
karnifagan: Have you read through the bug report about U1 closed-source server?00:09
karnifagan: to be precise - you marked it as "Invalid", why haven't you marked it as "Won't fix" instead?00:11
karnifagan: IMHO masking it "Invalid" will only continue the dispute. Both Elliot and Martin marked it "Won't fix", respecting the comments contents in the report.00:11
dobeykarni: he changed it in "easypeasy-project"; while probably just as annoying, it really shouldn't be a task on that bug anyway01:00
karnidobey: Uh o_O01:00
lifelesskarni: fagan: there is also 'opinion' (as in , its your opinion that being closed source is a defect)01:05
karnilifeless: I marked one bug (in our project) as an Opinion for the first time today :)01:05
AJenbojeg var 1701:31
dobey"Opinion" is the dumbest bug status ever.01:36
duanedesign i would +1 that01:37
dobeyit's like the condescending sister of "Wishlist"01:38
karnidobey: I had a user stating that Android UI theme should comply with the system theme (Android 2.2+ tend to be dark). There was another user saying that he likes the light/white theme of the app, and he'd like it to stay that way. What the former user said - is that a wishlist? To me, it's more of an opinion, subject to discussion.02:03
dobeykarni: i think it's a cage match. let them fight it out.02:05
karnidobey: :D02:06
AJenbokarni, lots of apps has two themes for this reason02:22
karniAJenbo: I'm not saying we shouldn't. The question is, if we should stick with Light theme on Android 2.2+ . We could even make it a setting, I don't mind.02:23
AJenboso it's an opinion that could quickly be turned in to a wishlist :)02:26
AJenbothat reminds me, i should go sign up for a year of mobile ubuntu one02:26
AJenbo*Just got a job02:27
=== Jordan_U_ is now known as Jordan_U
fagankarni: well its invalid against easypeasy which is a different distro its wont fix against the server but its invaild against something different if you get me02:33
karnifagan: yes, I didn't notice you invalidated it under the other project02:33
fagankarni: sorry was out at my more or less brothers birthday so wasnt around to respond earlier02:34
karnifagan: np bro02:34
AJenbowow i spend this weekend selebrating my bortheres more or less birthday, maybe we are the same person?02:35
faganAJenbo: well this is my dad's girlfriend's son who ive known since I was 4 so he is more or less my brother :)02:36
fagankarni: see you in the morning :)02:36
karnifagan: yup!02:36
karnifagan: not really. I don't expect to show up earlier than 12 ;d02:37
karnicrap, I need to go sleep lol02:37
karninearly 4AM02:37
AJenboarh, so maybe we are opposits : )02:37
karniprogramming is so fascinating it's gonna kill me one day xD02:37
fagankarni: well I installed the thing from the list no problem but havent tested it ill give word back if there are any issues :)02:37
AJenbosame here, i have to be at a job consulting meating at 1002:38
karnifagan: oh cool!! thanks :)02:38
fagankarni: nice job getting something ready though02:38
fagankarni: night night02:38
karnifagan: we're getting there, one step at a time (been working like crazy these days :) )02:39
karninight guys!02:39
faganAJenbo: ive been up since 7 am so im starting to feel it now02:39
AJenboouch, i got up at 14:0002:40
AJenboHope your not stressing02:40
faganAJenbo: oh no the oposite im an intern my job is kinda not to stress and learn as much as I can in a short period02:41
AJenbohmm U1 dosn't seam to respect the bandwith limit, do i need to restart the deamon?02:41
faganAJenbo: I dont have a clue but it should work right away02:42
faganif its not file a bug02:42
AJenboit's just blasting away at 160Kbps eveaving my youtobe and facebook hanging.02:42
duanedesigni think their is a bug report already about that02:43
AJenboI cleaned up the tags on my mp3's what a nightmare :(02:43
AJenbostill need to upload 25% of it.02:44
AJenboI think it's been going for 3 dayes, and i just downgraded my connection last month leaving me with half the upstream connection :(02:44
AJenboI demand symetric connections damit!02:45
* fagan has 2.7mb/s so bandwith isnt the issue 02:45
duanedesignAJenbo: bug 72070702:45
ubot4Launchpad bug 720707 in ubuntuone-storage-protocol "Bandwidth limit is not correctly enforced: Transmission delays are inserted between data chunk writes (of arbitrary sizes) (affects: 17) (dups: 5) (heat: 65)" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/72070702:45
faganduanedesign: beat me to it :)02:46
AJenboduanedesign, thanks :)02:46
fagani was just scanning the bug list for it02:46
fagananyway im off to bed later everyone02:47
duanedesignnight fagan02:47
AJenboShould get an array of humands implemented instead of the current search algorithem in LP ;)02:47
fagansee you later duanedesign02:48
faganAJenbo: well there is an array of humans they are just forgetful :)02:48
fagan(at least for the u1 team anyway)02:49
duanedesigni try and keep a list of bugs i reference frequently in a tomboy note because searching for bugs can be  a pain at times02:50
faganduanedesign: I suppose I havent been around long enough to know what should be on a list like that02:51
AJenboduanedesign, good idea, i should realy start using tomboy more02:51
faganso I dont yet02:51
AJenboit seams to be more avalible with unity02:52
AJenboI also do a grate deal of support in the danish comunity02:52
AJenboand a bit in the translations department02:52
faganAJenbo: im translations manager for the irish language :D02:53
AJenboCool :)02:55
AJenboso you guys are at 100% and actually leading in the translations stats :o02:56
AJenbono wait that is me not reding the name correctly02:57
AJenboI'm part of the Danish translation team by the way.02:58
AJenboSeams your 97'th with 11%03:01
faganAJenbo: I think the irish language is well below the well used languages in terms of translations03:01
faganthere isnt anybody dedicated too it which is a shame03:01
AJenboIt it the same as Scottish? The list sayes "Gaelic; Scottish"03:02
faganAJenbo: no its pretty different03:02
AJenboOh, i thourght that you guys would be all over this, as i understand it there is a group trying to keep Gaelic alive.03:03
