
daxroctdr112: efficent use of the cds :P08:57
tdr112daxroc: :) the cd still works09:01
* daxroc has had enough of shit disapearing on unity!09:16
* daxroc back to 'clasic'09:16
daxrocHas to be the worst move yet. gona switch to a different distro. Doesn't make sense for a Desktop.09:22
czajkowskidaxroc: nothing has disapeared10:14
daxrocczajkowski: it's all gone ! :P10:55
moylanhate unity myself.  even thought of giving up on ubuntu.  now happily using xubuntu.  have it tweaked almost perfect to my needs.  unity just felt like the wrong direction.  maybe as it matures i'll grow to like it but for now...11:01
slashtomwell, if you want something that changes less and only uses mature technology, have you considered Debian? ;)11:05
=== VampiricPada is now known as VampiricPadraig
=== airurando_ is now known as airurando
airurandogood evening all.19:46
airurandoanyone going to TOG tomorrow at 2pm?19:46
tdr112nope :)19:49
tdr112i will be there from 1119:49
tdr112airurando: there should be parking if you can make it19:49
moylanwhen's obama getting into town?  is that next week or is that happening tomorrow?19:51
airurandothanks tdr11219:52
airurandomoylan on monday19:52
moylanthank goodness. i got a dodgy rss feed that said obama and the 21st.  will be there tomorrow so.19:52
airurandogreat stuff19:53
airurandotdr112: I should make it. Orla came home today.19:54
tdr112she was away ?19:54
airurandoin hospital. nothing big we think19:55
airurandotdr112 welcome to twitter and the LoCo Dir19:55
airurandowhy such a sudden change in your position?19:56
tdr112the twitter thing , giving talks at events and they always ask for your twitter a/c you had to make one and the loDIR thats just to keep cztab a happy women20:00
airurandoproper order20:01
airurandoyou going to skip identi.ca?20:02
tdr112one step at a time20:02
airurandotdr112: lol In fairness to you that was a very big first step.  :)20:06
* tdr112 goes for food20:11

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