
=== locobot_2_2 is now known as locobot_2
* nlsthzn waves05:38
n8wulfGood Morning all06:00
n8wulfLovelly sunshine day in Vanderbijlpark06:00
nlsthznn8wulf: Cool... nice sunshine day in the desert too... 9 in the morning and 34 degC outside...06:13
wolfeyesMorning guys07:28
wolfeyesheya sakhi_ 07:41
wolfeyesHow you doing today?07:41
wolfeyesKilos says morning as well, he is just installing kubuntu on another drive.07:41
nlsthznwolfeyes: Cool... say hi from me to uncle Kilos :)07:43
wolfeyesHi nlsthzn 07:44
wolfeyesHis pc won't run unity, it doesn't have the hardware.07:44
nlsthznsucks... there is a 2-d version that can be used btw...07:44
wolfeyesI am just looking for some kind if program to try improve the working of software to hardware on mine. 07:45
wolfeyesIt gave him the option to run Classic Ubuntu.07:45
nlsthznwolfeyes: at the moment the 2d has to be installed seperatly... it will become default fall-back for 11.1007:47
wolfeyesOk ty.07:48
wolfeyesI told him, answer "Oh" lol.07:48
nlsthznwolfeyes: hehe... but Kubuntu is also pretty solid... however I suspect he won't get the most eye-candy going as KDE is more resource hungry than Gnome (with exception of Unity now obviously)07:50
=== sdehaan_ is now known as sdehaan
wolfeyesAre you using KDE nlsthzn ?07:53
nlsthznwolfeyes: I was until a day or two ago... I am a chronic distro hopper :/ Back on Unity at the moment... but Kubuntu is pretty solid in 11.0407:54
wolfeyesi see07:55
nlsthznwolfeyes: it is a curse... my primary use of my laptop if installing linux :p08:03
wolfeyesGeesh, I just went into my ubuntu forums account, I am 3 days away from going in there a year ago.08:14
wolfeyesnlsthzn, kilos is installing xubuntu now.08:14
nlsthznwolfeyes: :) closest thing to gnome 2.x08:14
wolfeyesCan't believe that was how long ago I had my computer last.08:15
nlsthznwolfeyes: now that I think about it, I am sure I have seen you over on ubuntu forums :)08:15
wolfeyesyeah, just looking for info before I ask the guys for help, will got to launchpad next.08:16
wolfeyes4th time lucky with my pw as well, nearly forgot that.08:16
nlsthznwolfeyes: here are some screenshots of all my hopping :p http://www.flickr.com/photos/59930315@N03/sets/72157626124571449/08:21
nlsthzncan't log in to update with my latest at the moment :/08:21
wolfeyesnlsthzn, what would the right terminolgy be for trying to find out what is slowing the system down when there is a clash between software and hardware, Debugging maybe...?08:21
* wolfeyes goes to look.08:21
nlsthznwolfeyes: sounds more like you should call it a "configuration problem" or "possible driver issue" ... not sure, guess it depends on what the actual problem is :p08:23
wolfeyesThat looks pretty awesome.08:23
* wolfeyes nodz.08:23
* wolfeyes searches further.08:24
nlsthznAll of the screenshots are from my laptop... core 2 with intel gfx... nothing over powerful08:24
wolfeyesLooks awesome.08:28
nlsthznwolfeyes: thanks :) 08:28
nlsthznlatest http://www.flickr.com/photos/59930315@N03/5735757517/in/photostream :)08:29
* wolfeyes goes to look.08:33
nlsthzn:/ ah crap, "untity --replace" not getting me out of trouble this time... seems I am going to do that windows thing real quick... brb08:34
Kiloshiya superfly and everyone else10:21
superflyhi Kilos10:22
panphriedhi all15:12
wolfeyesHeya panphried 15:31
wolfeyesAnyone know how to burn a iso to usb stick?15:32
panphriedyes. theres a tool that ubuntu includes by default15:33
wolfeyesFound a program to mount it but I am not sure if this is or means the same thing!15:33
