
Davieylifeless, Do you know when the UNRELEASED package of bzr-svn is going to be uploaded to Debian?00:56
lifelessno idea00:57
Davieylifeless, ok - no worries.. thanks :)00:57
lifelessjelmer will00:58
lifelessbut hets not online just now00:58
Davieylifeless, yeah, i saw he was offline and he made the change.. I wondered if you knew as it seems you are both uploaders..00:59
Davieylifeless, thanks... it is not urgent, just that it is stuff in oneiric atm.. Depends bzr < 2.400:59
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bignoseif I have done ‘bzr shelve’ and the shelf is now created, can I apply a message to it post-hoc?07:13
bignoseso that it shows up in ‘bzr shelve --list’.07:13
jammorning all09:08
mgzmorning all09:14
spivmwhudson: lucky yoU!09:22
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LarstiQRiddell: if you're still looking for things to do, https://bugs.launchpad.net/bzr/+bug/785633 perhaps? :)09:49
ubot5Ubuntu bug 785633 in Bazaar "bzr missing doesn't like :parent" [Low,Confirmed]09:49
RiddellLarstiQ: I'll keep it in mind09:50
jammgz: bzr branch --switch . ../new-feature-branch09:59
jambzr revert -r submit:09:59
jam# revert everything to upstream09:59
jambzr revert file1 file2 # stuff I want to keep09:59
jambzr commit09:59
jambzr switch ../orig-branch09:59
jambzr merge ../new-feature-branch10:00
jambzr revert .10:00
jambzr commit -m "supersede new-feature-branch"10:00
jamfor the next one, you want to do "bzr branch --switch -r XXX" before you split of new-feature-branch10:00
jamotherwise the branches end up depending on eacother10:00
mgzThanks jam, that makes sense.10:08
jamjelmer: I can try to talk to you via irc10:15
jamthey sometimes stay quite for like 10 min10:15
jelmerjam: That works too :)10:15
jambut you never know wehn10:15
jamYou're welcome to talk alound10:16
jamI'm listening10:16
bialixvila: hi, are you still release manager?10:22
Riddellbialix: he is but he's talking to poolie right now10:23
bialixhi Riddell, ok, thanks, np10:23
vilabialix: yup10:23
bialixhave a couple of minutes? re windows installers10:24
bialixshort question: can I expect to see new beta very soon?10:25
vilabialix: err, see the lp page ?10:36
vilaright 2.4b3 is planned for next week (2011-05-26) for freeze10:37
bialixok, I need fixes for sphinx10:37
vilanew ones ?10:37
bialixmgz: can I have your little help?10:41
bialixanybody has idea about https://bugs.launchpad.net/bzr/+bug/78566110:44
ubot5Ubuntu bug 785661 in Bazaar "`make chm-sphinx` is always exits with error code 1" [Undecided,New]10:44
mgzlooks like htmlhelp is failing?10:44
mgztry running just that command seperately?10:44
bialixmake is make.bar actually, I have to use call make ...10:45
bialixmy bad10:45
bialixsorry, for the noise.10:47
bialixso, I have problems with chm-sphinx anyway, even with latest patches for it10:50
spivmaxb: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bzr/+bug/74137511:08
ubot5Ubuntu bug 741375 in Launchpad itself "using +branch/~user/project/branch prevents automatic stacking of new branches pushed to Launchpad" [High,Triaged]11:08
jamjelmer: poke11:16
jamThe _cleanup thing is a bug11:17
jamdef unlock() should only call _cleanup when the lock is finally released11:17
jamnot for every unlock call11:17
jamarguably path2ids shouldn't have needs_read_lock (because I'd like to get rid of those in general)11:17
jambut we shouldn't be nuking the ignore list on a re-entrant lock11:17
mgzbug 78567111:19
ubot5Launchpad bug 785671 in Bazaar "calling WorkingTree.path2id resets ignore list cache" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78567111:19
jammgz: thanks, though jelmer, you can just fix that to land your apply delta stuff11:19
jamit is really just moving the call further down after the "if lock_count == 0" sort of stuff11:20
jelmerjam: I'm now using inventory.path2id to work around it11:20
jelmerThough perhaps I should indeed just Do The Right Thing11:20
jamjelmer: I thought the whole point of this was to get away from inventory11:23
etenilHi there11:23
