
lifesfProFTPD warning: cannot start neither in standalone nor in inetd/xinetd mode. Check your configuration.00:01
flowbeei believe port 6379 (for redis) is open on my server.  1) how do i scan that port to see if its open (i'm also on ubuntu now; server is too); 2) how do i close it? 3) is there a REALLY SIMPLE firewall that will block all ports except say port 80 and my ssh port?00:24
qman__flowbee, nmap, ufw, ufw00:30
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lifesfHow to actually get access to a folder via ftp, samba or telepathy... so far the best i've managed is to see the linux server on windows network (using, writing, blah blah is impossible) and a root folder access via ftp; i'm completely confused,.. i've tried adding directory and user access but the guides i seem to follow aren't getting me anywhere.00:36
Proz01di'm running openvpn and i  finally got a connection to the vpn working. I'm routing all my requests through the vpn however i can't reach any sites. I'm going to open up port 80 on the server but my question is : is this the best way to do this?00:51
Shadow_aokis someone awake to help me solve my problem (and get some sleep at some point) ?00:55
lifesfi wish someone was,.. i've been at this for about 8hrs now and in here for about,.. 3 and still no answer00:58
Shadow_aoki got a problem with this error : "Unsupported conversion from utf-8 to ISO-8859-1: Invalid argument at /usr/share/perl5/Debconf/Encoding.pm line 52, <GEN23> line 30."00:58
Shadow_aokwhat's yours ?00:58
lifesfyour converting an iso???? i don't know... mine shoudl be simple for anyone whom knows a bit i think... i just want access to my folder via ftp01:00
Shadow_aokwell, just install proftpd01:00
hallynlifesf: can you use scp instead?01:01
lifesfso far i've managed to see it but i don't know how to grasp permission rights01:01
Shadow_aoklooks for a tutorial about proftpd and virtual users01:01
lifesfi am using proftpd01:01
lifesfi got the folder all setup up after seeing i don't know how many webpages on the net01:01
Shadow_aokyour user needs to have the same virtual uid and gid than the owner of your files01:01
Shadow_aokyou'll need mysql too01:01
lifesfand my last step is to get the rights to it.. even though i enter my name and password i have no write access01:02
lifesfi'm only using one user01:02
lifesfi have lamp installed01:02
lifesfanyways,.. my head's going to explode,.. betcha all i have to do is put some frickin name in one file and everything will work,.. i'm going for the advil bottle and sleep in very little time i think, i started search with what you have told me Shadow_aok, i'll keep those pages open.. thnx01:08
lifesfhonestly,.. all i want to do is get permission rights to my ftp folder; there's no folder messing around nothing,.. i just need user access to var/www/ that's it... i don't care if i must login with root, ANYTHING as long as it works! please anyone!01:40
twbIf this machine is connected to a network, you SHOULD care.01:41
lifesfi don't i'm using this thing to test01:41
twbBecause if you allow YOUR machine to be compromised, it can be used to attack OUR machines, so you're potentially hurting others as well as yourself.01:41
twbAlso http://mywiki.wooledge.org/FtpMustDie01:41
twbIf your idiot users require FTP (instead of, say, SFTP) to upload files, then it might be easiest to have a new directory (say, /srv/www) that you instruct apache to serve as /01:42
lifesfi'm alone on this machine, i'm trying to learn how to build websites and i'm trying to test various crap using the server but it's a complete pain to just transfer my files on it, everything else seems to work fine01:43
lifesfi don't need many users, just one01:45
lifesfi'm trying to get access with samba,.. same problem01:46
lifesfsamba locks me in home directory01:46
