
DarkwingDuckWell, that went well.00:09
afiestashey, does anybody have a QtWebkit 2.2 package?01:02
JontheEchidnaagateau: http://i.imgur.com/f2ooT.png01:53
JontheEchidnaagateau, even better: http://i.imgur.com/Rh5nu.png01:57
DaskreechJontheEchidna: nice01:59
* afiestas is compiling QtWebkit 2.2 finally01:59
JontheEchidnaagateau: this was the best I could think of for the "multiple apps installed" case: http://i.imgur.com/SDxYi.png02:14
JontheEchidnaman, this widget is just so neat02:30
JontheEchidnait's all animate-y02:30
JontheEchidnagood job agateau02:30
JontheEchidna(and yes, I did remember to add the "..." to the string that opens the other dialog)02:38
micahgapachelogger: would you happen to be around?06:55
micahgScottK: or apachelogger could you look at this pastebin: http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=jy40iYg5, apparently there are some dependency issues in maverick WRT the SRU (seems some stuff didn't get updated)07:24
=== hunger_ is now known as hunger
apacheloggermicahg, ScottK: what is weird about this is that all that plunder is built from kdelibs, so I do not quite understand how the versions can diverge11:16
* apachelogger makes some coffee11:16
apacheloggermicahg, ScottK: IMHO that either was a slip up with the mirror, or unsupported packages installed12:12
apachelogger+ aptitude is not a supported way of doing anything anyway12:12
apacheloggercurrent libknewstuff2-4 from pl.archive maverick i386 12:13
ScottKmicahg: My vote is hung mirror only partly updated.12:33
* apachelogger pokes rbelem about pictures of kubuntu mobile on n900 ^^12:48
apacheloggerScottK, afiestas: I sent you feedback requests regarding my embedded sneak peak blog post, would be cool if you could take a look at it when you got a minute12:51
apacheloggerLol "The poll will start on Sunday 21 May. "12:51
* apachelogger giggles12:51
apacheloggerScottK: do you know how the poll system works yet?12:51
ScottKNo.  On my TODO.12:52
ScottKI probably ought to figure that out.12:52
ScottKapachelogger: Feedback sent.12:55
apacheloggerScottK: I got hardware :P12:56
ScottKMore people with hardware would be good.12:56
apacheloggersure, just saying, at the very least I can spend all my waking time trying to get a kernel going ^^12:57
apacheloggerScottK: otherwise the read is buzzy enough?12:57
afiestasapachelogger: I will have to answer tonight, got an event now12:57
apacheloggersure, rbelem needs to get me some pics before publishing anyway ^^12:58
ScottKapachelogger: As long as you can stand behind the first stable release thing.12:58
ScottKThat will take some work and you only get so much out of rbelem between naps.12:58
apacheloggerworst case: apachelogger needs to find himself minions again 12:59
ScottKminions, by definition, need molding and forming so don't wait for the last moment.12:59
apacheloggerdaring announcements, no question, but I believe we can pull this off12:59
ScottKBTW, if I vanish asac's latest ntrack patch was bad.13:01
apacheloggerScottK: how so?13:01
apacheloggerI mean he commented that it was not complete and stuff13:01
ScottKDoesn't stop crazy people from building it in their PPA.13:02
ScottKCrazy person being me at the moment.13:02
ScottKQuintasan_: Did you merge cnd's fix of your Qt mess?13:11
apacheloggersurely out drinking he is13:23
rbelemapachelogger, oh! i completely forgot :-( i'm dd'ing the image to the sd13:30
Quintasan_ScottK: no idea, I didn't do any mess in Qt13:44
ScottKQuintasan_: apachelogger ping'ed you about this yesterday.13:45
apacheloggerQuintasan_: https://code.launchpad.net/~chasedouglas/qt/fix-patch-removal/+merge/61668/13:45
apacheloggeryou should be reading your mails :P13:45
apachelogger...said the man who reads 5 mails per month ^^13:45
Quintasan_Any work has to wait until I am do with school13:45
Quintasan_No other way around it13:46
* apachelogger curses eduction to not provide time to work on free software and shape the future of modern society13:46
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
