
Ahmuck-Srkk, so it appears the window focus bug thingy is present in 10.04.x as well00:14
Ahmuck-Srbtw, in purging programs i've lost my lower panel with logout/etc00:15
Ahmuck-Srdon't know where to find it00:16
Unit193The panel with running programs/tray icons?00:17
Unit193Type: ls /usr/share/lxpanel/profile/00:17
Ahmuck-Sron custom panels, is there a way to add icons to the application bar in such a way they are padded equally top/bottm left/right00:17
Ahmuck-Srls /usr/share/lxpanel/profile00:17
Ahmuck-Srer, sorry00:17
Ahmuck-Srlists default & Lubuntu00:18
Unit193lxpanel --profile Lubuntu <--- That what your looking for?00:19
Ahmuck-SrThere is already an instance of LXPanel.  Now to exit00:20
Unit193What exactly is wrong with it?00:21
Ahmuck-Srit's not there00:21
Ahmuck-Srneed a screenshot?00:21
Unit193ps -a |grep lxpanel00:25
Unit193... upper case A00:26
Ahmuck-Sri'm going to reboot00:28
Unit193That may help too...00:29
Ahmuck-Srsame thing00:31
Unit193To findout what profile it's using: ps -A a |grep lxpanel (What programs did you just install?)00:32
Ahmuck-Sr  976 ?        S      0:00 lxpanel --profile Lubuntu00:34
Ahmuck-Sr 1257 pts/1    S+     0:00 grep --color=auto lxpanel00:34
Ahmuck-Sri installed libreoffice00:34
Ahmuck-Srand scribus-ng00:34
Ahmuck-Srbut had scribus on here previously00:34
Ahmuck-Srdid some "purging" via aptitude00:34
Ahmuck-Srsudo aptitude purge programx00:34
Ahmuck-Srit's currently a unique experience00:36
Unit193Do you want stock panels? (What version are you using?)00:36
Ahmuck-Sryes, a stock panel that is normally on the bottom00:42
Unit193mv ~/.config/lxpanel/Lubuntu ~/.config/lxpanel/Lubuntuuu Then logout and back in....00:46
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Unit193There is a default that I think will auto copy (Or you could copy it to the correct location just to make sure)00:49
Ahmuck-SrUnit193: how do i force logout?00:53
Unit193lubuntu-logout (I *think*)00:54
Ahmuck-Srthat did it00:57
Unit193Sweet! Everything good?00:58
silverarrowis there any help for VLC here?00:59
silverarrowI have sound but no picture00:59
silverarrowgnome works00:59
Unit193silverarrow: What type of file? Do you have any extras?00:59
silverarrowI have installed all extras I know of, and the libdvd packages01:00
silverarrowavi is file type?01:01
silverarrowI have downloaded tree films from isohunt with positive feedback, and vlc will not play01:01
silverarrowxvid, dvd rip01:04
Unit193Just to make sure. You have lubuntu-restricted-extras and lubuntu-restricted-addons?01:04
silverarrowI could try and reload them01:05
Unit193I can play them, but I have medibuntu repos and some things from there...01:07
silverarrowI have too, some of them01:08
silverarroware you in lubuntu now?01:08
silverarrowit will not mess up to download the  old medibuntu package?01:08
Unit193They have repos for 10.04, 10.10 and 11.0401:10
silverarrowI installed, but nothing happened01:17
silverarrowwhy is vlc acting up01:26
silverarrowhard to trouble shoot when you have no idea what is wrong01:29
silverarrowI seemingly have all restricted, plugins and extras01:29
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KM0201guess he didn't wait for me to tell him there's a ton of probs w/ VLC right now.01:48
Unit193Works for me...01:49
Ahmuck-Srsame here.  i use vlc exclusively01:51
Ahmuck-Srlightweight dia program?01:52
KM0201!bug 74332302:04
ubot5Launchpad bug 743323 in vlc (Ubuntu) "vlc memory leak" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/74332302:04
poltakKM0201: Just change the code from "public" to "private"02:17
KM0201poltak: i can read it just fine02:24
poltakKM0201: don't you give that attitude to me, matey. I'm only helping you02:24
poltak I DON'T appreciate rudeness at all02:25
KM0201dude i don't think you understand english.. 1. i didn't give you attitude (although now, I am)... 2... I didn't need help, soemone was having probs w/ VLC before and described the bug, so i linked them to the bug.02:25
KM0201poltak: i thnk you better get a grasp on english before accusing someone of being "rude"02:25