lifesfproftpd won't let me delete, write ... nothing just view01:46
lifesfwebmin allows me to transfer one file at a time01:46
lifesfworst part is i used to use this 4years ago to test my things and it all worked well except i'd get numerous attack attemps but trying this again i feel i've become completely dumb...01:48
twblifesf: use SFTP01:52
MartynBlife : try relearning everything for ipv6 :)01:55
lifesfsftp... with putty you mean?01:57
lifesf"like putty you mean**01:57
twbOr filezilla or winscp or whatever the hell you windows users use01:59
lifesflol;... i go back and forth between windows and linux at times but i have yet much to learn twb :P01:59
lifesfomg thank you twb,.. didn't except a frickin ftp client like that would cut the crap02:02
lifesf8hrs of this for THAT! can't believe it but thanks02:02
lifesfactually,.. still says permission denied02:03
twbConnect to root@ with key-based auth, or use a different directory02:04
=== medberry is now known as med_out
uvirtbotNew bug: #784937 in cloud-init (main) "/mnt not mounted, swap not used, disk is xvde" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78493702:36
Delerium_Hi guys, I'm looking for a web hosting company for a new project.  I need the ability to: SSH / Install my own Software / At least 2gb ram / 50-10 gigs HD.  What company would you proposed?03:05
toddnineDelerium_: I really like rackspace cloud03:07
toddnineSuper easy and will meet your requirements at a decent price03:07
Delerium_toddnine, Hey!  Thanks .. I was looking at a local company and they offer me a dedicated server for 79$ a month (CDN), but it's really overkill for me (8gb ram, 2x 350gigs, 5000GB transfert per month)... OVERKILL! :)03:08
greppyDelerium_: you are probably looking for a VPS provider, not a traditional webhost.03:08
Delerium_Yep Greppy, since I need to SSH into the box, and I will most likely have to install Zimbra03:09
greppyDelerium_: you can get ssh on a lot of traditional web hosting rigs, installing software, not so much :)03:09
Delerium_I was looking at iWeb.com since it's a local company (Montreal, Canada)03:09
Delerium_greppy: yeah... I was with aplus.net back then and they ask for my driver license to get the ssh shell.. go figure03:10
greppythat's... wierd.03:10
Delerium_greppy: Yup... and I never gave them... I'm running a server, not a car!03:11
Delerium_Is it me or that cloud computing is starting to make me sick?!03:12
jmarsdenDelerium_: Just don't inhale when you are in in the cloud :)03:13
Delerium_toddnine, on rackspace, I see the the cost are based on hour... is that based on uptime or CPU/MEM used? I mean. If I have a 2gb deal and I only use 1gb, will I be bill for 2gb?03:17
toddnineDelerium_: Nah, you pay for your allocated capacity03:18
toddnineWe use a combination of rackspace and EC2.  Rackspace for our www and operational severs (chef etc) and EC2 for our actual clusters03:18
toddnineEC2 is cheaper when you buy a reserved instance, but I find it's a lot of overhead managing EBS etc03:18
Delerium_toddnine, Looking at the chart on rackspace, for a 1024gb cloud server, which 730 hours of service, it costs almost the same as a dedicated server03:19
benediktCan anyone give me the md5sum for /usr/sbin/sshd on Ubuntu 8.10 (OpenSSH_5.1p1 Debian-3ubuntu1) ?03:24
toddnineDelerium_: I know, but we don't use that kind of capacity :)03:33
toddnineWe only use the 1024 mb ones03:33
toddnineAnd we don't have to wait 2 days for someone to get their ass in gear to set up our server :)03:33
Delerium_toddnine, yeah ... I might need a bit more ... (Tomcat + Zimbra + Mysql + ircd, apache, and blabla..) That's another thing I take in consideration, being a SysAdmin myself, I hate to go to our datacenter ;)03:34
Delerium_It's cold, noisy. can't drink a coffee, can't use my cell phone, no internet connection... beauty!03:35
