
=== braiam is now known as guampa_
highvoltageseems like quite a sparse man page to me!00:11
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doctormojono_: *ding* constructive solution blog post: http://doctormo.org/2011/05/19/deviantart-plugins-released/00:14
doctormojcastro: I agree openshot is, although hearing from Jeff (PiTiVi developer) on why we can't include it by default was interesting.00:15
popeywhy cant we?00:16
popeyffmpeg bits required?00:16
jono_doctormo, awesome! :-)00:18
jcastropopey: same reason we can't ship codecs, etc.00:21
jcastrook how's this?00:21
doctormopopey: Yeah I know, I like openshot too,00:23
doctormoAlthough I made sure not to say that too many times as I stayed at Jeffs house last Friday ;-)00:23
akgraneropenshot is da bomb even I can figure out how to use it00:50
duanedesignjcastro: ping01:01
duanedesignhew i edited a post, not a real high priority but was wondering if you could review it. http://askubuntu.com/questions/38831/how-to-remove-the-nautilus-alert-of-ubuntu-one-to-synchonize-folder01:02
jcastroalready approved01:02
jcastrothe queue is quite quick01:02
jcastroneed MORE EDITS!!!01:02
duanedesignok great01:02
duanedesigngood to hear you and jono talked with charles about the Beginners team we are excited about that01:03
ScottLjcastro, where's the next UDS going to be?  I want to jam with you and Jono on some old school Metallica!01:48
mhall119ScottL: Orlando again01:49
mhall119also, stop saying "old" and "Metallica" in the same sentence :(01:49
ScottLthere are definitive areas to metallica's work, back when i had a mullet it was the "old" metallica01:51
ScottLand I think "...And Justice for All" capped off that period (although I understand that some say it was "Master of Puppets" because of Cliff01:51
mhall119mullet eh?  okay, now I don't feel so old anymore, thanks01:56
ScottLheh, you're welcome ;)02:07
ScottLi remember when ride the lightning came out and megadeth's business album too, man those were good times for metal :)02:07
ScottLi miss them, i'm old02:08
* highvoltage never understood mullets (not even in the 80's)02:30
highvoltage(and I like the newer metallica, which not everyone agrees with)02:31
dholbachgood morning07:04
nigelbgood morning dholbach, ara :)08:06
dholbachhi nigelb08:07
aramorning nigelb08:10
nigelbgood morning dpm08:56
kim0morning everyone08:56
dpmmorning all08:57
nigelbola kim0 :)09:04
kim0nigelb: hola :)09:04
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jcastropaultag: whoops, I accidentally delete the ohio team's wiki pages.14:27
jcastro(just kidding)14:27
nigelbok, the bestest best tool I've seen so far to deal with time zones --> http://everytimezone.com/14:55
jonodholbach, dpm you guys ready for our roadmap calls in a bit/14:59
dpmjono, ours is in 1:3015:00
jonodpm, ours in in an hour15:00
jonodholbach's is in 1hr 3015:00
* JFo gets out the compass15:01
dpmjono, oh, I got confused15:02
nigelbJFo: hahah15:15
nigelbjono: Q and A with rickspencer3 today?15:15
jononigelb, yup15:16
nigelbK, will add to cal.15:16
nigelbjono: Do you usually have future information on who's going to be doing the Q and A on a particular day?15:17
jononigelb, see the web page :-)15:20
nigelbjono: ahhh.  I'll add pete to the cal too :)15:20
jonothanks nigelb15:20
dholbachhey jono - yep15:32
doctormojono: It's got to be 5am over in California, are you visiting London?15:34
jonodoctormo, on an early call - it is 7.30am over here15:34
doctormoIf you have a spare moment, I seek advice on getting yesterdays blog post hyped up a bit more. Getting it on the inkscape planet, omg ubuntu and some gimp channels.15:35
jussidoes anyone remember the name of that new planet software people were talking about?15:46
jussiNot venus15:46
highvoltagejussi: feedjack?15:49
jussihighvoltage: ahh yes. If anyone knows any others, Id be interested to see them15:49
jonodpm, all set?16:01
dpmjono, yep16:01
dpmjono, https://blueprints.launchpad.net/~dpm/+specs?role=assignee16:09
Technovikingjono: mind if I change the password on the power user mailing list to something more easy to remember:)16:26