KM0201you said it was changed from "public" to "private" and i mentined i can read it just fine, so it must not be to "private"02:26
Unit193bioterror: Not there? ^\02:26
poltakKM0201: how dare you! English is my first language! How dare you insult my control over my native language! I'm reporting this event and the log is here for all to see02:26
KM0201Unit193: lol, i'm honestly not sure what this screwballs problem is.02:26
poltakKM0201: I was only trying to HELP you... you kids are crazy02:27
KM0201bioterror: may be a douche, but at least he's a douche that makes sense, poltak isn't even making sense02:27
* Unit193 ducks out!02:27
KM0201poltak: you're not getting it.. I DON"T NEED HELP02:27
poltakKM0201: It's done son. All done and dusted. Leave now and don't come back here02:27
KM0201Unit193: did you say vlc works fine for you?02:29
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KM0201Unit193: what was that keyboar dshort cut to kill X?  it was something like ctrl alt pausebreak L.. it hink03:40
xet7KM0201: ctrl alt backspace - if it is not disabled03:51
poltakanyone use 64bit lubuntu?07:41
bioterrorpoltak, seems like lots of people ;)07:51
bioterrormy ratio for torrent was something like 200 when I stopped seeding07:51
poltakhot dayum, bioterror07:51
poltakyou installed it and been using it already?07:52
bioterrornope, I'm not using it ;)07:52
poltakwhat's your excuse?07:52
bioterrorI just did a good act07:52
poltakAh, I see. How come you didn't use it though?07:52
poltaktry it*07:52
bioterrorit's a dark secret, I cant say it in a sunlight07:52
poltakAre you a vampire?07:53
bioterrorhttp://imagemacros.files.wordpress.com/2010/06/vampires_used_to_suck_blood.jpg ;)07:54
poltakI feel sick.07:54
bioterrorpoltak, my 64bit computer runs Arch07:55
poltakThe other night I dreamt that me and my mum where vampire hunters and we had to drive across the country to get away from this vampire, before we killed it with a giant hammer07:55
poltakHey, same as me07:55
bioterror64bit LXDE packages wasnt up to date when I was going to install it07:55
bioterrorI had lots of problems07:55
poltakFair enough. That's why I was asking. I've heard some similar things07:56
bioterrorbut that was around alpha 1 or alpha208:04
bioterrorcant remember08:04
mr2webI got a question regarding the chipset architecture when installing lubuntu, is it possible to get it to install a i486 architecture instead of a i586 architecture on a system that has a chipset that is a i586?08:23
bioterror10.04 supports i58608:26
bioterrorfor the 10.10 ubuntu dropped moved completely to i68608:26
mr2websry m8, maybe I completely of base here, but as I have read online one will get better performance out of the chipset I have if the opsys is installed with a i486 architecture thatn i586. this is a quote of the online source: "While i586-pc-linux-gnu CHOST works fine on a Geode LX, i486-pc-linux-gnu should be a more performant choice right now due to the way Geode LX CPU pipeline and scheduling works. glibc i586 assembler optimized 08:26
bioterrormr2web, if you want i486 packages, try Salix OS08:27
bioterrorit's a fork of Zenwalk and that community is great08:27
bioterrorit's based on slackware and apt-get is slapt-get08:27
bioterrorthey have Fluxbox, LXDE, XFCE versions08:27
mr2webthx, I'll have a look. Although I do like the lubuntu and would like to stay with that dist...08:28
poltakYep, see ya later mr2web08:28
bioterrormr2web, could you give me that url08:28
bioterrorfor that that08:28
bioterrormr2web, I give you another: http://funroll-loops.info/08:29
mr2webI have upgraded my current lubuntu to 11.04 before I read that the i586 support had been dropped..08:29
mr2webit starts fine but xorg is behaving realy bad and takes loads of cpu time08:30
mr2webI was running 10.10 before... and that one didnt either support the i586 architecture though the performance wasn't to bad...08:31
mr2webI have now downloaded the 10.04 and will try that one i guess08:31