benediktI found it. Just in case, found the package on old-releases.ubuntu.com and extracted it.03:38
NOSaturnhello.... i'm wondering how i can remotely access my server's terminal?03:52
rewtthe console?03:53
NOSaturnit's a cloud server and i can do it through this java applet VNC thing,03:53
rewtwell if it's a cloud server, they probably have it running in a vm, and you're seeing the console via the vm03:54
NOSaturnyou'll have to excuse me.... i've not touched ubuntu server before so i'm a noob03:57
rewti'm guessing that's not ubuntu-specific; the vm interface would show the console of any os running in the vm03:58
NOSaturnyes. i can... but shouldn't i be able to open a windows on my computer and access the console there?03:59
rewtyou'd have to check with the cloud provider on how to access it04:00
NOSaturno gee.... i found i could connect with vnc viewer04:13
=== gtaylor2 is now known as gtaylor
greyburnHi All, im looking for a little advice. I run bind9 internally and want to hijack a DNS request e.g. monkeys.banannas.com. I thought about just setting an zone but this will hijack the whole domain, which i dont want to do... Just one single record. Any tips or suggestions? Thanks in advance05:34
koolhead11|afkhi all07:11
MartinNhi, short question: i would like to export a nfsv3 mounted directory using nfsv407:53
MartinNis it possible07:54
twbIf it's within the nfsv4 root export, sure08:12
twbIn fact, the kernel server's default implementation serves content as both by default IIRC08:12
sporedito setup a ubuntu private cloud how many public ip i require08:22
twbYou probably don't even need to use IP as your layer 2 protocol08:24
sporedii am just trying to setup a private cloud @home08:24
twbsporedi: I'm not stopping you08:25
sporeditwb: sorry i did not get u ,u want i should not try that ?08:26
twbsporedi: I don't care08:26
sporedisorry i am not getting u08:27
twbsporedi: never mind08:27
sporeditwb: to understand how cloud work i want to install it ,don't have any production work08:36
sporediits asking  "Provide a list of "public" IP's for your instances"08:38
twbI wouldn't know about that08:41
MartinNtwb: what i ment was the following scenario: host A exports nfsv3, host B mounts the export of host A and shall export it as nfsv4 (so host B shall act as an nfsv3-to-nfsv4 proxy)09:04
twbMartinN: you can't re-export NFS mounts using the kernel server09:10
MartinNare there any options?09:11
twbuserspace NFS server, though that is shit09:12
twbOr I guess a non-Linux system09:12
tyrezahi there09:15
tyrezai m on a live cd09:16
tyrezai can't run this command :  fsck /dev/sdb09:16
tyrezait give me :09:17
tyrezafsck.ext2: Device or resource busy while trying to open /dev/sdb09:18
tyrezaFilesystem mounted or opened exclusively by another program?09:18
tyrezawhy i got that erro ?09:19
tyrezawhat is usefull of this command ?09:19
tyrezafsck when it doesn't work it correct09:19
twbtyreza: grep sdb /proc/mounts09:20
tyrezafsck.ext2: Device or resource busy while trying to open /dev/sdb09:21
tyrezaFilesystem mounted or opened exclusively by another program?09:21
tyrezait simply return to next line twb09:21
twbtyreza: dunno09:23
tyrezaanyone else ?09:29
_rubendoes lsof /dev/sdb show anything?09:31
tyrezaif i do : fsck /dev/sdb1 i got this :   fsck from util-linux-ng 2.18 fsck : fsck.linux_raid_member: not found fsck : Error 2 while executing fsck.linux_raid_member for /dev/sdb1109:42
tyrezaif i do : fsck /dev/sdb11 i got this :   fsck from util-linux-ng 2.18 fsck : fsck.linux_raid_member: not found fsck : Error 2 while executing fsck.linux_raid_member for /dev/sdb1109:42
_rubentyreza: cat /proc/mdstat09:45
_rubenunless linux_raid_member refers to fakeraid..09:46
twbIt might be a non-assembled array node09:46
