
jtaylorhow do I proceed now. propose the branch for merge and let the sponsor subscribe sru or subscribe them myself?00:02
nhandlerThanks RainCT. Somehow, I don't think I'll have much trouble with this package based on the ML feedback, but I'll definitely keep you in mind when I am ready00:32
micahgjtaylor: propose the branch for merge and subscribe ubuntu-sponsors00:46
micahgjtaylor: oops, no need to subscribe when proposing a merge00:46
micahgjtaylor: I'll be piloting in a bit, so I can run this through if it's ready00:47
jtaylormicahg: merge proposed00:52
jtaylorbinary debdiff is just egg-file -> egg-folder with all the setuptools stuff in it00:52
micahgjtaylor: thanks00:56
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dholbachgood morning07:04
jtaylormicahg: I can't reproduce that foolscap problem in chroot, natty and oneiric, anything special you did?09:50
Laneyhwo can I view patches to a package in fedora? anything like the PTS?10:08
* Laney found pkgs.fedoraproject.org10:10
RAOFOh, is that useful?  I always trawl the git.10:11
Laneyit got me to the git in the end10:13
LaneyRhonda: is it known that packages.d.o's file search is broken for experimental? http://packages.debian.org/search?suite=experimental&mode=exactfilename&searchon=contents&keywords=csharp should return results, for example11:34
Rhondahuhm, http://packages.debian.org/experimental/all/mono-csharp-shell/filelist11:40
RhondaThat's there since a month, right …11:41
RhondaLaney: Can you file a bug about that, please? against www.debian.org11:41
RhondaThanks. Not much time now to investigate further.11:42
wejaegerHey, anyone up for reviewing http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/l2tp-ipsec-vpn11:58
stlsaintim getting this error when trying to upload changes file with dput: No host ppa:stlsaint/packagesources found in config12:46
arandstlsaint: Is this from debians dput (does not support normal ppa syntax)?12:48
stlsaintarand: yes i am on debian12:54
arandstlsaint: You can specify PPAs individually http://paste.debian.net/117487/12:55
arandAlternatively, port over the PPA argument magic from the ubuntu version into debian ;)12:55
stlsaintarand: is that the dput conf?12:56
arandstlsaint: ~/.dput.cf  yes12:56
stlsaintarand: aye gotcha12:57
stlsaintarand: is it suppose to be blank at first?12:58
arandstlsaint: yes, /etc/dput.cf is read initially ~/.dput.cf overrides/adds, I assume..12:58
stlsaintarand: so where you have ubuntu should i have debian?13:01
stlsaintarand: i tried running and it still gave same error13:01
arandstlsaint: I'm also on debian, your's should be very similar, just replacing ppa names (redeclipse ppa unstable, in my case)13:02
stlsaintarand: i changed everything but still same error, same as yours except i change the name and ppa on all three stanzas13:04
arandThe title in [] is the one to use when dputting, eg, "dput ppa-unstable *.dsc In my case to upload to my ppa:arand/unstable"13:05
stlsaintarand: hrm one sec13:07
stlsaintarand: this is command im using: dput ppa:stlsaint/packagesources lxdm_0.3.0-0ubuntu5.1_i386.changes13:08
arandstlsaint: You want to replace the "ppa:stlsaint/packagesources" with whatever to named the entry for that ppa (in my case, e.g. just "resvn")13:09
stlsaintarand: so i have a ppa on lp name packagesources, that should go in place of where you have resvn?13:12
arandstlsaint: the thing within [] can be anything, but that is the name you will have to use when nivoking dput.13:14
arandGotta run, sorry13:14
stlsainthere is the commadn i use:  dput ppa:stlsaint/packagesources lxdm_0.3.0-0ubuntu5.1_i386.changes13:14
stlsaintdang im slow13:33
stlsaintarand: i see what you were saying now13:33
stlsainti fixed that but now im getting something about no signature on that file but signed the package at build13:34
stlsaintcrap never mind on that either13:35
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mnemochi, I want to push to a ppa a fixed version of a package, tp_smapi. Is there any easy trick (debuild -something?) to help the infrastrcture to notice the diff?15:32