padamsapachelogger: just quit the education! ;)13:53
apacheloggernot an unattractive idea13:54
QuintasanI really messed up with that patch removal @_@14:03
ScottKAlmost shadeslayer like lack of attention to detail.14:11
apacheloggerScottK: at least Quintasan doesn't have exams all the time, so he can fix stuff14:24
ScottKHe can also stay upright when carrying his laptop.14:25
ScottKQuintasan: You didn't get to see this behemoth laptop that shadeslayer had in Orlando.14:25
apacheloggerthat photo is all weird14:28
ScottKRight.  Because he's got the backpack on the left shoulder and is holding the laptop on the right and so they almost balance out.14:30
apacheloggeroh, yeah, just thought the same thing14:30
ScottKThat may be the one time all of UDS he was straight and level.14:30
apacheloggeralso the angle is weird, the thing almost looks small14:30
apacheloggervalorie: also I cannot reproduce how you did not find me on the uds-o group pic seeing as I was the only person with a blue lanyard :P14:31
ScottKShe was probably looking for the mouse princess hat.14:33
ScottKThat's not something one can easily forget.14:33
apacheloggeryeah, well, I'd have loved to wear a fez14:39
apacheloggerbut since jr failed to bring them and the whole team failed to find fezes in budapest... :/14:39
rbelemapachelogger, i'm having some problems to get the rootfs and i found this link http://www.andremiller.net/content/mounting-hard-disk-image-including-partitions-using-linux14:52
rbelemapachelogger, in some min will i have the picture14:53
apacheloggerwe could just fake the picture if all fails ^^14:53
rbelemapachelogger, it will work now :-)14:53
eMyllerhey ScottK15:01
ScottKapachelogger: That seems evidence you may have hit the not widely known double Ballmer's peak where the evil really kicks in.15:02
ScottKHello eMyller15:02
eMyllerhave you pushed new ntrack stuff to your ppa?15:02
ScottKI did.15:03
ScottKIt's asac's enhanced patch.15:03
ScottKHe thinks there's some risk the first patch might leave one in a state where they can't reconnect to the VPN without first disconnecting/reconnecting networking.15:03
eMyllerthere's just something for mobile connection become perfect15:05
eMyllerdo you have any idea why, when the connection dies, i can't connect until i remove/reattach the modem or restart modem-manager?15:05
ScottKEven with the new patch?15:05
ScottK(which is an obscure way of saying "no")15:06
eMylleractually this problem is a bit old, very far before this ntrack issue15:06
ScottKNo idea then.15:06
eMyllerhm, actually i must wait for the connection to die for some reason so i can see :P15:07
eMyllerbut well15:07
eMyllerremoving/reattaching the modem isn't so annoying.15:08
* apachelogger thinks he should document his superior callgrind command somewhere15:12
* apachelogger is professional ui faker now15:25
* apachelogger applies for canonical design team15:25
apacheloggeractually, you'd imagine that sorta stuff to be easy15:27
apacheloggeryet it is not15:27
ScottKapachelogger: You aren't qualified for the design team unless you used proprietary tools to do your UI faking.15:34
apacheloggerthere goes my job opporunity15:35
micahgapachelogger: k, weird, when I checked last night, there seemed to me something missing15:57
ScottKmicahg: Sometimes mirrors don't fully update for awhile.  That seems to be what had happened.16:02
* ScottK does wonder though why you're using a Polish mirror?16:03
micahgScottK: was the SRU just released?16:06
ScottKIt was released just before Natty.16:07
ScottKSo not 'just'.16:07
=== cmagina is now known as cmagina-lunch
shadeslayeroh hai17:21
ScottKapachelogger: Your minion is degrading.  He's down to lolspeak now.17:33
=== ximion_ is now known as ximion
apacheloggershadeslayer: fix your language engine http://www.learnenglish.de/improvepage.htm17:35
shadeslayerthat page keeps opening a popup17:36
apacheloggerlet us start easy17:37
apacheloggershadeslayer: http://www.5min.com/Video/English-in-30-Seconds-Colors-19965329317:37
shadeslayererm no17:37
