
macopopey: no00:47
popeyit is good, you may like it00:47
popeyhttp://twitter.com/#!/thedrwhopodcast http://www.thedoctorwhopodcast.com/00:48
IdleOneldunn: poke someone for your + or I banning you for idling00:55
rwwOrnery? i forget how that word goes00:56
IdleOneornery is right00:56
IdleOnewhat's it to you!00:56
IdleOnecareful I am feeling froggy00:56
ldunnIdleOne: but who do I poke? :P00:57
IdleOnepoke the IRCC members00:57
IdleOneyou should know this already!00:58
rwwpoke IdleOne, because he deserves it00:58
* ldunn pokes rww in the eye00:58
tsimpsonteh powaz will be setup soon-ish00:58
IdleOnethat is one of the pokies00:58
IdleOnewe poke, they tells us soon and we wait00:58
ldunntsimpson: Mind +v'ing me? :)00:59
rwwIRCC all forgot the ubuntu-irc-council password is my bet ;P00:59
rwwget IdleOne to do it, he's idle00:59
tsimpsonit's late, so I don't want to go messing with access lists/launchpad teams00:59
IdleOnecode for: tsimpson is drunk a lil' bit01:00
tsimpsonjust don't /part ;)01:00
LjLnow you gave ldunn an excuse to stay awake 24h ;(01:01
ldunnLjL: I have a bouncer, silly01:01
* LjL bounces ldunn01:01
rwwldunn: now you can ask /other people/ to get off the lawn instead!01:02
* rww puts ldunn on the last space shuttle launch01:02
ubottuIn ubottu, lfaraone said: hth is Happy to Help!01:32
IdleOneThank you.01:32
ubottuIn ubottu, Logan_ said: !unity =~ s/GNOME see/GNOME, see/01:59
IdleOne!unity =~ s/GNOME see/GNOME, see/02:00
ubottuI'll remember that IdleOne02:00
Logan_wait, no, that should be a semicolon :302:00
IdleOneyou serious?02:01
ubottuIn ubottu, Logan_ said: !unity =~ s/GNOME, see/GNOME; see/02:01
IdleOne!unity =~ s/GNOME, see/GNOME; see/02:01
Logan_yes, I'm serious :P02:01
IdleOneshould be applied02:01
ubottuUnity is the default UI for Ubuntu 11.04. Unity is a shell for GNOME. see http://unity.ubuntu.com. You can still boot to GNOME, see !classic.02:01
Logan_nope :P02:01
IdleOne!unity =~ s/GNOME, see/GNOME; see/02:02
ubottuI'll remember that IdleOne02:02
Logan_IdleOne: wait, no, it should be a colon02:03
Logan_just kidding :D02:03
IdleOneI was about to make a comment about colons and my foot02:03
rwwI made the hacky rww perl hacks of doom support +q and +e as well as +b. Suddenly, the FloodBots are in 2nd place.02:12
rww(it just tracks +e, doesn't include them on scoreboard)02:12
rwwIf there are any #xubuntu ops around, it's currently getting join/quit flooded.02:15
rww(yay badly-configured clients)02:15
rwwelky ^^02:16
elkyam i?02:16
elkyor just as the irc nick which I don't have the pass for02:16
rwwone sec, I might have a fix anyway02:17
sdhasuI demand to be banned02:17
* rww banforwards the guy from #ubuntu, imagines that will decrease the Flooding02:17
macorww: i was trying to do that but couldnt figure out where to forward02:18
rwwelky: looks like not. Yes, you're a named op in there.02:18
sdhasuban me i am desperate02:20
sdhasuplese ban me02:20
IdleOnesdhasu: would you like to talk about why you want to be banned?02:20
sdhasuit will make me high02:21
IdleOnenhandler: sdhasu is abusing the bot in -kernel and requesting a ban here.02:21
sdhasuyes ban me =)02:21
nhandlersdhasu: Why not just leave on your own accord?02:23
sdhasuI will wait here all night until tomorrow until i am banned02:24
IdleOnesdhasu: I suggest you consider this decision for 72hrs. You may change your mind.02:24
elky"It will make me high" Is certainly one of the better reasons I've heard...02:40
rwwI lied, I'm cleaning out Floodbot modes after a week now, not waiting until we hit 400. It's a pain when they lose their owner and I have to think.02:58
ubottuIleden called the ops in #ubuntu ()08:55
FlannelHowdy oCean, what can we do for you?08:59
jussihi oCean, congrats08:59
oCeanyes, thanks08:59
FlannelAh yes.08:59
FlannelSorry oCean, haven't internalized that list yet :)09:00
oCeanah, ok. No worries09:00
oCeanSo, at this point, is there anything i need to learn, to familiarize myself with?09:22
oCeanto promise? :)09:22
FlanneloCean: Don't panic.09:33
jussioCean: yes, the irc guidelines and the operator guidelines are 2 good starting points (although i expect you know the user ones already)10:30
jussioCean: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/IrcTeam/OperatorGuidelines10:31
jussifor everyone elses pleasure, we will be sorting out mentors soon. If you feel like you could take on one of these poor lost lambs and train them up well, let us know.10:33
bazhangoCean, hi!10:36
popeyjussi: nice idea10:38
jussipopey: we have done this in the past, but with the ircc doing the mentoring. Ideally we will have experienced ops taking the burden a bit.10:43
popeygood stuff, lemme know if someone is up for mentoring me.10:43
oCeanbazhang: hey11:13
oCeanjussi: that seems a fine idea11:13
LjLoCean: hi11:43
PiciHiya new ops!11:44