mnemocany docu related to this case?15:33
mnemocwrong channel? :)15:34
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micahgjtaylor: I built the package locally, could be I broke something, I'll push up to my SRU PPA to see if I get the same failure16:00
jtaylormicahg: wait I think I want to add a small change to the patch16:02
jtaylorthe dependency on python-twisted is too strong, it only needs -core and -web16:02
jtaylorit just slipped in in the dh_python2 transition16:03
jtayloror would that change also first have to be uploaded to debian? in this case its probably not worth it16:07
micahgjtaylor: changes must be made in the dev release first16:08
jtaylorthen one can probably ignore it, it just installes a few extra packages16:10
micahgjtaylor: yeah, that's not worth fixing in an SRU16:11
micahgjtaylor: but Debian should get the fix if appropriate16:11
jtayloryes going to commit it to the vcs soon16:12
arandstlsaint: Sorry for rushing off, you got it working?16:46
stlsaintarand: well the command went thru but there is still nothing in my ppa16:48
stlsaintarand: though it said upload was successful16:48
arandstlsaint: And the build queue is empty as well, and yo've received no confirmation by email?16:49
arandHmm, yea it appears to be completely empty...16:50
arandstlsaint: The source (debiuld -S) is signed with one of the gpg keys that are specified on LP as well?16:52
stlsaintarand: yes16:54
arandThen I'm not quite sure, I think then you'd have followed the same procedure as I normally do, and unless LP is in flux currently, I don't know what the issue would be .. :/16:56
stlsaintarand: cool thanks16:57
micahgjtaylor: confirmed, I get the error on upgrading python-foolscap17:11
jtaylorI don't, what could be the cause? it upgrades in debian and a clean chroot and a oneiric vm17:12
micahgjtaylor: this is for the natty SRU17:12
jtayloryes thats what I tried17:12
jtayloralso they are practially the same17:13
micahgno idea, I haven't come across this before17:13
jtaylorthe only difference is a dropped breaks which was empty anyway17:14
jtaylordoes the version in oneiric install an your natty machine?17:14
* micahg can check17:15
micahgjtaylor: yep, that worked17:16
jtaylorI don't get why it doesn't happen on my machine, but I guess I need to add a Break: python-foolscap (<< 0.6.1-3)17:24
micahgjtaylor: that version won't work for the SRU, I wonder what the difference is17:30
jtaylorlets see if I can get piuparts to run17:33
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jtaylorfriggn piuparts, worked once with the debian version and now it fails on the same file with some weird unrelated error ...18:00
jtaylormicahg: as I can't reproduce the problem can you try adding that to the control: http://paste.ubuntu.com/610697/18:11
jtayloralthout it should not be necessary ...18:11
micahgjtaylor: yep, in a bit, about to head out for lunch18:26
evaluateI was wondering if Bug 702316 is under review and if maybe there is anything else that I need to do for the patch to get applied.18:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 702316 in clipit (Ubuntu Natty) "Generic Libindicate fallback support breaks applications (such as clipit) on non-Unity WMs/DEs" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70231618:44
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micahgevaluate: yeah, I have the patches, I just need to test build and upload18:49
evaluatemicahg, cool.18:49
broderevaluate: you did everything right, the process has just been a little laggier than usual because of the recent release, UDS, etc.18:49
micahgevaluate: sorry, my piloting ran a little late, so I figured to wait until today to upload18:49
micahgbut since I already looked at it, wanted to claim it18:49
evaluatemicahg, would enabling the indicator need a patch too?18:51
micahgevaluate: hmm, technically, probably should be since it's 2 different things18:52