Technovikingjono: also people are kicking ass on the PowerUser wiki, looking awesome16:27
jonoTechnoviking, sure! just mail me the new pass16:29
jonoTechnoviking, yeah the wiki is looking sweet!16:29
jonoTechnoviking, could be awesome for you to blog about the things going on as our new fearless leader there16:30
dholbachjono, I'm ready :)16:30
jonodholbach, nipping for a quick bio break, which is of course, code for going to pee, and then will be ready16:30
dholbachjono, thanks for sparing me the phone experience :-P16:31
Technovikingjono: thanks, will do16:32
jonodholbach, log onto Skype16:34
dholbachI'm logged in16:34
dholbachI can see you16:34
jonoI just tried calling16:34
dholbachlet me try to call you16:34
jonodholbach, ok16:34
dholbachbloody skype, restarting16:35
dholbachhum, can't see you online now16:36
nigelbwhat happened to mumble? ;)16:38
nigelbheh, the last line is super funny https://mail.gnome.org/archives/desktop-devel-list/2011-May/msg00533.html16:53
jcastrocjohnston: where are apt.ubuntu.com bugs supposed to go?17:09
cjohnstonI'd guess apturl whatever package.17:10
cjohnstonlemme check17:10
jcastrocan you find out (whenever is fine)17:11
jcastroI have community people who want to fix apt.ubuntu.com but are flailing right now17:11
jcastroI'd like to get them on the right road17:11
nigelbjcastro: yeah, someone demo'd a new one at a session.  The community ones are more beautiful.17:11
jcastroso I need to connect those guys with whoever can deploy that stuff17:12
nigelbjcastro: hrm, have you talked to noodles in canonical-isd?17:13
nigelbhe was at the session that we discussed this17:14
jcastroah he was?17:14
jcastrodid you guys discuss apt.u.c?17:14
nigelbit was the software center web UI session17:14
nigelbso this was brought up17:14
jcastrook so I need to ping noodles?17:15
nigelbI would suggest that, yes.17:15
macojcastro: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EdgyReleaseCandidateAnnouncement so is this something i can delete, or should it stick around for hysterical raisins?17:15
nigelbbwahaha hysterical raisins17:15
maconigelb: have you never talked to crimsun? he uses that phrase *all the time*...its where i got it17:16
nigelbmaco: Ah.17:16
jcastromaco: DELETE!17:17
Technovikingis it a bug that Ubuntu 11.04 does not know how to spell oneiric:)17:17
cjohnstonjcastro: noodles is gone for the day17:17
jcastrothe real announcements are on the mailing lists17:17
jcastrocjohnston: I just needed a name to mail17:17
jcastronigelb: are the notes from the session available?17:18
cjohnstonGotcha.. Don't know if it is him..17:18
nigelbjcastro: sec17:18
nigelbbah, I can't find that session!17:21
macois there a way to turn off a wiki redirect?17:21
macoEdgyKnot2 has a redirect to EdgyEft/Knot2 (which has been deleted) but is suspect the redirect takes some cycles that the server could use given its 500 rate17:22
macojcastro: are we just deleting old help doc stuff, or should we delete old developer stuff too?17:23
nigelbmaco: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EdgyKnot2?action=edit17:23
jcastromaco: leave old specs as people refer to them17:23
maconigelb: thanks17:23
macojcastro: ok17:23
jcastromaco: if it's like, unsupported working docs from the old days then remove it.17:24
jcastroif it doesn't have any value to the team today17:24
nigelbjcastro: https://launchpad.net/~michael.nelson17:25
nigelbjcastro: and here's the notes from that session https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu-webcatalog/+spec/desktop-o-software-center-web17:26
nigelbjcastro: checkout the "where would this service live" bit17:27
macojcastro: i came across an edgy spec thats like "hey, we should install some ppds by default!" and given the current state of ubuntu (plug'n-actually-play printers) that's obviously done17:31
jonofolks, Rick Spencer is doing a live Q+A now17:36
jonojoin #ubuntu-classroom and #ubuntu-classroom-chat17:36
jonoto participate17:36
nigelbI dislike it when we have canonical managers doing Q and A and there's a bunch of support questions :\17:40