faganAJenbo: we are its just the govergnment arent really to supportive of translations efforts which is a real pain03:04
AJenboarh :/03:04
faganwe have a tv channel and lots of people who are passionate about it but no one seems to want to translate it03:05
faganand not many know about ubuntu being available for translation either03:05
fagananyway have to go anyway have work early03:05
AJenboyeah it's probably a neach with in a neach03:06
fagannight night for reals :D03:06
AJenbooh right :)03:06
faganAJenbo: yeah thats a good way of puting it03:06
AJenbottyl or some thing03:06
faganAJenbo: laters03:06
AJenboShould i report that the web site is saying that a year of u1mobile will be 0,8€, or jues press on with my purshas...03:16
AJenboOops, sorry I missed the note.03:19
AJenboAny way the process keeps failing to compleat so I guess ill try again tomorrow03:19
ralsinahola manuel08:32
ryepinging karni09:06
ryebut he is not here so i will just wait for him here09:06
faganrye: he was around at 3.30T09:11
faganUTC last night09:11
faganrye: so you might be waiting till 11 or 1209:12
ryefagan, thanks, will wait further though :)09:12
rodrigo_see https://bugs.launchpad.net/evolution-couchdb/+bug/727370/comments/4709:13
ubot4Launchpad bug 727370 in evolution-couchdb (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "Contacts not syncing with my computer (affects: 36) (dups: 16) (heat: 244)" [Low,Confirmed]09:13
rodrigo_seems couchdb is not installed by default on a fresh install in natty09:13
ryerodrigo_, it is not, one needs to install it via the control panel09:14
rodrigo_rye, can you add a comment to the bug please?09:15
ryerodrigo_, done09:48
rodrigo_rye, thanks09:49
mandelhello, may I get some good reviews for this guy: https://code.launchpad.net/~mandel/ubuntuone-dev-tools/allow_txnamedpipes_reactor/+merge/6151510:01
JamesTaitGood morning!10:04
* mandel really needs a walk10:35
faganmorning karni10:55
karnihey hey fagan10:55
jussiSO, is there a way to share files with someone without making them "public" - ie. give a url + password to $friend?11:21
karnijussi: share a folder with a file in it?11:22
karnijussi: there's no url + password pattern, at least not yet.11:22
jussikarni: hrm, ok. but I can share with another ubuntu one user, (only to that user)?11:23
karnijussi: I don't understand the question. If you share a folder with U1 user, they will get an e-mail notifying there's a share they can accept. If they're not U1 users, they will be also able to register first.11:24
jussikarni: yeah, thats what I thought, I am just trying to verify that the folder in question wont be shared with the world.11:25
karnijussi: no, not at all :)11:25
jussikarni: excellent, thanks very much11:25
karnijussi: you can't _publish_ a folder11:25
karnijussi: yw11:25
jussikarni: one final thing, how functional is the windows "beta"?  can I safely use it for production items? (Ie. it wont eat my files, even if it fails somewhere else)11:28
karnimandel: fagan: ↑11:29
duanedesignmorning all11:34
jussiMorning duanedesign :)11:34
duanedesignhello jussi!11:35
ralsinajussi: the main problem reported with the current beta is that sometimes it willeat lots of CPU11:38
mandeljussi: the beta is not something I'd use everyday unless you really need to11:38
ralsinajussi: I have not seen reports of file-eating, but you should wait for mandel to confirm ;-)11:39
jussiralsina: ok, Im just thinking to share with a non technical client, and ideally I'd like to use ubuntuone to do that.11:39
ralsinaOTOH, not meant for production use, caveat emptor and such11:39
jussiHowever, If I need to find another solution, thats fine.11:39
jussiIs there a roadmap for when it is suppsed to come out of beta?11:40
ryekarni, ping, u1 files shows tmpsomething files that web ui does not show :)11:43
karnirye: you mind telling me an exact, example, file name I should hide?11:44
ralsinajussi: yes there is, but I can't give any specific dates, sorry11:44
ralsinajussi: it's "soonish", I would say.11:44
jussiralsina: ok, thanks. :)11:45
ryekarni, no, i mean that it does not show up on the web ui but it shows up in the listing. Looks like either web ui does not see something or your application sees too much. Trying with restful api...11:45
karnirye: that's my question. web UI probably hides some tmp files. I just need to know which files should I hide if they are indeed temporary :)11:46
mandeljussi: it does not eat files, but is not ready for life dependent files, and it is a beta11:46
jussimandel: ok, that pretty much is wht I thought, thanks for your time.11:47
mandeljussi: no problemlo :)11:47
ryebeuno, ping, is there anything webui may not show? I see i have tmp files in Ubuntu One http://paste.ubuntu.com/610017/ but web ui does not show them11:48
ryekarni, >>> n.path -> u'/tmp0Nv06K' >>> n.size -> (nothing) >>> n.kind -> u'file'11:49
karnirye: where's that from? rest python client?11:50
ryekarni, uh-huh11:51
karnirye: looks like I'll have to filter out tmp* files with ..... (nothing) size o_O11:51
ryekarni, no no no, it has no hash and it has no size, but it has generation number11:51
ryekarni, something is weird here11:52
karnirye: I believe I would have a 0 file size in Java then ;)11:52
ryekarni, {"kind": "file", "public_url": null, "hash": null, "when_created": "2011-02-24T18:16:31Z", "generation": 32659, "content_path": "/content/~/Ubuntu One/tmp0Nv06K", "generation_created": 32659, "parent_path": "/~/Ubuntu One", "resource_path": "/~/Ubuntu One/tmp0Nv06K", "when_changed": "2011-02-24T18:16:31Z", "key": "0qRKbKK2TOSOmL57n-JrKw", "is_public": false, "path": "/tmp0Nv06K", "volume_path": "/volumes/~/Ubuntu One", "size": null}11:53
karnirye: that shouldn't be even served from the server in my opinion :/11:54
ryekarni, whatever this is... it is not a file11:54
karnijdobrien: vds: ↑11:54
ryejdobrien, ping11:54
jdobrienrye, pong11:55
ryejdobrien, while testing karni's application i noticed i have some files in Ubuntu One that are not in my storage locally or do not display on the web ui. The paste above is the json info about one of such files. null size, null hash11:55