shadeslayeri meant colours17:37
shadeslayerbah ... i just wrote pad.lv/u/colors17:39
shadeslayerapachelogger: get out of my brain17:39
=== cmagina-lunch is now known as cmagina
shadeslayerapachelogger: btw kamoso builds just fine without libvlc-dev ... but i've yet to install and test it ...17:41
* apachelogger waits17:43
Quintasanapachelogger: wait wait all year long17:44
shadeslayernah ...17:44
shadeslayerjust a couple of weeks :P17:44
* apachelogger yawns17:45
Quintasanshadeslayer: Are you packaging newer kamoso or something like that?17:48
shadeslayerQuintasan: did that already17:48
shadeslayerits in backports as well by now17:48
Quintasanshadeslayer: file a MIR for it then17:48
shadeslayersure, let me finish merging avogadro17:49
shadeslayeri don't feel like studying right now anyways17:49
apacheloggerFIRST you do libvlc-dev build dep dropping17:49
apacheloggerbecause that currently makes kamoso FTBFS on arm17:50
apacheloggerthen you do avogadro17:50
apacheloggerthen you file MIR17:50
shadeslayeravogadro is nearly done :P17:50
shadeslayerokay lemme scp the deb17:50
Quintasanshadeslayer: I marked MIR as WIP by you on Todo17:50
* Quintasan goes to testing BackInTime17:50
bambeekde 4.7 is delayed ? I don't find tarballs on ktown :\17:51
bambeeI mean 4.7 beta117:51
Quintasanapachelogger: Shouldn't PolicyKit pick the current user when asking for password for sudo?17:51
apacheloggerlet's do the time-warp again.17:51
apacheloggerit's just a jump to the left...17:52
apacheloggerQuintasan: perhaps17:52
Quintasanit doesn't17:52
apacheloggerblame upstream17:52
apachelogger...and then a step to the right...17:52
shadeslayeromg i'm green17:53
shadeslayerokay better now17:53
shadeslayerapachelogger: works fine without libvlc17:53
apacheloggerpatchy patchy patchy17:54
eMyller...so the world ends tomorrow17:54
eMylleri'm pleased to have met you all, fellows.17:54
shadeslayerapachelogger: yeah will send you a debdiff17:55
* apachelogger adds nice picture to kubuntu mobile n900 page17:55
shadeslayerwait a minute17:55
shadeslayerapachelogger: i can haz access to a ARM box?17:56
shadeslayerneed to build avogadro17:56
jussibah, no JR17:56
apacheloggeronly kubuntu developers get access to them17:56
apacheloggeroh jussi!17:56
jussiapachelogger: !17:56
apacheloggerjussi: do you haz time to read an important document?17:57
shadeslayerapachelogger: i just need to test out a build17:57
jussiapachelogger: which doc? 17:57
jussiapachelogger: and I always have time for you...17:57
davmor2shadeslayer: just get any box and put it over your wrist you then have an arm box17:58
apacheloggershadeslayer: you can give me the plunder and I can build17:58
shadeslayermy arm would probably be ripped off if i strap my laptop/desktop to my wrist17:59
shadeslayerapachelogger: build avogadro from debian17:59
shadeslayerno modifications necessary17:59
Quintasanapachelogger: How do I submit my results with BackInTime?17:59
apacheloggerQuintasan: research you mean?18:00
QuintasanI'm already done with it18:00
apacheloggershadeslayer: url18:01
shadeslayerapachelogger: uh .. pull-debian-sources avogadro ?18:01
apacheloggerQuintasan: just write down your findings and send it to kubuntu-devel for discussion18:01
apacheloggershadeslayer: I am not entirely sure we have pull-debian-source on the arm18:01
Quintasanshadeslayer: What do you want to build on ARM?18:01
shadeslayerQuintasan: avogadro18:01
Quintasanapachelogger: are you going to do it?18:02
shadeslayerapachelogger: http://ftp.de.debian.org/debian/pool/main/a/avogadro/avogadro_1.0.3-1.dsc18:02
apacheloggerScottK: are you building something on the arms?18:02
shadeslayersomeone from linaro disabled it on the last upload, want to check if it builds now18:03
ScottKapachelogger: No.18:03
apacheloggerdebfx: maybe you?18:03
apacheloggersomeone definitely is dropped to shell in a pbuilder18:03
shadeslayeri should apply for kubuntu dev in the next meeting 18:03
ScottKCpu(s):  2.6%us,  2.6%sy,  0.0%ni,  0.0%id, 94.0%wa,  0.0%hi,  0.7%si,  0.0%st18:03
* jussi prods apachelogger18:03