twbmdadm --assemble --scan09:46
uvirtbotNew bug: #785052 in whois (main) "Update whois server for ".*.ua" zones" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78505209:52
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=== MartinN_ is now known as MartinN
airtonixlol what do they mean by "cloud @home"11:31
airtonixa cluster? a SAN? a NAS with a WAN facing connection ?11:31
sorenairtonix: Who?11:33
twbairtonix: "cloud" is this year's equivalent of web devs in the 90s saying "I broke the mainframe"11:36
airtonixyeah i'm just being mean11:37
airtonixand obtuse11:37
twbgood man11:39
twbWe need to keep these punks in their place11:39
coffeedude #likewise-open13:28
coffeedudeOoops.  My bad13:28
loolhallyn: Hey14:06
loolhallyn: I was checking out seabios as it currently FTBFSes and was a bit puzzled by some packaging stuff14:06
loolhallyn: There's a seabios_0.6.1.2.orig.tar.gz tarball in the archive which apparently was rolled by you, contains the packaging and a .git with upstream history14:07
loolhallyn: Is this intended?14:07
loolhallyn: Also, do you have plans to move to 0.6.2?14:07
loolhallyn: also, it currently FTBFS on amd64; this seems fixed in tip14:13
hallynlool: the ftbfs seems caused by binutils14:14
hallynthe .git wouldve been u an aacident14:15
hallyni wasnt planning to upgfr14:15
hallynupgrade until qemu-kvm updates14:15
hallyndebian is also still
hallynif you wish i'll update14:16
RoAkSoAxmorning all14:16
hallynjusgt want planning to14:16
hallynlool: there is an open bug re the ftbfs14:16
hallyni don't have the # handy (on my phone)14:17
hallynlool: but git head doesnt compile so i don't believe tghat 0.6.2 does14:18
hallynin fact, yeah i tried it yesterday too14:18
hallynRoAkSoAx: morning14:23
* hallyn wonders if he lost his connection14:26
giovanihallyn: there's a ping command in IRC just for that purpose14:26
loolhallyn: there are two FTBFS causes; one is specific to amd64 and is fixed in tip14:28
loolSee Debian #62500014:28
uvirtbotDebian bug 625000 in src:seabios "seabios: FTBFS: out/../src/bregs.h:40:5: error: duplicate member 'di_hi'" [Serious,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/62500014:28
loolhallyn: Moving to 0.6.2 would allow dropping the crude .git in the upstream tarball that you rolled14:29
RoAkSoAxhallyn: morning. How's it going today?14:30
hallynlool: but will it be compatible with qemu 0.14?14:31
hallynanyway fixing the ftbfs comes first14:31
hallynlool: thats a different failure from ours btw14:32
zulhallyn: i just uploaded lxc sorry for the delay i got side tracked14:32
hallynzul: thanks14:32
loolhallyn: I uploaded the patch for the first failure; I commented on the bug for the other failure14:32
hallynlool: i'l  take a look when at laptop14:35
loolhallyn: BTW the bug is LP #75604414:36
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 756044 in seabios "seabios version failed to build on i386" [High,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/75604414:36
=== MTecknology is now known as EvilMTeck
hallynlool: awesome, i didnt realize it was solved, thx14:39
hallynlool: i'll spin an 0.6.2 build and test with qemu14:39
hallynwithout .git :)14:39
hallynnow there is also the new ipxe14:40
hallynbut, i'e gotta run, biab14:40
loolhallyn: The binutils issue seems to be http://sourceware.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=1272614:40
uvirtbotsourceware.org bug 12726 in ld "cannot move location counter backwards, assignment related regression" [Normal,Resolved: fixed]14:40
zullynxman: this one? mcollective-plugins_0.0.0~git20110120-0ubuntu1~natty3.dsc14:41
hallynand fix is going inti o and br sru'd (back to lucid)14:41
hallyngoing into o and be SRU'd, that is14:41
lynxmanzul: yeah, the last one in the orchestra repo should be good14:42