jelmerjam: that's what I initially set out to do, but I had to use inventory deltas so the foreign plugins need a custom implementation anyway11:24
etenilI'm using a git-like workflow with bzr. And I've refactored a bit my code in my latest branch, so that functions have a slightly different name (a sed was enough). However, when I patch my stable branch and merge up the patch, it screws up all my refactoring. Does bazaar have facilities that could solve this?11:25
jelmerjam: They already have custom implementations now (and can take some shortcuts, as there's no need to worry about e.g. directories for hg and git)11:25
jamjelmer: converting from iter_changes => inventory delta should be straightforward (I think)11:25
jelmerjam: I'm now just focussing on fixing bug 14616511:25
ubot5Launchpad bug 146165 in Bazaar "smart_add uses _get_inventory, _write_inventory, but should not" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/14616511:25
jamjelmer: sure, and thats a good start, but the unlock thing should be pretty easy11:26
jelmerjam: I'm not disagreeing :)11:26
chriscauserHello everyone. I think I've found a bug in bzr-svn but I thought it best to discuss here before I file a bugreport11:27
jelmerhi chriscauser11:27
jelmeretenil, hi11:27
etenilhi jelmer11:28
jelmeretenil, what do you mean exactly with "it screws up all my refactoring"?11:28
chriscauserWhen I have a checkout of trunk, and I do a "bzr diff https://scm...../branchname", it whirrs for ~ 2 hours on "9197kB  1171kB/s / fetching changes for file ids 0/415" with the download size getting larger and larger (probably > repo size) before falling over11:29
eteniljelmer: well let's say I've renamed my function foo() to bar() and updated all the code accordingly, when I merge up my patch from stable (where foo() is still foo()), I'd like foo() to get renamed to bar() automatically11:29
jamchriscauser: I assume that "bzr diff $" is having to do a conversion of the history to get the information you want.11:31
jamprobably better to fetch it locally, and then "bzr diff ../local" instead11:31
jelmeretenil: merge doesn't have any custom support for C functions so it just does a three way merge11:31
eteniljelmer: right, I'd just like it to be aware of the name change. Maybe I could hook up sed or something?11:32
chriscauserjam: Thanks11:32
jamjelmer: would it be a lot of work to factor the smart_add stuff into a helper class, I'm a bit sad to see *more* nested functions.11:32
jelmeretenil, You can write a plugin for bzr which adds a custom merger for those files and basically does the sed11:33
etenilwell I'll see about that then. Or maybe I'll just suffer a bit longer until my unstable branch becomes stable :D11:33
jelmeretenil, however, it's easy to do something that handles the trivial case but hard to handle all cases properly without actually properly parsing the full file11:33
jelmerjam: Sure, I'll have a look.11:34
etenilwell thanks for your help jelmer, I think I'll just stick to manual handling for the time being11:34
chriscauserjam: Although I think perhaps something else is going on because the diff downloads substantially more than the repo size11:34
jelmerchriscauser: You're probably better off pulling down the repository and looking at it locally11:35
jamchriscauser: well, you're doing cross-format conversions11:35
jamWe don't always try to optimize the bandwidth, etc.11:35
chriscauserjam: I guess that's it. I'll work with branching the two branches and working locally11:36
jelmerchriscauser, can you file a bug about this particular case?11:37
poolieis bug 785377 a dupe of one that was recently fixed?12:13
ubot5Launchpad bug 785377 in Bazaar "merging into a new branch leaves working tree in bad state (bzr: ERROR: exceptions.ValueError: WorkingTree.set_root_id with fileid=None)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78537712:13
poolieabout merge into a new directoly?12:13
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jampoolie: yeah, well the fix from Riddell was to just refuse with a nicer message12:37
ScottKSo Riddell's niceness will now infect bzr?  "bzr: Friendly version control"13:12