ScottKLooks not very busy.18:03
apacheloggershadeslayer: you should do something first18:03
shadeslayerapachelogger: i'm doing something now18:04
apacheloggerScottK: looking at the tasks18:04
shadeslayeri did stuff earlier18:04
Quintasanapachelogger: Are you going to build it for shadeslayer?18:04
apacheloggeralso feels kinda slow18:04
apacheloggermight be network though18:04
jussiapachelogger: we should make shadeslayer package blink :P18:04
QuintasanI see18:04
shadeslayerthat im client?18:04
ScottKapachelogger: It's jr18:04
shadeslayerbecause i'm reading a book titled Blink18:04
jussivoip client18:04
QuintasanSIP client18:04
shadeslayerah righto18:04
shadeslayeryep it18:05
* Quintasan wonders why people mark that as needing work18:05
apacheloggerScottK: I also see debfx having a buildpackage stuck for mumble18:05
shadeslayer*yep it's in my history18:05
ScottKIt looks like I may have something stuck in there too.18:05
apacheloggerScottK: maybe we can reboot?18:05
QuintasanThe packaging is already there. Just "reuse" it and make sure we can have it in archive18:05
apacheloggerupdate and reboot18:05
apacheloggerScottK: uptime 106 days :D18:05
ScottKNo need.18:05
ScottKMine is going in screen, I can kill it.18:06
shadeslayerQuintasan: for blink ?18:06
ScottKIt was gdb'ing the apt armel segfault.18:06
Quintasanshadeslayer: yes18:07
shadeslayerwill investigate18:07
jussishadeslayer: you will get major kudo's from me if you get blink in the archive... I might even send you something nice18:07
shadeslayerhahaha :D18:07
QuintasanWe need two packages, python-sipsimple and blink18:07
Quintasanshadeslayer: ^18:07
Quintasanboth are provided by upstream's Debian repository18:08
shadeslayerherp derp ... you just added python to the equation18:08
Quintasanshadeslayer: the problem is that you will have to repackage the source18:08
shadeslayerrepackage the what18:08
jussishadeslayer: k/ubuntu and python go hand in hand...18:09
shadeslayerwhy can't we use whats provided?18:09
Quintasanbecause upstream uses darc instead of something sensible and has debian/ inside the source18:09
Quintasanand policy is to "ignore" upstreams packaging18:09
shadeslayerwho made https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kubuntu/Todo/Oneiric immutable ?18:09
Quintasanwhich means you can *cough*re-format and reuse it*cough*18:09
Quintasanshadeslayer: ^18:09
shadeslayerwill looksie18:10
QuintasanBut I would look at the license first18:10
shadeslayeroh look18:10
Quintasanshadeslayer: why did you remove yourself from MIR for Kamoso?18:10
shadeslayeri didn't18:10
shadeslayerQuintasan: i was going to add myseldf18:11
QuintasanI'll do that18:11
shadeslayerthen i see someone already did that18:11
ScottKQuintasan: You're allowed to look at upstream's packaging and reuse it if it doesn't suck, but that almost never happens.18:12
QuintasanScottK: That one looked acceptable18:12
ScottKIt does happen.18:12
Quintasanrm changelog and you are good to go IMO18:12
QuintasanThough it was just a superficial research18:12
shadeslayerrofl python-numpy18:13
ScottKNumpy rocks.18:13
shadeslayerapachelogger: did you try that build?18:14
ScottKIt's a bit over complex for a lot of things that people use it for.18:14
apacheloggershadeslayer: did you give me a url yet?18:15
apacheloggerah there18:16
shadeslayer[22:32:29] <shadeslayer> apachelogger: http://ftp.de.debian.org/debian/pool/main/a/avogadro/avogadro_1.0.3-1.dsc18:16
apacheloggergot lost in that highlight wall up there18:16
ScottKThat or shadeslayer got lost in a telepathy haze.18:16
shadeslayeri think there's actually something called telepathy haze :P18:18
* ScottK guesses it's an early Alpha release that doesn't actually do much.18:18
ScottKOf course that's a safe bet given  the topic.18:18
shadeslayerwell ... thats what they're going to label the first release anyways 18:19
apacheloggerScottK: are you also not building anything anywhere else?18:19
apacheloggercause there is a g++ instance running18:19
shadeslayerone-eye-rick is busted18:19