evaluateThing is, I disabled it by default in the source package, since it generated a lot of problems for maverick/lucid, but I think it should work fine in natty, so it would be nice if it was enabled by default.18:54
micahgevaluate: right, and it seems that it was supposed to be enabled in the last upload but I don't think the merger noticed your source change18:55
evaluateok, so what would be the right thing to do to have it enabled in this case?18:58
evaluateShould I submit another patch? Or edit the current patch?18:58
micahgevaluate: have a named patch to enable the indicator and a named patch to fix the crash18:59
micahgevaluate: if you want to fix it up, I can grab it over the weekend18:59
evaluateCan I leave the current patch as it is and submit another one for enabling the indicator, or do you want me to also rename the current one?19:00
micahgevaluate: I thought the current one enables it19:00
micahgall in one patch that is19:00
evaluateOhh, yes it does.19:01
evaluateForgot that I also had that change in there.19:01
micahgoh, it's set to auto, not yes, but I think with the build flag we're good19:01
evaluateWell, auto means that if the appindicator-0.1 package is present (which is set as a build-dep in ubuntu) it will default to yes.19:02
evaluateok then, so can I leave the patch as it is?19:03
micahgevaluate: yeah, are you going to push these changes into Debian as well?19:03
evaluateYes. I have sent the 1.3.13 version which includes these changes to my mentor, but it couldn't be uploaded due to some transitions going on in Debian and now I didn't bug him anymore about it since I want to roll out 1.4.0 soon anyway.19:05
micahgevaluate: k, I'll upload this to oneiric later today or over the weekend so we can get the SRU in19:06
evaluateGood. Thank you very much!19:07
micahgevaluate: thank you for your work!19:07
micahgevaluate: actually, I might move the enable indicator piece out since it's not part of the upstream patch, but I can do that locally19:09
evaluateYeah, I enabled the indicator only in the 1.4 branch.19:10
micahgjtaylor: works now...19:19
jtaylorstrange, it should not need that and why does the oneiric version work19:19
micahgjtaylor: no idea19:20
micahgjtaylor: if you want to have someone else test, I have the original in ppa:micahg/sru-test19:21
jtaylorok from there I could reproduce it19:30
micahgjtaylor: cool :)19:31
Quintasanbdrung_: ping19:31
micahgjtaylor: so, do you want to discuss with some python gurus if the breaks/replaces is correct or if there's a better fix for this?19:32
jtaylor#debian-python says no replace needed, but I'll just check whats the difference to the package I built19:32
micahgjtaylor: k, well, you can show them the package in the PPA and the error and see if they change their minds :)19:33
bdrung_Quintasan: pong19:43
Quintasanbdrung_: sponsor-patch is broken I think19:43
Quintasansponsor-patch --builder=pbuilder-dist 712534 --workdir kamoso19:44
QuintasanAssertionError: kamoso/kamoso_2.0-0ubuntu2.dsc does not exist.19:44
Quintasanls kamoso/kamoso_2.0-0ubuntu2.dsc -> kamoso/kamoso_2.0-0ubuntu2.dsc19:44
Quintasanthe file is there19:44
bdrung_Quintasan: that is fixed in trunk. can you file a bug report and add the needed stuff for a SRU?19:44
Quintasanbdrung_: well, I can, but later, uploading 24mb bug stacktrace now @_@19:45
bdrung_Quintasan: thanks19:45
bdrung_tumbleweed: we need a online test infrastructure for these kind of bugs ^19:47
Quintasanbdrung_: the version for SRU should be 0.123?19:58
* Quintasan notes you might as well upload that to oneiric19:58
bdrung_Quintasan: 0.122.119:59
bdrung_Quintasan: http://paste.ubuntu.com/610750/20:07
Quintasanbdrung_: bug 78592320:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 785923 in ubuntu-dev-tools (Ubuntu Natty) "[SRU]ubuntu-dev-tools update" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78592320:17
QuintasanI think I'm doing it right20:17
Quintasanbdrung_: Are you going to upload a newer version to oneiric soon?20:18
bdrung_Quintasan: yes20:19
bdrung_Quintasan: uploaded to proposed20:28
Quintasanoh wait..what? so fast20:29
bdrung_Quintasan: in rare cases :)20:29
