
micahgchrisccoulson: I think the miramar beta is scheduled for next week00:44
micahgchrisccoulson: actual staging will continue to be in the mozilla security PPA, we can pre-test in firefox-next though :)00:45
chrisccoulsonmicahg, miramar is old news now, i'm building comm-central ;)00:49
chrisccoulsoni like living life on the edge00:49
micahgchrisccoulson: well, miramar could go in oneiric optionally, we can skip it if you like, but it could be a test for the new process as well00:50
chrisccoulsonmicahg, i'd prefer to put it in oneiric as soon as it has a beta release00:51
micahgwe'll be skipping it for the stable releases00:51
chrisccoulsonsome of the work mike is doing depends on it00:51
micahgchrisccoulson: that sounds fine, I think I might save my natty client upgrade for the first beta of TB 6 or whatever it's called00:52
chrisccoulsonmicahg, we should start coordinating transitioning natty for firefox 5 this week, based on the assumption that 5 is going to be the next security release for 4.0.1 users00:53
chrisccoulsononly a little over a month left ;)00:53
micahgchrisccoulson: are you driving or am I?00:55
chrisccoulsonmicahg, i don't mind really. i'll talk to pitti tomorrow00:55
micahgchrisccoulson: I guess I'll start a wiki transition page with the bits necessary00:56
chrisccoulsonbasically, i think we should use the firefox-next PPA to stage everything for firefox ASAP (so we get test coverage from people wanting to try out the beta)00:56
micahgchrisccoulson: yes, for the langpacks+firefox that's fine00:57
chrisccoulsonand we need to stage the new language packs in there anyway00:57
chrisccoulson(unless i change the packaging specifically for firefox-next to disable the firefox-locale-* packages, which i'd rather not do)00:57
micahgchrisccoulson: no, I think they should go there, it makes sense, you can stage the language-selector as well if appropriate, I'm concerned about the xul rdeps, but those will get staged in the security PPA if I get time00:59
chrisccoulsonyeah, that sounds fine01:00
chrisccoulsoni'm concerned about those too ;)01:00
chrisccoulsoni think we're going to have a hard time trying to support those on lucid01:00
micahgchrisccoulson: but please use the pre-release versioning, I'll upload the real betas about 2 weeks out if all looks clear or 1 week out to the security PPA if things are changing fast01:00
chrisccoulsoni will be glad once we've got rid of xulrunner from the archive :)01:01
micahgs/real betas/ubuntu release versions/01:01
micahgchrisccoulson: I'm going to see what can be done for the non-mozjs stuff in natty if anything to make them not vulnerable01:02
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ftachrisccoulson, hi, any idea what's going on with evo? a cabal ?12:32
chrisccoulsonfta - i'm not sure. it's built, but it doesn't appear to be published yet12:32
chrisccoulsonfta - oh, it's published now12:37
chrisccoulsoni can install it12:37
ftayep, not me, i need to patch it :(12:38
fta...for the same reason i can't use tb12:40
ftaoh my.. /usr/share/hardening-includes/hardening.make12:51
ftachrisccoulson, could you please host the gwibber dailies too?13:00
ftachrisccoulson, i thought it was dead, but there are still ~100k users13:00
chrisccoulsonfta - oh, i didn't realize you were maintaining gwibber dailies too14:30
ftachrisccoulson, i am. well, the bot is14:30
chrisccoulsonmicahg, i cleaned up the u-m-d PPA quite a bit. do you think there's must point in running the xulrunner dailies any more? they don't really get many changes any more, and i don't think they're a good use of PPA build time now14:31
ftachrisccoulson, same for nmt (network-manager-trunk). it's currently disabled but only temporarily14:31
chrisccoulsonfta, cyphermox might be interested in that one14:31
ftahe's the maintainer, i was just running the bot14:32
chrisccoulsonmicahg, same goes for the firefox release branches (particularly from 5.0 onwards, where there won't be any commits to release branches)14:32