apacheloggerand it does not go away, also does not seem to cause load18:19
shadeslayerapachelogger: the package itself might not build18:20
shadeslayerdeps are quite unsatisfied18:20
apacheloggershadeslayer: what?18:20
shadeslayer  cpp-4.6: Depends: gcc-4.6-base (= 4.6.0-6ubuntu1) but 4.6.0-7ubuntu1 is to be installed.18:20
apacheloggerwhy am I testbuilding then?!18:20
ScottKapachelogger: debfx's mumble build is still going, AFAICT.18:20
shadeslayeri just saw that error18:21
apacheloggerI think there is something defunct there18:21
shadeslayeri thought the build was going on and then switched to checking Kamoso18:21
apacheloggerwhy would the g++ be stuck there but not cause any load18:21
ScottKDunno, but rebooting that box is a PITA because I always have to do some manual magic that I can never remember from one time to the next to get it mount /var/cache18:22
shadeslayerapachelogger: http://google-opensource.blogspot.com/2011/05/google-summer-of-code-where-are.html18:22
apacheloggerScottK: not in your bash history?18:22
ScottKMight be.18:23
apacheloggerI mean, I dunno18:23
apacheloggerScottK: does it feel slow to you?18:23
apacheloggermust be the network then18:23
apacheloggerrather sluggish for me ^^18:23
ScottKGood point about the bash history.18:24
apacheloggerScottK: whati is the magic? maybe I can turn it into something automated18:25
ScottKI do sudo mke2fs -n /dev/sdb and then suddenly it knows all about /dev/sdb and can mount the partition.18:25
ScottKBefore I do that it sees /dev/sdb itself, but none of the partitions.18:25
apacheloggerScottK: well, should be easy enough to turn that into an upstart or init job18:25
ScottKI really need to redo all these devices with Natty.18:26
shadeslayerkamoso isn't in debian?18:26
apacheloggerScottK: that would be even better18:26
ScottKNCommander is going to teach me how.18:26
apacheloggerScottK: btw, mpoirer will start on the new n900 kernel this weekend18:26
shadeslayerapachelogger: bug 71253418:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 712534 in kamoso (Ubuntu) "remove vlc dependency" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/71253418:30
QuintasanWTF AMAROK18:39
* Quintasan goes to Tomahawk18:39
apacheloggershadeslayer: where is the diff?18:40
shadeslayerQuintasan: does tomahawk even build right now?18:40
shadeslayerapachelogger: yeah one sec18:40
Quintasanno idea18:41
apacheloggerah, that report was from someone else18:41
Quintasanbut Amarok refuses to play my FLAC files for apparently no reason18:41
Quintasanmost of them work but some dont18:41
apacheloggermight be gstreamer actually18:41
apacheloggerrbelem: picture? :P18:42
rbelemapachelogger, almost there18:42
apacheloggerrbelem: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM/n900 <-- look I put a nice picture there :D18:43
QuintasanJontheEchidna: ping18:43
rbelemapachelogger, hahahaah!18:44
=== ximion_ is now known as ximion
ScottKagateau: This is your Qt SRU verification ping ....18:45
rbelemapachelogger, it is stopped in load fallback graphics devices18:46
apacheloggerrbelem: are you sure that it is not simply very slow?18:46
apacheloggerthough I never saw that message I believe18:47
rbelemapachelogger, yup18:47
shadeslayerdebdiff doesn't show any changes18:47
apacheloggerrbelem: are you on oneiric?18:47
jussiQuintasan: last I heard tomahawk had similar issues18:47
apacheloggershadeslayer: then you are diffing the wrong dscs or you corrupted the original one18:47
jussistops flac before the end18:47
apacheloggerjussi: more like phonon18:47
Quintasanjussi: well, amarok says "there are too many errors on the playlist"18:48
rbelemapachelogger, Çıatty18:48
jussiapachelogger: ok18:48
apacheloggerthere is some unique awfulness to the current streaming design18:48
Quintasanand refuses to play them18:48
apacheloggermakes me wanna puke everytime I look at it18:48
apacheloggerrbelem: odd, without sgx?18:48
shadeslayerapachelogger: original was corrupted18:48
apacheloggermaybe you need to install the omapfb driver18:48
rbelemi will try that18:49
