
InHisNameAre most of you all sleeping 24/7 now ?   Except for one who wakes up types a bit then falls back asleep ?03:02
InHisNamen2diy: How did the disk usage go ?03:02
ChinnoDogI'm hibernating until the next LTS03:50
=== andrewPCT is now known as andrew
JonathanDGood morning PA.10:36
rmg51morning JonathanD10:48
InHisNameGood Morning, JonathanD & rmg51 & teddy-dbear14:02
andrewI see how it is14:06
teddy-dbearI guess InHisName doesn't want to talk to a bot ;-)14:12
teddy-dbearanyway........ morning andrew14:14
andrewmorning stuffed bear14:15
InHisNameGood bot mawnin' andrew14:16
JonathanDmorning InHisName14:47
InHisNameso it is14:48
ChinnoDogThere was a tornado in Philly yesterday?15:38
waltmanYes, in the Northeast around Bustleton and Red Lion.15:40
InHisNameWife said it went from there over towards Willow Grove.  Pretty heavy flooding Moreland & 611.15:42
waltmanI was just in that general area on Monday and Tuesday.  I was back at Drexel yesterday and we didn't get much rain at all here.15:57
InHisNamespotty weather16:02
* ChinnoDog makes a peep19:04
ChinnoDogI listened to a podcast about DDT the other day. DDT is awesome stuf.19:07
PennBotTitle: DDT: Secret Life of a Pesticide (at skeptoid.com)19:23
ChinnoDogI don't read them, I listen to them. Too lazy to read. :-)19:24
n2diyInHisName, grub took care of the boot flag at the end of the install.19:29
InHisNameGood deal, n2diy19:29

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