lynxmanzul: question, to restart an instance in a postinst, should it be okay to use invoke-rc.d even if the service wasn't running?14:44
lynxmanzul: so if I do a invoke-rc.d service restart it won't exit 1 even if the service was stopped14:44
lynxmanzul: cool, ty14:44
=== med_out is now known as medberry
e-DIO-thi there: should dpkg-reconfigure slapd ask me for domain, admin and user password ?14:51
SpamapSe-DIO-t: sounds about right14:59
aBs0lut30hey guys, got a problem... am setting up samba with winbind... seem to have the winbind part up and running ok, getent group and passwd both list the domain users and groups, however chown and chgrp both fail when I try and use a domain account... what have I done wrong?15:04
SpamapSaBs0lut30: what is the failure?15:14
aBs0lut30chown: invalid group: `nobody:domain users'15:15
SpamapSaBs0lut30: ah, spaces in the names.. IIRC winbind is supposed to replace that with a +15:16
SpamapSaBs0lut30: btw that looks like *two* groups15:16
SpamapSaBs0lut30: whats your command line exactly?15:16
aBs0lut30chown nobody:domain\ users *15:16
SpamapStry chown nobody.domain\ users *15:18
* SpamapS is just guessing15:19
robbiewhallyn: fyi...Toshiba AC-100's (ARM netbooks) arriving next week :)15:19
aBs0lut30the odd part is I have another box where it works just fine like that...15:19
SpamapSaBs0lut30: and chgrp 'domain\ users' doesn't work either?15:19
smbSpamapS, Quick question: is you mailing list server-team@lists.ubuntu.com?15:20
e-DIO-tSpamapS: it sounds right to me too, but it only asks for conf omitting, db erase on package purge and ldap version..15:21
SpamapSsmb: ubuntu-server@lists.ubuntu.com15:21
smbSpamapS, Thanks. :)15:22
hallynrobbiew: cool15:22
quesoIf I've added a new disk to a machine and intend to use the whole thing for /srv, is there any reason to add a single partition on it, or should I just add the filesystem to /dev/sdb itself?15:22
SpamapSe-DIO-t: honestly, I'm one of the people who is very confused why people actually want to use LDAP.. its one of the most insanely complex things ever invented for servers. :-/15:23
e-DIO-tSpamapS: i wouldn't  -> but a customers asked for a PDC with samba/ldap & company :P15:24
Ish10Hey guys i cant figure out if I should install ubuntu 11.04 or 10.04 LTS, I really don't understand whether LTS is worth it or not. Could you guys enlighten me a bit?15:24
e-DIO-t[ah license costs...i'll rotfl when they are going to ask for any kind of "fast-change" :D15:25
SpamapSIsh10: 11.04 will cease to be supported October 201215:27
SpamapSIsh10: 10.04 will be supported until April, 201515:27
Ish10SpamapS, what is the consequence of no more support?15:27
SpamapSIsh10: no security updates, no kernel enablement for hardware, no critical bug fixes15:28
SpamapSIsh10: of course, its open source, so you can support it yourself if you have to15:28
hallynlool: so I assume you'd like to see 0.6.2 + commit 88db9fd632bf3f650244ec69e2f4fd6b2aa5fd3d15:31
SpamapSIsh10: also the supported upgrade path for 10.04 is directly to the next LTS (10.04 -> 12.04) .. whereas to get from 11.04 to 12.04, you'll have to go through 11.10)15:32
Ish10SpamapS, thank you, I don't knwo too much of the specifics if the updates are neccesary, but to be safe i'll go with 10.04 LTS15:33
SpamapSIsh10: glad I could help.15:34
loolhallyn: Sure; well 88db9fd632bf3f650244ec69e2f4fd6b2aa5fd3d is already in the packaging as a patch15:47
loolhallyn: I don't strictly care about 0.6.2, but I would like us to move away of the .orig.tar.gz we have right now, and use an official upstream tarball15:47
hallynlool: ok, will do.15:49
loolhallyn: thanks!15:59
quesoI'm setting up a new server with mysql.  I want the datadir on /srv (another disk).  Will moving the datadir have any adverse effects?  I notice there's a debian-5.1.flag file in the current data dir, should I move that?16:25