QuintasanTomhawk just played it18:49
Quintasanno problems18:49
shadeslayerbug 712534 , if someone could now patch the package and upload it :)18:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 712534 in kamoso (Ubuntu) "remove vlc dependency" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/71253418:50
apacheloggershadeslayer: Package: kamoso18:53
apacheloggerArchitecture: any18:53
apacheloggerDepends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}, vlc, gstreamer0.10-plugins-base,18:53
apachelogger gstreamer0.10-plugins-good, gstreamer0.10-x18:53
apacheloggerpatch is incomplete18:53
shadeslayerbtw how do i go about a MIR when kamoso isn't in debian?18:54
* Quintasan considers switching to pbuilder-dist18:54
shadeslayerapachelogger: fixored18:56
apacheloggershadeslayer: changelog is no insufficient18:59
shadeslayerwhat... why?18:59
Quintasanamarok == bloat18:59
Quintasantomahawk == unstable18:59
apacheloggershadeslayer:   * Remove libvlc-dev from build depends (LP: #712534)18:59
shadeslayerapachelogger: if they need more info, they can look at the bug18:59
shadeslayerQuintasan: Clementine ?19:00
QuintasanI said nice19:00
apacheloggershadeslayer: did you really just say that?19:00
shadeslayeroh btw i noticed Crysis uses Qt for networking and stuff19:00
shadeslayerapachelogger: which statement? Clementine?19:00
shadeslayeror the one regarding the bug?19:00
QuintasanHow do I remove old devices from Phonon control panel?19:01
jussihow do I download a whol directory from kde svn ?19:06
jussi(ie. /trunk/www/sites/planet/website/images )19:06
Quintasanapachelogger: hmm, yeah, it's gstreamer19:08
Quintasanapachelogger: How do I debug that kind of magic?19:08
* Quintasan switched to Xine backend in Phonon and it suddenly plays stuff19:09
apacheloggerQuintasan: http://techbase.kde.org/Development/Tutorials/Debugging/Phonon19:10
apacheloggerjussi: svn co svn://anonsvn.kde.org/home/kde/trunk/www/sites/planet/website/images19:10
apacheloggeror svn co svn://anonsvn.kde.org/home/kde/trunk/www/sites/planet/ to get the whole planet including all subfolders19:11
Quintasanapachelogger: Would I like to have GIT Phonon on my system?19:12
* apachelogger is soon going to break all and everything19:12
apachelogger(as he does everytime between releases)19:12
apacheloggershadeslayer: so, do I get a kamoso patch with complete changelog or not?19:13
shadeslayerapachelogger: i fail to see how that changelog entry is not sufficient 19:14
shadeslayerflipping wiki doesn19:14
shadeslayer*doesn't allow me to login19:14
apachelogger+  * Remove libvlc-dev from build depends (LP: #712534)19:14
apachelogger-Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}, vlc, gstreamer0.10-plugins-base,19:15
apachelogger+Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}, gstreamer0.10-plugins-base,19:15
ScottKSpeaking of broken phonon...  All the dev links on http://phonon.kde.org/ don't seem to lead anywhere with different contenct.19:15
apacheloggerdo we have to start with colors again?19:15
ScottK... content19:15
apacheloggerScottK: I blame it on sheytan19:15
ScottKWeb minion fail?19:15
Quintasanapachelogger: herp derp, tells me to use gst-launch, I can't find any binary like that19:16
shadeslayerapachelogger: gimme a minute19:16
apacheloggerQuintasan: why not?19:17
Quintasanwell, because it is not there and apt-file throws nothing?19:18
Quintasanoh wait19:18
apachelogger!find gst-launch19:19
ubottuFound: rygel-gst-launch19:19
apachelogger!find gst-launch0.1019:19
ubottuPackage/file gst-launch0.10 does not exist in natty19:19
Quintasanapachelogger: ^19:20
shadeslayerapachelogger: fixed19:21
Quintasanapachelogger: changing pulsesink to alsasink doesnt make it work19:21
shadeslayerQuintasan: MIR for kamoso filed as well19:22
apacheloggerQuintasan: gstreamer bug, report upstream19:22
Quintasanoh god19:22
shadeslayerokay i have to go now, cya19:24
JontheEchidnaQuintasan: pong19:29
QuintasanJontheEchidna: Any plans for making Muon use PolicyKit?19:29
JontheEchidnaQuintasan: it is already19:29
