
=== braiam is now known as guampa_
=== guampa_ is now known as Braiam
grover78is it possible to run iTunes in Ubuntu somehow? I already installed wine, but I'm lost after that01:55
grover78guess I'll come back later..02:20
ApOgEEhi all02:54
r4yI want to learn this, I am not asking this for something I am going to do now, but I am going to make some notes. Please make this as simple as possible03:49
r4yI am confused. 32-bit=i386=x86 isn't there another that is also 32-bit?, I used to think the version of Ubuntu I am running is i386 but I did something in the terminal a long time ago that said i600 or something like that, maybe it was i500 and something, but I know for sure I am running 32-bit.03:51
ApOgEEr4y: i686 is also 32-bit03:53
r4yIt would be nice to know this because I have seen deb packages with different labels like for instance i386, and so on03:53
r4yWhat do I type to find out?03:53
charlie-tcaum, x86 is 64bit normally, 686 is 32bit03:54
charlie-tcatype uname -a in a terminal03:54
r4yLinux ray-desktop 2.6.35-28-generic #50-Ubuntu SMP Fri Mar 18 19:00:26 UTC 2011 i686 GNU/Linux03:55
ApOgEEfor 64 bit, it will say x86_6403:55
charlie-tcathat i686 is 32bit03:55
r4yOK, so let me get this straight03:56
r4yx86_64 is 64-bit, x86 is 32-bit, i386 is 32-bit, i686 is 32-bit03:56
charlie-tcaand amd64 is 64bit03:57
r4yIs there another name for 64-bit?, I mean like 32-bit = i386, so 64-bit = i#03:57
charlie-tca64bit almost always has 64 in the thing, 32bit you see other numbers03:57
charlie-tca32bit = i386, 64bit = amd6403:58
r4yOK, thank you for making things clear03:58
ApOgEEAnything from Pentium Pro (or compatible) to today by Intel or AMD are i68603:58
r4yI am going to make note03:58
charlie-tcaApOgEE: yes, but the kernel still uses i686 to show 32bit03:59
charlie-tcait is all quite confusing, isn't it?04:00
ApOgEEyes, kernel user x86_64 to show 64bit04:00
ApOgEEactually x86 is just the term given for the group of them, since they all have 86 in them.04:01
r4yTY, this has been very helpful04:02
charlie-tcaThat makes sense! they cover any ?86 that way, huh?04:02
ApOgEEkernel use x86_64 or x86-64 to show 64bit. more info here --> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/X86-6404:05
r4yI am running Ubuntu 32-bit on a 64-bit computer, but I don't have much ram on this computer, but I found a thread here saying:04:06
r4yWell if the IBM iSeries is a 64bit machine then it has to run a 64bit kernel. They're not interchangable AFAIK.04:06
r4yI am running AMD6404:06
r4yI remember asking about whether I should pick 32-bit or 64-bit. They said at the time that 64-bit has less working then 32-bit plus I don't have enough ram so using 64-bit would be pointless04:08
bioterror64bit system uses more ram than 32bit04:09
bioterrorI could say that, if you dont know much about the differences, it doesnt matter :D04:10
r4yTake care Charlie-tca04:10
r4yI guess he already left04:11
r4yI suppose if I had a lot more ram then I might try Ubuntu 64-bit to see if Mupen64plus ran better and faster, but most games seem to work with the setup I am running04:12
r4yI read that PS2 games run better on dual CPUs04:14
r4yI've read many people saying different out comes regarding the emulation of PS204:15
r4ySome said it doesn't run at full speed even with the best setup, but then again that depends on the rom and how well programmers write the code for a rom to emulate04:17
philipballew_mupen seemes to run on my s64 bit install04:17
r4yCool, so if I ever get more ram I will switch, then it's a matter of seeing what else works that also works on Ubuntu 32-bit04:18
r4yBack about a year ago I read about flash problems regarding Ubuntu 64-bit04:18
philipballew_yes, it has those. but i have 4 gigs of ram so i want to be able to use all of it04:23
bioterrorpae kernel supports up to 64GB ;)04:24
r4yI have half a Gig of ram, so that is why I am using Ubuntu 32-bit04:25
r4ySounds crazy04:25
bioterrorI chose 64 bit becouse I want more than couple of gigs in the ifconfigs transfers04:43
r4yIn time things will change I think04:45
r4yWell, TY you all for the help. Take care o/04:46
r4yI am gathering commands, right now I have some lspci commands, such as lspci |grep VGA and lspci | grep Ethernet and lspci | grep audio05:11
r4ylspci | grep wireless didn't seem to do anything for me05:11
r4yAre there any other lspci commands to specify hardware chipsets?, VGA is for graphics card, Ethernet is Wireless I think, and audio is for sound card, so that would cover things I guess05:22
bioterrorr4y, sudo lshw |less05:22
r4ycpu, usb, I know there is more of coarse, sorry05:23
r4yI've used that before  but without the less command05:23
r4yI just don't understand what less and more does05:24