karnijdobrien: rye retrieved that with the python rest client11:56
ryekarni, that json was retrieved directy by GET to that url via browser11:57
jdobrienrye, those files won't download nor will they show up on the web11:57
jdobrienrye, but your client will have metadata for them11:57
karnirye: o_O how did you authenticate that request?11:57
karnijdobrien: this looks like a temporary file, should I ignore such files?11:58
ryekarni, i've got cookies!11:58
karnirye: huh11:58
ryejdobrien, is it ok to have them?11:58
ryekarni, cookie-based session authentication, using the browser11:58
karnijdobrien: why would a client need to know about such files? what are they?11:58
karnirye: right11:58
jdobrienkarni, files with no content are only needed for the syncdaemon. I would ignore them outside of it11:59
karnijdobrien: will do that. thank you11:59
ryekarni, should I open a bug to ignore them?11:59
karnirye: that would be great11:59
karnirye: thanks12:00
mandel.me walks dog12:01
mandelups that was mandel12:01
ryekarni, have a bug #785093 :)12:05
ubot4Launchpad bug 785093 in ubuntuone-android-files "Client displays temporary files with no hash and size (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78509312:05
karnirye: thanks!12:05
karnirye: wow, that's a nice report :)12:06
ryekarni, also, awesome work, it is really fast and easy to use12:06
karnirye: thanks. it's really nice to hear such feedback.12:07
ryekarni, it usually helps to have as much info in the report as possible so that one does not spend an hour trying to understand what did he mean earlier12:07
karnirye: sure :)!12:08
ryekarni, i had filed such bug reports before i started working on them. Then I understood how bad I was at reporting :)12:08
karnirye: you've perfected that art :)12:08
ryekarni, thanks :)12:09
=== teknico is now known as teknico_away
ralsinahola nessita12:52
ralsinaok, paro para comer, vuelvo para el standup12:52
nessitaralsina: holas, y ack12:53
ralsinaI have the first draft of the installer screens sent to blajk for review12:53
ralsinait needs a lot of work, but hey, it has the right widgets in roughly the right places ;-)12:54
mandelralsina: that is what she said13:09
mandelralsina: I have an urgent errant, I'll be back asap13:21
thisfredOh no, that's in 30 minutes13:30
nessitathisfred: :-)13:30
beunorye, the web ui should show everything13:48
=== teknico_away is now known as teknico
karnijdobrien: rye: ↑ interesting13:50
ryebeuno, bug #785093 is what i filed against u1-android-files. I guess I will ask facundobatista about that tmp file of no size and hash13:51
ubot4Launchpad bug 785093 in ubuntuone-android-files "Client displays temporary files with no hash and size (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78509313:51
karnirye: you keep the bug numbers handy, don't you :)?13:52
ryekarni, no, i just looked at the scrollback :)13:53
jdobrienbeuno, the web UI does not show files that are not uploaded yet13:53
karnirye: ah :D13:53
beunojdobrien, correct  :)13:53
karnijdobrien: should REST api serve such files if they are not there yet?13:53
jdobrienbeuno, it's a outdated design of the client we're trying to fix (the file place holders)13:53
karnijdobrien: oh13:54
jdobrienkarni, as long as we can PUT files with no content, we need to be able to GET them13:54
karnijdobrien: understood.13:54
facundobatistarye, sorry, what?13:55
ryefacundobatista, jdobrien has already explained the placeholder files client was creating13:55
ryejdobrien, erm13:55
facundobatistaah, reading everything now13:55
ryejdobrien, but those files were (not) uploaded on february, is there any cleanup procedure?13:56
facundobatistarye, yes, we create files with no content, then we put content on them...13:56
ryefacundobatista, ah, so tmpsomethingsomething is a real file name13:56
jdobrienrye, no there isn't13:57
karnirye: you're the first person to notice those empty files. probably it was hidden by timing. (the moment you refreshed/got the folder content)13:57
ryekarni, no, they are sitting there since february :)13:57
ryebeuno, so that's how web ui used to show 'Uploading' files?13:58
karnirye: huh o_O13:59
ryekarni, web UI used to show the files that are already MakeFile()d but content not uploaded as "Uploading" which, on interrupted transfers, was sometimes misleading14:00
ryenessita, have we captured mandel and asked him about stdout/debug logging?14:00
karnirye: so what's the best solution you'd suggest?14:00
nessitarye: yeah, it was an error14:00
karninessita: so it shouldn't show those files? (the Web UI)14:01
ryekarni, do not show things that do not have size14:01
ryekarni,  :)14:01
nessitakarni: eh? :-)14:01
karnirye: (apart from directories) okey14:01
karninessita: nvm ;)14:01
ryekarni, concurrent statements, we were talking about mandel's bug14:01
nessitaalecu, mandel?14:02
ralsinamandel is not around for a little while, it seems14:02
nessitaDONE: Canonical Summit, UDS, proposed and merged a branch to separate linux specific code in the control panel.14:02
nessitaTODO: move the filtered logic from the GTK layer to the control panel backend.14:02
nessitaBLOCKED: nopes14:02
nessitaNEXT: fagan14:02
nessitaalecu: say me!14:02
fagan* finshed reading down through the docs of twisted14:02
fagan* do some twisted14:02
fagan* nope14:02
faganralsina: gogo14:02
alecusay you... say me!14:02
ralsinaDONE: initial wireframes implementation for the installer wizard14:03
ralsinaalso, pinged bunch of people, read resumes for windows guy14:03
ralsinaTODO: correct naming in said wireframes, start figuring out hooks for them, talk to alecu and nessita14:04
ralsinaBLOCKED: only in that I seem to have become an ex-coder when I was not looking14:04
ralsinadobey please?14:04
dobeyλ DONE: fixed some 11.10 nightlies, #78474414:04
dobeyλ TODO: more 11.10 nightlies fixes14:04
dobeyλ BLCK: Still recovering from cold.14:04
alecuDONE: got qt working with twisted on the control panel14:05
alecuTODO: finish reading the 5 pyqt tutorials by ralsina, learn more about layouts14:05
alecuBLOCKED: spent last hour and a half in a parents meeting at kinder. Head dizzy now.14:05