AlanBellwhere do they all come from?17:45
AlanBellwhy don't these people turn up to open week sessions?17:46
macoAlanBell: they come from seeing the word "classroom" and assuming it's where to ask questions17:50
macothey ask questions when nobody's doing a session too17:50
macoits just htat when someone is, they go "oh oh an active channel! *pounce*"17:51
AlanBellit is more than that17:51
AlanBellwe need hordes of people with questions for actual classroom sessions17:51
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AlanBellthey turn up at these Q&A things asking random stuff, and I didn't even know the event was on17:52
dakermhall119, any work being done qimo3 ?17:58
paultagjcastro: hahaha18:06
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mhall119cjohnston: nigelb ping18:52
mhall119daker: not yet :(18:52
nigelbmhall119: pong18:52
highvoltagemhall119: we should poke you harder about that :)18:52
mhall119nigelb: we still doing our call?18:53
nigelbmhall119: did you see my PM with details?18:53
jcastrojono: I split out the U1 thing into it's own blueprint19:20
jcastroduanedesign: hey19:21
jcastroduanedesign: how would you feel about a rename of that page?19:22
jcastroto say /Applications?19:22
dakermhall119, are you going to use unity 2D ?19:28
=== daker is now known as daker_
mhall119daker_: no20:02
mhall119daker_: I had been planning on a Gnome version, but with the changes for Unity and Gnome-Shell, I'll probably just stick with Xfce20:03
duanedesignjcastro: ping20:16
duanedesignjcastro: ahh yes20:17
duanedesignjcastro: yeah that title creayed a long time aago when things where just gettuing going. Should  we specify they are not canonical proects?20:18
jcastroduanedesign: I already tweeted it20:18
jcastroduanedesign: however on monday or something I'll rename it20:18
jcastroand create a link20:19
duanedesignjcastro: early on i saw a need for somewhere folks leveragng Ui could share find and collaborate20:19
duanedesignjcastro: i hav ideas to do more to the idea once it gets some buzz20:20
duanedesignjcastro: i am glad you mentioined tit i need to update the resources section20:21
jcastroduanedesign: I'm helping Aq grow this this cycle20:21
jcastroso I'm here to help you do whatever you need to do20:21
duanedesignjcastro: oh great! you alreadt updated some stuff ofn the Ubutntnu One/ThirdPartyPage. Good work20:36
duanedesignjcastro: My biggest problem is getting the word out that people should add thair apps to the page, and what the benefits are20:38
jcastroI will help with that. :)20:38
duanedesigni am constantly in #ubuntoone catching people, 'hey you should add your app here'20:39
jonomhall119, cjohnston ping?20:40
cjohnstonHey jono.. just got home.. whats up20:41
jonocjohnston, I wanted to continue the discussion re. LoCo Directory and the ideas discussed at UDS20:41
jonoto get an idea of plans for the cycle20:41
* jono reads20:42
jonocjohnston, awesome, are you interested in helping to drive completion of this work in that blueprint?20:43
jonoI think I would like to have some strategic calls on this front20:43
jonoI currently have regular calls with czajkowski, but I think it might make sense to make it a conf call and include some others such as yourself20:44
jonomaybe mhall119 and nigelb too20:44
cjohnstonok.. sounds good20:44
jonoI really believe that the LD is strategically critical to growing our community20:44
cjohnstonjono: LTP20:44
jonooh yeah20:44
jonowhat does that stand for again?20:44
jonoLoco Team Portal?20:45
cjohnstonLoCo Team Portal20:45
jonoyou best update the blueprint :-)20:45
jonosays directory20:45
jonois that now officially renamed to the LTP?20:45
cjohnstonits in the plans for this cycle20:45
czajkowskicjohnston: really :(20:45
czajkowskiwe;ve spent cycles getting ti called the the LD20:46
cjohnstonit isnt going to be a directory anymore...20:46
czajkowskibe nice to have had some discussion on it before it was renamed20:46
jonoczajkowski, I think the point is that it is becoming more than a dir20:46
cjohnstonthere was20:46