Quintasanhere it calls KdeSudo19:30
JontheEchidnafor launching software-properties-kde19:30
JontheEchidnathat's what needs to use PolicyKit19:30
JontheEchidnasoftware-properties-kde is written in pyth0rn19:30
Quintasanlike hell someone is touching that19:31
ScottKWhat does Ubuntu use?19:40
apacheloggerrbelem: will I ever get a picture? ^^19:41
JontheEchidnagksu, presumably19:42
* apachelogger ponders using his nice fake graphic19:42
Quintasanapachelogger: lol, they want to attach the broken file19:42
Quintasansup, copyright violation19:42
apacheloggerwho what where/19:42
Quintasangstreamer upstream19:42
apacheloggerQuintasan: send it to the guy who requested that19:43
sheytanapachelogger did I really brake phonon? :D19:43
apacheloggerQuintasan, JontheEchidna: I have a dbus protation of software-properties ... 19:43
apacheloggerjust needs someone to finish it19:43
apacheloggermvo also has interest in this19:43
rbelemapachelogger, i got X19:43
apacheloggerI was thinking maybe amichair would like to19:43
apacheloggerthough eh did not yet answer19:43
apacheloggershadeslayer: you did not fix it :P19:43
apacheloggerrbelem: yay19:43
* rbelem waits for plasma-mobile finish loading19:45
rbelemit is taking too long to load19:47
apacheloggerbecause it needs to render the wallpaper in the cpu19:48
apacheloggerand the icons19:48
apacheloggerand the theme19:48
ScottKsheytan: Since perception is reality and the perception via the phonon website is broken: Yes.19:56
sheytanScottK i only had to do the artwork for the page, sorry 19:58
ScottKsheytan: No doubt.  I think apachelogger is blame shedding.19:58
apacheloggerI could be blaming vir19:58
apacheloggerbecause of the superior former management of phonon no one on the team even knows how to change that page19:59
sheytanyou see?19:59
apacheloggerthen again sheytan did not yet come up with a sane page, so all I could have done in the mean time is delete everything render the page just as useless as it is now20:00
apachelogger> and Phonon slices and dices the streams in the background and feeds them20:00
apachelogger> to the correct backends.20:00
apacheloggerscrew you klipper!20:01
ubottuUbuntu bug 297775 in KDE Base "konqueror cannot resolve mozilla.com" [High,Fix released]20:01
apacheloggerfinally a feature worth having20:01
sheytanapachelogger if you could make a list of things to put on the site for me now, i would appreciate it20:03
apacheloggerlink: userbase, link: techbase, link: community ^^20:03
sheytanapachelogger is that all?20:04
apacheloggermaybe a nakkid picture of rbelem20:04
apacheloggercould spice up things a bit20:04
sheytanahahahahah :D20:04
apacheloggerrbelem: where is me picture :P20:04
rbelemapachelogger, it is taking forever to load20:05
apacheloggerI no20:05
apacheloggersomeone should fix that20:05
apacheloggermaybe someone who has it running right now20:05
ScottKsheytan: The phonon page needs http://apachelog.files.wordpress.com/2010/11/princess.jpg?w=450&h=30020:10
sheytanScottK sure20:10
bambeeaha :D20:12
* Quintasan needs to do more SRU's20:17
ScottKBTW, here you can see shadeslayer listing due to the laptop: http://photos.pixoulphotography.com/Events/UDS-Natty/14450330_Xqidv#1072198401_NZJSm-A-LB20:22
sheytanapachelogger you'll have a page that cool, that no other project20:24
QuintasanScottK: so huge20:25
Quintasanapachelogger: did you upload new kamoso?20:30
apacheloggershadeslayer: hrrrrr :D20:31
apacheloggerQuintasan: yes, shadeslayer already filed the MIR too20:32
* apachelogger finds the mir a bit meritless though *shrug*20:32
Quintasanwell, I delegated MIR to him so you know20:32
apacheloggerI do remember them good old days when you had to create a freaking wiki page for MIRs20:32
apacheloggerand spend like half a day on research20:32
apacheloggeris it just me or can one not deactive the flipping touchpad with our new kcm anymore?20:34
* apachelogger pokes rbelem with a long pointy stick of fluff20:42
rbelemapachelogger, it seems that the 900-integration is not installing the links20:54