bdrung_broder: re bug #785854 - what's the reason for the broken pipe?20:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 785854 in ubuntu-dev-tools (Ubuntu) "[sponsor-patch] (and probably others) don't reset SIGPIPE when shelling out" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78585420:36
tumbleweedbdrung_: what was the issue you say we need testing for?20:37
tumbleweedoh that one20:37
* tumbleweed sees the paste20:37
bdrung_tumbleweed: btw i am releasing 0.12320:38
bdrung_tumbleweed: i give a few seconds to veto20:38
broderbdrung_: because diff got to the end of its input? there are a bunch of programs that expect SIGPIPE, not EPIPE20:47
brodercjwatson walks through the basics at http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/ucgi/~cjwatson/blosxom/2009-07-02-python-sigpipe.html20:47
broderbecause python changes the SIGPIPE handler, and signal handlers don't get reset on fork/exec, the program that expects SIGPIPE starts getting EPIPE instead, and gets confused20:48
tumbleweedmeh, we probably need to work around that in a bunch of places (or wrap subprocess, or use this subprocess32 backport)20:51
brodertumbleweed: i may have a subprocess wrapper that resets a bunch of generally undesirable behavior20:52
broderi need to dig it up20:52
bdrung_but why doesn't it always fail?20:52
tumbleweedbdrung_: it'd only be an issue if the pipeline shuts down before the processes are done20:52
tumbleweedi.e. if we stop being interested in output20:52
broderbdrung_: there's some raciness involved. i don't remember the details20:53
tumbleweedI guess it also breaks subprocess' childern20:54
broderright, that would be what's happening here, i think20:55
jtaylormicahg: not even break works for me when installing from a ppa, but conflicts seems to work. I'll try to understand that and then probably go over debian21:23
jtaylor(although its not affected, I don't know why)21:26
shadeslayerhi! i can't seem to be able to build avogadro with oneiric in a pbuilder, is there a problem with the gcc package ?22:13
shadeslayerhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/610811/ << error in pbuilder22:14
brodershadeslayer: update your pbuilder22:14
shadeslayerafaik it's updated, but i'll check again22:14
shadeslayerbleh ... outdated mirrir22:14
shadeslayerbroder: didn't work22:18
shadeslayersame issue22:18
brodershadeslayer: all that error means is that the gcc packages you have installed don't match the version of the gcc packages in the archive22:18
broderalthough it could be a publishing skew issue of some sort22:19
shadeslayerokay, but i switched to the main archives22:19
broderi know doko was in the middle of updating gcc for something, so maybe just wait a day22:19
shadeslayeryeah looks like it22:19
micahgjtaylor: you should use breaks w/replaces22:55
jtaylormicahg: does not work22:55
jtaylormicahg: only conflicts22:56
jtaylormicahg: debian work fine, Im slowly thinking this is a dpkg bug22:56
jtaylortries to remove a file from the new package instead of the old22:56
micahgjtaylor: breaks/replaces works for me with the package I built locally upgrading from the one in the repo22:56
jtaylormicahg: not for me, its kind of a heisenbug, as earlier I could not reproduce it to begin with22:58
micahgjtaylor: weird, upgrading from natty to oneiric version was fine, upgrading to version in my PPA + breaks/replaces was fine for me23:02
jtayloryes my oneiric vm worked fine too23:02
jtaylorand according to debian policy it should work without the breaks too23:03
jtaylor(which it does in debian)23:03
micahgbdrung_: any reason for me not to upload the eclipse FTBFS fix over the weekend?23:28
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bdrung_micahg: no23:38
bdrung_micahg: can you check if 3.6.2 is affected too? (master-3.6 git branch)23:39
micahgbdrung_: k, thanks23:39
bdrung_i have only amd6423:39
bdrung_(and there it builds)23:39
micahgbdrung_: idk if I'll be able to get to it, but I'll see23:42
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