jonoit is becoming a source of dynamic contet20:46
czajkowskifair enough20:46
czajkowskiI guess for me I dont diferenciate between directory and portal :s20:46
jonoczajkowski, would you be happy to continue the fortnightly calls and bring in the LTP folks?20:46
jonoczajkowski, :-)20:47
czajkowskijono: sure20:47
popeyOn the LoCo Council and I had no idea the LoCo Directory was being renamed20:47
czajkowskijono: in fact might be better then to switch from me to itnet7 as yer all on the same timezone20:47
czajkowskipopey: I know would have been nice to have been involved a bit20:47
jonoso I am thinking lets start with czajkowski, mhall119, nigelb and cjohnston20:47
doctormopopey: It's being renamed to what?20:47
cjohnstonpublic uds session.. nothing backdoor at all.. sorry :-/20:48
czajkowskijono: yup start with cjohnston nigelb mhall119 and I think itnet7 will fit better with timezones tbh20:48
jonofolks, it's a name, let's focus on the more important things :-)20:48
jonoczajkowski, sweet :-)20:48
czajkowskicjohnston: hard to remote particpate in that session as you well know I did try20:48
cjohnstonI know.20:48
doctormo"Local Community Portal" If I were to suggest.20:49
doctormoBut it sounds like the name is done.20:49
popeyhey ho20:49
cjohnstonYall can bring it up on the ML.. the change hasnt been made yet.20:49
jonojust sending the cal invite out20:49
* doctormo hopes that writing a bit of the code on the loco directory counts for naming votes.20:49
jonodoctormo, there is no naming votes20:50
jonoit is *just a name* :-)20:50
doctormojono: I was _joking_ in a playful way.20:50
jonodoctormo, ahh cool :-)20:50
doctormojono: I actualltly wanted to ask if a project had been started for your advanced settings idea.20:50
jonodoctormo, a lot of people suggested Ubuntu Tweak20:51
jonowhich goes most of the way there20:51
cjohnstonubuntu tweak is awesome20:51
jcastrowe can just lop off the untrusted archive part of UT and it'd be fine20:51
jonodoctormo, I think it could be interesting to direct some of the other config efforts into Ubuntu Tweak20:52
jonojcastro, totally agree20:52
cjohnstonjono: you interested in checking out the summit direction as well?20:52
jonoif we can get rid of the untrusted archive stuff and get packaging support and get it in USC that would be awesome20:52
doctormoSo Ubuntu Tweak is a website that you need to register for in order to use the ppa, and they have a bunch of different tools for tweaking ubuntu?20:52
jonocjohnston, not right now, will check in later20:52
cjohnstondoctormo: no.. you just download it (from a ppa) and then its a bunch of tools for tweaking ubntu20:53
popeydoctormo: no registration20:53
popeyits an awesome app20:53
popeyyes, +!20:53
PiciWe've been suggesting that people not use Ubuntu Tweak in #ubuntu.  A good review of the code would be appreciated to ensure that it doesn't damage user's systems.20:53
popeyi gave it the once-over a year or so back20:53
popeyit's nothing like what people envisage it to be20:54
jonoPici, agreed, I think this is where the Ubuntu Power Users community could help mature the app20:54
popeyi.e. it's not automatix20:54
cjohnstonMaybe that could be something the power team or whatever they are does20:54
jonoI am going to reach out to the author about it20:54
jonosee if we can bring it into the UPU community and get some mentoring over it20:54
jonocjohnston, exactly :-)20:54
jcastrothere it is20:54
cjohnstonI like the idea of the power users.. I need to join up20:54
doctormoLooking at the source, looks extensable.20:54
Picipopey: Well, you have the power to change factoids now, so if you want to change it as well as discuss with the rest of the ops its use, go right ahead :)20:54
ubot2Factoid 'ubuntu-tweak' not found20:55
ubot2For information on how to play Unreal Tournament, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games/Native/UnrealTournament - for Unreal Tournament 2004, see !ut2k420:55
popeywhat is it?20:55
popeyoooooo.. fancy a game of UT now20:55
popeystupid bot20:55
ubot2Factoid 'ubuntuweak' not found20:55