thisfredDONE: UDS + quick tour of the old country | TODO: Oneiric ;) (read up on mail and process UDS sessions I suppose, for now) | BLOCKED: no14:05
ralsinaalecu: I bet there must be a better resource out there to learn Qt :-)14:05
ralsinaalecu, nessita, can we have a quick chat somewhere private? I can't mumble14:06
faganalecu: well I think I can answer a good lot of questions if you have any14:06
nessitaralsina: I can't either, mumble will not work on my laptop and my PC is still in a box14:06
nessitaralsina: shall we skype?14:07
nessitaalecu: ^14:07
ralsinaI am in a really noisy place14:07
ralsinamaybe just a private channel14:07
alecunessita, ralsina: chat is fine14:07
ralsinalet's go to #meeting2011 in canonical's14:07
thisfredLIKED: the ctrl+alt+keypad keybindings in compiz/natty. (Finally moved my desktop over yesterday)14:08
ralsinaBTW: for those who had not had a one-on-one with me re: bonuses+raises, we will have it next week14:08
ryekarni, one more, u1-a-f shows "User name" as Roman. Where does it get its info?14:09
karnirye: :D REST API, UserInfo. username14:09
karnirye: for me it's my full name and surname14:09
ryekarni, well, it is the same here, or even from /api/account - 'first_name': '', 'last_name': 'Roman Yepishev', but the app shows only Roman part14:10
karnirye: o_O can you test that with the /api/file_storage/ API ?14:11
ryei behave like i can't do bzr pull and grep. gosh!14:11
karnirye: I'm not using the /api/account14:11
karnirye: I was, previoulsy. I may, but not ATM. Pure file_storage API14:11
ryekarni, that would explain it, bug #61443114:11
ubot4Launchpad bug 614431 in ubuntuone-servers "lib.ubuntuone.storage uses its own copy of first_name + last_name / visible_name (affects: 4) (heat: 3)" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61443114:11
karnirye: :/14:12
karnirye: I might go with /api/account then..14:12
karnirye: I now have learned to avoid ad-hoc implementation (just to get the feature there), so I'd like to implement that in a clean way, and we already have quite a list of TODOs before release :<14:14
ryekarni, no, that's ok. It is consistent to the server view. I did not know file api also have the user info exposed14:15
jdobrienkarni, we could add a filter so we can prevent the size=None files from being returned14:18
karnijdobrien: that would be cool. would it filter out an empty file as well? (say, an empty .txt file)14:19
jdobrienkarni, no14:19
jdobrienkarni, we shouldn't do that since empty files are legitimate14:19
karnijdobrien: yes, I agree. I was just making sure :)14:20
karnijdobrien: yes, I believe that would be a nice feature (to filter out size=None files)14:20
ryekarni, {"visible_name": "Roman", ... - ok14:24
=== m_conley_away is now known as m_conley
faganvery quiet today15:19
karnirye: ACK, thanks15:20
fagankarni: oh im going to try out the file sync now15:22
fagankarni: the ubuntu sign is a little low15:26
faganother than that its working nicely on my samsung galaxy 515:27
mandelralsina: I'm back, sorry had some personal stuff to deal with15:27
mandelralsina: ex-suegra on the phone etc...15:27
mandeljoder que mierda de semana...15:27
* fagan always knows mandel is frustrated when he speaks spanish 15:28
fagan(well I suppose not when he is in spain but here I mean)15:29
dobeyeso es lo que ella dijo15:29
fagandobey: google translate?15:29
mandelthat is waht she said :)15:30
faganmandel: yeah google translate is awesome I got the other part too15:30
faganmandel: it has its issues but it understood everything said :D15:31
mandelhow did it translate my sentence?15:31
faganmandel: fuck this shit week15:32
faganmandel: I was supprised it worked with the curse word15:32
mandelyes, is more of: fuck!, what a shit week...15:33
dobeypunctuation is important15:34
faganmandel: hah at least it didn't do what a shit fuck week which is what it probably would have done before15:34
mandelyes, could have be worse15:36
mandel"me cago en la puta mierda de semana que dios me ha dado"15:36
ralsinagotta change venues. Will try to be back in one hour or so.15:36
fagangood luck ralsina15:37
faganmandel: that sentence wasnt really understandable when google translate gets at it15:38
nessitaalecu: I'm  moving all the "stringify" logic from backend.py to dbus_service.py (FYI), to ease the use of the info from QT15:39
mandelit is close, is 'I shit on the shit week that god has given me :D15:40
faganhah yeah but it was a little bit fuddled15:40
alecunessita, ack15:43
alecuralsina, ping15:43
faganalecu: he just said he is moving venue so he may be gone for a little while15:44
nessitaalecu: he just said he needed to change venues15:44
alecuralsina, what's the best way to have the .ui turned into .py? a Makefile? or a .sh that generates .py and have those pre-generated .py's included in the repo...15:44
alecuoh, ok.15:44
faganalecu: I can answer that15:44
alecufagan, answer, please!15:44
alecu(oh, and we can peek at the qt sso-client as well)15:45
faganalecu: to convert a .ui file to a .py file you use pyuic4 so you can do a .sh15:45
alecufagan, I know about that. But should I store the generated .pys in the bzr repo?15:46
faganalecu: well ralsina said to me not to do that but ship a setup.sh or setup.py that does the pyuic415:47
alecufagan, I see. sso-client has a setup.py that does that.15:47
alecuI'll use it in the u1cp. Thanks!15:48
faganalecu: cool15:48
dobeyoh now it works again15:51
joshuahoovernessita: ping15:53
nessitajoshuahoover: pong15:58
joshuahoovernessita: i'm running nightlies and the control panel gives me this error from the terminal when i try to start it: ImportError: cannot import name login_client  ...(i have 1.7+r988-35~natty1 installed)15:58
dobeyi wonder if i got silver medallion on delta now15:58
nessitajoshuahoover: ah, uh. I need to fix packaging bits. Thanks for pointing thta out!15:59
joshuahoovernessita: ok, good, it's not just me then ;)15:59
nessitajoshuahoover: no no :-)16:00
dobeyalecu: eww16:00
alecudobey, I don't get the "eww"16:01
dobeyalecu: generated python from .ui files?16:01
fagandobey: thats how pyqt works dude :D16:02
nessitajoshuahoover: can you please file a bug for me?16:03