fullermdI miss when it used to laugh at you for screwing up   :(13:16
jamfullermd: yeah, but hooking into sound libraries seemed too big of a dependency13:17
fullermdIf you wanna make an omlette, you gotta break a few lions.13:17
santagadaLarstiQ, hi, how is your bzr-pypy branch going? need someone to test it?13:18
LarstiQsantagada: nothing new from my end, jam did some work on the test cleanups13:19
LarstiQsantagada: I got lost in trying to debug the locking code13:19
jamLarstiQ: well, only getting bits of it merged into bzr.dev13:19
LarstiQjam: for which I'm thankful :)13:19
LarstiQsantagada: on the pypy there seems to be an issue with keeping around the loops too long13:20
LarstiQsantagada: antoncuni seems interested in that13:21
LarstiQsantagada: maybe you could help drive that along by providing him with data when needed?13:24
chriscauserjelmer: Will do.13:29
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pooliejam, well, refusing that merge with a nice message should avoid the bad state14:04
pooliecanny version control14:04
pooliejam i don't know if you overheard but http://babune.ladeuil.net:24842/job/chroot-natty/ should now be pretty stable14:10
poolieas far as avoiding spurious vmbox or jenkins failures14:10
pooliefingers crossed14:10
pooliealso it should build up to every hour if there are new commits14:10
jampoolie: sounds nice, though if we still go through pqm first, I don't see *natty* being a super important target14:12
jamunless pqm is just lucid?14:12
jamstill nice for it to be stable14:12
pooliepqm is on lucid14:23
pooliebut really the main point here is that it's stable14:23
poolieand we ought to be able to replicate it for other ubuntu releases and other linux distributions14:23
poolieand then that should mean there are so few actually running as vms that they can run all the time, which should avoid another class of problems14:24
pooliejam, i think they reliably fail for me on wine15:00
james_wjelmer, hey, I just remembered, are you adding the new substitution variables to the plugin help via the module docstring?16:16
james_wI think the current ones are documented there16:17
jelmerjames_w: Ah, I wasn't aware of that. I'll update it - thanks for the reminder.16:17
james_wjelmer, if you could add in https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/624094 while working on these, that would be great16:19
ubot5Ubuntu bug 624094 in Launchpad itself "Support package version found in branches when specifying version numbers in recipe" [Medium,Triaged]16:19
jelmerjames_w: sure16:21
jelmerjames_w: would it perhaps be useful to have a variable for just the debian revision than the entire thing?16:21
james_wfor this use case we want the whole thing, epoch, debian revision and all16:21
BjornWcan someone tell me if bzr has something like svn:externals or git submodules?16:56
mgzthere's bzr-externals and bzr-scmproj plugins17:01
BjornWmgz: ok so nothing in bzr core itself? Mhhm too bad17:07
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mgznearly time for me to head off17:55
spivpoolie, mgz, jam, maxb, jelmer, Riddell, vila: http://wiki.bazaar.canonical.com/May2011Sprint18:06
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dcolesIs it unusual to see ghost-revisions when inspecting a svn repository which has had bzr commits pushed to it?21:41
dcolesI have a branch which I've just pushed which contained several merges. If I look at the history in the bazaar branch it looks fine, but if I branch from the svn repository anything with depth > 1 appears as a ghost.21:42
LarstiQdcoles: there is a config setting that might help iirc21:53
LarstiQdcoles: push_merged_revisions21:53
dcolesFor the svn server or for bazaar?21:54
LarstiQdcoles: for bzr-svn21:54
dcolesAh. I'll take a look if I've got that set.21:54
dcolesFirst time I've used bzr-svn on an extended svn project.21:54
dcolesAh. Yes. Expected behavior: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bzr-svn/+bug/569360/comments/322:03
ubot5Ubuntu bug 569360 in Bazaar Subversion Plugin "bzr log <path> skips merge revisions" [Undecided,Invalid]22:03