bioterrorwhy not08:32
bioterrorit is supported for the next... 4 years? :)08:32
bioterroror was it 3 years08:32
mr2webbioterror, u know I'm not after super speed at all just a smooth server with a GUI and my new secondhand "green" HW is really slow in operating though it should be quicker, not super sonic just not so laggy... ;-)08:37
mr2webI'm replacing my old Fedora 10 core machine using in average 80-120W, the new fit-pc slim uses only 6W witch is a difference for a 24/7 server08:39
KM0201where is .xinitrc stored?  ls doesn't turn it up... so i'm assumign its not there, if i was going to create it, where would it go?09:21
bioterrordid you get ir working?09:28
KM0201i got .xinitrc created, and i added the line this says to put in it, but no, it didn't work.09:28
KM0201that doesn't have to be made executable does it?.. i wouldn't think so.09:29
bioterrorstartx or xinit uses .xinitrc09:30
bioterrorno, rc files are never executables09:30
bioterrorthose are just configuration files09:30
KM0201maybe i'm missing something, the instructions i'm reading (command line)... https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/DontZap09:31
KM0201the "enable immediately" command, works fine... but when i create .xinitrc and put that line in it, it does nothing, and the shortcut isn't saved after i restart09:32
bioterrorwhat are you after now?09:32
bioterroryou want to kill X with ctrl+alt+backspace?09:32
KM0201i can't stand alt prtsc k to kill x.. i've been using ctrl alt backspace forever, and i'm trying to get that working09:32
bioterrorsudo nano /etc/default/keyboard09:33
bioterrorthat could do the trick09:33
KM0201ok, lemme try that.09:34
bioterrorKM0201, you might need to reboot to make it work09:35
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KM0201that worked, thanks09:37
bioterrorhorrible bs is that your wiki page09:38
bioterror"using HAL"09:39
bioterrorgsus, hal havent been used for months09:39
Unit193!dontzap | bioterror09:40
ubot5bioterror: To re-enable the Ctrl-Alt-Backspace combination that restarts your X server see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/DontZap09:40
Unit193factoid/wiki update time?09:41
bioterrorit's in my faq actually09:41
bioterrorbeen there for months ;)09:41
bioterroror should I rather say "our faq" ;)09:42
Unit193More you than anyone else! (Good job!)09:42
bioterrorI had problems with keyboard layout and oh well09:42
bioterrorwish I had time and will to edit it more09:44
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stlsaintleszek: hello14:57
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strictlysensiHi.should I get lubuntu studio or lubuntu if I want to make music?17:37
strictlysensi*ubuntu studio17:38
KM0201strictlysensi: ubuntu studio is just ubuntu (and in essence, Lubuntu) w/ a bunch of multimedia packages... so it really doesn't matter.17:41
strictlysensiK thx. Thought maybe studio performed better for certain things17:46
modrisHi, i'm new in linux and want try lubuntu on old laptop, for now i made install, but in first day  i got freeze. How to check problem? which logs? i already chech hdd and memory with livecd whithout problem.18:03
Ahmuck-Srhow old is the laptop?18:03
modrisp3 933 mhz 383ram18:03
modriscompaq evo n16018:03
Ahmuck-Srwhere does it seee to "freeze" at?18:04
modrisall what i want work, but after some time freeze18:04
modrisi don't chek it, alway i have with open chrome tabs, xterm ... excuse my bad english18:05
modrissometimes help alt+sys reisub, somethimes only power cord18:05
Unit193modris: Are you ok with using the terminal?18:05
modrisi dont know very much commands and they sintax, but in general - yes18:06
modrisfrom google get commands and then digg deeper18:06
modrisif i don;t cache reason why freeze happen, with what you recomend me star search? in lubuntu i dont find /var/log/messages18:08
Unit193You can display /var/log/syslog18:11
modrisok, now im going throu that... i dont remeber clocks when freeze was there. just try search for some error records. and of course advance look in syslog when this happen again.18:14