r4yHow is sudo lshw different from sudo lshw |less?05:24
=== Captainkrte is now known as Captainkrtek
ApOgEEr4y: less is just a viewer where you can scroll if the output is long05:27
ApOgEEhello Captainkrtek05:28
r4yIf the output is too long are there keyboard shortcuts I need to know about?05:28
Captainkrtekhi :)05:28
ApOgEEr4y: for example, if you type $ dmesg | less05:29
ApOgEEyou can see the output of dmesg viewed in less05:29
r4yI've always wondered this same question for when at the boot terminal. I've seen the output go and go before and wondered how someone can get the info they need. Don't they need a way to also put that into a text file and so on05:30
ApOgEEyou can use up/down arrow key to scroll up05:30
ApOgEEor down05:30
r4ydoes the wheel on the mouse do the same?05:30
ApOgEEand to quit, just press q05:31
r4yI see what you are saying for the boot terminal, then the up and down arrows would be needed I suppose05:31
r4yThat's another story though05:31
ApOgEEyou can also search by typing your search term beginning with /05:31
ApOgEEfor example /shomething05:32
r4ylol, I have my terminal set to unlimited. I suppose there is a good reason they don't have it set to unlimited by default. Overloading space or something?05:33
ApOgEEr4y: if you want to save the output in other text file in the less view, just type :s newfilename.txt05:36
r4yWhat would the combo command be for that?05:37
coalwatergood morning05:37
ApOgEEmorning coalwater05:37
r4yTop of the morning to you coalwater05:37
coalwaterim still half asleep and can barely see, and ty ApOgEE and r4y05:38
coalwaterwhat are u guys talking about here05:38
ApOgEEit's already afternoon here in Malaysia ;)05:38
coalwatercombo command05:38
r4yI am learning05:38
coalwaterim in egypt, 7:38 am05:39
ApOgEEMalaysia, 12:39 pm05:39
r4yI said that because commands can be used together, so I didn't know how else to say it, but it sounded dumb05:40
coalwatercommands like what?05:40
r4ylspci | grep audio05:41
r4ywhat have you05:41
coalwaterso any one lurking here who writes python?05:41
r4yI am still new to Linux05:41
coalwaterand r4y i wish i knew how to use grep05:41
coalwateri know its a regex command but i never understand it05:41
r4yI've seen a few with grep05:41
coalwaterhm lets try this05:42
ubot2The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome), K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE), or Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal (LXDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal05:42
r4ydmesg | grep 'wlan0' and ifconfig | grep HWaddr and like the one I posted lspci | grep Ethernet05:42
coalwaterhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/grep there :D ty ubot205:42
coalwateralso the concept of the | pipe thing is kinda unclear to me yet05:43
ApOgEEcoalwater: i wrote python sometimes05:44
coalwaterApOgEE, ever used any db connections?05:44
ApOgEEyes, why?05:45
r4yI guess I thought less was going to be different. I thought it was a one page at a time sort of this and that the page up, page down keyboard buttons where going to be used, but less show the output of the terminal so that if it is too long the terminal then doesn't have to be set to unlimited to see the whole output from beginning to end05:46
r4yThis was from reading commands and what they do off of a peice of paper back when I was way more of a newbie then I am now, lol05:47
* ApOgEE away05:47
coalwaterApOgEE, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=5926632 im working on this05:47
coalwateraw, come back lol05:47
r4yI understand. It's all cool05:48
* ApOgEE back05:49
r4yOK, I must not have understood, you guys are talking to each other not me05:50
r4yRegarding this, I don't understand: if you want to save the output in other text file in the less view, just type :s newfilename.txt05:51
ApOgEEcoalwater: what are u working on?05:51
coalwaterthe programming challenges on the forum, a learning stage for me, python is new to me05:51
ApOgEEi see... there is examples already in the thread for python + sqlite05:53
ApOgEEjust copy & try it05:53
coalwatero, i didnt check there05:53
coalwatero and a small question, i've never used sqlite before, but i've heard it uses a file as a db, with no engine needed to be installed, is that correct?05:54
ApOgEEcoalwater: this is a good example http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=5935472&postcount=1405:56
ApOgEEyes, u just have to install sqlite05:56
ApOgEEit works like keeping the database in a single file05:57
ApOgEElike mydbname.db05:57
coalwatercan those files be read as a text? or is it a binary file05:57
coalwateralrighty, ty ApOgEE05:58
ApOgEEwelcome ;)05:59