chrisccoulsonfta - he might be interested to take over the bot too, if you don't want to run it14:33
cyphermoxchrisccoulson: fta: yeah, disabled for now, but as I need to switch everything to 0.9, maybe there's not so much a point in keeping it all anymore14:53
chrisccoulsonhah, time to see my popularity decrease15:55
micahgchrisccoulson: yes, there's a point for xulrunner based apps that want to run on Ubuntu, I'd consider it low priority15:58
micahgchrisccoulson: the only firefox ones I'd leave in there ATM are trunk and 3.6 until 3.6 EOL, then trunk until maybe we get a little help (then maybe aurora)15:59
chrisccoulsonmicahg, yeah, that makes sense16:00
chrisccoulsonalthough, the xulrunner builds don't make a great deal of sense now as they are daily builds of branches that are in the archive, and they aren't going to see any API changes now16:01
chrisccoulsonmicahg, did you see my e-mail to ubuntu-devel ;)16:01
micahgchrisccoulson: not yet16:01
chrisccoulsonbhearsum, there?16:03
chrisccoulsonhmmm, my comm-central build failed on oneiric :(16:04
micahgchrisccoulson: my inbox broke :(, will hopefully get it in a bit16:05
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ftajcastro, fyi: http://blog.chromium.org/2011/05/chromevox-built-in-spoken-feedback-for.html21:57
jcastrohah, cute21:57
ftajcastro, chromium for windows now supports a bunch of screen readers. for linux, nada. the devs told me no-one knows enough about the ATK api21:58
ftaso help is needed21:58
=== m_conley is now known as m_conley_away
ftachrisccoulson, no more global menu in evo?22:19
chrisccoulsonfta - there's no appmenu-gtk3 yet22:19
ftachrisccoulson, seems we're going backward22:20
BUGabundoI don't even have gtk themes22:21
chrisccoulsonfta - well, we're going through a big transition where lots of things will be broken until things settle down a bit22:21
chrisccoulsonBUGabundo, that's because there isn't one yet22:21
chrisccoulsonyou could download one off gnome-look.org i guess ;)22:21
BUGabundochrisccoulson: then don't merge till there are the dependcies :P22:21
BUGabundoeveryone at +1 is being tagged by it22:22
BUGabundoplus gconf broke yesterday22:22
BUGabundoseems better today22:22
ftachrisccoulson, i thought the gnome3 ppa in natty was where all that was supposed to happen22:22
chrisccoulsonBUGabundo, if we waited for DX to write a theme engine and port the ambiance theme to it, then we'd block the whole gnome 3 transition until mid-cycle. we need to do it now22:22
chrisccoulsonwhat broke in gconf?22:23
BUGabundono idea22:23
chrisccoulsonthen how do you know it's broken?22:23
ftayesterday, two schemas were empty, breaking the gconf update22:23
ftabut it's gone now22:24
BUGabundochrisccoulson: it wouldn't configure at upgrade22:24
chrisccoulsonyeah, that's fixed now, although it wasn't really a gconf issue22:24
chrisccoulsonthat was a build issue with tomboy i think22:24
BUGabundoneed to reboot and re-test22:25
BUGabundobut no gtk is PITA22:25
ftathere's still the default theme, it's usable22:25
BUGabundoI don't even have a desktop :(22:30
BUGabundofta: (2011-05-20 22:33:58) bjsnider: BUGabundo, i was trying to test the new hidden navbar idea in chromium, but it's not yet available for linux22:34
ftaBUGabundo, "new hidden navbar idea" ??22:47
BUGabundothe new minimalistic UI22:48
ftastill no idea what that is22:48
BUGabundofta: http://www.conceivablytech.com/7485/products/google-is-serious-you-can-kill-chromes-url-bar22:51
OmegaI'm using that, I think it's coo;22:57
OmegaIt works on linux.22:58
kbrosnankinda easy to break Firefox using it atm22:58
kbrosnanuse tabs on bottom or use the classic menubar (if ubunutu allows)22:59
OmegaYep, tabs on bottom does break it.23:00
chrisccoulsonin unity, you don't have the option of not using the classic menubar (although it's drawn on the panel)23:14
chrisccoulsonoh, why does ff5.0 beta end up being released just before i finish work for the week :)23:15