modristhank for now... hope i can give some hints afters some minutes/hours18:15
Unit193 cat /var/log/syslog |grep error <--- will show you error msgs18:17
modrisok it happen again :-)18:23
Unit193Did you try? --> cat /var/log/syslog |grep error18:24
Modrisok, now i'm back. from windows machine - it has bigger screen and for now it is stable.18:30
ModrisYes i'm try cat grep error from syslog, and after 2min give respond to y18:31
Modrisi got 3 types of errors, two from kernel and one form network manager18:34
Modris1) kernel: est4-fs re-mounted, 0pts: errors=remount-ro,commit=018:34
Modris2) kernel: est4-fs re-mounted, 0pts: errors=remount-ro18:34
Modris3) networkmanager: warn bluez error getting default adapter: the name org.bluez wa not provided by any .service files18:34
Modrisand this three repeat every reboot, i dont know before or after it :-S18:35
Ahmuck-Sris there an alternative to microsoft silverlight?18:37
Ahmuck-Srbeyond that.  it appears our local tv station streams in silverlight18:43
Unit193Ahmuck-Sr: moonlight doesn't have DRM18:46
Ahmuck-Srthere is moonlight for linux?18:46
Unit193!info moonlight18:46
ubot5Package moonlight does not exist in natty18:46
Ahmuck-Sri see18:47
Unit193It's there, I just hit the wrong name...18:47
Unit193Do you know if they use DRM?18:48
Ahmuck-Srdon't know18:48
Ahmuck-Srbut about ready to find out18:48
Unit193netflix doesn't work with it18:49
Unit193Sweet! It workith? Do you use chromium or FF?18:50
Ahmuck-Sr:( no workie, just buffering18:51
Ahmuck-Sri use FF18:51
Ahmuck-Srif you like your privacy out there, then chromium is a good choice18:51
Modrisok, i'm back with my freeze problem,18:52
Unit193Modris: I would wait for someone like bioterror to show up...18:52
Modrisfrom visual - this freeze may be connect with som vga problems... it look like it. because somethime on freeze i got scarry fonts and after some sec screen full with horizontal lines18:52
Modrisbioterror is expert or somthing like that?18:53
Unit193bioterror is better than I am (So are some others) I just can't think of what to check....18:55
Modrisok, thank for support...18:55
Unit193dmesg |grep error <--- may tell you more18:56
Modrishow to debug chrome, i think this can be source, because everytime i use chrome with more than 4 tabs and with flash players inside. flash i install by myself, maybe not very great18:57
Modriserrors from dmesg give me again18:58
Modriskernel: est4-fs re-mounted, 0pts: errors=remount-ro,commit=018:58
Modriskernel: est4-fs re-mounted, 0pts: errors=remount-ro,18:58
Modrisit is only with error syntax inside dmesg18:58
Ahmuck-Srrequired ms media packs19:04
bioterrorquick pop-in19:14
Unit193bioterror: Take a look at the issue Modris is having?19:15
Modriswhat information from me You need? Do you see older (from today) messages?19:16
bioterrorI checked19:16
bioterroroldp 319:16
Modrisoldp 219:17
Modrisoldp 319:17
Modriswhat mean "oldp 3"?19:17
bioterrorold p319:17
bioterroryou could start with acpi=off kernel parameters19:18
Modrisi'm not sure how to do this. init 6, then after bios before ... i need do what?19:19
bioterroryeah in grub19:19
Modrisgrub config?19:19
Modrisok, i miss something... grub config i need do before restart or after bios?19:20
Modrishmm i make restart, after bios screen next i see lubuntu logo and after that user authentification window...19:22
bioterrorcheck that19:22
bioterrordoesnt sound good19:24
bioterrorI gotta go, bbl19:24
Ahmuck-Srgot a question, if the live cd works, why doesn't *buntus install with a configuration that works?19:24
Ahmuck-Sri'de wondered myself if age wasn't the problem.  might try antix19:27
Ahmuck-Srit's very light, will run on 64mb ram, etc.19:27
Modrisok, i will try antix (if i fail on lubuntu) ;-) but for now i try to find menu.lst19:30
Modrisi may be boot/grub, but not for lubuntu ;-)19:31
bioterrorlegacy grub uses menu.lst19:31
Unit193If you don't see the menu on startup, hit shift19:31
bioterrorgrub2 uses grub.cfg19:31
