
* jjohansen steps away for a bit00:58
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eruditehermitanyone around?06:39
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awilkinsHi there, have just fixed a kernel bug and had a few questions09:06
awilkinsIs there a way to get Soyuz to build a kernel image to a PPA?09:06
apwawilkins, you can upload modified kernles to PPAs yes09:06
apwawilkins, if you need a quick test kernel it may be quicker to do a manual build, as that only builds fewer flavours09:07
awilkinsapw, Can you just upload debs, or do you need to upload source differences?09:07
awilkinsapw, I've got it built and running09:07
apwawilkins, PPAs are identicle to the main archives09:07
apwso you can upload source packages there too09:07
apwawilkins, whats the bug, anything interesting?09:08
awilkinsbug #776964 09:08
ubot2Launchpad bug 776964 in alsa-driver "p5n32e-plus HDA Nvidia AD1988B microphone input not working" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77696409:08
apwawilkins, if you just want some semi-official kernels with the patch i can spin some and shove those on people and link them to the bug09:10
apwawilkins, is that of use ?09:12
awilkinsapw, I've got the amd64 one built here, but that would be useful to the other chap in the comment thread, I think. I'm not sure how many people have noticed this one... we can't be the only three people running Ubuntu on that motherboard though, and from the code, the bug may affect anyone with a AD1988 variant09:12
apwawilkins, well the norm is to get testing on the bug ... for which i can provide kernels, and then push the patch into the kernel if it fixes things09:12
apwi see you say the patch is accepted by alsa upstream?  got a link to that09:12
awilkinsapw, I just got a mail from Takashi Iwai, not sure he's pushed his tree yet though09:13
apwarggg bug trackers which need a login to _look_ at bugs ... no thanks you09:13
apwawilkins, can you forward me the patch you sent him09:13
apwand i can spin with the right patch then09:14
awilkinsA variant of this problem has affected the kernel for several releases, but until now it was workaroundable09:15
apwawilkins, well its good to get it fixed if its broken09:15
awilkinsThat provoked me into actually looking at it... nothing like breaking something to make a geek try to fix it09:15
awilkinsbug #593018 Is the older variant of this bug that has a workaround09:16
ubot2Launchpad bug 593018 in alsa-driver "nvidi p5n32e-plus Analog Devices AD1988B soundmax microphone only works after switching to another input setting and back" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/59301809:16
awilkinsIt only worked by coincidence, reading the code from Maverick, it has a similar logic fault (comparing a type constant to an array index instead of the type value)09:17
awilkinsI don't know the policy for what constitutes an SRU worthy thing though09:18
apwawilkins, small obvious and fixing a real user problem, generally those are valid09:19
apwif they come via stable all the better, and if we get lots of testing we can help that happen too09:19
awilkinsI pulled the alsa-driver bzr branches for maverick and natty - they were useful for reference, do they actually get used to make the builds, because I get the impression the git repositories are the real sources?09:21
apwawilkins, our master source is our git tree also, we make source packages from that and upload them09:22
awilkinsapw, Link to actual patch on mailing list http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.linux.alsa.devel/85204  # just in case that's helpful09:24
apwawilkins, indeed so09:25
apwawilkins, where are you testing, which release09:26
awilkinsapw, I'm on natty, testing on my normal working machine. I patched the tip of git://kernel.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ubuntu-natty.git09:27
apwawilkins, cool09:28
awilkinsapw, maverick and lucid would need a slightly different patch09:30
apwawilkins, we can worry about those later09:32
apwawilkins, if you feel inclined you could port the patch and attach it to the bug for those releases09:45
awilkinsapw, :-)   Also think this bug is replicated in some of the other patch-panel modules09:46
awilkinsThere are quite a number of "my mike doesn't work" bugs in Launchpad, I was trolling through them to see which ones were AD1988 related09:46
apwawilkins, good plan, once the test kernels are there we can perhaps get some testing on those other ones and pull the duplicates in09:50
awilkinsapw, Bah,  I take it back, this is not the same problem as #593018, the code looks all right in <= maverick, on inspection.10:18
apwawilkins, well thats good to know anyhow10:19
apwawilkins, ok test kernels are in the bug10:19
awilkinsAs expected, nothing has exploded and my mic still works.10:28
apwindeedd, hopfully some of the other testers will chime in10:30
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LinkRagehere it says: 'NMI: PCI system error (SERR) for reason %02x' in traps.c (http://git.kernel.org/?p=linux/kernel/git/stable/linux-2.6.38.y.git;a=blob;f=arch/x86/kernel/traps.c)13:06
LinkRagehow do I find what's the reason (%02x)13:06
LinkRagein my case dmesg shows a5, sometimes b5 for %02x e.g.: NMI: PCI system error (SERR) for reason a5 on CPU 013:06