r4yOK, I understand better now what you were saying about dmesg | less, the only thing now I don't understand is how to have that put into a text file06:00
r4yWhat I understand is that page up and page down do what I was thinking they would do, you said search by doing / then the word, q for quit06:01
r4yWhat you have shown me already is going to be useful to me. I always wanted to know how to search within the terminal06:03
coalwaterwhen im stuck with a long output i do something like command > out then nano out lol06:05
r4yI remember learn before that hitting h in the terminal when using the man page opens help06:05
r4ybash: syntax error near unexpected token `newline'06:06
r4ydmesg | less >06:07
ApOgEEyou can use 'less' to check the long output, then save it to text file using :s filename.txt06:07
r4yO, so make a text file then save to it?06:07
ApOgEEr4y: the correct comand to directly output to file is $ dmesg > yourtextfile.txt06:07
coalwaterApOgEE, 'ImportError: No module named pysqlite2.dbapi206:08
coalwater' , my python is 2.6.6 , is that the problem?06:08
ApOgEEcoalwater: did u install sqlite?06:08
ApOgEEperhaps sqlite3 /06:08
coalwaterapt-get install sqlite right?06:08
coalwaterill check06:09
coalwaterok it did install06:09
coalwaterstill no change though06:10
ApOgEEyou should use sqlite306:11
ApOgEEimport sqlite306:12
r4yOK, TY, it worked. I going to make notes06:12
ApOgEEcoalwater: i'm wrong... import pysqlite2.dbapi2 as sqlite06:15
ApOgEEshould work06:15
coalwaterisn't that what the forum post already was? i tried that06:15
ApOgEEsudo apt-get install python-pysqlite206:16
coalwaterApOgEE, http://docs.python.org/library/sqlite3.html#letting-your-object-adapt-itself can this do06:19
coalwaterthey're importing sqlite just like that06:19
coalwatershould i just port the code to the sqlite3 ? since it's mrore recent?06:22
r4ySo I can have any command's out put saved into a text file that is pre-made?06:24
r4yI am sorry, answer his question first06:24
ApOgEEcoalwater: i tried import sqlite3 on my fedora(my work pc is fedora, no ubuntu to test), didn't work... perhaps have to install python-sqlite3 to make it work06:26
coalwateri did an apt-get install sqlite3 a lil bit ago, when u told me, i guess that's why it worked06:27
ApOgEEcoalwater: yes if you can06:27
r4yI guess this answers my question: man apt-get > yourtextfile.txt06:27
ApOgEEit just didn't work on my fedora... heheh ;p06:27
r4yReally cool, TY06:28
r4yI tried the more command and I like less more, lol06:28
ApOgEEr4y: yes $ command > filename06:29
ApOgEEwill send the stdout to filename06:29
r4yTY again, this will be useful for me in the future06:29
ApOgEEand if you do $ > filename , the content of filename will be emptied06:30
r4yI will make note of that06:30
ApOgEEplease note that dollar sign ($) in my example is just to show the bash prompt. it's not a command06:31
r4yI am not adding it to my text file for reference06:34
* ApOgEE away lunch time06:38
coalwaterok, see u later ApOgEE06:39
coalwaterthanks for ur help :P06:39
r4yEnjoy your lunch06:39
coalwatersteal a sandwich for me :D06:41
r4y:D :P06:42
r4yThis is what I have so far:06:51
bioterrorr4y, what if you use >>?06:51
bioterror>> yourtextfile.txt06:52
r4yI will have to try06:52
r4yI need a sec06:52
r4yWhen I created that file to /usr/games I didn't have deleted set to use under nautilus, so where is the file so I can delete it?, .local trash or somewhere else, I haven't looked, I just wanted to let you know what I am doing06:54
r4yOK, it's not under .local06:54
r4yWhere is trash otherwise located?06:57
r4y"/root/.local/share/Trash" never mind, I used google07:02
ApOgEEr4y: i see your note... here's my comment07:09
ApOgEEinstead of dmesg | less > yourtextfile.txt07:09
ApOgEEyou can just do dmesg > yortext.txt07:10
r4yso less is not needed when having it put into a file, OK07:10
r4yTo have the full out put of a command put into a text file there is no need for less: dmesg > yourtextfile.txt07:12
r4yOK, I tried man apt-get >> yourtextfile.txt and I don't know how that is different then man apt-get > yourtextfile.txt07:15
r4ybioterror was saying to try 2 >s07:15
bioterrorr4y, to the same file07:17
bioterrorecho "what bioterror tries to say" >> yourtextfile.txt07:17
r4yI deleted the file and started over to make sure07:18
bioterroroh well07:18
bioterroryou can do that as many times you want07:18
r4yThat's neat07:18
ApOgEEr4y: the different is '>' will create/overwrite the file. while '>>' will create/append the file07:18
bioterrortry it07:18
ApOgEEyes, try $ echo "hello" >> myhello.txt07:19
ApOgEEthen repeat 3 times07:19
ApOgEEyou will see 3 lines of "hello" in myhello.txt07:20