Modrisok, it is hard level for me (legacy), ok, i try restart with shift19:31
bioterrorbvut as that thread said, no luck with those two magic commands19:31
bioterrorthey did not try nomodeset19:32
bioterrordisable kms19:32
bioterrorthat could be it19:32
Modrisi made reboot, hit shift 2 time in sec but get bios scren, then lubuntu logo, then user authorization screen...19:33
Modrisi try find grub.cfg and made thing througt this19:33
bioterrorafter bios left shift19:38
bioterrorbut ad after ro nomodeset19:38
Modrisi try left shift without success... now i'm inside grub.cfg,19:39
Modrislooking at something like linux 2.6.38.-8.generic ---class ubuntu -- class gnu-linux ---class gnu --class ...19:40
bioterrorvmlinuz blaablaaa19:40
Modriso dont understand syntax in this file :-(19:41
Modrisyes vmlinuz19:41
Modrisroot  ..... ro quiet19:41
Modrissplash vt.handoff=719:41
bioterroradd after quiet: nomodeset19:42
Modrisinitrd  /boot initrd.img-2.6.38.-8...19:42
Modrisok, understand19:42
bioterrorim ircing on phone, rather annoying to paste example lines19:43
bioterrorsince this terminal doesnt support those :DDDD19:43
Modrishmm... freeze again and open was only terminal and leaf.... editor19:43
bioterrortry to be faster next time :D19:44
Modrisok, give me minute i try boot and finish grub.cfg19:44
Modrisnice suggestion19:44
bioterrorcompete with yourself!19:44
Modrisopaa... i hold shift and get star menu19:44
bioterrorif only you would get to grub19:44
bioterrornow edit grubs bootline19:45
Modris1) ubuntu 2) ubuntu recover 3) memtest .. 4) bla19:45
bioterroredit first one19:45
bioterrori remember e is the key19:45
Unit193E is the key!19:45
Modrisok, i got it, now "quiet: nomodeset"19:46
bioterrorbi :19:46
bioterrorno :19:46
bioterrorro quiet nmodeset splash19:46
bioterroror how was it19:46
Modrisok, nmodeset or nomodeset?19:46
bioterrorn o m o d e s e t19:47
bioterrorsmall keyboard i have19:47
Modrisi't ok, i have problems with english19:47
Modrisok,houston see after 3 minutes :-D19:48
bioterrorso Modris19:48
bioterrordo you watch eurovision song contests19:48
Modrisin this yead only between other chanels, in advertisment19:49
Modrisin this year only between other chanels, in advertisment19:49
bioterrorthats not wrong19:50
bioterroris that evo now booting?19:50
bioterrori took my new coming desktop pc to my parents so that I can tweak it19:50
Modris1) we dont get to final 2) and tv change show translator/comentator who can coment this contest for last ... n years19:51
Modrisyes i log in...19:51
Modrisand now is log waiting time :-)19:51
bioterrormy face when I notice that my parents lcd display has only vga socket and i have no vga to dvi adapters19:51
ModrisQ is this changes in boot procees permanent or this is only for this time?19:51
bioterrorwe can make it permanent19:52
Modriswith grub.cfg rigth?19:52
bioterrorwith /etc/default/grub.conf or something19:53
Modrisok, i'm listenig or maybe go search in web...19:53
bioterrorupdate-grub reads that file19:53
Modrisok, i try find19:53
bioterrorand adds parameters from there to /boot/grub/grub.cfg19:53
ModrisQ do Y recomend use this nomodeset for this pc for all time? or wait and see if freez don;t come again19:54
bioterrorno freezing yet?19:54
bioterrorarnold schwarzenegger was mr. freeze in thay previous batman saga19:54
Modrisyou dont believe but my passw for this pc is astalavista with some modifications :-D19:55
bioterrorlooks like we got a working laptop?19:56
Modrisi still waiting, because today in somethimes it work longet then 30min before freeze, sometimes freeze come after couple minutes19:57
bioterrorsurf something19:57
ModrisQ: in /etc/default/grub i dont see any similar with boot option nomodeset. now im litle confuse19:59
bioterrorUnit193, would you check splash quiet line for him20:00
Modrisor this is only file where i can change boot time timout?20:00
Unit193Modris: You need to add nomodeset in this file20:01
Modrisif this nomodeset is critical for this evo, then i want write it permanent in system, for now im not shore whitch file it wil be20:01