chrisccoulsoni wonder if i've still got time to upload it before i fall asleep23:15
Omegayou can do it chris!23:20
chrisccoulsoni'm doing it23:23
chrisccoulsonalthough, there's not much point in uploading it now, as it's going to sit in binary NEW all weekend23:27
chrisccoulsonwhich means nobody will be downloading it until monday anyway23:27
micahgchrisccoulson: you could push to the firefox-next PPA now/over the weekend23:27
chrisccoulsonmicahg, i'll do that over the weekend23:28
chrisccoulsoni'd rather get it in the archive first, as it means i don't have to upload the tarball twice :)23:28
micahgchrisccoulson: heh, good point :), binary NEW is fine in that case though23:28
chrisccoulsonyeah, it's going to sit there because of all the new language packs23:29
micahgright, but once you upload, the tarball will be in the archive and then you can push with -sd to the PPA :)23:29
Omegamicahg: How are we going to be doing translations this cycle? (what did you guys decide at uds)23:33
micahgOmega: in terms of where they're built or contributed?23:34
OmegaWell, both.23:34
micahgOmega: they'll be built from the firefox/thunderbird sources, contributed to upstream ATM23:34
chrisccoulsonOmega, we are merging a snapshot of the l10n repos in to our source tarball23:34
chrisccoulsonthen building the xpi's from the single source and shipping them in separate firefox-locale-xx language packs, with the localized search plugins23:35
chrisccoulsonso, they're are going to be split from the main distribution language packs now23:35
chrisccoulsonbecause they are a bottleneck in deploying updates :)23:35
micahgchrisccoulson: on second thought, can we have the -locales packages for firefox/thunderbird?  It allows for updating for bugs w/out affecting translations23:36
OmegaOn the mailing list you said "I think I've figured out how to merge all of the translations in to a single Firefox source tree" did it work?23:36
micahgchrisccoulson: unless we need something in the main tarball to build the langpacks23:37
chrisccoulsonOmega, yeah. that's what i'm uploading now (and it's why it will get blocked in the new queue over the weekend)23:37
chrisccoulsonmicahg, i'm not sure i understand what you mean?23:37
micahgit's easier for SRUs/security if they're in separate sources, that way if there's a regression in one, the other doesn't need to be tested23:38
chrisccoulsonmicahg, i can't do that, unless we just ship the xpi's from ftp.mozilla.org23:38
chrisccoulsonwhich means we don't get localized searchplugins etc23:38
chrisccoulsoni'd rather just do everything from a single source, as it will make future updates so much easier23:39
micahgchrisccoulson: that's what I was wondering, is there something in the main mozilla repo that we need for l10n23:39
chrisccoulsonand it's how every other package in the archive works too ;)23:39
chrisccoulsonmicahg - yeah, we need the entire build system ;)23:39
chrisccoulsonand all the en-US translations23:40
micahgchrisccoulson: we don't do security updates so frequently for every package in the archive :)23:40
chrisccoulsonhaving separate sources is a pain. i'd like to be able to have everything we need to deploy an update in the same tarball23:40
micahgchrisccoulson: well, it seems that's the only choice then23:41
chrisccoulsonyeah, it is if we are building the xpi's ourselves23:42
chrisccoulsonwhich we need to do if we want the option of integrating translations in to launchpad in the future anyway23:43
chrisccoulsonb'ah, kinetic scrolling is really annoying me now23:45
chrisccoulsonw00t - https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/oneiric-changes/2011-May/001453.html23:47
chrisccoulsonwhen we get aurora builds going in a PPA, it would be really cool if we could get the new channel switcher to switch between channels by selecting the correct PPA ;)23:53

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