bioterroror change "hello" to something else07:20
r4yO, I see07:20
bioterror> creates the file again07:20
bioterror>> adds that stuff to the bottom of the file07:20
bioterrorit will be handy07:20
r4ySo leave what's there and write after it07:20
r4ymaking note07:20
bioterrorthere's lots of things to learn ;)07:21
bioterrorthose are just tip of the iceberg07:21
r4yright, it's crazy. Every subject can be like this simple or complex, or a mix of both07:22
r4yI made a boo boo, lol, without opening another terminal how do I go from the > back to "ray@ray-desktop:~$"07:24
r4yI was going to do this: echo "hello" >> myhello.txt07:26
r4ybut instead I did this without the first double quote: "hello" >> myhello.txt07:26
r4yI will post to pastebin07:26
r4yI have wondered about this before07:27
r4yIt's no big deal. all I have to do is close it and start up a new terminal if I wanted or needed it07:31
ApOgEEr4y: don't forget the 'echo' command07:31
r4yI have it, http://paste.ubuntu.com/610459/07:31
ApOgEE$ echo "hello there, this is any string" >> yourfile.txt07:32
r4ya string is a line a of words, right?07:33
r4ycan it be a page of words?07:33
r4yOK, so both07:34
r4yI don't know if I should ask this but here I go, what characters should and shouldn't be used in a string and text file name07:35
ApOgEEline doesn't matters07:35
r4yYou don't have to answer my last question, but you know I am trying to think, that's when you see smoke, and hear my gear sketching from the grinding and a loud explosion and then silence07:37
r4y:P :D07:37
r4yAlright, TY guys for the help. I should chill out. The weather got warmer here. Summer is going to be hot.07:40
r4yswimming would be great.07:41
coalwaterif i cant fix a wiki page cause it's immutable ( probably needs a higher auth level than i have i think ) who should i send it to07:50
philipballew_coatwater you need a launchpad account07:51
coalwateri do07:51
philipballew_you do have one?07:51
philipballew_not to ask a stupid question. but are you signed it to the wiki07:52
coalwateryup, checked that07:52
coalwaterit's a help page, i think that's why it's immutable, they dont want soeone messing with it lol07:53
philipballew_whats the link07:53
philipballew_what makes you want to edit it?07:54
coalwatersee the link MoinMoinEtymology, it gives a 404, i just wanted to replace it with http://moinmo.in/MoinMoinEtymology, nothing important i know, but that's why i just was gonna change it my self and leave lol07:54
philipballew_lol. email them!07:56
coalwaterthem who07:57
coalwateri would have checked with MrChrisDruif i know he's a wiki guy, but he's not on i think07:58
coalwaterphilipballew_, someone in the doc channel told me it's immutable for them too, it's something that comes with the wiki installation, they'd need to upgrade the wiki version to fix it08:08
philipballew_coalwater that seems like what i suspected. i guess we'll have to wait on that08:09
coalwaterhey ApOgEE , do u know if i could return a dict from an sqlite select?08:13
ApOgEEnormally, you get an array of each row08:15
ApOgEElike (u'thedata',u'datata') for each row08:16
coalwaterApOgEE, yea, when i did a print and that's what i got, that's a tuple right? and i should know the order my self to use the data properly?08:17
coalwateri wanted something like an associative array in php, so i could call like row['id'] or row['name'] etc08:17
ApOgEEcoalwater: i see.. u mean like mysql_fetch_assoc($result)08:22
coalwaterApOgEE, yea something like that08:22
ApOgEEcoalwater: haven't tried that yet ;p08:24
ApOgEEtell me if you found it08:25
coalwaterApOgEE, http://stackoverflow.com/questions/811548/sqlite-and-python-return-a-dictionary-using-fetchone#811637 dunno why it needs all that lol08:25
ApOgEEcoalwater: look at this hack http://www.mouldy.org/a-quick-guide-to-using-mysql-in-python <-- look at "Getting your results as a dictionary"08:31
coalwaterApOgEE, too much pain for something i don't need right now lol, im just gonna print the fields by index number lol08:45
ApOgEEhehe... KISS08:48
ApOgEEpython coder love KISS08:48
xardas008do you want to say i am no python coder ApOgEE ?08:49
coalwaterand whats kiss lol08:51
coalwateri know the mwah type of kiss, that's all lol08:51
ApOgEEhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KISS_principle <-- ;)08:53
xardas008i thought you mean the rock band xD08:54
ApOgEExardas008 hehehe...08:54
coalwatero please, don't tell me a guy became famous because he made up that sentence lol08:55
coalwaterApOgEE, http://paste.ubuntu.com/610493/ finally lol09:06
ApOgEEcoalwater: nice09:22
ApOgEEcoalwater: i just s/sqlite3/pysqlite2.dbapi2 as sqlite3/ to make it work here... ;p09:26
coalwaterlol good09:27