joshuahoovernessita: yep16:03
dobeythat's how we're using it yes, but it is eww16:05
joshuahoovernessita: bug #78522916:07
ubot4Launchpad bug 785229 in ubuntuone-control-panel "Nightlies: ImportError: cannot import name login_client (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78522916:07
nessitajoshuahoover: thanks!16:07
dobeyand seems to me like we don't have to use it that way16:07
alecudobey, I don't like that either. I much prefer the libglade way of loading the .ui at runtime, but every pyqt tutorial seems to point into the pyuic direction.16:09
faganwell I dont know it seems a little bit cleaner to just have .py files to deal with to me16:11
dobeyalecu: where's the uic module, and loadUIType method in it, which seems like what we want16:12
faganbut I dont really mind either way really I used glade and liked that way too16:12
dobeywell, glade/gtk+ at least has a usable API for using resource files in that way16:12
dobeyseems the qt API is not so niced16:13
fagandobey: yeah well pyqt has that resource thing that generates a .py file16:14
fagandobey: oh and pyuic is in pyqt-dev-tools16:14
nessitaalecu, dobey: could you please review? https://code.launchpad.net/~nataliabidart/ubuntuone-control-panel/packaging/+merge/61591 (packaging-dailies branch is coming next)16:15
nessitaralsina, all: are we having the roadmap call?16:16
* fagan isnt needed on that16:17
dobeyfagan: generated code is crap.16:18
dobeyit is basically worthless16:18
dobeynessita: i hope not. and i guess not since ralsina is in transit?16:18
fagandobey: yeah16:18
nessitadobey: I guess so16:19
fagandobey: well the generated code for the pyqt stuff is just declaring the items on the page and adding a bit of stuff to allow for translations its not exactly difficult code its generating16:22
fagandobey: so its not exactly bad its just it probably could be done in the same way glade does it which takes out that step entirely16:22
faganso yeah your right eww16:22
dobeyfagan: that's irrelevant. the generated code can't be modified, and it has to be regenerated whenever the .ui file changes16:22
dobeyand right if it's just for translations, it's even worse16:23
alecunessita, approved.16:23
dobeynessita: i'm not sure if i should approve, or needsfixing and say "use find_packages()"16:24
dobeyi am inclined toward the latter though16:24
fagandobey: actually it can be modified but it just wont be kept around after you do a new pyuic on the .ui file.16:24
nessitadobey: what find_packages? :-)16:24
alecudobey, fagan: sso qt generates the .py's from the .ui's in setup.py. Perhaps mandel knows about it?16:24
alecumandel, do you know why are we doing that instead of loading the .ui's at runtime, like we do on gtk?16:25
dobeyprobably because all the examples/pointers on the net point at using pyuic416:26
dobeyfagan: don't try to be pedantic. it means you can't modify it.16:26
mandelalecu: translations16:26
faganooooh now I remember why we are doing it that way16:27
* fagan completely forgot about the translations thing 16:27
dobeynessita: setuptools.find_packages16:27
nessitadobey: but we're not using setuptools, but distutils16:28
dobeynessita: actually you're using DistUtilsExtra; but it does not mean you can't use setuptools.find_packages16:29
nessitadobey: form my POV, it is too much of a mix. If you insist, I can add this to the setup.py: http://wiki.python.org/moin/Distutils/Cookbook/AutoPackageDiscovery16:29
nessitadobey: but I'm not comfortable with using setuptools and distutilsextra and distutils16:30
dobeywhy not?16:30
nessitais too much mix16:30
dobeyi don't think so16:30
nessitaI do (which leads to nothing) :-)16:31
nessitadobey: besides, adding te packages by hand makes us remember we need to tweak the packaging branches16:32
nessitadobey: which is good, otherwise, we (packagers) may not notice there is a new package to be added in the .install files16:32
nessitadobey: and given that we have < 5 packages, I think this time practicality beats purity16:32
dobeyi don't think it helps us remember, since people always forget to update the setup.py anyway :)16:33
nessitadobey: right, but the bug arises very early16:34
dobeyto me, that says there is a problem; setuptools.find_packages is the right solution for that, and i think we should be applying it *shrug*16:34
dobeynessita: this bug would have occurred at the same time, regardless; it wasn't caught until a new nightlies package was up16:34
dobeybut since everyone always forgets to update setup.py, it means there are more pieces of work to fix it, because we have to update the setup.py, and the packaging, both16:35
nessitadobey: ok, let's settle on the recipe, yes?16:36
dobeywith find_packages, we would always only have to fix the packaging as a result of any of these16:36
nessitadobey: ok, let's settle on the recipe, yes?16:38
dobeyi'm not sure what that question means exactly? what would you like to reach quorum on?16:39
dobeywhether or not to use find_packages()?16:39
nessitadobey: I agree on not explicitly listing all the packages by hand, and you agree to using the recipe instead of fInd_packages16:39
nessitadobey: I already answered that16:40
dobeyrecipe? you mean "copy a find_packages() method into every setup.py we ship" ?16:40
nessitadobey: last.append("and do not depend on setuptools")16:41
dobeyi think that is a horrible idea. what we need already exists, is already distributed in ubuntu, is in main, is on the cd, and is readily available for us to use. shipping a copy in every setup.py, that is inferior, seems like a complete waste to me16:43
nessitadobey: then let's list the packages explicitly16:43
dobeywell, i need to get lunch16:45
nessitadobey: ok, enjoy your lunch, but first let's move on with this packaging branch16:45
dobeyi will abstain16:46
nessitadobey: ok, thanks16:46
=== m_conley is now known as m_conley-lunch
* fagan loves covert operations :)16:51
faganEOD finishing off twisted tomorrow :)17:03
* fagan has some brink to play17:03
=== beuno is now known as beuno-lunch
dobeythisfred: btw, i saw the other day, someone who was claiming how quod libet should be the default because it's the greatest thing ever, and it wasn't you. i was agasp17:51
