
tsimpsonIdleOne: can you get one of the channel owners to request it?00:20
LjLtsimpson: i'd like an ubuntu member cloak whenever ;)00:23
tsimpsonLjL: done :)00:26
LjLthanks :)00:26
IdleOnethat was the fastest member cloak request ever00:30
tsimpsonwhen staff are awake, things go smoothly ;)00:31
IdleOnehow do I know who the channel owner is? what flag do they have?00:31
tsimpsonanyone with f and/or F00:32
LjLand why is the access list private ;(00:32
IdleOneit is?00:33
LjLit is00:33
LjL[01:23:32] [Notice] -ChanServ- You are not authorized to perform this operation.00:33
tsimpsonI see it fine00:33
IdleOnechannel owners aren't around. I'll ask them to make request when they come online00:33
LjLi see it now00:33
LjLi swear it said that before00:33
LjLi didn't make it up :o00:34
tsimpsonIdleOne: btw, it'll be lubotu100:34
IdleOnemaybe your new cloak confuzzled chanserv00:34
IdleOnetsimpson: that is fine. same as ubottu right?00:34
LjL[01:34:33] [Notice] -ChanServ- Flags      : SECURE KEEPTOPIC TOPICLOCK PRIVATE00:34
tsimpsonyeah, just lubotu* is for loco channels00:34
LjLif you're an ubuntu member you can see the list i guess because ubuntu/member is in it00:34
tsimpsonsomeone went overboard with chanserv options00:34
nhandlerYeah, for that channel, you will need +A00:51
IdleOneI am =A00:53
ubot4Factoid 'A' not found00:53
IdleOnequiet you00:53
IdleOneoh to see the list00:53
IdleOnephilipballew_: post a link to your launchpad page here and ask real nice for the IRCC to apply your new member cloak.01:45
IdleOnehint: cookies help01:46
philipballew_https://launchpad.net/~philipballew pretty please?01:46
IdleOnejussi tsimpson topyli elky nhandler ^^01:46
IdleOneCongrats again :)01:47
philipballew_hey, thank you!01:47
nhandlerphilipballew_: You will need to be identified before we can cloak you01:48
elkyI'd ask for hokey pokey cookies, but I don't know that your country knows what hokey pokey is.01:48
philipballew_not to look like a total irc idiot but whats the best way to do that?01:49
nhandlerphilipballew_: /msg nickserv help identify01:49
philipballew_alright! ill get back to you in a minute01:50
philipballewhow about use this name?01:54
philipballewit lacks the01:54
philipballewi realized i had not turned off my desktop with my registered name. so i went back to that01:56
nhandlerelky: ^01:58
elkyGo for it01:58
nhandlerphilipballew: You are now cloaked01:59
philipballewalright! ill refresh my page to see it take affect!02:00
MobidoyCould someone please activate my Ubuntu member cloak ? here is my launchpad link https://launchpad.net/~mobidoy02:06
IdleOnejussi tsimpson topyli elky nhandler ^^02:06
nhandlerIdleOne: No point hilighting me. I just apply them, I don't ACK them02:07
IdleOneoh, sorry :)02:07
nhandlerNo problem02:08
elkynhandler, syn02:09
elkyfine. I'll ACK without it02:10
IdleOnethere you go :)02:10
nhandlerelky: I have some bad lag ;) Mobidoy, you are now cloaked02:10
elkynhandler, i have launchpad looking terrible on a netbook screen :P02:11
Mobidoythanx nhandler02:13
IdleOneI think elky did it02:13
nhandlerIdleOne: Only freenode staff can set cloaks (I set it)02:13
IdleOneright, all the syn and ack's confused me02:14
nhandlerjbicha: Do you have a link to your LP profile?02:17
nhandlerelky: ^02:18
jbichaoops, close02:18
ubot2sdhasu called the ops in #ubuntu-kernel ()02:20
rwwignore, it's a silly person that likes spamming ops call ^02:21
ubot2sdhasu called the ops in #ubuntu-kernel ()02:23
elkynhandler, go02:23
nhandlerjbicha: You are now cloaked02:25
jbichathank you02:26
vishIdleOne: always confusing about who the ircc are :) .. easiest is to just say "ircc" , most of the council have that as a highlight , would be nice though to have !ircc factoid with current ircc listed09:53
topylivish: nhandler is ircc, but also staff. it would be weird if he requested a cloak for an ubuntu member and then proceeded to implement it :)11:09
topylihandy, sure11:09
vishah! nhandler has lot of power, eh?.. we could have him ACK as nhandler and implement as evilnhandler  :p11:24
* vish hides11:24
* jussi eyes vish11:56
LjLvsssh vsssh11:59
jpdsfish and chips, anyone?12:04
LjLvish and jips12:06
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fujisanyes AlanBell?18:26
AlanBellhi, thanks for coming here18:26
fujisanis this about my earlier complaints?18:26
AlanBellikonia had some concerns, which I would like to understand better18:27
AlanBellare you based in the UK?18:27
fujisanAlanBell i dont feel like explaining it again i was in ubuntu-nl-offtopic my two main languages are dutch and english, i was banned from ubuntu-nl-offtopic and ubuntu-nl after years of chatting there without too many issues, but some people decided to make racist remarks i spoke out against them and was subsequently rejected and banned, so i was looking for a channel were i could chat i came to ubuntu-uk explained the story asked if i co18:30
ikoniathat is lies18:30
AlanBellah yes, I recall you mentioning that the other day18:31
fujisani am not doing this again18:31
fujisanjust ask MartijnVdS or shauno18:31
fujisanor popey even18:31
fujisanikonia i understand you dont like me i will be a big boy and stay away from ubuntu-uk if you stay away from macosx since thats my favorite channel ok deal?18:32
fujisansee i can act as a todler as well18:32
ikoniafujisan: I'm not interested in deals, it has nothing to do with "no liking you"18:32
fujisanikonia i chatted in ubuntu-uk for quite a while now without issues18:33
fujisanjust ask anyone there18:33
fujisanso i dont see why you cant just leave me alone18:33
ikoniaI'm not disputing your current conversation. I've explained this to AlanBell18:33
ikoniafujisan: your long standing past and serious behaviour problems is the reason I've mentioned it, as I explained to you the other day,18:33
fujisanyes ikonia i used to be a troll i have mental issues i am under therapy i am doing better i changed my ways am i not allowed to change and act normal?18:34
fujisanwhat do you want from me exactly ikonia?18:34
ikoniafujisan: I'd like you to stay out of the ubuntu name space18:34
ikoniaas I've explained18:34
fujisanso this is a mission to get me banned18:34
fujisani am not staying around for this18:34
ikoniathere are other channels (you're already in them) for ubuntu chat with less rules, you would be better suited using them18:34
fujisanstill there ikonia ?19:16
fujisani left ubuntu-uk i hope that satisfies your revenge19:17
fujisankind regards19:17
fujisanbu bye19:17
rwwodd person.19:20
avelldirollodd, no that's called 'troll evolution' - trying to find more subtle ways to lose other people's time19:34
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