PiciMy tip for new ops: Don't be afraid to ask the rest of us if you're unsure about anything.11:44
LjLPici: tell me how 2 ban11:45
PiciLjL: /msg chanserv op LjL; /mode +b *!*@ubuntu/member/ljl11:46
LjLPici: not /cs akick #ubuntu add *!*@ubuntu/member/ljl?11:47
PiciLjL: If you want to do it the fancy, way, sure.11:47
jussiLjL: what was the forward about?13:18
LjLjussi: ice_'s final "fuck you" after insisting with speaking Chinese13:18
jussiLjL: does the chinese mean that?13:18
bazhang#ubuntu-hk only has ubuntlog in it13:19
LjLjussi: no he said that in english :P13:19
Picijussi: he said it in english13:19
ikoniaLjL: not the first time for ice either13:19
jussioh, I missed that.13:19
jussiLjL: please make sure you comment on the forward with ubottu :)13:19
LjLjussi: i already did, don't nanny me :P13:20
PiciI'm not an op in -women, but it looks like the 'ola bruder' guy is there, someone may want to take a look.13:20
* jussi hugs LjL13:20
LjLjussi: remember i was always a promoter of comments/@mark ;)13:20
tsimpsonwhich reminds me, I need to make ubottu recognise our new ops13:21
LjLtsimpson: i'd like factoid editing ability too if that's not a problem13:21
bazhang<kbni> Greetings #ubuntu. This is the closest freenode has to a hangout for girls13:24
* LjL does the eyeroll13:26
oCeanLjL: hai13:27
tsimpsonLjL: technically you should have had factoid editing already, so I added it13:33
tsimpsonldunn, oCean, Corey: you lot have what's known as "restricted editing", you can edit factoids, but only in this channel. the restriction only counts while you are probationary (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/IrcTeam/Probation ), this page gives usage information on the factoid plugin for ubottu: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins#Encyclopedia13:37
LjLtsimpson, i suspect you locked me out of the bantracker in the process somehow, i @btlogin but i get anonymous user :P13:40
tsimpsondoes @btlogin give you any error?13:40
LjLtsimpson: nope, it gives me a session link13:40
tsimpsonstrange, then it should work13:41
LjLtsimpson: i had to @login first though, maybe because of my new hostmask13:41
LjLtsimpson: it works now13:42
tsimpsonprobably dumb sqlite and locking issues13:43
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (tdyuty8g appears to be abusive and has been muted, will need to be UNMUTED MANUALLY)14:25
Picimaco, I'm not sure if you saw my mention of this earlier, but that fellow in #ubuntu-women is someone who reguarly harrasses ikonia and I.14:58
maconope didnt see you say that15:50
ikoniaPici: he'd also agreed promised to stop16:05
ikoniahence removing all the bas16:05
Piciikonia: I didn't know that.16:13
tsimpsonCorey, ldunn, and oCean please make sure to join #ubuntu-ops-team at some point16:21
q_a_z_steveCan someone unban me in #xubuntu please?18:06
jussiknome: charlie-tca about?18:09
jussiq_a_z_steve: what did you do to get banned?18:09
jussihang on, Ill fix it.18:10
jussiq_a_z_steve: I assume your connection is fixed?18:10
jussiq_a_z_steve: ?18:11
q_a_z_steveI should be good. Looking into more "SendQ" stuff today, not sure what that is. I cut my autojoin in half, will that help?18:13
jussiq_a_z_steve: Ive removed the ban, pleas check it out some more - might be worthwhile to ask in #freenode also18:17
jussi(about network related stuff)18:17
q_a_z_steveThanks, yeah18:17
q_a_z_steveI'm out.18:17
Coreytsimpson: Ping, when you get a few.19:39
tsimpsonCorey: go ahead19:40
ShadesEdge_Can someone explain me why my nick ShadesEdge is banned from #ubuntu?20:58
LjLlet me look20:58
ShadesEdge_Someone quoted me there20:58
PiciLjL: thanks, I'm actually leaving in a few minutes and wouldn't have had time to follow through.20:59
LjLShadesEdge_: i don't see a ban. are you able to join at all, and just can't speak, or can't you join?21:00
ShadesEdge_From my nick ShadesEdge?21:00
rwwwebchat client that /nicked, I'd guess that's why21:01
ShadesEdge_It said that I was banned21:01
LjLShadesEdge_: oh i see21:01
LjLShadesEdge_: webchat clients are treated a bit specially21:01
LjLShadesEdge_: so you should avoid changing your nickname while on it21:01
ShadesEdge_I ghosted my nick many times21:02
Pici(aside, popey and I and a few others are discussing ubuntu-tweak in #ubuntu-comminity-team right now, some people seem to like it)21:02
ShadesEdge_Thanks alot. Goodbye :021:02
LjLoh lord the power user thing again :|21:03
nikobtw, idoru is in #ubuntu-offtopic, what's your test delay and duration about him ? and also target22:45
topyliniko: we were supposed to review idoru's performance in #ubuntu last week, but our meeting got cancelled23:24
topylii suppose we could review both #ubuntu and -ot in the next one on 11th23:26
topylineed to talk with the rest of the council23:26

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