wolfeyesRead a lot about putting a boot sector in there as well, but geesh battling to do that.15:34
panphriedmight not be by default anymore. 1 sec15:35
panphriedstartup disk creator  -- in system-admin-..15:35
panphriedstill there by default15:36
wolfeyesI got a iso retreived to desktop, the startup disk creator doesn't even see it on desktop panphried .15:37
panphriedwolfeyes: the iso file is saved on desktop?15:38
wolfeyesI extracted it to desktop if I am not mistaken.15:39
wolfeyesStill trying to get all this terminology right.15:39
panphriedwolfeyes: dont extract the iso .. just copy it there. or point StartupDiskCreator to the location that houses the actual ISO15:40
wolfeyesOk let me try that.15:41
wolfeyesExtraction file nowhere to be seen again, just downloading it again.15:44
wolfeyesOk grrr got it in the tmp file.15:47
panphriedwolfeyes: you want to point startupdiskcreator to the iso file15:47
wolfeyesBack to my original problem.15:49
wolfeyesI got to the tmp folder or dir (not sure which one) and it only see's the other dir, no files or compressed files!15:51
panphriedwolfeyes: verify that the iso is actuallly there first15:51
wolfeyesI can see it in the folder view15:52
panphriedthe file with extension .iso15:52
wolfeyesI have just extracted it too.15:52
wolfeyesOk now I sit in the same possition as I did earlier.15:53
panphriedone sec, let me see if theres an issue with usb-creator - 15:53
panphriedwolfeyes: what version of ubuntu u using?15:53
wolfeyesNow I can see the .iso file and in the "MSD" under cd images it see's the iso image but when I click on it , it won't see it in the program.15:54
wolfeyes10.10 Maverick.15:54
panphriedand what iso are you trying to urn?15:55
wolfeyesIf I make it into disk images it doesn't see the iso image.15:55
wolfeyesProgram for testing hardware etc on the computer.15:56
wolfeyesUnless you got anything better for me, I been hunting all day.15:56
panphriedno, StressLinux should be fine .. do you have your usb drive plugged in15:58
wolfeyesI tried looking for linux bios drivers for my Gigabyte mb and found nothing 2 years ago and now upon looking they have advanced the software but nothing for ubuntu.15:58
panphriedwolfeyes: try installing UNetbootin - and using it instead of StartupDiskCreator16:06
panphriedits in the software center16:07
* wolfeyes goes to look, I tried that from the site to no success, but let me try the centre.16:07
wolfeyesOk got it installed and open.16:11
wolfeyesOk I have left the top half and worked on the bottom half of UNetbootin, got the iso with the path, then at the bottom usb drive , should I press ok ? :-016:15
wolfeyesOk first let me get this straight, this will create a bootable sector in the usb with the image I inserted?16:16
panphriedwolfeyes: select Diskimage 16:16
panphriedthen select path to iso there16:16
panphriedthen select drive16:16
wolfeyesDone that16:16
panphriedthen u should be good to go16:17
panphriedpress ok16:17
* wolfeyes counts down...16:17
panphriedbad news?16:18
wolfeyesNow I have to reformat the usb in FAT32.16:18
panphriedlol. k16:18
wolfeyesBe with you in a sec...16:22
panphriedi've got to run to a meeting. will be back in 30mins or so16:22
wolfeyesOk cool no problem and thank you.16:23
=== nlsthzn is now known as nlsthzn-work
* nlsthzn-work waves16:42
=== panphried is now known as panphried-work
Symmetriaanyone awake?17:48
* nlsthzn-work waves17:56
Symmetriawww.unisa.ac.za 17:57
Symmetriashould now be *FAST*17:57
Symmetriaand I mean really really really really fast17:57