ModrisQ ok, i found GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash" is this correct line when i need write ..."quite nomodeset splash"?20:05
Unit193In what file?20:05
bioterroryou can add it there as last20:05
Modrisand then update-grub20:06
Modrisok, it work - i can made change my default boot config. hope it can handle my freeze. Anyway from that moment no-freeze was disturb me, for no it is already some 20min and it looks great20:10
Modrisone beer i already finish, one i want send to bioterror and unit193 and hope this troube was a history.20:12
Unit193bioterror did all the work :)20:12
bioterrorive earned many beers in here :D20:13
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bioterrormaybe i should inter rail one day20:13
Modrisfrom now i can use grep, i know it is starter lever and simlple command but it come from Unit19320:13
bioterrorModris, try to use less instead of more20:14
Unit193Modris: sudo updatedb && locate {filetofind} is great too20:14
MrChrisDruifLook where?20:15
Modriscan Y say in other word "maybe i should inter rail one day" my english is weak20:15
MrChrisDruifbioterror; ?20:15
b0ot_Does lubuntu have something like the software manger gui in ubuntu where you can just click and add programs20:21
b0ot_where is synamptic20:22
Modrisstart - system tools - synaptic package manager20:22
b0ot_hmm not there on mine20:23
Modrissudo synaptic from terminal20:23
Modris"sudo synaptic" from terminal20:23
MrChrisDruifModris; No!20:24
MrChrisDruifgksudo synaptic20:24
MrChrisDruifYou want to start a graphical application, so you'd have to use gksudo20:24
Modrisok, what is difference, ok understand20:24
bioterror& after and it will be launched to background20:25
MrChrisDruifModris; https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo#Graphical%20sudo20:25
MrChrisDruifA good read btw ;)20:25
Unit193MrChrisDruif: +120:26
Modrisok, i go to read, but in first look, for me work sudo synaptic too... ok, close my spam i go and read link20:26
MrChrisDruifModris; gksudo sets HOME=~root, and copies .Xauthority to a tmp directory. This prevents files in your home directory becoming owned by Root.20:28
Modrisyes for now i read this, but ... i'm not sure that i understand this.20:29
Modriswhat is .xauthority20:29
bioterrorModris, been over 30mins now?20:31
MrChrisDruifI don't know, but what is said behind is the important part. It prevents files in your home dir becoming owned by root20:31
Modrisok, then - if i already start synaptic or other gui with sudo then i need go to my home and delete some files with root owner, is this correct?20:31
MrChrisDruifIt's just safer to start graphical apps with gksudo, keep it to that :)20:32
ModrisYES, it can work, nice. only i need read for what this nomodeset is20:33
Modrisand about gksudo - understand, thank20:33
Modrisbut why boot dont find synaptic with mouse and graphic environmen?20:34
Modrisbut why b0ot_ dont find synaptic with mouse and graphic environmen?20:34
Unit193"ls -l |grep root" will show you what files are root owned20:34
bioterrorModris, kernel mode setting20:35
bioterrorgoogle that20:35
Modrisok, i do it tomorow, for today already big information ;)20:35
Modristo Unit193 i start synaptic with sudo, then with gksudo, then i run ls -l in my /home/modris and no-one file is for root...20:37
Unit193"ls -lR |grep root" does it for me...20:37
Modrisls -lR  was found nothing ls -latR found on20:38
Modrisls -lR  was found nothing ls -latR found one20:38
Modrisls -lR |grep root  was found nothing ls -latR |grep root  found one and that was directory20:39
Unit193Modris: The more you use it, the more likely you will have issues20:39
Modrisok, let it go.. just from no i try use gksudo20:40
Modrisfor gui20:40
Unit193Yeah... I just did it in my /home, and I guess I ran a few things wrong... :(20:41
ModrisWe all falling down ;-)20:43
Modrissome year i watch film and there was this or similar sentece "we all fall down", i cant find it in imdb.com for now and dont remeber about what this movie was.20:44