coalwateri could be a lil abusive and do an insert loop and crash people's computers lol09:29
coalwatersince it uses a memory db09:29
coalwaterok maybe i shouldnt have said that on a logged irc channel lol jk09:31
DenverPI can't remember the password to log on to my laptop.  Any suggestions?10:23
coalwaterif i want to import in a python class, should i do it in the __init__ or before the class definition or what12:24
grover78anyone here this morning?14:18
rajugrover78:  here what14:19
grover78is it possible to run iTunes with Ubuntu?14:19
rajugrover78:  take .exe with wine14:20
grover78ok... download iTunes, but run the .exe setup file in wine?14:21
grover78I've downloaded wine but haven't used it yet14:21
grover78I'm pretty new at ubuntu14:21
rajugrover78:  open terminal14:24
rajugrover78:  run " tar xvf  with tar file "14:25
rajugrover78:  cd to wine folder14:25
rajugrover78:  do ./configure14:25
rajumake install14:25
stlsaintgrover78: there is only a certain known working version of itunes14:27
stlsaintgrover78: wine will not ensure a fully functional itunes install jfyi14:27
grover78well all I wanna be able to do is load my music back on my ipod.14:27
grover78I've tried gtkpod but for whatever reason the ipod doesn't sync14:28
bioterroriFail :(14:28
bioterroriProducts are too integrated to iTunes14:29
grover78I agree bioterror but the ipod was a gift14:29
grover78which means I have to use itunes.14:30
bioterrorhi raj14:31
rajubioterror:  hey14:31
grover78so is it possible to sync an iPod to my music collection (with or without iTunes) on ubuntu?14:31
grover78or do I have to revert back to XP...14:32
bioterrorshould be14:37
grover78should be... but how involved/complex a process is it?14:38
grover78that looks like it should work. I'll give it a go, maybe later tonight.14:42
grover78Thanks for the find bioterror14:42
bioterrorhope you get it working14:42
coalwatersorry but i alwaays like to do this14:43
ubot2For information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - For the iPhone and the iPod Touch, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod14:43
bioterrorthat sounds good14:43
bioterrorlet your iPod play OGG!14:43
coalwater!RockBox | coalwater14:45
ubot2coalwater, please see my private message14:45
johnny77I have a dual-boot: Windows/Ubuntu. Is there a way to have Windows the default boot even after kernel updates?14:51
stlsaintjohnny77: i must ask, why would you want that?14:56
stlsaintjohnny77: to answer your question yea it is, remove linux....14:56
johnny77stlsaint: Why? There are some programs that either run a whole lot better in Windows or only in Windows, so I want Window default, but I'm not quite ready to completely throw Ubuntu away.14:58
johnny77I was hoping for a way to edit Grub to boot Windows by default not Ubuntu.14:58
coalwateryes johnny77  u can, i haev that on my comp14:59
coalwaterto change the default option on grub menu14:59
stlsaintyes it is possible14:59
stlsaintcoalwater: take it away :D14:59
coalwaterlol i will soon, just waiting for a better internet connection14:59
coalwaterapplied for a new one , should be ready sometime next week14:59
coalwateri have xp, ubuntu is more well organized than xp15:00
coalwateri have lots of active programs, dont like the huge list on the task bar on the bottom15:01
coalwater<3 workspaces lol15:01
johnny77coalwater: I've read that if I change the default option in Grub Menu to 5 (windows in my case) it will boot Windows. But the problem is, if I update the kernel then it will two options to the grub.15:01
johnny77Thus changing the 5 to 7. So every kernel update, I'll need to manually change the number.15:02
coalwaterit will what?15:02
coalwateris that bad?15:02
stlsaintjohnny77: you will not have *too* many updates and you can set ubuntu to only show whatever kernel you want15:03
johnny77I can do that, but I just wanted to check to see if it might be easier to put windows on the top.15:03
* stlsaint goes to get some subway samich!!15:04
coalwaterstlsaint, i'll always love this http://www.tomshardware.com/news/the-oatmeal-how-to-fix-computer,12618.html15:06
coalwaterdo a shell with regex that increments the choice +2 when runned,run it after each kernel upgrade, and of course it requires root access when u run it, or just do it manually :D lol15:08
coalwateror nvm, he left lol15:08
=== TheDaniel0108 is now known as Daniel0108
kristian_hi all15:44
kristian_I'm looking for a way to store a text file somewhere, then being able to edit it from different client boxen15:45
kristian_hey Sidewinder115:45
kristian_computers ;)15:45
kristian_so that I can work on it on one machine, then sync it and work more on it on another machine15:46