dcolesThanks LarstiQ22:03
LarstiQI forget why it doesn't default to that22:04
dcolesI think it will create branches automagically22:04
dcolesMuch like tags do22:04
dcolesWhich may be unexpected.22:04
* LarstiQ hasn't used bzr-svn in a while, admittedly22:04
LarstiQdcoles: right22:04
LarstiQdcoles: but ending up in your situation isn't nice either22:05
dcolesAt least that's how it sounds like it's supposed to work. :)22:05
dcolesYes. I hope I have some of those branches around locally.22:05
* LarstiQ nods22:07
dcolesOtherwise I just lost the individual commits. The reason I use bzr-svn rather than subversion22:07
LarstiQalthough bzr should be able to cope with ghosts22:07
LarstiQyou may hit some rough corners22:07
dcolesBazaar is fine (though doesn't show them well in the UI). bzr qlog pukes a bit (bug reported)22:08
ubot5Error: Launchpad(https://launchpad.net) bug 785967 not found22:08
dcolesOh. Private.22:08
dcolesThe other fix is to just push the merge branches to the subversion branches by hand22:11
LarstiQdcoles: right22:14
LarstiQdcoles: if you still have them22:14
LarstiQbzr heads from bzrtools might help find them in some cases22:15
abeldHi! how can I fast-export a _repository_ (as opposed to a single branch)? All the references to fast-export that I can find by googling deal only with branches. "bzr fast-export" says ""22:26
abeldI mean it says "bzr: ERROR: Not a branch: "/path/to/repo/.bzr/branch/": location is a repository."22:26
abeld(i.e. fast-export -ing a bzr "shared repository")22:27
LarstiQabeld: it's not really geared to that I don't think22:43
LarstiQabeld: it might make sense to extend it, but I don't know the fast-export format enough to judge22:43
abeldSo what is the recommended way to convert such a shared repository to a git one?22:43
abeldWill fast-export (then fast-import to git) the branches inside the repository one-by-one make me end up with a 'many branches in one repo' git repository?22:44
LarstiQabeld: I would assume so, but I don't know22:44
LarstiQabeld: you could also see if bzr-git could be of help22:45
LarstiQabeld: I know bzr-svn has svn-import to do it the opposite direction atleast22:45
dcolesLast time I used bzr-git I'd either push my branches by hand or checkout each branch in git and then push to them from bazaar.22:47
abeldHmm. bzr fast-export has a "--git-branch=...." arg, I'll try that to specify the name when exporting the repositories.22:48
dcolesBazaar doesn't handle the colocated git repos all that great.22:48
LarstiQdcoles: does bzr-colo improve that at all?22:49
LarstiQor is that wishful thinking, bzr-colo and bzr-git interoperating magically22:50
dcolesI'm not sure. I don't think that existed about a year/year-half ago.22:50
dcolesCertainly the issue I was having was dependent on colocated branches.22:51
LarstiQlaunchpad.net/bzr-colo fwiw22:51
dcolesI think it was the case where you wanted to check out a git repository with branches... but I've not used git for a while and can't remember the exact weirdness that goes on.22:58
abeldOk, I tried it out, and it apparently worked (at least it did what I wanted). I ran 'bzr fast-export path/to/bzr_repo/branchname/ --git-branch=branchname | git fast-import' for each branch23:02
abeldThe git repo I ended up with contained the right branches, and commits merged from one to the other were apparently not duplicated (which was what I was afraid of might happen)23:02
abeldSo this will work for me.23:03
dcolesI think it's pretty good so long as you do it from the same repo.23:03
dcolesI know some exporters will end up with non-determanistic ids if run from different machines, but I think there's a cache that keeps track of the mappings.23:05
dcolesAnother cool feature is the svn branch name can differ from the bzr branch name and it will still find the correct mapping.23:18
bignoseif I have done ‘bzr shelve’ and the shelf is now created, can I apply a message to it post-hoc?23:56
bignoseso that the message shows up in ‘bzr shelve --list’.23:56

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