
=== braiam is now known as guampa_
=== guampa_ is now known as Braiam
maqtanimHi! Does anyone know how to approve a LoCo team?05:48
coalwaterhi maqtanim , and no i don't im not really a member here, at least for now05:49
coalwaterit's not in the wiki?05:49
maqtanimI didn't find it there05:50
maqtanimor may be I've missed that :(05:50
coalwatermaqtanim, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoTeamHowto#Becoming%20an%20Approved%20Team05:50
maqtanimThanks coalwater , I did not see that one... I am reading that right now05:51
coalwaternp, good luck :)05:52
YoBoYgood morning06:27
coalwatermorning YoBoY 06:27
dholbachgood morning07:04
coalwatermorning dholbach 07:21
dholbachhi coalwater07:22
coalwaterhi :)07:22
BigWhaleGood morning.. for one last time ...08:00
BigWhaleIt's been nice knowing you people! *hugs*08:00
YoBoY??? what's appen BigWhale ? :(08:21
nigelbBigWhale: Why the one last time?08:30
BigWhaleTomorrow is the end of the world? ;>08:48
YoBoYno, it's in 2012, not this year08:49
BigWhaleno no.. the latest hype is May 21st 201108:51
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dakerI got a spam (some kind of invitation) on the mailing list11:54
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mhall119no no no, everybody knows the end of time is in 203813:14
highvoltagemhall119: not if you use 64bit dates :)14:01
coalwaterlol, i like that14:02
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dakerand here we go another spam :/17:17
dakerLinkedIn invitation 17:17
YoBoYdaker: on which list do you receive that crap ?17:21
dakerYoBoY, https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/loco-contacts/2011-May/005329.html17:22
YoBoYha ok, received too17:23
YoBoYstrange mails...17:24
YoBoYbut the first one was blocked on my spam box ^^"17:25
dakeryes the first one was blocked but the second one not17:36
YoBoYthe second seems a reply, it's why is not blocked17:55
pleia2loco directory people, did I do something wrong with flickr? "You don't have permission to view this pool"17:58
pleia2it's all public17:58
pleia2(I can submit a bug, just not sure if I'm doing something wrong)17:59
YoBoYi can see the same message, can you give me the link to the flicker feed ?18:03
pleia2oh, I put in the flickr name not the thing from idgettr18:09
nigelbpleia2: looking.18:09
pleia2it works now, sorry :)18:09
pleia2that's confusing though18:09
YoBoYflikr problem for sure18:10
nigelbpleia2: for future reference, we moved the web dev stuff to -website :)18:11
pleia2nigelb: oh, sorry :)18:11
nigelbpleia2: nah, we didn't do any formal announce.  We just decided to move our stuff there so as not to pollute here with web development stuff :)18:13
YoBoYnigelb: you already moved ? :O it was not just talking about it?18:16
nigelbYoBoY: we've taken all our discussions there instead of here.  We'll all still hang out here though.18:16
YoBoYyes but who will defend the french "not like the others" loco team ? :D18:17
dakerpleia2, i don't see any message and i see 14 pictures18:18
pleia2daker: yes, I fixed it it18:19
dakerok 18:19
nigelbYoBoY: hahah18:26
YoBoYwhat ? :)18:27
YoBoYhey I already make a proposition to improve all websites on this new chan :)18:27
nigelbYoBoY: "yes but who will defend the french "not like the others" loco team ? :D"18:28
mhall119pleia2: still need help?18:56
pleia2mhall119: nope, sorted18:56
pleia2was just confused about what the flickr id was :)18:56
pleia2it's not your flickr login id, it's the idgettr id18:56
=== daker is now known as daker_

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