
grantbowUbuntu Hour in SF!02:12
rwwoh damn, i completely forgot about that02:13
rwwpleia2: I'm not going to SF today! >.> >.>02:13
pleia2doh :)02:13
broderoh, huh02:17
broderunfortunately i'm still stuck on the peninsula02:17
pleia2there is one in mt view tomorrow02:17
broderyes, but i'm heading back to sf early tomorrow :-P02:18
pleia2ah :)02:18
broderi just haven't managed to escape work yet today02:18
MarkDudeThe FB page for the Team has 29 Weekly Actives- that is what the channel has in people at times02:22
pleia2most of the people who come to this hour aren't on irc02:23
rwwI prefer actual talking to facebook poking or whatever it is you newfangled people do on it.02:23
grantbowyou use facebook now?02:26
rwwand by actual talking I mean IRC02:26
grantbowah, lol02:26
MarkDuderww- are youlike 50? Are you going to start telling these kids to get off your lawn?02:27
rwwMarkDude: my favorite Internet protocols is IRC. I must be old :(02:27
rwws/s is/ is/02:28
MarkDudegrantbow, is old- aand he is on FB02:28
MarkDudeHe is my age btw02:28
rwwmy dad's on facebook, so...02:28
MarkDudeMy Grandma is too- and she likes to post pics of her cats02:29
MarkDudeand baseball games02:29
pleia2I like to post pictures of my cats02:29
MarkDudeAnd the garden02:29
* grantbow shakes head02:29
MarkDudepleia2, by tomorrow I will have a picture of a cross-eyed cat as my profile on FB02:29
MarkDudeFinally got close to the pic of the cat with extra cross eyes02:30
grantbowMarkDude, schools ends at Mission Beacon on Friday. Pictures?02:33
MarkDudeWe have02:34
MarkDudeI am making post on it02:34
MarkDudeWe have pics at other schools02:34
MarkDudeTedXCrapyard is tomorrow02:35
MarkDudeAnd Friday, I am busy02:35
MarkDudedressing up as a zombie02:35
MarkDudeDont ask- long story02:35
nhainesakk: welcome back!02:48
akkhyai nhaines02:50
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jyopleia2: For some reason, irssi's autosendcmd is choking on the backslash in my password?04:06
pleia2jyo: ah, yeah it may not be able to escape it properly :\04:07
jyopleia: Finally worked with four backslashes. /network shows my password with two but it's sent with one. Whatever.04:26
seidosi can't believe a marathon is ~23 miles05:53
jmarsdenseidos: That would be because it is actually 26 miles and 385 yards.06:16
seidostook you long enough06:27
seidosit probably would be so terrible with shoes other than vans06:28
nhainesI was happy because I bought pineapple juice but then sad because I realized I'm out of coconut rum.06:33
nhainesBut pineapple juice is delicious anyway.06:46
jmarsdennhaines: Or, you could view this as an excuse to go buy some more rum :)06:47
rwwOr, you could view this as an excuse to dress as Captain Sparrow and dance around shouting about the rum being gone07:04
pleia2is anyone from SF going to the mt view ubuntu hour tonight?17:07
* pleia2 needs to find a way home, probably will end up on caltrain but it takes foreeeeever17:19
pleia2the bf forgot to tell me he won't be in the office this evening, doh17:19
pleia2he's usually my ride home :)17:19
* MarkDude is headed to TEDxCrapyard17:19
iheartubuntuWould anyone happen to know the Lake Forest Ubuntu Hour wiki page for tonights Ubuntu Hour? I cant seem to locate it. There are future Lake Forest events, but not for tonight.17:23
iheartubuntuif not maybe i can just link up with nhaines post in the forum for the details17:24
iheartubuntuactually those Lake Forest UH events appear to be past events17:26
iheartubuntuok, i created one http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/team/990/detail/17:35
Eurekawiki: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CaliforniaTeam/Projects/NattyRelease edited18:18
pleia2jtatum: packed up your cds \o/18:24
rwwiheartubuntu: I thought today's UH was Mt View, not Lake Forest19:09
rwwmaybe it's both. iono, i don't pay attention.19:10
iheartubuntuwe have both today19:10
iheartubuntui think i put silicon valley for the mountain view one19:10
