu-irc, arand said: !partial is <alias> !partialupgrade16:10
popeythat makes no sense at all16:15
IdleOneit doesn't?16:15
popeyits wrong in a number of ways16:16
popey"Most "Partial Upgrade" situations occur due to package archive inconsistencies, which will typically be resolved within a few hours. If your package manager is confused, and so are you, simply wait and hold off the updates until things settle down. "16:16
popeyits just flat out not true16:16
IdleOneyou mean the info in the link?16:17
popeyI just dont agree with any of it16:17
IdleOnePlease edit the factoid to make it clearer16:18
PiciIts the information in the page, not just the factoid16:18
popeyno, I disagree with the page _and_ the factoid16:18
popeybut I don't know how to fix it16:18
PiciAlso, I'm not a fan of "Due to the fact that uploads to the repositories of the active development branch are asynchronous and uncoordinated,..."16:18
popeyI can't fix the forum16:18
popey'excessive removals by "apt-get dist-upgrade" - What does that even _mean_?16:19
PiciIts a bit vague.  Often package removals are exactly what dist-upgrades should be doing.16:20
popeydist-upgrades are something that people don't understand, people often give out stupid advice like "you should apt-get update && apt-get upgrade" thinking that "dist-upgrade" means "upgrade from 10.04 to 10.10"16:20
IdleOneThe wording may not be perfect, but I have found that when upgrades want to remove many packages best thing is to just wait it out. Pici yes but not when it wants to uninstall half your system.16:21
popeyso people avoid dist-upgrade when they actually _should_ use it16:21
PiciI always do dist-upgrades myself, I avoid 'apt-get update'16:21
popeyIdleOne: i would like to see a real world example of that16:21
popeynot anecdotal "wait worked for me" evidence16:21
popeyPici: i think you mean 'I avoid 'apt-get upgrade' '16:22
Picipopey: er, yes. that makes more sense ;)16:22
charlie-tcareal world example was during natty, when an update to xorg removed half the installed packages and broke the system for days16:22
popeysee, easy to get confused :)16:22
IdleOnepopey: I can't show you one right now as my system is fairly stable, wants to remove evolution because of depends issues.16:22
popey"during natty" you mean on a +1 development release16:23
popeythats to be expected16:23
popeysurely we're talking about non-dev releases here?16:23
IdleOnethis is for +116:23
popeythis factoid is specifically aimed at +1?16:23
IdleOneleast the wiki is for Oneiric16:23
PiciThe link is in the forum's oneiric subforum16:23
* popey shuts up16:23
IdleOnelet's ask arand in -irc to make sure16:23
* popey apologises16:23
popey(I still think the dist-upgrade bit is vague and badly worded)16:24
popeybut I apologise, I thought this was a non-dev factoisd16:24
charlie-tcapopey: the point you make is still valid16:24
PiciSome of the points*16:24
charlie-tcadoing apt-get upgrade still fails to keep a system up to date16:24
PiciI agree, partial upgrades shouldn't be happening at all in non-dev releases, and if they are, its usually the user's fault (adding some repo with weird dependencies, etc)16:25
popey(or removing *buntu-desktop)16:25
popey(as a result of removing... oh. I don't know.. pulseaudio)16:25
IdleOneSo, who would like to reword that factoid and make it a +1 only ? I nominate charlie-tca16:26
IdleOneif it needs rewording16:27
charlie-tcaHow did I get to be the one that doesn't anything.16:27
charlie-tcaHow did I get to be the one that doesn't know anything.16:27
charlie-tcaI don't even have bot access16:27
IdleOnesuggest a better worded version16:28
IdleOneI'll add it :)16:28
IdleOnebut I am not sure how to enable it for +1 only now that it is global16:28
PiciIts not in the bot at all yet.16:29
charlie-tcaPartial upgrades during the develpment cycle, or excessive removals are often due to repository inconsistencies, the best fix is often to simply wait.16:29
PiciJust do !partialupgrade-#ubuntu+1 is <reply> etc...16:30
IdleOnePici: I !forgot it16:30
charlie-tcasomething like that16:30
PiciIdleOne: Just keep it forgotten then, and do the !partialupgrade-#ubuntu+1 is  command16:31
PiciDoes epiphany use webkit or gecko nowadays?16:36
charlie-tcaSorry, still trying to get by brain engaged fully here16:39
rwwcdbs: I'm beginning to think we should remove issue notices from #ubuntu+1's topic and put "Go subscribe to ubuntu-devel-announce" (or wherever this is mentioned) instead ;P17:01
rwwI know in Debian land there's an expectation that people running non-stable versions subscribe to a ML or two to find out about breakage. Is Ubuntu the same way?17:01
jpdsI refuse to use systemd until it does email.17:03
persiaI've just been reminded to review ban 37708.  I think I can drop it, but I'd appreciate some handholding through dealing with the bantracker, when someone has time (no hurry)17:30
ikoniapersia: what's up ?17:32
persiaikonia, I've never used the bantracker before :)17:32
IdleOneSo, your question is how to remove the ban from bantracker? you don't. just remove the ban in the channel it is set and the bot will update the tracker17:33
ikoniaok, lets walk it through17:33
ikoniaahh, I missed that was the point of the question17:34
ikoniaubottu will update the BT for you17:34