Sidewinder1Perhaps, share the directory in which you store the txt file.15:46
kristian_good idea, nice and simple15:46
kristian_is there somewhere I can get a free account where I can do this?15:47
Sidewinder1Mornin' bodhi!!!15:47
* kristian_ is a guy, btw15:47
geirhakristian_: google docs perhaps15:47
kristian_hey geirha :)15:48
geirhaor ubuntu one or dropbox15:48
Sidewinder1kristian_, why not just do it on your local machine? Unless you're talking about shareing over WAN.15:48
kristian_I prefer to avoid Cthoogle for this15:48
kristian_Sidewinder1, I am talking WAN... and internet also15:48
Sidewinder1kristian_, kiss is, since I am, Keep It Simple Stupid... :-)15:49
kristian_for instance, I am in a train right now w/ laptop... would be nice to do these things15:49
kristian_ah, that kind of KISS :)15:49
Sidewinder1kristian_, Yes!15:49
kristian_keep it sweet, simple... I believe that is the bowdlerized version15:50
Sidewinder1kristian_,  geirha is much more familiar with WAN shareing than I... :-(15:50
geirhaWell, sounds like Ubuntu One is what you want. Or Dropbox if you need support for more operating systems.15:51
geirhaOr does UbuntuOne have that now? Haven't checked it in a long while.15:51
kristian_it seems proprietary15:54
geirhaYes, it is, but free as in beer15:55
kristian_did I lose connection?15:56
coalwaterkristian_, ping :P15:57
kristian_flaky train wifi15:57
kristian_I only need very little space... perhaps a megabyte tops15:57
coalwatergeirha, UbuntuOne has a beta windows client i think15:58
coalwaterim not sure if its still beta or not15:58
coalwaterkristian_, i like drop box more, though ubuntu one has support for differnet folders on the system, dropbox uses only 1 folder15:58
kristian_windows is not an issue... Mac and Android might be15:58
coalwaterubuntu one's android client isn't free i believe15:59
kristian_I would like to setup this thing for me, but also for a friend16:00
kristian_seperate accounts16:00
kristian_but that's why I'm not sure what might or might not be used...16:00
coalwaterand link both ?16:00
geirhakristian_: dropbox allows you to share folders between accounts16:00
kristian_no, different installations16:01
kristian_I guess I'll look into dropbox16:01
coalwateryea, and drop box has a mac and android clients, i just checked16:01
kristian_can I just scp or rsync to it?16:01
kristian_oh, gotta go16:01
geirhaI find most Mac and Windows users I've met have dropbox installed, so having dropbox makes it easy to quickly share files with them without having to get your hands dirty with ftp or smb or whatnot16:01
coalwatersync happens as soon as the folder  content's change16:02
kristian_will check dropbox details later16:02
kristian_thanks for all the input, people - enjoy your day off :)16:02
coalwatersee u16:02
kristian_oh sorry, you might not be in Denmark ;)16:03
kristian_coalwater, no time now16:03
kristian_see ya16:03
=== nlsthzn is now known as nlsthzn-work
ApOgEEhi all19:05
ApOgEEi have problem updating wiki.ubuntu.com19:05
pleia2ApOgEE: what's the trouble?19:06
ApOgEEInternal Server Error19:07
pleia2known issue, when you revisit the page does it show it updated anyway?19:07
pleia2it usually does even though you get an error19:07
pleia2they're upgrading the wiki soon so hopefully these errors will stop soon :)19:07
ApOgEEpleia2: ok, it works now19:08
ApOgEEbut somehow, it use the old theme19:09
ApOgEEthanks pleia219:12
* nlsthzn-work thought he was the only one getting the silly errors on the wiki... :p19:14
Error404NotFoun1R.I.P. #3 Harmon Killebrew 1936-201119:54
coalwaterok. baseball19:57
Error404NotFoun1not from america?19:57
pleia2a bit offtopic for here though :)19:58
coalwateryea pleia219:58
coalwaterwasn't planning to talk much lol19:58
Error404NotFoun1sorry for paying homage to the killer19:59
holsteinError404NotFoun1: you dont have to be sorry, just /join the OT channel mentioned in the topic, and say what you like20:00
coalwaterhuh, sorry if ur upset, but i don't really know this person20:00
Error404NotFoun1i said it in all channels...20:00
Error404NotFoun1and hes one of the greatest baseball players of alltime coalwater20:01
* robbmunson gets out the broom and starts swinging the handle around.20:01
Error404NotFoun1no brooms plox20:02
Error404NotFoun1holstein:  you ever gonna tell me how to get wine to work?20:03
holsteinwell, wine is just working. you might need help getting something in particular to work with wine though, and i suggest wineHQ20:04
Error404NotFoun1didnt help much20:04
holsteinnot all apps work with wine*20:04
Error404NotFoun1nothing to do with apps20:05
holsteinactually, it is20:05
holsteinsome apps work, some dont20:05
Error404NotFoun1actualy it isnt lol20:05