iheartubuntuin hopes people in the area will click the link and then find the location19:11
iheartubuntuit really is awesome we have so many ubuntu hours popping up around california. i bet we have more than some countries.19:12
rwwquality not quantity, though ;P19:12
nhainesiheartubuntu: the Ubuntu Hour Lake Forest meetings are independant and therefore do not use the LoCo Directory.  The entry on the wiki.ubuntu.com/Hour page is the only place it should be located on the Ubuntu wiki.19:21
iheartubuntuwhat does that mean, its independent19:22
iheartubuntucan you use the name "ubuntu" as part of "ubuntu hour" then if its independent?19:23
pleia2of course19:23
nhainesOf course.19:23
iheartubuntuits separate of the california team?19:23
rwwI can go sit in a cafe tomorrow for a day and decide it's Ubuntu Day.19:23
pleia2not everyone has to use all the team resources for their events, they are just available if the organizer chooses to use them19:23
pleia2and anyone can plan an event :)19:23
nhainesAnd Ubuntu Hour is meant for just that purpose.  :)19:24
* pleia2 nods19:24
iheartubuntuwouldnt you get more interested people if it was part of the loco19:24
nhainesI find it doubtful.19:24
nhainesIt's a small local event.  I promote it using Planet Ubuntu and at the moment just OCLUG mailing list.19:25
nhainesI should actually get a page up on my website about it, maybe.19:26
iheartubuntuwould you like me to remove the listing on ubuntu hour  events? or at least remove the loco team as part of the event19:27
nhainesI'd rather not have it listed.  The LoCo Directory is a terrible resouce in a lot of ways (not very discoverable, for instance) and I don't want to have it up there if it won't be an actively maintained location for information about UHLF.19:28
iheartubuntuok, i will remove it. would you like me to post it on the twitter feeds anymore?19:29
nhainesI didn't know it was still being mentioned on the Twitter feeds.19:29
nhainesThat's up to the LoCo to decide.  I always felt promoting California events was useful, but others vehemently disagreed.19:30
pleia2it hasn't in a while, we update twitter/identica/facebook based on loco directory19:30
pleia2(even then it's hard to remember everything :))19:30
pleia2same with team reports19:30
pleia2of course everyone is welcome to update team reports themselves19:31
rwwam glad to see facebook's being updated these days19:31
iheartubuntui can always post the event and have the link go to your livejournal article19:31
pleia2rww: heh, it's easier now that posterous x-posts identica/twitter/facebook19:32
nhainesI know grantbow argued strongly that advertising Ubuntu Hours was a misuse of LoCo resources for personal gain.19:32
nhainespleia2: Yeah, if not for Gwibber I'd never use any of it.  :)19:32
pleia2it doesn't create an "event" for it in fb, but that was a pain anyway since events in facebook have separate rsvp and stuff19:32
iheartubuntuwhat is the personal gain?19:33
pleia2who knows19:33
iheartubuntupeople meeting to talk ubuntu/linux/baseball/giants/dodgerssuck/etc19:34
iheartubuntupersonal gain is friendship!19:34
nhainesiheartubuntu: I think the argument was that UHs were LUGs and therefore shouldn't be promoted.19:34
rwwiheartubuntu: some Ubuntu Hours are similar to some LUGs, so there was perhaps a feeling that one being promoted through the team but not the other is bad. but I can't speak for grantbow obviously19:34
iheartubuntuif a lug is not about ubuntu first i could understand19:35
iheartubuntuhis position19:35
rwwif you really care, I imagine it's somewhere in the meeting logs somewhere, but it's not a conversation that's come up recently afaik19:36
nhainesThe hope for UHLF was that others would see it and be inspired to start their own locally, since we'd been receiving a lot of requests for Ubuntu user groups and local meetings.19:37
nhainesUH seemed like a much healthier way to go about this.  And I think I achieved my goal, which is nice.  OCLUG leadership love the concept and the California LoCo is kind enough to supply CDs when they're available.19:38
