
coz_hey guys01:19
mainerrorhello again08:56
mainerroroh iain is in here great08:56
mainerroriainfarrell, I have a question about the Ubuntu t-shirt animal logos. Is there any special reason why they are not available as SVG in the tool kit?08:57
iainfarrellhey there09:01
iainfarrellmainerror: only that we haven't been back from UDS long enough to share the latest one09:01
iainfarrelland we've not shared them before but we can :)09:01
mainerrorthat would be awesome :)09:02
mainerrorI do understand that you have a lot of work now, I was at the design sessions ;)09:03
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* thorwil inspects http://publictest04.fedoraproject.org/artboard/18:32
Islingtonthorwil: hah, I signed up too18:37
thorwilIslington: oh, i didn't sign up, just had to look after seeing mairin's blog post18:38
Islingtonit quite nice18:40
thorwilthe comment timeline is an interesting feature http://publictest04.fedoraproject.org/artboard/index.php?q=/comment/list18:44
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