Modrisbut this was great film for that day... bad that my memory is so short.20:44
Modrisneed search and watch it again.20:45
Modrisi found it. true story about  Domino Harvey20:49
Modrisok, i finish my offtopic. thank for helping20:51
Unit193Modris: Sure!20:54
Psilocybin_ElfIs there any way to install LXDE on Xubuntu 8.10 even thou the repos are obsolete? Don't want to upgrade by box yet, but still want LXDE instead of XFCE.21:04
Modrisok, dont get freeze like before, for now ir try play with chrome http://www.radioswh.lv/pluslive_m.asx and after 10 sec (start advertisment) i got hang-up. ctrl+alt+backspace dont work, i can change alt+ctrl + 1 to other tty and made reisub with success.21:15
ModrisAND... (but possible it is from beer) i can;t log in. it is started when in hang-up (write some minutes before) when i try log on in other tty21:19
Modrismaybe this is enaught for tonight ;-)21:20
bioterrorPsilocybin_Elf, nope21:22
Modrisi dont cache21:24
Modrisand my password was changed, why...21:24
Modrisfor now i dont believe it, and hope tomorow all this was just a one beer :-O drinking people problem21:25
bioterrorPsilocybin_Elf, maybe you should slowly come to this decade21:26
Modrismy language dont allow me what is psilocybin_elf, possible i dont newer cache that21:28
Modrismy language dont allow me understand what is psilocybin_elf, possible i dont newer cache that21:28
Unit193It would depend on his specs21:29
Modrisi could'n get in my lubuntu, but ask Q about other problem. in what direction looking for solution that when i try open  http://www.radioswh.lv/pluslive_m.asx (this ir link for online radio)  hang-up my graphical lubuntu? this is chrome or some plugin dependecies? or maybe somethin else21:33
Modrisi change my password with recovery mode - i supprise this mechanism, it so simple in lubuntu, It is easer than with windows (where need some other boot media) ... scarry. From now i start thinking about boot password in bios, for laptop it can help if dont just lose it forewer.21:51
ModrisQ how to solve  chrome: "the following plug-in has crashed: windows media player plug-in"? link with solution would be ok.21:57
Unit193Modris: Re: Password. net user administrator {PASSWORD} in windows... And IIRC, you can only change the pwd via recovery if you login22:00
Modristo Unit193 - i think you miss me. I change OS user password throug recovery mode http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/resetpassword not irc22:02
Unit193Modris: I understand, I'm just saying, didn't you have to login to the recovery console?22:04
Modrishmm.. 1) i hang-up computer with chrome chrash, 2) after ALT+CTRL+1 i change ... dont know how it name 3) cant get authorize myself 4) alt+sys+reisub 5) after reboot can;t login  shock, big shock. 6) search net for password recover, find http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/resetpassword and did it22:07
Modrisnow i'm back in normal  and try find solution 1) why my chrome chrash on http://www.radioswh.lv/pluslive_m.asx 2) how it happen that my password changed from chrash (for now it not very importat, only strange)22:09
Modrismorning smarter than evening... good night22:12
Unit193Good night?22:14
adam61hi, i'm using these instructions: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/TASCAM_US-122  to help me set up my tascam us122; it worked for ubuntu 11.04, but now i'm trying to set it up for Lubuntu, and it is stuck at step 6 because there is no usb folder in /proc/bus/. does anyone know how i could fix this?22:22
adam61hi, i'm using these instructions: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/TASCAM_US-122  to help me set up my tascam us122; it worked for ubuntu 11.04, but now i'm trying to set it up for Lubuntu, and it is stuck at step 6 because there is no usb folder in /proc/bus/. does anyone know how i could fix this?22:24
Unit193adam61: I don't happen to know. I'll look into it and you might also want to wait for someone too22:25