nhainesPlus, UH was a really new idea back then too.19:38
pleia2always nice to see the loco and the lugs working well together19:39
nhainesIt was nice to present Ubuntu 11.04 at OCLUG a week before its release and answer claims of "You're forcing me to use Unity and taking away my freedom" with "If you want GNOME panels, you know where to find it."19:40
pleia211.10 should be interesting19:41
nhainesI don't know if anyone from OCLUG switched over yet (we haven't met again since) but everyone thanked me for showing them Unity and how it worked, even if they didn't want to use it.19:41
rwwpleia2: so glad they decided to not make huge major changes this cycle. the lack of constant complaining in #ubuntu+1 will be a nice change.19:42
nhainesrww: didn't you read doctormo's blog?  Removing Pitivi is the end of civiliation.19:42
rwwi have never even run pitivi so i think i am not the intended audience for that program19:43
nhainesI ran it once.  It crashed.19:43
pleia2rww: gnome3 will hit 11.10, which means no more classic :\19:44
nhainesOpenShot lets me get a lot further along before it crashes.  :)19:44
pleia2you either get unity or gnome shell, both of which are foreign19:44
rwwpleia2: not implementing GNOME 3 fallback to GNOME panel?19:44
pleia2rww: maybe? but I wouldn't depend upon it, and it won't be on the cd19:44
nhainespleia2: there'll still be GNOME fallback mode, I imagine.19:44
rwwnhaines: the PPA doesn't have it, so who knows really19:45
rwwpleia2: fun19:45
nhainesrww: oh, I thought it did.  Well, at least there'll be Unity 2D.19:45
pleia2they are doing a really nice job with unity 2d, so at least it'll just be a UI shock rather than "my graphics card hates the new interface" fail19:46
nhainesEveryone at University of Redlands seemed excited to see Unity in action.19:46
pleia2it is pretty slick19:49
pleia2w00t, I get the car today \o/19:49
nhainesyay, lunchtime.20:06
iheartubuntuwith ubuntu changing at a quick pace, do any of you feel it could be a detriment? possibly turn people away?20:26
nhainesNot after 7 years.20:30
nhainesAs I mentioned in my last talk, every new release is  fun but LTS is always available if that's too quick.20:30
iheartubuntuthere wasnt a whole lot of change from the early days until 11.04 which saw some radical changes20:31
iheartubuntumy ladybug makes it into the volleybrawl game :) http://volleybrawl.me/brawlers/view/4920:31
nhainesThere have been major changes.20:32
pleia2maybe you just weren't paying attention as closely? I'd call the move from gimp to f-spot/shotwell pretty major, move to grub, move to ext4...20:32
pleia2er, grub220:32
pleia2that's all since 9.1020:32
iheartubuntuim talking about the gui20:32
iheartubuntueven XP to Win7 wasnt all that major20:33
pleia2well yes, this is the first major change to the UI aside from theming20:33
nhainesIf you don't think that swapping out the default apps is major, well... I disagree. :)20:33
pleia2but it would have happened with a release later Gnome Shell if not Unity20:33
iheartubuntunhaines. its major. i meant the gui20:33
pleia2KDE went through this with KDE3 > KDE4, and are again with expanded use of their plasa widgets20:34
pleia2it's not Ubuntu, it's software, things change :)20:34
pleia2OS9 to OSX...20:34
nhainesIn that case, I don't think Ubuntu is changing as quickly as other OSes.20:35
iheartubuntui wish ubuntu would focus more on making everything tight and perfect first. boot up time seems to have taken a back seat20:35
iheartubuntuon upgrades to natty i notice a slowdown on boot up time and on fresh installs, no difference in bootup times20:36
pleia2there is no such thing as perfect, the LTS gets the closest so I'd use that if you were really concerned about a lot of changes20:36
pleia2and bootup time today is still significantly better than pre-upstart :)20:36
nhainesThe devs working on the GUI have nothing to do with boot times.20:36
MarkDudeAt TEdx now20:57
MarkDudetake 221:23

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