ubottuikonia: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:34
persiaAh, so I don't have to log into the bantracker or do anything?  Excellent!17:34
persiaThanks a lot.17:34
oCeanhi there18:17
oCean<steven__> in #u   vous etes vraiment une bande de pute18:18
Picile sigh19:16
macofor reference, iirc "porco dio" is "i shit on god" ... common spanish way of swearing is "porco" + $holy_thing19:47
macoah no, spanish is caga dio19:48
IdleOneit's also an italian swear loosely translates to god damnit.19:48
macothat one was italian for "pig god"19:48
macoIdleOne: hey thanks19:48
IdleOnebut it is more nasty in Italian19:49
IdleOneanyway not nice19:49
macodirect translation and looser meaning don't work so well on swear words19:49
macoi got far enough to figure out "offensive"19:49
IdleOneright :)19:49
rwwI got far enough to figure out "irrelevant spam" and then they switched to English.19:50
rwwTake that, polyglots.19:50
macoso make that the spanish way of swearing is caga + $holy_thing19:50
macorww: the word the not xn4 person (bah forgot the nick) said that started with an m was the spanish word for the s-word-as-a-nouse19:50
maconouse? huh. um. a mouse thats a noun? no theyre always nouns....19:51
IdleOneclose but that was French19:51
maco(ps, that formula for spanish swearing applies pretty much exclusively to spain. latin america is more creative)19:51
rwwthere was a not-french one too, IdleOne19:51
IdleOneoh didn't see that one19:51
IdleOneguess I need to add some non English words to my watch list19:52
IdleOnerww: how else do i catch the language and increase my ban count?19:57
IdleOneI want to be the best I what I do19:57
Jordan_UThe state of IRC needs more funding. Your ticket quotas have been increased!19:58
Flannelyay IRC taxes!20:02
IdleOneWe have new oppressors!20:21
IdleOneerr, I mean ops20:21
LjLannuntio vobis gaudium magnum20:21
IdleOneyou just got a new gun?20:21
LjLIdleOne: yes, i just need to register it to the gun access list20:22
* topyli hides behind committee decision, washes hands20:29
* popey reads his irc mail. Golly, didnt expect that ☺21:36
* popey rejoins -ot ;)21:37
* LjL rolls eyes a little21:38
rwwLjL: welcome back to the illuminati conspiracy22:41
charlie-tcaCongratulations to the new ops! May your day never be boring again.22:46
rww#ubuntu ops: comes with free interesting times22:47
CoreyLucky lucky me. :-)22:47
tonyyarussoooooh, that's who Corey is.  mmk22:48
Coreytonyyarusso: Yeah, I'm transitioning over.22:48
tonyyarussoWho said people could change their nicks?  Geez.22:48
LjLrww: thanks22:51
* rww flaunts his voice22:56
LjLdunn daa dunn22:57
* ldunn wallows in his -v23:02
LjLldunn: do you have any inquiry for the core channels operators?23:02
LjLldunn: if not, please part the channel23:02
* LjL hugs ldunn23:02
rwwldunn: be careful, he bites23:02
rwwBiting is like kissing, only there's a winner.23:03
macoand she's a woman! she's a woman and she's the tardis!23:04
macodid you wish REALLY hard?23:04
ldunnTIL #ubuntu-offtopic is mostly like -ot but with fewer people23:04
* tonyyarusso does not understand reference ;(23:04
* persia notes that same-species biting is one of the most virulent potential pathogen exchange mechanisms available23:04
LjLldunn: itym #Ubuntu-olps?23:04
rwwldunn: I think you accidentally an -ops23:04
ldunnI do. :(23:04
ldunnirssi tab-complete for channels does not yet read my mind.23:05
* tonyyarusso wonders what -olps is like23:05
persialdunn, If you can make it work with a joystick, it's not that hard to get to mind-reading.23:05
macotonyyarusso: latest episode of doctor who, "The Doctor's Wife", by Neil Gaiman23:05
bazhangldunn, !23:06
macothe tardis's soul is put into a woman's body. she kisses the Doctor, then someone says "careful now, she bites!" and she goes "i do? oh! *bite* i like biting! biting's like kissing but with a winner!"23:06
ldunnhi bazhang !23:06
ldunnttthaaaannnkk you.23:06
highvoltageman I really should start watching dr who23:07
highvoltageis it ok just to start with season 6? or should I start from 2005? or from the 1960's or whenever it was?23:07
rwwokays, work time23:07
macoseason 5 probably23:07
macobecause there's a single story arch across 5 & 623:07
tonyyarussoSounds like the sort of thing where if you miss a bit you'll be even more confused.23:08
macotonyyarusso: eh, its a sitcom. you can watch an episode or two and whatevs23:08
macoits just that there's a bigger story arch thats taking 2 seasons to go through, so if you want that entire story, you should start at season 5 (when matt smith started)23:08
macohighvoltage: which means you've got about 15 episodes to catch up on23:09
highvoltageyeah I guess it's good to be current so I'll start with season 5 and catch up, and then take it from the beginning23:09
macoheh from the beginning is 196323:10
macoive seen all the post-2005 episodes and a decent handful of the 70s23:10
macobut ive by no means gone through the 80-something DVDs crimsun gave me23:10
maco(he was downsizing)23:10
IdleOneldunn: welcome :) and congrats23:25
ldunnIdleOne: thanks :)23:26
IdleOneCorey: congrats to you also :)23:34
popeymaco: do you listen to the doctor who podcast?23:41
CoreyIdleOne: Thanks!23:45

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