pleia2http://appdb.winehq.org/ is useful for seeing if the app you're trying works (or works well) with wine20:05
Error404NotFoun1like i said twice now, has nothing to do with apps20:05
holstein^ yeah, and what version, and if there are tricks envolved20:06
Error404NotFoun1according to wine i dont have any optical drives20:06
holsteinError404NotFoun1: we covered that20:06
Error404NotFoun1obviously not20:06
Error404NotFoun1cuz it still dont work20:06
holsteinright, how did my suggestions work?20:06
holsteincopying the data locally?20:06
bioterrorleave that windows thing alone and drink wine ;)20:07
Error404NotFoun1im a vodka man lol20:07
bioterrorits time to leave exe files behind20:07
Error404NotFoun1and i dont want to copy data locally20:07
bioterrorError404NotFoun1, russian standard?20:07
Error404NotFoun1well once anyone on earth decides its worth making games for linux i will...20:07
Error404NotFoun1absolut vodka20:08
bioterroroh right20:08
bioterrorpsn is closed again?20:08
bioterrorError404NotFoun1, wrong! finlandia vodka20:08
Error404NotFoun1i was on like an hour ago... works fine20:08
Error404NotFoun1you are the one who said russian lol20:09
bioterrorstandard is good vodka20:09
bioterrorits like premium20:09
Error404NotFoun1ok call me retard but i sudoed wine install and its on a eula screen20:09
holsteinError404NotFoun1: what was the word in #wine ?20:09
Error404NotFoun1how do i get it to continue?20:09
bioterroruse tab key20:09
bioterrorand press enter20:09
bioterrorjust like in dos20:10
holstein /join #winehq20:10
Error404NotFoun1they suck lol, no one talked20:11
holsteini dont have that disc, nor access to it, but i guarantee you can sort out wine finding a CD drive20:12
coalwaterjust makin sure, the rhythmbox songs ratings are stored in .local/share/rhythmbox/rhythmdb.xml ?20:12
Error404NotFoun1people told me to manualy add cd rom and it dont work20:14
holsteini suggested that, and i suggested copying the cd locally20:14
coalwaterok nvm found it20:15
Error404NotFoun1im not gonna store a few 6+ gigs games on my hdd20:15
holsteinError404NotFoun1: you could as a test20:15
bioterrorhdd is faster20:15
holstein^ that too, improved performance20:15
bioterrorand 2TB drives are technically free20:15
Error404NotFoun1then you buy me a big ass hdd to store them all on lol20:16
Error404NotFoun1send a couple to me if you get em free20:16
bioterroryou can open calculator and calculate what costs 1MB on 2TB drive20:18
Error404NotFoun1i just bought a 1.5tb hdd was like 70 bucks20:19
bioterrorcheap as dollars value is low :D20:21
Error404NotFoun1yes our government is a bunch of morons...20:22
bioterrorours too20:23
bioterrorwe gave to portugal lots of money we dont have neither20:24
=== kingkong is now known as information
=== information is now known as kingkong
truepurpleWould someone please help me with my video and sound drivers? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=10842566#post1084256623:06
truepurpleAnyone here?23:08
head_victimtruepurple: I was just reading your post23:10
head_victimI've never really had issues with video (I've always had nvidia cards) but I'm having a look around to see if there's anything I can find to help23:10
truepurpleSomeone else said they have near my exact same card, OS, everything, and it works for him23:11
truepurpleNow mine is a upgrade where his was a straight install, would that really make a difference?23:11
truepurpleupgrade from 10.1023:12
head_victimIt's possible I guess. I generally only fresh install because I just keep my /home23:12
head_victimMost people are suggesting version 11.2 works ok23:13
truepurpleWhat is 11.2 to 11.4?23:13
head_victimI meant 11.2 video drivers23:14
head_victim32 bit or 64 bit?23:14
truepurpleWell I install from "additional drivers"23:14
truepurpleAnd what about the sound, how to I get that fixed?23:15
head_victimSo the video is fixed?23:15
truepurpleWhat a weird question, why would I have been able to manage to fix in in the last minute without any help23:16
truepurpleWhy did you ask that/what are you asking23:16
head_victimSorry I thought the "i installed it from additional drivers" meant you'd been able to get it to work as you'd previously stated you'd had problems installing it from there23:16
truepurpleIf you read the post, you'd know that I mentioned having installed from additional drivers, but said drivers aren't working23:17
head_victimAs for the sound issue, can you pastebin the output of the command "lspci" in a terminal please? It will help identify what sort of sound card it is23:17
truepurpleIts not a sound card, its integrated sound, mentioned that too23:17
head_victimYes, it's still an integrated sound card though23:18