SpamapSqueso: its not necessary16:29
SpamapSqueso: but the simplest thing would be to move the whole contents to the new location16:30
SpamapSqueso: otherwise you need to recreate the root user and debian maintenance user.16:30
quesoSpamapS: Given upgrades and such, will the package know the datadir is moved?  Not sure it cares..16:31
SpamapSqueso: mysql_upgrade is used, and it reads my.cnf16:31
SpamapSqueso: and anything that does break because you changed datadir is a bug in the package.16:31
quesoSpamapS: oh, okay, great -- thanks for your help16:34
jmarsdenqueso: In the past, moving the mysql databases used to confuse the apparmor stuff for it, I don't know whether it still does.16:35
quesojmarsden: k, thanks for the heads up16:36
jmarsdenYou're welcome.16:36
SpamapSjmarsden: good catch16:37
quesoAny reason to put it in /srv/mysql/5.1/data or /srv/mysql/data or just /srv/mysql ?  What's a good practice for this?16:43
jmarsdenI don't think it matters, by default it is /var/lib/mysql, so /srv/mysql should be fine.16:44
quesojmarsden: okay, I'll do that then16:44
EvilMTeckWould it be possible to install a DHCP server on a system and have it work on only one NIC and just pass all DNS requests to the DHCP server above it?16:56
EvilMTeckNot possible... easily possible...16:56
ahs3EvilMTeck: DNS != DHCP.  that's two different servers.  you can easily have the DHCP server hand out info pointing to DNS servers most anywhere else.17:01
jpdsEvilMTeck: Have DNS1 forward requests to DNS2?17:02
EvilMTecksorry, i spaced a little bit when I said that.....17:03
quesoWhy do I have /etc/apparmor config files if the apparmor package isn't installed?  And, shouldn't it be installed by default?  I'm on lucid-10.04.17:04
jpdsqueso: Some packages have their apparmor profiles within them.17:04
quesoOh, perhaps because I did a minimum server install17:04
EvilMTeckWe have a fully configured network but it's having network issues. The network issues are most noticable between Client A and Server Y. I'd like to have A connect directly to Y without touching the rest of the network but A also needs to be able to talk to the rest of the network through Y if I do thiat.17:05
quesojpds: oh, ok17:05
EvilMTecke-DIO-t: hi?17:06
EvilMTeckjpds: does that make a little more sense?17:07
ahs3EvilMTeck: then i would set up Y as a pure forwarder to another working DNS server in your network.  then, have a DHCP entry for A that only has Y listed as a the DNS server for A.17:07
e-DIO-tEvilMTeck:  => having DHCP listening on one port, is possible,. But i can't reach why you should pass dns request to the dhcp17:08
EvilMTeckhow would I setup the dhcp server to handle the connection on one nic?17:08
ahs3it's just an option in the DHCP config file17:09
EvilMTeckahs3: I just got dhcp3-server installed.. I supposed that's somewhere :)17:10
ahs3EvilMTeck: /etc/dhcp3, usually.  the man page is pretty good17:11
EvilMTeckahs3: I guess my number one problem is making sure it only operates on eth1 so it doesn't interfere with anything else17:12
ahs3EvilMTeck: yup.  easily done.17:12
ahs3same with BIND, btw.  something like 'listen { x.y.z.a; }', iirc17:14
EvilMTeckwow... dead simple17:15
EvilMTeckit's the only thing in /etc/default/dhcp3-server :P17:15
ahs3you could also get really paranoid and tell dhcp to only hand out an address to that specific MAC, if you need to17:17
EvilMTeckI don't like paranoia; it makes my stress needlessly high17:18
EvilMTeckahs3: any chance you could help me with this? http://dpaste.com/544291/17:29
EvilMTecker... gotaa run for a bit17:29
quesoHow do I calculate the netmask for a given subnet?17:33
pangraziqueso: do you want to learn or do you just have one?17:39