thisfredMaybe it was one of my sock puppets17:51
=== zyga is now known as zyga-afk
dobeynessita: text conflict in changelog18:04
nessitadobey: looking18:23
nessitadobey: right, I used an outdated branch as parent, fixing it now18:26
* nessita should not do 3 things at the same time18:26
=== m_conley-lunch is now known as m_conley
dobeycan i have some reviews for this please? https://code.launchpad.net/~dobey/ubuntuone-client/fix-deprecations/+merge/6162618:49
nessitadobey: approved18:57
dobeyalecu, thisfred: second review? :)18:58
thisfreddobey: +118:58
ryedobey, is there any ppa of natty ubuntuone-client for maverick that is not nightlies?19:25
DanRabbitHey U1, thoughts, fears, comments, concerns: http://imagebin.org/154084 ?19:29
* rye read fears and thought that this is a screenshot of an error page19:30
nessitaDanRabbit: too orange19:32
nessitaDanRabbit: what about a grey background?19:33
DanRabbitnessita: I'll try it :)19:34
nessitadobey: conflicts resolved, would you please re-review?19:36
DanRabbitnessita: here it is with a gray from the Ubuntu palette: http://imagebin.org/15408719:38
nessitaDanRabbit: I like it better, but I would advise getting another review19:40
nessitaDanRabbit: beuno-lunch's probably19:40
=== beuno-lunch is now known as beuno
beunoDanRabbit, I replied to the email19:41
dobeydo we need a "splash screen" there?19:41
ryeDanRabbit, is this for Android Files? I don't know whether an Android application should show "for Android"... since if it has already started then it must have been successful19:41
karnihey guys, I'm back.19:42
* karni reads19:42
karnifagan: thanks for comments19:43
karniDanRabbit: nice splash!19:44
ryeThe gray one is awesome19:45
karniDanRabbit: rye: So. On one hand, I've seen people doing the same thing few times (writing "foo bar product FOR XXX" when it was actually running on XXX anyway). On the other, that's right - we're running no Android, so I'm not sure if it's necessary there19:45
karniI guess I have something in my inbox now..19:45
DanRabbitkarni, rye, beuno: someone suggested some clouds? http://imagebin.org/15409019:46
DanRabbitokay, should I remove the "for Android" text?19:46
dobeyDanRabbit: i think so19:47
karniDanRabbit: w00t this is beautiful!19:47
dobeyand ugh, clouds :)19:47
dobey(also ugh, splash screens ftl)19:47
karniDanRabbit: as for "for Android", i would ask ivanka19:47
beunoDanRabbit, that's nice to, I think at this stage it comes down to branding consistency19:47
DanRabbitokay, so ask Ivanka on "for Android" and do we like clouds or dislike clouds?19:48
* rye wants a wallpaper with this now19:48
DanRabbitrye: haha that's a good idea I might do that.19:49
beunoDanRabbit, I like them, I guess it depends on what the rest of the branding will look like19:49
karnibeuno: didn't want to interrupt on #w&m - yes I know. I'll have a saner schedule once I'm sure people will rate us 4-5 stars instead of 3 because there's some glitches or something missing.19:50
karniDanRabbit: as far as I cam concerned, I am definitely *for* the clouds. I'm only a programmer, but I had similar splash screen in mind for months. I love it!19:50
dobeykarni: what i'm wondering is why we think we need splash screens :)19:52
karnidobey: because on HTC Desire HD app launches in like one second, and on HTC Hero it launches in 3-4? (still faster than Db)19:52
karnidobey: so you don't look at a white/black screen. this is justified, this is not "because we like it". we *need* it.19:53
dobeyis it because basic app startup is actually that much slower there, or is it because we're doing a bunch of other stuff at startup?19:54
karnidobey: we're not doing much at startup. the former.19:54
ryekarni, on my machine it takes 1 second19:54
ryephone, not machine19:54
karnidobey: there are components that need to be initialized, by the system as well19:54
karnirye: that even makes me happier. however, we do need a splash. especially that it's so fancy now lol!19:55
karnidobey: oh come on, that was a joke. if you didn't have a snapdragon phone, you would understand. you don't agree with me?19:56
ryekarni, otoh it will be a splash screen really, which will be shown for 1 second or less (if app is simply suspended)19:56
karnirye: would you like me to programmatically decide if we should show the splash screen based on CPU speed?19:56
ryekarni, hmmmmmm19:56
karnirye: the best part is that it's not a splash actually. it's a background of the activity that is being loaded.19:57
karnirye: that's a trick used by developers to avoid "slow'ish empty startup" of the application19:57
dobeykarni: i don't have an android phone. i just hate splash screens19:57
ryekarni, wow, so basically showing it does not cost anything more than reading the png file19:57
karnirye: exactly. I'm not making anything particular to >show the splash please!< :)19:57
karniit's just a background.19:58
karnidobey: I see. Well, that one is not something that you see on computers for few seconds before your real software launches (or launches in the background)19:58
ryekarni, but during latest runs android-u1 displayed the splash for half a second, which is (if it contains some words) is hard to read19:58
karnidobey: that's actually starting to display the activity.19:58
karnirye: then I agree we should only leave "UBuntu One" and nothing else19:59
ryekarni, dobey there was a quote on bash.org.ru, "You know that your computer is slow if you know all the names of Photoshop developers"19:59
karnirye: I could, however, make it *display* the splash screen for 2 seconds, but that would indeed make dobey mad (justified :) )19:59
karnilet's stick what we have now, the splash is the least of my concerns20:00
ryekarni, but we created a 20 minute discussion out of it :)20:00
karnirye: I can bring up better topics if you'd like :)20:00
karnirye: On that note, I should be coding now :)20:01
karnirye: Anyway, I still do consider this valuable input, please don't get me wrong. This is just aesthetics, and we can always tweak/change that. We're still just missing imporatnt pieces of the puzzle, althought it generally looks fine.20:05