head_victimIt's just not a separate one23:18
truepurpleIs purple the normal background color for terminal?23:18
head_victimI believe it's the default23:18
truepurpleNot black?23:18
philipballewkde is black23:18
head_victimDoes ATI have a separate control panel or are you just using the monitor settings screen to adjust your resolution?23:20
truepurpleYes, catalyst, but it doesn't work23:20
truepurpleWhen I use it, it gives that error I mentioned in the thread, did you really read the thread?...23:21
head_victimYes, I've just never used an ATI card so trying to go through all the things I normally check with generic video issues.23:21
truepurpleOn my old screen it looked black23:23
truepurpleSo how goes it?23:28
head_victimhttp://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Natty_Installation_Guide would be what I'd work through if I were having issues.23:28
head_victimAnd you have performed the "Restricted Drivers Manager" section already so I'd probably then work through "Installing the drivers manually"  to see if having a later version helps23:30
truepurple"However, the Catalyst 9-3 driver doesn't support X servers past 1.5, and it will not work with Natty!" What the hell is it talking about23:30
truepurpleWhat is a "x server"?23:30
coalwatersimply the gui23:30
head_victimThat is what displays the information on your screen23:30
truepurpleSo what x server does 11.04 use?23:31
truepurplehead_victim: I don't understand you23:32
=== webjadmin is now known as JackyAlcine
head_victimtruepurple: 11.04 uses x.org 1.10.123:33
philipballewits not a gui. it what allows the gui to run23:33
truepurpleSo that is not past 1.5 then?23:33
head_victimtruepurple: unfortunately without an ATI card I can't go throuhg all the steps on that page to see if it works correctly for your particular card. But it's the first thing I'd try if I were having problems.23:33
philipballewthink kernal>xserver(soon to be wayland)>gui(gnome,kde,lxde)23:33
truepurpleSo its not past 1.5 anyway, right?23:34
truepurplephilipballew: If you just joined, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=10842566#post1084256623:34
philipballewshould i join now?23:35
truepurpleIf you can help me, please do23:35
philipballewwell ill read it, if i cant figure it out, ill ask around.23:36
philipballewsometimes the a.b. section on the forms is not helpful with technical problems23:38
head_victimtruepurple: as for your sound issues I believe it might be a conflict between your hdmi and your onboard23:38
philipballewi think its because its only other people with problems helping23:38
head_victimtruepurple: and I still believe working through http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Natty_Installation_Guide will be your best option to fix your video issues.23:38
philipballewtakes some reading23:39
philipballewabsolute beginner23:41
head_victimtruepurple: for your sound issue if you go to the sound settings is one of them set as the default? If so check to make sure the onboard sound is as opposed to the hdmi sound23:42
head_victimphilipballew: http://pastebin.com/FYhmzxZJ is their lspci23:43
head_victimI think line 10 and line 24 are the issue. I think it's defaulted to the HDMI output which, by the sounds of it, isn't being used for sound.23:44
truepurpleWhere is sound settings?23:44
head_victimIn system and then preferences23:44
philipballewlspci |grep VGA   will show just the output of the graphics card23:45
head_victimYes but we already know they have an ATI 6850 video card23:45
philipballewjust saying for future reference23:46
=== Hellow|2 is now known as collinp
=== Guest45201 is now known as JackyAlcine
bobobobobobobobhey guys23:46
bobobobobobobobany "big kahunas" here tonite?23:46
UndiFineD!ask | bob23:47
ubot2bob: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)23:47
bobobobobobobobI have a fix that seems to work for my broadcom STA drivers without all the hoopla...I noticed that I could get  on wireless during install.  So I figured install was using the STA.....So after trying several of the suggestions in the forums...23:48
bobobobobobobobI tried just reinstalling the bcmwl-kernel-source and it works23:48
bobobobobobobobfrom synaptic package manager23:49
UndiFineDgreat :)23:49
bobobobobobobobHopefully, that will work for others too23:49
UndiFineDbut wouldnt that fit better on the forum with the people who have the issue ?23:50
UndiFineDor a bug report23:50
UndiFineDhonestly re-installing the package is hardly a bugfix, I would assume most people had tried that already23:51
UndiFineDbut thanks anyway bobobobobobobob23:51
head_victimtruepurple: how did you go checking the sound preferences?23:56

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