ahs3EvilMTeck: you need a subnet decl for every subnet, even if you're not passing out addresses on it.  i suspect you have more than one NIC in that machine, so you'll need a subnet decl for each17:41
hallynlool: would you care to look the proposed package over, or should i just push it to oneiric?17:49
mrmistwhat do I need in the config to stop rsyslogd loging cron session open /close information to auth.log ?18:03
EvilMTeckahs3: It's saying so subnet decl for eth1; but that config is supposed to be for eth1; how can I tell it that?18:06
EvilMTeckahs3: ..... I forgot to configure eth118:09
ahs3EvilMTeck: ah.  that would do it.  it can't match the decl to an existing interface.18:10
=== hallyn is now known as hallyn_afk
Superchknqemu-kvm serial passthrough unreliable?: I've tried USB passthrough of a modem & Keyspan, serial passthrough, serial passthrough backed by Keyspan & serial, serial passthrough via telnet & raw. But I can't get my Window guest's fax software working on a libvirt/qemu-kvm Ubuntu 10.04LTS server host.18:32
hallyn_afklool: heading out for an hour;  if you want to look it over, it's at http://people.canonical.com/~serge/seabios_0.6.2-0ubuntu1-package.tar.gz.  Otherwise I'll just push it to o this afternoon.   it works for me locally18:33
uvirtbotNew bug: #785347 in samba (main) "package samba 2:3.5.8~dfsg-1ubuntu2.2 failed to install/upgrade: Unterprozess installiertes post-installation-Skript gab den Fehlerwert 1 zurück" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78534719:12
quesopangrazi: sorry, I figured it out19:32
=== hallyn_afk is now known as hallyn
pangraziqueso: np19:34
=== jkakar_ is now known as jkakar
quesoHow can a server's time be 2 minutes ahead of the ntp server it's syncing with, and how can I fix it?19:37
RoyKqueso: check /var/log/messages (or was that syslog?)19:41
RoyKperhaps it's drifting too far19:41
koolhead17/var/log/syslog it would be i suppose19:42
quesoRoyK, koolhead17: Nothing in /var/log/messages or /var/log/syslog .  Is there a way to tell it to resync and re-calculate the drift?19:43
RoyKqueso: is ntpd running?19:43
RoyKqueso: and what timesources do you have in /etc/ntp.conf?19:43
quesoRoyK: it's running.  the ntp server is one of our own servers19:44
RoyKyou can force it by running ntpdate <servername>19:45
RoyKbut you'll need to shut down ntpd first19:45
quesoRoyK: so shutdown ntpd, run ntpdate server, then start ntpd?19:46
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quesoRoyK: hmm, haven't tried that yet, but I did realize that ntpq -p gives: No association ID's returned19:51
guampaanyone, hints on blocking/analyzing MSN traffic? boss wants to block only the new "social" updates in the 2011 client20:05
guampa(and allow standard messaging)20:05
DarkwingDuckpgraner: ping20:10
rcaskeyok, I restored /etc/ssh/*rsa* to a server im bringing back up from backup and did an /etc/init.d/sshd restart but i'm still getting warnings from another box that the ssh host key has changed20:16
shaunorcaskey: have you tried restoring *dsa* too?  sshd_config references both20:23
shauno(or does on mine, 10.04 LTS)20:23
rcaskeyyes, plus it explicilty says rsa20:23
rcaskeyi checked the md5 sums and rebooted, and wala20:42
rcaskeywhen i manually clobbered the entire directory and rebootedi t made it work though, didnt see any sigs in the config files though20:43
pgranerDarkwingDuck, pong21:20
DarkwingDuckpgraner: Care for a PM?21:20
pgranerDarkwingDuck, sure21:27
JaviSRare there any spanish speaker here?21:41
JaviSRor anybody who know about kerberos+ldap+nfs21:41
erichammondJaviSR: Try #ubuntu-es21:42
JaviSRerichammond ok, thanks!21:43
erichammondJaviSR: a la orden21:44
JaviSRerichammond tienes conocimientos sobre Kerberos Ldap y NFS?21:47
erichammondJaviSR: Go ahead and ask your question here in English or on #ubuntu-es in Spanish.21:48
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