nessitacan I haz another review for https://code.launchpad.net/~nataliabidart/ubuntuone-control-panel/packaging-dailies/+merge/61599 ?20:06
nessitajoshuahoover: maybe you? ^20:06
* joshuahoover looks20:06
nessita(it fixes the control panel nightlies)20:06
dobeyyou don't need another review for it20:07
ryekarni, i absolutely agree with you20:07
karnirye: :)20:07
nessitadobey: I don't? you mean because I should push it myself?20:08
joshuahoovernessita: you heard dobey...do it now before he changes his mind! ;)20:08
nessitaalecu, anyone else: https://code.launchpad.net/~nataliabidart/ubuntuone-control-panel/move-logic-to-backend/+merge/6164220:08
nessitajoshuahoover: :-D20:08
dobeynessita: tarmac is not managing those branches20:10
dobeyalthough, perhaps i should set it up to do so20:10
nessitadobey: ack, pushing now20:10
nessitadobey: it would be nice, though not highly needed20:11
dobeynessita: well i've fixed up the nightlies to include the packaging revno in the version now, so we could also request rebuilds automatically for changes in the packaging as well20:12
dobeycan have a couple quick and easy reviews for https://code.launchpad.net/~dobey/ubuntuone-client/gtk-hates-me/+merge/61645 ?20:16
ryemandel, have you "ponged" me?20:20
mandelrye: yes, because you oinged me wayse ago20:21
ryeso, why http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntuone-control-tower/ubuntuone-client/trunk/view/head:/bin/ubuntuone-syncdaemon#L74 ?20:22
ryemandel, ^20:22
mandelrye: because I stupdly commented some lines and forgot to undo the change20:22
mandelno smart reason what so ever20:23
mandelnone, null, nil20:23
ryemandel, is there a branch to undo this?20:25
mandelrye: what do you mean?20:25
mandelif there is a branch that fixes that? I think nessita did look at it20:25
nessitamandel: nopes, I didn't20:26
nessitamandel: I just saw the problem and let you and ralsina know20:26
mandelah… ok I can do one later, is kinda late here 10 pm20:27
mandelI mean, I need to have dinner etc20:27
dobeyanyone? https://code.launchpad.net/~dobey/ubuntuone-client/gtk-hates-me/+merge/6164520:28
nessitadobey: looking20:29
nessitadobey: GTK_DIALOG_NO_SEPARATOR no loger exists?20:29
dobeygtk3 doesn't have it20:30
nessitadobey: ack. ANy idea why: ubuntuone-control-panel_1.1.0+r144-20~natty1.dsc: Version older than that in the archive. 1.1.0+r144-20~natty1 <= 1.1.0+r144-23~natty120:31
nessitadobey: after requesting a build20:31
nessitadobey: I'm getting "State: Failed to upload "20:31
dobeybecause you broke trunk20:32
nessitadobey: can you please be more specific instead of being just accusing? :-)20:32
dobeyof packaging-dailies20:32
dobeyi'm not accusing20:32
nessitadobey: I still don't understand what I broke20:33
dobeyyou created a branch from an older version, and then merged trunk into; so it had fewer commits than the trunk originally had, so when you pushed it, some revisions were lost20:33
dobeypackaging-dailies now has fewer revisions than it did before20:33
nessitadobey: but I merged trunk in...20:34
nessitaI mean, I did run bzr merge ...20:34
nessitahow will that loose revnos?20:34
dobeynessita: you did not merge your branch into packaging-dailies20:34
dobeyyou pushed it there20:34
nessitadobey: I first merged packaging-dailies in, then I pushed20:34
dobeynessita: you did it backwards20:35
nessitadobey: no I didn't, I first merged then I pushed20:35
nessitaor I'm not understanding what you're saying20:35
dobeyyou did not merge *into* packaging-dailies20:36
dobeyyou merged *from* it, and then pushed your branch *onto* it20:36
nessitadobey: I still don't see the difference from what I did, but maybe the language is playing tricks here. Speaking bzr, I use a branch from packaging-dailies, made the changes, push to a location of mine, you mentioned the conflicts, I branched original packaging-dailies into a packaging-dailies-trunk branch, then, in my branch I ran bzr merge ../packaging-dailies-trunk, resolved conflicts, bzr ci, bzr push. You reviewed20:38
nessitathen, bzr push lp:~u1-control-tower/u1cp/packaging-dailies20:38
nessitadobey: at what point you say I did it wrong?20:39
dobeythat last push20:39
nessitadobey: what should I have done instead?20:39
dobeyin your packaging-dailies-trunk branch, bzr merge ../approved-branch; bzr commit (with right commit message/author if not you), and push that to lp20:40
nessitadobey: right, I see my mistake now20:41
dobeyyour branch had fewer toplevel revisions20:41
dobeyso the revno went down when you pushed it on top20:41
nessitaright, I now get it, thanks for explaining20:41
nessitadobey: this is why we need tarmac :-D20:42
nessitadone, pushed to revno 24, which seems appropriate20:45
dobeyok, thanks20:45
dobeyalecu, thisfred, rye, karni: anyone care to give second review of https://code.launchpad.net/~dobey/ubuntuone-client/gtk-hates-me/+merge/61645 ? is very simple20:47
thisfredgot it20:47
karniI'll let thisfred review :)20:47
duanedesignanyone  wish to help me decipher a forum post abobut U1? I am just not quite understanding his question.20:51
thisfredduanedesign: wow, not a clue what that means. If there was a link in there I would be sure it was botspam ;)20:52
beunoduanedesign, I know what he means20:53
duanedesignthisfred: good idea!20:53
beunohe wants to sync his contacts using a usb cable20:53
dobeyhe wants to use his phone as a modem20:53
beunowhat he wants is to tether through his phone20:53
beunousing ubuntu20:53
dobeyand was using nokia's app to do it20:53
beunonothing yo do with u120:53
dobeywhich doesn't exist for leenux20:53
dobeyand no idea if it works in NM or not20:54
beunoit did for my E7120:54
duanedesignok so just a reaffirmation the client does not exist for linux. And no work arounds exist?20:55
beunoduanedesign, yeah, network manager may support it if he sets his phone to pc suite20:56
duanedesignthannk you very much!20:57
alecuhi all, can I ask for two reviews of this? https://code.launchpad.net/~alecu/ubuntuone-control-panel/tx-qt-mainloop/+merge/6165220:59
alecunessita, thisfred, dobey: ^20:59
nessitaalecu: looking20:59
thisfredon it20:59