nlsthzn-workSymmetria: the site might be, but that is about it when it comes to speed and unisa :p17:58
Symmetriaheh we just upgraded them 17:58
Symmetriafrom 60mbit17:58
Symmetriato 10gigabit17:58
Kerberoja dis vinnig17:59
nlsthzn-worknow the contrast between the speed of their site and their admin will be more pronounced18:00
Kerbero:~$ ping wwww.unisa.ac.za18:00
Kerberoping: unknown host wwww.unisa.ac.za18:00
Kerberodamn university and their dns servers18:00
Kerbero:~$ nslookup wwww.unisa.ac.za
Kerbero** server can't find wwww.unisa.ac.za: NXDOMAIN18:00
Kerberostoopid me18:01
KilosKerbero, what was stupid there18:11
Kilosand what you did anyway18:11
nuvolariwow, really fast indeed18:11
nuvolarihallo oom Kilos 18:11
Kiloslo nuvolari hoe gaan dit18:12
nuvolarikan nie kla nie dankie oom. Hoe gaan dit met oom?18:12
Kilosbaie goed dankie net koud18:12
Kilosek sukkel in die winter18:13
nlsthzn-workKilos: Hey... so what distro are you using now?18:13
nuvolariKilos: sjeesh, ja hier is dit ook koel vandag18:14
* nuvolari sit steeds met 'n kortmou hemp :P18:14
Kilosmaverick. looked at them all but no data to do and update18:14
nlsthzn-workKilos: ah, ok... no matter, you have a working PC :)18:15
Kiloswill need help to use kubuntu cause you even have to find the shutdown button18:15
Kilosyeah but as soon as i hit aus i gonna try them all18:16
nuvolariKilos: :D cool! when are you leaving?18:16
Kiloswhen and if they give a visa18:17
Kilosapp been in 3 or 4 days now18:17
Kilosthen i suppose a week or three after that18:18
nlsthzn-workKilos: holding thumbs for you...!!!18:18
Kilosthanks nlsthzn-work 18:18
magellanichoi hoi18:19
Kiloslo magellanic 18:32
Morganvdevening all18:46
Morganvdhey Kilos 18:46
Kiloshey Morganvd  howzit18:46
Morganvdooh crunchbang18:48
Morganvdfor a netbook18:50
Morganvdim using crashbang linux on my netbook19:01
Morganvdits realy nice fast and light weight19:01
nlsthzn-workcrunchbang is cute19:02
magellanicoh okay19:03
magellanicscreenshot link? :p19:03
Morganvdill past it now19:03
Morganvdwhere is best place to put screenshots19:03
magellanicI know if imagebin19:05
Morganvdtry this http://imagebin.org/15408019:07
wolfeyesHeya everyone.19:08
Morganvdhey wolfeyes 19:08
wolfeyesJust ran the stresslinux and I am not sure exactly what was meant to happen of where I would get what it found was wrong with anything! But ok...!19:10
wolfeyeslol @ nlsthzn-work 19:13
magellanicMorganvd: ah nice ;)19:13
Morganvdits really light and cute19:14
wolfeyesI booted with the usb stick nlsthzn-work , it ran stresslinux as far as I could see, but not sure how or if it could tell me where to improve on anything, or if anything is wrong.19:14
Morganvdnice for a netbook19:14
Morganvdi tried 11.04 but everytime software center opens im running 100% cpu19:15
Morganvdso i was looking for something lighter19:15
Morganvdtried lubuntu very light aswell but dull and windows like19:16
Kiloslo kbmonkey 21:10
Kilosyou being ignored21:11
* nlsthzn-work still lurks...21:12
kbmonkeythere's always something to do on the net21:13
kbmonkeythat JavaScript PC emulator still fascinates me21:13
Kilosmethinks it be bed time for ballies21:58
Kilossleep tight all. see ya morrow21:58
nuvolarinight everyone22:00
kbmonkeynight night!22:01
kbmonkeyhave a good friday all22:02
SquirmI hope23:00
wolfeyesyou can't get closer.23:01
wolfeyes^ Kilos23:01
Squirmwhat did I get it?23:01
Squirmcause it was I said it a few seconds after irssi told me date changed23:02

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