apacheloggerrbelem: which links?20:54
apacheloggerrbelem: any chance of getting the picture any time soon? otherwise I'll just publish with my fake picture and we could exchange it later on20:55
rbelemit is installed but i'm getting errors20:55
rbelemapachelogger, i will try one more time20:56
rbelemapachelogger, if it fails...20:56
rbelemlet's go to plan b20:56
apachelogger:D 20:58
apacheloggerplan b20:58
* apachelogger giggles away20:58
shadeslayerScottK: yeah about that ... i'm going to get a new laptop in a couple of months21:13
shadeslayerthen i'll make the one i'm holding in the picture a home server21:13
apacheloggerthat would seem like an appropriate model21:13
shadeslayeri'm thinking either the X200/X1 ( if it even comes out )/ Macbook Pro21:14
shadeslayerbleh .. no HP/Dell from now on21:15
shadeslayeri've learnt my lesson21:15
shadeslayer3 KGs21:19
shadeslayerthats even heavier than what i have right now21:19
apacheloggersomehow I find this hard to believe21:20
rbelem"could not start kdeinit4 ..."21:23
DarkwingDuckHey guys21:25
bambeeshadeslayer: do you play to urbanterror ? :D21:35
apacheloggerevyerone, share the good news21:38
sheytan apachelogger are you ready?21:39
* apachelogger holds on to his seat21:39
sheytanapachelogger http://imageshack.us/m/842/6458/phononpage.png21:40
apacheloggershadeslayer: I love it21:41
apacheloggersheytan: 21:41
sheytanwhich means you like it, right?21:41
sheytanyeah :D21:41
apacheloggerthere we have the tabfail again21:41
ScottK-1 Insufficient disney mouse princesses.21:41
apacheloggersheytan: one thing: remove the acer bit from the laptop21:41
sheytanScottK wait, i'm not done yet :D21:41
apacheloggerwe are not advertising no nothing without getting money for it ^^21:41
ScottKAh.  Excellent.21:41
sheytanapachelogger sure i will21:41
apacheloggersheytan: when can I get the page?21:42
* apachelogger is all heated up now21:42
sheytanapachelogger do you do code for it?21:42
* ScottK steps quietly to the other side of the room21:42
sheytanas i said, i only do artwork21:42
apacheloggersheytan: oh, suppose I could21:42
sheytanapachelogger ive got a dude who can take care of the code ;)21:44
sheytanwe did the cd image stuff for kubu21:44
apacheloggeruh, that would be awesome21:44
ScottKapachelogger: Even sheytan is recruiting minions now.  Get you game up.21:45
apacheloggerI have phonon debugging to do now21:46
apacheloggernot my fault that sheytan is posting them hawt pictures21:46
ScottKYou wouldn't if you had a phonon minion for such.21:46
apacheloggerhm, that is an interesting thought21:46
sheytanScottK extra for you, to remaind you that we still love you http://imageshack.us/m/685/8170/phononpageps.png :D:D21:49
sheytanapachelogger ^^21:49
apacheloggeris it odd that I like this version even better?21:50
apacheloggerwe could have it as alternative version in the weeks of UDS ^^21:50
sheytanapachelogger no, it's nod odd. It's normal. really.21:53
rbelemapachelogger, it worked21:56
shadeslayerbambee: never heard of it21:57
bambeeit's a foss fps games, like counter strike but better :)21:58
shadeslayerwill check it out sometime21:58
shadeslayerbambee: i was having fun with busybox on my router a couple of minutes ago21:59
bambeeaahh. good luck22:00
bambeebusybox on your router, which kind of router is it ?22:01
shadeslayerbambee: broadcom modem+router22:01
shadeslayerwhich then connects to my wifi router which is a netgear device22:02
shadeslayerjussi: there?22:03
shadeslayerjussi: tell ubottu about one-eye-rick22:03
* sheytan doesn't want to go to work tomorrow!22:15
sheytanbut he has to22:15
sheytanso good night every one ;)22:16
rbelemapachelogger, https://picasaweb.google.com/rclbelem/KubuntuMobile22:16
shadeslayerapachelogger: they're updating gcc ... so thats why half the stuff is broken 22:20
shadeslayercan't merge avogadro till thats fixed22:21
DarkwingDuckUgh.... I need a work bench at my next place for this stuff23:05
Xand3rhey apachelogger23:25

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