dobeyyou can *ask*20:59
nessitaalecu: typo caused by copy and paste: Invalid name "ubuntuone-control-panel-gtk", pylint: disable=C0103 (on u1cp-qt)21:00
dobeycontrib dir FTL21:00
alecunessita, since I did no tests, I forgot to run them.21:00
alecudobey, contrib sounds fine for me. I'll let *you* package the qt reactor for windows.21:02
dobeywell i don't have to package it for windows21:02
dobeyit's already done21:02
nessitaalecu: I'll propose a branch to move all the gtk .ui files to a gtk dir21:02
nessitaalecu: after your review21:02
alecunessita, I think there's no need for that yet. add a bug, do that branch after the london sprint.21:03
alecupylint loves the qt generated .py files21:03
nessitaalecu: I need to check the packaging bits, but I think there is the need, since we don't want to package the qt ui files in ubuntu21:04
nessitaat least not yet21:04
dobeyalecu: sso doesn't have contrib/ dir, so why should we?21:04
nessitadobey: sso does not use a twisted reactor, I guess that is the reason21:04
dobeyand ubuntuone-client does not have qtreactor included in it21:05
nessitaalecu: also, you should not change copyright from 2010 to 2011 but add the new year. What I mean is, you should end up with something like: +# Copyright 2010-2011 Canonical Ltd.21:05
thisfredalecu: what do I need to install to prevent: ImportError: No module named qt21:05
nessitadobey: because it does not need it... but I'll let alecu give you specifics21:06
thisfredit's not python-qt, apparentlt :)21:06
dobeynessita: then what did mandel spend all that time making u1trial work with qt reactor for?21:06
dobeyalso devtools does not include qtreactor21:07
nessitadobey: ah, you killed me on that one21:07
nessitaalecu: ^?21:07
alecuthisfred, python-qt4 and python-qt4-dbus (perhaps others)21:07
nessitaalecu: another copy and paste! 879+            py_file = os.path.join('ubuntu_sso', 'controlpanel', 'qt', 'ui',880+                                   py_file) :-) I'll add those to the merge proposal instead of keeping listing them here21:07
alecunessita, thanks.21:08
nessitaalecu: so, any idea about what dobey says? that mandel already did something related to twisted and qt?21:09
nessitaand reactors21:09
alecuno idea21:10
nessitadobey: can you please be more specific about the qt reactor thing? so alecu and I can understand and see if we are doing it wrong21:14
dobeyi don't think we should put it in contrib/ and i don't think we should be doing "from contrib import foo" in code we expect users to install/run21:15
thisfredcould use a second +1 on https://code.launchpad.net/~mterry/ubuntuone-couch/extra-headers/+merge/6164821:15
dobeyis he in ~ubuntuone-hackers?21:17
thisfreddobey: who michael? I'll look21:17
thisfreddobey: afaict no21:18
alecudobey, I agree on the "from contrib import foo" being wrong. I still don't see where to put it or package it for the windows version.21:18
dobeyalecu: don't put it anywhere21:19
dobeyalecu: it's already packaged somewhere for windows21:19
alecudobey, I need to put it somewhere, because it's not packaged.21:20
dobeyalecu: then please tell me how it's being used if it's not packaged21:20
thisfredalecu: is this the same as nessita reported? http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/610253/21:21
alecudobey, there's no windows release of the qt sso that mandel did.21:21
nessitathisfred: I haven't run anything yet21:21
thisfredah ok21:22
dobeyalecu: no, but they have been running the tests on windows21:22
dobeyalecu: and doing that requires qtreactor21:22
alecudobey, right, they have been running those tests in a specially crafted environ. Nobody but mandel has it. (perhaps ralsina)21:23
dobeyalecu: so i don't know where it is exactly, but it is somewhere, and we should not be putting it in our contrib21:23
dobeyalecu: well, ralsina, mandel, and fagan should all have it at least21:23
nessitaalecu: added a bunch of needs fixing after looking only the diff. Once those are resolved, I'll re-review and run21:23
alecudobey, look here: https://github.com/ghtdak/qtreactor21:24
dobeyyes i knwo where upstream is21:24
alecudobey, there's no setup.py, and it's not packaged21:24
alecunessita, thanks.21:25
dobeyok so it's not packaged. but that doesn't change anything21:25
nessitaalecu, dobey: let's talk about this tomorrow with ralsina and mandel, and come up with a proper solution.21:26
nessitain the mean time we can review the rest of the branch and test it IRL21:26
dobeyif we need it packaged, we should build a package in our PPA and propose it for inclusion in ubuntu, and we should avoid putting code we do not own, in our source trees, unless it's absolutely necessary21:27
alecunessita, dobey: ok.21:28
alecuright now I need to run to pick up amelia from kinder. See you guys in a few hours.21:28
nessitadobey: any idea why oneiric dailies build are failing with: Unable to open directory /usr/lib/gio/modules: Error opening directory '/usr/lib/gio/modules': No such file or directory21:29
nessitacontrol panel's dailies21:29
nessitaand maverick's build is failing due to tests failures :-/21:30
nessita  File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/gtk-2.0/gi/types.py", line 143, in __init__     set_object_has_new_constructor(cls.__info__.get_g_type()) exceptions.TypeError: must be a subtype of GObject21:30
dobeyyes i know21:30
nessitadobey: can we fix somehow?21:30
dobeyi don't understnd your question about the gio thing21:31
dobeycp on O is failing because there are a million pylint errors21:32
nessitadobey: hum, I opened the log file and there was the gio error21:35
nessitadobey: I didn't scroll up, so I guess the GIO error is not important?21:35
dobeynessita: that is a warning from the removal of a package when cleaning up the chroot21:37
nessitadobey: ah, ok21:42
dobeyif it ain't one thing, it's another22:02
dobeyoh well, time to call it a day22:03
dobeyhave a good evening all22:03
nessitaok, I'm calling it a day too22:08
nessitabye all!22:08
facundobatista_nessita, chaucha22:14
nessitachau facundobatista_22:14
=== m_conley is now known as m_conley_away

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