ubot2Ubuntu Tweak is a tool that automates some things; however, it is potentially dangerous an informal review of its code is pending and most of the things it does can be done by the use of other tools. Please don't ask for or provide support for it in #ubuntu.20:55
jcastrowhen you launch it the first thing it does is ask to put it's own PPA20:55
popeythats good20:56
doctormoIs it?20:56
czajkowskijono: any sign of that blog post you said you'd do from our call ?20:56
popeychrome, virtualbox, spotify don't even ask20:56
popeythey just add20:56
PiciI looked at it a little bit and it had a lot of --assume-yes, which in my opinion isn't exactly good practice. Especially if you get into a partial upgrade/install situation.20:56
jonoczajkowski, going out very soon, I am merging some other LoCo bits in, hence this discussion :-)20:57
jonoczajkowski, cjohnston, nigelb, mhall119 invite sent20:57
jcastrohmm, this doesn't have any unity settings20:57
PiciAlthough that was quite a while ago, so it may have changed since.20:57
doctormoPici: Yes, I have scripts like that and the machines can get into trouble if you manually edit the package list and assume yet, it starts installing then removing things alternatly.20:57
jonoI am mailing the Ubuntu Tweak author right now21:00
popeyjcastro: true, but it's got the framework and mindshare21:00
popeyI spoke to the author a year back, and he's keen to improve code quality to get in universe21:01
popeyso it's not the same as the automatix situation where thet thought they were god-like21:01
jcastroman what a mess that was21:01
jcastrowhat was his name21:01
jcastrooh, arnieboy21:02
popeyhappy days21:02
popeyUbuntu Ultimate Maximum Power Edition Pluspack Deluxe!21:02
popeyor something21:02
PiciWe still get people every now and then asking about Automatix and Ubuntu Ultimate in #ubuntu.  Its scary.21:03
jonopopey, yeah I am encouraging the author to join ubuntu-power-users and collaborate there21:03
jcastroI panged the gunity and whatever the other one is guys21:04
doctormojono, popey, http://doctormo.deviantart.com/art/Ubuntu-Power-Users-209613338 <- My contribution, branding21:39
jonodoctormo, awesome - did you see the logos page?21:40
nigelbjono: does it have to be a "phone" call? can we use mumble?21:40
doctormoNope, heh they have a page for it.21:40
jonodoctormo, cool, eh? :-)21:41
jononigelb, Mumble doesn't work for me21:41
jonoit turns out that Mumble hates English people :-)21:41
jononigelb, I can Skype you in though21:41
nigelbah, that would rock21:41
nigelbIt would be an international call for me :)21:41
jonodoctormo, I would recommend you add your logo to that page21:43
jononigelb, sweet21:43
jonois the time ok?21:43
doctormoDone already jono21:43
jonodoctormo, legend!21:43
jonoI assume the community will vote or pick for one21:44
nigelbjono: Its 0230 to 0330 :p If its earlier better, this is fine too.  I sleep late anyway.21:44
jononigelb, boom!21:44
doctormojono: We're trying to shy away from voting on graphics, because we don't vote on code and it's fairly unfair to artists.21:44
nigelbjono: boom?21:44
jonodoctormo, makes sense21:44
jononigelb, thats late!21:44
jononigelb, we will treat you like a king if you can join21:45
nigelbjono: Currently its 0215 am, and of all the things to do, I'm reading launchpad code :p21:45
jononigelb, you are awesome, dude21:45
jonowas great to see you at UDS21:45
jononigelb, I am keen to see how we can take the LTP to the next level and use it as a tool to open locos up to new people21:46
jonoto make it tab-worthy :-)21:46
jonoas a center of excitement and focus for the LoCo community21:46
nigelbjono: It would be awesome amount of work, but totally worth it.21:46
jonoto showcase the awesome work going on, provide quick access to teams and more21:46
jononigelb, it sounds like you, cjohnston and mhall119 are digging the idea of the challenge21:46
nigelbhell yeah :)21:47
jonoand czajkowski and co are rocking the loco council21:47
jonoso things are looking tight :-)21:47
jonoI will do what I usually do and try to help coordinate resources and goals21:47