adam61Unit193: ok that'd be great, thanks. i've been trying to get an answer for a long time on #ubuntu22:26
Unit193adam61: Did you check /dev/bus/usb?22:26
adam61Unit193: not yet, but that sounds like a good idea, i'll try it out, thanks. do you know how to access this channel from Lubuntu? it wasn't there when i checked22:29
Unit193adam61: Xchat22:30
adam61Unit193: ya, that's what i tried, but there was no one in the room and instead of around 1700 ppl in #ubuntu there was only 8 people22:31
adam61i think i have to download a package first or something. i'll just ask the ppl on the debian channel when i get there. k i'll do that then be back shortly22:31
Unit193adam61: You have to be in Freenode!22:31
adam61Unit193: ah ok, how do i do that if it's logging me into debian? i presume there'll be an option to switch?22:32
Unit193Let me check (I don't use X-Chat)22:33
adam61k cool thanks22:33
Unit193When you first open it, it should give you a server/network list22:33
adam61ok that sounds about right, i've only tried it once so far, i'll give it another try. thanks!22:34
adam61anyone know how to get tascam us122 recognized? i'm following these instructions https://help.ubuntu.com/community/TASCAM_US-122  but it can't find a folder usb in /proc/bus/. i tried /dev/bus/ and /sys/bus/ but those didn't work22:50
Unit193Did you try /dev/bus/usb/002/003 ?22:54
adam61LAcan, are you around? you've helped me out before22:54
adam61Unit193, ya thanks i just tried that, no luck22:54
Unit193Can you ls /dev/bus ? (or ls /dev/bus -R )22:56
adam61k just a sec22:56
adam61Unit193, here's the output: http://pastebin.com/ZNPBbs2b22:58
Unit193adam61: Thanks! now can you pastebin lsusb?22:59
adam61k: http://pastebin.com/8wVtqrjX23:00
adam61it's giving me a new error now: "EOF without EOF record!" do you know what that means?23:01
Unit193/dev/bus/usb/002/006 is the device23:01
adam61ya i know about that23:02
adam61do you know what i should be putting for step 6 here : https://help.ubuntu.com/community/TASCAM_US-12223:03
adam61i have this: sudo fxload -s /usr/share/alsa/firmware -I /usr/share/alsa/firmware/usx2yloader/us122fw.ihx -D /dev/bus/usb/002/00623:03
Unit193Where is ld2-ezusb.hex?23:04
adam61it's here i think: /home/adam/alsa-firmware-1.0.23/usx2yloader (it's actually tascam_loader.ihx, the equivalent of ld2-ezusb.hex)23:06
MrChrisDruifFailer help to the rescue, what is going on? :)23:11
Unit193He is trying to install https://help.ubuntu.com/community/TASCAM_US-122 (on /dev/bus/usb/002/006 . http://paste.ubuntu.com/610845/ <--- look right??)23:12
adam61Unit193, i replaced it with sudo fxload -s /home/adam/alsa-firmware-1.0.23/usx2yloader -I /usr/share/alsa/firmware/usx2yloader/us122fw.ihx -D /dev/bus/usb/002/006... and it said no such file or directory23:14
adam61it seems file manager and lsusb are giving conflicting information if i'm understanding it right. lsusb says it's on 002/006, but file manager shows the 006 file only in dev/bus/usb/001 not 00223:15
Unit193The output of ls says it's there... Do you know where the .hex file is? You need to point to it...23:19
MrChrisDruifadam61; Did follow all the steps from the help.ubuntu.com page?23:19
Unit193Is it here?: /home/adam/alsa-firmware-1.0.23/usx2yloader/ld2-ezusb.hex23:20
adam61Unit193: MrChrisDruif: got it!!!!!!!! thanks so much for your help!!!23:25
Unit193adam61: Sure, what fixed it?23:26
MrChrisDruifadam61; what was the problem?23:26
adam61i think when i first got the EOF error message, i assumed it hadn't worked, but it had. i tested out sudo usx2yloader, and it worked!23:26
adam61MrChrisDruif: not sure exactly what the problem was, i think it was just trying to load the wrong file or something23:27
MrChrisDruifAlright :)23:27
adam61Unit193, thanks again very much for all your help!23:28
adam61thanks MrChris23:28
MrChrisDruifYour welcome :)23:28
Unit193Have a great day!23:28
MrChrisDruifI'll have a good night if you don't mind ;)23:29
Unit193See ya!23:29
MrChrisDruifSleep well...in about 6 hours ;)23:30

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