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apwawilkins, could you comment in your own bug that you tested my kernels, that helps with the processing13:36
apwLinkRage, at first glance (without looking) i'd say they sound like bus produces numbers, ie intel defines them13:52
apwSystem Error is for reporting address parity errors, data parity errors during a Special Cycle, or any other fatal system error. SERR# is shared among all PCI devices and is driven only as an open drain signal (it is driven low or tri-stated by PCI devices, but never driven high). It is activated synchronously to CLK, but when released will float high asynchronously through a pull-up resistor.13:54
apwLinkRage, ^^ seems to imply a hardware error being reported13:54
LinkRagelooks like13:54
LinkRagewell I'm testing now...13:54
LinkRagethe issue is caused by brand new (tested) pci sound card13:55
LinkRageI think I fixed it by disabled ECC error detection, PCI error detection and disallowed plug & play OS to touch the BIOS settings13:56
LinkRagenow I'm booting ubuntu again to see what happens13:56
apwwell disabling error detextion on PCI likely will get rid of the SERR reports, but they are telling you something bad is occuring13:57
LinkRagehm, I guess you're right14:01
LinkRageI'm also thinking of removing all the other PCI component (HW raids etc - it old server from 2002)14:01
_rubenserver with soundcard? :P14:10
LinkRageyep, I'm going to give it to my father, since he's desktop is even older :)14:12
LinkRageubuntu worked fine this time, now I enabled ECC and PCI detection, but left the plug & play OS: Disabled in BIOS, so let's see...14:13
LinkRagehuh, PCI error checking is causing the issue when enabled14:16
apwthat makes sense as SERR is a PCI thing14:16
mjg59LinkRage: More likely that something else is causing it, but you only notice when you have PCI error checking turned on14:17
LinkRageI have 2 options here - either remove all the pci raid stuff, and try again, or disable error checking, I've no clue about third option :)14:17
LinkRagemjg59, good point14:17
apwits not likely things are going to work well with that disabled, its trying to tell you something, something urgent enough that an NMI is warrented14:18
apwkees, about?  need to talk to you about a possible bug in Yama14:19
LinkRagewell, I'll remove all the other PCI devices since I'm not sure if they are in so working condition14:19
LinkRagethanks for your advices btw :)14:19
* apw bounces to test a kernel14:50
keesapw: sure, what's up?14:58
apwkees, hiay, the yama path check14:58
apwit uses generic_permissions()14:58
apwwhich in turn uses i_uid etc and those do not seem to be guarenteed valid14:59
apwin the case where the filesystem supplies a permissions() op14:59
apwi'll email you the patch i think yama needs14:59
apwkees, ok dropped you a dirty copy ... see what you think15:00
keesapw: ah, interesting, perhaps this is the origin of 729338 ?15:01
apwbug #72933815:01
ubot2Launchpad bug 729338 in linux "yama hardlink restriction misbehaves under aufs" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/72933815:01
keesI had been stratching my head over that one15:01
apwkees, heh that likely is so, as its under overlayfs which tickles the same issue15:01
apwi have a kernel here with aufs in and the patch so i could test15:02
keesapw: why doesn't generic_permission do the i_op->permission check itself?15:04
apwthats not what its for15:04
apwgeneric_foo in general are for use as implementations when you don't have a foo op15:04
apwif you wern't a security op i'd expect you to be using inode_permissions15:05
apwbut that in itself calls security which sounds loop tastic15:05
apwkees, ^^15:05
apwkees, testing aufs for the same issue now15:06
apwkees, is the hardlink stuff new in oneiric ?15:09
apwkees, ok the same test case does not tickle aufs, but the error is the same15:10
apwin your report as to what i was seeing in mine15:10
apwkees, ahh ok managed to reproduce on aufs at least15:12
keesapw: no, hardlink restrictions have always existed in Yama15:15
apwodd that we've not seen th15:15
apwthis more often, or indeed that it only afffects the one case not all that affects overlayfs15:15
keesnot a lot of people use stacked FSes15:16
keesYama was first in 10.1015:16
apwkees, we use them all the time on all liveCDs15:16
keesright, but with very few hardlinks :)15:16
keesanyway, was the aufs issue the same thing? I wasn't clear on what you had said15:16
apwkees will know shortly15:17
apwhave to reboot to confirm15:17
apwkees, ok so this does not fix the aufs interaction15:21
apwkees, the debug i have is useful however15:22
keesapw: geh, bummer.15:22
apwkees, i may as well have a look at it while i ma in the zone15:22
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esmaeilhi how can i install gcc 3.4 in ubuntu 11.0416:19
hallynDoes anyone here closely follow netdev@?  I'm trying to figure out if the patch whose discussion appears to end here http://kerneltrap.org/mailarchive/linux-netdev/2010/5/6/6276530  ever got picked back up in a new form16:21
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apwhallyn, tim would be your man, but he is away17:28
hallynapw: ok, thanks.17:30
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JFo<-food time, back soon17:44
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