doctormonigelb: The one time you got to go to UDS, dude we need to meet up some other way!21:48
cjohnstonjono: wait till you look at the summit challenge :-/21:48
cjohnstonwe need more devs21:48
jonocjohnston, what is wrong with summit, does it need to change?21:48
nigelbwe need to reach out for more help21:48
jonodoesnt it work ok now?21:48
jonoaside from some bugfixes21:48
nigelbjono: summit is a castle built from matchsticks :)21:48
* popey wonders why mumble doesnt work for jono, seems to work fine for me.21:49
jononigelb, seriously21:49
nigelbWe deployed thrice *during* UDS21:49
doctormojono: Two even management code bases = dev time waste?21:49
cjohnstonplus what linaro wants21:49
nigelbI think I sat down twice during UDS fixing things that broke.21:49
jonodoctormo, two?21:50
doctormoWell ok 4, but I don't count the wiki and blueprint system on launchpad. The two main ones are loco directory and summit.21:50
jonodoctormo, different purposes though21:50
jonosummit is great for running a single big event with multiple sessions21:50
doctormoshouldn't be different code if we can help it though.21:51
jonoLTP is great for creating a directly of different events21:51
jonodoctormo, I think it is a nice idea, but not sure it is worth the refactoring21:51
jonoit strikes me that there is limited corrolation21:51
jonomaybe a project for the future though21:51
AlanBell21:41 < jono> it turns out that Mumble hates English people :-) <- no, you are just special jono21:52
doctormoI'm a structure guy, I see the overlapping structure. you'd know more about their functional equivalence.21:52
jonoAlanBell, maybe it hates ex-pats :-)21:52
AlanBellcould be21:52
nigelbFor the record, we just used AlanBell's server to mumble and it worked!21:52
doctormoI just had fish and chips for lunch, chip butty and everything. In Boston of all places, lovely.21:52
AlanBelloh, I was going to ask about that21:52
AlanBellsabdfl wanted a mumble server for the community for teams and such to use21:53
doctormoAlanBell: What is mumble? sip server?21:53
AlanBellbut IS don't want to provide one21:53
AlanBellbut Canonical was never intended to be the only providor of community resources21:53
AlanBellI have a honking great big server there and a monthly bandwidth limit of 5TB21:54
AlanBelltotally cool with it being used21:55
* nigelb hugs AlanBell.21:56
AlanBellthe 5TB isn't even a hard limit, I just get throttled back to 10MB line speed if I hit it21:58
AlanBell!info mumble22:02
AlanBelldoctormo: it is a voice over IP conferencing server, doesn't do point to point calling22:03
AlanBellkind of like audio IRC, and it is in the repos22:03
* Cheri703 just read scrollback and is going to throw in: I like doctormo's "Local Community Portal" LOTS of people have no idea what a LoCo is...22:06
jonoduanedesign, are you still heavily involved in the beginners team?22:08
jonoczajkowski, writing up the blog entry now22:08
duanedesignjono: yes me and Charles re on the council together22:09
jonothanks duanedesign22:10
jonoI am keen to schedule a call with you and Charles to discuss this 200million users thing22:10
jonosee how the BT can rock that22:10
duanedesignjono the tam has sooo much potential. i do  not want to take away from the great work we have done but their is a lot I think we can do toincrease participation in the community even more22:12
duanedesignwe are ovverloaded bight now with people interested in Devekopment22:12
duanedesignI have talked with huats and am trying to revive and coolaborate on thr MOTU mentoring program22:13
jonoduanedesign, sounds perfect22:15
duanedesignjono: definetly the BT is one of me and Charles passions in the community and are keen to always discuss ways ti improve and do a better job at our mission22:15
jonolets see if we can get something in the calendar22:15
duanedesignsounds good22:16
jonoI think the BT and the LoCo Teams are criticial to our success22:16
jcastrobeavers, don't mess with them22:28
nigelbnight all, headed to bed.22:35
Pendulumg'night nigelb22:39
jononight nigelb22:40

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